tv Outnumbered FOX News November 11, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST
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keep hrt-healthy. live long. eat the 100% goodness of post shreddedheat. doctorrecommend it. jon: we will be back with more "happening now" in one hour. "outnumbered" starts now. ♪ ♪ >> and this is "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner. here today, sandra smith, andrea tantaros, fox business network's kennedy, and today's hashtag one lucky guy, who better to have than retired four-star general jack keane? he's also the former army vice chief of staff, chair of the institute for the study of war and a fox news military analyst and today, general, your rank is outnumbered. [laughter] >> that's true. >> welcome. >> i'm delighted to be here. happy veterans day, ladies and america. >> happy veterans day to you.
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by the way, i feel like we're four lucky ladies to have you. >> can we get your thoughts on what veterans day means? >> yeah, certainly. you know, i think it's about reflection, remembrance and honoring those who served, to be sure. but, you know, our founding fathers promote a idea that no one in the history of mankind did, and that is we're going to start a nation on a principle that everyone's created equal. so we became the first democracy. our soldiers fought to establish that democracy, and they have fought ever since to preserve the longest democracy in the history of the world. and our soldiers, they go to war, they don't want to die, to be sure, but what makes them different is that they're willing to. and the fact of the matter is they are willing to give up everything they care about in life; the opportunity to have a full life, to be a parent, to have friends in their life, to have love in their life, to love and to be loved. and the fact of the matter is, they do that willingly.
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why do they do it? i've spent my entire adult life around this. they do it, in my judgment, out of a simple yet profound sense of duty, and they do it for one another. and this is true honor. and on this veterans day, i know we will ever, ever take this kind of devotion for granted. we're here to recognize that, we're here to continue the awareness of what this truly means to us. >> general, thank you. good way to get us started. >> i just want to hug you. maybe after the show. >> you got it. >> deal. [laughter] >> let's begin with the military ramping up in iraq. a team of about 50 american troops on the ground in iraq's anbar province -- which has been overrun by isis terrorists -- the pentagon is confirming those troops are checking out a u.s. air base there in case it is needed for a larger contingent of military advisers and trainers to assist iraqi security forces. this as president obama has announced plans to potentially double the number of troops in
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iraq to more than 3,000 as u.s.-led efforts against isis entering what he calls a new phase. all the while insisting, as he has for some time now, that these troops will not have a combat role and will just be used as advisers. watch. >> commander in chief, i will not allow the united states to be dragged into fighting another war in iraq. let me say it again -- [applause] american combat troops will not be returning to fight in iraq, i will not allow the united states to be dragged back into another ground war in iraq. i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. >> meanwhile, the white house says it will also ask congress for another $5.6 billion to fund the fight against isis. but the president's critics say he's leading the u.s. in a
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>> it's impossible to destroy a terrorist organization. but let's not gill over that because everyone knows the intent here is to defeat them. and that's the right path and the right words, finally. but the problem we have when you put together a strategy to do that, he set a major condition and restriction which is simply there'll be no involvement of ground combat troops in combat. once he made that decision, then we're totally reliant on indigenous forces in iraq and in syria. and the fact of the matter is when you take a careful look at those indigenous forces -- an iraqi army that's 17 divisions, but only half of them are actually organized now after isis forced their collapse, peshmerga who need to be robustly armed and equipped and receive some training, sunni tribes who are waiting for reconciliation with this government, the new government in iraq that is, and also need arming and equipping, and the
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free syrian army which is being devastated as we speak by assad's barrel bombs. what do we have here? this is a very weak hand, and we're reliant on this hand. common sense tells you if you want to avoid the direct combat forces and you're going to use indigenous forces to do your ground fighting, then give them all the support they should, they need. let's be all in. and we're not all in. we're incremental. we need about 10-15,000 advisers and trainers to assist front line combat forces. we need equipment to help them do their job. >> general, when you hear that the president is now asking $5.6 million be released for fighting isis, and there is that criticism that it would be a blank check, what do you understand that money being spent for? >> well, the money is being spent for the additional advisers and equipment that they're going to need to conduct that operation. but when you look at it, he's not going to let the advisers go down with the front line units. that means the sunnis, the
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iraqis, the peshmerga will be out there by themselves. when they're fighting with us, they do well. not only that, those advisers would be special forces, and they would have the capability to bring in air power. and that is a very important dimension to be successful. but that's not going to happen, that's the problem -- >> they coordinate what they're finding out on the grounder with the planes -- >> they're an important conduit. what's the difference between an adviser and a combat troop in kind of a group sense? >> they don't have a direct combat role, but they are with combat units and, obviously, they have the skill sets to protect themselves, but they're not responsible for the actual closing with the enemy. so what he has authorized is training centers to be set up, and there'll be advisers and trainers in those training centers. he is not permitting advisers to go down below the brigade headquarters level. the people that do the fighting are at battalion, company, platoon and squad. the lowest we would put an
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adviser is at battalion level, but he's not permitting that to happen. the military wants that to happen because they know this would enhance the effectiveness of this weak hand -- >> it drives morale i would imagine, too. what about the politics of this, ann andrea? >> i was going to ask the general, there are reports there is a strained relationship between the pentagon and the white house. i know you've been asked about this, and i also would love your thoughts, last week we talked about the report that president obama had sent a letter to the ayatollah in iran asking for his help with isis. general, this is very disturbing to me, that we would be reaching out to iran to help with isis. what does that tell you, if that report is true? >> >> well, first of all, i don't think we need to be communicating with iran about dealing with a common enemy in isis. iran is our strategic enemy in the region. they declared that in 1980, and they have been using their proxies to kill us ever since. this has been going on for 30 plus year --
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>> yeah, why should we be fighting iran's war? why should we be doing their dirty work? >> they may have interest in the war, but this is our war. >> yeah. >> we have isis crushing u.s. vital interest in the middle east, destabilizing the middle east. their caliphate and their ultimate design is to take over not just shia-dominated governments, but sunni-dominated governments. and, clearly, they also pose a threat to the united states. i don't think it's imminent, but certainly it's definitely possible when they're able to consolidate their gains, and they're certainly motivating people in other countries that identify with them to do some harm to their own citizens. >> so great to have you, general, on this veterans day. on this day as we honor those who have served our country, we are learning more about the planned restructuring of the department of veterans affairs. the changes, announced months after whistleblowers revealed officials had covered up long wait times for sick veterans. there will be more of a focus on
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customer service and simplifying the way the agency delivers health care. secretary mcdonald has promised to discipline the employees involved in the scandal. bill hemmer asked him about that. bill: i read that you want to fire a thousand people at the v.a., how are you going to do that? >> well, what i've said is we've got disciplinary actions in place against people who have violated our core values. we have 22 million veterans in this country, we serve 9 million veterans in our health care system, and what we want to do is we want to improve that system to better care for veterans. >> so in these sweeping changes, general, the v.a. secretary has told the v.a. employees, call me bob. he's handed out his cell phone number even to reporters, said call me if there's any changes. does this new customer service focus, sweeping changes announced, will they be enough, in your opinion? >> i don't think any of us know. i mean, here's what i think we do know, it appears the
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president's made a good selection. this guy's got a good track record of leadership, and this huge bureaucracy, 152 medical centers, 1400 clinics out there, 300,000 people that work for him, $164 million budget a year, this is huge federal bureaucracy. so that's going to take strong leadership. he's displaying so far right attitude, passion, he's displaying a sense of commitment. he has proven in the past he has the skill sets to run a large organization. he has, we'll have to wait and see if he's capable of being effective. >> i was going to say, wait to see if there's actual accountability. he says he plans disciplinary action against a thousand v.a. employees. isn't that the question, so many veterans -- kennedy, you've been covering this story too -- are just whereupon set until they -- upset until they see some kind of accountability. shinseki, obviously, out and mcdonald's in, but will they get that chose your? >> the veterans i've spoken to
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don't expect to see changes anytime soon, and we've also spoken to whistleblowers who say it's worse now for white house l blowers than it was before. my estimation would be this new secretary doesn't want to be embarrassed. that's someone else's problem, and he definitely wants to move forward, and i think he's got good intentions. the biggest problem is these veterans don't have any other alternative. we've got a veteran on our staff who has to get regularly checked because he's a cancer survivor, and he's beholden to the system, and he has no other choices where to go should he need treatment again in the future, and that is a disgrace. >> one of the things app drink ya brought -- andrea brought up yesterday was the idea of having, you know, a parallel system for our veterans, so you have what's established there, but then you have a voucher system that's set up. i would volunteer, certainly, if we could earmark our own taxes, i'd give my taxpayer dollars to do that, to set up some sort of
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subsidiary where they can take a voucher and go in and see a specialist. it's already been found with current research that our military members are twice as likely to get als, and that takes constant and very expensive care. so to have a parallel system like andrea talked about is important. >> the general mentioned these two very important words which is i don't think we're going to get change, and that is huge bureaucracy. i think it's great that this new department head is being more responsive and probably making some good personnel decisions, but this is at its core a government monopoly that has no competition, no incentive for better cower or quality service -- care or quality service, and both parties are at fault because they claim to have the veterans in their best interests, and behind closed door meetings it's about money. the bottom line is the bottom dollar. and until we actually set up charter hospitals for these veterans -- which they deserve -- and have the private sector contribute. i mentioned wall street
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yesterday, sandra, like with charter schools, these veterans are not going to get the care they deserve because government fails every time. >> i like your words of on the much, general, that -- optimism, general. these veterans discuss the best care possible. new obamacare glitches already predicted ahead of the enrollment period that starts this weekend. the video services showing one of the architects behind the law calling americans u "stupid," saying that's why it passed. also a student group at virginia tech loses funding after hosting a controversial event on illegal immigration. was the school right to cut the funding, or was it suppressing an important discussion? and right after the show catch more from the couch on the web, join us for outnumbered overtime by logging on to and click the overtime tab. tweet us, hit us up on facebook, let us know what you want to talk more about. ♪ ♪
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this weekend. her remarks coming just hours after hhs officials lowered overall enrollment expectations from 13 million to 9.9 million sign-ups, all this as the shocking new video surfaces showing one of the architects of the health care law making some severely-damaging remarks during a panel event last year. >> transparency is a huge political advantage, and basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the american voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting this thing to pass. >> the stupidity of the american voter was critical to getting obamacare passed, sandra. [laughter] wow. >> yeah, no, i mean, this is going to be a very telling time for obamacare and whether or not we're going to see it, you know, repealed. the sign-ups are in question right now, they're on track to be below the cbo expectations. this is going to be an extremely telling time. i think i said it yesterday, not only are we going to see new
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sign-ups, but you're going to see those who signed up re-sign-up, and secretary burwell saying there are going to be some snafus along the way. those are going to be extremely create side sized and not -- criticized and not let go. >> now, this guy who made these comments, jon gruber, former adviser on romneycare in massachusetts is the same guy who said the subsidies law with the exchanges that the supreme court is going to hear he said was intentional. the same guy that set up the exchanges intentionally to get states to take up obamacare. >> the hubris and the hypocrisy, it's so maddening and so sickening, but he's absolutely wrong. it doesn't speak to the stupidity of the american voter, it speaks to the brilliance of the american voter, because were this process more transparent from the moment that it was conceived until that baby was born into an unwilling household, i think you would
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have certainly seen a more brilliant electorate speak up and demand the failure of this legislation that was just shoe horned through, and it has been filled with lies from its inception. >> general keane -- >> other than that, i think it's great. [laughter] >> i was going to say. tell us how you really feel about it, kennedy. >> by the way, can i say one quick thing? >> yeah. >> the apple iphone 6 came out, and the apple site was inundated from people around the world -- >> it did not crash. >> well, no, it did for about 20 minutes. you didn't hear tim cook saying we're going to have some glitches, and i hope everything works out. >> right. >> they've had how long to fix the federal exchange. >> general keane, a lot of republicans ran on obamacare, i should say against obamacare in this last election. you open any newspaper, the headlines are still bad. premiums are going up, deductibles are huge, average families are having to turn to
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charity care to pay for health care. it's been a mess. >> yeah, it's really dis dis appointing. it underscores what the legislature had to know, the fact that this was a tax, and it just narrowly passed. i think every democrat voted for it and just about every republican was against it. but the fact is nobody was truly explaining it to the american people in concrete terms the way they deserved to explain it to them. i think that's what's disappointing. when i see this kind of thing happening when people are not being honest with the american people, that is really outrageous. >> harris, was that an honest statement though? it seemed like the one window of honesty -- >> he seems rather transparent. i would say two things are troubling or at least should have you scratching your heated, and one is that the subsidy and the explanation notices for people who are renewing and people who are signing up for
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the first time were supposed to go out by november 1st. there were already notes coming from hhs that those notices were and so explaining to someone how you enroll and the offsetting tax credit costs and all of that, the incentive for you to actually sign up were going to be long pushed back meaning that you would have to make some health care decisions without the proper information. the other is they have throttling now which is going to put people into online waiting rooms. so the iphone 6 didn't need it -- >> no. >> right? but if so many people bombard the system of, they're going to be put into these online waiting rooms x we don't know who's going to watch for the process to make sure that they are able to sign up in time -- >> imagine how frustrating that is. a physical waiting room is bad enough. >> i was going to say, online -- >> at least you can do it in your pajamas. >> we've got some special programming to tell you about coming up tonight.
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part one of fox's two-part series, the man who killed osama bin laden, an in-depth interview with the navy seal who took down the world's most wanted man. here's robert o'neill on realizing just what he and his fellow navy seals were about to undertake. >> the more we trained on it, the more we realized this is going to be a one-way mission. we're going to go, and we're not going to come back. we're going to die when the house blows up, when he blows up or be there too long and get arrested by the pakistanis, and we're going to spend the rest of our short lives in pakistan prison of. >> o'neill speaking out exclusively on the fox news channel. part one tonight at 10:00 eastern right here on fnc. as the west tries to hammer out a nuke deal with iran, the supreme leader lashing out at us riege with -- israel with stunning language. when you've only have one hand,
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." iran and the west remain far apart on negotiations over tehran's nuclear program as the talks are set to expire in 13 up lucky days. -- unlucky days. failing to make major headway, but amid the talks iran's supreme leader unleashing a torrent of hate directed at israel calling for the elimination of the jewish state. the ayatollah tweeted over the weekend, quote: >> israeli leaders and secretary oe john kerry condemning the remarks, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying those words show that the west shouldn't rush into a deal with iran. he says, quote:
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>> all right. so, general, i ask you, who gets the bomb? >> well, the fact of the matter is, i agree totally with what the prime minister's saying there. he doesn't mince words, he puts it right out there where everybody can understand, not only his people, but people who are concerned about this issue, people in the united states and certainly in the region. you know, i have believed for a long time that the unstated policy of the united states government right now is that, to contain a nuclear weapons iran. and that our negotiations is just a bit of a foot dance leading to that eventual reality. we have already given up thousands of centrifuges and highly-enriched uranium, two major ingredients to be able to produce a nuclear weapon. we're going to permit them to keep those, so we're arguing how much of that. we are not demanding that they
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destroy their secret sites. you wouldn't have two secret sites to build an energy nuclear system. >> yeah. >> no, we've got nuclear energy in this country. we're very capable of producing. we know how the system works. they have not been transparent. when you talk about a lack of transparency, these are the kind of regimes who operate that way. it's very beneficial to them. >> black box. >> what are the repercussions right now? are talks falling apart on energy with iran? and, you know, this strange nebulous alliance that we have over isis. >> yeah. i don't think -- i think it's pretty naive, general, to think we're going to get a good deal with the iranians. and i want to ask you, do you think no deal is better than a bad deal at this point? >> oh, yeah, absolutely. i think we'll get a deal which will permit them to have thousands of centrifuges and highly-enriched uranium where it would not take much to get a
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nuclear weapon. that will probably happen in an administration after this one. and this will become the legacy foreign policy deal for this administration. and that is what's so frustrating about what we are currently facing. if -- here's what a good deal would look like: dismantle your sites, both sites, verify that. bring your centrifuges down and highly enriched rur yard line yum -- uranium only in line with end -- enriched development. once that's verified, then we begin to lower the sanctions and reduce them because now we no longer have a nuclear weapons development program. but we will live them, i suspect, if we get this bad deal with a nuclear weapons development program which means eventually they're going to rush to -- >> general, you started out by saying this is what a good deal would look like. that involves negotiations are
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iran. do you believe we're in a position to even trust iran on these discussions? >> well, we have 20 years of history of their working toward a nuclear weapon, 30 years of them killing us -- the fact of the matter is they lie to us to our faces just like the soviets did for 45 years. they come from the same ilk in terms of that. you cannot believe their words. our negotiators and leaders want to believe what they're putting on the table. they go in there with good faith. >> yeah. >> and the fact of the matter is they have taken advantage of us for years. >> yeah. it doesn't muddy the waters to talk with this enemy in secretive letters? whether or not that happened. the white house is not on the record with that. but does it muddy the waters to then ask their help to fight that common enemy that you say we really don't need iran's help on? >> well, yeah. i disagree with the coordination implied by the letter itself. let me be clear, i don't disagree with negotiating with iran. i mean, if they were going to negotiate in good faith -- and
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the fact of the matter is they were willing to dismantle their program, that's the key operative word here -- then, certainly, that would be a favorable outcome, and then the sanctions would be removed. that would obviously be a favorable outcome for the iranians. >> i just hi it's so pathetic -- think it's so pathetic we have to look to iran. that says, to me, the president doesn't have the stomach to fight isis. >> the maxim of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, not anymore. >> confusing state of affairs. the slow-moving red hot lava from a hawaiian volcano has finally reached a home, completely destroying it in less than an hour. a live report on where it's headed next. and women across the globe have a very different take on their job outlook than men. how do american women feel compared to other nations and why? and right after the show you can head to the web for outnumbered overtime. it's going to be saucy today, it's going to be so good.
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so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. ♪ ♪ >> when it comes to jobs and the economy, women have a far different outlook than men. a new gallup report finds women around the world were much more negative about the jobs picture last year, but the jend iser gap was widest in north america. the report finding that 56% of men and 64% of women said it was a bad time to find a job. europeans were even more pessimistic. but the gender gap was much smaller. however, on the flip side asian women actually had a more favorable view of the jobs market.
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andrea, i want to start out here in the united states with this because, clearly, women are, you know, they've expressed their disappointment with the economy, especially how it's rebounded from the great recession. the job market's still tough, but why women? why are women having such a tougher time in the workplace? >> because i think women are the ones at home who tend to managez
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>> as a four-star general you have employed and hires many people, men and women. what is the single biggest thing you look for when you're hiring? what is most important to you? >> first of all, i think there's not one thing, but in the united states military what we want is commitment. and it's very important to us. certainly, leadership qualities. and all of the value-based attributes that you want people to have in terms of compassion and also in terms of integrity. but i dealt with gender issues or so-called women issues in the
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military quite a bit as a leader, a younger leader, then growing through the ranks. >> yeah. >> and eventually becoming a four-star general. we had, you know, issues to deal with here and, obviously, we made a lot of progress. we're at a point now where at every position from sergeant all the way to four-star general, women supervise men and women on a regular basis. that is a major transformation inside the united states military, and that is a good thing. and i can remember back when i was a young officer, and i used to listen to the senior generals debating the integration of women in the army and asking a question like, well, they'll never be able to change a tire. i'm serious, that was actually mentioned. >> wow. >> now they fly apache helicopters -- >> right. >> yes, they do. >> and they're better shooting than men. >> some women are, but some men are better shots than women. that's just the reality of it. we look at the united states military as a meritocracy. we have made -- we have been the
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number one institution in america in terms of racial integration based on that meritocracy, and it was slower with women integration, but we have made a lot of progress. and i think the comment here is reflective of their lack of confidence, american women, that in economic tough times that they will be treated equally and fatherly in being able to get -- fairly in being able to get a job. >> it's not even just here. i know the world economic forum looked at ireland, for example, and they make roughly about the same gender gap we have, around there, between 77 and 80%. and they said it's like women working for free for the first seven weeks of the year. isn't that an interesting way of putting it? real quickly, we are going to toggle on what's breaking right now, and this is college, texas -- >> college station. >> college station, texas. president george w. bush to present a new biography of his dad, and that's happening today. and president george w. bush,
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43rd president, of course, of the u.s., will launch the release of his new book titled, "41: a portrait of my father," at this event at the george bush presidential library in college station, texas. are we going to dip into this a little bit? okay. we'll play more of this in just a little bit when we come back from the commercial. an intel assessment on lone wolf attackers leaves no doubt that the suspect in the recent new york city axe attack on a police officer was a follower of several terrorist organizations including isis. we'll have a live report on what was discovered on his laptop. and a conservative student group at one university has lost its funding after the school says it did not like the controversy the group's illegal immigration event caused. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ght, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours
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>> more "outnumbered" in just a mo, but first to jon scott with what's coming up in the second hour of "happening now." jon: in the next hour, honoring veterans on their day. we are awaiting comments from defense secretary chuck hagel at the memorial. we'll also discuss a wave of violence by islamic extremists
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in israel that has left several dead. two were killed in two separate stabbings yesterday, one in tel aviv, one in the west bank. this follows a series of attacks on pedestrians by palestinians driving their cars into crowds. and destruction in hawaii as lava flowing from an active volcano reaches a home. we have a live report from adam houseley all ahead, "happening now." harris? >> it's hard to believe that has finally happened. jon: a slow motion disaster. >> we'll see you at the top of the hour, thank you. jon: sounds great. >> a student group at virginia tech lost its funding because of conservative values. the school informed members it would be cutting the group's funding following an event they held, headlining bay buchanan on the topic of illegal immigration. it didn't like the controversy the event caused on campus. the group was told their flyers
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went too far because their event was titled how illegal immigration is hurting america. now, this is a scourge that's taking over college campuses across the country, general, this limitation on free speech unless you agree with the implicit liberal academia. and it's happening on campus after campus. this is just the latest expression of this. why do you think that's happening? why i are they squashing free speech at a time in your life when you should be doing the greatest learning? >> yeah, it's pretty remarkable, i think, what's taken place. listen, i go back generations here when i attended college, and it was a totally different experience. the fact of the matter is, it was open to different kinds of thought. you know, we were talking in the break, i had a minor in philosophy. it exposed you so much to different ideas. and that's what the college was like, jesuit school here in new
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york, fordham university, and they were open to different thoughts, different viewpoints, and that's who they brought on the campus to expose us to that. it's very frustrating to watch that on a college campus where you're exposing youngsters to grow and develop as people, that they are closing them to ideas that would help in that maturation process. and i think it's very insulting. the fact of the matter is, it's a leadership issue on college campuses, and i believe we have far too many weak leaders who subject themselves to political pressure. >> they're paid a lot of money, a lot of these college presidents, and they only allow one school of thought. i mean, they'll have open forums and debates, they'll invite the leader of iran, they'll have sex week at college campuses, they'll use tuition for it, but when it comes to that free thinking form of debate that includes conservative ideas, they're completely intolerant. >> the most offensive document you can talk onto a college campus, it's the constitution. and there have been students
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across the country disciplining students for passing out constitutions and -- >> but condoms are okay. >> it's just got to be offensive, general, to discuss something hike this on veterans -- like this on veterans day, defending our freedom of speech and to continue to see this on our university campuses must be just so frustrating. i think you already allude today that. >> yeah, it is. but i also go on college campuses and make speeches. i have a lot of faith in the youngsters that are there. and a lot, sometimes a lot of the ideas that they're exposed to when they go out and they test them against the real world, they don't make any sense. >> yeah. >> and i know that the youngsters that we receive in the military that come from all across the country in college and out of high school, i mean, we're so proud of them and for the kind of people they are. and the kind of commitment that they're willing to make. >> and one of -- >> despite this process, we still get very good people out of this -- >> one of the basic freedoms that they protect is the freedom of speech. thank you very much, general.
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the entire nation is so grateful for the service of the men and women in the military. the ceo of starbucks company is critizing the way america treats its veterans. >> i think at the core of the issue that the majority of the american people just do not have an understanding or a level of sensitivity that is necessary. one of the things we are trying to do is demonstrate that veteran's day comes once a year. it is turned into a woke week sale. >> you have car dealerships giving special it is and like a unofficial holiday season today. should it be a holiday. in new jersey public schools are open and people say the schools should be closed and taught what veterans day.
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>> i think it is a holiday and certainly, we are acknowledging everyone. we set aside memorial day for those who gave up their lives and we honor that to be sure. we have 22 million veterans in the country today. 16 and half million of them served in conflict. and this country would not be here if that sacrifice was not made by them and their families. we have to have programs to properly support them. and that may be behind the ceo's comment. having a parade and holiday. that is something that is welcome. but we have to make sure we have programs to assist them and their families that make a difference. you know, as the public has become aware, it is a price for
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someone to pay in conflict. you may get psychologically and emotionally scarred by it. we have to help them and their families as well. and when they return transiti transitioning back in the society. the programs to assist them so they are welcome back in that sector and programs that will change the skill sets that they developed to assist them, and a make employers very much aware of what they are getting here. they are getting people who are committed and a sense of discipline and smart and have leadership skills and make a contribution to the employer. >> hiring our veterans would be where we are. >> general, it is a please and you are honor to have you in the
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middle. >> it was a hell of a lot of fun. >> there's more we'll stay here for outnumbered on the web. we'll be back for the tv version of us tomorrow. "happening now" starts right now. >> 1 o'clock p.m. on the east coast. and today we pause to honor our country's 19 million veterans. we are waiting for defense secretary chuck hagel. >> yeah, this happening as americans are expressing gratitude to the brave men and women in uniform. this is "happening now". >> the threat of the lone wolf is perhaps the thing that i am most concerned about. >> new concerns about the threat of lone wolf terrorist, as we learn the axe- weilding madman was a follower of terror groups al-qaeda
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