tv The Five FOX News November 13, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST
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please don't miss it. the 5 coming up next. >> hello, everyone. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> last night americans got the most detailed account yet of the mission that took out osama bin laden and they got it first-hand from the man who killed him. in part, one of a more riveting special that aired last night featuring navy seal rob o'neill. we learned why he signed up for our country, how he learned of the historic mission and why he and his comrades didn't fear the possibility that he wouldn't return alive. >> we wanted him, bad.
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>> why? >> this is it. itbetter. we are at war because of this guy. we all knew the chances of dying were really high. so just hugging at the other guy, looking at my brothers from the other squadron, it was just -- i can only imagine it is like the feeling for a tunnel for an nfl team getting ready to run on the field. it is time do my job. >> here is a preview that shows o'neill expressing relief and perhaps disbelief when they did make it out alive. >> we got on the helicopter and flew out. that was a bit more intense. now we're there. people know something happened. they know helicopters were involved. now we're trying to get back, a 90-minute flight. almost like watching a race. it's like, well wait a minute, we can -- we can survive. we can live. >> you know, we all started our watches. we are watching it go. 80 something minutes into it,
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someone came over the radio to everybody and said, all right, gentlemen, for the first time in your lives, you will be happy to hear this. welcome to afghanistan. and everyone is like oh, my god. we just did it. >> joining us now is the man who got this exclusive, fox news correspondent peter ducy. very smart, peter, to carry this over two nights. you left a cliff hanger at the end. >> just getting on the helicopter. >> it is an amazing accomplishment. a great interview. now that you have worked on this for a year and a half. now that this has aired, what's the reaction so far? >> from my perspective, it's great. that means it took me a year and a half to get here to this desk. it's been an avalanche of positives and support for rob o'neill. i spoke to somebody that knows rob who was in the military at the same time as rob, and said that they watched last night and they wanted to shake his hand. afterwards. and so, it is all -- it is
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overwhelmingly good for rob today after part one. >> have you talked to him since it aired? >> i have spoken to him. he is taking it all in. >> no regrets for having decided to make the decision to talk then? >> if he has some, he hasn't told me. >> a question? >> i have two quick questions. deever change his mind during this? it is a high profile thing. a lot of risk. i'm sure a lot of risk to not only himself, his family. did he ever want to pull out of the deal before it aired? >> no. once we started, once we sat him down and we did the interview, it was all systems go. we did it in the summer. as our team upstairs on the 18th floor worked on it, he has been anxious to see it. >> after part one aired today, cnn is saying oh, the guy who claims to have killed osama bin laden. now i happened to screen the
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whole second part as well. tonight you will hear him say the minute he looked at osama bin laden, very light and standing him, facing osama bin laden innite, it convinced me that he is the guy that took the shot. >> are you a hundred percent convinced? >> yeah. we did a lot of reporting on this. we talked to a lot of sources. i live in washington. there are a lot of people down there who know what happened. they have heard what happened from pemt who were the people i. helicopters.
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that way no matter what happens, if something happened to one of the helicopters god for bid they would have proof that this is from the dead guy in the house. >> he was buried at sea? >> yes. >> kimberly? >> i like the part where he describes the danger also believing that the vicinity. because at first they have the element of surprise.
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then when the first seal team went down and as rob explained, he was able to go in first, so just imagine the training and everything that goes into it. then they are leaving. there is a very high risk, because they are detected, they could be shot down by an rpg, like the hilo, and then the gold, and then they got to the safety, believe it or not, they got to afghanistan. >> they talked about the 90-minute ride, and they whe they got back into the helicopter every, they just set their watches and waited. >> everyone is looking good. in particular i'm interested in the cia analyst that helps make sure that he no has the information. but what i didn't know and found out last night in talking to somebody else is that cia team was all women. i don't know if you knew that. >> oh, probably did -- >> we have been doing this for a year and a half. >> he knows where all the women
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are. >> you know what i'm curious about, how did you score this interview? everybody wanted the interview. everyone in the pain stream press was dying for this. i know probably some luck was involved. how did you do it? from what i heard, you had a code name to keep your colleagues at fox from finding out. is that true? >> that is true. code word was gateway. johnson working on this is a history buff. and army lieutenant in the 1880s who led the mission to capture the rethe realry ron know, and. >> so did you run into this guy in a bar? how did this go down? >> we got set up by a third party. but the first time i met him was at a bar in virginia. >> oh, doocy, fancy finding you
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there. >> this is the one i think we should talk about. it surprised people and it was the cliff hanger part of part one. which is the reason people want to stay tuned and watch tonight for part two. this is from ko. she says, all right, you didn't warn me. i would need tissues watching this. the t is a great special. can't wait to see tomorrow night. let's take a look at that. >> before you left, you also called your dad. >> i did. he is the last person i called. i was actually in my gear getting ready to launch and i called him to say good-bye. and thanks for everything. >> there was -- there was something in the tone that got me. i think it's over for him. what we typically say in every phone call is, i tell rob how proud of him i am, to this day, and that i love him.
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and in this call, i remember, i said, i wish i could go with you. >> and that's tom o. peter what was it like to work with him? he seemed very cooperative in the whole effort. >> he was great. he was driving us around in his pickup truck, throughout butte. taking us up -- tonight you will see some scenes at the top of a beautiful mountain scene. we said, hey, where should we go? we have these nice cameras. so we went to one place and didn't like it. so we loaded up again. he was great. and something that i didn't realize was how emotional this story was going to end up being. you think, oh, tough guys went, killed osama bin laden. that's great for them, great for the country. but you don't think about what they are saying to their dads writing to their kids an hour before they think they are going to go die.
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>> and the scenario, i know, one of the most beautiful place in all of america, but the pakistanis were not informed about this for obvious reasons. the pakistanis have very advanced aircraft, very advanced surface-to-air missilees. did they give a lot of thought to afghanisfter them. >> to the pakistanis? >> mm-hm. >> he was thinking about it the whole way there. the whole way. he will describe the thought process of, i wonder what it would feel like if one of those missiles hit us right now. >> and pakistan is very quiet about it even afterwards. >> well they were embarrassed about it. that's where their training facility is for their cadets, officer corps and a lot of retired military in that town. >> so tonight, part two, what are you going to see. >> we met rob and left him as he is getting on the helicopters. despite the sadness, very excited, happily. tonight, the shooting starts. tonight, he is going to walk us
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step through step off the chopper into bin laden's bedroom. then he will talk about what it was like to be this close to osama bin laden. the face on the target that they had been using for years, since 9/11. it is so compelling. this is why we needed the second hour. because he just goes through everything and something a lot of people don't think about. his thoughts after. when they do realize that they are going to live. then they get back, what do you do after you kill osama bin laden? or if you were on the team that took out bin laden. >> and he is, i wouldn't say a cavalier attitude, but he has a target on his back. people could clas him all the way to the hills of montana and the federal government, you know, they hate leakers under this administration. he has this book out now. he is talking to you. he doesn't seem to care at all. is that sense you got from him? >> rob o'neill does not have a book out. and he does not -- he is not getting paid for this at all. and we will let people decide if
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they think there is anything in the special that is going to either endanger any troops or that is classified and that shouldn't be out there. we don't believe there is. >> but maybe this is -- there's a gentleman in the film, in the documentary, who wrote a book, an historian -- >> mark paden. >> right. very compelling. he is the one who says, this is the guy, this is the shooter, and takes us through. a lot of the -- some of the visuals that you are seeing are based on his accounts as well. >> yes. and we will use him to basically explain the two prevailing accounts and why rob o'neill is the most accurate. >> is there any option about taking bin laden alive or from the beginning they would take him out? >> he talks about that. they had handcuffs in their gear. and we talk about that, was the killer captured -- i don't want
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to give way the whole show. >> no, there is a part of the story left untold. can i what that is this is. >> yes. >> we all know the story that our navy seals made it back. and we know they killed osama bin laden. but in the lead-up, there is a -- there is another living being on the helicopter that goes with them and it is a dog named cairo. but you didn't tell us if the dog comes back. >> well, president obama announced that no americans were harmed. that includes the dog. and so, and we get into all of that. it is really good second hour. >> and why did you have to get into the dog? >> if you watch this documentary, you will want to know what happened to the dog. i later found out that sam mcchrystal, general awarded him a medal of service, the dog. he is retired now. look at how tall you are. >> and look at you between esy and peter. >> and she has a booster seat, too. >> so who is next? who is your next big interview? >> you will have to wait and
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see. >> my second part is the guy who killed bin laden hasn't even aired yet. >> real quick, i think it is important to say that the way rob lays it out, he gives credt to his teammates and -- >> and to president obama. >> and to president obama. and does an incredible job of describing the team effort that went into this and the training that makes the navy seals, special forces. >> and to president bush. >> yes. >> a lot of his motivation came from thinking about 9/11. >> and i know doocy's next thing, and you will enjoy mother's day next year, it will be good for you. that's what you get to do, cover mother's day. >> i'm only kidding. i'm only kidding. >> what happens on mother's day? >> you will have to find out. >> welcome to "the five." it's been great to have you. >> thank you. >> we didn't corrupt the fine young man. >> you're still in taktd. >> that's why we put you next to
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dana. >> jesse, on the other hand, is totally corrupted. >> the conclusion who killed osama bin laden is tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. the caught on tape, not once, not twice, but three times, insulting the intelligence of americans while admitting they were deceived about the law. you'll see that ahead. w152ee"weo[1$vtd?9num÷=8
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well, here is something different, an honest democrat. i give him credit for admitting that americans were intentionally deceived to get his health care act passed. thank you. but i would like to call about the americans you call stupid and not try to convince them the remarks were regrettable and off the cuff. you knew we would find one. a second tape has surfaced. >> for people who have health insurance plan, they will no longer get a 40% tax break. what instead of having 40% tax on the companies that sell the -- [ inaudible ] you say, that's pretty much the same thing. you will see.
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americans are too stupid to understand -- >> uh-oh. you know what? so is a third. >> we just taxed the unsurance companies, they pass on higher prices that offset the tax break we get and it is the same thing. very clever basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the american voter. okay. >> giant hoax perpetrated on americans with obamacare. there has been warning about it for years and now there is tape and lots of it frof it. question, president obama and people in his administration be as transparent as professor gruber? we will bring it around, bob. i know you are ready to explode. >> no. >> but kg -- >> bob is relaxed. >> everyone is trashing jonathan gruber. but at least he is saying, look, i put this together, american people are stupid, they voted for it. by the way, democrats voted for it only. >> and it will hang around.
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we knew it, now we have the prove of it. like the smoking gun in a court case. you put it in front of the jury and feast yours on this. it is not like he misspoke. he is consistent in all three tapes. perhaps, who knows, maybe there's more. but the point has been made. in fact, yes, i'm glad he was honest about it. but i obviously disfavor strongly him referring to the american people as ignorant. because he is very wrong about that. >> more importantly, the way he came out of this, bob, this is a big deal. this isn't a -- in the words of joe biden, this is a big f'ing deal. >> if there is only one honest democrat, why are you asking me the question. >> dia little fact checking on your numbers from last night. we will get to that. >> go right ahead. and i've got my numbers too. >> anyway -- first of all, it is
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can money really buy you can money really buy you happiness? we'll have to ask eric who is rolling in it. the research saying the answer is yes to some. but people actually find greater happiness when they give money away rather than spend it on themselves. eric, let me start with you because you came from nothing. you grew up poor in chicago. >> broke, dead broke. >> dead broke. >> the age-old question. what's the most rewarding, making it, having it, spending it or giving it? for me it was making it because my background of dead broke, or footbally getting out of that hole. but you also have to like it, you have to spend it. most importantly, you have to give it.
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tall work, you can't feel good unless you give it away. >> you're super, super generous. >> the happiest people are the rich people that give a lot of money away. >> dana, what do you think? >> in reading the article, money certainly makes life easier, less stressful. it doesn't necessarily make you happier. o happy is an emotion that comes from more of a choice rooather than something that happens automatically because you have money to buy things. we shouldn't kid ourselves. obviously having more money makes it easier and your life is less stressful if you go to the grocery store and you don't have to worry about how much you're going to be able to birks food for your family, you're less stressed and that might make you happier. >> part of the study says money also causes a lot of disruptions in relationships. are you buying that? you're a man of some wealth. >> more money, more problems. i think the study is bogus.
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i've never seen happy homeless guy or a sad billionaire. >> no, no. there are sad billionaires. >> you probably know a few. >> she broke their hearts. >> you have to buy experiences, don't buy material, buy experiences. on christmas when my wife gives me, here are play tickets, we're going to go to broadway together and see a show. i'd rather get a tv or something i can touch. i don't buy the study at all. i think it's a roos to tell people don't worry about it, you're broke. >> kimberly, you've come out of not what you would call -- you married deep roots, but you didn't come out -- >> what? no one knows. it makes no sense. >> what do you think? >> i pay my bills. i work hard, i always have. i don't want to take other people's money. i love opportunity. i come from an immigrant background. that's my men tamt.
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it's all about the work ethic, the most important thing you can have, it doesn't matter hour dollar signs you have behind your name if you do not have your health. if someone becomes very sick, yes, if you have more money, you're able to access more resources and i wish that wasn't the case. >> that's my message about it. health is so much more important. i'm paying a big price for the way i live. the other thing, i came up in a family that had no money, was broke most of the time, spent three years living in a trailer which you don't ever want to do. you know something? what drives me to make money, is i'm afraid not to have it. i don't ever want to see my mother once again figure out how she's going to get the money to bury her mother. i can't do that. if that's selfish,
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thing." jesse? >> chuck todd, political director nbc news and "meet the press" guy. he's got a lot of titles. he had this to say about president obama's big-time gaff from a while back about people clinging the their guns and religion. check it out. when he says things like the people in rural pennsylvania cling to their guns and bibles, ittal come across as an attack when he's just observing the way an anthropologist will observe society. >> he's just being an anthropologist. this is why you have obamacare. this is why you have the scandals that are allowed to happen because the press does whatever this guy wants. >> this is the anchor of "meet the press." >> this is not a hack. >> bob? >> i want to say once again, my man teddy cruz, the man i want to be president of the united states, teddy has come up with a new one, a new plank. we're putting this together plank by plank. teddy wants to shut down the
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internet because he wants to do away with net neutrality. >> bob, that's not what he said. >> a brilliant plan. one of the smartest people i know. keep going at it teddy, you're birding it plank by plank. >> this is crazy. >> that's not what ted cruz wants. eric? >> we talked a lot about chargers and how do people in third world countries get chargers. these are solar panels that you can use to charge a phone and you can use as a light. they've sent over 50,000 of these to people in ebola countries and syrian refugee camps. what a great, great product. >> you'd invest in that? >> i haven't invested in that. i have nothing to do with it. >> i thought you didn't like solar energy. you know how i'm a morning person and that drives a lot of people crazy. i have tips from entrepreneur magazine on how to become a morning person.
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set your intentions before you go to bed. move the alarm clock to the other cited of the room. brush your teeth, drink a full glass of water. get a workout in the morning and then you can have a shower. if you do that, you'll become a morning person. >> when you go to bed at 7:00 in the morning, it's a little different. go ahead. >> i got 99 problems and we've gotten seconds left. on a serious note, so many of you were heartbroken the loss of an incredible comedian and human being, robin williams. the autopsy result haves been released of his august 11th death. he was also suffering from lewy body dementia in addition to early stage parkinson's. the second most common form of >> exclusive new details on president obama's new plan to take action on immigration. what it means for illegals in
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america. >> out rooifrj an i-- outrage over an ice cream proposal for school lunch. "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> it is a happy day and fall morning. we are happy to be with you this morning. good morning. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this thursday morning. i am lea gabrielle. >> i am heather childers. we are in bill o'reilly's studio. a temporary studio. we begin with a fox news exclusive. the man who killed osama bin
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laden. >> the moments before he pulled the trigger. >> heard a quote from bothering w. bush on 9-11. >> freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward and freedom will be defended. >> i kind of got goose bumps first off i thought how did i remember that? you don't forget that. freedom itself attacked by a faceless coward and freedom will be de p fended. >> i am like i am on this mission. >> he tackled him walking down the huallway he laid on top of him assuming he was going to blow up. he gave his life so the guy behind him would get a shot. d
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