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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  November 2, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST

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time now for "sunday housecall." >> and i'm arthel neville. joining us is dr. david samadi. he's chairman and professor of urology. >> and sitting right next to him is dr. marc siegel, professor of medicine. also author of the secret code. >> good too see you. >> we're going to start here today. a shocking warning coming out saying there are two new studies that obesity can increase a
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woman's risk of breast cancer. >> important studidies. these two are actually coming in for mostly women who are hispanic decent and african-americans. in these two categories also it's a huge risk. one of them talks about over 3,000 women among hispanics and also what they found was that after menopause, as you gain weight, that becomes a huge risk factor. that obesity and extra weight is a risk factor. we see the same thing in another study. before menopause, obviously you have ovaries. after men pauopausemenopause, n obesity, we want people to think about abdominal weight as an organ. the enzymes converts to estrogen. that extra estrogen, estrogen
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receptor positives, how much weight? most studies talks about the fact that if you're over 18 and you gain 50 to 60 pounds at the time you're post menopause l, that increases by 50%. we know about genetics, think of obesity and weight as an extra risk factor. why are we talking about this now? we know that the risk of breast cancer is all over the world. there's about a million patients a year. that's on the rise. we also know that obesity has doubled almost two-fold. so both of those go hand in hand. we want people to lose weight and keep healthy. >> if i may, we always talk about being obese. most people don't know how much overweight do you have to be to be considered obese? >> two-thirds of americans are
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overweight. it has to do with what your weight is for your given height. it's not just weight. it's how tall you are, and how much your weight is for that hagt. now, the issue here david was bringing up, it doesn't start after menopause, but it's after menopause that we worry about it. if you're carrying that extra weight and you're a woman, you're increasing your risk. why? because of the estrogen that fat cells make, because of the inflammation that fat cells make. both of those things are the perfect storm for breast cancer. breast cancer is normally in the milk ducts. we've made a decrease in the number of deaths over the last 10, 20 years because of advanced treatments, because of early diagnostics. we got to get it early to be
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able to know what to do. what can you do? a couple of simple tricks. aspirin has been studied. looks like it decreases your risk of gets breast cancer, improve your diet and get rid of all those fats. >> even the body mass index is more accurate, just the simple answer, you take your height in inches and divide it by two. let's say you have someone 6 feet tall. >> let's make her -- go ahead. that's a tall lady. >> height in inches divided by two. for women, it should be less than 35 inches in waist. you take -- let's take my height. >> you do it in inches. that number -- divide it by two.
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>> that should be your circumferen circumference. for women, less than 35, men less than 40. interestingly enough, what happens if you lose the weight. i'm sure you were going to ask. a lot of study shows, we are not encouraging people to get surgeries, but when you really lose a lot of weight, it has gone down by 80%. so i encourage a lot of people to lose the weight and get rid of the fat. this is not about cosmetic. heart disease, if you lose 5% of your weight, reduces the risk of cardiovascular, stroke, dabetes and on and on. >> the formula works. i'm not telling you what it is. >> you should be proud of that. >> by the way, in men, when testosterone gets converted to estrogen, what happens? men get these men boobs.
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>> we love watching this. we all get e-mails and tweets. so just give us a simple, how do you get started. it's really hard for a lot of people to just get started to lose the weight. >> by the way, i'll answer that in a second. i want to add, when we're talking breast cancer, we're talking different kinds. others are just genetic. we have more treatments that will deal with the genetic part of it. you want to know how to lose weight, i'll give you my own personal thing. exercise first thing in the morning changes the who are mowns in the brain. it shuts off hunger. i get on the elliptical. you're going to be less hungry throughout the day. drink more water and decrease the quantity of your meals. >> it's helped him lose how many
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pounds? >> that's pressure. >> you don't know this about him, but he has a black belt. >> i do too. it holds up my pants. >> also, drinking coffee, it increases your metabolism. but also a lot of people out there may be having low thyroid issues. they can do all theçicnf exerci they want, but still can't get rid of it. so check your ththyroid. your doctors are help. >> just cut the white bread out if you can and have like one bite of cake. you'll see what happens. >> greek yogurt. you're going to want to hear about the latest study. it turns out that the results on your home blood pressure monitor may not be as accurate as you think. i have the worst cold with this runny nose.
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i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn't treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is.
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back now with "sunday housecall" 6789 here's something that will make your blood pressure go up. as many as 15% of the at home blood pressure kits, they give out the wrong reading dr. siegel, they're not supposed to. it's wrong? >> people rely on that. >> i actually am not surprised at this. i've been telling my patients this for a long time. bring the device to my office and let me compare it to what i do two or three times. even then, how are you doing this. are you sitting flat? are you checking it a few times, are you having alcohol or coffee before you check it, all of those are issues. on top of that, eric, we're talking about peripheral blood pressure here. we're measuring the blood
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pressure in the artery. that's not entirely indicative of what's going on centrally. it's only an approximation. of course, in the office, you got the white coat syndrome to consider that you may get nervous. so neither world is perfect. but these automatic cuffs are only approximations. it depends on the brand and your technique. they've got to be correlated with your doctor, and even then, they're going to be off. >> some of them you can put on your arm and some at the wrist, right? >> the best ones are up here. i would also encourage people, take their own blood pressure. you can literally buy the kind of cuff that a doctor uses in the office and use a stethoscope and take your own blood pressure. >> i'm not operating on myself. but doctor, should you do it on both arms and how do you do it?
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should you rest, sitting down, take your readings to the doctor and say look at this? >> i have a different take on this. these are great points. these equipments have saved many lives. they have call for action, they encourage people to really get this equipments and do it. now, these are very dependent on who is actually doing it. for example, most people what they do is roll up their sleeve or pull up the shirt and put the cuff right over the shirt. well, that's enough to make it five to 10 units -- it's not accurate. if you're very obese and have a big arm, the cuff may not be the right size and you see it's not going to read it carefully. all of those are things your doctor should explain to you. go ahead and buy one. there's really good brands online. check your blood pressure multiple times. the definition of blood pressure is three readings of 140/90
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different times because blood pressure fluctuates all the time. sometimes your doctor would say write it down different times of the day, bring it. number one, you should be sitting in a chair that has a back so you're sitting comfortably and not working. you need to be relaxed for five, ten minutes. >> relax for five or ten minutes? >> certain time of the day? >> it can fluctuate. in the morning, it can be a little higher. smoking, alcohol, exercise, all of those can change the level of your blood pressure. you should take your machine, just the way you take your car rngs bring your machine and let the doctor check. >> what if you don't sleep well? >> that also affects it. be wear off an an earnist who takes your reading once and slaps you on a medication.
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if you drank too much coffee, your readings's going to be off? >> there's a lot of debate. i still say 120/80. >> that's the -- >> diastolic and systolic. >> both of those were off in the study. >> my blood pressure goes up every time i see -- >> i'll give you a little calming. >> the bottom line, you're saying get the machine, but take the blood pressure cuff to your doctor, make sure it's working properly, do use it. >> if you see six or seven normal blood pressures and one is out, that doesn't mean it's high blood pressure. >> i like to do three. it's always different. >> and not everybody can work at 1 120/80. >> that's a good number to have. >> what if you don't have that?
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you guys give me a headache every sunday. >> love you guys. okay. we got to move on. we do have a lot more ahead on house call. we're going to answer one viewer's question about ways to improve his memory and energy. you're not going to want to miss that one. nestlé toll house made with real butter, eggs, and brown sugar for that scratch made taste. well now you can bake as few or as many as you please. frozen and ready to bake, new nestlé toll house frozen cookie dough is made with wholesome ingredients like the original recipe and lets you bake just the batch you want. so bake the world better, and turn any moment into a warm cookie moment. find them in the frozen aisle. nestlé. good food good life.
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now for should i worry, our weekly segment about everything that worries us this. this viewer asking i have to take prilosec twice a day for ten years. should i take b12 to help me keep my memory and energy going.
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it's the purple pill. why is he asking about memory in the same thing? is that related or not? >> first of all, this patient should be medication is a huge problem. the purpose of this medication is to really keep for a short period of time to get you out of reflux and acid away, not to be on it for ten years. what happens? everything starts with a headache, right? you have a headache, what do you do next? you take aspirin. that increases your acid. you're going to go to the doctor and they give you one of these medications and you're on them for a long time. in the stomach, vitamin b 12, you need to have acid and something called intrinsic factor. in order to absorb vitamin b 12 from the bowel, you need to have acid and you need to have this factor. now, what happens when you don't have enough acid? your vitamin b 12 starts to go down and you'll start feeling fatigued. we talked about vitamin b 12 mimicking something like alzheimer's and not thinking
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well and when you supply it, all of a sudden the patient starts to do much better. so, i would stop this medication and the way you stop this is to really go with something call xan xantac and you take antiacid for a month and you stay on antiacid. your vitamin b 12 should be somewhere between 250 to 1,000 and the way to do this is to really give you a patch or something under your tongue and also injections that we can give you to supplement. but i would talk to your doctor and get off this medication, if you don't need it. >> dr. david just said if you wean yourself off, you take the xantac for about a month and you stay on an antacid. what do you stay on? >> i want to make sure the patient isn't automedicating himself. did you get this prescribed to you or just walk into your local pharmacy and start taking it yourself? you know, as david was just mentioning, the most powerful
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antiacid known to man now. been around for over 20 years and it has side effects. why are you on it? is it reflux? acid reflux causes a lot of people discomfort. you start stopping this and you get almost addicted to these things and they have a lot of side effects. one of the side effects, david was just talking about, is that your b 12 level will only go up if it's in a acidic environment in your bowel. so, he has to take b12 under his tongue to replace it. but, again, it may be that it would go away the b 12 problem if he wasn't on the prilosec. the other issue is calcium absorption. you don't get enough calcium when you have antacid. no free lunch here. some people need this, but definitely overused. >> on top of this, sorry, eric,
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vitamin d can go down and your magnesium can go down and also give you more headaches. so, all around. >> if you're taking prilosec or one of these for acid reflux and the like, like multi-vitamin every day. enough b 12 and b and all that? >> i think you should take it for a short period. let's say you're going through a stressful time and you have a new job and relation problem and the as sudreally building up and bothering you. short period, you're in, you're out, you're done with it. the answer to your question. which antacid the one i like, tum, tum, tum, tum, tum. >> more calcium, too. >> b 12 has to be taken under your 12 if you're trying to replace it. if it's not absorbing well in the stomach, you have to get it under your tongue, it's sublingual. >> you're supposed to have some acid in your stum snk. >> you need the acid to absorb the food. >> delicious food that you eat. >> i get nauseous sometimes when i take my multivitamin.
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we'll talk about that later. >> no chocolate, no alcohol. no fatty foods, no chocolate, no alcohol. more water. >> yes, you and my mom both telling me the same thing. i'm supposed to read this. if you have a question for our doctors, e-mail us at your name and e-mail addresses and keep them completely confidential. no one will know. >> put your clock back last night night? fall back. did that with your internal clock. how we can adjust to the new schedule and get to sleep in on time. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income.
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so i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica.
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[ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief
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to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go! i hope you set your clock back one hour, that is unless you live in arizona, hawaii, puerto rico and the virgin islan islands, they don't observe it. most of us got to bask in an extra hour of sleep last night while others were tossing and turning. what can you do to get back to dream land? it's only one hour, but kind of throws you out of whack a little bit. >> even though you gain an hour, it throws your rhythms off, which we talked about in the show before. one thing you can do is have some bananas or nuts or pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds. these things actually have a lot, they have something called
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tryptophan and cheeries have meltonme meltonen, stick to the bananas and exercise more and sleep your regular sleep cycle and have a lot of fluids and your regular diet. don't use this iphone as your alarm clock the next day. you'll be there playing with it thinking i have an extra hour and then it throws off your whole sleep cycle. use a regular alarm clock. >> what time i should set up to make sure i don't mix it and automatically fixes it for you. more kudos to iphone. i think you should set up the alarm on the exact same time. if you start changing that, that's when you're off your rhythm and the hormonal changes increases your hunger and you're going to be overeating, even though it's only one hour. more and more studies show that the change of one hour increases the number of accidents on
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monday morning. so, i take a little meltonen and always takes a car ride and don't drive on monday mornings and make sure you sleep. >> not the grumpiest day of the year. that's when we lose an hour. that's going to do it for us. >> take care. millions of americans set to decide who controls the building behind me. voting on all members of the house and 36 senate seats. today we'll look at the key races that just may tip the scales one way or another including kentucky. alis alisonlundergan grimes and iowa where joni ernst against bruce braley. and in the battle against isis. there is a new call to put boots on the ground in iraq by chairman of the joints chief. is the president likely to heed


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