tv FOX and Friends FOX News November 10, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST
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some of the fans. the hawk landing on that man's head. as you can see, he takes it all in stride after the initial shock wears off. thanks so much for watching. have a great monday. we'll see you tomorrow morning. "fox & friends" starts now. >> good morning. it's monday, november 10. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. president obama admits democrats got beat bad during the midterms, but don't blame bad policies. >> we've got to sell it. i think we have not been successful in going out this and letting people know what it is that we're trying to do. >> more from the midterm post mortem. >> to those of you who voted, president obama said he heard you. but is this really what you wanted? he's now getting advice on be bm al sharpton. >> oh my gosh. >> that's hilarious, isn't
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it? >> i'll take it from here. just ahead of veteran's day, this writer begs the american people do not call members of our military heroes. they don't deserve it according to to him. it only gets worse from there. we'll explain. we'll try to because mornings -- believe it or not -- on this monday are better with friends. >> i'm congressman dennis kucinich. >> this is senator joe lieberman. >> you're watching "fox & friends," one of my favorite shows. >> >> a lot of people have sat on this couch. >> if they sit on the couch they've got to give us a little love. >> you're sitting on the couch. are you going to give us a little love? >> mornings are better with friends. >> good morning, kimberly guilfoyle. >> good morning. >> two democrats introduced us, one republican. before we get to talk, first what's happening with the breaking news. >> we have breaking news we've been following for you. we start with this fox news alert. a suicide bomber leaves at least 48 students dead at a
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nigerian college. witnesses say the bomber got into the school disguised as a student but he blew himself up in the middle of an assembly. soldiers were chased away angry that the military cannot stop these freect boko haram terror attacks. >> a mysterious leader in the group isis possibly injured in airstrikes in iraq. it is claimed he was badly wounded in a series of airstrikes. here's the thing, he's proven elusive since appearing on video back in july. if these reports are true it would be a devastating blow to isis. pentagon officials, however, say they are unable to confirm the report. the strikes were targeting a major meeting of isis leaders near mosul. u.s. officials saying a convoy of ten armed struks struks -- trucks were destroyed. an air canada mane --
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plane burst a fire during takeoff. -- it burst a tire during takeoff. officials say this plane has had several mechanical failures in the past but they will keep flying them. >> prince harry writing a letter to former soldiers. the prince presenting a wreath with the note at britain's remembrance day. it read, quote, there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. they will never be forgotten. harry served in afghanistan back in 2007 and 2008. he is currently ranked captain and continues to serve in a staff officer role. those are a look at your headlines. >> there is a book out on harry's life. he's actually had a very normal life for a royal person born into unbelievable wealth. >> princedom.
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>> good boy, very nice. i entertained him for four days when i was first leafed san francisco when camilla came. not harry. the dad. >> you can't keep up with harry. >> he's a bit much for me. >> four minutes now after the hour. the president of the united states sat down with bob schieffer yesterday. one of the things he talked about is essentially what the problem was with the midterm elections. what the problem was with his approval rating. i was astounded to see his take on the problem. >> remember a couple of days ago he said the republicans had a good night? that seems an understatement considering how historic it was. instead the president revealed he is doing a good jb but he's doing a bad job selling what you really want. listen to him, the salesman in chief. >> we've got to sell it.
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we've got to reach out to the other side and where possible persuade. and i think there are times, there is no doubt about it, where i think we have not been successful in going out there and letting people know what it is that we're trying to do and why this is the right direction. so there is a failure there that we've got to improve on. >> he got the policy right. he just hasn't told people how right he is. that's what i got from that statement. >> that's what he's saying. he's not going to say his policies are inherently flawed. he says we're not getting it yet so he's being nice by saying if i explained it better you would understand where i'm taking it. >> here's the other thing the president doesn't understand. he's doing a great job selling it. people aren't buying it. they don't like what he's selling. while he attempts to appear as if he's reaching out to the other side, what he has made very clear is that despite the fact that the
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speaker of the house, john boehner said, you're going to get burned and mitch mcconnell said you're going to poison the well if you do something with executive amnesty, granting amnesty to millions of illegals, he's going to plow right ahead on it. here he is despite the fact that he's pretending he's bipartisan, there he is at lunch on friday, not so much on this topic. >> i'd prefer and still prefer to see it done through congress. but every day that i wait, we're misallocating resources, we're deporting people that shouldn't be deported. we're not deporting folks that are dangerous and need to be deported. so, john, i'm going to give you some time, but if you can't get it done before the end of the year, i'm going to have to take the steps that i can to improve the system. >> but if you don't get it done the way i want you to get it done in a program that i can improve, then i'm going to have to act alone because you won't get it done that way. instead of saying okay, what needs to be done? what actually could we
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agree on and maybe we could do this incrementally, maybe we could do this with the border first after two years go out and check, let's have a big check box, the border is secured. so he doesn't plan on changing, kimberly. he plans on forging ahead. >> this is what i love about him. ready to get positive, people? he is wonderfully consistent. he's never wrong. it's got to be his time frame, his policies. now you're making me take a little longer because you people aren't getting it. i need to explain it better. we've got more insight because senator john barraso was at that meeting and he says the president, he's pulling the pin on the hand grenade. >> nobody ran for office and won a senate race based on the president having more executive authority to take executive actions on amnesty or on health care or any other of those issues. the american people want us to work together to find solutions. so i think it would be hike the president pulling the pin out of the hand grenade
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and throwing it in as we're trying to actually work together. >> absolutely. the message from the midterms was people are disgusted by the way washington is working, the dysfunction, the gridlock and stuff like that. we want people to get along. there's the president saying i gave the republicans plenty of time, but unless they do it by the end of the year -- which is before the end of this lame duck session where harry reid is pulling all the strings -- i'm in the going to be happy. >> george bush had a house that passed immigration and a senate that passed immigration. they couldn't agree on it. the president looks at the distance and feels frustration. i think he needs somebody to come in and say this is how we compromise. joe biden seems to have tried it in that beating -- meeting and was cut off in front of the president. when he said how long do you need, he was cut off by the president. >> that is the problem. he's not a compromiser, so this is nothing new. who suffers? the country. >> elections have
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consequences. >> 2016. >> if joe biden wants to run for president, i would advise him to say let me finish, mr. president. at some point some have to say something that republicans said to george bush. >> keep in mind tomorrow is veteran's day, the day we historically honor or veterans. so -- salon, a lefty blog put out a piece where it talks about how many heroes we have in this country, the men and women who serve us, they're not really heroes. he's sick of them. >> it's too much. this is the quote here. put a man in uniform, preferably a white man, give him a gun and americans will worship him. it is a particularly childish trait of a child-like culture that
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insists on anointing all active military members and police officers as heroes. >> what do you think? do you agree? >> let us know. >> 24 hours from veteran's day. he goes on to say there's sexual assaults and look how chelsea manning was treated, the one who gave up the secrets to the world? he looks at -- he became a she. he looks at her, the problem with, the problem chelsea manning had when he was a man, he looks at that as a problem with really our military. >> it's childish. what he misses is there are tens of thousands of people across the country, hundreds of thousands, millions of people who have dedicated their lives to protecting us from the evil side. and i'm sorry dave at salon, but they're heroes
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to me and they're heroes to a lot of people who watch this program and a lot of people who don't watch this program. >> it is a volunteer army we have. people are not drafted, not forced to enlist. they choose to serve because they are patriotic and care deeply about this country and preserving our rights and our liberty. for all of us to sit here and express our views. this guy, he probably couldn't give me ten push-ups. >> weigh in right now. facebook, kilmeade at "fox & friends" or twitter or any other account you want to use. >> groupon. 11 minutes after the top. just when you thought the scandal at the v.a. couldn't get worse, it does. a reporter joins us live with shocking details about how the v.a. is in disarray. >> secret tapes kept locked up in the white house more than two decades, what they're revealing this morning about president ronald reagan.
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>> now we're hearing once a vet gets to see a doctor, they may be treated using dangerous and outdated equipment. a reporter from "the washington times" blew the lid off of this story. he joins us live from washington, d.c. a pleasure to have you with us this morning. when i was reading this story, i thought just when you thought these poor veterans haven't been abused enough and mistreated, you hear this. imagine you finally get in but you're not getting the appropriate treatment because they are using this outdated equipment. how did you come across this story and then tell us about it. >> sure. we made a records request looking into some v.a. contracting-related issues many months ago; recently got back some response of documents. what we learned were some complaints back in 2012 from suppliers, the biggest of which was johnson and johnson, the big medical device manufacturer, raising concerns about the fact that some of the equipment that the v.a. was purchasing was off of what's called the gray market, which could be counterfeit items,
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potentially items that could be stolen from other hospital, items that are perhaps misbranded. and so johnson and johnson sent a letter to, or an e-mail to v.a. raising concerns about this, but it wasn't the only correspondence that we found highlighting this problem. >> what else did you find? >> we found that there was an internal advisory board that was designed to, it was comprised of different contractors and they were there to highlight different concerns they had about v.a. procurement. and this was one of four or five issues that they specific which i flagged and they -- which they specifically flagged and they presented it to v.a.'s top acquisition officials in a presentation back in 2012. >> it just got worse. last night on "60 minutes" a big feature. it was with secretary robert mcdonald who has
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taken over to straighten that place out. he finds out that about a thousand people should be fired. instead because it is government he can only get rid of about 30. he went on to say firing isn't the only challenge. hiring is a challenge. listen. >> how many doctors and nurses and medical professionals do you need to hire right now? >> if we could do it today, we would tell you we probably need about 28,000 is what we said in our committee testimony. >> how does that happen? where are the people? where are the applicants? >> it's been a persistent issue over the years. there's no shortage of government audits talking about doctor staffing and nurse staffing. you also have to wonder to what extent this may have contributed to the bigger scandal about wait times, because you have overworked staffs and you have a bonus system that's tied in part to wait times.
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and so to what extent that's an underlying issue. and at the same time, however, you also have no shortage of government audits talking about some questionable spending decisions over the years by the v.a. one highlighted recently by senator coburn in a report talking about roughly $500 million spent on office renovations over a five-year period. and certainly that would hire a lot of doctors and nurses. >> you need to be hiring the right people. the problem is it seems we can't fire the people that need to go, that need to take a hike and we don't have enough job positions open that we need to actually fill to run this properly. it is completely systemic and dysfunctional. i'm glad you did this open request to get these documents because otherwise you wouldn't know the half of this story. jim, thanks so much. >> 19 minutes after the hour. >> coming up, a veteran survives his tour of afghanistan only to be murdered as he celebrated
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coming home. the search for a killer this morning. >> if you voted, the president said he heard you. >> did he? >> to everyone who voted, i want you to know that i hear you. for the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you too. >> how do you do that? how do you hear people that aren't speaking? by getting al sharpton's advice. that's what you do. bipartisanship; that's right, that's al sharpton. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking.
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pastor dr. myles munroe among nine people dead after their plane crashes in a a construction crane and crashes in the bahamas. his wife and daughter also killed. munroe is known for his motivational books. the crash is under investigation. tragedy in virginia when a train slams into a couple on the tracks. 21-year-old jonathan gregmoore killed. his friend was able to survivor by leaping off the bridge into the water below. she suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. >> how frustrating it can sometimes be for any president to deal with an opposition that is pretty stubborn and where there are really strong differences. you've just got to keep on trying. >> he's promising to play nice going forward, but who did the president bring to the table before he tried to cut a deal with
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republicans last week? one man. >> the g.o.p. is playing opposites. hey, i can play too. did republicans think we wouldn't notice they're fooling the american people with their opposite day games? nice try. but we got you. >> the day after the midterms, the man the president met with was al sharpton. is he the guy to ask for advice when it comes to reaching across the aisle? huh? crystal wright is the owner of the baker wright group and the founder of blog and she joins us today from d.c. i don't know where to start. the president says i hear you, i heard the mental, i'm going to -- i heard the message, i'm going to compromise. but the first guy is al sharpton who did not blame the president for the losses. he blamed hillary and bill clinton. >> i'm speechless because
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the last time i looked, al sharpton is neither a member of congress nor the republican leadership. and by the way, al, we won. so i don't know what he's all turned upside down about. al sharpton, do you not see the results of the election? the american people spoke. they repudiated barack obama's presidency. it was a vote of no confidence in him. i just think, steve, it really is very telling about what this president is all about. president obama is an unserious president. he's concerned more with his celebrity than leading the country. that's why he met with al sharpton. he thought, al, let me whisper in your ear. blame bill and hillary and go on your show on msnbc and maybe the blacks will buy it. really? it's just insulting. >> it is insulting because yesterday on "face the nation" he told bob schieffer on his 60th anniversary show, you know, the problem was, it wasn't my message.
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it was i did a bad job selling it. >> yes. the president from day one, steve, what has president barack obama done from day one? he blamed president bush. he blamed the republicans in congress. he's still blaming the republicans in congress, wagging his finger. it's your fault that i lost the midterms and it's the american people's fault, two-thirds of them who didn't come out to vote. where is the constant here? it's called barack obama. it's always his fault, but he never wants to accept the blame. i just don't know what he's going to come up with next? it's santa claus's fault? >> the bush thing, the statute of limitations ran out. >> he meets with al sharpton, meets with the naacp, he meets with the urban league the day after they got the shellacking. so what does that say to you, crystal, going forward, the path he's going to take? >> i think it's no secret that black americans have gotten behind president obama with, you know, all their force.
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over 90% of black americans voted for this man both times he ran for president. so what he's doing is it's his loyal subsequent -- loyal constituent base. he said maybe if i can get the blacks on board it will trickle into the rest of the population. i think he's setting the table for what? immigration. amnesty he's about to grant to 11 million-plus people potentially. and that does not help black americans. so i think he's setting the table. he's saying look, blacks, i still like you guys even though i'm going to grant amnesty to 11 million-plus people that are going to take away your jobs because the black unemployment, steve, is what? almost twice the national average. that's all i can say. the guy is so out of touch and unserious, it really boggles the mind. this is about p.r. this president said at his white house press conference last week, i've been in the limelight. i've had endless requests for my appearances. this boils down to his
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presidency. it's out of control. >> it does seem like that. that's why we called you in crystal wright. she's got the blog called conservativeblackchick. crystal, thank you so much for joining us. it's exactly 29 minutes after the top of the hour. a medical miracle. she was dead for 45 minutes and somehow came back to life. the doctor who watched it all happen joins us live straight ahead. secret tapes kept locked up in the white house for more than two decades. what they're revealing this morning about president ronald reagan. but first happy birthday to comedian sinbad. he's 58. happy birthday, sinbad. ♪ ♪
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>> for the past 239 years, men and women of the united states marine corps have been keeping us safe. today we have this special honor of celebrating their birthday. >> joining us now is the senior ranking marine, lieutenant general john davis, deputy commandant for the aviation and captain justinekavulon. thank you for being here. general, what does it mean to be a marine? >> the marine corps takes great pride in our hift. we celebrate our history. every time of the year in november, we gather and celebrate our 239th founding of the corps. and this year you see
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marines gathering in small groups, afghanistan, liberia; big groups, amphibious ships, carriers and also based in stations around the united states to celebrate the birthday. when we celebrate the birthday, we celebrate our very good fortune to be marines. we reflect on our historic battles of the nation's past, those marines who kept the bar so very high for us. we remember marines we have lost, some of those we read about, some of those we know personally. in each of those celebrations, we also, each and every marine tries to set the bar very high for themselves, high like the bar that those marines who went before set for us, we make sure we keep the bar high for marines in the future. >> and you did. and you are. we're going to probably need you again in iraq, as you know, that incredible work you did especially through the surge. but you cannot celebrate a birthday without a sword and a cake. so tell us this tradition.
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>> what we do is we have a cake, and today we're going to basically eat some cake. we're going to enjoy the cake. it's great. you have a birthday and you get the cake celebration but we're going to give a piece of cake to the oldest marine and the youngest marine. >> we have the oldest and the youngest, 22 years old, private first class shane gomez. welcome to both of you guys. are you ready to celebrate? i think we should grab the sword and cut away. you've both got to cut a piece. that's the rule. >> here we go. >> there you go. the crew, we've got about a 20 member crew. we have to make this last because we have a control
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room of about 25 people action too. general, can you pull this off? you do a lot of miracles. kimberly, we've got to serve it to the oldest and to the youngest. >> i'm good at this. wedding cake practice. >> you want to do this. had a few weddings. >> the next one is going to stick. >> the last time i had cake, i had a new husband. here we go. >> hand this piece of cake to the oldest marine. >> okay. >> thank you. god bless you for your service. >> and a piece of cake for our youngest marine. >> all right, guys. it's official, happy birthday to the marines, 239 years young. >> all right. we're having a lot of fun over here and we've got to get some updates and we're going to get it over to
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heather while we have some cake. >> yes. happy birthday and thank you for your service. a veteran survived his tour of afghanistan only to be murdered as he celebrated coming home. 21-year-old francisco garcia gunned down outside his girlfriend's home near los angeles. garcia who homecoming party when a man pulled up in a car, argued with him and then opened fire. police say it was a targeted attack. a fellow vet came to a vigil supporting garcia. >> my heart was struck when he would go abroad to serve our country and then come back and die on our streets. it's really just wrenching. >> that sums it up. garcia had returned from afghanistan four months ago. police searching for the killer this morning. he just stepped foot on u.s. soil for the first time in two years, so what is the first thing kenneth bae, the american held
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captive in north korea ask for? pizza. bae told his sister no korean food. that is all he was allowed to eat while locked up in that labor camp overseas. bae arrived home this weekend after secret orchestrations by n.s.a. director james clapper. more in handcuffs after police in florida continue to crack down on feeding the homeless. first it was a 92-year-old man who served food to the homeless in public. now police booked three others for doing the same thing. there is a city ordinance that bans public food sharing. never before seen tapes of president ronald reagan being revealed to the public. "the new york post" obtained the recordings of the president talking to top foreign leaders, the conversation with the pakistani president in 1985, showing his resolve in dealing with the terrorists who hijacked flight 847. reagan saying this, quote, we must do that in a way
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that does not make the hijackers think that they have won their goal, because i think that would just feed more hijackings and more terrorism. those are a look at your headlines. back to you. >> thank you very much, heather. let's go out to the streets of new york city because winter making an early appearance. chilly temperatures for nearly 200 million people across the united states. and the reason, maria, is because of a big typhoon? >> it used to be a typhoon and it's moving over parts of alaska and into canada. that system is going to help enhance very cold temperatures across parts of the lower 48. i want to take you to north dakota because across many parts of the country we're looking at our first winter storm of the season. some areas will be looking at 8 to 12 inches of snow and wind gusts of up to
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over 30 miles per hour. we have winter storm warnings in effect from montana to part of wisconsin and the u.p. of michigan. the system will be heading south and east. here's a look at accumulations. 12 to 8 inches possible across parts of minnesota and wisconsin. i want to show you those temperatures. the highs are going to be well below average across the rockies and upper midwest. highs in the 20's. look at what happens over the next few days. here's tuesday. here's wednesday. by thursday, very cold air, well below average temperatures for most of the lower 48 into the northeast. new england, great lakes and even down into texas. let's head back inside. >> and the u.p. of michigan could get two feet of snow, maria. thank you very much. >> all right. we were there once. >> glad we're not there this week. >> 20 minutes now before the top of the hour. up next, former secretary of state condoleezza rice weighs in on our current foreign policy and our
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fallen stature, in her words, in the world. >> what we're seeing is when the united states steps back and speaks softly, nobody listens. >> more with the interview next. >> a medical miracle. she was dead for 45 minutes and somehow came back to life. the doctor who watched it all joins us live next. >> 45 minutes? ♪ ♪ ♪
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the stature of the world. what does she have to say now looking back at her years in office? i sat down with her late last week to talk about america today with the former secretary of state. madam secretary, there's a sense that when this president took over that america was too arrogant in the world trying to assert ourselves in many places and if we changed that caricature things would change. has it changed? >> when the united states steps back and speaks softly nobody listens. americans don't like the world they get when the united states is not deeply engaged and deeply involved. the world of beheadings, lone wolf walking into the canadian parliament. i think the american people are ready, i think the world is ready for a stronger american leadership. >> a lot of people said the bush administration opened up that caldron with iraq and afghanistan. what is your response? >> because president bush made the brave decisions to surge forces at the end of
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his term, we were in pretty good shape in iraq. iraq was relatively stable in 2010 and 2011. i wish we left the residual force. we're now going to be back in iraq to try and help the iraqis deal with the threat of the islamic state. >> the president's own words in 2007, which i had a chance to may for him about three weeks ago, said if we don't do this, they're going to come back, the islamic extremists worse than ever. in fact they have. the push back from the democrats and from the obama administration was this was the status of forces agreement we had. i was abiding by it. what's the truth? >> i was in those rooms when we discussed the status forces agreement we signed. everybody expected that we would negotiate a follow-on status of forces agreement, that the iraqis would allow us to keep, or would want to keep a small number of american forces. i think the american military thought that number ought to be around 10,000. just imagine, if we kept
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those forces there, we probably would have been able to train the iraqis better in counterterrorism. we certainly would have had better eyes and ears on the ground to see the rise of isis. i do believe we can turn this around. >> how would you do that? >> through a combination of air power but sustained significant air power against the isis installations. we also need to really train and equip and help the iraqi forces, the iraqi national forces, the kurdish peshmerga and tribes we've worked with before. that's going to mean that we're probably going to have to put advisors with them. >> the atlantic probably gives you a presubscription. one of the articles from jeffrey goldberg referred to an obama administration official as calling netanyahu a chicken blank, going ton say because he lirched to us and --
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listened to us and didn't bomb iran, he doesn't have the courage to start a war. how troubling is that to you? >> you should never talk about an ally in that fashion. >> have you ever? >> never. president netanyahu is the elected prime minister of israel. he is a friend and he lives in a really bad neighborhood. you have to remember that israel is democracy, israel is our friend. their security is paramount to our future. >> looking back now, as our people like to rank the presidents as they do college football teams, do you think president bush's ranking is going up or down? >> i definitely people are beginning to understand better the hard choices that president george w. bush faced, unprecedented choices after september 11, when we were attacked on our home soil for the first time since the war of 1812. unprecedented choices about how to secure the country. and i think people are coming to appreciate that he made those tough choices, that he stood strong, that he kept this country safe and people
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knew that he had the best interest at heart. he used to say people are still evaluating george washington, so i think history will judge. >> good point. that was nice of her to come in. i know she had a lot of stops. you can see the whole interview. we talked for a half-hour straight on also excerpts on radio better. thanks to her chief assistant for setting that up. >> secretary of state such an impressive individual and so warm and gracious in person. coming up, a mother declared dead and 45 minutes later she comes back to life. her doctors call it a miracle. and one of them joins us next. >> what a story. more proof that when terrorists take on america, they'll always lose. a major unveiling today at the site of the september 11 attacks. we're going to take you down this. ♪
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happened. >> the family had come in and they had said their good-byes and one of the nurses came out of the o.r. and said, don't stop praying. her heart has started to beat on its own. >> i remember feeling a force telling me you're not coming here. this is not your time. i really didn't know i died, by the way. i had no clue. that's when i woke up, no time passed. i said, what happened to my mouth? >> dr. michael is her gynecologist and part of the team that saved her life and, of course, delivered that beautiful baby. this is an incredible story. when i was reading about it, and i'm a mother, i went through very complicated emergency c-section. those are scary times. many things can happen during that. but take us through this story because at a certain point, something went terribly wrong and then you had to start doing resuscitation revival attempts. >> hi. how are you? so actually this was a planned
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c-section. it was very easy c-section, no problems. everything went very, very well. the baby was delivered. i handed the baby off. i finished everything and went and spoke to the family and everyone was excited. the baby was born, everything was fine. actually i left to go see other patients and about 15 minutes later is when i heard overhead that they were calling me to the operating room. what had happened was while she was in the recovery room, she actually stopped breathing. this was something that was very, very rare, called amniotic fluid embolism. you're not able to diagnose it prior to this happening. it's something that suddenly happens. >> so during this, the fluid goes into the system, right? >> she stopped breathing completely. we had to intubeate her immediately. as soon as she was intubated, we brought here back to the
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emergency room. everything from the surgery went perfectly. we were worried that she had stopped breathing. >> so did you have to bring -- >> i can't hear you. >> i'll talk then. so you had to give her cpr, chest compression. >> suddenly, her heart stopped after two hours. when her heart stopped, we had to give her compressions. i'll try get this. i apologize. >> that's okay. so we understand. very difficult circumstances. you were getting ready to call the time of death when a nurse comes running out to the family who had been praying and so upset, distraught over what happened to say wait a second, we see a sign of life. >> exactly. we had actually brought the family in while we were doing chest compressions. we were there for 45 minutes doing the compressions. the family was praying, praying for ruby, praying. the mother actually, she said please, god, take me instead. it was very, very emotional when we were in there.
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good morning. it's monday, november 10. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. you thought the v.a. secret wait list were a disgrace to our veterans, didn't you? it's about to get worse. once they get in the door, they're being treated with bogus equipment. >> oh, boy. >> he's been making the same promise for years. >> notion that the united states should be putting boots on the ground, i think would be a profound mistake. >> the president just did it. so now what? senator john mccain here in the hall and soon on our set. meanwhile, take a look at this guy. he thinks it's childish to call members of our military heros.
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he says they don't deserve it. your comments pouring in on this. keep them coming. >> send them. >> absolutely because mornings are better with feedback. yours. >> this is the united states marine corps. you're watching "fox & friends." aargh. >> today is their 239th birthday. we would have put 239 candles on the cake, but the fire marshal was in here and said we got to stop at 200. >> he shut it down. >> how great was it, you miss it , senator john mccain walks in, and in come the marines in our green room. and they just had a chance to talk. >> were we out here working? >> you were working. i apologize. >> drinking cocoa. >> i'm the green room correspondent. >> john mccain, american hero. and he is a hero despite what
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some others say. he'll join us in five minutes. we turn to heather who joins with us a fox news alert. >> this fox news alert, suicide bomber leaves at least 48 students dead in a nigerian college. the bomber got into the school, disguised as a student, and then blew himself up in the middle of an assembly. the bombing apparently done by terror group bow boko haram. soldiers were chased away by people throwing stones angry that the military can't stop the group's attacks in the region. mysterious leader of the terror isis group possibly injured or dead in the latest round of u.s. air strikes in iraq. iraqi officials that he was badly wounded in a series of air strikes. here is the thing, he has proven elusive since first appearing on video in july. however action the pentagon has no confirmation of this.
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if these reports are true, it would be a devastating blow to isis. the strikes were targeting a major meeting of isis leaders in mosul. u.s. officials saying a convoy of ten armed trucks were destroyed. of the 21-day ebola quarantine period for the maine nurse is today. she and her boyfriend are planning to leave and travel the country, though they didn't say where they're heading. last month she divide quarantine policies. you will remember that after returning from treating ebola patients in seer lean. a judge sided with her, allowing her to go anywhere she wants. finally, you can start searching for a new health care plan. users can preview plans and get an idea of what they might need. the department of health and human services says that this year's web site should have less bugs and be more user friendly. we will see. that being more so than the one they rolled out last year.
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registration starts this friday. so fingers crossed on that. those are a look at your headlines. >> good luck. thank you. we have been telling you about the scandal at the v.a. how many vets died waiting for treatment? now there is a brand-new story out this morning from the washington times that says a lot of vets who have gone into the v.a. for medical devices, turns out some of the devices not up to snuff. unauthorized, maybe counterfeit. it start when the government tried to save some money. they started this thing called reverse auction where is they bought stuff off the gray market. invariably, at one v.a. facility, some medical devices was going to go into a vet's body, was shipped to them, it was not in a box. it came in some yellowed cell cellophane and tide up with rubber bands and the v.a. was expected to put that into somebody's body. >> that's sad because they deserve our very best. this great country, come on, we can do better than this.
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you thought it was -- some changes there. >> secretary mcdonald sits down. general mcdonald was asked to come in and asked by scott pelley, how many people need to be fired? why aren't we seeing a list of names? listen. >> how many employees do you think should be fired? based on what you know. >> the report we passed up to the senate committee, house committee, has 35 names on it. i've got another report that has over 1,000. >> can't fire them, though. there is such a process. you have to essentially put together these little trials in order to get rid of people who have done nothing to keep their jobs. >> why don't they change that? that's the whole thing. how is it possible -- >> that's government. >> how is it that people failing at their jobs cannot be let go? >> kind of like it's a bureaucracy trying to fix a bureaucracy and you just wind up with more bureaucratic mdqs. so that's the task of this robert mcdonald.
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he's the ceo. he's different than others. brian mentioned he was a vet. he's a west point guy. he's a guy who doesn't just have the job with his head, he's got it with his heart. listen to this great question by scott pelley and the amazing answer by the guy at the v.a. >> what do you owe these veterans? not the v.a., but bob mcdonald, what do you owe meese veterans? >> this is very personal because i served with a lot of these guys and we were in very dangerous situations and any time you jump out of an airplane in a parachute, you're putting your life in danger and as a jump master, you're checking that person's equipment and their life is relying on yours. that's the kind of relationships you create. those are the relationships that drive me to do that. >> taking on an incredible job,
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i certainly wish him well and thank him for his service. you can tell his heart is in the right place and it's such a difficult, intractable problem. and then now this. on the eve of veterans day -- hope you didn't eat too much breakfast -- writers saying, calling our military members heros has come to an end. seriously. this guy is unbelievable. if you see this in the salon article, he's talking about that he said, put a man in uniform, preferably a white man, give him a gun and americans will worship him. it is a particularly childish trait of a childlike culture that insists on anointing all active military members and police officers as heros. we asked for your viewer feedback and your responses as we've been discussing this this morning. a lot of feedback coming in. >> the e-mail machine is melting because this guy says don't call people in uniform heros. andrea says on facebook, if it weren't for the brave men and women, he is disparaging, he
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wouldn't have the freedom to speak his trash. shame on him. >> jonathan says as disgusting as i believe that to be, our heros fought and fight for this right to say it. he doesn't realize that. >> another on facebook, my husband retired last year after serving 26 years in the army. and as a ch 47 pilot and he is a hero in the hearts of our four children and he is more of a man than this guy will ever be. oh, i hear you. god bless our heros in uniform. i love that one. >> fred is also on facebook this morning and says, he's entitled to his opinion. he's even entitled to the protection that our military affords him. but he has not earned nor will he receive our respect. once again, this salon item, and salon, a lefty blog, was written by this lefty blogger who is also a columnist at the indianapolis star by the name of david mascarada. >> maybe you ought to write him, tell him what you think.
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>> calling it rhetorical sloppiness and intellectual shallowness. >> sorry, dave. but you know what? they are heros to us, especially on the day before veterans day. >> you're right about that. >> just all about the clicks with them. and it's despicable. he's been making the same promise for years. well, he just did it. we're talking about the president of the united states saying no troops on the ground. senator john mccain, come on in. you're next. we're going to talk to you about that. >> talk about a great veteran, american hero. >> and they say no one forgets how to ride a bike. how would you do with a rocket engine attached? now the senator finally arrived. let's shake his hand. ♪ ♪ ç
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for the first time in 123 years, a downtown new york subway station destroyed in the 9-11 attack is reopened this morning. >> up. reporter robert moses is there live for coronation. hey, robert. >> reporter: hey, good morning to you. this really is the new crown jewel of the city's transit system. it is expected to serve up to 300,000 people a day. we're talking about the fulton
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center. a culmination of more than a decade of work. it's more than just a transit center, though. it's a tangible symbol of the rebirth of lower manhattan. what once was a series of narrow, tank, dark passageways lead to go the subway social security an open transit that will serve nine subway lines and eventually it will connect to others. couple other significant features, there is all digital signage inside. the only station here in the city that can boast that. also 340 security cameras will make sure everyone here is safe. by the way, there are 90 more security cameras to come. that is the latest. live from lower manhattan, a good day here in lower manhattan. >> little by little, get the freedom tower open, thanks so much. now this. i'm never going to say
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never, but what the commanders who presented the plan to me say is that we may actually see to youer troops over time because now we're seeing coalition members starting to partner with us on the training and assist effort. >> president obama, after announcing he's sending more troops to iraq to fight eye circumstances now saying he'll never say never to sending more. of course, he says this after the election. this after he vowed he wouldn't send any at all. >> the notion that the united states should be putting boots on the ground, i think would be a profound mistake. american combat troops will not be returning to fight in iraq. i've been very clear we are not going to have u.s. combat troops in iraq again. i will not allow the united states to be dragged into fighting another war in iraq. >> so what's going on here? joining us now to discuss, a member of the senate armed services committee. >> soon to be the chairman of that committee. >> yes. co-author of the new book "13 soldiers," senator john mccain
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joins us. what a pleasure to have you here. >> great to be with you all and thanks for helping the marines celebrate their birthday. >> they love seeing you. >> one of my sons was a marine and fought in iraq and all of our servicemen and women are wonderful and our marines are very interesting group. >> i got to ask you about the president. right after the election, the president announced 1500 more troops in there. they're walking on the ground. they can't levitate. are they fighting? >> whether they're combat troops or troops on the ground or -- look, he's going to have to send more. we are not winning and it's just a fact -- >> he says it's phase two. >> well, look, we're not winning there. we are going to have to have more boots on the ground because the only way you can really identify targets is to have boots on the ground. you're going to have to have more trainers in there. general odierno has said, and
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others have said you may need many thousands more as far as trainers are concerned, special forces. isis continues to win. look, this is a failed policy. it cannot succeed. they're looking at iraq as one conflict in syria as another. do you think isis looks at it as two separate conflicts? n no, they don't. just look at the names. no. they don't see it that way at all. we're already so far behind because of this lack of resolve and leadership to do the right thing. i don't understand because you're putting -- you're going to put troops on the ground. we should have had them to begin with, the status of forces agreement. so that was a fail right there. now we've got syria implicating it. >> which every one of our leaders who were there at the time say we could have had a residual force behind us, which this whole scenario wouldn't have been repeated. by the way, we're going to seat same movie in afghanistan unless we leave a stabilizing force there. >> in 2016, we're totally out, by the way.
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>> in 2008 the reason why the president of the united states is president today is he voted against the iraq war resolution. hillary clinton voted for it. that helped him get the nomination. so he came to the presidency saying he was going to get out of everywhere and look -- and he has been -- i got to hand it to him, he's done that to a degree. look at the world in 2009 and look at the world today. my friends, it is dramatically shifted in favor of the forces of radical islam, forces of terror, and they are now direct threats to the united states of america. >> well, we're talking about war and that's appropriate given that tomorrow veterans day and you've got this new book out called "13 soldiers." these are not supermen and women. these are people, ordinary people, who were pressed into service for our nation but did amazing things. >> amazing things. and all of them didn't end up so well. and all of them weren't perfect people. our guy in mexican war spent most of his time in his memoirs bragging about the romantic
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liaisons that he had. our revolutionary war, joseph martin, he was only 15 and when you read -- he wrote his memoir, they were always hungry. it was such an -- >> freezing and hungry. >> terrible conditions. >> and were not well treated after the war was over. >> in in my humble opinion, we spend so much time on the officers, but not on the people that fight, the one that overcome the fear. that's what did you in this book. people are fearful when they get into battle. but they overcome it. >> and we have stories of a couple of very brave women. one a medic that went in after an ied and saved lives without ever -- which is interesting showing in my view that women can perform in combat just as well as men can. i'm sure you can agree with me. >> yeah, absolutely. i love it. >> so we tried to write about
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people, ordinary people who did extraordinary things. but not necessarily -- we look at a lot of our heros as perfect and many of these individuals were imperfect. one of my favorite is charles black, an african-american, fought in the war of 1812, on board a ship where sometimes, by the way, in those days, 20 to 30% of the crews of our fighting ships were african-american and spent time in prison and then, unfortunately, was badly beaten in a race riot many years later. >> the book is called "13 soldiers, a personal history of americans at war." john mccain and mark salter helped you with the book. >> substantially. >> senator -- >> what a great pleasure. if only he was president, how the world would be different. >> thank you for what you're doing. coming up straight ahead, look at this, a propeller slicing through a plane cabin after had already landed. how this happened straight ahead. plus, leaving your car in the hands of an auto repairman
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good morning. it's time for your news by the numbers. once a day, that's how many times a child is hospitalized because of laundry detergent pods. this comes from a brand-new report showing they are much more dangerous than first thought. next, 2500 bucks. that's the opening bid for this creepy osama bin laden doll. it's one of only three in the world made by the c.i.a. to hand out to kids in the middle east to stop them from joining al-qaeda. finally, 207 miles per hour. a man riding a rocket powered
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bicycle breaks his own speed record, covering a quarter mile in fewer than 7 seconds and leaving a ferrari in the dust, baby. you may never know who you can trust, but now there is some easy to use smart phone apps that can solve all the problems in one tap. kurt the cyber guy is here to break it down. tell me how you can make our life easier for those who cannot fix things themselves. >> that's me, too. i can't do the brakes on my car. i can't jack up my car. but i can get suckered to going to my local dealer thinking in the first year of my car that it's underwarranty for some reason. no, it's not usually your breaks. bmw is about the only manufacturer that covers brakes throughout the duration of a maintenance agreement. i made that big mistake and i go in there and the car is now in the dealer and i'm thinking, why am i spending all this money when the guy calls me back and says it's going to be $800 to
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fix your brakes. i say the car is not even a year old. now, had i had this, i would not be paying the 800. i'd be paying around 400. this is an amazing app. we've heard about repair pal before and this you put in your make and model of the car and it will help you -- >> i have a white tahoe. >> there you go. find a shop near you and then also to get the estimate feature is really the great thing here because whether you're going to use the app to find a shop or not, you put in what kind -- like brake pad and rotor replacement for the front end of your car and then boom, it will come up with a range based on where you're located on how much you should be spending for that particular car to be done. now, open bay is another one that is sort of similar, except this will have the mechanics fighting for your business. so you put out that you've got the tahoe and you use that car 'cause you can keep track of your car's maintenance records here. you have an air conditioning recharge or you can search for the element going on. brake light is on and so forth. it will come up with an idea of
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what -- it wants to know more. this one will allow you to find a shop near you. it will show you the range of prices. it will show you a specific estimate and then also it will let you know if there is wi-fi while you wait, or if they're going to give a loaner car at the dealer. >> may the best man win. >> exactly. so this other one, yourmechanic is relatively new. imagine calling domino's pizza for a pizza, right? o uber for a car that's like the new taxi service. your mechanic is very similar. you put in what your car is, what the problem is that's going on with your car and they will send a truck to your house and actually fix your car at home. >> that is unbelievable. >> tip here, you can not have it parked in a public street in order to get your car fixed in that way. if you haven't done this, i don't care if your car is running perfectly, this is a wonderful app that is out that's totally free from safercar. this is from the national highway traffic safety board.
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you search for recalls on your car, you'll be shocked to find out that in many cases, in the news today, there are cars that are out there. what year is your chevy, by the way? >> it's a 2008. >> well, we'll go to 2008. i doubt the recalls will list that far back at this point. we'll try it out. but go in and put in your car. it will list these recalls. the reason you want to do this is because like me getting smart and going to my local repair guy instead of the dealer for service, it's cheaper and as reliable, what i find out is that i've been paying for repairs that the dealer would have paid for because it's on a recall list. they screwed up. let's say it's a tahoe. search. there may or may not be. there is two recalls on. this these you might pay at the repair shop. but whoa, do this app and you won't pay anything. >> get off the road! >> go to our web site.
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and county is involved in this no matter where you are. >> put out the vote for your car. >> thank you very much. the car matters. coming up straight ahead, is the president's midterm following hill all the way around the world. ed henry will join us from beijing. terrifying moments on the highway when a driver loses control right in front of a tractor-trailer. ♪ ♪ bñp ç
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off her upper east side house in luxury looking nyc. the november issue of the magazine features a look inside with pictures of some of her favorite spots. where in the house is that? >> that looks like i was advertising hosery or something. >> or ottoman. >> where was that? >> that's in my apartment, in my living room. that's a little ottoman. it's made out of pleather. it's very kid friendly. the legos, the jello and chocolate pudding all swirl in on top of it and wipes right off. >> kid friendly. >> congratulations. that's awesome. >> thank you. i got a text from greg gutfeld filled. i haven't held the magazine yet. >> someone had in his building. he was going through his neighbor's mail. >> is the couch for sale? >> this one isn't. the hamptons was and i bought a new one. >> you're still in the hamptons. >> check her out. president obama is in
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beijing, china this morning kicking off his three-day trip to asia where he'll test his global crown for the first time since his party's major defeat in the midterm elections. >> will those troubles follow him halfway around the world? ed henry is following him halfway around the world. he joins us right now with the very latest from beijing. hello, ed henry. give us the latest. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the president wants to get out of washington, all of those midterm election woes. but it is following him here. at least in the early stages. he got a warm welcome for a lame duck. this was a dramatic red carpet here in beijing for the summit that's opening up, dancers whirling around and the president got out of his limo and what can only be described as star trek kind of jacket, traditional without the collar. not something you see him wearing every day. kind of a warm welcome, but not so warm when the chinese decide to attack the president openly in some of their state-run
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newspapers, including global times, making fun of the president and mocking him over that midterm election, saying in part, quote, obama always utters yes, we can, which led to the high expectations people had for him, but he has done an inseeped job offering a nearly nothing to his supporters, saying u.s. society is growing tired. they come from different parties, but have the same destiny. the white house trying to brush that off as propaganda. the president here in asia totally for eight days. he'll go to burma and australia after china. he's trying to get trade deals and trying to say that even while overseas, he can get some wins. listen to this. >> deepening our economic ties is why i also hope to make progress with the president here, ambitious high standard bilateral investment treaty that opens up china's economy to american investors. an agreement that could unlock
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even more progress and more opportunity in both of our countries. >> reporter: of course, any trade deal the president locks in to her would still have to be approved back in washington by the new republican congress at the beginning of next year. republicans frustrated while the president is talking about cooperation on issues like trade, he has said he's going to push forward with unilateral action on immigration reform. they're upset about that, and also in that interview yesterday on "face the nation," the president suggested that the election loss was not so much about his policies, but about the messaging, saying he just has to do a better job of selling his policy. he thinks those policies are sound. this new republican congress clearly believes just the opposite. >> ed henry live on the streets of beijing where it's 8:36 at night where the president starts his tour wearing some new star treky clothes. >> yeah. thank you. appreciate it. heather, you have the latest breaking news. >> we've been following some
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stories. this first story is horrible to hear. a veteran survives his tour in afghanistan only to be murdered on the streets of los angeles. 21-year-old francisco garcia gunned down outside his girlfriend's home. this happened near los angeles at his homecoming celebration. he was leaving the party when a man reportedly pulled up in a car, argued with garcia about something, and then opened fire. police say that it was a targeted attack. a fellow vet came to a vigil supporting garcia. >> my heart was struck when he would go abroad to serve our country and then come back to die on our streets, it's really wrenching. >> garcia had returned from afghanistan just four months ago. police searching for the killer this morning. they are calling it the flight from hell. an air canada plane burst a tire during takeoff. when it touched back down, a
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propeller got loose and then this happened, it slammed into the cabin, hitting a woman in the head. she walked away with bruises and a concussion. aviation officials say that this model plane has had several mechanical failures in the past. but they're going to continue flying them. and quick reflexes help a truck driver avoid disaster. you can see a car -- this was in australia -- swerving on the highway. then it loses control, slams right into a wall. somehow the truck behind manages to stop with just moments to spare. and it was a divine miracle. a florida woman survives 45 minutes without a pulse during complications from a routine c-s. a hospital official says the 40-year-old gave birth to a healthy daughter moments before flat lining. doctors were preparing to pronounce her dead when they heard a heartbeat. earlier we spoke with one of the doctors who saved her life.
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>> we had actually brought the family in while we were doing chest compressions. we were there for 45 minutes doing these compressions. the family was praying, praying for ruby, praying. the mother actually said, please, god, take me instead. it was very, very emotional when we were in there. >> really a true miracle. despite going without oxygen for 45 minutes, ruby is perfectly fine. really an unbelievable story. >> she got good care. >> yeah. after 45 minutes and no brain damage whatsoever, home taking care of her brand-new baby. a miracle. >> it is indeed. heather, thank you very much. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. extreme weather now. winter making its early appearance. new video out of minneapolis. the snow falling pretty hard right now. new video out of the twin cities. they're expected to get up to 14 inches. but that's not all. millions in the midwest and parts of the south expected to feel freezing temperatures. maria molina is tracking the
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very latest. she's here on the streets of new york city. not bad yet. but it's going to get chilly. >> yeah, that's right. it's going to get very chilly out here. you mentioned minneapolis, parts of central minnesota are expected to look at snowfall rates of up to an inch per hour. that's going to be lasting throughout the afternoon, evening hours, and even into tonight across portions of the midwest and also into parts of the northern rockies. take a look at some of these winter storm warnings in effect from montana to parts of the u.p. of michigan and in wisconsin. some of these areas could pick up to a foot and a half of snow. so this is a very powerful winter storm system. there is a look at the snowfall forecast across minnesota, wisconsin. that's the sweet spot where we're looking at potentially more than 18 inches of snow and also the higher elevations of the rockies expected to see significant snow as well. the big story also is not just the snow, but also the arctic air that's going to be impacting parts of the lower 48 for many days to come. here is today. not bad yet across parts of the east and southeast. temperatures in the 60s and 70s.
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here is the forecast. tuesday, cold air keeps moving south and east. wednesday, continues spreading. and by thursday, temperatures are going to be below average even into the southeast. you're looking at highs in the 50s in raleigh and atlanta. 40s in new york city. and only in the teens and single digits across portion of the rockies. let's head back inside. >> i'm getting cold already hearing that. >> thank you very much. straight ahead, the navy seal who says he killed osama bin laden under fire for sharing his story with fox. is that fair? up next, another former seal comes to his defense. and the revolutionary force in rock'n'roll. ♪ ♪ >> this morning, pink floyd is back, but not without some controversy. let's listen to him play the guitar. >> i'm getting sleepy. ♪
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two quick headlines now. you haven't heard this in a while. pink floyd out with new music? ♪ ♪ >> sounds peppy. pink floyd's first studio album in 20 years, two original members were on board for the project. the band's creative force, roger waters, had nothing to do with it. and led zeppelin reunion tour on the stairway to nowhere. ♪ she's buying the stairway to heaven ♪ >> lead singer robert plant reportedly tearing up an $800 million contract to reform the band. richard branson offered them a staggering sum to go on a 35-day
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tour, but plant says it's never going to happen of the steve? >> thanks, brian. the u.s. navy seal who says he shot and killed osama bin laden taking major heat for breaking his silence. rob o'neill decided to speak exclusively to fox news for a special that airs tomorrow night and wednesday night. but many of his superiors say he had no right to go public. howard watson is a former navy seal who also wrote a book about his experience and he joins us alongside his wife, debbie, live in our studio today. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> now, howard, you've never met rob o'neill. >> no. >> but you're a former navy seal. what do you think about the fact that he has decided now, since this was one of the greatest military operations of our generation -- he would like to reveal himself and tell the story about what really happened. do you have a problem with that? >> i have absolutely no problem with that. as a matter of fact, if i were a general or admiral or a secretary of defense, he would be under pressure or any type of heat right now. as a matter of fact, my thoughts are this comes down to first
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amendment rights, which is freedom of speech. he hasn't given up any classified information. i mean, the administration did that after the raid. >> they made movies, people have written books. >> arguably, spring boarded this president into a second term. so for the actual shooter to come forward if it's going to help closure for the victims, if it's going to get something off his chest, like i said, first amendment rights, nobody that i know of has more of a right to that than this man. >> you'll be watching tomorrow night and on wednesday night? >> absolutely. and the only concern i do have is security. so if rob is watching this, give me a call. i'll come hang out with you. >> all right. you're joining us today with your wife. you've got a new book outside called "the last rescue, how faith and love saved a navy seal sniper." when you came back from being a navy seal, what happened to your life? >> i left seal team six after being wounded in the battle of mogadishu which later became known as blackhawk down. shot up three times there, came back and found out after the
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seal time i had nothing. i drank heavily. i couldn't keep a relationship, bounced from job to job, because our military, even now, does a poor job of helping military people assimilate back into society, which is why our suicide rate is through the roof now. so this book goes and shows everybody my journey back to normalcy, if you will. >> because debbie, for a while, his best friend was jack daniels. >> it was. it was. i met him after that point. he had some friends that came along before me that got him out of that habit. but still, when i met him, he was still floundering from job to job and really didn't have an identity outside of the seal team. so when we -- we met and started dating and we got married, it took about a year for me to realize that he just did not have an identity other than he was a navy seal. so we worked to get past that and build one that he could be as passionate about as he was as a navy seal. >> back then, people didn't know
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as much about ptsd. the problems that all of our men and women have, many of them do when they come back. >> that's right. i suffer from survivor's guilt and i didn't even know what that was for five years i got back. i didn't know what was wrong with me. >> read all about it. the brand-new book out this week "the last rescue." thank you very much for joining us today. and thank you very much for your service. >> thanks. we're taking a quick time out. coming up, a lesson in forgiveness. a man tied up and robbed in his own house and now he's offering a to pay those criminal's college tuition if they just turn themselves in. that guy is going to join us live when we return.
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tied up and robbed inside his home. and now he's offering a cash for college to the suspects seen in the police sketches if they turn themselves in. yes, you heard it right. joining us now is the victim of that home invasion robbery, dr. victor ho. thank you for being with us this morning. this is an incredible story. i'm a former prosecutor. i specialized in career criminal and homicide cases. people who were reside advices that would commit multiple crimes, do a crime like this that showed violence, a robbery, and we found so often sadly, they continued that cycle of violence and would go out and do another robbery, part of the reason that three strikes program came up. you instead, you walked in on this home invasion robbery, correct, 'cause your baby-sitter and nanny opened the door, accepting a package and they forced their way in. tell us what happened when you came home. >> yes. thank you for having me here. also thanks for having me here and talking about something other than ebola.
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but the case really is when i walked in on my -- into the house, my kids were in the car and watching a movie and the assailants came running around the corner. i heard the gun slide. i knew this was not right. he had a mask on his face. and before i knew it, he was on me with a gun. and then he forced me over to where my safe was that they had moved to the front of my foyer. another assailant came also masked around and held me and then they forced me to open my safe. as i stated, some people have seen yesterday, your training kicks in as a mercy physician and as a training with a swat team, you start to notice things. most people are scared out of their pants and yes, i was scared. hopefully you start noticing
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things. i noticed that these young males were speaking in spanish most of the time. they seemed like they were kids and an afterthought, it's like why did they do this to me? thank god i'm alive. what can i do now to hopefully stop this? >> you didn't think that, listen, these are -- bad guys, putting your family, your children in harm. i'll be honest with you, the first thing that i would think of is i wish i had a gun on me to shoot them. i wasn't thinking about giving them cash for college. how did you get that emotion at the top of your head that that's what you think is going to save the day and change their life? >> when you've got a gun to your head, your life flashes before you and mine did. and the thoughts of my mine were how can i protect my family, how can i prevent my kids from getting hurt? but then in the aftermath, which is where we are right now, again, i was not killed by these
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gentlemen and i thank the lord that that did not happen. there are so many situations where home invasions go wrong. >> for sure. >> what i see now is that this is a way to hopefully teach my kids that i'm turning a bad situation into a good situation. >> a teachable moment for your kids n and also to take a young kid who i think, from the experience and from how his nervousness was, holding me back and putting the gun to my head, the way his attitude was, that he was probably forced into this situation. he did not want to be there. >> that was your interpretation based on your experience. fascinating story. you have the information, memorial villages police department. 713-365-3000. detective r. fox. that's the number and then again, it's the -- if the criminals are out there, turn
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good morning to you. it's monday, november 10. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. president obama admits democrats got beat bad during the mid terms, but don't blame bad policies. >> we've got to sell it. i think we have not been successful in going out there and letting people know what it is that we're trying to do. >> more from the midterm post postmortem with donald trump. the white house announced her name last week and already the president's new pick for our top law officer, the attorney general, might have her first case. and this one won't be easy. we're going to explain that straight ahead.
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and have you ever lied to someone you're dating? >> we're going to napa valley. i don't even think they have strip clubs in wine country. >> road trip! >> oh, my god. >> turns out those little lies are actually not so bad. our relationship expert explains how far your nose can grow and still stay together. >> pinocchio. >> mornings are better with friends. that's true. >> i'm ollie north and you're watching "fox & friends". >> honesty is not always the best policy. >> when you're dating. >> right. >> brian, we're not dating. >> that's what we keep trying to tell you. you got to get it straight. >> we are not dating, brian. >> in real life, i think this will be an explosive -- might be the most explosive story we do all day. when is it okay to lie during a relationship? and about what issues? >> wait 'til you hear it.
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you can tell a lie if person and on line and when you should never do that. so that's coming up. we got a busy one hour. we got kimberly in today. >> happy to be here. and happy to see you, heather. good morning. >> nice to be here. hope everybody had a great weekend. >> yep. >> thanks to everyone for joining us at home. we start with a fox news alert for you at this hour. at least 48 students dead and 79 hurt from a suicide attack at a nigerian school. witnesses say that the bomber got into the school disguised as a student and blew himself up in the middle of an assembly. the boko haram terror group suspected to be behind it. soldiers responding to the scene were actually chased away by people throwing stones. they're angry that the military apparently can't stop terrorist attacks in that region. mysterious leader of isis possibly injured or dead in the latest round of u.s. air strikes in iraq. iraqi officials claim that he was badly wounded in a series of
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air strikes. he has proven elusive, to say the least since first appearing on video back in july. however, the pentagon has no confirmation of this. if these latest reports are true, it would be a devastating blow to isis. the strikes were targeting a major meeting of isis leaders near mosul. u.s. officials saying that a convoy of ten armed trucks were destroyed. they can confirm that much. tragedy in virginia after a train slams into a young couple on the tracks. the 21-year-old victim killed while standing on a train trestle. his friend able to survive by leaping off of the 100-foot bridge down into the water below. she did suffer nonlife-threatening injuries. the couple had tried this stunt before. here is a haunting instagram photo that shows the man on that same stretch of track just one week ago. and prince harry handwriting an emotional note to more than 450 fallen soldiers, three of
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whom were members of his very own former army unit. the prince presenting a wreath with a note at britain's remembrance day this weekend. it read, quote, there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. they will never be forgotten. harry served in afghanistan back in 2007 and 2008. he is currently ranked captain and he continues to serve in a staff officer role. he said it well, our thanks to all of them. >> harry is right. thank you, heather. four minutes after the hour. it's that time usually a hour earlier, but it's a monday. so let's bring in donald trump. welcome back. >> good morning. >> first off, first time we had a chance to talk to you since the midterm democratic massacre. what is your take on where we go from here? >> well, the republicans had an amazing day and they had an amazing week and i think it will very interesting what happens over the next two years. we have some interesting stuff
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going on. you, by the way, have amazing energy with kimberly sitting by your side. she's got some gumption, that one. >> you know it. >> you know what, mr. trump? some might say the president has some gumption because he says that the reason the democrats lost was because almost as if, yeah, we didn't buy enough ads. i wasn't a good enough salesman. here is the president on "meet the press" --" face the nation" one of those shows. >> we've got to sell it, we've got to reach out to the other side, and where possible, persuade, and i think there are times, there is president obama doubt about it -- there is no doubt about it, where we have not been successful in going out there and letting people know what it is that we're trying to do and why this is the right direction. so there is a failure of politics there that we've got to improve on. >> okay, mr. trump? >> some things can't be sold and it doesn't matter good salesman or bad. i always say, my product is a much better salesman. when i build building, i build
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beautiful buildings and i don't think i could -- people give me credit for being a salesman. i'm not a salesman. i build great things, whether it's the old post office which is under construction, or whatever it is, i build great things. if they do well and when they do well, people say what a great job. they don't realize what you go through with the financing and the building and the architectses and the design. the fact is that i don't know if he's a good salesman or not, but his product is bad. >> yeah. he's right about that. i know, because trump builds great buildings. i lived in one of your buildings at one central park west and sold it for quite a nice profit like a year after i bought it. >> i bought a tie in your lobby. >> that's been a great building. >> it's so true, he seems to want to absolve himself of any responsibility for his policies, just saying like the american people don't get it. but we get it. if you're trying to say that it's a maybach and it's a pinto, we can figure out. >> he's basically in denial.
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he doesn't believe what's going on. i thinks a lot of things he's doing are right and many are not. it will be very interesting to see how the republicans and him get along for the next two years. i have a feeling that he will start approving certain things. they're going to put bills before him and i actually think he's going to sign more than he's not going to sign. they will be bills that are sort of the democrats -- hard to believe keystone pipeline and others that do create jobs, although we have enough energy, we don't need pipelines, but we should have it anyway. but we have so much energy now in this country that perhaps it's not as important as it once was. >> so donald, i got to bring to this because he was asked, you like running for the job, but it doesn't seem like you love politics. so this is his answer. >> bob, i love this job and here is i think a fair statement. if your name is barak hussein
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obama, you had to have liked politics in order to get into this office. >> your response? >> well, that wasn't his name. his name was barry sotaro. that was his name and he changed his name to barak hussein obama. and just shows everything about this man, people don't get and it's an incredible segment. he makes that statement and frankly, you know, it would be okay if he d statement, but he made the statement, and his original name was a very different name. >> well, he says he loves the job now and this is when he's got it. for the country, let's hope he does love it. >> he loves the perks. he loves flying around. >> who doesn't love having a 747? >> he does love those perks. they're very good. about as good as anybody can have. >> in the last election cycle over the mid terms, you did a number of robo calls for candidates and if i'm ever running for something, i would want you to do the robo call because everybody you called for
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won. republican in new york won. steve king, the republican won. david perdue and governor rick snyder in michigan won. why did they all win if you called people up at supper time and said vote for them? >> i must tell you, bill clinton was making robos for the other candidates which is interesting, and they lost. it started really with mitt romney where he asked me to do five calls during the primaries. i did five calls on places where he was losing. he won every one of them and they forgot to ask me in the general election because i would have done very well in florida and other places, for whatever reason. scott brown was up and asking for contributions. and i gave him a contribution. i said, do you want know do a robo call for you and he goes okay -- that would be okay, but you don't have to bother. and guess what, he lost. >> the trump magic touch. >> i -- he lost by two points, i
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think it could have made a difference. but i only like to do them when they want them. i'm not going to convince anybody to do that. but i think he thought i might be too controversial or something. so he decided to lose. >> you had a big personal weekend, i know. it seems eric is now married? >> eric just got married. he married a lovely woman and they're very happy together. they've been with each other for five years. i predict that's going to be a good one. but this this life, you never know, right, kimberly? who knows. >> i'm gog have you do some robo calls for some future husbands for me. >> you will have no trouble, i can promise you that. >> donald, does eric or do any of your sons or even your daughter, do they say, dad, what do you think? or do they just say, dad, guess what? >> he did ask me. look, they've been together a long time. so there wasn't even much to think about. but they've had a really good relationship. part of that is he's done so well. he's in business with me. he's been so solid and so good. and there is a lot to the story
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about a man behind the woman and a woman behind the man. when you do well, there is usually a lot of good things. he's doing so well, i'm proud of him. they've been together, that means something. >> you've been very blessed because don, junior and vanessa, who i know both very well, great couple. a lot of beautiful children. >> with a a beautiful wedding. >> fantastic. >> there was a lot of charity work. >> he does. eric is so much into the charity. he loves it. there is something very good about that. with dana farber. >> could you do a robo call right now for people watching for "fox & friends"? >> i will. i will do a robo call and i would say this is the finest show if television. there is no doubt about it. and that our little segment gets you highest ratings of the week. which it does. >> that's why we have him on every monday. congratulations, donald trump. >> take that, "breaking bad."
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coming up on our telecast, ronald reagan's secret recordings. did you know he had them? apparently he did. they've been locked up in the white house for more than two decades. >> we must do that in a way that it does not make the hijackers think that they have won their goal because i think we just see more hijackings then and more terrorism. >> interesting. we're going to take you inside the oval office and play some of the tape. and he picked her to be the next attorney general. but his policies may put her to work on her first case. and this one won't be easy. we'll explain. ♪ ♪
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they want to get a bill done, whether it's during the lame duck or next year, i am eager to see what they have to offer. but what i'm not going to do is just wait. >> okay. the president insisting on bypassing congress with his executive amnesty plan by the end of the year and it's creating problems for his new attorney general nominee. some members of the republican party insisting that a.g. nominee loretta lynch, come forward now and admit whether or not she believes the president's executive action push is constitutional.
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is it legal? so will she face a tough confirmation showdown thanks to the president? here with more, somebody who thought a lot about this topic, peter johnson, jr. >> she might face a tough confirmation showdown, but i believe that she shouldn't. she's qualified to be the attorney general. let's talk about loretta lynch. harvard law graduate. district attorney for new york from 2010 and also for two years from '99 to 2001. she oversaw the prosecution of the new york city police officers in the louima case. she indicted michael grim on tax evasion. investigated citigroup over mortgage security and indicted and convicted a lot of democrats in new york city. but figures are saying, wait a minute. we have questions to ask about miss lynch and what she thinks about the president's potential executive action on immigration.
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mike lee and ted cruz put out a statement, the nominee must demonstrate full and complete compliment to the law. loretta lynch deserves the opportunity to demonstrate these qualities beginning with the statement of whether or not she believes the president executive amnesty plans are constitutional. so what's happening here is the republicans and democrats are playing a game of chicken. who is going to screw up first? who is going to screw up? who will give one the other the opportunity to say hey, look what these democrats did. hey, look what these republicans did. and so it's a question now about whether, in fact, the confirmation process will await the new republican senate. >> because if they do it in the next couple of months before the end of the year, harry reid and company will be in charge and it will be a cake walk for her, whereas if they go past january, the new congress then suddenly there are going to be harder questions. but peter, the big question that i was just looking on line, the big question people have is forget about her resume, is she a politician? eric holder, a politician, who
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also is a lawman. >> no, she's not a politician. so the -- >> well, that's good. >> it's excellent. she's a professional prosecutor. she's been a partner in a big law firm, a big corporate law firm. but that's not the issue. the issue is will she be held account for the president's policies? now we've seen in the past the democrats did that with three department of justice, attorney general nominees for george bush. >> i remember. >> ashcroft, gonzalez, and they went forward in that way. and so are the democrats going to do as republican -- are the republicans going to do the same thing to loretta lynch that the republicans suffered under george w. bush? >> good question. >> doj spot is always the most controversial, always the lightning rod, always the toughest questions. will she fall victim or at least will she be delayed to the president's threatened action on immigration? i hope not. that's not good for the country.
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the president should wait for congress; at the same time, let's see if we can get her through now. that would be a great beginning of detente between the parties and gridlock in america. >> your first question was a good one, does she believe that executive amnesty is constitutional? stand by. >> i don't know. >> none of us do. >> i'm sure she reflects what the president reflects. >> i got a feeling you're right. thank you. coming up on this monday, fema is supposed to be helping people whose lives were destroyed by hurricane sandy two years ago. so why are they asking for that money back? and don't fall into spending traps as you head out for holiday and christmas shopping. andrea warrick with a foolproof fan for black friday straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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quick headlines now. firefighters coming to the rescue after a rotweiler got stuck in a house in ohio for three days without food or water. she had climbed through a hole in the roof. her first order of business, gobbling up some food. man's best friend could hold the secret to living longer. scientists experimenting with a dog to hold down aging in dogs. if all goes well, they could start testing the drug on people. the christmas shopping season is closer than you think. and my next guest has a fullproof black friday plan to help you avoid those secret spending traps. joining me now, consumer savings
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expert andrea warrick. so i was studying last night, guilty. we all are. unfortunately, we get overwhelmed by all the deals that are available during the holidays, plus shopping for friends and giving gifts always makes us feel good. but we definitely want to beware of our money. >> look at this first trap 'cause i fell into this like quick sand. sale price is the best deal. that is not always the case. >> especially on black friday. we all assume that the sale price is oftentimes the best deal. but retailers may inflate the original price to make that sale or discount look like a better value. that's why it's really important to spend some time now to make a list of items you want to purchase and research prices so that you don't fall for those misleading promotions and also you can track sales prices and price drops using poachit, which will alert when you something goes on sale. even if you buy something now and it goes on sale, you can get an adjustment and retailers will match competitor prices even on black friday. >> i do that all the time.
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they see me coming at pc richards a mile away. >> here is another one. fooled by free shipping. i love free shipping. i feel like i'm winning in life. >> a lot of retailers are boosting the minimum required to qualify for free shipping. that's by raise -- if you're spending more to get free shipping, it's not really free. so shop on free shipping day, december 18. hundreds of retailers will offer free shipping with no minimum and guaranteed delivery by christmas eve. >> here is another one. i used to fall into this trap, but mama got savvy. opening new card for discounts. like here, you open an account, you'll get an extra 20% off. >> people get so tempted forl s. but if you don't shop at that store a lot, it's not a good idea to open an extra card. you oftentimes forget about it. they have high interest fee, late payments. if you don't make the payment, you'll rack up fees. look for coupons to get that discount.
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you can check facebook and twitter, and opt to get news alerts from the retailers. they'll oftentimes give you 10 to 20% coupons. >> this is another one i learned a new term, act of saving, spending more to save. >> we all get tempted when we see those buy two, get the third half off. the more you buy, the more you save. but if you're spending more just to save, you're still spending money that you didn't need to. so make your list. stick to it. and look for other ways to save money. you can go to sites like that sells discount gift cards to save on the amount of money you plan to save. >> using a credit card with the revolving balance, that's a danger. >> if you're entering the holiday season carrying balances from the last holiday season, that's big red flag that you should probably put that credit card away. shop with cash. or check out retailers lay away programs. a lot of retailers are waiving start-up fees. k-mart is offering a no money down lay away program through
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november 15. >> k-mart is great. >> anything on lay away, on line or in store. members of their loyalty program even get an extra 5% off, jewelry. >> i'm a big k-mart shopper. but go into shop distracted, you don't want to do that. and arming your smart phone with good shopping apps. >> yes. redlaser, instant price comparison in the store. >> you got it. that's a wrap on shopping. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. coming up, the big chill coming to 200 million americans this week. we're talking freezing temperatures. and lots of snow. are you ready? new video of the problems it's causing. they are just coming in. plus, we're playing right hand reagan's secret phone calls just released, like this one on the beirut hostage crisis. >> we must do that in a way that does not make the hijackers think that they have won their goal because i think we'd see more hijackings then and more terrorism.
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♪ ♪ >> it's your shot of the morning. what stopped the show at this garth brooks concert wasn't a song, but one powerful message about a minute into his performance of "the dance" in minneapolis. the big screen showed a woman holding a sign saying, chemo this morning. garth tonight. enjoying the dance. >> very nice. >> it stopped the singer in his tracks. he walked over to the edge of the stage, sat down and he gave her a big hug. >> you have everybody's strength in here and you go kick cancer's [ bleep ]! >> did he lose his mom and
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sister to cancer. so that was a special night. he has his first new album out in years. >> and up with of the song social security about meeting your mom and it is unbelievable. and he, of course, is a great entertainer. >> absolutely. >> 27 minutes now. here is heather. >> good morning. nice to see you all this morning. hope everyone had a great weekend. we've been following some stories for you all morning. we begin with this, a veteran survives his tour of afghanistan only to be murdered on the violent streets of los angeles. 21-year-old francisco garcia gunned down outside his girlfriend's home near los angeles at a homecoming celebration. garcia was leaving the party when a man pulled up in a car. they started arguing about something and then opened fire. police say that it was a targeted attack. a fellow vet came to a vigil supporting garcia. >> was struck when he would go abroad to serve our country and
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then come back to die on our streets, is really just wrenching. >> really gut wrenching. summed it up. garcia had returned from afghanistan four months ago. police searching for the killer this morning. and they called it a gift from president obama and now femañi wants their hurricane say relief money back. more than a dozen people at an adult home in new york were left homeless after the storm. so fema gave them checks for temporary housing. but now two years later, they have to pay up. fema says apparently those people should have never got the checks since they stayed at a state-funded shelter. but the residents say fema never told them the checks came with conditions and they don't have the money to pay it back. a ravens cheerleader recovering at home this morning. did you see this? it was a horrific accident that happened during last night's football game in baltimore. she was thrown up into the air
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as part of the routine. before accidentally falling on her head right on it. rescue workers rushed to her aid when they noticed she wasn't moving. she was taken to the hospital. this morning doctors say that all those tests came back clear. she was actually able to leave on her own two feet. very lucky. and finally, never before heard tapes of president ronald reagan being revealed to the public. the "new york post" obtained the recordings of the president talking to top foreign leaders. listen to this one. it was a conversation with a pakinstani president back in 1985 showing his resolve in dealing with the terrorist who hijacked twa flight 847. >> well, we must do that in a way that does not make the hijackers think that they have won their goal because i think we just see more hijackings then and more terrorism. >> that recording and many others all taken in the white house situation room. so a firsthand look and really
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interesting glimpse back at history as it was happening. >> thanks, heather. extreme weather now from minneapolis, minnesota, where heavy snow has brought this morning's rush hour commute to a crawl. the great lakes getting slammed with an early winter. some areas could get as much as 14 inches. maria molina has the latest. this is an area that can handle it, right? >> yeah. at least parts of the upper midwest, the great lakes, and also into the northern rockies. but it's still a lot of snow. we're talking 18 inches of snow forecast for some areas. this is why we do have winter storm warnings in effect and winter weather advisories from parts of montana and wyoming. farther east into the u.p. of michigan. pretty widespread area here looking at significant snowfall accumulations and the wind will also be a concern, gusting over 20 to 30 miles per hour, creating those whiteout conditions that are so dangerous on the road. you can see those snowfall totals forecast to be up to 18 inches possibly across parts of minnesota and also into wisconsin and michigan. high temperatures, this is going to be another big story because
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we're going to be looking at cold air moving southward. today the core of the cold is across places like minneapolis, rapid city where you have those highs only in the 20s. that cold air is going to continue to spread eastward and southward over the next few days. by thursday, many areas across the lower 48 will be well below average and those numbers on your screen, those are actual high temperatures. not the wind chill, not what the temperatures will be during the early morning hours when it's going to be very cold out there. so get ready to bundle up from the east coast through parts of the rockies. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much. thanks for that. feeling toasty in here. not. coming up, victories in the midterm election, republicans are laying out top priorities for change. take a listen to what's on top of senator lindsey graham's list. >> i want to take the defense cuts under sequestration, which will gut our military, replace them with something more balanced. >> okay. so what could that mean for tax reform? >> joining us from our sister network, maria bartiromo, she
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spoke to senator graham yesterday. welcome back. the woman that works six days a work. senator lindsey graham moving the needle a little bit. >> he really is. he makes good point because the truth is after the sequestration, we have the smallest army since 1940. we have the smallest navy since 1950. the army, the smallest since 1940, that's 420,000 troops. of course p, when this sequestration took effect in the beginning, we didn't have this latest threat of isis. so basically what he's talking about is replacing these defense cuts with something different, bigger to actually match the realities of our time as part of on overall comprehensive tax reform package. so i think we're going to see from the gop, soon into it in january, is efforts to try to reformulate budget and spending. >> you know everyone will dig in. it's fine to cut taxes and reform tacks unless i lose my tax break, unless it effects me negatively. >> the idea around tax reform are so tricky and it's not going to be easy. that's for sure.
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for example, one of the ideologies is that even the president said we should get corporate tacks lower because that's one way to incentivize businesses to create jobs. but he doesn't want to touch individual taxes. if you don't touch individual taxes and you only touch corporate taxes, look what you have at the end of the day. you've got low taxes for big corporations and high taxes for small businesses, which fall under the individual tax mandate. and that's the area the economy that's creating jobs. we need to get together on this to see real change. >> otherwise it's a disconnect and the whole framework isn't going to work. now markets still getting a big reaction to the gop midterm wins. >> absolutely. people are trying to figure out what this means for them. i think one key that you want to watch is the number of executive orders. all wall street analysts, major analysts on wall street reports to their clients saying here is how we think this is going to affect your money. and almost everybody said watch the president for executive orders from today until year end because if we start seeing an
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increasing number of executive orders, that tells you right now, forget about compromise. the president is not willing to do it and not in any mood to do it. >> right. >> hopefully that won't have a negative impact on the markets. i'm sure those investors are look for those moves coming up soon. maria, we'll be able to catch you on "opening bell." to find it in your area, go to the slash slash --/channelfinder. >> today we have ryan seacrest, he'll tell us about a new clothing line. >> he has a new organization. he's in television, he's in clothing. >> he produced the kim kardashian show. >> there you go. >> that's reality. all you have to do is tape it. there is no acting there. >> thank you. coming up on this monday, democrats used the ferguson protest in missouri to get african-americans to the polls. did it work against them? a man who used to support president obama joins us. then why is the c.i.a. selling these creepy dolls of osama bin laden?
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good morning. it's time for news by the numbers. first, 21 days. the ebola quarantine for maine nurse casey hickox ends today. last month she defied quarantine policies after returning from treating ebola patients in seer seer. next, 2500 bucks, that's the opening bid for this creepy osama bin laden doll. it's one of only three in the world. it was made by the c.i.a. to hand out to kids in the middle east to stop them from joining al-qaeda. finally, 20. that's how many of the 700 people who signed up to fly on virgin space ships have backed out. the would be space tourists who put up $250,000 per commanding their money back after last month's fatal test flight.
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brian? >> are democrats deliberately fueling racial inequality for political gain? that's the question. back in 2008, boosted by then barak obama's message of hope and change, nearly half the voters felt race relations would improve in the next few years. as you see, today halfway into the president's second term, six years in, optimism disappeared. nearly 40% of voters feel race relations have gotten worse. playing the race card doom the democratic party? let's ask writer "new york new t writer, fox news contributor, michael goodwin. welcome back. >> thank you. >> this was the subject of your column today. you said you were struck by the fact that things have gotten worse. you never thought that was going to be the case. >> well, when you look at those polls, there are a number of them and they all show basically the same thing. two to one, people think race relations under president obama have gotten worse instead of better. so you have 35, 40, 46 in one poll saying things are worse and as few as 18% in some polls
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saying things are better. so it's really a landslide in one direction in every poll. >> do you think it's because of horrific incidents, like the trayvon martin thing and the ferguson thing and the president's response? for example, president bush took a hit on race relations after katrina because so many african-americans were affected because the lower level neighborhoods were the ones flooded first. >> right. look, i think that it's very hard to pin everything on the president. but this president of course is unique in history. the first black president in the united states and i think there was a sense, you go back to the polls in the beginning, they're the exact opposite of what they are now. people thought by two, three to one that things would get better under the first black president. they haven't. and so there are lots of reasons along the way. it's obviously a very deep and difficult problem historically in this country. but i think eric holder is one part of the answer. eric holder has been what i would consider a real race man. he has focused on race almost to
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the exclusion of a lot of other things. so you have him in ferguson out there saying the whole police department is guilty of bias. before there is an investigation. you have trayvon martin, the same situation where it turns out the justice department was helping to fund demonstrations led by al sharpton. of course, sharpton, who shows up all the time at the white house, who is withholder everywhere, and i opened the column with a piece about new york city, the police department, where a new deputy to the commission was hired. absolutely a quote, it had to be a black man. that's what it's come to in the sixth year of the obama presidency. >> or when the grand jury comes out to indict this officer or not, that's going to be another key, how the president reacts because we have had plenty of warning. if this officer is not indicted, there is going -- the scene could be a lot of unrest. >> right. i think it's always a mistake to take a single case and make it a national issue. i mean, law and order matters, what the grand jury decides
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should not become cause for national soul searching because it's one case. particularly under missouri law or under the grand jury or under the evidence. so i think one of the problems in the obama era is these single cases become huge national issues. ii think that's an unfair burden to put on any one community. >> thanks so much. that was the subject of your column and i appreciate you coming in here. we'll talk to you on radio. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, have you ever lied to someone you're dating? it turns out those little lies are not so bad. our relationship expert explains how long your nose can grow before it is a problem. ♪ ♪ the conference call.
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will the v.a. is set to get a massive overhaul on this u.s. marine corps birthday today. we're going to tell you what our veterans can expect. and the surprising release of two american prisoners from north korea. so what do they expect in return now? and brit hume joins us today on day one of the lame duck session and the fascinating and heated new dynamic on capitol hill. see you at the top of the hour. we're going to napa valley. i don't even think they have strip clubs in wine country. >> road trip! >> yeah, there goes the wolf pack. it turns out telling a little white lie in a new relationship isn't so bad sometimes, but how far is too far? joining us right now to discuss is rachel, relationship expert. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. thanks for having me. >> you're giving some people a
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pass. it's okay to tell a little white lie if necessary? >> yeah. it's a small pass. these are all lies that aren't really ground breaking. they're not something that if it's found out, two dates down the road or a month down the road that oh, my gosh, this is the end of our relationship. little things. >> give us an idea. >> things like especially on on line dating, if you want to change your zip code on on line dating and live in a different town so you can see different people within your area. even age sometimes. i have a lot of clients that they look like they're 20 years younger and -- >> split the difference. >> right, exactly. they put a different age on. but they have o disclose it in the rest of the profile. little things like that. that when you do meet them, you can let them know that i told a little white lie, but this is the truth. you don't want to let it go forever. >> these are some funny ones. so you want to get married, i'm really good at this -- if you have a crazy family, if you want kids, what should we be saying and doing? >> in the initial stages, the first or second date don't say
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hey, i can't wait to get married. can we do this tomorrow? i'm just dying -- >> you are dying to get married. >> even if you are and that's a little white lie, it's not that you won't tell them down the road you're look for a relationship. but starting off saying like, how many babies do you want? >> that scares the guys. >> if you're like -- >> they've those apps that you can morph and show what your children would look like. >> after a couple of martinis be like, hey, this is what our baby would look like. >> if you want to marry them, you have to kiss. you have to have a cutie makeout session to decide if you have chemistry. >> can we do that, kimberly? that's not in the cards? >> let her talk. i want to hear more. >> actually that's a really good point is it that all of those things that need to happen before you even want to have those conversations about the truth of what you're really looking for. make sure you have the chemistry first.
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>> what is a dividing line? what is something you can not say in line or in person on up with of the early dates that's over the line? >> anything relating to marriage and kids is really something that just eliminates so many people off the bat. >> that's the elephant in the room. >> it is. but at the same time, everybody has so much fear in them. >> what about money? i don't think it's a good idea to talk about that. >> yeah. but that's not something people lie about. although i've seen it a couple times where guys will overzealously state their income. >> like george costanza on seinfeld. >> that's not even a white lie. that's something i wouldn't condone. that's something it's so value based. you're lying about your profession and able to provide security. >> there is only one architect that we know and that's mr. brady. >> you have to stick around for the after the show show. thank you very much. >> thank you, we're going to step aside for two minutes and that's no white lie.
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before we're history, here is one for the road. this was the scene moments ago at the opening of the apex summit in beijing, china, where president obama is spending the week trying to come up with a legacy. >> that looks nice. and you saw earlier, my upper west side home featured in the november issue of luxury listing s. thank you for that. >> that was joel. >> she's a cover girl. >> i'm finally going to texas, first time in a long time. friday, saturday in plano and then a little bit later in college station, later that saturday. then over to the woodlands. i've never been to any of those places, but i can't wait. >> we could kind of tell when you were reading. >> "george washington secret six" comes out in paperback.
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i'm still waiting for the autograph with you and we're office mates. >> lots of people on twitter excited you're headed there. >> i can't wait. >> deep in the heart of texas. >> log on for our after the show show. martha: thanks very much. good mornings. it is back to work for confess after democrats drubbing in the midterm. bipartisanship already put to the test. good morning. i'm martha maccallum in "america's newsroom." >> good morning. martha. i'm eric shawn in for bill hemmer. immediately a fight is brewing over the president's vow to act on immigration reform. wyoming senator john barasso warning that executive action would blow up any chances of working together. >> american people want us to work together to find solutions. it would like the president pulling the pin out of the hand grenade throwing it in as we try to work together. i'm hoping cooler heads
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