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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  November 5, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST

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and good morning to you. it is wednesday, november 5th. i'm heather childers. >> i'm leah gabriel. >> for the first time in 8 years the balance of power has been shifted. republicans taking control of the senate gaining 7 seats so far bringing them to at least 52 seats. three are still undecided at this hour. >> in the house republicans keeping the majority projected to gain at least 12 seat there is but the big story in the senate and what this means for the future in washington. >> and we have swept this nation with a compelling senate
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majority. so somehow i think senator reid is going to have a different office assignment come january. >> tonight we shook up the senate. you shook up the senate. your message was heard from nevada to pennsylvania avenue. >> tonight, as is always with a night, it will be the start of a new day. the tide has turn and an era of the obama gridlock is over. >> and let's take a look at the big senate races for you at this hour. first we begin with north carolina. republican thom tillis taking down democrat republican kay hagan. >> in iowa joni ernst with 52%.
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>> and in mark shapiro, tom cotton easily defeating incumbent mark prior 57-39. >> and to georgia republican david perdue over michelle nunn. 53-45. >> corey gardener taking down mark udall. and steve daines beating amanda curtis 58 to 40%. south dakota easily going to the gop. 51 to 29. >> and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell leading with 56%. grimes with 41%. >> so west virginia republican shelly moore capito winning 62-34. >> and in alaska ballots are still being counted at this hour
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but republican dan sullivan holding on to a five point lead over mark begich with 73% of the votes being reported. >> virginia is still too close to call. incumbent democrat mark warner holding on to a small lead. separated by just over 12,000 votes. 95% of ballots have been counted. >> and louisiana heading to a run off. a lot of folks expected this. neither candidate getting the necessary 50%. incumbent democrat getting 42% with bill cassie getting 41. >> and a tight race there. winning 52-48 over scott brown. well as we have said it was a landslide victory for republicans in the senate so how exactly did they do it? >> peter is live in washington to break down the biggest races. good morning.
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>> good morning. republicans have exceeded the number they needed to take control of the senate. they have 7 seats winning close races like in iowa where jodi ernst is set to be sworn in this january. >> in washington, politicians are more interested in talking than doing. they ignore problems hoping they go away. but you know what, isis isn't just going to go away. >> well, we did it. >> senator pat roberts was elected to a 4th term after challenged by greg orman. the race didn't end up being that close but roberts still has this message for all kansas voters. >> i have heard my marching orders loud and clear. i will be bold. i will be conservative and i will be constructive and i promise you this, we will get
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things done. >> and in north carolina democratic senator kay hagan fell to thom tillis. in north carolina is where democrats held their convention in 2012. now they have a new republican senator. >> there's only one thing government can give you that doesn't come at the expense of anyone else and that's freedom. >> these are the republicans who helped mitch mcconnell unseat harry reid in the u.s. senate and now he waits to see how big a majority he'll end up having. >> all right. big night. a lot going on. now the senate cliff hangers. virginia and alaska too close to call and louisiana heading for a run off. leland is live for us in washington with a closer look at this. good morning. >> hi heather. good morning. the fact that virginia is too close to call is stunning. it was thought to be a wake off
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home run for mark warner. the numbers show it razor thin and if the final tally comes in with a margin of less than 1% the loser can request a recount but warner appeared to declare victory anyway. >> well it was a hard fought race. it went a little longer than we thought. >> we are going to accept whatever is the final outcome but i owe it to the voters of virginia and owe it to all of you to make sure that the o outcome is final before we make final decisions on this end. >> in alaska things are tight hours after the polls closed there but it can take awhile to get the ballots in from some of the more rural parts of that state and it's just now entering the overnight hours in alaska but a senior man in dan sullivan's campaign has a huge grin on his face. the incumbent says he's not
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going to concede tonight and we won't know about the senator from louisiana for awhile because yesterday's election is a jungle primary where somebody needs 50 plus% to walk away with a victory. now there's a run off. the current clear politics average gives cassidy almost a five point lead for a december 6th primary. they put out a press release challenging him to 6 debates. >> i'll take it from here. so the big question now what do the results mean for 2016? the republicans taking control of the senate is just the beginning. >> the republicans have bought themselves with this night and it is -- there's a tropical storm. i'm not sure it's a hurricane. it's a tropical storm for sure. they bought themselves the opportunity to get in position and win in 2016.
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they are now in a position to seize the agenda. that's what was at stake with control of the senate. >> well now that republicans are in control is the president looking to work with congress? late last night president obama calling for a bipartisan meeting friday at the white house. several congressional leaders will be there including kevin mccarthy that says the american people have shown they want change. >> the president has to listen to what the american people have said. there has to be a change of cour course. this obama economy is not what the people are looking for. government has become too large and shackled and held us back. harry reed was a big problem as well. holding up more than 387 bills that the house had passed. you need to get the economy moving again. >> there's reports the president will hold a news conference today asking for bipartisan support.
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>> now to the big governor's races across the country. in wisconsin scott walker defeating his democratic challenger mary burkee 52-47%. this is walker's third victory in four years. >> i have to tell you, i'm an optimist. i believed all along that we have a positive message out and people in the state wanted to be for something and not against something and look what happened tonight. >> you see in america the opportunity is equal. but the outcome is up to you. that's the difference. that's the difference. that's the difference between what we believe here in wisconsin and what they're selling in washington. >> walker now poised to be a serious contender for the 2016 republican presidential nomination. in florida incumbent republican rick scott defeating charlie crist 48-47%. it's one of the closest,
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costliest races in the country. >> tomorrow marks a new day. it's time to put all the division behind us and come together. for get about all the partisanship, florida is on a mission. and that mission is to keep growing and to become the very best place in the world to get a job, to raise a family, and live the american dream. >> scott is just the second gop governor in state history to win re-election. >> greg abbott will be the next governor of texas. wendy d wendy davis unable to turn her hype into anything other than that. 59% of the vote for abbott. >> governor promising to keep businesses in texas while poking fun at hilary clinton. >> i'll keep texas number one in the nation for creating jobs.
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we will do that but keeping government small. by keeping taxes low. and ensuring that regulations are reasonable. you know what, contrary to what some people say businesses do, in fact, create jobs. >> abbott is the first new texas governor in 14 years replacing outgoing governor rick perry. >> so let's take a look at some of the other big races up for governor. we're going to begin with illinois where pat quinn gets 46%. beat out by bruce rauner, 51%. to maryland larry hogan grabbing 54% of the vote. anthony brown 45. massachusetts, charlie baker narrowly winning 48-47. and in maine, paul lepage
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winning 48-44%. fox news polls taking a closer look at how voters feel about facing the nation. 55% disapprove. >> 45% say the economy is the most important issue facing our country. 25% say health care. >> asked how worried americans are that there will be another major terrorist attack on the united states. 71% are at least some what worried. >> we asked how race relations have developed over the last few years. 38% say they have gotten worse. >> the path to republican power cuts right through colorado. a closely watched race ends with a challenger on top. we're live in denver with how the race helped shape the senate. >> and florida's medical marijuana proposal goes up in smoke. the other states taking a big step in the other direction.
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it was one of the nation's most closely watched senate races. cory gardener defeating mark udall. meanwhile the governor's race in a dead heat. >> reporter: good morning, the colorado secretary of state's office is saying it is possible that there will be a recount in the race for governor but the denver post is reporting this morning that the incumbent, a democrat is posed to narrowly beat the governor. because there's those that have ballots that have not been counted that are democratic strong holds.
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they're 3,000 votes that separate them. if less than 5% of the votes separate two candidates it's an automatic recount. as for the much watched senate race in colorado the democrat entered his re-election bid with high hopes that it would be a smooth ride to election day but with the late entry of cory gardener and his inability to convince them the gop is on women, gardener was victorious. >> tonight, colorado, indeed, became the balance of power. tonight we commit ourselves to building a government we can be proud of again. >> congressman gardener followed a similar play book to other republicans across the country and that was to attach his opponent to an unpopular president. >> thank you so much. busy mite. >> now we're going to get to alaska where the senate race had
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still not been called. 73% of the votes are in putting dan sullivan in the lead at this hour. dan springer is live us for in anchorage with the latest from there. good morning, dan. >> good morning heather and leah. we have more numbers now. we have 94% of the precincts reporting and we have dan sullivan, the republican challenger with a 49% lead to 44.8% over mark. it's the most bizarre thing i've ever had. i have campaign people coming up to me and saying you guys called this race. there's no way that he makes up this deficit he's got right now. we have dan sullivan. he's out in the hallway. he's waiting for a news organization to make the call. the alaska dispatch news has not done that. our people have all gone home back in new york so they're not going to call this race. we're waiting for him to take the podium. he'll be taking it in about five
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minutes i've been told but mathematically it looks like dan sullivan will be elected to the u.s. senate. we're waiting for some rural votes out in the bush of alaska and also some anchorage votes that haven't been counted yet. no one has called this race and mark isn't going to concede because he put a huge effort into getting that alaska rural vote out. he had campaign offices throughout the northern part of alaska. the rural part of alaska. he believes those numbers are break for him so he's not going to concede until those votes are counted and once 100% of the precincts have been counted you have 15 to 20% of the total vote has not been counted because they're absentee ballots. but everyone around here in the sullivan campaign told me this is basically over and we're waiting for dan sullivan to get there and claim victory or at the very least tell people in this room we have won this race and we'll send it back to you
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guys in new york. >> dan springer we'll check back in with you when that happens. >> we sure will. the time is 20 minutes after the hour and the voters have spoken and their last chance to weigh in on the president's policies. >> what did they say and what does it mean for the last two years of the president's term? we'll break down the exit polls.
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president obama being taken to task by a number of senators all who seem to have the same complaints. >> his policies were on the ballot today and it can be heard loud and clear in the white house i believe that this president's agenda just isn't working for west virginia. >> for too long this administration tried to tell the american people what's good for them. and then blame somebody else
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when their policies didn't workout. >> it seems that perhaps america has also sensed a loud message that maybe harry reed needs a new job description too. >> well, this was the voter's last chance some say to weigh in on president obama's policies. so what did they say? let's take a look at the exit polls. joining us for that talk radio news service bureau chief ellen ratner and pete snyder. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> good morning heather. >> i'll start with that basic question for both of you. ellen, what did this say about how voters feel from both parties in this country right now? >> they're unhappy with business as usual. they want a change. there's no question at all but if you look down and one it's clear the president state's exhibit the greatest messenger but a place like arkansas clearly lost. the democrats lost that senate
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seat however minimum wage was voted to be increased. so i think, you have to govern if you're a remember apublican they'll have two years to prove if they can or cabot do it. >> so it's delivering his message or his policies. >> heather, it's his policies. this wasn't just a wave. this was a tsunami. when you have republicans being elected in his home state of illinois, in maine, and massachusetts, in maryland for crying out loud. in virginia my home state we were the only ones at fox that predicted that ed gilespe would pull an upset there. he's going to double down. >> we only have a minute left let's move through some of the exit polls specifically.
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number one do you approve or disapprove of the way obama is handling his job as president? 44% approve. 55% disapprove. the next one, this exit poll, do you think that things in this country today are generally going in the right direction? 31% say in the right direction. 65% say on the wrong track. do you think the condition of the nation's economy is -- 29% say it's excellent or good. 71% not good or poor. and then how worried are you there will be another major terrorist attack in the united states, 71% some what worried and 28% not too worried. and then the national votes independents. 42% went democrat and 54% went republican. overall do any surprise you?
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>> no i'm not surprised. now the republicans have to show that they can govern and they can turn it around because if they can't they'll be in trouble in two years. >> pete. >> look, this is not just a malaise. this is a deep dark funk and the president's policies have been refuted. republicans are going to have an opportunity to really take a lead here and this spells trouble for hilary in '16. >> controlling the house and the senate. it will be up to president obama. we'll see if there's more bipartisan work that can be done. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> thanks heather. >> it's not just congress where republicans are taking control. >> in america, you can do and be anything you want. >> the gop coming up big in some bitterly fought governor's races. the tight results that came down to the wire.
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it is wednesday november 5th. i'm leah gabriel. >> a big day. i'm heather childers. thank you for getting up early and joining us. the senate of the senate no longer hanging in the balance after 8 years republicans take control of congress gaining at least 7 wins bringing them to at least 52 seats in the senate. >> and in the house republicans keeping the majority projected to gain at least 12 seats there but the big story in the senate and what this means for the future in washington. >> so let's take a look at the big senate races this morning. in north carolina republican thom tillis grabbing 49% taking down kay hagan. >> and to iowa joni ernst with 52%. bruce braley 44. >> pat roberts taking down greg orman 53 to 42. >> and in arkansas tom cotton defeating incumbent mark prior
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57-39. >> david perdue over michelle nunn 53-45. >> and cory gardener taking down mark udall 50 to 45%. >> steve daines beating amanda curtis 58-40. >> and mike rounds defeating rick weiland 51-29%. >> and mitch mcconnell winning with 56%. >> and to west virginia republican shelly moore capito winning 62 to 34%. >> in alaska the ballots are still being kounlted but republican dan sullivan holding on to a four point lead with 73% of the votes being reported. >> we just had a report from there. that's up to 94% reporting at this hour. virginia too close to call. mark warner holding on to a
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small lead over ed gillespie. 95% of the ballots counted there. >> louisiana heading to a run off. neither candidate getting the necessary 50%. marry landrieu getting 42% with bill cassidy getting 41. >> that going to the democrats. jeanine winning 52 to 48%. >> the gop in control of congress until the end of president obama's second term so how did they do it? >> live in our nation's capitol it's been a long night. what do the numbers look like this morning? >> heather and leah the long night of counting votes from coast-to-coast still isn't over. but republicans know they will have at least 52 seats come january and they know that harry reed will no longer then be the senate majority leader. it will probably be senator mitch mcconnell and he got there
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with the help of republicans that squeaked it out in close races like senator pat roberts that just won a 4th term in kansas. >> you did it. so tonight as is always with a night, there will be the start of a new day. the tide has turned and the era of the obama-reed gridlock is over. >> in north carolina where president obama voiced a radio ad to give kay hagan a last minute boost thoms tillis claimed victory instead two years after democrats held their national convention in the tarheel state. >> there's only one thing the government can give you that doesn't come at the expense of anyone else. that's freedom. >> in iowa where each party sent their highest wattage stars joni ernst defeated bruce.
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>> in washington politicians are more interested in talking than doing. they ignore problems hoping they'll go away. but you know what, isis isn't just going to go away. >> and come january joni ernst will be the first woman elected to the house or senate from iowa ever. back to you in new york. >> okay. thanks peter. peter live in washington. in virginia the senate race is too close to call. in alaska still being counted. leland is live in washington with the latest. leland, good morning. >> good morning to you. the very fact that virginia is too close to call is stunning. just a little while ago it was thought to be a walk off home run for mark warner. obviously the numbers now show it razor thin and no matter what the final tally is, if it comes in at less than a 1% margin the apparent loser can request a recount but warner appeared to declare victory anyway.
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>> well, it was a hard fought race. it went a little longer than we thought. >> we are going to accept whatever is the final outcome but i owe it to the voters of virginia, owe it to all of you to make sure that the outcome is final before we make any final decisions on this end. >> in alaska things are still tight now hours after the polls that took the re and it looks stage a few minutes ago and said he was not declaring victory yet. he was going to express the process and no media organization has yet called this race. it takes awhile to get the ballots in for many of the rural parts of alaska. the senator says he's not going to concede tonight. and we won't know about the senator in awhile because it's essentially a jungle primary. now there's a run off between the incumbent mary landrue.
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a five point lead in the head to head which takes place on november 6th. he put out a press release challenging him to six debates over the next month. heather. >> thanks very much leland. with republicans in control is the president now looking to work with congress? late last night president obama calling for a bipartisan meeting friday at the white house. several congressional leaders will be in attendance but some think after this meeting there won't be much compromise happening in washington. >> everybody is going to have a moment on friday and we're all going to work together. the american people have spoken and then i think you'll see the same gridlock for the next two years as in the past. >> the president planning to hold a news conference asking for bipartisan support. >> let's take a look at the big governor races. scott walker defeating mary
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burkee 52-47. >> in florida, rick scott narrowly beeting charlie crist 48-47. >> greg abbott easily defeating wendy davis. that was 59 to 39. in illinois republican bruce rauner taking down pat quinn 51-46. >> now to maryland republican larry hogan grabbing 54% of the vote. anthony brown just 45. and in massachusetts charlie baker nar l baker narrowly defeating his democratic opponent 48-47 and paul lepage defeating mike michaud 48-44. >> hilary clinton, bill clinton and michelle obama all went to that state to campaign for michaud. the time now is 4:38 and 38 after the hour is what it s. it's early. democrats using tactics like
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this to sway voters. >> i'll be honest with you. the south has not always been the friendliest place for african americans. >> did her comments backfire in louisiana? a closer look at how race played a role in the midterms.
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taking a look at the 2014 midterm exit polls how have american voters perceptions of race relations changed since barrack obama was elected the nation's first black president? well, voters are twice as likely to say that things have gotten worse. then they say has improved. so did race play a factor in the midterm elections? here to weigh in is richard fowler and david web. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> let's go into this. first off, 34% of voters express
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they were voting in opposition of president obama. 54% of voters disapprove rather than approve of president obama's job performance. let's talk about the turn out. >> there's no question the american people made a choice last night and everybody has to deal with that this morning. but with that being said, now we have to figure out how republicans are planning to govern. they have to work to get things done for the american people and i think this president, we'll see what happens today. he has a willingness to work with them but what this election came down to, what it came down to is republicans are better at turning out their voters than democrats turning out theirs. the american people made a choice. >> how do you weigh in on this? both sides said they were going to wage a strong ground campaign here. >> let's answer the question you asked about race. did race play a factor? race didn't play a factor as much as the democrats wanted it
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too. tim scott elected, first black senator since reconstruction. look at marianne drew's comments where she was already being rejected by a majority of her constituents. as far as the president's performance that was a big problem for many including the black community where there was a 40% unemployment rate. >> 40% unemployment rate. >> 40% when it comes to black youth. and when we look at what's going on in the american community overall we see a country that has its lowest labor force participation rate in 36 years and a president that's policies hinder energy development domestically and private lands have gone in spite of the president so those pollicies ar at the kitchen table. >> you mention mary and her comments. >> the south has not always been
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the friendliest place for african americans. it's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a positive light as a leader. it's not always a good place for women to present ourselves. it's more of a conservative place. richard what's your reaction. >> you look at the poll numbers and what you see all across this country, you saw a more conservative and a more wide voter base that went to vote in this past election but where david is wrong here, one it's not 40% unemployment in the african american picture. once again the americans thought that republicans had been handling that but now it's time for the republican party to govern and one place in particular where i want folks to look at is arkansas for example where yes they did elect a republican to serve in that senate seat but they also voted to raise the minimum wage. all across the country you saw the split ballot vote wrg they elected republicans but voted to
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raise the minimum wage which is republican versus to come up with an answer on one how they create jobs and three how they get main street working again. >> richard let's talk about south carolina. scott becomes the first black senator elected in the south since reconstruction. let's take a look at his victory speech. part of it. >> i hope to concede and work on my agenda. this state sevened me well. it gave me a second chance in life when i stumbled as a young man in high school. the state said that's okay. we'll give you a second chance. >> seemed ready to jump in there. let's hear what your thoughts are on this. >> richard presents a false argument. when you're dealing with the minimum wage vote at the state level that's something that many republicans across the country want to agree with. >> let me finish richard. they want to stay at the state level which are higher than the federal minimum wage. now at scott, when you look at
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the margin he won by this state voted on performance. before he won his election the democrats attacked him as being only black because he was appointed. so now they have lost their narrative. they have lost their race narrative. they can't sell you on this minimum wage false argument so now thr going to push through republicans need to govern and i agree that's a challenge for the republicans that have to come up with solutions and enact them for the american people. >> all right. richard, you get the last word on this one. >> thank you. one i don't think we're making a false argument at all and two, nobody is denying tim scott. congratulations to him. at the end of the day republicans have the election -- >> republican versus to govern david. you have to govern. at the end of the day for the next two years you have to figure out how to pass bills and work with the president. >> we'll have to leave it at that this morning. thank you to richard fowler and david web. >> thank you leah.
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>> lively debate for this hour. speaking of the hour it's about 15 minutes until the top of the hour. coming up up in smoke, florida voters saying no to medical marijuana. the ballot measure that you voted on that could have some big national implications. g?góéç
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welcome back to fox and friends first special election coverage for you. some major state initiatives on the ballot that could have national ramifications. so here to break down how the results will impact the country. eric, good morning to you. let's start off with marijuana.
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two states so far have passed measures for legalization. what does this mean and what can we expect? >> well, interestingly florida rejected it. washington d.c. approved it with limited degree of success there. i believe oregon was another one that did it. i don't know that there will be major ramifications. most were limited to one graham of marijuana. interestingly enough it's more why the measures were there. they were more there to stimulate democratic turn out and get voters to the polls and it didn't cut it for them. >> let's talk about a couple of things evolving the economy together. voters said by 45% that the economy was their number one issue as they went to the polls. if we look at what happened with minimum wage if we have that passing at this point at four
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out of five state. on a tax policy we know that tennessee, georgia, illinois, and massachusetts. it passed in nevada it failed. so does that surprise you when you also looked as you just mentioned with marijuana when you look at who won the senate seats did voters basically split the ballot on these issues as well. >> yeah, they did. the reason these measures were there was going back to 2004 he put marriage amendments on ballots around the country. he got republicans to do it. and democrats said we'll do the same with taxes and with the minimum wage. well, voters turned out and voted to give themselves pay raises but voted for republicans. it didn't workout for democrats the way they respected. illinois voted to raise taxes but all the other states voted to restrain tax increases.
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>> different results in different states here. now washington state will pass an initiative that would strengthen background checks on gun shows and online purchases but in california they voted to protect the fundamental right to bear arms. what's your take on these issues? >> well, the washington state measure comes a few weeks after a school shooting there and they're more liberal on this issue. you're going to see gun control moving to help restrain these issues. southern states like alabama i think that are very pro-second amendment they're not going to make ends roads on those issues. >> we'll have to leave it here. thank you for being here this morning. >> sure. thanks. >> we'll be interested to see how all of that shapes the agenda as we move forward now with this new senate and house and the president. well, the time now is about six minutes until the top of the hour. huge night for republicans. >> we have swept this nation
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with a compelling senate. >> what will republicans do with their new lay inquired power? more post election analysis at the top of the hour.
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ia cause to support the pover 65 million people who may need the trusted protection of depend underwear. show them they're not alone. and show off a pair of depend. get a free sample at good morning to you. it's wednesday november 5th especially for republicans.
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i'm heather childers. >> i'm leah i am lea gabrielle. >> the repib cans took 7 seats so far bringing them to 52 seats three still undecided. they are scombroekted to gain at least 12 seats there. >> the big story in the senate. that's what it is. what this means for the future in washington p. >> we have swept this nation with a xheling senate majority. (cheers) >> somehow i think senator reed will have a different office assignment come january. >> tonight we shook up the senate. you shook up the senate. your message was heard from nevada to pennsylvania avenue. >> tonight as is always with the night it will be a start of the
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new day. the tide has turned. the ear yaw of the observe biden gridlock is over. >> we will look at the races for you. to north carolina first tom till lis grabbing 49 percent taking down democrat incumbent katie hagan. >> joanie ern-- joni ernst with percent freebraley 34. roberts taking on otherman. tom cotton beating pryor 57-39. georgia republican david purdue over michelle nunn. >> corey guard near taking down mark udall 50 to 45. >> steve danes easily bringing democrat amanda curtis


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