tv FOX and Friends FOX News November 4, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST
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quinn. thanks to everyone who responded. >> let's keep talking about what's driving you to the polls today. head to "fox & friends," our facebook page #keeptalking. >> busy and exciting day. >> "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning. it's tuesday, november 4, and i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. election day 2014. right now polls across the nation are starting to open. today the balance of power in washington is up for grabs. we're breaking down the key races in a live report straight ahead. >> an election day bombshell now revealing one of the country's most vulnerable democrats apparently conspired to target conservatives with the help of lois lerner and the i.r.s. details of the shocking new memos straight ahead. >> and this video is chilling. you have a young woman.
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she gets abducted right off the street, all caught on camera and right now a frantic search to dpet her home. stay here for all the details because her dad joins us live. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> and live from studio e as in election day. >> clever. >> thank you. look, it's kimberly guilfoyle. she's in today for elisabeth. >> very good to be here. exciting day. polls open across the nation and maybe perhaps a big shift in power. we're going to have to see. >> none will close while we're on the air. we'll continue to speculate and watch people walk in. now open, kentucky, connecticut, new hampshire. vermont started first and then virginia. when we will vote and how we will vote will be key
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for us. >> people in vermont have been voting for the past hour. >> it's exciting. we're waiting for results. let's get right to it because today the balance of power is up for grabs with some key states in play. peter doocy live in washington and he's watching. you know him; right? >> we've met. >> peter? >> reporter: republicans need to pick up six seats in the 36 races today if they want to gain control of the u.s. senate. the way things stand now there are 53 democrats, two independents and 45 republicans. and if the g.o.p. is able to win a majority, this man, minority leader mitch mcconnell, will likely become majority leader replacing harry reid. mcconnell leads his democratic challenger in kentucky, alison grimes, 50-41 in an nbc-marist poll. joni ernst is locked in a
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tie with democratic challenger bruce braley. in kansas, greg orman leads republican senator pat roberts 44-43. if republicans pick up seats in six of the eight most competitive seats, they would have a majority tonight, because those six do not have-offs. but the other two -- georgia and louisiana -- could prolong all this midterm fun because they have run-offs. and georgia's run-off isn't until after the next congress gavels in in january. back to you. >> can you imagine if anybody had a drinking game today where every time someone said balance of power you had a shot? >> lots of fun. >> you think today we'll hear that expression millions of times? >> absolutely. probably asleep by noon. passed out. >> for awhile senator kay hagan has been running a
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pretty strong election. up until today she has been holding off the speaker of the house thom tillis. for awhile kay hagan was put in the category that she denied supporting the president. now she is running an ad that essentially says we're together and you can count on me to be a vote for him. >> which seems a lie because she backed away from him so many times like this. >> you don't think -- [inaudible] >> certainly this are issues that i certainly think, no. >> she like so many other democrats spent the election cycle running away from the president and trying to change the subject. now the president apparently has cut an ad for her that she is running in the 11th hour. it was posted on youtube by her opponent thom tillis. here's a snippet. >> by voting for someone who shares our priorities.
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stand with me, president obama, and take responsibility in moving north carolina forward by voting for kay hagan on november 4, a senator you can count on. >> what's going on here? >> it's like a political bear hug. i'm with you. you've got my taint on you. how is that going to help her in a race that's this close? she thinks this is going to put her over the edge, perhaps motivate her base? he's not the most popular guy in the room right now so this shows they're desperate, they're trying to do something. >> it is a scripted tactic. it is not as if who put that on? in fact, thom tillis the speaker is saying i put that on my site. i'll help you get the word out about how you're tight with the president. >> exactly. meanwhile there is trouble for the democrat who is the senator up in the great state of new hampshire. there is a story out today on the daily caller that says that apparently jeanne shaheen, the sitting senator from new hampshire, she was one of six u.s.
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democratic senators, she apparently was the point person who was contacting the i.r.s., and they are dealing with the point man for the white house at the i.r.s. in talking about when are you going to start cracking down on these nonprofit groups that have political activities? >> i think this is a really, a death sentence for her. this is one of the races that everybody is looking for on the returns to see if this is going to signal the big shift. if we can see if brown can take it in new hampshire, we'll know this might be a big sweep across the country for republicans. this may be just what it takes to put him over the edge. >> it's that close. >> it's that close. it is within the physical margin of error, some people calling it too close to call. >> i think even schoolkids, when you mention the name lois lerner, they think i.r.s. scandal and refusing to speak out. now if you link senator jeanne shaheen to lois lerner and the i.r.s. scandal which scares most people because they can
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relate to problems when they get that letter in the mail about the i.r.s., and the fact they were trying to push this investigation and request away for the longest time, knowing she was at the foundation of that could be a huge deal and that could be the deal-breaker. however there is not much time for senator brown to make the most of it. today is the day, even though he is indefatigible and always out there. i just got a call. l.l. cool j. said don't include me. he's a nice man. >> look who we have here. >> ainsley. >> mornings are better with friends. we are good friends on and off camera, all of us. we are, believe it or not. midnight barbie and malibu
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barbie she calls me. let's head to the news. this is a serious story. a young woman kidnapped off the streets of philadelphia just steps away from her own home. you can see the 22-year-old sphrug gelg to escape as the man is dragging her down the sidewalk. police say she was screaming for help. that man putting her into a dark gray ford taurus. this happened sunday night and now there is a reward to find her. her father will be joining us at 7:15 eastern time. more than 80,000 houses and businesses are in the dark this morning after an early snowstorm up in maine. some polling sites are being moved after a foot of snow brought down trees and power lines. warmer temperatures, however, should help those workers get the lights back on sometime today. a potentially explosive accident on the tarmac. a fuel truck slamming into the engine of a plane
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parked at los angeles international airport. the truck driver's leg pinned underneath the steering wheel. rescuers had to cut him out of that veak. -- out of that vehicle. passengers headed to hawaii had to board another plane. they were eventually sent to hawaii and got there safely. in 1976 steve jobs sold this computer out of his parents' garage for $600. nearly 40 years later it is expected to pull in more than half a million dplars when it goes on the auction block next month. the man who bought it in 2004 had no idea it was an original apple computer. >> what software does that come with? >> that i'm not sure about. >> thank you. >> coming up, this latest bit of road rage may come with a price. the punishment nascar drivers may soon face ahead. >> we've seen huge tax increases from democrats offense the past two years.
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may revolt against democrats due to outrageous new tax hikes. here to break it all down for us from our sister network, fox business, stuart varney. stuart, you're from a sister network, but you're all man. tell me about the tax hikes and how it will affect the elections. i want to make sure. >> he's awkward even at 6:14 in the morning. >> good to see you. the liberal model is broken. the liberal model is you raise taxes, you hand out the money, you get reelected because you're buying votes. the trouble is it doesn't work because it doesn't give growth and prosperity. >> give an example. >> four key states where they raised taxes consistently, now the governors race put those tax hikes on trial. start with connecticut. the average has gone up $2,800 in extra taxes in recent years. >> per person? >> per family. $2,800 extra.
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maryland, the tax burden has doubled in the last eight years. massachusetts, sales tax increase, big spending increase proposed, democrats in power. illinois, massive increase in the individual tax rate and the corporate tax rate which they want to now make permanent. in all four cases you've got big tax increases, democrats in power, poor performance in the state's economy. the liberal model is broken. >> how do you explain kansas where sam brownback cut taxes and is in the fight of his life? >> you can explain that in all kinds of ways. what you can not get away from is the performance of states where taxes are lower. texas, for example, creating millions of new jobs, lower taxes, less government. that's a model that works. the alternative model -- high taxes, give-aways, buying votes -- doesn't work and is on trial today. >> you know how this works. the people of these various states are going to get to vote on these governors later on today. and if they pick those guys
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who are going to jack up their taxes, they're going to get what they pay for. >> that is true. this is a referendum on big government, big taxes and the liberal approach to the economy. it is a referendum. >> you've made a great example because governor rick perry with the model he's using in texas, enjoying great popularity and seems to be working -- it's good for the economy and good for jobs. >> in connecticut, daniel malloy took office in 2010. 77 tax hikes, the highest in connecticut history. >> what you want to do is to get back to the vigor and vitality of america's private enterprise system. less government, lower taxes, less regulation. set people free, for heaven's tax. >> why the reluctance to embrace this snodle what is is -- to embrace this model? >> tax the rich, give you the money, give you the services. we'll do this for you.
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vote for me. it worked in the past. i don't think it's going to work in the future. >> what about the gubernatorial races in michigan and wisconsin are vital. you had two governors balance their budget, bring in revenue and at the same time take on the unions. where's the vote? >> i'm not going to predict the vote but i am saying liberalism is on trial at the state level and national level. >> the pornography noft kay tors -- the pornography -- the prognosticators is saying big government could pick up votes. stuart, you can see his show over on fox business network. if you don't know where that is on your cable box, go to find er and that's where you'll find the channel stuart is
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on. >> it's a great show. >> especially you, kimberly. >> coming up, this democratic candidate backed away from president obama. >> you don't think he shows strong leadership? >> certainly there are issues i think no. >> now she's standing with the white house. how will this play with her state's voters? we're live at the polls in north carolina. >> come and get me, pastors eyed by the i.r.s. for endorsing candidates from the pulpit are not backing down. one of those pastors joins us live on election day. ♪ ♪ ♪
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we just told you about one of the closest races in the country, the senate race in north carolina. senator kay hagan spending most of her campaign distancing herself from president obama. but her latest ads use him to endorse her. so what's the feeling of voters? wjzy's reporter. kaitlyn, interesting turn of events? >> interesting turn of events but that is what the dpop has been trying to do, tie hagan to president obama throughout this campaign. she in turn has been trying to tie tillis to the legislature here in north carolina. we're just moments away from polls opening. they open at 6:30 here in north carolina.
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you can see people starting to head in looking to get their voices heard today. volunteers have been here setting up this morning. this has been a hotly contested race. early voting has been key here in north carolina. more than around 92,000 people showing up in mecklenburg county before decision day getting their voices heard early. this morning they're expected 45% of voters to show up. this has been a lot of spending, more than $100 million on this campaign here in north carolina trying to vie for that senate seat. we'll send it back to you guys in the studio and keep you posted on what's going on in north carolina. polls close at 7:30 this evening. >> thank you very much, kaitlyn. we'll be watching and taking down the final results. >> today's elections are a hot topic across the united states. one place where they're getting special attention is in church. >> that's right. because pastors across the country are endorsing candidates in their sermons despite the i.r.s. rule that churches cannot support political
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candidates and initiatives and keep their tax-exempt status. it is a gutsy move but are they asking for trouble? let's ask pastor kevin baird. he discusses politics from the pulpit and he joins us now. good morning to you, pastor. tell us your thoughts about this and how you first became aware of the issue that there was perhaps this limitation and how did it make you feel? >> several years ago i found out about the johnson amendment, which is the restriction or the supposed restriction with regard to political speech. i'm a comprehensive christian. i believe that my faith values are as legitimate to bring to the table of public discourse as anyone else's values. as i go to the pulpit, i don't put my citizenship aside. i believe that i have a right as a pastor to talk about how my values affect public policy and then bring application to it. and sometimes that means pointing out candidates, their strengths, their
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weaknesses and whom it might be best to put into office who will codify those values. >> pastor, in other words, you're saying -- and i'm sure somebody from the i.r.s. is watching right now -- you're saying okay, you got that law on the book, i.r.s. if you don't like it, sue me. >> actually, all of my messages are posted for public consumption on various social media. we've actually, many of us, have sent in our messages asking the i.r.s. to take a look at it. >> you sent your sermons to the i.r.s.? >> that is gutsy. >> yes, we have. actually, thousands of pastors have done that, asking that we litigate and finalize the constitutionality of the johnson amendment. we feel it's unconstitutional. we feel like as pastors we're the only ones who go to work every day and have to put our constitutional rights to the side in order to do our job and we think it is time that was done away with. >> you're joined with a lot of other pastors who do feel it is their biblical
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and constitutional right to do so. i admire your courage legally as well to put this to the test to see whether or not you'll get a definitive ruling on that johnson amendment. there's also other pastors that have endorsed a candidate. this is on the rise. from 33 in 2008 to 1,621 in 2012. pastor, you are encouraging the brethren there rising up with you. >> absolutely. sometimes folks call us political pastors but truthfully we feel like we're being faithful. if the bible touches on a particular topic, then we should have not only every right but we're called to touch that topic and make application to it in our pulpits. >> i'm curious, pastor, this past sunday did you have a message for your flock about who to vote for? >> not this past sunday although there is a sunday designated as pulpit freedom sunday. this particular year i dealt with some local issues and some local candidates and some disappointments that we have had in our state with
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regard to seeing some of our value system move forward. >> i love the legal aspect of it as well. thanks for being on with us this morning, pastor. coming up, he was armed and in an elevator with president obama and now that security guard is out of a job. but this morning he is firing back saying it is not his fault. >> and he wasn't supposed to have a shot, but this retired marine has closed the gap and could be headed to the u.s. senate for a huge upset. >> first happy birthday to former first lady laura bush. she's 68 years of age today. ♪ ♪ ♪ (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove.
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things are getting desperate. in fact, senate majority leader harry reid sent out a final e-mail with the subject headline i'm begging. what better way to show you're a strong leader. >> he's a hundred percent right. if you sign up for this stuff to find out what everyone is saying. the senate race in new mexico coming under the spotlight as a former marine gives sitting democrat tom udall a run for his money. colonel alan way four points behind udall closing a gap. the senate nominee and retired u.s. colonel allen weh. are you surprised, so close? >> not a bit.
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we expected to be here. you know -- >> go ahead, sir. >> we came to play and we had a plan, and we're executing the plan. >> what do you think that, why voters resonated and gravitated towards your message? >> what we did was we took very cleverly, we found tom udall speaking about issues in his own words. that's the price you pay for being a public figure. you're on tv a lot and you're on radio a lot, and you say things. and in his case, he's never had a tough race, so he says things as if he doesn't have to be held accountable. so our entire advertising series in every ad, we always included tom udall talking about the issue. and we were able to convey to people that this is who tom udall really is versus who he'd like you to think he is.
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>> colonel, there are a lot of americans who have not heard a lot about your personal story, because udall was supposed to walk away from this. they don't know about you. could you tell us a little bit about yourself. >> well, i like to tell people i'm just a normal guy. i spent -- i left home as a young man, joined the marine corps at 17. we didn't have any money, so i started out in life without anything. worked my way through the university of new mexico, went back in the marine corps, stayed in the marine corps for a few years and then transferred to the reserve. stayed as a career reserve officer. but in the course of 38 years in the marine corps, i made vietnam, somalia, the persian gulf war and recalled off the retired list and served in iraq 2003 and 2004. so i -- i raised a family and built a business. >> incredible, two bronze stars, three purple hearts. >> you hang around with the
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marines long enough -- >> you get shot at. >> you get shot at and you get hit. >> colonel, now you have a situation where you're running for government here. you know strategy just like in military training, that will win you the election. what part of your strategy was linking mr. udall with president obama? >> well, people are unhappy with the administration, the failed leadership and udall in this case having no political courage. or if he has any, it's never shown, has never broken with the president. so if barack obama is standing up saying we don't have a strategy or he's calling isil the j.v. team, i think it's incumbent upon any senator of any party to stand up and say, mr. president, that's wrong. we need strong, resolute leadership because this is a dangerous world.
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he's never done that to that extent, he is barack obama's policies and we're reminding people of that. >> you've come out of nowhere, down by double digits not too long ago and now you're really close within the margin of error. colonel allen weh, good luck. thanks for telling us your story. good luck tonight. >> if people are listening in new mexico, i'd like them to vote today. >> thank you for your service, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> 25 minutes before the top of the hour. according to to the schedule, ainsley is on today. and you're serving us. >> that's exactly right. glad you're following the schedule this morning. the 19-year-old chicago man accused of trying to join isis ordered to remain behind bars one month after the f.b.i. busted him at the o'hare airport but he wasn't the only one he nabbed. prosecutors revealed in court agents arrested his 16-year-old brother and 17-year-old sister who were traveling with him to join
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isis. they have not been charged. prosecutors say that kahn worked all summer to pay for plane tickets for himself and his siblings. a former armed guard at the c.d.c. accused of getting too close to the president is suing his security firm. he claims he was unfairly fired. he rode in an elevator with the president and the secret service said he should not have been armed. he is under fire for taking an unauthorized photo of the president's motorcade. the brawl that got so many nascar fans on their feet now has race car officials fuming. that fight happening right after the race and now it is likely jeff gordon, brad keselowski and kevin har wick are facing hefty fines. keselowski was hit with a
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fine for another scuffle last month. >> a north carolina man is making sure he is getting his money's worth of food. he bought that never-ending pasta pass from the olive garden six weeks ago and since then that is all he has eaten. the pass was a hundred bucks but martin says he has eaten more than $1,500 in pasta. he says he will keep eating at olive garden twice a day until that pass expires on sunday. if you don't want to eat the pasta, the bread sticks and you can ask for them without butter if you want to go a little healthy. >> the bottomless bucket of salad. what a place. >> when you go to eat with ainsley, you get salad with dressing on the side. >> and limes in our beers. >> but only after 5. >> we've got to go out with these two. >> bud lite has lime in the
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beer. >> how's the weather? >> there was snow in maine today, overnight. maria? is the weather going to impact people going to vote? >> it's going to be impact people across the country. that storm snim has moved away maine but left significant snowfall in that area. i want to show this video. it appears to be a giant meteor flying across the chicago sky. the giant fireball, it seems to head towards earth but then fizzles out and there have been already at least thee reports. but the american meteor society has not yet coirmed what that is. incredible video. again, that looks to be a meteor flying across the chicago sky. back to the weather conditions across the country, we have a new storm system we're tracking. it's moving from parts of the midwest down to the southern plains, so states like texas, eastern parts of oklahoma, up into the midwest you could be
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looking at several inches of rainfall from that storm system. across portions of the east you're looking at quiet weather conditions, some sunshine, some clouds. on the cold side across new england. look at caribou, highs in the 30's. otherwise i have a list i want to share with you quickly. it is a list of patriotic city names and their forecasts. you can see liberty, texas or independence, missouri, and also libertyville. we're looking at some messy weather conditions across parts of texas. eagle pass 77 degrees with showers and storms. there's a look at other cities as well with patriotic names. there's liberty, texas, and also other cities. hets head back inside. >> maria molina who put the american nag on the u.s. of a. today. >> the race for governor for illinois is in heat. can the republican businessman knock off the democratic incumbent? we're live from chicago. >> the n.s.a.'s controversial spy program getting its first day in federal court. should the federal government be allowed to
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eavesdrop on your phone calls, which they do? andrew napolitano, the judge, here next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts
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and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c,
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today the n.s.a.'s most controversial program heading to a high court in d.c. under the program in question the agency collects met at that data and -- collects meta data and the length of conversations. n.s.a. supporters call it an effective way to find terrorists but will the circuit court of appeals find it a violation of your privacy? let's ask judge andrew napolitano. he joins us this morning. good morning, judge. so many people feel this is a violation of their
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privacy, that this is government overreaching. what does the law say? >> well, we start with the constitution that says when the government wants private information about anybody it has to follow the fourth amendment which says only a warrant issued by a judge based on probable cause of crime, quote, particularly describing the place to be searched or the person or thing to be seized, close quote, can validate the invasion of privacy. in this case the n.s.a. goes to a secret court and the court says here's a piece of paper. it's a general warrant. look wherever you want and seize whatever you find. the question is, is that kind of a general warrant as opposeed to a specific one identifying what they want and based on probable cause, naming the target as the constitution requires? is the general warrant legal? three federal judges have looked at this. two have said it is legal because these are difficult times and we face a difficult and elusive enemy. one has said the constitution is paramount. it's always paramount. the government has to find
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a better and more constitutional way to protect us. that judge, judge richard leon, an appointee of president george w. bush is the one whose decision is being appealed today. ultimately, you know this perhaps better than i, this will make its way to the supreme court. because when judges differ and then appellate courts differ, then the constitution means different things in different parts of the country, and that's not good. >> we can't have uniformity for the citizens. we have to have some kind of direct decision on this so people know where we stand. >> the government argues that the fourth amendment only pertains to criminal prosecutions. and as long as the evidence it gathers from listening to all our phone calls and reading all of our e-mails and looking at all of our bank statements and credit card bills and utility bills, as long as it doesn't use that as evidence of a crime in a criminal prosecution against us, it's okay. judge leon says the constitution applies to
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everything the government does, whether it's intelligence gathering or its own curiosity or criminal prosecution. >> the point is to protect the citizens from this intrusive and unlawful invasion into their privacy. prior to 9/11, i think this would have been a settled question. they're kind of boot strapping that on that to say because of recent terrorist activities you refer to an elusive enemy that this is necessary to protect the citizens of the united states. therefore, they don't take the direct interpretation of the constitution. >> you must have read these opinions because the two federal judges who upheld this, whose decisions are not being appealed today said exactly what you did. and that is the government's argument. the judge leon argument is our privacy is a natural right. it's part of our humanity and the government can't take it away by fiat.
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and the congress is also being spied on because they didn't authorize this. >> we want to make sure we're safe and get the information but we want to make sure we do it in a lawful way. 36 governors races happening around the country including the down to the wire race in illinois. democratic governor pat quinn making a late comeback against republican rival. the two polling neck and neck. we are joined live from chicago. anita? >> hi. good morning to you. it is definitely a tight race and it is too close to call. you know what? both of these candidates are out there really fighting it out. yesterday we saw the republican candidate bruce rauner who is hoping illinois wants a change, he was campaigning all around the state making his last push, he'll be voting later today hoping voters have been listening to what he is pushing for and what he is pushing for is no increase in minimum wage
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unless there are some pro-business reforms. but he's also one of those candidates who is certainly hoping voters are ready for a change in the way illinois has been doing business. he opposes in illinois charter school expansion which we've seen a lot of push for. he also opposes this increase of state tax to 5%, which the democratic incumbent is pushing for. so we don't know what's going to happen. i can tell you that the incumbent pat quinn, the democratic in this race, he had the big guns out until the days leading up to this race. he had the president out heefer -- here a couple of weeks ago. the first lady was out here. a big push by his campaign and he's hoping voters will give him another four years. he's pushing for pension reform, a big issue in illinois, and a push for the minimum wage. it is hard to say because it is so tight. out of 14 newspapers in illinois, 11 of them are pushing for bruce rauner.
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however there is this guy, he's a statistician and his name is nate silver, he's predicting quinn will win but he was wrong the last time around so we'll have to see what's happening. >> thank you so much. coming up, it's political ads that can make or break a campaign. >> let's get out there and hit somebody. >> do you like it? up next, we're breaking down the worst ads of 2014. stay with us. plus a media bias bombshell. this former reporter has exposed how far the mainstream media will go to protect the president and now sharyl attkisson is warning it only gets worse. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey matt, what's up?
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welcome back. they can make or break a campaign. which political ads will have the most negative impact? frank shunts here to break down some of the worst ads of the year. good morning to you. >> this is always the depressing part because this is when candidates themselves are watching and realize that they just wasted millions of dollars. >> absolutely. first, ads the republican in minnesota running for senate. he's currently way behind. al franken. watch this. >> quarterback keeper. on two, ready? >> dad is coaching. >> there you go. >> and tackle. >> way to go. >> running hard. >> mike mcfaddin for minnesota
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>> he says washington is fumbling our future. >> spending tax and stuff. >> obamacare needs to be sacked. >> mcfaddin is tough. >> let's get out there and hit somebody. >> really tough. >> i'm mike mcfaddin and i approve this message. >> awful. just awful. moms looked at that ad and said i don't want my kids tackling the boy who throws the ball into the groin of the candidate. there is nothing funny about politics in 2014. that ad did terribly and it's a reason why al franken, who barely won less than one half of 1% in his initial election is winning by double digits today. >> let's go to michigan. terry land is a republican. here is her ad. take a look. >> i'm terry little land. congressman gary peters and his buddies want you to believe i'm waging a war on women. really? think about that for a moment.
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i'm terry little land, and i approve this message because as a woman, i might know a little bit more about women than gary peters. >> now, a good ad gets to about a 50. great ad gets to a 70. we're going to see great ads in a couple of hours. that one was horrible. you don't waste time. this is precious. she's trying to be amusing. by the way, nobody drinks coffee that way. in the michigan race, there was one point where she was tied with her opponent. because of ads like that, voters said no. >> here is another ad from the connecticut. watch this. >> dan malloy has a problem with the truth. he says he's cut spending, but he let spending go up $3 billion. he says he's creating jobs, but over 3,000 jobs left connecticut in august alone. he promised to hold down electric bills. that add extra charges so your
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bills have gone up. he said he wouldn't raise taxes. then gave us the largest tax increase in state history. dan, people in connecticut want the truth. >> here is the problem, is that that ad was trying to be humor ous and make fun of the fact that the governor had not kept his promises. say it straight. don't play games with pinocchios. the public says it's not serious. >> frank is going to be reviewing the best ads later on in the program. >> i look forward to that. >> those were some stinkers according to you. >> according to the voters. those are the candidates not doing well. coming up on this election day, scott brown was not supposed to have a shot in new hampshire, but a bombshell report out this morning could change everything regarding his opponent. these students made it pretty well-known how much they hated the first lady's lunch plan. now two years later, they say nothing changed. we're live with an update next hour. ♪
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s. good morning. today is tuesday, november 4, election day. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. it's the top of the hour and that means the polls are open in 13 more states and the balance of power in washington up for grabs. we're live with the races you need to watch heading into tonight. and how is this for a glitch? an emmy award winning journalist about to break a story on benghazi and her report starts to self-destruct on her home computer. look at that right there. sheryl atkisson formerly of cbs news joins us live to tell her tale. this video is chilling. a young woman abducted off the street. her dad joins us live with the latest on the frantic search to find her. man. "fox & friends" starts now.
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we've been talking about it a long time and you think you've seen a lot of tv ads for politicians over the last couple of months? they estimate 878,000 tv ads have been paid for in this election cycle. >> and a lot of the billions of dollars have been just right down the toilet. people have gotten drunk with that much money they're putting to these elections in the idea that they're going to have great influence. bottom line is there is senate races within the margin of error and governor's races are a toss-up. >> it's great day in america because it is election day. so get out there and vote and polls just opened in 13 more states. >> that's right. and we've been talking about the election for so long. folks, if you can, go out and vote. whoever you want to vote for,
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just -- we have done our best to try to inform you, so today is the day you vote. >> we will not drive you. >> we're busy. unless you want to go to where we vote. >> right. >> which is later today. meanwhile, today the balance of power in washington, d.c. is up for grabs. you know that. peter doocy is live in washington and today peter is looking at some key races, aren't you? >> reporter: i am. what's interesting, we've been talk being how we haven't seen much of president obama on the campaign trail this cycle. but in north carolina, democratic senator kay hagan has started using a radio ad with the president's voice in the back and forth race with republican challenger thom tillis. this contest has a third party detainee. so the impact of president obama's prominent last minute endorsement one way or the other is something to watch today. then you've got the tight race in iowa where taylor swift of all people found herself in the middle of things yesterday when retiring democratic senator tom harkin referred to the republican hopeful joni ernst as
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looking like the pop star. ernst called him out for the inappropriate comparison and harkin apologized. it's ernst and braley on the ballot and that is anyone's race. kentucky, meanwhile, has been trending toward mcconnell over grimes. if he wins and republicans take a majority, he could soon replace harry reid as the senate majority leader. there are 36 senate races today. if republicans want to control the senate, they need to pick up at least six seats. back to you in new york. >> all right. peter with the very latest on the balance of power. by the way, yesterday joe biden said he made the bold prediction that the democrats would hold the senate. but then he pivoted and said, but then we might have to compromise. >> awkward. >> no kidding. >> they asked me yesterday, did the people behind the scenes, what's my most intriguing race? i think for me, new hampshire is the most intriguing race because i love comeback stories.
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i don't care who is doing it, especially unlikely stories. scott brown shocked the world in massachusetts a few years ago, takes ted kennedy's seat and then loses and says i'm going to go to new hampshire and run there. he was down by double digits. it looked like a folly as late adds september. now things are in a dead heat. now this news breaks. >> this bombshell memo that says that jean shaheen conspired with white house insiders on the irs targeting scandal. the interesting thing is this is happening just now on essentially election eve. is it going to be enough to tip the balance? >> the daily caller got their hands on correspondence that showed shaheen was the point person of six democrat senators, including franken and also schumer here in new york. and they were all writing to the then irs commissioner, hey, you got to crack down on these republican tea party groups because they're getting a free ride. they can't be doing that stuff. you need to do something.
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so for the fact that she was involved in the irs targeting scandal where she was -- it looks like if you read it, it looks like she was exerting pressure on the irs to do something, that can't be good for her. >> that should matter, by the way. >> absolutely! >> these are serious allegation and her association with them. you pointed out six people that she was in contact with, coordinating this. that's a big problem. >> it is. especially today. >> let's see what happens. on a last listen effort to help mary landrieu, democrats picked up the pace on the race baiting as congressman cliburn says the only reason people oppose the president is because he's black. listen. >> everybody that say that there is nothing that's racial about some of the animus that's being expressed by barak obama, you just not telling the truth. the fact of the matter is, we know that with a lot of people,
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i don't care what he does, he's not going to be acceptable because of his skin color. >> okay. so that comes on the heels of what mary landrieu says last thursday where she said look, down in my state of louisiana, i'm having trouble, as is the president because there is some racist and sexism. >> it's unbelievable. that doesn't seem to be working. >> no. >> i don't know. she's a very popular person. she's been a governor. the point is why can't she be doing better in the polls? if they were connecting with her? >> it all depends on whether or not it's effective and whether or not it does drive the black turnout. >> we'll know later today. >> i thought juan williams had the best point. even if it does work, what are you left with the next day? how much damage have you done? what cost will you go -- how far will you go to win an election? and louisiana is a place that's gone heavily to the right. she's on the left. a democrat and still holding on to her seat. how bad can it be for women in
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louisiana? >> brit hume had this observation about if a race card is being played, who is doing it? here is brit. >> if those senses this election has been about this president is race and indeed, to the extent that it has been, it has been on his part and those who are working with him to try to hype the black turnout by associating him with the race. >> so will it be effective? we'll know what the exit polling later today and certainly tomorrow. >> and there is this from the department of justice. attorney general eric holder to dispatch his team of election monitors to make sure everything is fair, but when has it not been? why are we operating from an assumption that it's unfair or that there are misdeeds going on? >> right. on the scott brown thing, was born in maine, but spent a great diesel his time in new hampshire. >> the reason eric holder is sending the monitors out, apparently the united nations busy -- is because they want to make sure that nobody is discriminated based on race,
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their disability -- they want to make sure there are bilingual supplies there. so they want to make sure that there are ballots and whatnot in other languages. >> and check for i.d. >> who would be voting, you know -- >> the problem is, you would normally need to make a case to say that there was some kind of injustice going on there that you would need to dispatch these election monitors and the evidence is that there isn't any, saying there is any misdeeds going. but nevertheless, he's doing it just in case. >> the monitors at 18 states. >> there you have it. >> election day, 2014. doing headline duty, ainsley earhart who starts with something scary. >> i know. gosh. as a woman, this is frightening. it is a chilling sight. a young woman kidnapped off the streets of philadelphia just steps away from her own house. you can see here this is 22-year-old carlicia. struggling to escape as that man
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is dragging her down the sidewalk. miss say she was actually screaming for help. that man putting her into his dark gray ford taurus. this all happened on sunday night. there is now a $10,000 reward to help find her. here is her picture. her father is going to be live with us in a few minutes. you won't want to miss that interview. a 21-year-old student in wisconsin is behind bars this morning for allegedly trying to make deadly poison. the f.b.i. looking into claims that a student at the university of wisconsin-oshkosh, was attempting to make ricin, a deadly powder. one of his professors that tipped off authorities after the student inquired about how to make that substance. the navy is making history in san diego. that was one of two f-35 fighter jets successfully landing on a carrier at sea. the two planes, the first of
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thousands that are going to be made for a brand-new $400 billion fleet. you want to see the world for free? listen up. this is jordan. do you think he's cute? well, listen to this, 'cause back in march -- no. you need to know that information because let me finish the story. back in march, jordan, he's 27 years old, he booked two around the world plane tickets for himself and for his girlfriend. they were gearing up for their romantic adventure this christmas until they broke up. but jordan doesn't want that ticket to go to waste. so he just started an online campaign to find someone available to take the 18-day trip with him. you have to have a canadian passport and you have to have the same name. come on! her name, unfortunately, is not common. now i see why you said do you
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think he's cute? her name is elizabeth gallagher and can you get an overnighted canadian passport. >> how many people are like that? >> i would think there are a lot of elizabeth gallaghers. >> or how many people with a different name would change the name just for the vacation? >> as long as maybe the girl agrees to pay the change fee, 'cause it's kind of expensive to change the name. >> sounds like somebody did the research. >> can you go with this guy for 18 days, a stranger for 18 days? >> if he's cute. >> yeah. >> and he pays for everything. >> thank you very much. >> only one king bed. 18 days. so this is a very important story and this video is terrifying. a young woman snatched off the street and she hasn't been heard from since. her father is going to be right here when we come back. and parents tell their kids, sorry, we ate your halloween
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candy. >> you ruined my life! >> don't miss one of the best halloween tricks that jimmy kimmel made a classic on halloween. ♪ ♪ and ah, so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app.
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this is a fox news alert. police now searching for missing 22-year-old carlicia freeland. bducted sunday nightse moment steps from her home. police describe the suspect as a 5' 10 african-american male, about 25 to 30 years old. he was wearing a hooded jacket, dark pants, and a hat. the victim's father, carl, joins us now. i can only imagine what you're going through. i've dealt with cases like this as a former prosecutor, to have your beautiful daughter missing like this. we have this chilling video. what do you want to say out there to the person that abducted her? >> just let my daughter go. if anything, come get me. just let her go. she's a sweet young lady. she's not going to harm you or anybody else. so please let my daughter go. >> we have this video, sir, that we're showing on the screen next to you of her abduction.
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in fact, once she was in the car, she kicked out the back window. doing everything you've been told to do if you're taken, to scream, to make a fuss, to kick out windows, to try and escape. her glasses and cell phone were found at the scene of the abduction site. is that correct? >> yes. >> and any idea whatsoever, some leads or anything about the suspect? we gave a description and i know the police are posting flyers and putting information out there. >> yes, they are. >> have you been able to get any information about any possible motive or do they think at this point that this was a random abduction where she was just perhaps in the wrong place at the wrong time, even though she was steps from home? >> i haven't gotten any answers. i would love more answers. i know everybody is out there doing everything they can to help. from the police department, i just need more answers and i would love to ask a lot of questions. >> what do you want to tell us about your daughter.
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>> she's honest, hard working, outgoing, will give you anything off her back. my main concern is i just want my daughter home. >> how is the community response been trying to search for your daughter? >> it's been helpful, but again, my daughter is not here. like i said, i really do appreciate everybody's help. my main concern right now is just my daughter. >> you've been in constant contact with the philadelphia police department's northwest detectives, i believe is who is handling the case. >> yes. >> we have the number on our screen for the viewers at home. 215-686-3353. if she's watching right now, what do you want to say to your daughter? >> i love you. we're doing everything we can to get you. please, just let her go.
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>> pleas of a father, i hope people out there who have any information on this case will please contact the philadelphia police department and help bring carlicia home to her loving father, carl. thank you so much for your time and again, 215-686-3533 to our viewers. carl, thank you so much. god bless you. we're praying for your daughter. >> thank you very much for everything. >> heart breaking story. if someone has information, please do something to help this family. coming up, who is a bigger threat to america, isis or our own military? one professor's shocking answer is going to have you seeing red. and cbs reporter sheryl atkisson says this video proved the government hacked her computer and deleted her files. the benghazi cover-up. now she's here to back up those claims. she's with us. she's live. sheryl atkisson next. ♪ ♪
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time now for news by the numbers on this election day. first, 3,750 bucks. that's how much a guy says he was duped into paying for a bottle of wine in atlantic city, new jersey. whoa! he thought the waitress told him it was 37.50. he negotiated and ultimately paid 2200 bucks. that's a lot. next, 10%. that's how much more seafood is going to be -- you'll see on red lobster's menu. they're adding five new dishes after nonseafood platters were
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not well received. finally, four. that's how many touchdowns andrew luck threw against the new york giants last night. indianapolis won 40-24. and that's the news and sports. she broke big stories involving both the benghazi scandal and the fast and furious scandal and in return, emmy award winning journalist sheryl atkisson said she was silenced by her network, cbs, and perhaps even the obama administration. >> she details her shocking story in the brand-new book out "stone walled". we're joined now by author, journalist, sheryl atkisson. great to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> your first time on the couch. >> yeah. thank you. >> what made you say, this has been so pervasive and it's so egregious, i have to write a book about it? >> a couple of people came to me and said they thought there was a book to be written, something about either my experiences to date or my experiences at cbs. the computer issue was not part
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of the plan at the time because the people who spoke to me didn't know about it. >> of course, famously you were one of the trail blazers of the network covering fast and furious and then covered benghazi. you tried o cover it as much as you can. and then we've got some video and this is from your cell phone. tell us what's happening to your computer right there. >> the very fast wiping which i think you missed, but for a couple of seconds, the wiping was at this hyper speed that some have falsely said can be duplicated with a back space key. >> you're watching your computer. somebody is operating it. >> and i was working on questions and really a couple of pages of material just wiped very fast. >> what was the topic? >> i was creating questions for ambassador with pickering and i found i could only stop it if i put my thumb on the mouse pad and i could pause it. but as soon as i let up, more stuff would wipe. it wasn't something i couldn't recreate. this was described to me by the experts who looked at it afterwards as an attempt to let me know they could do that.
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this was many months after three separate computer forensics analyses had said there were these remote intrusions in my computer. >> you also had problems with your phone, with it clicking off, dialing right in, going right to voice mail, not being able to communicate. what were you thinking during this entire time? >> i certainly wasn't thinking it was the government because this was before all the revelations in hindsight that it's easier to draw conclusion, especially with forensic evidence. at the time i thought the phone was messed up until i had sources approach me and say that they thought the phone was tapped, but the kind of tap they want to you hear. because of course, if the government or some entity wants to tap your phone, you'll never know it if it's done properly. but sources i have say that kind of activity could be an indication that they actually wanted you to know. >> sort of a warning, right? >> yes. talking to sources, getting information. that's just a theory. >> did you ever feel for your personal safety? it seems so sinister and intrusive what was going on. did you feel like maybe people
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were watching you or following you as well? >> that's a good question. not particularly. i think i was just wrapped up in the puzzle of trying to figure out who did it and once we had the forensic evidence, i was on that trail. >> in addition to the computer going crazy like that, and they're trying to intimidate you clearly, if that is the message, you had a friend who you identify as jeff in the book who worked for one of those alphabet agencies and he said the administration is likely monitoring you based on your reporting. but then you called and asked him to take a look at the outside of your house and they found an extra wire going into your verizon box that wasn't from verizon. >> he offered. it was his idea to take a look at the outside of my house. i'm like, what are you going to find? sure enough, he called and said there was an extra fiber optics wire that didn't belong. i don't know why it was there to this day. but i can tell you verizon said it didn't belong. they came and removed it. then i tried to keep it for analysis 'cause i knew i was going to be able to get my
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computer looked at by an insider, but that wire, too, disappeared. i was able to photograph it and create a record of it. >> something really changed, you write in your book. in '96 you got the video that showed hillary clinton did not land under sniper fire. you were on the plane. you went up and said listen, i know you're friends with the clintons. he said i don't care. we're putting it on. how did that change in the company that you were with after that with the administration now in power? >> great journalists and there are many, can get outside of their skin or whatever their politics is or are, and do good stories. i've had a lot of luck with that over the years. but i would say the last couple of years at cbs, not at the ground level, but at the gatekeeper level in new york, a lot of us felt that there were ideological ideas being inserted into the news process in a way that -- worse than i had ever seen. >> which kept you off the air. >> which kept practically everything i did off the air. not even just political stories, but corporate fraud, consumer misconduct, almost anything that challenged powers that be. >> there seems to be a
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jaw-dropping double standard. >> what respect? >> just the fact that you're doing these stories that are critical of the administration and all this stuff is going on. if it were the other way around, if you were going after a republican, people would probably be going like this. >> and that happened. i won an emmy award for investigating republican freshman hypocrisy and fundraising and that was a much acclaimed story. so very popular with that crowd when i do those sorts of stories. they don't talk about it now because it doesn't fit the convenient narrative. but i certainly have done many stories on both sides. >> unbelievable. great book. congratulations on it. you can get it today. >> thank you for having me. >> i'll talk to you on the radio. >> can't wait. coming up straight ahead, convicted killer joran van der sloot becomes a victim himself after a jailhouse attack. we're clapping at home. >> and the balance of power isn't the only issue on the ballot today. from marijuana to guns, we have other issues that could change the face of america and have people who are interested in pot
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showing up at polling today. ♪ ♪ i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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'cause it was good. >> you ruined my life! >> we ate it all while you were sleeping. >> oh, man! >> i'm going to eat it all. jimmy kimmel said i should eat all your candy. okay? i'm going to eat it all. yeah. i'm going to eat it. >> all of it? >> all of it. >> every single bite? >> yeah. >> you must have a belly ache.
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>> it's not real. >> yeah. >> what did he say? get out? >> when a young man has had all of his candy taken, them's fighting words. >> you see the reaction? panic. >> anything. >> it's no joke. it is election day 2014. you know the mid terms are going on. we've been talking about the balance of power. but there are also a variety of states other is on the ballot across the land that will drive particular people for a particular reason. for instance, there are a number of states where up for consideration is the minimum wage. in south dakota and nebraska, illinois and arkansas and also alaska. who is going to wind up going to vote for that? probably democrats. >> right. so that may push voters. that's part of the get out the vote. you may not care about the candidate, but do you care about this? marijuana legalization. alaska, oregon, washington,
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d.c., and semi legalization in florida for medical or medicinal use. that's another big get out the vote tool to be able to get people to go for that. >> which would probably drive democrats. >> i don't know if colorado people want to study what's happening in colorado, how many people will say outside medical marijuana if you just want to legalize marijuana. >> yeah. >> also in colorado, there is on the ballot, the personhood amendment and that will decide to grant unborn fetuses the same legal rights as born human beings. so that would probably at the same time drive people who are more conservative to the polls. >> and guns on the ballot as well. gun control measure in washington. depending on how you come out on that side of the equation, that could also get you out to exercise your vote with respect to gun control, which is a hotly contested issue. >> most of you will be out there to cast that vote for your local elections, as well as the senate and governor seats. at this hour, polls in florida are open. all eyes on the governor's race. republican rick scott in almost a virtual dead heat tie with
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republican, was independent, turned democrat, charlie crist. wtvt reporter is live in tampa. what is the latest on this? who is doing the best toward the finish? >> reporter: good morning to you guys. we can tell you this is still a dead heat. that latest poll released yesterday showed that governor scott 41%. crist, 42%. the libertarian candidate, 7%. but it's the undecided voters that we're watching very closely. 9% of voters still undecided. with the race so close, this could be down to the wire. of course, people are just now heading to the polls here. in pinelas county, they've been open 30 minutes. we've seen a steady flow of traffic here at our location. so we're going to be keeping an eye on this throughout the day as voters make their way in and out and cast their votes not only paying attention to that governor's race, but also this amendment 2 and whether or not
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florida will be the next state to legalize medical marijuana. back to you. >> there we go. >> thank you for the live report from tampa. ainsley, talk about live, she didn't tape this. she's here for this. >> i am alive. i'm here standing in the studio with you. alive and alone. >> thanks for the update. >> this guy is in the news again. convicted killer joran van der sloot now a victim himself, or at least he says so. his lawyer claims that he was brutally stabbed by fellow inmates in prison. he is serving time in peru for murdering a woman two years ago. he's also the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of american natalee holloway in aruba. get this, as for that stabbing attack, prison officials say based on his wounds, it appears that he cut himself. very freak accident happening right there. construction site in new jersey leaving a worker dead. a tape measure falling 50 stories and hitting the guy on
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the head. it slipped out of another worker's hands while he was working on that tall building. the man who got hit was not wearing a hard hat at the time. he had just stepped out of his truck down on the street below to deliver material to that site. are u.s. troops worse than isis, the group responsible for slaughtering 300 sunnies. one university of arizona instructor says yes. it would not be a stretch to say the united states is actually a greater threat to peace and stability in the region than isis, he says. some now say public institutions need to be held responsible for what their instructors are saying and teaching. listen to this. a app can show you the political affiliation of your groceries. it is called buy. you scan your bar code and you can see a breakdown of the political donation of the company and its top executives. the creator is hoping that it
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will open eyes and change buying habits. those are your headlines. >> yeah, but if you really like something, you're still going to buy it. >> probably. >> that's the thing. >> i know volt gave equally to bologna. >> there is plenty of it. >> meanwhile, it's about 20 minutes before the top of the hour. extreme weather, more than 80,000 homes and businesses in the dark overnight waking up without electricity after an early snow storm in maine. more than a foot of snow brought down trees and power lines as well. maria molina is live here at 48th and 6th avenue with a preview of the weather on voting day. >> that's right. it's election day across the country. thankfully weather conditions today are much quieter for places like maine. we have a new storm system we're tracking. this is going to be bringing in some areas of heavy rain across portions of the midwest, into parts of arkansas, and also in texas, and several inches of rainfall are forecast there. temperature wise, it's going to be a cold one across portions of new england.
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take a look at carby, maine. 36 degrees for your high temperature. across the pacific northwest, it's also going to be an unsettled day. we have another storm system rolling through, bringing in areas of rain in places like seattle. you can see the temperature only forecast to be in the 50s. you need the umbrella from texas through parts of the midwest and also across the pacific northwest. no excuses. get out to the polls and by the way, here is a look at some cities with patriotic names across the country and their weather forecast. independence, missouri, 58 degrees. some sun and clouds. that storm system rolling through. in eagle pass, texas, unsettled. showers and thunderstorms. temperatures will be in the upper 70s. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. of course, who is presidential library is in independence, missouri? harry truman. there you go. coming up, is one packet of ketchup enough for your meal? that one packet is a new policy in some high school cafeterias across the country and one student is fed up and isn't going to take it anymore.
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she joins us live ahead. >> you can never have enough ketchup. forget acting because angelina jolie might want to try her hand at politics. what do you think? >> what party is she in? ♪ ♪ what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you.
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ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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synchrony financial partners with over two hundred thousand businesses, from fashion retailers to healthcare providers, from jewelers to sporting good stores, to help their customers get what they want and need. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us. some entertainment news. angelina jolie going for the box office to political office? in a new interview with vanity fair, she's 39 and she says she found a new purpose through her humanitarian work and she's open to a career in politics. and tom cruise clinging to the side of a plane 5,000 feet in the air? she's a shoot for his new "mission impossible" movie. he's done his own stunts before. he's 52 now, performing the
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stunt for the new movie "mission impossible 5". it's hardly a secret, democrats desperate to stay in control of congress. targeting a specific group of voters in today's midterm elections. >> not always been a good place for women to be able to present ourselves. it's more of a conservative place. >> when women succeed, america succeeds and we need leaders who understand that. >> joni ernst, she's really attractive. i don't care if she's as good looking as taylor swift or as nice as mr. rogers, but if she votes like michelle bachman, she's wrong for the state of iowa. >> i got news for you, because a new poll suggests women are catching on and switching their votes to the republican candidates for congress. so has the democrats war on women officially backfired? here to discuss it, the chicks on the ride, authors of a new book "right for a reason." they join us this morning.
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good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what a refreshing book. >> thanks. >> what gave you the idea to write this book and say let's put it down on paper? >> we've had a really successful blog, chicks on the for almost six years now. and the way that we write the blog is with a lot of straight talk, a little snark and we write about current events and political issues in a funny way that we think attracts sort of a regular person because that's what we are. so we wrote the book to kind of go along with that and give people a reason to sort of rally behind conservatism. >> what has the response been with the outreach from young women that are hearing your message? >> i think they love it because we talk in a very straightforward way and it's very conversational and kind of snarky and fun. i think people are very hungry for straight talk and honesty and talk that's not wonky and punditlike. >> and opening the ideas of the party so it's not having that
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usual stigma of the party saying oh, come on, the republicans are against women and democrats are for it. >> definitely. >> what do you think is producing this movement? >> i think people are hired of hearing about nothing but lady parts and the war on women that's nonexistent. i think people are over it and starting to open their eyes and they're starting to see what we've seen all along, that the gop is filled with a lot of diversity and we're perfect examples of that. >> real women are concerned about real issues, like the economy and national security and putting food on the tables for their family and not just lady parts. >> you've seen that because women are the head of households in so many families and making the decisions for buying power, whether it's to decide which car to get, which home to buy. they're providing financially for the home. and i think the voters know that and now the candidates need to get on board, too. fantastic. again, congratulations. chicks on the right, "right for a reason." >> thank you so much.
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the feds school lunch standards got worse because only one ketchup packet per kid? are you kidding me? the student who said enough is enough joins us next. but first this day in history in 1987, tiffany had the number one song in america "i think we're alone now." wow, that was a long time ago. ♪ ♪ ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. into one you'll never forget. earn triple points when you book with the expedia app. expedia plus rewards.
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were bad, it's about to get worse. one school now rationing condiments, the mayo, the barbecue. meghan is a senior at dc ever rest high school in wisconsin and joins us today. good morning to you, meghan. >> hi. thanks for having me. >> so i know you're not a food critic per say, but how do you like, as a senior in high school, how do you like michelle obama's healthy lunch menu that the federal government is mandating? >> well, me and with other students of our school, we're not very happy with it, of. we would be a lot more pleased with it if they actually gave us more healthy options instead of the calorie regulations on it. that's what they seem to be more focused on. >> okay. so the way i understand it is it's all about the calories. once upon a time you used to have the chicken fingers, but
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there used to be five or six. now when they do that, you get, what, two or three. they've even started cracking down on condiments, right? >> right. >> explain how that works. >> well, apparently having more than one mayo packet or ketchup packet or bbq packet is going against the restrictions that are on that calorie regulation. >> oh, my goodness. you and some other kids are absolutely fed up -- in pun intended, but fed up. what are you going to do on november 13? >> november 13 we're all going to try to pack a bag lunch and what we're hoping that will do is spread awareness that kids are really not happy with this whole regulation and policy and that if we all bring a packed lunch, maybe the --
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>> school will notice? >> yeah, school will notice. >> you're absolutely right. so let me ask you this: the whole idea is that kids won't be hungry during the day if they eat this particular menu. but i have read that after lunch, you're hungry pretty much immediately, and the football team, i can't just imagine what they feel. >> right. i'm 90-pound, 4-11 girl. i can't imagine what the 200-pound senior football athlete star is feeling like after eating. >> so what would you like to see the school do? >> well, i know that -- i love my school. my school is fantastic. i know that they're not the one that have started this entire regulation. what i really want is for this to go to washington basically. like we can't just depend on our local schools because there are thousands of other schools that
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also comply with this act. so if we go to washington, maybe they'll see that so many kids are upset with this and that there needs to be a change. >> you can only hope. meghan hellrood who will lead this boycott on the 13th, thank you very much for joining us. we should point out when she grows up, she wants to go to college and study political science. even in high school she's a little political. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you so much for having me. >> one mayo. can you believe one mayo? >> i love the condiments. >> i know it. all right. e-mail us, what do you think about that? coming up, north carolina democrat spent the entire election backing away from president obama, but now she's running for senate and she's running ads with the president. how does that work? we're going to talk to laura ingraham. she's live on that coming up. and you hear taylor swift just about everywhere you turn right now. but there is one place you won't
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hear her and it's making headlines on this tuesday morning. ♪ ♪ ir is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. feet...tiptoeing.
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independent in kansas. and the big question, though, is orman an independent or a democrat? we're going to get answers from him live in about two minutes. you like this song? ♪ ♪ it's going to be all right ♪ ♪ >> steve is confused. >> well, taylor swift just pulled all of her songs from one place and it could change how all of music -- awful us buy music. >> are you saying it could change the balance of power in music? >> that's what i'm saying. maybe we'll be silent. someone tell the beatles. mornings are being with -- better with friends. it's a big country and we got big news. that is that it is election day. if you don't know it now, you
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may be in one of those states who have just opened up their polls. ten more states said welcome aboard, everybody. >> that's right. you got no excuse. you can go to the polling places in all of those states lighted up in yellow because today the balance of power in washington regarding the u.s. senate is up for grabs. peter doocy is live in washington watching the key races. good morning, peter. >> good morning. there are 36 senate races today from new hampshire to alaska and republicans must pick up six new seats to wrestle control of the u.s. senate away from the democratic party. it will be a tall order because some races are still as tight as can be. in iowa, it's been back and forth between bruce braley and joni ernst. the last minute wild card in this race has turned out to be retiring democratic senator tom hark kin who compared her looks to carroll swift yesterday. he then drew a lot of criticism and later apologized. in north carolina, we started hearing something very uncommon
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for this election cycle. president obama's voice, the president has mostly been injecting himself into governors' races. but now kay hagan is airing a radio ad featuring president obama's endorsement. this race has been too close to call. she's been battling both republican thom tillis and a third party candidate who is also drawn noticeable numbers so far. the kentucky race has also been very close throughout and if mitch mcconnell wants to replace harry reid as majority leader, he needs to win today's contest against allison lundergan grimes. you see them both on your screen. back to you in new york. >> all right. thank you very much. the polls are now open in all those states. control of the u.s. senate may come down to the state of kansas where independent greg orman is racing neck in neck with republican incumbent, pat roberts. and mr. orman joins us right now live from kansas city. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> why do you think the polls have tightened up?
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for a while you were way ahead of pat roberts. now neck in neck. >> i think we've actually run a great race and we always expected this to be a close race and come down to the end. and we're feeling confident today. we really think that we put together the right support and coalition among voters for us to be able to prevail tonight. >> so you deserve a lot of credit. to be an independent in a very red state, to be where you're at is a tremendous story. regardless of how it ends. however, if you look at your campaign contributions overall, there is no way someone will look at that and say he's independent. won't you agree, because it's 95% for democrats, very small percentage for republicans. >> well, i think if you exclude contributions to my own campaign, it's a very different number than that. but look, over the course of my lifetime, i've been a republican. i've been a democrat. i've tried both parties and i think both parties are failing america. we look at it when we travel the state, when we talk to voters,
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it's clear that they're just fed up with the dysfunction in washington. they think washington is broken and they blame both parties. >> the question that viewers want to know at home, if you make it to washington, who are you going to caucus with? which side? who are you going to go with? >> i think i've been clear on this from the beginning that at the end of the day, i think both mitch mcconnell and harry reid have been far too partisan for far too long to enjoy my support for majority leader. and for me it all boils down to who is most committed to solving our country's problems? there might be a scenario where our candidacy represents the deciding vote and i think if that's the case, that's a great opportunity for kansas. it's a great opportunity for america because we can finally hold the majority accountable for actually getting something done and for me, i'm not going there to represent the democratic party or the republican party. i'm going there to represent kansasans and that's really what i care about. >> can i throw a few issues at you and see where you stand. i think it's about time people
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are clear. how is the war on isis going? >> obviously the war on isis is a real issue. we lost thousands of lives. >> right. >> people critically injured and we've spent hundreds of billions of dollars. we'll spend hundreds of billions of dollars more all to prevent muslim extremists from having a stronghold in the middle east and the vacuum in iraq and the civil war in syria have provided them with just that. so i think we need to be doing more to disrupt isis and i think it's important, too, that our allies in the region step up. that has to be perceived as a middle eastern war against muslim extremists. it can't continue to be perceived as a u.s. war against muslims if we're going to solve it in the long run. >> a couple days ago there was a brouhaha out on the trail. you were referring to this great number of republicans who have been out there campaigning for mr. roberts, the senator from
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kansas. it sure sounded like you referred to bob dole as a clown. >> says -- >> this is bob dole. i don't think i've ever been called a clown before. i'm disappointed by mr. orman's statement. >> well, and again, i've said often we don't live in the information age anymore so much as we live in the misinformation age. anyone who heard that statement realizes i was not criticizing senator dole. in fact, if you followed me on the campaign trail, you would realize i spent a lot of time talking very positively about senator dole. i've got the utmost respect for him. i would never say anything that was directly critical of senator dole because i see him as a model of the sort of person who can go to washington, stand on their convictions, but still figure out a way to get things done. >> nevertheless, senator dole was one of the many people that came out and to support your opponent. you called it a clown car. so doesn't that make sense that anybody coming out of that clown
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car of supporters -- why would you call it a clown car if there aren't clowns inside? that's the disconnect and why people are upset. >> i was referring to the never ending stream of people coming out of washington to support my opponent. >> maybe that would have been better to say than clown car. >> well, it was a metaphor and again, i have the utmost respect for senator dole and i sent him a note and i wanted to make it clear to him that i have the utmost respect for him and i think even senator dole personally said he got that, felt like it was genuine and felt like the issue was behind him. >> he thought you apologized and you said you didn't apologize. >> you know, i think our statement speaks for itself, which is we did not call senator dole anything of the sort and i've got, again, nothing but the utmost respect for senator dole, what he's done for kansas and the model that he really presented for us as legislators. >> you did write a 250-word
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e-mail that sometimes just a simple statement like, i'm sorry for any disrespect, senator dole, would probably have settled the case. >> and again, there was never any disrespect intended and i think senator dole is aware of that. i'm comfortable that he's accepted our statement and our letter and i'm comfortable that the issue is behind us. >> it's all going to end tonight one way or the other. thanks so much f your time today. >> yeah. my pleasure. thanks for having me here. eight minutes after the top of the hour. ainsley has the headlines. we start with the scary story. >> a young woman kidnapped off the streets of philadelphia just steps away from her own home. you can see 22-year-old carlicia trying to escape as this man is dragging her down the sidewalk. her father joined us earlier with a message to his little girl and to her kidnapper. >> i love you. we're doing everything we can to get you. please, just let her go.
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>> she was on her way home sunday night when that man grabbed her. there is now a $10,000 reward if she's found. the air force firing two nuclear missile commanders in discipline ago third person. this comes after setbacks to the program and lapses in leadership. in the past 18 months, there has been a major shakeup because of failed inspections and a huge cheating scandal in montana. leaders say reform to improve morale is on its way. a former armed guard at the cdc accuse of getting too close to the president is suing his security contracting firm. kenneth tate claims he was unfairly fired. in september he rode the elevator with the president. the secret service says he shouldn't have been armed. but tate says the cdc gave him the gun. he's also under fire for taking an unauthorized photo of the president's motorcade. taylor swift breaking up with someone else. one of the largest music players. spotify. ♪
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♪ >> she just removed all of her songs and albums from that free service. many said that the move will drive sales on itunes. on spotify, artists earn less than one cent for those. those are your headlines. back to you guys. >> that's great. >> not quite even a penny. less than a penny per listen. >> thanks very much. >> she was right across the street. coming up, this democratic detainee spent her campaign backing away from president obama. >> you don't think he showed strong leadership. >> there are issues i think, no. >> now this election day, kay hagan is standing with the what's up with that? we'll talk to laura ingraham live next.
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it is 8:15 in the morning on the east coast here on election day. polls just opened in ten more states. here is a live look at baton rouge, louisiana, where voters are casting their ballots. that's not bad. >> i love it. people got out of bed and got it going. just moments ago, we spoke with greg orman, the independent senate candidate who is racing neck in neck with the republican incumbent, pat roberts, in kansas today. >> so could kansas be one of the only things standing between republicans and senate majority? joining us right now with her reaction, fox news contributor, laura ingraham. good morning. >> good morning. >> will kansas be it? >> well, first of all, i have to say, greg orman did not look thrilled to be on with you. he looked like he was just about to go in for a wisdom tooth extraction. was that the face of a guy who is going to win?
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he'd be great at poker if so because he was like, no reaction. very somber tone. >> what does it tell you? he called us late yesterday and said, hey, you know, i haven't been available at all this year until election morning. >> kilmeade, loved your halloween costume, can i chitchat with you tomorrow? look, i think a couple of things about this race. number one, greg orman is doing better than i think anyone would have expected a year ago, right, because the things that happened during the campaign for sure. but look, pat roberts is a very conservative -- i'm kind of aligned with imon most issues -- kind of conservative, but he's not someone i think who is known for holding his own party accountable. even if he votes against the establishment, pat roberts kind of disappears into the background a little bit. so i think what you can learn from orman, if he wins or loses,
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is that we probably want to run republicans in these races that have an air of independence, right, because i think people are really sick of washington. we know that. they're really tired of the establishment in both parties. and even though pat roberts actually doesn't vote with the establishment all the time, people i think are kind of like maybe we need a change. i'm sick of all these people. so they look at orman who we pretty much know is a liberal. right? he's not going to be an independent voice. he's going to caucus with the democrats. the veneer of independence is quite attractive to some people. i think there is a lot to learn from this. >> is this your original statement and we'll talk about that more after we look at the results. but do you know if we have a bunch of independent voices for republicans, if they do get the majority in the senate, the other story will be how come they can't get their act together and sing from the same hymn sheet? >> that's true. if you're doing what the people want to be done. listen to what orman said. he said, i'm going to get in there and we're going to break the gridlock.
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well, that sounds fine, except if the gridlock ends up being a bunch of stuff breaking it, a lot of stuff that people don't want. we had a bipartisan agreement on the patriot act, on starting homeland security department, on the first war in iraq, on a lot of -- tarp. we had a bipartisan agreement. how did a lot of that work out for the american people? in the end, i think there is a lot of discontent about those bipartisan agreements. so again, doing stuff that the people want done versus what the smart people say should be done i think is what is attractive to a lot of voters in the midterm election cycle. look, i'm not a fan of orman, believe me. i hope pat roberts wins. but i think republicans have to learn about what -- why did he rise to such prominence? why? >> absolutely. that's what barak obama said. he said send me to washington. i'm going to break the gridlock. >> yeah. >> in north carolina, kay hagan has spent the entire election cycle saying stuff like this, backing away from the president.
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listen. >> so you don't think he showed leadership. >> there are issues i certainly think, no. >> but now in the 11th hour, the president of the united states has cut a radio spot for her. here it is. >> send them a message by voting for someone who shares our priorities. voting is easy. to stand with me, president obama, and take responsibility and moving north carolina forward by voting for kay hagan on november 4th. a senator you can count on. >> i have whiplash. she was before him -- >> and 2008, of course, barak obama won north carolina. 2012 it went romney. so it's an interesting state. it's a state in transition. but either that's a sign of supreme confidence and she's trying to make amends with obama at the end, or it's supreme desperation. i think it's the latter. i think bringing obama in at the end -- i don't really see what
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that accomplishes. a lot of people are annoyed by those robo calls anyway, they have to be fantastic in order to win and the radio ads at the last minute, i'm not sure they work. so i don't really get it. >> she knows she's in trouble. it's so bad for her that her opponent playing the ad saying, this is who she's with. a vote for her is a vote for more obama. >> she reminds me a lot of jean shaheen in new hampshire. they can't really say what they think about obama. again, you've got to have a better answer than what both have given on the obama question. say look, i like him. he's been a real disappointment and i think we need to move on. they can't even the question. it's just embarrassing. i'm excited about today. i'm coming up to new york. >> we'll see you soon. >> thank you very much. she's going to the radio to do her show. coming up next, another race that seems to hinge on the president's policies and could be the last chance for voters to grade the president. we're talking to arkansas senate
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candidate tom cotton, the republican. and this nascar road rage coming at a price. the punishment these drivers may soon face. ♪ t ♪ are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable.
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quick headlines now. the postrace brawl that got so many nascar fans on our feet. now has racing officials fuming. jeff gordon and brad keselowski and kevin harvick are facing hefty fines, possibly upwards of $50,000. think about how bad this could have gotten. nascar expected to make an announcement today. and decisions are best made on an empty stomach, despite what snickers may tell you. >> that girl is totally into me. >> eat a snickers? >> why. >> 'cause you get a little angry
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when angry. >> scientists found a group that went for food without ten hours, saw long-term patterns clearer when presented with high risk situations that's fueled by the high level of emotions brought on by hunger pangs. >> kind of like i'm feeling right now. intense focus, hunger. >> it's election day. >> meanwhile, after months of campaigning and millions of dollars spent, momentum is building for arkansas republican candidate tom cotton. he would like to be the new senator. >> his race against mark pryor is considered a crucial contest that could determine the balance of power in the senate. joining us now is the u.s. senate candidate of arkansas, tom cotton. pleasure to have you with us this morning. >> great to be on with you. good morning from arkansas. >> so what do you think distinguishes you from your candidate? why should they cast a vote for you? >> well, president obama said it best himself a couple weeks ago when he said his policies are on the ballot.
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every single one of them. here in arkansas, they're called mark pryor. he votes with the president 93% of the time. that's bad for arkansas' families, for our businesses, communities, and arkansas wants a new direction and that's why we're going to have a big victory tonight. >> we asked senator pryor to come on the show. he has declined to come on. most polls have you up by five points. it was closer a short time ago. why do you think if the polls are correct you're pulling away in the final hour? >> as more and more people have engaged in the race, as the election approach, we've been early voting for two weeks now, more and more are kansasans realize we can do better than we've done over the last six years. we can do better than the economy where wages are fall not guilty arkansas, where we've added three times as many people to food stamps as we have to the full time employment rolls. we can do better in the world where america is no longer respected by our allies or feared by our enemies. and as more people engage in the race, we've been able to grow our lead. >> what happens if the republicans do take the senate? then what happens?
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then they would hold the house and the senate as well. >> i hope that we can begin the serious work of governing to solve the problems that the people of arkansas elected me to solve and that americans all around the country want their congress to solve for them. in the house of representatives, you can look at a lot of the bills we've passed to stop some of the harms of obamacare. the permit of the keystone pipeline or expand exploration for oil and gas. those bills have never gotten a vote in the senate, even though they had bipartisan support in the house. i would look in january to those bills as a blueprint for some short-term successes. >> when you're out there talking to the voters, you're meeting with the people of arkansas, what are the three most pressing issues that they come to you on for guidance or for support to know that you're going to be their guy to represent them? >> lately, maybe more than anything i get lots of questions about our safety and our security. when the islamic state is rampaging across the middle east, beheading our fellow citizens, crucifying christians. iran is heading toward nuclear
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weapons to use against israel or strike us here in the united states, or when we're afflicted with teases like ebola, americans are worried about the chaos and disorder in the world and they don't support president obama's foreign policy and weakness and indecision and hesitation. >> congressman, i got to ask you, senator ted cruz made news by saying if mitch mcconnell wins this race, he would not necessarily have the support of ted cruz's majority leader. if you were to win your race and he was to win his, would you support mitch mcconnell? >> well, i intend to win my race here. i believe that senator mcconnell will win his. he'll run and be elected by acclamation by the new republican majority in the united states senate. >> one step at a time. tom cotton would like to be the new senator from arkansas. thank you for joining us today from little rock. >> thank you. it's 28 minutes after the top of the hour. many polls now open across the country. but do voters really know about the candidates who they're voting for? we're going to take a look inside jesse watters got a microphone and some people are saying crazy stuff.
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>> it's kind of scary. and is that tom cruise, you ask, hanging off a plane at 5,000 feet? suit? of course it is. the brand-new photos, we got them. >> cruising altitudes. >> i think it's chris chulo. ♪ ♪ and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there.
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♪ >> you had me at hello. a sweet serenade in austin, texas. this man caught on camera singing to his wife right in the middle of a restaurant. do you recognize that tune? it's called "with a song in my heart" from the 1929 musical" spring is here." >> like the woman in red right in front ho is totally ignoring it, as if she's so zoned in on that conversation about milk and tea, whatever she's talking about. she can't hear the guy singing full voice on a box six tables away. >> he has a nice voice. >> maybe it was so perfect, she thought it was recorded music. maybe that's one of those places where people start singing. >> 1929 jukebox which is everywhere now. >> i hire a band if she wants to hear music. it is election day and you know, jesse watters is good at
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asking people reasonable questions and then hearing some crazy answers. here he is hitting the streets talking to people about what they know regarding the candidates and the midterm elections. oh, jesse. ♪ ♪ >> are you getting jacked up for the elections? >> not really. >> i don't really participate much in the mid year elections. >> oh, yeah, wonderful. all about the elections. >> i don't vote for a man to govern me. >> what are you going to vote? >> when the elections happen. >> do you know when the elections are? >> november 9. >> november 11. >> on the 4th. >> very good. who is running? you are. >> i think i hear my mother calling me. >> where are you from? >> miami. >> do you know who the governor of florida is? >> rick scott? >> nailed it. now he's running against that guy, you know, charlie?
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>> christ. >> crist. >> what? >> what? >> how many senators are there? >> uh-huh. 50? >> 52? 54? 60? 100? >> 100. there you go. >> i got it. >> i want to get this down on tape recorder because nobody will believe me. >> if i ran for office, would you vote for me? >> what are you going to do for me? >> what did jfk say? >> i don't know. >> ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country. >> build a scaffold on top of a capitol building. i'm doing something for the country. >> sure are. >> he's one of the guys. very nice. >> little disconcerting to not know. >> those are the guys who rush limbaugh refers to as the low information. >> she's why it's important to equip yourself with the facts, get the information.
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the right to be able to vote, take it seriously. >> by the way, we've been telling you all morning being in vermont that polls are beginning to open throughout the east coast here on election day. it's 8:36. the people are lined up across the country. where do we look now? let's go out to baton rouge, i believe. and to arizona where the polls are open. that's where we're seeing those people waiting in line. that's baton rouge and that's what they look like in baton rouge. >> look at that. >> most people showered before they got in line. >> 7:36. meanwhile, in the great state of georgia, they're lining up as well. hotly contested race there. >> it may not even be decided today. can you believe that? the great state of georgia, apparently good turnout there. we're getting some information from our viewers. republican david perdue barely ahead of democrat michelle nunn as voters head to the polls all day today. perdue needing 50% of the vote today to avoid a january runoff. nobody likes a runoff.
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>> yeah. michelle nunn said yesterday -- we turn to waga's mark tightener who is live in atlanta. hey, mark. >> reporter: hey, good morning. we are actually in sandy springs, suburb north of atlanta. you can take a look. you see some folks voting. they've been going at it for an hour and a half here voting in georgia starting at 7:00 o'clock in the morning, continuing until 7 p.m if we can swing the camera over, you can see there is a line of folks. that line is actually deceptive. it's a lot longer than that. it goes down a hallway, back down another hallway and then out the front door. there is quite a bit of interest here. a number of key races in georgia to be decided. a governor's race that's hotly contested. but the race that's getting the most attention nationally, of course, is our race for the u.s. senate. a race that could ultimately determine which party will be in control of the senate. this is one of the few places
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where the democrats think they might be able to peg off a seat that has been controlled by the republicans, outgoing sax bee chambliss is stepping down. but she does face a difficult battle, this race is nip and tuck between her and republican david perdue. as you mentioned, if no one gets 50%, then it goes to a runoff that will take place in january of the we'll have to wait and see. that's the latest from sandy springs, georgia. fox news. >> thank you very much. good turnout. >> big time. nice hearing from the viewers. a lot of people going to the polls in georgia. let's see if they can avoid a runoff there. >> remember senator chambliss needed a runoff to win his. >> evidenced by what we just saw, looks like somebody had a good get out the vote campaign. >> fantastic. >> the ground game is work in georgia. >> it's well underway. ainsley, what do you got? >> let me tell you what's happening in the news this morning. the 19-year-old chicago man accused of trying to join isis
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ordered to remain behind bars one month after the f.b.i. arrested him at o'hare airport. we have just learned mohammed cannes was not alone. agents also arrested his 16-year-old brother and 17-year-old sister who were traveling with him to go and join isis. they have not been charged. prosecutors say kahn worked all summer to pay for plane tickets for himself and his siblings. are u.s. troops worse than isis? one university of arizona instructor says yes. he just published an article writing this: it would not be a stretch to say the united states is actually a greater threat to peace and stability in the region than isis. some are now saying taxpayer dollars should not be funding a university encouraging such dialogue about current events. angelina jolie going from the box office to political office? in a new interview with vanity fair, the 39-year-old says she has found a new purpose through her humanitarian work and she's
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open to a career in politics, saying, quote, when you work as a humanitarian, you are conscious that politics has to be considered because if you really want to make an extreme change, then you have a responsibility. is this tom cruise clinging to the side of a plane 5,000 feet in the air? photos showing what appears to be the actor performing a death defying stunt for his new movie "mission impossible 5". the 52-year-old not afraid of testing his limits as we have seen in the past. back in 2011, he scaled the outside of the world's tallest building in dubai, 163 stories for another "mission impossible" movie. when asked then if he ever planned to use a stunt double, cruise said not yet. those are your headlines. >> that is crazy. >> i can't believe it. >> no thank you. >> what a man. >> big star. >> on the last mission impossible, he called the guys from unequal because he was so concerned about his head injuries.
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he is a full contact actor and puts the stuff with the kevlar in his helmet and everything. >> pretty intense. give him credit for that. still ahead, campaign ads can make or break an election. coming up, we have some of the best ads of 2014. dr. travis stock has some advice for you. sleep naked. yep, for you. he's stopping by and he's here right now. >> keep your clothes on this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day starts with her minor arthritis pain, and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. what's that, like six pills today? yeah. .i could take two aleve for all day relief.
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on a recent episode of "the doctors," travis stork offered up a pretty revealing way how to lose weight. have you heard this one? >> one of my favorites, bizarre weight loss trick, not going to have huge impact, but sleeping in the buff. >> yeah. so how does sleeping naked help you lose weight? dr. travis stork joins us live today. explain that one, please.
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>> well, what we were talking about, it could lose to more sex with your spouse, burn calories. >> really? >> okay. that wasn't what we were talk being on the show. it's so funny, theres two reasons theoretically which is if you sleep in the buff, you have a lower core body temperature, you sleep better, lowers your cortisol level. but the other one is if it's a cooler room, technically you might have a little more brown fat. brown fat -- >> in your body? >> it burns energy. look, these are all kind of fun little tips. little things. >> i was doing some preparation for this last night. >> what did your official study reveal? >> i'm five pounds lighter. i slept naked. i might have slept naked. i actually slept really well because you can be under the covers but the room is cool. i feel rested. >> there goes the brown fat.
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>> i actually brought pictures -- no, kidding. >> the cookbook is interesting. you've been talking in the past about how food really is medicine. now you've got a new cookbook that tasty meals, easy to make, that can make you healthier. >> everyone wants to eat food that tastes great. so i tried to teach people how to lose weight. the cookbook is a companion to that. what people want to know is how can i eat well the rest of my life and enjoy the food? people don't want to eat food that tastes bad. and so what's cool is you can still eat the traditional foods you grew up on, even foods like mac and cheese don't have to be terrible for you. >> i like that. it's how you make it. these are simple, easy to follow recipes. you don't have to be top chef, get an award to make some of this. very berry arugula salad. even brian could make it. it's very easy friendly. you can read the print.
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you can open it up like that and you're set. >> if it's tough to make healthy food, no one wants to make it, no one has time. what i always talk about, especially on "the doctors," it's cheaper and quicker if you make food at home. it's easy. i have recipes that take one or two minutes because if you got to get up in the morning and go to work, you got tur kids off to school, you need a one, two-minute quick recipe. >> isn't this all about finding a substitute for butter, for salt and sugar? >> the biggest one i would say is a lot of it is sugar. interestingly, we'll come back for this one. i'm bringing butter back in this cookbook. >> you are? >> i love butter! >> even some bacon. it's interesting, again, this is a different segment. >> you're going to love my fridge. >> butter isn't quite the villain we thought it was. so it's interesting. if i had come on the show five years ago, i would have said
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it -- >> we probably booked you five years ago. >> the book is "the doctor's diet cookbook, meals for a lifetime." always a pleasure. >> you can catch him on "the doctors." >> thanks for having me. >> they can make or break a campaign ad, ads that you like. frank luntz is here with three ads that could make -- wait a second. he's stealing our liberty. >> he's bringing our lint -- >> okay. >> there you go. bring over liberty for us. ♪ ♪ why do people count on sunsweet amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside? it's made only from prunes, nothing else. it works, simple as that. it's a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. it's the smart choice for me. try sunsweet amazin prune juice. also available in light.
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getting out the vote. counting the ballots. what will it mean for the direction of this country? keep it here. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour. fox news alert because you're looking at joni ernst, casting her vote in iowa. she's in a extremely tight race in what could determine the balance of power in washington. she came out of nowhere to get this republican nomination and now she's in a prime spot to become the next senator from iowa. but it is too close to call. there she is officially voting. meanwhile, 8 minutes before the top of the hour. shining stars of this year's midterm election, political ads that captured voters' hearts and minds. which topped the list? back with me is fox news contributor frank luntz. first off, who are the people that are going to be look and doing the dials on this ad before we show it? >> these are swing voters. these are the people who make the difference. i chose three ads because i think these are the ads that
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made the campaigns that will make these people senators tonight. >> first stop, arkansas. >> arkansas. let's take a look. >> in the army, they trained us that leaders don't sit quietly on the back bench and hope someone else solves their problems. real leaders do their duty. they take responsibility and they tackle problems head on. our kansasans deserve a senator who won't stand by and accept the status quo. i will do the right thing even when it's the hard thing. and i will never forget how i was raised or where i come from. >> just brilliant. >> beau sides. >> that's the critical point is that the democratic line got to a 70. even among democrats, they thought that republican ad was effective. tom cotton, i believe, will win tonight and that's one of the reasons why. >> strong resume certainly helps. next stop, montana. >> this ad started six months ago, but it's one of the reasons why this has not been in play. let's take a look at one of the best ads of the campaign.
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>> i'm steve dane and i spent 28 years in business creating jobs. in the real world, if you don't do your job, you don't get paid. but that's not how it works in washington. that's why the very first bill i introduced was called the balanced budget at candlelight act. it says if congress doesn't balance the budget, then they shouldn't get paid. no balanced budget, no paycheck. >> no balanced budget, no paycheck. montana, this is a democratic seat going republican because steve dane used the right words early in the campaign and he communicated that he hates washington. >> i saw both lines, that was significant and that backs up to your other theory about people are concerned being anti-washington. senator hagan, again, you like this ad. let's look. >> i think it's one of the best. >> hi. i'm kay hagan. one of the things i love about north carolina is that unless you're talking basketball, you don't have to pick a team. that's how i get results for
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folks here at home. republican or democrat, if an idea works for middle class families, i am all for it. i approve this message because i was so proud with a nonpartisan national journal ranked me the most moderate senator. not too far left, not too far right. just like north carolina. >> perfect. she didn't run away from barak obama. she ran for being a centrist. that is effective. i think she wins because of that ad. >> even though it's not accurate, she voted with barak obama almost the entire time she was in. >> what do voters know? they know that ad. >> cory gardner came out of nowhere and he is running strong in colorado. i guess this is an ad you chose? >> yes. it's also fantastic. >> i'm cory gardner and i'm going to tell you something you've never heard in a political commercial. my opponent, mark crew dam is a real nice guy. he's a nice guy who will never change the senate. he is the senate. 18 years in politics and he's got two cousins who are senators, too.
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mark udall's dad ran for president. my dad, he sells tractors, just like my granddad and i'm darn proud of that. >> you understand, cory gardner started this race ten points down. he's now four points up. he had the best advertising campaign of any republican running. i believe that he wins today because he looks the camera straight in the eye and says to the public, my opponent is a nice guy, but he's still wrong. >> how many seats do republicans get in the senate? >> at this point it's between 51 and 5 -- i'm going to go with 52. i also want to emphasize republicans will gain about eight, nine seats in the house. that will be the highest majority for republicans since 1946. >> he is frank luntz and hits the mark every time. thanks so much. >> thank you. final segment moments away. you don't want to miss it
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don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. those three important reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you.
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first, first. followed by "fox & friends" at 6 a.m. >> and if you have to run for the tv, run to the radio. we've got an all-star line - up on kilmeade and friends. ainsley, you have a wake up call pretty early tomorrow. >> i know. >> we'll see you tomorrow. bill: good morning. it's tuesday after a month of campaigning. the ads and campaigning is all over because it's election day. who will control the u.s. senate come january which means who controls congress. a lot of you may have voted already. it's popular they say these days. i'm bill hemmer. martha: i'm martha maccallum. early vote come a big indicator for the day and the night. both parties are
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