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tv   Hannity  FOX News  November 6, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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sessions plan to withhold funds from the president? to not go as far as impeachment? he said no to that tonight. let me know. thanks for watching, everybody. i'm megyn kelly and this is "the kelly file". welcome to "hannity." there's breaking news out of washington. reports that a secret letter was exchanged between president obama and the supreme leader in the rogue regime in iran. we'll have more on that with colonel ralph peters later this hour. but that's not all. america, are you ready? let's roll. tonight -- >> to everyone who voted, i know that i hear you. >> the voters have spoken. >> the american people sent a message. >> the architect karl rove explains why america's now red from sea to shining sea. >> i'm pretty sure i'll take some actions some in congress will not like. >> how can the gop stop obama's
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amnesty? senator lee here with a message for the president. >> really? is that really the argument you're going to make in 2014? >> condi rice unloads on the left's use on the race card. >> i find it appalling, insulting. >> would the former secretary of state be eyeing a run for the white house? and greta van susstren. before the 2014 midterm elections took place this week, president obama, remember, he told the country this. >> i'm not on the ballot this fall. michelle's pretty happy about that. but make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. every single one of them. >> and on tuesday the american people, you spoke, and you told the president you didn't want his policies. now the result, this overwhelmingly red map showing the gop's historic majority in the house of representatives
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that of course in addition to these seven senate seats republicans have picked up this far which likely will be nine when all is said and done. yesterday despite the gop tidal wave, president obama, he took to the podium at the white house and basically brushed off the election results when he said this. >> i measure ideas not by whether they are from democrats or republicans but whether they work for the american people. and that's not to say that we won't disagree over some issues that we're passionate about. we will. congress will pass some bills i cannot sign. i'm pretty sure i'll take some actions that some in congress will not like. whatever i think might make a difference in this i'm going to be trying out up until my last day in office. >> you heard the president. he said that he will take action without congress. so the question remains, will the republicans now stop him? now on talk radio my colleagues, rush limbaugh, mark levine, glenn beck, myself. we all issued strong warnings
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and strong concern about this exact issue. here's some of it. watch. >> it is rare that a political party running for office in a midterm election not standing for anything ends up with a mandate. and they have one. and it is the biggest and perhaps the most important mandate a political party has had in the recent era. and it is very simple what that mandate is, it is to stop barack obama. it is to stop the democrat party. >> i think this president is going to go more radical. he doesn't have anything to lose. he is going to -- >> and the republicans are not prepared for this. they're playing politics circa 1975. and they're not going to be prepared for it. and i think that we have a very bad scenario headed our way. >> all right. here with reaction former senior advisor to president george w. bush, fox news contributor karl rove.
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i agree with rush. i think the first mandate and it was a shellacking, is to stop the president because it's hurting the country. do you agree with that first? >> yes, i do. but it's insufficient. the country wants more than that. they want positive, optimistic conservative answers. they want to see legislation that will repeal and replace obamacare. they want to see many of the ideas embodied in the bills passed by the u.s. house of representatives that would spur greater economic growth, more jobs, more opportunity for all americans. they don't want us simply to just sit there and say no, mr. president, we're not going to do anything. they want us to stop him from doing bad things and they want us to offer up the agenda. i disagree with people who say the mandate only came to the republicans because they said they were against obama. i listen carefully to what people like thom tillis and tom cotton and cory gardner and joni ernst said about what they wanted to do for the country. we didn't get this victory because we said we're against obama -- let me finish. we got this victory because we
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said we want to stop obama and we've got good things that will help make our country better. >> i think what rush is saying here, and i feel this way, look, karl, i put forward the conservative solution caucus. i laid out specific positive solution agenda items on my website back in january. and i wanted the republicans to run on a nationalized plan to secure the border, an alternative to obamacare, run on energy independence, you know, all of these -- balance budget, the penny plan. i think they need to be specific. there is an expectation that they will solve problems. but first and foremost they are -- they want the obama agenda ended. i mean, that's why this is such an overwhelming win. >> that's easy. that in many respects is an easier thing to do. not an easy thing but easier thing to do because it means vote for budgets that spend less money. vote for writers that reign in his policies. vote to overturn some executive
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action. challenge him every step of the way. but if we do that and do that only, we will miss the enormous opportunity the american people have given republicans and conservatives to offer an agenda. >> karl, think about this, put a secure the border bill on his desk. energy and independence. >> absolutely. send him bill after bill after bill that represents our positive and optimistic agenda. if he says no, let him veto it. after while he's going to find out a very important lesson. there's a limit to how much a president can wield the veto in the face of positive and optimistic ideas that are garnering democratic votes in the senate and the house and that the american people want. >> so what do the republicans do if the president follows through on his promise to bypass separation of powers, co-equal branches of government, bypass the laws that currently exist, use executive orders on amnesty. how would you stop him? >> use every tool available to the congress. put writers on appropriations
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bills that say no money shall be spent to execute this policy. pass a bill that specifically holds him accountable. though i think the president -- >> effort. >> absolutely. that's the first thing i said, sean. i said put writers in there that say you can't spend any money on these kind of things. first of all, i don't think he has the ability, the statutory authority to do what he's suggesting or what's been suggested he's going to do is to tell a group of people who are here illegally, my right as the president of the united states i grant you either the ability to remain in the united states or citizenship. i don't think he has the statutory authority to do that. so we ought to use the poier of legislation and we ought to go to the courts as quickly as possible. >> now, every single new senator, gop senator campaigned on the issue of repealing obamacare. i think they should pass it, i assume you agree with me, pass a repeal bill. and i think the president will veto it. i doubt they'll get six
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democrats. i doubt they'll get the override. what's the next thing? get rid of the individual mandate, 30-hour workweek? >> let's go back for a second. first of all, remember this. we have to get 60 votes to bring it up unless we bring it up under reconciliation. that's the budget process. but that passage by the house and the senate. it takes the presentation of the budget by the president, which will be done in february, and the passage by the house and senate of budget resolutions. they did that in 2009 in order to allow for consideration of the obamacare, the affordable care act under reconciliation. normally that process takes until may. so we may not get an early vote in january or february because the president can delay the presentation of the budget. and then we then have to have the budget resolutions passed by the respective house and senate. that was done in 2009 when they had a huge majority in the house and a 61 majority in the senate
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if you recall. so this will take a little bit of time. absolutely -- we ought to take -- here's my only problem. we should not only repeal the provisions in the affordable care act that are onerous and unpopular, but we ought to couple them with measures the conservative republican vision of what a proper health care system ought to do. get rid of the individual mandate -- excuse me, get rid of the medical tax but also include an expansion in the amount of money people can save tax free for their out of pocket medical expenses. get rid of the individual mandate and allow for across state sales of insurance policies. couple it with the ability of small businesses -- >> i'm in full agreement. and i would include by the way the 30-hour workweek. >> absolutely. we are doing a damage to an enormous number of the lives of
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ordinary americans by that 30-hour requirement. put it at 40 and it will stop the part timing in the american economy. we've got a lot of people that work 35, 34, 36 hours a week. and the money from that and their tips in restaurants allows them to make ends meet. and they can no longer make ends meet because of this 30-hour rule. >> karl rove, we're going to continue this discussion. i agree. first bit of business, stop, america's been taking on water. we're beginning to sink, plug up the hole, republicans need solutions to make the country put it in a better position. >> absolutely. got to do both. can't do just one. >> conservative solutions as well. karl rove, thank you. meanwhile, "the wall street journal" reported today that the president wrote a secret letter to the iranian supreme leader last month about working with iran to fight isis and in iraq syria. and stressed contingent on a nuclear deal.
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the white house press secretary josh earnest was pressed about his pen pal correspondents earlier today. >> i'm not in a position to discuss private correspondence between the president and any world leader. i can tell you that the policy the president and his administration have articulated about iran remains unchanged. >> here to tell us what this communication really means, fox news strategic analyst lieutenant colonel ralph peters. quite concerning to me we want you to align with us, isis, that will impact your ability to pursue nuclear technology. >> well, this president is much more comfortable in secret relations with the iranians or with putin than he is with leveling with the american people. sending this secret letter, this begging letter, to the supreme leader of iran was not only an act of ferocious stupidity but an act of terrible treachery.
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it will be read likely as a betrayal by every single ally we have in the greater middle east from israel to saudi arabia. it was stupid because it plays into the hands of the islamic state and al nusra and al qaeda, all the sunni organizations, be able to say, america, they're siding with the shia, the devils against us. it potentially would spark a greater religious war we've already seen in the middle east. worse it plays into the iranian hands by weakening our bargaining position on a nuke deal. it's basically saying, iran, we need your help. we're helpless. we americans, we need you. also, why do iran's dirty work for them? iran owns the baghdad government that obama keeps praising and saying he's going to rely on. it owns them. why are we helping shias kill
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sunni? use common sense. if you want to fight sunni terrorists, a vast movement of sunnis, you need sunni allies like the saudis. so stupid. >> the president is having such a hard time identifying who the enemy is here. it's really, really frightening to me, ferociously stupid i think was the line you used, pretty scary. all right. >> these guys, they don't think anything through ever. >> they really don't. scary. we're going to watch that closely. one good news that came out of the election, the iranians are afraid of the republicans that won on tuesday. that's interesting. now, coming up next tonight, despite tuesday's landslide gop victory, the president remains defiant he takes executive action on immigration and it's not sitting well with republicans. what should they do? how do they combat this? senator mike lee is next to explain that and more as we continue. i have the worst cold with this runny nose.
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before the end of the year we're going to take whatever lawful actions that i can take that i believe will improve the functioning of our immigration system. at the same time i'll be reaching out to both mitch mcconnell, john boehner and other republicans as well as democratic leaders to find out how it is that they want to proceed. and if they want to get a bill done, whether it's during the lame duck or next year, i'm e eager to see what they have to offer. what i'm not going to do is just wait. i think it's fair to say i've shown a lot of patience and have tried to work on a bipartisan basis as much as possible. and i'm going to keep on doing so, but in the meantime let's figure out what we can do lawfully through executive actions. >> all right. there you have it. the president vows to take
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executive action on immigration before the end of the year whether congress likes it or not. so is the commander in chief's amnesty agenda on the verge of coming to fruition? what are republicans going to do to stop this? joining me now senator mike lee from utah. i know you signed a letter with five of your fellow senators to harry reid saying that in fact that you are going to stop all action in the senate if the president does this. what are you going to do specifically? >> well, we think it's important for us to refuse to fund the president in his attempt to violate the law. now, he used the word lawful or lawfully no fewer than three times in the clip you just played. but if what is rumored to be in the works is in fact going to happen, it will be anything other than lawful if in fact ha he's going to do issue an executive order to give out cards, that's not lawful. we'll do everything we can to
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stop him including withholding funds to carry out that project. >> but you don't have control of the senate until january. let's say he does this now, does harry reid have the ability to stop you? or are there parliamentary maneuvers you can use in the senate to prevent him from going forward with any other business? what else can you do? >> you know, some of that remains to be seen. we're at a disadvantage between now and then because his party does control the senate between now and then. i would hope and frankly i would expect to see that this would be not a republican issue versus a democrat issue but just an american issue. we just had a big election the other day. americans showed up across the country. and they spoke their voices. they wanted to make clear that their voices were heard. and they did not vote to support the president's agenda. they did not vote to support the president's lawless approach to the constitution. they deserve to have their wishes respected. i'm going to do everything i can to fight to make sure that happens. >> it was interesting, i read the letter you sent to harry
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reid. you said in that letter the supreme court is recognized that over no conceivable subject is the power of congress more complete than its power on immigration. that's deep and that's profound. so i want to explain to people at home why the president may not have the authority to do this. we have an immigration law in this country. the immigration law does not allow for the amnesty that the president wants to grant. so instead of going back to congress, we have co-equal branches of government, separation of powers, that's how we pass laws. you guys pass them, he signs them or vetoes them. rather than go back to he's just going to write executive fiat. well, if he could do that on this law, could he do that on any law? >> yes, which is precisely the problem. which is precisely why we've got to lead out on this issue and make sure he doesn't lead us from behind into a constitutionconstitutio constitutional crisis.
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come up with uniform laws governing immigration and naturalization belongs to congress, not the president. our existing immigration laws do not give the president this kind of authority to issue this kind of executive order. >> the president's done this on welfare, he's done this already with the dream act and some other actions on immigration, the appointments when the senate wasn't in recess which he got rebuked by the supreme court. to me it seems that this president is defiant. he said he heard the american people but doesn't really seem to have heard the american people. is he bringing us to a constitutional tipping point? -- has said he thinks this is a pushing point, pushing executive powers to the brink and bypassing the constitutional authority of congress. why wouldn't democrats want to preserve their own power? >> they would and they should. privately some of them have told me that they do share concerns like these with the president exercising too much power. several of them told me that
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privately in the wake of the president's recess appointments at the time when senate was in recess. for whatever reason they weren't inclined to address that. we have the power to stop him. we have the power described by james madison in federalist 58, to withhold funds from the president for his ability to do this. >> power of the purse. >> power of the purse. >> republicans were elected for a reason. this is one of them. this is a big test for mitch mcconnell and the republicans. stand strong. we'll watch closely. senator, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, sean. coming up next tonight on a busy news night on "hannity". >> i've been asked many times myself. and i said, look, i've been black all my life, you don't have to tell me how to be black. >> former secretary of state condoleezza rice has some concerns for those on the left who keep using the worn out race card. we have reaction on this busy news night. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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welcome back to "hannity." now despite suffering epic losses on tuesday, seems the left wing of america still is not ready to give up playing the race card. former secretary of state condoleezza rice responded to this tactic earlier on fox and friends. >> the united states of america has made enormous progress in race relations. and it is the best place on earth to be a minority. the idea that you would play such a card and try fear mongering among minorities just because you disagree with republicans that they're somehow all racist, i find it appalling, insulting and as a republican black woman from the south, i would say to them, really? is that really the argument that you're going to make? what are we doing to our kids when we tell them that their ethnic identity has to make them unsuccessful? that to me is really a racist
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thing to say. and i've been asked many times myself, look, i've been black all my life. you don't have to tell me how to be black. >> joining us now fox news political analyst juan williams and dorey murdock. dismissed the win of tim scott just because he's black that doesn't mean progress. the first black senator since reconstruction in south carolina. it wasn't a democratic party, juan, it was the republican party. mia love, utah, the republican party. why would clie burn say that? why would charlie wrangle make his comments like he did yesterday? >> first of all, i think it's a mistake. it's an outrageous mistake. i like what former secretary of state rice had to say. you know, i've been through this argument before with justice thomas, colin powell, condi rice. these are my friends. i got to tell you something, it's just wrong to demean,
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disparage as if we all have to think in lock step like we're all a monolith, that's racist thinking. think every black face you think thinks just alike. that's madness. i've written a book about this, the book was about phony leaders -- >> let me get to dorey. >> the point is it's just wrong headed. let me respond to your point, that argument against tim scott ignores the tremendous accomplishment of scott. yes, you can have a policy ure to support, let's t about say, you know, money for black farmers or affirmative action or a vote against eric holder. but that's a policy -- >> let me get deroy in here. scott got an f grade from the naacp. they oppose clarence thomas. >> i looked at the naacp's website today to see if they had anything to say about tim scott being elected first black
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senator republican in the south, mia love, nothing about that whatsoever. i think what's also important to think about is these kind of comments are not just hurtful to tim scott and mia love, they're incredibly damaging to the entire country. i don't know if you happen to know friends, loved ones, alcoholics, recovering alcoholics, people struggling with things you try to be supportive by not drinking in front of them. i think what they're doing bringing up the race card over and over again have struggled through this problem through slavery and bring up these sort of things a little bit like going up to an alcoholic, opening a bottle of tequila and ask to join in a bottle. you don't tempt people trying to recover from problems. you try to support them. this is very unsupportive, damaging the country and unpatriotic. >> this playbook of the race card, it didn't work this time. juan, i was watching you the other night. you couldn't admit this was a massive shellacking in a wave election. have you rethought this? >> i think it was a big victory for republicans.
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>> a shellacking. >> it was on in red states, two-thirds of the people eligible to vote didn't vote, as president obama pointed out. but i mean on a bigger level, the turnout was overwhelmingly white and republican. >> good to see you both. wish we had more time. big night, huh? >> you bet, really big. coming up next, you don't want to miss this right here on "hannity". >> they just started hitting me. started hitting me, hitting me in the face with open palms. nothing full blown. but, you know, just like. >> greta sat down with an exclusive interview with sergeant tahmooresi when he was released. here to explain what it was like for him inside a mexican jail. that and more on this busy news night on "hannity" straight ahead. ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪
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welcome back to "hannity." over the weekend sergeant andrew tahmooresi was reunited with his family after seven long months of being imprisoned in mexico. greta recently covered his story from the start. greta sat down for an exclusive interview. here's a clip. >> i was handcuffed to a bed, four-point restraints, two arms like this, two legs like this.
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for about a month. >> why? >> why? because i wasn't behaving. i wasn't a behaved prisoner. i was lashing out. and -- not lashing out like being disrespectful. i never wanted to come off as disrespectful. but i just couldn't take it all. i was in four-point restraint where prisoners were walking by me, you know, uncuffed. i felt very vulnerable right there. i felt extremely vulnerable. i can't do anything to protect myself if i had to. and these people here might want to hurt me because of what i've done, because i've run away. and, you know, i was afraid that these prisoners are going to think that i ratted on them for something. you know, i never ratted on
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them. i just told the prison directors that i feel like i'm being messed with in there. i feel like people want to kill me in there. i feel like they want to do bad things to me in there. and -- you know, i just felt very vulnerable. >> here with more our friend greta van sustren. when i heard the first thing i did was shoot you an e-mail. you had done so much on this. i'm glad you got an opportunity to meet with him. thank you for what you did here. >> you know what, sean, let me just say there's so many people involved. you know, when you're on tv you sort of get to be the face of this stuff. i know you were there. i know congressman ross there. congressman dunker was there, montel williams, jill tahmooressi. our staff was constantly working on this.
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i'm so happy for the outcome. >> i'm happy for the outcome. i remember when i really became aware of how bad this was. i was watching your show and you were down in mexico. and you showed that location where he made that wrong turn. he turned himself in. and i said you've got to be kidding me. seven long months. did you ask if he -- if the president ever got involved? all he had to do was pick up the phone, make a phone call. >> you know what's really offensive is if you start to dissect this. he spent 214 days. now, he was released because he has ptsd. that's why he was released. think about it, it took the mexican court system to figure out he had ptsd 214 days. the v.a. in san diego, part of the government, knew about that before he even went into mexico. and you watch 15 or 20 seconds of that -- sergeant tahmooressi, it's going to replay on sunday
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but you watch 15 seconds on tv and you know he's got a problem. 214 days and our government did nothing? >> yeah. all the president needed to do was pick up the phone. he could have had this man home. he made a wrong turn. he turned himself in. what did you learn in this interview? i have another piece i'm going to play. but what struck you the most about him in this interview? >> i was horrified how humiliated he was and mocked and tormented while he was in there. and four-point restraints. at some points he was restrained absolutely naked and people could walk past him. i was scandalized by the sheer terror of that. but the other thing i walked away with is how fragile this man is. he is deeply troubled. if the v.a. doesn't step in and help him now, i hate to think how tough it's going to be. >> i am really angry we didn't step in earlier. you were gracious. you would always come on my radio show with updates, come on this show with updates. >> you know what's funny about
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that, sean, i couldn't figure out, i thought why isn't the government doing anything? if i'm chasing a stupid story, if there's something i don't know, just give me a call. i blogged, said the state department if you know something i don't know, tell me. i never heard from the government at all. i didn't want to chase a crazy story if he should be in prison. >> if the president didn't know it's malpractice. i don't know what's worse, him not picking up the phone or not knowing if they claim he doesn't know. all it would have taken was the president making a telephone call to the president of mexico saying release this man, he has ptsd. >> or how about this, deport him. throw him out of mexico. we throw people from mexico out every single day. throw our guy out. >> yeah. let me play the last -- we have another piece of tape where he talks about being beaten in this prison. take a look at this. >> i just felt like there was no, no way of seeking help, really.
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no one wanted to help me out. and these guys in here, i thought, wanted to hurt me. so i just wanted to get away. and that's what i did. i got away. >> what happened after they caught you trying to escape? did they then lock you down? or what was their response to it? >> after i had given up, after i had surrendered, i laid on -- well, i laid on the ground. i laid on the ground and then guard comes over running. and, you know, starts whacking me with the stick, starts whacking my legs with a stick. another guard puts his boot on my head in the ground. and then they drag me to the wall my knees up against the wall. then they just started hitting me and started hitting me. hitting me in the face with open palms. nothing full blown, but, you
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know, just like -- and punches. well, they dragged me into the wall. they -- they hit me a few times to let me know, i guess, you know, they're in charge. >> imagine greta, if an illegal immigrant crossing the rio grande or our southern border were treated as he just described. what would the outrage be? we get lectured a lot about the president and the mexican government, what would their reaction be if this was in reverse? >> i don't know. i mean, i hope that everybody would be horrified. but, you know, bottom line is this guy, you know, this was a marine. he did two tours for us. and the least we could do is not forget him. i'm not saying we should -- you know, if it had been a different fact pattern but this was an accident, he never intended to be in mexico. and you have to have the intent to be in mexico to violate the
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law. it can't just be you accidentally showed up. and we're willing to let him sit there for 214 days and the mexican court system taking 214 days to figure out he has ptsd. and the u.s. government having it in their records in san diego at the v.a. >> and they didn't lift a finger. >> nothing. >> the government didn't lift a finger. anyway, greta, great job. >> it's painful too, you're essentially in solitaire when you're a prisoner in a foreign country. >> absolutely. you brought this to the country's attention. you mentioned others, montel and others all credit due to them. great job on this. thank you. >> thank you, sean. >> if you missed the full interview you can catch it later this evening. and see on the screen there, over the weekend the times are listed right there on your screen. coming up next tonight right here on "hannity". >> businesses aren't just creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, our economy is outpacing most of the world. >> he can't make that statement with a straight face. when we come back, charles payne
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is here. we're going to give the president an economic lesson. he needs to watch. somebody at the white house call him now. we'll be at the "hannity" big board next. by 1914 the dodge brothers quit the ford motor company and set out on their own. they believed in more, than the assembly line. they believed driving was a holy endeavor. a hundred years later the dodge brothers spirit lives on.
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yesterday during his post election debacle press conference, president obama he wanted to reassure you, the american people, that even though his policies were repudiated on the ballot on election day that we should still be thanking him for saving us from the brink of economic disaster. he's still on that talking point. watch this. >> this country's made real progress since the crisis six years ago. the fact is more americans are working. unemployment has come down. more americans have health insurance. manufacturing has grown. our deficits have slunk. our dependence on foreign oil is down. as are gas prices. our graduation rates are up. our businesses aren't just creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, our economy is outpacing most of the world. >> all right, joining me now tonight at the "hannity" big board to give president obama a badly needed lesson in economics, he is the host of "making money" on our sister network fox business network,
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charles payne, how are you, my friend? >> great. good to see you. >> he said our deficits are going down. $9 trillion in debt, that's irresponsible. that's unpatriotic. well, it's now 17. >> and counting. we're going to hit $18 trillion soon. i think what matters the rate of the deficit has gone down. another one of these games -- game words. we can see numbers plainly here. outrageous, we don't know where the tipping point is, sean. that's just the problem with this. but it's unsustainable. >> there is a real chance by the time he leaves office he will have accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined. >> combined. >> but yet he says the american people my policies are fine, everything's fine, it's not true, is it? >> it's not true and people know this. you know why this resonates a lot with people watching this show? because everyone watching this show had to pair down their household debt. lost a house, lost a car. >> median income in 2009 it was
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$55,871. it's down. but more importantly things are costing more. >> it's almost down $2,000. this is what resonates more than anything else with the american public. people know what's happening with them. now, this is odd back door prosperity where gasoline prices go down. so after your check you have more money to spend, but you didn't get a bigger check. we know this. people understand this. sometimes you say, hey, why are macy's earnings going up? you have more cash -- >> a lot of people, the 50 million americans in poverty, on food stamps, they are not benefitting from the stock market. let's take the number of people on supplemental -- food stamps in other words. look at the number of americans on food stamps, it was 31 million when he took office. 46 million americans today on food stamps. that is not by any definition successful recovery.
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>> there's one word you cannot associate with this and that's prosperi prosperity. recovery is another good word you can't use for this. it's a heartbreaking thing. here's the thing, sean, the deeper and longer people are involved in these programs, it's harder sometimes people get upset there are people around the world around the country. >> so the president you saw a lot of appeals for the race card. 90 plus percent of americans voted in huge numbers for the president. 90 plus percent. take a look at this. 2008, number of black americans on food stamps, look at this. you've got 10 million americans. >> a lot 11 million. >> nearly doubling. and yet, he is -- you know, he's still trying to appeal to those evil republicans. they can do better than this. >> it's like voting for someone
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that wants to give you higher minimum wage. because you're so nice, you'll make it higher for me. i think it's going to start falling on deaf ears i believe all americans don't think they deserve to be on food stamps >> when you hear about lower unemployment numbers remember, they're fine we want low they don't count people that are chronically unemployed. this is the lowest number since 1978. labor participation may not seem like a big decrease how important is three points down in participation sth >> we're talking around $9 million, $10 million, or $11 million. they're not participating. >> they can't get jobs? they gave up. >> so they're not in it. so they're not counted and it makes the number look better. once again, main street, people know the truth.
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>> they talk demographics. let's break this down demographically you have women, hispanics, black americans, women, 2009. they went down three points hispanics went down four points. two points. black americans went down two points. so, it's across the board. these are the demo graphics, war on women. republicanst( are racist are they better off? >> we're starting to get into that area that sparked the spring. it's heart breaking. >> there you go. more americans living in poverty i don't, i disagree with this number in this sense have you to count the people living on food stamps, then, 45
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million american households suffering to feed families every month. those are real people. >> real suffering. real hopelessness you know? this is into looking out of a job market. >> it's got to be self fulfilling. >> the number we have here, we have a poverty rate now increasing among women. just light increase. and a 3% increase and you see 2008, another big drop. one of the things average annual premium for health insurance. if you look at 2008, it's 12,000. oh, i had a number. 12680. >> this is 2008. >> okay. >> 12,000, now, it's 16,000 we're getting new rate increases in the next week. >> people should understand the reason they haven't ballooned
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more, insurance companies are buffered by taxpayer dollars. when these go away, these numbers are going to look puny. >> thank you. don't miss charles on fox business news network. coming up, tonight's question of the day, straight ahead. new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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welcome back to "hannity". ray rice is appealing his suspension after caught on tape punching and knocking out his then fiancee. that leads us to the question of the day. should ray rice be allowed to play football again? anyone watching that video you're shocked and you're horrified at that point. jenae was his fiancee is now his wife the only reason i say yes, probably next season or the season after is because she's asked we leave them alone, that they have reconciled and made this right. with that said, nfl needs clear rules about behavior on the field and off the field and the punishments to be swift and severe going forward. that is my answer. what is yours? just go to facebook or@seanhannity on twitter.
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record "hannity" the series each week night. start your day with fox and first first. thanks for joining us we'll see you back here, i hope, tomorrow night. fine. >> i believe that. >> we will get over this. >> the o'reilly factor from washington is on. and tonight the whole sweep that we were told for months that was going to happen for republicans has not happened. >> but it did happen even though some on the left are in denial. bernie goldberg on the most foolish things said after the elections. >> has to do with the fact that he gets hammered 24/7 by fox news on the right and talk radio which is a huge force in this count country. >> tom brokaw blaming the defeat on the media. >> did