tv FOX and Friends FOX News November 14, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST
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what should be number one on his immigration plan? log on to have that conversation with me. it is #keeptalking. "fox & friends" starts right now with elisabeth. she's back. >> good morning. it is friday, november 14, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert for you now. breaking overnight, a military base is under attack. two navy officers were hurt trying to take down an armed man. we have the breaking details for you in just moments. >> and first he called americans stupid and now he's bragging about ripping off the feds. but who exactly is professor jonathan gruber? >> i don't know who he is. he didn't help write our bill. >> she's hilarious. that's not true. and we're going to play some tapes that nancy pelosi wishes we didn't have. >> and forget werewolves in
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london. this morning a tiger is on the loo in one of the world -- is on the loose in one of the world's biggest cities. this morning a hunt is on to find him. mornings are better with friends. >> friends like you. >> studio e as in elisabeth hasselbeck. you are back. >> i love you guys. >> good morning. >> hi, buddy. >> welcome back, elisabeth. >> where you been? >> just hangin' out. i'm so glad and thankful to be back with all of you. i had a bit of a scare. you learn these things. i had a tumor in my abdomen. doctors said you've got to get it out by the end of the month. we don't like how it hooks. i was facing something that could potentially have gone either way. i did what they said. i had a phenomenal surgeon. i had a scary week where we
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didn't know what the results were, but i'm okay. everything has gone okay. surgery is not fun but it is necessary to find out if you have something terrible or you do not. thankfully i had the blessing of it not being cancer. a scary one indeed. we had real serious talks at home and honest ones with the kids. i could not be more thankful for my family and my friends who stood by me with support. although you sent me an e-mail, toughen up, girl. you sent me a note. mr. ailes and others treated me like family the entire way. so many girls have stared down that cancer gun but when they got bad news and dodge -- done remarkable
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things, courageous things to fight it. and so i knew i would be in their wings and by their example be able to fight it. i didn't get that message from my doctor. i got a clean bill of health. and i'm just, i'm thankful, really thankful. i'm not a person who takes a lot for granted, but i certainly don't take it for granted now. tim, my husband, he was my hospital buddy. friends came to sit with me during ugly hours. i was blessed with the peace in the week where i didn't know what i would be facing and felt as ready as you could feel. i felt such love and support from all of you and all of you watching. >> they sent e-mails all the time, they wondered where you were at. >> kimberly and everyone who sat in for me, heather -- i don't take anything for granted. my kids are watching now.
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daddy's making breakfast. tell him not to burn the bagels. i love you all. >> so many prayers for you. >> i'm sorry my palms are sweaty but i know you guys love me like a sister. >> you know what would make you happy right now? >> what? >> cake! we brought you came! >> cake boss? oh my goodness. thank you, cake boss. >> wherever you are. >> thank you. it feels -- i don't like a fuss; you know that. but this is a special day. i'm really, really thankful thank you for giving me the time i needed to recover. before you know it, kilmeade is not here but i'll be whipping on him once i heal some stitches up. additions, i am so happy to
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be back on this couch. you guys kept me laughing and smiling the whole time. enough about me, we'll get on to breaking news. >> folks sent some tweets she would love to hear. we're going to share some of those in a little bit. >> thanks for letting me enjoy privacy and quiet while i figured out what my mission was in terms of healing. i really appreciate that. but i would love to hear from you now. thank you. >> the first day you came here, i said this is a family. we really mean it. you're a big part of the family. >> you are absolutely right about that. thank you. i'm so thankful to this network for my friends and family here and all of your support. hey, like i said, i'm healing up so my mission is pure healing and getting fast again. >> time to get back to business. >> that's right. we're going to start with heather childers. >> we're so thankful that you're back and you're healthy. >> i'm thankful for that and happy to see you
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starting the day with a smile. >> i'm going to give you a hug in a second but we need to tell but this fox news alert. while you were sleeping a man with a knife tried to enter the same gate at the submarine base in groton, connecticut. two officers were hurt trying to take him down, one stabbed in the leg. right now that suspect is in custody and both officers are out of the hospital. it's being called a comedy of errors. not really funny, the secret service blunders leading to september's white house intrusion. why wasn't an attack dog unleashed on omar gonzalez when he scaled the white house fence? it turns out the agent in charge of releasing that canine had no ear piece in. he was sitting in a van talking on a personal cell phone. it's just one of the many human errors homeland security cites in a brand-new review of the major security breach. >> speaking of cell phones, you're being watched like you never would have imagined. there is a brand-new report
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that the justice department is scooping up data from thousands of phones through devices on airplanes flying right offense our -- right over our heads. the it was meant for spying but innocent people caught in the cross-fire. >> nancy pelosi chastising a reporter who asked her about stepping down after democrats failed to capture the senate's majority. pelosi said men previously in her position have never been asked that question. >> when was the day that any of you said to mitch mcconnell when they lost the senate three times in a
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ted kennedy has basically figured out a way to rip off the feds about $4,000 a year. what we didn't allow in that room was talk about how could we make this work? obama was like, well, he's really a realistic guy. he's like i can't do this. it is not going to happen politically. the bill will not pass. how do we manage to get through there phases. that opened the genesis of the cadillac tax. barack obama is not a stupid man; okay? he knew when he was running for president that, quite frankly, the american public doesn't actually care that much about the uninsured. what the american public cares about is cost. >> wow, there's a bottom line that is coming up to boil right now. but when asked, nancy pelosi said i don't even know who he is. this man right here who right there admitted that our president understands and is counting on the fact
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that americans are too dumb essentially to care, that these americans are going to be snowed by this and there is one way to do it and get the cash? this is what he said, yet nancy pelosi denies she knows who he is. listen to this. >> i don't know who he is. let's put him aside. i don't know if you have seen jonathan gruber in my comparison of what the analysis is to the status quo versus what will happen in our bill. >> you see what this is. i don't know who he is. that was yesterday that she said i don't know who he is. you go back and look at her website, and jonathan gruber, they announce m.i.t. professor jonathan gruber, makes a big thing about him then. speaks about him in 2009 and 2010 as well.
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so she must remember. i hope she remembers. to make a long story short, look at what's going on. jonathan gruber first said i made an off the cuff remark. then we have four more tapes of him saying the same thing. this is a huge hoax perpetrated on the american people. the problem is the hoax that they develop, they're all on board with it. nancy pelosi was on board. harry reid was on board. president obama named this guy mr. mandate. everyone knew what was going on except the american people. and that's the sad part. >> coming up in the show, dr. marc siegel is going to speak truth to you and tell you three things changing about the health care plan that you're going to want to know that the administration, at least back then was counting on you not even caring about, and those changes are ultimately so important. we are going to bring them to you today. >> can i bring one thing in? the thing no one talked about is everything he said, the architect was wrong. in the end premiums aren't
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going down. they're still going up. they haven't made the costs go down. >> they figured it is in the greater good of the country to get this passed regardless of the cost. curious though, and he's probably going to be called on capitol hill. they're going to have hearings once the senate is taken over by the republicans. he made it very clear he would do any sort of dishonest politicking to get this passed. he's a professor at m.i.t. don't you think those kinds of low standards probably violate some high standard at m.i.t.? >> not if you're tenured. >> there you go. >> that's the guy i want teaching my kids. if they were at m.i.t., that would be fantastic. we're going to include some of your tweets to elisabeth right now. she's been missing. she had an operation. she's cancer free. charlotte says this. it will be so good to see you. missed your smile. >> you are kind, charlotte.
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>> lisa says, yay! welcome back girlfriend. >> love the double exclamation. thank you, lisa. i'm so glad to be back. i can't thank you enough. i'm not taking one second for granted. that is why you're going to tell us what's coming up if a few seconds. >> he made headlines when he said he jumped from a balcony to save his drowning nephew. this morning the reason why he made it all up. his race is to blame. >> obamacare architect jonathan gruber's comments may not be the only thing you're going to be offended by when it comes to obamacare. dr. segal in the house. ♪ ♪ells
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basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the american voter or whatever, but that was really critical to get the thing to pass. >> basically obamacare architect jonathan gruber's comments at american stupidity got the law passed, likely not the only thing that is going to offend you this morning when it comes to the so-called affordable care act. this week, tomorrow actually marks the first day of the 2015 open enrollment. and dr. marc siegel,
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thankfully on the fox medical a team, is here with us to break it down. >> good morning, welcome back. >> i'm a dummy. tell me what is coming because i clearly don't care, an american voter, and i don't know what is going on. >> so professor gruber doesn't call us stupid again i thought i would tell us what is coming up in 2015. obamacare is infiltrating normal health care tissue. >> how? >> the individual mandate is more than tripling. the penalty you get for not having insurance goes from $95 to $325 per person or 2% of your income, whichever is more. and you know what? for people that don't make a lot of money, that is a lot of money. $325 per person. >> of course. that's a penalty. that's a huge penalty. >> if you're struggling to make it in the midwest somewhere or here in new york, anywhere, you've got a huge, huge burden. and you're going to be paying the 2014 penalty up
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front in 2015. you won't get that refund. >> what is happening to that lowest entry level plan now? >> if dr. guber wants you to think your premiums aren't rising, the bronze plan up on average 7% in many states. the low-cost silver plan at the exchanges, 9%. for those of you young people who want that catastrophic plan thinking i'm not going to have to pay for older sick people who are very, very sick, let me tell you something, that's up on average 18%. you're just getting out of college, you haven't made your way yet, guess what? you're paying a fortunate sore that this obamacare can struggle along and try to help people who have very, very bad chronic conditions. >> there are so many people who would opt for that catastrophic insurance. >> if it were cheap. >> not anymore. and those increases are so substantial. what about the employer
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mandate? >> that is finally kicking in. now if a company has more than 100 employees, they will get hit $2,000 to $3,000 per employee. if you're a huge employer you know what you're going to do in 2015? get rid of your full-time employees and add part-time employees so you don't have to pay the penalty. that is what many economists predict will happen. that is why i call it a cancer. can you imagine if you work for mcdonald's, employers will say i don't want to pay the penalty. i want part-time employees. >> i bet the heart race has increased across the nation. >> let me treat you and tell you to get rid of obamacare. >> dr. segal, thanks for that. forget wherewolves in london. a tiger is on the loose and the hunt to find him is on.
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some headlines for you. hundreds of illegal immigrants locked away in arizona jails cannot seek bail even though voters approved a law that denied bail to illegals charged with felonies like sexual assault and murder. the supreme court just ruled it's a violation of due process rights. also in arizona a border agent safety is in jeopardy because the judge is releasing the name of the agent to the public. the agent shot and killed a teenager two years ago while the teen was throwing rocks at him and other agents trying to take down
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drug simulletters. the -- smugglers. the teen's family is suing and the border agent requested to keep his name private for his safety. >> a grad student claims her internship went up in smoke after she disclosed to the employer that she was a medical marijuana patient. christine callahan has now filed a lawsuit claiming discrimination against the rhode island company darlington fabrics for not hiring her. the state legalized marijuana for medical purposes in 2006 but pot is still illegal under federal law. so does she have a case? let's talk to some legal experts? misty maris is an employment attorney taking the side of the attorney. goodmorning brian, taking the side of the law student. brian, the company says we're not going to hire you because you smoke pot and you say that is
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discrimination. why? >> we have 23 states with medical marijuana, four of them legalized marijuana. it is clear voters don't want people discriminated against for this. i think morally it is the wrong thing to do. legally rhode island law specifically states you cannot be denied employment because you're a medical marijuana patient. i think she has a very strong case. she's bringing this case in state court where they will be listening to these claims. i think it's clear discrimination. >> i absolutely disagree and the reason being this is a case of first impression in rhode island. what we need to do is look at the way cases have unfolded around the country that deal with the same issue. in that sense, most courts have found that the employer has the right to enact antidrug policies and to require a no tolerance drug policy and to have those policies be abided by. that allows them to keep people who are using marijuana out of the workplace. and that's because the federal law still calls
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marijuana illegal. controlled one substance. >> brian? >> again, rhode island law, which is we're in state court in rhode island specifically states people cannot be denied employment for being medical marijuana patients. >> the michigan statute has a system lar, has similar language and the court still found in favor of the employer. still found federal law calls it an illegal substance. >> again, you know, this is about discrimination. do we feel like we should live in a society where sick people are punished for the type of medicine they use? she stated she would not use it at work, would not bring it to work. and rhode island law explicitly protects that. >> i've got a statement from the aclu in rhode island. it reads like this. if employers are permitted to discriminate against those utilizing medical marijuana, then the good work done by those to enact
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the law will be completely undone. we cannot let this law become an empty promise. brian, let me ask you about this question. it's a hypothetical. i'm not referring to this particular client. but we all know there are people who are gaming the system to get a doctor to give them pot. that's just the way it is. if an employer realizes that and says, you know, they don't really need the pot. they're just smoking pot and they're standing behind the law, don't you have a problem with that? >> i have a problem with employers pretending that they're doctors. >> what about the people who are pretending they need medical marijuana when they don't? >> there is a very small number of people pretending they need medical marijuana, the same people pretending they need prescription drugs. at the end of the day this case, ms. callahan has migraines. she stated she would not use marijuana at work or bring it to work and the employer still discriminated against her.
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>> the employer has an obligation to main feign a safe working -- to maintain a safe working environment. >> this has been a great debate and i thank both of you. thank you very much for joining us today. folks out this in tv land, send us an e-mail. let us know which side you think is the right side. the v.a. sent a letter to this veteran's wife saying stop cashing your husband's benefit checks because he's dead. that's news to her and the husband. we'll explain. the president vowing to take executive action on immigration immediately, but his right-hand man, harry reid, now not supporting the president. wait a minute? ed henry has got this freakin' development. he's with the president now. first, happy birthday to bill hemmer, look at that! he's 50. happy birthday, bill. ♪ ♪
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the u.s. senate has been holding hearings on the ebola crisis. and although the debate got pretty heated at times, they're finally starting to agree on things. let's check in and see how things are going. >> i'm going to ask senator shaheen, chair of the subcommittee on legislative affairs, to call the superintendent and ask that the air conditioning be turned off. i left 45 minutes ago -- >> i would be delighted to do that, madam chair. i have tried to get him to turn down the air conditioning in this building before. >> motion. motion for them to take
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this disease a little more seriously, please. >> i think it's great they're working together to get stuff done like turning the air conditioning down. don't they have a janitor? thanks, jimmy fallon. president obama, meanwhile, overseas but that is not slowing down the talk of executive policy. >> executive action on immigration still promised by year's end but it is still unclear whether it will all happen. >> senior white house correspondent ed henry is traveling with the president. he is live in rangoon, burma with the latest. mr. ed. you know what i mean. >> good morning, guys. i'll get to the timing in a moment but you've got the president here in burma, and he was at the home of aung su chi where she had been under house arrest for 20 careers and was saying burma can't backslide here. they've got to make this
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transition from a military dick -- military dictator to a full democracy. the president said when he gets back to washington he'll be moving closer to immigration that republicans are charging will violate the american constitution. quite a contrast in what the president was saying at this news conference. he said the congress failed to act so he's going to go his own way. speaker john boehner says the problem is the president is misreading what voters were saying in that midterm election drubbing. >> i indicated to speaker boehner several months ago that if in fact congresso act ie all the lawful authority that i possess to try to make the system work better. and that's going to happen. that's going to happen before the end of the year. >> every administration needs this and needs that, needs all kinds of things. and, you know, if he wants to go off on his own, there are things that he's just
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not going to get. >> what speaker boehner is referring to is that come december 11, the government is going to run out of money. that continuing resolution will be done and they need a new one. so boehner is saying if the president bulls ahead next week before they finish budget talks and goes ahead with his executive action that may blow up the budget talks and he won't get a continuing resolution, maybe the government shuts down. also he wants nominations to go through. for example, loretta lynch is picked to be attorney general. the president wants that to go through. harry reid is still nominally in charge of the senate during this lame duck session. so there is a split, i'm told, among the president's advisors. on one side some of his advisors are saying wait until these budget talks are done with, announce these actions on immigration until december. and i'm told h.r. -- harry reid is telling the president to do that as well. i'm told there are other advisors close to the president saying
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republicans are going to be done either way. get this done next week when you come back from asia and deal with the consequences. this is going to be a storm no matter which way the president picks. >> even though he's out of town, trouble overseas. ed, even though you're in burma, there is a problem this with isis? >> well, no. the president, you know, didn't talk about it at this news conference, but the problem is obviously militants around the world. the president has been talking about perhaps a new strategy to deal specifically with the situation in syria and this have been reports suggesting that he is wanting a dramatic shift in course. the white house is sort of trying to down play that and saying that they're doing just a general review to change the strategy. the bottom line is when i asked the president at that news conference about a week ago back in washington whether we're winning or not, he said he can't say that we are yet. it's very clear they're going to be tweaking that
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strategy in the days ahead. >> got you. he's in rangoon, burma, this morning. and maybe reuniting with al qaeda. >> i saw that. they had a meeting. they got together and they said, you know what? we threw you out, isis says of al qaeda. we threw you out awhile back because you weren't up to our standards. welcome to the club. >> we turn now to heather childers who has some more headlines for us. i'm just so happy to keep looking over. >> we're once again glad to have you back. you mentioned this a moment ago, this tiger. forget werewolves in london. there is a tiger on the loose in paris. look at that. wildlife experts, police, all of them along with specially trained hunting dogs on the hunt for this big cat spotted in a very small town just a few miles
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from disneyland paris. officers armed with tranquilizeer guns combing the country is unclear where the animal came from. but there is a wildcat preserve nearby. one army veteran's wife is told not to cash any more disability checks because her husband is dead. one problem, though. he's very much alive. he's right there. julie brenner says the v.a. sent her this letter apologizing for her husband's death and offered to pay for his funeral. but kenneth is a healthy, alive 81-year-old. the v.a. says it was a big mixup and they will fix the problem as soon as they can. he went from hero to zero and now a quarterback josh shaw coming forward with a big lie. he said he sprained his ankles jumping from a balcony to save his nephew from do you think. it turns out he was running from police. this is where it gets
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confusing. he's pulling the race card telling "the los angeles times" that he was fighting with his girlfriend and because of what went on in missouri with the shooting of michael brown he was afraid of what police might think. shaw has been suspended indefinitely. >> what is the best way to make sure your automobile is safe? stick the c.e.o. inside and start shooting at him. this is no joke. the c.e.o. at detectives armoring corporation, he is inside taking a seat in the armored car so one of his colleagues can shoot him with an ak-47. those cars apparently do work. he never was injured, not at all. we're told he didn't even flinch. no way. no way, no way would i ever do that. >> that was really him inside there? >> yes.
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>> if somebody was shooting at me -- >> that is faith in your product. >> all right. it is chilly here in new york city, and that's why we have maria molina outside. let's talk a little bit about the polar plunge. >> it is cold across the country, but first of all it is not cold in the studio. elisabeth, welcome back. so good to have you back. >> it is great to see you, maria. i'm getting chills here mostly, but also because it is too cold for my liking right now. you're about to tell us it's going to get a little worse? >> it is. we expect another reenforcing surge of cold air to arrive as we head into next week. these cold temperatures aren't going to be going anywhere for most of the lower 48. in new york city you're at 30 degrees. it is chilly out here but it is much worse as you head westward. it feels like 12 in cleveland. feels like the teens down to atlanta and also in memphis. take a look at the city of
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denver where currently it feels like 13 degrees below zero. really an arctic blast impacting the country. we did have light snow early this morning across portions of the northeast, across the, during the overnight hours across portions of new jersey and down into the mid-atlantic yesterday. you can see that storm system is moving out. behind it we're going to have some sunshine. the cold air is going to be sticking around. and we also have lake-effect snow. by the way, this weekend coming up, take a look at what's going to happen across parts of the plains. we have a storm system that will be moving through producing light snow accumulations across portions of kansas and missouri and eventually impacting parts of the midwest. let's head back inside. >> could have a white thanksgiving in some spots. thanks, maria. >> a little frost out there. i didn't like it. >> coming up, president obama revealing he's got to improve on some stuff. >> so there is a failure of politics there that we've got to improve on.
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he grew up a kennedy but says his greatest life lessons did not come from an ambassador, senator or even a president but from his aunt rosemary. >> she had special needs and tim shriver says she taught him the most but her disability a deep family secret. he's opening up about that and a whole lot more in his memoir "fully alive: discovering what matters most." >> joining us is tim shriver himself. welcome and good morning. why is it so important for you right now to write this book? >> i felt like i've been given an enormous gift.
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i think we're all looking for purpose. i think in this culture we look and search and sometimes we look in places and we don't find what we want. we're a restless culture. for me, i found so much in people who are so vulnerable, so humble, so open, so loving. and i just was eager to share that story. >> tell us about your aunt rosemary. >> she grew up in a very competitive family, nine children, three of whom the world knows as presidents and senators and these kinds of things but she is the person who gave them center. she is the person who taught them to slow down. she is the person who taught them they could find themselves. >> how did she do this? >> i think she had an intellectual disability in a time that was scorned when it was tremendous family shame, when people were put in institutions by the hundreds of thousands. yet, she was the person in the family who their mother and father, my grandparents said keep her at home. and you brothers and sisters, you look out for rosemary. in those intimate moments
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when they were looking out for her, i think they realized she was looking out for them in a deep way. >> every family seems to have a rosemary. >> every family has a secret, things we're ashamed of, things we hide. the lessons i learned from the athletes of this movement is if we hide things they hide us. opening ourselves up, the olympics movement is to trusting of yourself. >> give us one lesson. >> i think if you want to look for fun, leave it all on the court. if you want to look for love, make it unconditional. if you want to look for grit, focus on your best. the moms and dads of this movement have taught me one thing. learn to love your children unconditionally. don't expect them to turn out a certain way. just give them yourself. >> great lessons. check it out.
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>> that wasn't one, was it? >> excellent advice. >> tim shriver's new book is called "fully alive." thank you, sir. go buy the book. coming up, president obama says he can improve. >> so there is a failure of politics there that we've got to improve on. >> okay. but are american voters going to buy it? we're going to check the pulse of the people next with the dial. >> guys are back in action 20 years later, but is the third "dumb and dumber" movie worth your movie? >> it has to be. >> it looks hilarious. ♪ ♪
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this past week the president speaking out about governing and revealing that there are some places he could improve on, but are american buyers buying it? our guest is here with the dials. let's go to the first sound bite. roll it. >> i think there are times, there is no doubt about it, where i think we have not been successful in going out there and letting people know what it is that we're trying to do and why this is the right direction. so there is a failure of politics we've got to improve on. >> and let's see the stat. there you go. why an a minus for >> look at that, republicans and democrats agreed with him. this is something we rarely see. what everybody said on both
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sides of the aisle is this was a humble ebola ebola, authentic. they agreed with him. they thought he need to do do a better job. it was something everybody agreed oven the only question voters on both sides said was this real? they wanted to see him put his money where his mouth was in the coming weeks. >> here is one on the sec controlling the internet. >> to put these protections in place, i'm asking the fcc to reclassify internet service under title 2 of a law known as the telecommunications act. in plain english, i'm asking them to recognize that for most americans, the internet has become an essential part of everyday communication and everyday life. the fcc is an independent agency and ultimately the decision is theirs alone. but the public has already commented nearly 4 million times asking the fcc to make sure that consumers, not the cable company, gets to decide which sites they use. americans are making their voices heard and standing up for the principles that make the
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internet a powerful force for change. as long as i'm president, that's what i'll be fighting for, too. >> let's see the grade on that one. now, lee, i got to tell you, i'm standing there, listening to that. i want to give him an f for that. >> really? >> 'cause i don't believe anything he just said. i think they want to control the internet and that's really what they're going after. how did you give him a b minus? >> voters said this is peaks and valleys. people agreed with him. then when he got to talk about the fcc as an independent agency and ultimately it's their decision alone, people don't believe that the fcc is an independent agency. they think it's a government agency and they think they're in his pocket. so people started to dip on that. then he said it's ultimately their decision alone. no one really liked that because what they said is he's preemptively saying that his hands are tied and so he's already giving the excuse. so people really didn't -- >> he outlined the reasons why i would give him an f for that comment, at least the comment, certainly the idea of controlling the internet through
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the fcc. lee carter, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. coming up, it's a powerful story, a dad whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant, fires off a message to the president. use executive action to bring my son back. you'll hear more from that dad. then a town wants to ban the sale of every single sing receipt and cigar -- cigarette and cigar. won't that put hard working store owners out of business? more on that next hour you got the bargain kind? you would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. then i'll use a bunch of them. what are you doing? dish issues? ... ... get cascade complete. one pac cleans better than six pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean.
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barak obama is not a stupid man, okay? he knew when he was running for president that quite frankly, the american public doesn't care that much about the uninsured. >> oh, and believe it or not, there is more where that came from. dummy. the president getting closer to letting 4 1/2 million illegal s stay in the country. what about my son, the dad wants to know. his son was killed by an illegal immigrant. how about august the executive action to bring his kid back? >> all right. and president george w. bush talking about what he thought would be the last time with his father at the hospital. >> i was convinced that this would be the last time -- i gave him a kiss and it would be the last time i'd see him. >> more from w's emotional interview with our own sean hannity on this friday because mornings are better with elisabeth. she's back.
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♪ ♪ >> i love this song. >> is this your walk outsong? >> this is my walkout song. when i was really focused on this song -- >> and it was about a month ago and we told folks that you had left. you had a problem. you had an operation and now you're back. >> yeah. like tennis ball size tumor that they said need to do come out. an extraordinary team of surgeons and doctors who told me it was necessary to come out immediately and i listened and didn't want to take any chances. i had a little scary weaning period to see what it was. it was benign. talk about knock you out. like that tennis ball out of the
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park here and out of the court. i'm beyond thankful to have a clean bill of health. it was a little bit of a scary time of the you all here, mr. ailes, all of you on the floor, were so kind and loving and thoughtful. you let me heal up privately. i missed all of you every morning, but i was watching with you right there in my recovery bed. both in the hospital and at home and i had so many family and friends to step up, including you guys. >> everyone missed you. >> absolutely. >> we're thrilled that everything is clean and you're back. >> i am, too. i am beyond thankful. like i said before, i'm not a person who thinks she takes so much for granted. i'm thankful every day. you realize the little things you do. the kids were great through it. >> did you say your kids? >> yeah. >> you know, your kids are at home, right? >> don't make me cry because i'm not making them breakfast this morning. >> no, you're not making them breakfast. they're making you a video. here is elisabeth's kids.
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>> today is friday, november 14, 2014. i'm brian kilmeade. >> hi, i'm steve doocy. >> i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. >> elisabeth, you're back at work? >> yeah, i am, guys. this is really comfortable. >> you take good care of me. >> you know why this curvy couch is so comfortable? >> 'cause mornings are better with friends. have a good day at work, mommy. >> wow! >> how great is that? >> thanks. i love you guys. i miss you. i told them mommy has a mission to get back with her buddies at work who take really good care of me. are you doing this now? >> no. it's a live truck in your kitchen. your daughter, grace, has got some bee hive hairdo on.
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>> i love you guys so much, with my whole, whole heart. thanks. i can't say anything. when you're faced with something, like i said, i knew no matter what, i would have the support and love and you guys behind me to deal with whatever comes my way. but i could not get them out of my mind, right before surgery during the waiting period and after. i had a lot of mommy stuff o do before i went under the knife. thanks for making that for mommy today. i miss you guys and you know i'm here doing great work with the most extraordinary people at fox news and "fox & friends." >> we're all happy. >> thanks to everybody at home. i love your well wishes. i needed them all and your prayers. i praise god for a great recovery and coming back with my besties. >> that is the headline. ladies and gentlemen, round of applause, elisabeth is back in town! >> enough about that. we have alerts that heather childers has.
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now what's going on in the world. >> that was so happy. which was tears of joy. >> over overwhelmed. not often am i without words. >> now i have to go to this story, which is not a good story at all. while you were sleeping, a man with a knife tries to enter the main gate at the submarine base in connecticut. two navy officers were actually injured trying to take him down. one of those stabbed in the leg. right now the suspect is in custody and those officers are out of the hospital. so why wasn't an attack dog unleashed on the man who scaled the white house fence? the agent in charge, on his cell phone. it's just one of the many mistakes homeland security points to in its brand-new review of the security breach. agents claimed to have a difficult time seeing omar gonzalez racing across the white house lawn. listen to this, the one officer who did scuffle with gonzalez, she accidentally grabbed her
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flashlight and not her baton. america's cell phones are being watched closer than you ever might have imagined. there is a brand-new report just out claiming that the justice department is scooping up data from thousands of phones through devices on small private airplanes that are flying right above your head. it was meant to catch criminals, but innocent people caught in the crossfire. and finally, president george w. bush opening up about the difficult time when his father was fighting for his life in the icu in 2012. in an exclusive interview, sean hannity, he says he tried o keep his whole family strong and he told them not to cry. >> yeah, i said, i don't want the last image of us to be us weeping around you. so we get over there and it's in an icu unit, methodist hospital. barbara and ken are play flee rubbing his head and trying o
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bring him comfort. he leans over and rub's jenna's belly and he said, there is death and there is the beauty of life, and of course we all wept. i was convinced this would be the last time. i gave him a kiss and would be the last time i'd see him. i underestimated him. >> definitely. president h.w. bush was in the hospital for about seven weeks, but he did recover. he was well enough to go sky diving this year for his 90th birthday. love those family ties. your family ties, too, lots of cheers around here this morning. >> nothing more important than family. absolutely. thanks for bringing us that. tear he was joy and emotion for sure. >> we're glad to have you back. >> steve, i have a question, if i said something off the cuff and it was kind of a mistake, but i said i just did it once, would you excuse that? >> people say things and sometimes you want a do over, if do you it once.
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>> what if we have more examples on tape of me doing the same thing, or what if we had jonathan gruber calling the american people stupid a bunch of times? watch this. >> the dirty secret in massachusetts is the feds pay for our bill. in massachusetts, we have a very powerful senator, ted kennedy. he has basically figured out, him and smart people figured out a way to rip off the feds for $400 million a year. people say north texas you can't tax my benefits. it feels like. so what we think about was how could we make this work? obama is like, well, look, i can't just do this. he said it's just not going to happen politically. the bill will not has. how do we get there through phases. that's called the catholic tax tax -- cadillac tax. barak obama is not a stupid man of the he knew when he was running for president that the american public doesn't care that much about the uninsured. what the american public cares about is cost.
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>> he's right about that. we've been talking about professor jonathan gruber over the last couple of days. he has let the cat out of the bag. he has made it very clear that the democrats knew the only way they could get the affordable care act, also known as obamacare, passed was to build this whole smoke screen and build it on live. remember it was the president who said they'd be able to bend the cost curve down so it wouldn't cost us more. you know what? professor gruber admits we have no idea how to do that. so a lot of the stuff we were sold, not true. can you imagine if this video and this guy had come out before the election? >> and exploiting the idea and how condescending is it to assume the american people wouldn't know or didn't care or too stupid to figure out what was coming their way and to know about it. he says right there, the president is not dumb. he knew about it. >> they were all in on it! >> go forward and pass this. the changes that are coming, they're hit -- they're paying
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for it, is what americans will be doing. take a look. first of all, the penalties are going to triple right here to $325 per person, or 2% of the income, whatever is higher right here. this is one of the first changes you're going to want to note and dr. siegle brought this to us this morning and we are clearly reiterating here for you so you can take some notes here and know what's coming your way. the cheapest plan will face changes. >> this is one of the most important plans. 9% it will increase. one of the -- i went to dr. gruber's web site. he broke down what he was expecting. in it 2015 and in 2016 when the plans are supposed to be fully implemented, the costs were supposed to be dramatically less. none of this has happened so far. we're three, four years into this and it's still not starting to bend the cost curve down. every single year, health care premiums are going up for families, individuals, for employers, across the board.
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so the problem is, they were trying to figure out a way to fool the public into voting for it because it was going to work. they fooled the public, but it's not working. >> it's failing the public. >> as i mentioned, it was supposed to bring costs down. they were going to bend the cost curve down. whatever that meant. just a fabrication. there are eight states that are facing double digit increases in the cost of your premiums coming up next year. louisiana, kansas, iowa, pennsylvania, virginia, north carolina, south carolina, and tennessee. i think there is some states where things will go down. but this those states, we know that things are going to go up. so eric, to your earlier question about dr. gruber, if somebody says something one time and it wasn't right, you give them a pass. but we've got all this tape where they were saying it for years. and usually it was in confidence, there wasn't a video camera. for some odd reason, he felt
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obligated to spill the beans. >> this was the consultant of obamacare. mentioned numerous times by and democrats evenh she has admitting hey, this guy was touted as an expert here from m.i.t. who had great numbers on how this was going to succeed on the backs of ignorant american. >> there is a new term out there. grubering, or you're pulling a gruber. you're being a gruber. it means perpetrating a hoax. >> send us your tweets with that hash tag. have you been grubered. >> how have you been grubered? >> don't gruber me, bro. >> whoa! >> don't gruber me, bro. >> we're not going to gruber you. we're going to smother you with tweets because you're back. a lot of you were sending in tweets. one says, we love you, elisabeth. welcome home. >> i love you, too. >> another says, so good to see you again and praising god for his healing hand over you.
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absolutely. >> remember about a year ago we were down at the robertsons "duck dynasty"? >> yes. >> willie tweeted, glad to see you. the good lord needed you longer on this earth. >> you know what, you give everybody a hug there for me. i love that family. i have lo tell you. i appreciate that. i have some momming to do on that note. thanks to that. >> you've got some anchoring to do. >> thanks to all of you. thanks for being patient with my healing and to be back. you take good care of me. thanks. >> you can count on it. >> on this friday, you saw that obamacare architect calling american voters stupid. but what if you were watching the mainstream media? are the networks protecting the president's prize health indication legislation. first they couldn't play in class. now they can't play at recess. one school controversial plan to run religion right off of campus. ♪
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americans cringe. >> clever basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the american voter. basically call it the stupidity of the american voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass. >> now democrats are fighting to distance themselves from those comments made by obamacare architect jonathan grewer and it seems the main stream media is doing the same thing. they have dedicated three minutes of coverage between all three networks. how is that possible? joining us right now with reaction is a columnist for the boston herald. good morning to you. >> good morning. great to be with you. it's just incredible, the media bias we're experiencing, the fact that the main stream media won't cover this major news story. >> absolutely. i mean, this is one of the biggest pieces of legislation of our generation and as dr. gruber has revealed, it is based upon a
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lie. you would think the people down the street from where i'm standing at the other networks would say, this is a big story! it impacts every american potentially. we should be covering it. >> absolutely. the american people were lied to. the obama administration and mr. gruber knowingly put language in obamacare on the legislation that would deceive the american people and deceive some of the government agencies to pass it. also and it's just wrong. it's blatant corruption and the main stream media absolutely has an ethical responsibility to be covering this major bombshell and the fact they're not shows they're engaging in media malpractice. >> who are they covering for? is this for the president? is it for the people who were involved in it? is it for democrats? is it for hillary? >> it's for everyone who is a democrat. basically to protect president obama who they've been protecting since day one, since even prior to his inauguration. they protected him on the campaign trail as candidate
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obama. and they're protecting hillary clinton or possibly elizabeth warner. she runs in 2016 because this makes democrats look bad. their signature piece of legislation, lied to the american people, and on top of it, mr. gruber has insulted the entire country by calling us stupid. and i remember when mitt romney was running for president in 2012, when he made that 47% comment, the mainstream media had no trouble covering that relentlessly to embarrass him, to turn an election and to hurt republicans. but now when a key architect of president obama's signature legislation calls the entire population stupid, they're not covering it. it's just incredible. >> well, as we have talked about a lot on this channel and your newspaper as well, there is a double standard in this country. so it's our job to point it out. thank you very much for joining us. >> great to be here.
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thank you. all right. these guys are back. but is the third dumb and dumber movie worth your money? >> rock, candy that will make you dizzy. folks come from all over the city to buy it. >> burn my eyes. >> must be cajun style [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath... [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. introducing cvs health. iespecially when it's miralax. re can love their laxative. it hydrates, eases, and softens, to unblock your system naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish.
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and finally, 77.5 inches. that's more than six feet and it's the height difference between the world's tallest and shortest man. they just met up for a handshake on world record day. can you believe it has been 20 years since a classic comedy gem, "dumb and dumber" came out. jim carey and jeff daniels reunited hoping to score the same success with "dumb and dumber 2". >> it's ring. >> we're in the middle of something really important. could you call back later? >> no, i can't call back later. i have something to tell you and it might freak you out a little bit. but this is your dad. >> what? hold on. >> hey, guys, i know this is weird timing, but i got to take this. it's my dead dad.
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>> is it as good as the original? let's ask kevin mccarthy. one of the best movies ever, one. how about this one? >> i'm so happy you're back, elisabeth. i wore my chucks in honor of you today. i got these on, rocking them out. >> always thinking. honoring elisabeth with your shoes. >> we have a thing going on with the chuck taylors. we always talk about them. >> that's right. you have to make my day. eric and i have been talking about "dumb and dumber 2" and it's got to be as good as the first, right? >> most sequels in comedy are never as good as the original. "hangover 2" is one of the worst movies i've ever seen in my life. this movie, honestly, is very hilariously satisfying if the loved the original film. here is the deal with this movie, it's 20 years later. harry and lloyd are on a mission to find harry's long lost
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daughter. the movie still has those moments where it makes you laugh so hard, you cry. and it's that smart, dumb humor. the humor is so dumb -- but it works in such a way where you find it's cleverly written, it's so stupid, but it makes you laugh. for me, i was ten years old when i saw the first film. i remember sitting in a movie theater, laughing so hard. so it kind of brought me back to that nostalgia feeling. i will say, it's not as memorable or as classic or as quotable as the original. it's not as solid as the original, but it still makes you laugh. if you're a fan of the first movie, i do recommend it. i will say this, one of the funniest scenes in the film is at the end of the credits. so you have to sit through the credits and watch it. very, very funny. >> i understand you actually talked to jim carey about that chipped tooth thing, right? >> right. i remember when i was ten years old, i was in the theater like, how do they make his tooth look like it's chipped, 'cause you can see the space in between where the tooth is.
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i sat down with them to ask that exact question 20 years later. here is his answer. >> for about, i don't know, five years of my life, i had a chip in my tooth just like lloyd because my best friend, clark, and i were in detention and he looked outside. we were fooling around. i heard someone coming, put my head down on the desk. he looked outside, saw there was no one there. did the entire length of the classroom and a cannon ball on my skull. and i can see it now still in slow motion, the chip flying across the room. it was handed to me in an envelope by sister mary john and sent me home and said, you had such beautiful teeth. the lord loved your teeth. >> where is clark? >> i don't know. but he was bottle fed 'til he was about eight. >> all right. so how many stars? >> i gave it 3 1/2 out of five. not as good as the original film. but if you're a fan of the original, i definitely recommend it. i thought it was well worth the wait, over 20 years.
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just don't go in expecting it to be as classic as the original movie. it's definitely funny. >> did you send something to elisabeth on her return? >> i did. it was funny. i sent it last week. it got shipped back to me because the postage wasn't enough. >> oh, sure. that line. >> i put 1.50. it was supposed to be 2.10. you'll get it today. there is a funny movie in there that you and i talk about on e-mail. it's really cool. >> i think i know what it might be. >> by the way, steve, i want to tell you, i thought peter did an unbelievable job with that interview. i think he was rivetted and did he an unbelievable job. >> how many stars? >> five out of five. >> unbelievable. >> by the way, i saw it in the trades yesterday. the peter doocy special, the man who killed osama bin laden, highest rated special in the history of the fox news channel.
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and i know some people have said are they ever going to rerun it? yes, they are. i believe this weekend. i believe sunday night. >> i'll be watching. >> extraordinary work. >> thank you very much. coming up, president obama wasting no time on pushing his executive action to let millions of illegals stay. says he will support the plan for amnesty. but there is a catch. texas congressman henry cuellar joins us live next. ♪ ♪ he
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frisbee. >> is that true? >> that's what i hear. >> i'd believe the 40. welcome back, elisabeth, great to have you. >> great to be back. >> if you're wondering where she's been, she'll explain at the top of the hour. we have headlines with heather childers. >> a story that we have been following. an update. the turkish nationalist group who attacked navy sailors in istanbul, they say they're proud of this moment. >> go home yankee. go home, yankee! >> those 12 attackers, they are now out of jail. they say they will continue to fight for solidarity with syrian and palestinians. there is this, a tiger on the loose in france. police wildlife experts and specially trained hunting dogs
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on the hunt for a big cat. it was spotted just a few miles from disneyland paris but it is moving closer to the capitol. officers armed with train quillizer guns scanning the countryside. there is a wildcat preserve nearby. and students banned from praying outside of class. officials at pine creek high school in colorado, they're trying to keep religion completely off campus by claim ago prayer group violates the separation of church and state. the group has been meeting during a free period for three years now without any complaints. the group's organizer is not going down without a fight. he is suing the school saying the religious freedom is protected by the constitution. those are a look at your headlines. >> thanks very much. president obama has vowed executive action on immigration, executive amnesty essentially,
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saying it could happen as early as next week. >> that's right. the plan could protect up to 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation. our next guest, a democrat, has clashed with the white house before. will he support the president's plan for amnesty? texas congressman henry cuellar joins us this morning right now. good morning. >> good morning. >> obviously a lot of people are concerned about the method in which the president is going to use, is it outside of the constitution? is it a removal of the oath he promised over the constitution to uphold it when he took office there? when this process began, there was a window where something could be done and, in fact, it seems as though he's denying the ability of congress to work together right now to put forward maybe a compromise. do you believe there is compromise? >> i certainly believe that we should have a legislative or bilegislative solution to this, just like president reagan and the democrats did in 1986 when
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they passed immigration reform. we did have an opportunity. it didn't work out. now the president saying he's going to take an executive order action. as you know, he's taken i believe 193 executive order actions. that's less than clinton, bush, and reagan, but again, let's see what he does next week or sometime after that. >> well, the department of justice is essentially not enforcing the rules of the law, as you know. you mentioned president reagan. he did work with the democrats for essentially an amnesty or clemency for millions of people who were in the country illegally. congressman, you know that part of the deal that reagan struck with the democrats was he said, i will sign this provided you secure the border. then he said, okay. mr. president, we're going to secure the border. they didn't secure the border. you know that's the problem right now. the republicans want to do something about immigration reform. everybody would like to see this problem fixed. but it's got to start with fixing the border.
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if the president signs executive amnesty, that ain't gonna do it. >> the question makes an exemption that the democrats have controlled the congress since president reagan, which is not true. under bush, both the house and the senate were under republican, majority of the time -- >> that deal was very clear, it was -- they're going to secure the border. >> let me finish. let me finish. let me finish. let me just finish the question, please. so they had an opportunity to secure the border. in fact, we have increased the border patrol more than ten times since 1984. and again, i live on the border. i see that. i just saw the latest f.b.i. statistics. the crime rate at the border is safer than the national crime rate. here in washington, the murder rate for 100,000 is about 15, almost 16 murders per 100,000 in laredo is less than three murders per 100,000.
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again, i want to secure the border. i want to work bipartisan. i hope we can do it. >> to that point, and this is where the american people are sensing an issue because we're hearing from the administration that no one is working together, no one can compromise, therefore, i have to use executive action. but we're hearing from the president, yet trey gowdy, republican, said this last night about working with you. >> why captain he give the republican house and senate three months, six months, nine months to do what he wasn't able to do in two years? there are democrats that we welcome the chance to work with. louis gutierrez, while i disagree with him on policies, imminently trustworthy participant. so is one from california. >> mentioned you and two others. there are democrats here and republicans working to stretch across the aisle. you want to talk about border, why is the administration, why is the president placing a wall up right now and we've got newly elected officials that could get in there and actually work towards compromise and a bill that the americans would actually prefer? >> and i believe in compromise.
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i've been bipartisan and i don't mind standing up to the white house whether it's a democrat or republican, the white house to do what the american public wants to do. again, even when president bush, president bush was a good friend of mine from texas. he wanted immigration reform. even the republicans at that time when they controlled, there was no immigration reform. it's both sides that we need to work together. >> there is no working together. president obama said -- i'm going to sign this if you guys want to put a bill together, put it on my desk. if i don't like it, i'm gog veto that bill and we're gog stay with my -- going to stay with my executive action. every once in a while they say there is free ice cream in the lobby. guess what happens. everyone from every one of the floors makes sure they get down to get free ice cream in the lobby. so when president obama says i'm signing amnesty for 4 1/2 million illegals who are here currently, what do you think is going to happen? how many more illegals are going to come across the border
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saying, hey, it may be 4 1/2 million now, but i want part of that free ice cream. i want to get inside the border because it might be 15 million or 20 million down the road. >> you know, talking about ice cream, if you wait too long before you get to the ice cream, it's going to melt. we've been waiting for immigration reform and again, it's the fault of both sides. >> so they'll run over here. president obama -- >> let me finish, let me finish. >> congressman, do you deny that's the case, that people will not rush here if indeed the president moves forward with this executive action? you deny? >> let me go back to the original question. i wasn't given the opportunity again. i want to see a bipartisan -- there are democrats and republicans, like myself, that have sat down, have talked about working together on an immigration reform. we now have gone to point where people have gone to the corners. that's wrong. the american people are just sick and tired of this
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partisanship. we need to get together. we were not sent up here to washington to do the easy things. immigration is very emotional, i understand, but we got to do it. by the way, not everybody crosses through the southern border. 40% of the 11 or 12 million undocumented came in through a legal permanent visa so we have to be clear on how to security border. >> henry cuellar, democrat from texas, thank you very much for a spirited conversation on this. i'm starving now. >> we have cake instead. thank you, congressman. >> what time do you think the ice cream shop opens? >> i don't know. but i'll race you there. coming up, an entire town divided over proposed big government ban on tobacco. >> you people make me sick. what did they think was going to happen here tonight? this is a hot button issue. >> won't that ban put hard working store owners out of business?
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we'll ask one of them directly next. then the man on a mission to honor our marines, here live to share his incredible journey. ♪ ♪ it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. --i don't know my credit score. that's really important. i mean - i don't know my credit score. don't you want to buy a, ever? you should probably check out credit karma, it's free. credit? karma? free? credit karma. really free credit scores.
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and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. an entire town divide over a potential big government ban on tobacco sales. >> you people make me sick. >> what did they think was going to happen here tonight? this is a hot button issue. >> i find smoking to be one of the most disgusting habits anybody could possibly do. on top of that, i find this proposal to be even more of a disgusting thing that anybody could ever give any town in the united states of america. >> strong words there. if this ban, the first of its kind actually passed, what would actually do to the local
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economy? joseph sario is the owner of westminster pharmacy and joins me here this morning. in your mind, what would this do to your business and the businesses in the surrounding area? >> in our town, it would cause economic harm to the local businesses and also the community as a whole. >> how long have you been in business here, joseph? >> 25 years. >> so in what ways, for those of us who don't understand or are not in in thank business, in what ways specifically would it be hurting you and you do feel the crunch when someone comes into your store, they want to buy a cigarettes, if it's not there, what then happens? >> well, the name of the game for a consumer today is one stop shopping. they want to -- i want to be the business that they're going to stop at on the way home. if they're not going to -- if they can't stop in our town, then they're going to make their purchases elsewhere. >> what are your comments fellow
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business owners have to say? what message do you want to get out there to the american people about this potential ban, first of its kind? >> it could be very devastating to the other businesses in the community. it's a very small part of my business. we keep tobacco inconspicuous, behind the counter. but for many of the other businesses in town, it could be about 6% of their sales, per say, but pen with add-on sales t gross revenue.e about a third >> what is a business owner like yourself and others, what do they have to say about a big government potential move here? >> well, the real hot button issue is that what upsets people is not having the right, not having a say in the matter. we don't have a right to vote on this. that upsets a lot of people. >> you clearly just want to provide people with the opportunity to make their life a little more convenient.
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you say if they don't come in for the cigarettes, there is other things they come in. they come in for cigarettes to buy milk, gum, paper goods, et cetera? >> whatever we sell. we're not just a pharmacy. we're a general store. we sell a lot of goods. >> okay. joseph, we want to thank you. you're the owner of westminster pharmacy. you join us this morning speaking the heart of many business owners in the community with this potential ban, first of its kind, could wreak havoc on your business. thank you. >> you're welcome. coming up, he's on a mission to honor our marines. a really long mission. he just ran 239 miles. how you can help him and our marines up next. first on this day in 1851, herman melville's "moby dick" was published. in 1993, don shula of the miami dolphins set a record as a coach. in 1964, "baby love" by the
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he ran 239 miles all the way from washington to new york: captain jason, awesome job, sir. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. >> why did you do it? >> why did i do it? well, over the prolonged wars in iraq and afghanistan, we lost so many wonderful marines, soldiers, airmen and law enforcement people that helped with our efforts over there. i really think that the american people needed to kind of
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understand and appreciate what the real cost of the war was, which are the loss of america's best and brightest that we always send into harm's way. and kind of get an appreciation for what amazing people that raised their right hand, stepped forward and pledged to defend freedom and we took the fight to the bad guys and kept the homeland safe. >> aside from raising awareness, did you also raise money for the cause? >> there is an organization that supports fallen service members and law enforcement. it's the marine corps law enforcement foundation. they're founded in the mid 90s. their mission is to provide scholarships to the children of the fallen. >> it's a wonderful group. >> they are. i can't think of a better thing for me having a son that if i were not here to have one last burden on those that are left behind and to insure their children have the best opportunities to do whatever they can in the future. >> they do that every year. was it a struggle this year, because i read somewhere that
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before you ran this 239 miles, you weren't feeling too good. >> well, i had done this twice before. then i had to take last year off because i got back from afghanistan. and i still had some contracted health issues that were dogging me and i went in for a surgery three weeks before i started the run. to i pretty much had three weeks before the marathon and the other 213 miles where i wasn't able to run. >> your doctor gave you the okay to do that? >> well, we marines are a little thick headed and strong minded. so when we have a mission or a goal in front of us, we just charge boldly forward. >> so people need to understand, this is like running ten marathons. you did it over a period of time, but ten marathons. great job. we also want to know where can people go to help? >> i'm sorry? >> where can people go to help the cause? >> well, they can go to my facebook page and they can read about the fallen and see the stories about them to understand
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exactly who these brave, amazing, wonderful people are that have served our country and are no longer with us. and they can go to the marine corps law enforcement foundation, which is make a donation and they can change a young person's life who unfortunately, our country gave them a flag at a funeral. but we should give them an education. >> so well put. we will put the information on our web site as well. captain jason, thank you very much for your service and thank you for an impressive showing, sir. thank you. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. >> well done. first nancy pelosi says she doesn't know who jonathan gruber is. >> i don't know who he is. he didn't help write our bill. >> former congresswoman -- former leader, let's say, she's still a minority. >> geraldo, top of the hour
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sfx: blowing sound. does breathing with copd... ...weigh you down? don't wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. good morning. today is friday, november 14. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. the obamacare architect says americans are stupid. but the president, he says, is not. here is johnny. >> brack is not a stupid man. okay? he knew when he was running for president that quite frankly, the american public doesn't actually care that much about the uninsured. >> are you feeling grubered? believe it or not, there is more where that came from. >> democrats are desperately trying to distance themselves from that guy. >> i don't know who he is. he didn't help write our bill. >> oh, really? well, that's not exactly true and we've got the tape. and this is no gruber. this morning a tiger is on the
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loose in one of the world's biggest cities, the very latest on the hunt for him. mornings are better with elisabeth and friends. ♪ ♪ >> this is what is known in the industry as couch dancing. >> welcome back. dealing with these guys without you has been something. >> where have you been? >> i've been vacationing. no. it's been a tricky month. i had to have some surgery, emergency surgery. there was a little tumor, tennis ball tumor in my belly that had to come out. and i followed a phenomenal surgeon's advice and great physician's advice and i can't even think the nursing staff enough in the hospital. took it out, had a week of
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uncertainty. >> you worried that it might be cancer? >> sure. and i think that -- they don't tell you any absolutes before you get a tumor out and then those results take time to come. and i was blessed with a peace during that time where i felt as though i had been given the example of my mom battling through cancer and so many women in the industry, in and out and friends at home who faced cancer and moved through it successfully with great fight. and was actually given a clean bill of health and a benign tumor. no extra parting. many people don't get that diagnosis. and i've seen many cases of that as well throughout our family. i'm just beyond thankful. you have all been an extraordinary family. i don't use that word lightly, family to me, mr. ailes, the entire production staff, everybody on this floor today, you're all family to me and you gave me such support. thank you. >> we are so happy you're back. >> how did the children react when you told them that everything was going to be okay?
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>> that possibility is the one part we didn't share with them. we shared a lot with them. they made me a -- i came home one day and i said we have to pray. i need to -- mommy needs to find a surgeon to take this thing out of my tummy that's bothering me. the next day when i was confirmed to have the surgery, i said, make it for mommy. i ran through it, help me, and they were prayerful and i think when i got home, they didn't like seeing mama hurt. i got a lot of momming left to do. i plan on healing up to 100% in no time. and i'm so, so thankful. >> this is what happens when you're married to an nfl quarterback, you make a tunnel. >> i was hoping we would do a tunnel here. >> she's back and we're glad she's back and talking to geraldo about the news of the
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day. >> this is a very loving place, isn't it? we worked a lot of places, but this place really care. >> we sure have. >> phone we never agree on anything, there is really care about how people fair. >> mr. ailes was so thoughtful about making sure i healed up well and came back when i felt that i could physically be here. and everybody else has been sending e-mail, funny e-mails. >> steve you going to jump in this? >> jonathan, we talked about gruber all morning. gruber has been trending, the -- >> to you. >> it's been trending. but thanks to us, grubered trending. keep it going. what we've come it realize is that if there has been a hoax perpetrated on you, you've been grubered. here is why, because over the last couple years, we've been grubered four times. watch. >> the dirty secret in
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massachusetts is the feds pay for our bill. okay? in massachusetts, we have a very powerful senator, ted kennedy. he had basically figured out, and he smart people figured out a way to rip off the feds for $4 million a year. people say you can't tax my benefits. so what we think about, how could, talked about how could we make this work? obama is like, well -- he's a realistic guy. i can't just do this. he said it's not going to happen politically. the bill will not pass. how do we manage to get there through phases. that's called the genesis of the cadillac tax. barak obama is not a stupid man. okay? he knew when he was running for president that quite frankly, the american public doesn't actually care that much about the uninsured. what the american public cares about is cost. >> we all care about cost. >> is that the guy from "saturday night live"? >> kind of looked like him, doesn't it? we want you to weigh in on this. so he's revealing as one of the architects, obamacare is built
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on deception and tortured language and essentially a lie. >> there is no defending it. it's clear that we have revealed the dirty underbelly of politics and the fact that they will do or say anything to get legislation passed. he has been, you know, frank about the deception and they say when people make a mistake that sometimes they tell the truth. and he has been telling the truth and what is revealed is that the tax on the healthy has been disguised and that's what it was. healthy people basically were not told that they will be supporting unhealthy people in terms of subsidizing insurance. i think that is a big revelation. i think the one thing that has been lacking maybe in the discussion is that there is plenty of deception to go arounh all of this talk of death panels and you are going to be limbed, socialized medicine. you couldn't go to the doctor of your choice and so forth. there is a lot of
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misrepresentation. to sort it out now, this is the one thing i caution, if the republicans now seize this as the obsession to get rid of obamacare and senator ted cruz leads the faction in the united states senate that says wait a second, we won't pass any funding bills unless you repeal obamacare, they'll attach the funding bill to the obamacare repeal. the president will veto it. we'll have no government. is that what we want? no government, no movement now. we've got to compromise. >> we talked about obamacare for a very long time in the run up to the actual jamming it through the congress. but just the fact that -- you can say that there is deception on both sides of the aisle. it's rare that it is televised. >> and record. >> there is no doubt that the man reveals exactly how they decided to manipulate public opinion to get majority support,
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to get it passed as they did in the united states senate. i only say, i remember very clearly sarah palin and death panels and there was a lot of -- >> o make that leap -- >> look, look -- >> she wasn't the architect of ebola ebola. >> they were concern -- obamacare is. >> we have a guy that called the american people stupid. that's one thing. the bigger problem is it's not work. the bigger problem is they perpetrated this big hoax to get it passed, thinking it was going to work and it's not working. and people should talk about look what they've done to us. they fooled us. they screwed us and now it's not working. maybe it is time -- it's not to repeal, but repeal parts of it, some of the pieces -- the bipartisan -- >> if this plan had worked, you just said h it not failed and if they were deceived in order to
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get it passed, nancy pelosi would be taking credit for mentioning gruber's name. right? she wouldn't be denying him, like judas, three times. she has denied him repeatedly. she doesn't even know who he is on video. does she know him or not? >> the thing about the medical device tax, why is it that the medical device tax is so irksome to many on the republican side of the aisle? >> actually both sides. >> i must say, it doesn't bother me and i think that a lot of the opposition to the medical device tax is coming from the medical device manufacturers who want to maximize their profits. i think that they are using this and i think you're accurate, eric, that the law has been very uneven in its effectiveness. so the medical device manufacturers are saying, aha, let's seize on this flaw in the bill to get rid of this onerous
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tax we have to pay. >> it's another cost for health care. she was talk ago little bit about nancy pelosi. -- we got more cake. this gruber thing is very -- >> grubergate. >> it's embarrassing for the democrats, no doubt about it going forward. here is nancy pelosi just yesterday, and then we're going to play her back in the day. she says she doesn't know him. she knows him. watch. >> i don't know who he is. he didn't help write our bill. let's put him aside. i don't know if you have seen jonathan gruber's m.i.t. analysis of the -- of what the comparison is to the status quo and versus what is in our bill, those who seek insurance within the exchange. >> okay. so she knew him -- >> it is a gotcha. no doubt about it. nancy pelosi, the minority leader has been revealed as someone who has been manipulating public opinion. that's a given. i absolutely agree that this is
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a real complication for the obama administration's intent to defend this bill. >> we're the only channel that's talking about it. how wrong is that? >> that's a different issue. >> but elisabeth is 100% write. if premiums were going down on have gone down or look like they're going down, nancy pelosi, remember that jonathan gruber, he was so amazing. yeah. he said some bad things, but look what he's done. >> there are people who were not insured who now are insured. now, it may be that you object to the subside -- subsidizing -- don't you agree with me that if this is the fight that republicans decide to wage, then it will go down exactly this -- >> what exactly is it?
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>> you want to fund the government at the end of the year? you want to fund the government, you got to repeal obamacare. president obama will veto it. there is not enough votes to override his veto. that means deborah will do nothing at all. >> basically the administration and this guy seem to have said, the americans are so dumb. if we can let them know we know better than they do. >> we're not going to fight about immigration? >> no, no. >> thanks for the roses. >> they are beautiful. >> you should be so proud. you have so much going on. >> welcome back. >> geraldo, thank you very much. real quick, headlines with heather. >> some stories we've been following for you. while you were sleeping, a strange man with a knife tried to enter the main gate at a base in groton, connecticut.
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and a dozen nuclear sub, two navy officers were hurt trying to take him down. one stabbed in the leg. right now the suspect is in custody. investigators have no reason to believe this is linked to terrorism. we just learned why an attack dog was not unleashed on that man who jumped over the white house fence. the agent in charge was busy chatting on his cell phone. it's just one of the many mistakes that led to the breach. it is all detailed in a new report by homeland security. and another problem, the officer who did scuffle with oman gonzalez, she accidentally grabbed her flashlight instead of her baton. those are a quick look at your headlines. coming up, we've been telling you about one of america's busiest airports accidentally employing a terrorist. that airport security problem just got even worse. and then parents refuse to pay their daughter's tuition, so she sues for it. what the judge rules on that
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minneapolis-spall international airport, including the discovery of a home-grown terrorist working on planes. now an unguarded exit revealing even more gaps in security. investigative reporter tom lyden from minneapolis joins us with the details. tell us exactly about the new round of security breaches at this airport. >> reporter: yeah. this is pretty interesting. so we had a passenger arriving from france about a month ago, wanted to get a smoke right after he came off the plane. after arriving in customs, he went out the exit. we call checkpoint 7. went out that door, had a quick cigarette and when someone was coming out of the exit, he slipped right back through. there is no tsa agent at that exit. like there are the other exits at the airport. it was about an hour before they found this guy. so the solution the tsa had literally, window dressing, last week they put up this film over this window, this opaque film so you can't see in or out of the
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airport. they're hoping that deters people from going up those stairs, which lead right back into the g concourse right inside the airport. but this isn't the only time it's happened. couple weeks before that, we had some travelers from minot. they went out the exit, right past the tsa agent, had a quick smoke and went right back through the exit past the same tsa agent. they were on the flight to minot before the airport actually figured this out. we've also had a couple travels from tokyo who went through an unmanned metal detector. we have had this series of lapses. the tsa won't comment to us about any of this. they had no comment. i even told them i was going to be on "fox & friends" this morning. they still had no comment. they have been about as transparent as their new won't treatment. >> we have a comment from them. but first, the reason why this really matters, this airport is the same airport where a home-grown terrorist was caught. we found out that he was working there. that's why this -- you would think an airport with such high
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profile security lapses would tighten the security a little bit. >> even tsa and their own documents admit the insider threat, as they call it, is a very worse kind. probably our most vulnerable part of airport security right now. you referred to the airport worker, he was known as another name. he had a badge which gave him access to the tarmac and the planes. first he was an airport fueler. then he was an airport cleaner. later years later, he would go and fight and die for isis in syria. by the way, we have a report coming -- >> we're running out of time. you took a picture, we have the picture. explain to us what we're seeing. >> i think it's the irony here. we don't have a tsa agent where they frosted the glass, yet i went right upstairs to the passenger ticketing area. you had a dozen tsa agents standing this with no passengers. they were talking to themselves.
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when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. yeah! crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain,
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accused cop killer, eric ffrein facing terrorism charges. investigators found a letter he wrote to his parents telling them he wanted to start a revolution. he said he carried out the deadly attack on police to, quote, wake people up. a bizarre murder for hire mystery. this kentucky man now accused of killing the hitman he hired to murder his family. the hitman reportedly killed his parents and sister, but champion turned the gun on the hit man.
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>> that is complicated. i need to diagram that. so earlier we showed you amazing video made by three really cute little munchkins. watch. >> today is friday, november 14, 2014. i'm brian kilmeade. >> hi. i'm steve doocy. >> and i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. >> elisabeth, you're back at work? >> yeah, i am, guys. >> yeah, this curvy couch is really comfortable. >> you guys do take good care of me. >> do you know why it's so comfortable? 'cause mornings are better with friends. have a good day at work, mommy. >> i love that! >> that is great. but guess what. >> what? >> there is another surprise. >> behind door number one!
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>> i love you so much! >> break it up, you two. we have a show to do. >> hi! >> how are you? >> you know sherry. >> hi. look at you. >> i can't move my eye lash. >> i'm about to lose my lashes. >> you're just joining us, elisabeth hasselbeck revealed this morning that she had surgery about a month ago. there was some concern that it was something serious and this morning elisabeth has revealed she's cancer free. that's why the celebration and we're welcoming her back. >> this is what i love about my lizzie. she doesn't like to bother people, so she will call and leave you scripture ons the phone and girl, i'm here for you. and she goes, no, no, i don't want to bother you, but i'm praying for you. this is how wonderful this girl
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is. >> sherry has been long -- we've been through a lot of stuff together. we always said we got a lot of momming left to do. i love jeffrey so much. >> and i love you and gracie and isiah. >> did you see the video? >> i did. i can't believe i'm seeing this girl. i'm just like so excited to be here. >> what are you working on how? >> i'm working on "end citier ella." -- cinderella. i'm playing the evil stepmother. >> can we see the evil face? >> i got to picture two ex-husbands. >> until november 23. then nene leaks comes in. it's been great. you going to want to come back to "the view"? >> it -- 30% of the audience
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left "the view" when she left. >> they were already here. >> they needed 30% back: you stay here. >> how about you come over here with us. >> girl, oh, my goodness! >> 'cause y'all talk about stuff, the talking, shouting. >> sherry is pure joy. she's really tough. she can find joy through tough times. >> it's about my friends. >> thank you for being here. >> i'm always here for you. >> i have my wig line. >> are you wearing a wig right now? >> i'm always wearing a wig. let me tell you something that you don't ask a woman, you wearing a wig! >> you know who my neighbor is? >> wendy williams. she admits she wears wigs.
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>> they're open. >> by the way, i have to say, there is some rumors coming in here that i had some additional things, right? some enhancements. so i brought you because this is all the enhancing i need. >> i think just wigs for women, do you have guy wigs? >> you know what, some of my wigs -- i'm going to send you one. you probably will look like one of the beatles. you're not sure about the hair, your hair looks beautiful. it's like asking a woman if you think she's pregnant. don't do it. >> is that a wig because it looks terrific. >> give us another rule to live by. >> don't ever put your demands a black woman's hair. you might get a big surprise.
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a clingon in there. even if you think it's lovely, don't touch it. somebody said, what's under the wig? a weave. don't. oh, my gosh. >> thank you for coming in. >> i love you. my friend and sister. >> no matter what i face, my buddies will be with me. i love you so much. i truly did. >> that's right. >> it's good to be back on the curvy couch. >> and top five with chris rock is coming out december 12. >> we were talk being it last week. >> i play chris rock's ex-girlfriend. i don't know when i'm going to get a good love scene. >> i keep making everybody laugh. laughter and love scenes don't go together. >> i don't know. >> you are fantastic. thank you very much for supporting our gal. >> absolutely. >> round of applause, sherry shepherd! come on, everybody, give it up!
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the kids went to nana's house... for the whole weekend! [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil, the non habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. it's rumored that if president obama is planning to announce a new ten-part immigration plan before thanksgiving. and you thought your family wouldn't have anything to argue about this year. >> i wonder if they were going to be arguing about it this
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weekend on the chris wallace show. fox news sunday. chris joins us every friday at this time. chris, would you like to say welcome back to elisabeth hasselbeck? >> i certainly would. elisabeth, we missed you and it's good to have you back and good you're back in good health. we really have missed you. >> thank you. it is pretty great to be back here. good to see you from this perspective because i've been watching from home. thanks for hanging with us this morning. >> good. >> let's start with what he was just talking about. the president's got this plan, looks like executive amnesty down the pike. politically, is this good or bad >> for whom? >> exactly. >> anybody. >> i think -- well, i don't know. i suppose one could argue for the p the in terms of keeping step with his base -- had is a
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political president, so i don't think he would do it if he thought it was bad for his legacy, and remember, he's not running again. so he can say, i kept faith with hispanics in doing this. the problem is that it conceivably could make it because it's going to make it so politically toxic, even harder to get some kind of a bill through congress that will stand the test of time. of course, if a republican comes in and a republican president in two years, he could simply veto or rescind the executive action and it goes out the window. >> we spoke -- i think a lot of people just sort of i think hope that arrestant here -- our established here has a system where things can get passed the way our founding fathers dreamed that they would and hoped they would, actually wrote that they would. chris, we spoke to congressman cuellar today. he said a bipartisan bill is actually possible. he actually hoped for that rather than executive action here. take a listen.
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>> i clearly believe that we should have a legislative or bilegislative solution to this, just like president reagan and the democrats did in 1986 when they passed immigration reform. we did have an opportunity, it didn't work out. and now the president is saying he's going to take an executive order, action. i want to see a bipartisan. there are democrats and republicans like myself that have sat down, have talked about working together on an immigration reform. we now have gone to a point where people have gone to the corners. that's wrong. >> okay. so there you got a democrat saying he would like do something bipartisan. on the heels of the mid terms last week when the president said i hear you, and then for him to do this where he just says, ah, forget about those guy, i got my pen and phone, i'm going to do this, is this what people want? people want the immigration system fixed. but not this way. >> i agree with you. and you certainly have the history of the fact that this president not once, but several
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times when he had been asked to take executive action and said he didn't have the authority to do it. i remember during the 2012 campaign, he had an interview on univision and obviously that question came up and he said, that just isn't the way it works. and congressional laws restrict me. i can understand the impatience of the immigration reform advocates and even of the president. the fact is that the senate passed a bipartisan bill in 2013 and it went absolutely nowhere in the republican house. not only didn't they pass the senate bill, they didn't pass any bill. so i understand that. but on the other hand, just because you can't get it through congress doesn't mean you can do it on your own. as else said, that's not -- as elisabeth said, that's not how we learned it in civics class. >> president obama said he's going to get it done in december because in january, they swear in a new republican senate. so he wants to do this with
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himself. he wants to own this. i mean, come on. the man is clearly playing politics. we should be highlighting that fact. >> well, i think he probably has some legitimate concerns about it and i think there is frustration because he was told by john boehner, i'm going to pass something and he didn't. so it's not like republicans are blameless in this. they've two years. they've had more years than that. but they've a number of years to pass something. but they never have. having said that, i don't know that that gives the president the authority to say, well okay. i'll pick up my marbles and do it by executive action. you're talking about 6 million people who are in this country illegally. one of the interesting things about the timing, and this is the other aspect of this that is so interesting -- is that there are republicans -- a split in the republican party about how to deal with this because the government runs out of funding in december. some people are talking tea party members especially in congress about shutting down the
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government. and the leaders, mitch mcconnell, john boehner, saying no way. we've done that before on obamacare. we got killed on that. we're not going to shut down the government. it's going to be a real fight to see where the republican party stands, how hard they're going to oppose this. >> yeah, you're right. let's switch gears for just a second. this jonathan gruber guy, this professor at m.i.t. has embarrassed the president, the administration, democrats in general because he said obamacare based on lies. regot a little tape for you. nancy pelosi. here she is yesterday, and then we've cut a little piece of tape back in 2009. yesterday she says sheading -- she didn't know him. back in 2009 she loved him. >> i don't know who he is. he didn't help write our bill. let's put him aside. i don't know if you have seen jonathan gruber m.i.t.'s analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo versus what
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we'll have in our bill. >> i got a feeling you're going to be talking about #gruberred this weekend on fox news sunday. >> she may not know who he is, but everyone else does. >> all i can say is i wish she had been a guest on of course news sunday because if you know how i like to conduct my interviews, cross-examinations, i would have loved to have nancy pelosi in the hot seat and said what, do you think of jonathan grewer and said i don't know him and say, that's funny. >> what about jonathan gruber? >> look at this guy. is it the same john gruber? it's just one of those wonderful moments where don't believe my words, you know. from 2009, believe what i say now. on the show on sunday, we're going to be talking about climate change. we're going to have john thune, one of the top leaders in the republican party. you've got it keystone pipeline bill, the climate change deal. we're going to talk to two of the new senators, republican
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senators tom cotton and james langford. we will be talking about climate change and immigration and obamacare. so lots to talk about. and gruber. #gruber. >> thank you, have a great sunday. we'll be watching. >> see you guys. good to have you back, elisabeth. >> it's go to be here. i'll see you sunday. 18 before the top of the hour on this friday. still ahead, america's most popular comedian just meeted a whirlwind world tour. what happened when one country told him you got to censor your act. he responds next. ♪ ♪
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all right. welcome back on this awfully busy friday. it's a quarter before the top of the hour. we've got eric in for brian and elisabeth back in for elisabeth. >> that's right. i'm back. happy to be here. we're going to turn to heather childers. a lot has been going on all morning long. everybody happy to have you back. >> stories we are following, there is a tiger on the loose in france. the hunt is on for a big cat spotted just a few miles from disneylapped, paris. officers armed with a tranquilizer gun are combing the area on the ground and using helicopters. and how is this for spying on americans using private planes to fly over your head to do it? according to a new report, that is exactly what the justice department has been doing. they were looking for information on criminals, but it appears plenty of innocent americans were caught in the crossfire and spied on as well. an army veteran's wife told not to cash anymore disability checks because her husband is dead. just one problem, he's alive and
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well. he's right there in that picture. yes. julie bruener says the v.a. sent her this letter apologizing for her husband's death and offered to help pay for his funeral. the v.a. says they will fix the problem as soon as they can. and finally, she hasn't spoken to her parents in two years. but that didn't stop a woman from suing them to pay for her college tuition. and she won. 21-year-old kaitlyn richie says her parents, who are divorced, kicked her out of their home, so she sued them to cover her $16,000 a year tuition. a judge ruled in her favor, citing state law requiring divorced parents to pay education fees. that's a quick look at your headlines. >> quite a story. thanks. what happens when you tell jeff dunham to change his act? america's most popular comedian is here live to tell us exactly
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>> this is jeff dunham. you're watching "fox & friends." keep watching. >> yep. that's the voice of america's most popular comedian and he just completed a whirlwind world tour, five continent, 12 countries, 19 cities and it's all on tape in his new special. how did it go? joining us, jeff dunham and peanut. >> thanks a lot. elisabeth, it's good to see you especially because you and i coordinated. >> it is so nice. thoughtful of you. >> a lovely young lady dressed like me. when you go purple, you never go back. >> i heard what you were wearing and i did the same piece. >> very nice, thank you. >> i wanted to show this especially since brian is gone.
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he's on his book tour apparently. is that correct? >> i think so. >> look at this. this is the graphic. it shows steve, elisabeth and brian and apparently eric is down in the bottom -- you should be sitting on steve's knee. >> where a achmed. >> oh, you like him better, fine. >> he's a terrorist. >> six of the countries we went to, english was not the native tongue. so we ended up in places like kuala lumpur -- >> you screwed it up! >> so there we were in the middle of the middle east in abu dhabi. i found minimum self in front of 5,000 preliminaries with the bad terrorist. >> how did that go? >> jeff is pretty much an idiot.
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>> they loved it. >> did they laugh? >> they knew all the characters. the world is such a small place because of social media and youtube. then the crazy part was two days later when the middle of tel aviv, israel doing the exact same show for 5,000 jewish people. it was nuts. >> you said terrorist. >> it was achmed the dead terrorist. >> did you ever think, i should not have done that? >> actually i will tell the story. jeff walked out of the house in los angeles before the tour thinking this may be the last time we ever come to this house! >> i didn't know. right before the show in abu dhabi, my manager says we have to delay the show ten minutes. i said, they're not all in yet? they said no, the bomb sniffing dogs have not finished. >> right. >> now, achmed the dead terrorist is right there. he's been part of your act a long time. people love that character.
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very, very funny. have you ever had to, like, censor him or change a name or anything like that? >> you know, i'm glad you asked that question. in malaysia, they did not want achmed the dead freaking terrorist. before we left the tour, they called us and said, we're sold out, that's great. but we're not going to allow achmed in militia, because they're a muslim country. but most fans were there because of him. so what i did was i told a trickery there. they said you can't even say achmed, can't say the word virgin or mention anybody's religion. so i had an idea. i didn't tell the audience, 5,000 malaysians. young audience. we got to the end of the show, i said i know you're waiting for one last guy. i said unfortunately, we're not -- we were contacted by your government. but who knew this guy had a
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brother. and out of the suitcase, and he's from france. and i pulled it and he looks strikingly similar to achmed the dead terrorist. he had a big french beret and a brilliant french accent. so he did the entire show with jacques the dead french terrorist. >> who was muslim. >> that's right. he's muslim. >> way to blow it, eric. he's muslim, too. that's a joke! >> it was a joke. i was kidding. >> always a pleasure. >> watch the special sunday at 8:00 o'clock on comedy central. it will be a lot of fun. >> without a doubt. >> i love the purple. >> coming up, your well wishes for elisabeth are pouring in. we will read some of them. peanut, maybe you could do some. >> that would be great. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> the song you were talking about. elisabeth is back. here are some of your tweets. senator ted cruz tweeted out, mornings are better with friends and even better now that elisabeth hasselbeck is back on "fox & friends." thank you, senator. >> donna said, just put my mascara on and explain why you were off the curvy couch, cried it all off, now i have to reapply. >> our son shine has returned. welcome back. you were much missed. that's from nancy. >> you are sweet. it feels sunny whenever i'm here. i love you all and thank you for those e-mails and tweets. >> clayton, what's happening tomorrow? >> we are going to be sitting down with jeff dunham. >> really? >> jeff dunham. >> is he going to be here?
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>> right here. >> that's all. >> you know what's great about this couch? there are more folks on this couch than there are actual news worthy stories today. martha: president obama promising to go ahead with an executive action on immigration and republicans are promising war on that. >> we are going to fight the president tooth and nail if he continues down this path. this is the wrong way to govern. >> surely the president understands the kind of explosion that would occur up here if he takes that unilateral action. surely he has better sense than to do that. >> if this president goes unilaterally i believe he will make the subject of immigration toxic for
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