tv Red Eye FOX News November 11, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." should we let robot gymnasts compete at the next olympics or would that be totally robotic? it is the story romania doesn't want you to hear. and what are the president and joe biden planning for the beer pong tournament after dominating the first two. >> we are going for a 3-pete. i want to repeat that. we want to go for a three-pete. >> what is harder? our panel will get to the bottom of it next. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> now lets welcome our guests. he -- i am here with
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entertainment reporter jill dobson. she is as trashed as a federally approved lunch, joanne nosuchunsky. and more rhymes than jamaica has mango's. it is tv's andy levey. that's great. and she is finance knee and attractive -- she is funny and attractive. writer, comedian and racist, bonnie mcfarland. a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> not many people. >> all right. it takes, yes to excess. california, a state, recently signed affirmative consent into law. and the standard of only yes means yes is gaining traction elsewhere. last month students at concordia university in
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montreal posted a varied yow showing that getting consent can be sexy, dirty, hot and straight up fun. have a look, lookers. >> it's okay. >> can i put my hand here? >> yes. >> can i take your shirt off? >> no, not yet. >> can i put this here? >> yes, please. >> can i kiss your neck? >> clearly he is both fun and considerat. can he take your shirt off? >> can i take off your shirt? >> uh-huh. >> lady with the beard is cute. >> sometimes it pays to ask the question twice. i believe we have another camera angle.n i take your shir? >> no, not yet. can i put this here. >> please.
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>> can i kiss your neck? >> can i take off your shirt? uh-huh. >> poor cat. scarred forever. can you say something insightful i won't have to edit out? >> i know why you came to me. i am probably the only one on the panel sleeping around with college students. i feel like i have a pretty good beat on this. first of all, i think it is a slippery slope to combine sexual activities with any other kind of activity. even if it is just filling out a form. if i -- i don't know if i am allowed to say, climax? if i climax while filling out a form i will have to do it every time. >> that's true. >> one time i sat on a dogie toy.
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>> that's true. >> and that was at a pet store. >> you remembered. >> you were looking at my face. >> jill, is this practical? or has the consent process gotten so out of hand that it is not about process, but not about romance? >> well, they looked like they were getting romantic. i was getting uncomfortable, but i can't put my finger on why. >> you can, but you have to ask first. >> i don't think i can top that. thank you, andy. >> i agree, andy. i would think this would be an effective campaign if it didn't turn me off to sex. maybe that's what they want to do. they want to prevent people like me from engaging in it again. >> i assumed sex in canada was always like this. this is the worst video i have seen on the internet 6 two girls, one -- since two girls, one cup. >> that was before joanne was
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born. >> i know what it is. >> at no time did the people in the video give their consent to be videoed. it is a problem from the start. it is a dumb video for a dumb policy. >> why do you think it is a dumb policy, andy? what is wrong with you? >> did you see the video? >> yes. but is the policy dumb? >> yes. >> why? >> it is dumb. >> you need to explain why. >> it is dumb because it is stupid. >> thank you for that. >> joanne are this many questions necessary prior to sex? >> they are now. the reason we need the yes means yes movement is because of the growing hookup culture. since relationship lines have been blurred so have the signs of consent. now we need the straight forward things to know that we are not going too far or that someone doesn't feel, i don't know, i don't want to say abused, but i guess so.
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what this really is is victory for dirty talkers. tell me where you want it. tell me yes again. >> exactly. you don't have to coerce anybody. it is not part of the policy. >> i need to say no 27 times prior to having sex. i have to. it puts a man in an awkward situation. it is like where are you going? oh i thought -- and then he tries again. i say no. >> it is a long court ship. >> it is beautiful. >> i only ask one question before sex is what is on porn hub? >> i thought you were going to say how much? >> no, i don't pay. the internet is free. >> and he is famous. >> i can get on any porn channel i want. it is true.
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>> is there no bong in army strong? the military is grappling with the issue of marijuana. so what should they do about this sticky, icky situation? we discuss in our -- >> love that theme song. oregon, alaska and dc voted to make the drug legal last tuesday, but it is banned in the armed forces. mandatory testing especially part-time service members is down. 75% of soldiers at one base in washington received a test. army officials maintain there is a zero tolerance policy and random drug tests are effective. here is a picture of greg's army during a training exercise.
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>> great thing it is an all volunteer army and we leave no behind behind. i thought that was going to be longer. >> i am so tired of hearing that, bonn nay. how -- bonnie. how can this issue be resolved? >> i will just say this. i am not high right now. i find it challenging enough being drunk. if there is any activity where it is justifiable is war. >> you use drugs to stay awake all night. they do that for pilots. they used to use anphetamines in world war ii. they use ambien because it is hard to sleep. you need to fall asleep they give you ambien. they compromised with tattoo and hair. should they compromise with pot? >> i think they should. i am not a pothead, but i can't bring myself to care about this. what they do in their downtime
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as long as they are trained and ready to go when we need them doesn't matter if they are at the bar with goose and ice man and the whole gang or if they are unwinding in a more herbal method. >> joanne, our military members are heros. you are high all the time and they aren't. it seems unfair to me. >> it is unfair. >> i said that many times. >> i am not a doctor. >> i do think there could be health benefits. pot could be great for their well being and their mental health. it is is not legal. i don't think it will happen anytime soon. if they were to say it is okay there needs to be guidelines. are there edibles okay? it is a can of worms. >> it is really a can of
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worms. it is a pantera's box of worms. instituting a law not to be stoned seems like a simple solution. >> but it is a wrong solution. >> because it is stupid? >> because it is wrong. joanne got to the important part. right now frnt states have different laws. they have to have one blanket policy. the blanket policy has to be no pot. otherwise if you are stationed somewhere where pot is legal you can get high. if you are stationed in a different state you can't. i don't think the army could function that way. >> they do it with alcohol already. >> no they don't. >> there are stations where you can't drink. i didn't say the united states. i said the world. >> where are the world's policemen? >> that's your problem. >> on the other hand you would think the joint chiefs would
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be a little more -- >> ladies and gentlemen, a little -- >> our writer made that joke. >> a little cheech and chong humor. i think the military is great for keeping you off stuff. it is hard to be stoned and be in the military. it really is. you have to be up at 5:00 a.m. you have to make your beds perfect. you can always tell a pothead in the military. he will never make his bed and never get out of it. it is self-discipline, correct? >> i was at a music festival once and everybody was really high and it rained and the port-a-potties were overthrowing and everybody was like, woo in their own feces. if i -- i thought if the government found out about this they will do whatever they want. >> isn't being in the military like being in basic training? guy i get it.
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>> do you? it doesn't seem like it. >> i have seen "private ben benjamin" a few times. >> i dated a lot of our servicemen. >> i have the best understanding. >> she put the hit in hitler. niki minaj is under fire on twitter. and elsewhere for the nazi-like imagery for her video "only." take a look, look takers. >> ♪ >> i agree. the anti-defamation league
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says it constitutes a new low for the cop culture of nazi symbolism and it was released on the anniversary of the beginning of the holocaust. >> oh my goodness. >> i hope you are serious. the adl director goes on to say the abuse of nazi imagery is deeply disturbing and offensive to jews and all of those who can recall the sacrifices americans and many others had to make as a result of hitler's nazi jugger not. -- what does hip hop cat think? ♪ >> joe, you are a huge niki fan. what do you make of this? is this a nazi video? did she even know what the symbolism was? >> i am questioning the director behind the video.
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it is obviously he had an idea what he was doing. she's like, oh, okay, soldiers, all right. not that i know niki personally, but i have an in depth understanding of the field. that's why you brought me here and feed me so much. >> where you shine. and you are worth every pen nee. >> i forced myself to watch the entire video in the name of research. that's four minutes of my life i can't get back. a lot of imagery i found disturbing not only targeted the chosen people, but then the lyrics are tarett ging like my own children -- targeting like my own children. running in the houses with army guns. think about your son and daughter's room. think about your son and daughter running in with the nazi paraphernalia. >> i found it disturbing on a bunch of levels. it is like levels, but deeper. >> comment on this without having it edited out.
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>> i have a lot to say about it. i am a huge niki fan. >> you are? >> i think it is ironic her ass could have hid a family of 4 from the nazis. she could have been the solution. sorry. edit it out. >> i am not. >> maybe this is for you because you are an entertainment report, but when will she have the ass baby? >> what? her ass is pregnant? >> yes. my daughter loves her. she is a great role model. this is what is amazing. kids love her. >> my daughter is 7 and sings every word of her songs. i say easy on the r. >> i'm telling you. you have groups upset about this, but the lyrics are insane. the first part of the song -- i am so old. she is talking about how she wants a guy to basically treat
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her butt like a cup cake in a way i can't repeat here. i'm going dh is like -- they are worried about the stylistic treatment, but this is going to kids and they use the n-word quite a lot. mm-hmm indeed. joanne, you have been defending nicky all day. why? >> she is fly. that sounds awful. i was at the club recently and that also sounds awful coming out of my mouth. this song comes on and you don't know if you should dance. there is a good beat and it is good rhyming. i appreciate those things and i appreciate art. that's what i hear this is. but like you said, i was more taken uh back by all of the words on the screen. i didn't see what was behind it all. i am surprised we don't have feminist groups or anti-violence groups coming out because of the content of the lyrics. where are they? why is it about the background? >> jews run the media.
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this is what what happens. they get first dibs. >> that was my rap name, first dibs. >> i don't even use s in every gay language. i go r to t. it's true. >> that's a thinking joke. >> it happens every once in awhile. andy, is this video problematic? >> it is, greg. there is no excuse for using nazi imagery outside of the bedroom. i am fairly certain i have said that before. a lot of artists have used nazi or fashist i'm -- imagery. but usually it is not to portray the bad guys. it was to portray niki and her good friend chris brown along with drake who also sucks. >> i love drake.
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i do. jay i wouldn't care if there was like some sort of artistic message behind the video. >> there is not. >> i guarantee that the director will explain the artistic intent. i have a couple of suggestions. it is a statement about race and how black artists are treated in white society. it is for the haters. if you say it is for the haters. >> or bill hader. you can say bill hader. >> but this is a trap. we talked about this. this is a trap. the only intent is to get people to talk about it which we are doing and they accomplished their mission. >> they have done it again. i would say it is nazi. it is almost more soviet. >> but then that doesn't happen. >> stalin killed a lot of people too, don't get me wrong.
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>> it was very 1984, but that is boring as well. >> not a good story. >> i am a hipocrite. i was listening going, oh this is terrible. but i listened to nwa when i was in high school. college? i don't remember. i just know i don't like it when a woman is doing it. that makes me a hipocrite. >> oh my god. you are so right. >> how dare she use this language that i love coming out of the mouth of easy-e? >> she does president shake -- does president shake her goods into the camera. >> at least i admit my hypocrisy. dorritos flavored like mountain dew? another one of my ideas stolen by big soda. 'wóóñt
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should dames be unchained? a professor at the university of illinois thinks we should stop putting women behind bars and shutdown every female jail in america. in a "washington post" op-ed they note ma -- that note that women make up 7% of the population. 7%. that means they are disaffected for a system designed forren in. that doesn't make sense. there are more women than men in the country. the majority of nonviolent off fenders with poor education and tough lives i read that incorrectly. it doesn't matter what is the truth. they are more lakely to have children who rely on them for support. housing violators near their families. meanwhile in cat jail.
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>> and then she was killed. bonnie, is this good news for bad girls or bad news for good girls? >> this the woman who -- this woman who wrote this sounds like a woman with a sizable life insurance policy on her husband, and i like the way she thinks. change the laws before you kill your husband. >> that's a good point. >> she got her degree in social work which cancels any good point she makes. she was sentenced for killing a family of five. you didn't know that? >> i knew there were adults involved. >> there was trouble.
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>> where are we going? >> the question is do you agree with the theory, philosophy, whatever? >> it sounds awesome to me. don't knock it until you have tried it. and i have seen "orange is the in you black" and i don't want to go to a women's prison. >> that's not a women's prison. that's a fun facility. >> that is a tv show. >> oh i thought that was reality. >> it is kind of interesting to me. >> remember "prisoners of cell block 8". nobody remembers that? >> i do. >> oh thank you. the cameraman remembered that. is this idea crazy enough that it might work? >> yeah. we have been losing a lot of cinemax movies and that is not good. something you brought up, women make up 7% of the prison population which means they
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are disproportionately a you fecked it by the prison. looking for equality, we should be, greg, half of the prison population should be women or maybe more than that. but i don't think the patriarc key will let that happen. >> i don't either. speaking of meme niche, if -- feminism, we need equal punishment as well. why would women be treated differently for committing crimes? >> good point. >> they had harder lives. >> they also give birth and that is a punish meant in itself. you know i am going to be more sexist and say there is truth to what you are saying. the 7% are there because of men. i don't know women who go i am going to rob a bank. it is always a dude.
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>> dudes introduce women to bad behavior. >> you hang out with a biker gang, the female bikers. >> are you having a moment? >> i thought he was going to take it somewhere. he chose to step out of the line. the ride is too long. sorry. go ahead. >> waiting for a break. >> go. >> when women complain about their childhoods it makes them do stuff. it upsets them because there are a lot of women who have had trauma happen in their lives. there are lawyers and astronauts and cowgirls. there are a lot. >> work the issues out without committing crime. it is a problem of the up bringing. i know you are about to say something. there are women's prisons and they are kind of not prisons, right?
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they are not like male prisons. >> i have seen "orange is the new black" have you? >> yes jie. if she is talking about releasing all nonviolent offend you ares, if you legalize drugs and prostitution that's it. >> and keep the 1% who really deserve to be there. >> the ones who killed their husband in their sleep. >> the prostitution started because of a drug habit which was introduced by a dude. >> and they had to feed the kids. >> or not. >> i don't think that is fair. i think a lot of times the prostitution comes first and then the drug habit comes. >> that's not true. >> to deal with the prostitution. i don't think you can make a blanket statement like that. it is not fair. >> the way i started was a dude. >> brought you into the business? >> he was younger and didn't have any money so i had to go out and -- >> that's beautiful. >> are you talking comedy though. >> i am talking an eighth
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grade student. >> isn't that sweet? the things we learn here. coming up, a study says short referees call more fouls. take that you stupid, tall basketball player. first, a word from our sponsor. >> are you going on ut and can't find a place for your hula hoops? are they so small you are worried nobody will notice them? order today.
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will the nation save her an extreme soda flavor? pepsi is conducting taste tests of dorito flavored mountain dew. the arrival of dewitos was reported by a kent state university freshman, where i get all of my news and shared this photo. they said it tasted like orange with a dorritos after taste. it tasted like straight dorritos afterwards. the weirdest think i have ever drunken. come by my place, steve. i have a lot of herbal tees. a spokesman confirmed this combination explaining, quote, we are always testing out new flavors of mountain dew. we opened up the dew flavored
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vault. as part of a small program at colleges and universities. the spearment could lead to other ground breaking combinations. here are some other suggestions. 7-up tennis ball. canada dry chalk, the taste you can't erase. and daily recommendations of lead. do you think doritos and mountain dew make a good combination? >> i am struggling to wrap my mind around it. at my college things like this never happen. two years later i am paying it off. >> it was credit cards or eckin car. >> and can't shake to this day. a couple of things i picked up. >> i know after you killed the family of five.
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>> why do we need to combine products? can't we have our mountain dew separate from our chips? do we need to put them together? does it save time? i just knocked off five minutes of chewing. i will go back for one second and i was in a cult in college and it was the best experience i ever had. if you ever get the chance, definitely do that. i was thinking i always thought of doing avacado and tree bark and dog hair. i tried it in the juicer and the hair got caught. i feel like there is something there. >> i like to -- you know gorp? >> yes. i made my own gorp from stuff under the soma cushion. just anything that was there. and i went hiking. >> name three things under your cushion? >> there was spare change and old pizza trust and a pair of
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oiled under pabts. it is low carb. jay shouldn't they go the other way? >> i think so. it would be like a sugar chip and that is delicious. >> they are making them now as i speak. >> you could have made millions. >> i understand why they are doing this. the corn chip is so popular right now, the whole ito family, dorritos, fritos. >> judge ito. sam alito. >> there are more. >> some combinations don't work. >> i thought you were going somewhere. andy, guys like you and lou daabs live your life to the extreme. and the process is a dream
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come true. you like your skateboarding and your doritos and your mountain dew. your board shorts and wallet chain. it seems like it has andy levey written all over it. >> it is [bleep] rad. this is great for people like gamers. they are able to get the awesome dorritos taste without orange guk all over their shoulders. i don't see the argument. to be yously i can now throughout my blender. other than that this is a great idea. >> my only question is does it come in diet? >> because women have to watch their weight. we guys don't. we don't care. guy you are comfortable who you are. i'll sleep with anything. for a price. >> that's right. >> i think -- flavorings are weird. in england, i don't know if you have ever been there, across the pond. >> never heard of it. >> they have chips that are
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chicken flavored and beef potato chips. like you can be tricked. your people have the ketchup chicks. >> what are her people? >> i thought you were going to say nazi. white supremacist in those are barbecue chips. >> i smelled a barbecue rib flavored chip which was not bad. >> the best ever is a laura scudder's barbecue. you don't have it out here. it is a west coast thing. >> that's disgusting it is so greasy. >> crab chips are fantastic. when i lived in dc i used to eat themmule the time. >> what is with me? does their height fill them
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with spite? new contacts according to a new study shorter refs call more fouls. do they sufferfrom a napoleonic complex. we discussed this in our award-winning segment -- >> is this shortest? >> they looke at nba games and shorter reps called 4% more couls than the counter parts. they suggest the different vantage point could explain it and the other here reis the whistleblower is facing a napoleon complex. >> oh. you know it is named after gary napoleon?
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jay i love that. what is the reason? is it aggression or peck spec tiff? >> my thinking all along is that it was perspective. are you seeing different things. you are seeing elbows. they are at elbow level. what is the nba going to do with the information? they will get food faster than lebron can dunk a three pointer. whatever it is. >> drunking a three pointer! that's a euphemism. i am going to go dunk a three pointer. >> is that impossible? >> do you think this is a real complex? >> yes. >> i feel like short people go through a lot more in life. i have a friend who a midget. you don't have to -- you are
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supposed to say little person and whisper mitget after so everyone knows what you are talking about. i have a friend and it was hard. they were in rehab because they were drinking two bottles of vodka. those airline bought el -- bought tells every day and it was hard. it is hard. >> i am a big advocate of little people. i have known many in my life. >> you are the king of giants. >> i am a giant little person with an enlarged heart. has this made you interested in watching basketball? >> if i find myself at a sporting event i tend not to watch the actions. should i people watch? >> now i have something else to deserve. my heart does go out to him though because -- it has to
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stink. you are getting sweated on on top of it. you are probably being stepped on. i can understand how the aggression may come out in the cold. jay i have -- >> i have been the blunt of the jokes. is it possible that short people are way mortal lented than the people who -- more talented than the people around them. are you okay there? >> can we get him a medic? >> that was good. >> they called more fouls, but did they make the right calls? i am going to guess they didn't because the studies have shown that short people are incompetent and have low iq's and smelly. that's what we need to be talking about is they made the wrong call. >> you got that from the international journal of jerks, ie, he was on the
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internet. >> i wasn't on the internet. >> >> gk he did. >> all right. coming up, a dating app free of poor people. by the way "not" that's not free. order it. autographed copy g first, here is what is coming up tomorrow on the independents. >> hey, guys, it is movember. of course i needed to hit the streets. >> who wants a mustache? >> you've got one, well done. you grew a mustache for movember. >> how do you feel? >> fantastic. >> much more of that coming up on the fox news network. bhap
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1 percent is the loneliest number. it is a new app exclusively for rich people billing itself as tinder minus the poor people. the ceo says with the highrise of high speed digital dating, it is about time somebody introduced a filter to weed out low income prospects by neighborhood. members earn an average of $250,000 and include entrepreneurs, pro athletes and celebrities and doctors. there is a mutual like to allow for message -- messaging. there is no fear falling for a
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phony like andy levey. jill, great idea, no idea. >> you hear men don't care if the women on these sites have a college degree or their job. they don't care if the women are making this thuch money -- this much money for -- the men on the site can only date women with $250,000. the men don't wear. now i am confused. >> bonnie, thoughts? >> i hate millionaires. you have to go to -- to go to billionaire status. >> it is too lo low for me. you don't like slumming it with the millionaire. ever since who wants to be a millionaire they lived in a ranch house like with like two bedrooms. >> they are alcohol bining like their two cars cars and -- they are combining
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their cars and their house. >> that's a millionaire match maker. you say he is living in a condo. joanne, we don't have too much time. what are your thoughts? >> if you are poor you shouldn't be dating. you don't have your life together and you can't afford it. you need to love yourself before you can love others. >> andy, what? >> in order to verify your income you have to send a tax return and all of this other stuff. anybody who gives copies of the documents is a more ron. i actually think this site is a great way for morons to meet telemorons. >> we have learned nothing. that's all we wanted to learn. coming up, a stupid virus. hey matt, what's up?
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i'm just looking over the company bills. is that what we pay for internet? yup. dsl is about 90 bucks a month. that's funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. wow that's fast. personally, i prefer a slow internet. there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. last story. that's the last story. >> it's the flu for your iq. scientists at gons hopkins -- johns hopkins medical school, they have them there, found a cyrus that made people more -- found a virus that made people more stupid. it spread through
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intercourse. nearly half of us may be carrying us. those with the infection did poorly on tests and some stupidity is a disease. do you buy that? >> i think this story is so stupid. look, i love mentally challenged people. i do hate stupid people. it is weird because it is a small window. it is like a short hop, skip and a jump. it is like 10iq points. >> it is. i haven't really studied it that closely. does it scare you if it can make you dumb? >> i definitely feel like i am getting dumber. i thought it was because i was sitting around watching niki minaj videos. spending time with you brings me down. >> studies show "red eye" can make you dumber. >> and now i found out what
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the root of my problem is. the green algae facials. my skin does look luminous. >> your face looks dumber than ever. >> andy, could this be a good thing somehow? >> no. they should do a thorough search for green algae at msnbc. >> that stunning. have i a feeling tomorrow on their -- i have a feeling tomorrow on their network they will show up. >> i kid the msnbc. >> joanne, if you had the virus would you be too dumb to know you had it? >> yes, but i know i don't have it. they said it affects your pay shall aware -- spatial awareness and i know when people are invading my space. i get freaked out.
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>> when you were a child were you attacked by bats? >> i am really terrified. >> bats don't carry it. i thought that's why they don't like people invading their space. >> you are thinking of bruce wayne. when he was young he was attacked by bats. i was afraid of crickets. >> the magazine was good though. >> it was cricket magazine. >> in the dentist office? >> it was a high light person. >> i was so smart back then. >> "highlights" was a great service journalism magazine for children. >> thank you for saying so. i worked so hard on it. >> you were one of the original founding editors of "highlights." of course. >> i i am not stupid per per see. want to talk about "breaking
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tonight. we are going to have a serious discussion on whether we have changed what we're all about. . that's when i found out about the publicly nudity laws, yeah. hello, everyone, i'm greg, along with kimberly, greg and dana, the five. yesterday president obama was on face the nation, one of these web shows i believe. i hope he tells us what keeps him going every day. >> what keeps me going every day is to see how resilient the american people are, how hard they work. nothing i go through compares to a guy who's lost his job or
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