tv Red Eye FOX News November 15, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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at 10:00 p.m. eastern. good night from washington, d.c. >> tonight on "red eye." coming up on "red eye." have motorcycles have enough of leather clad jerks doing tricks? how some machines are finally fighting back. plus what countries is the vice president still struggling to locate on a. >> mexico, united states and canada. i make no apologies for it. >> everyone is screaming. >> because he is a god. >> and finally is there no limit to the popularity of teen corner with greg gutfeld? we'll show you what happened when some teens learned what hotel he is staying at and one lucky fan who got to meet
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ll-double g. >> when you met him? >> i cried. i was in tears. >> none of these stories on "red eye." tonight. >> one day they will. now let's welcome our guest. her mouth is so dirty lysol only can kill a part of the germs in it. and she is as plastered as a french colonial fixer upper. it is joanne nosuchunsky. we tried to find somebody as none do script as andy levey and we did. reason tv and writer and producer anthony fisher, but you can call him andy levey. and he hosted a comedy show from the basement. sitting next to me -- you never know when he will walk up to your face and shoot your guts tout and then drive away with your woman. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story.
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>> he showed contrition for hurting the mission. yes, the so-called sexist shirt wearing scientist has apologized for his tacky attire. dr. matt taylor, one of the most public faces of the comet was slammed this week after wearing garb that featured sexy women in sexy poses. tweeted one astro physicist, is it appropriate if you care about women and science on friday? taylor atoned. >> i made a big mistake. i offended many people and i am sorry about this. >> pull it together, man.
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that's not the matt taylor i know. he improved matters by wearing a hoodie. back to the mission, the european space agency released video of the probe attached to the comet. will technology wonders never cease? welcome back to the show. we have been following the story now for almost three months. we knew this was going to happen. what bothers you the most? the shirt or the tears ? it is all disgusting viewing. this guy is part of a team that literally put a flee on a shell after it was launched. just amazing science going behind us. and he is forced to tearfully
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apologize for a shirt? are we at the point where you don't recognize the amazing actions that a person is doing because he is wearing just some silly shirts? >> this is like the -- this is the opening introduction to a new book. it is about -- here you have this amazing achievement. you have the twitter verse focusing on an ugly shirt. >> it is like a separate universe. >> it is. they act like he is wearing a sock puppet on his junk. there is nothing else on. >> i think the fact that he wore the shirt which was beautiful and then cried about it makes him the most delicious nerd cocktail ever. i wouldn't drink his sweat. >> i will get to my worry. he did nothing wrong. andrew -- there are two
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anthonys. >> fisher -- he wore that shirt because he knew it was going to be on -- he thought in his head that would be a good idea. do you think he deserves a little bit of pain? >> i think he is the comic book guy from the simpson. this is his way of saying i am on another planet from all of you mentally and intellectually and i don't give a -- >> he does give an uh. he did this apology. leaches are not satisfied. i think it is based on the fact that this amazing mission is now being tainted because of a dumb shirt. if there are any tears that mean something it should be
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for the rest of his team and the mission. >> the irony though is he helped mankind he can now get ships like the ones on the shirt. >> the shirt is saying this is what it is after. he is a stylist and now he needs a hug. those tears don't just dry themselves. >> it is like being at a widely broadcasted event that made this thing a thing. that's one of his favorite items. >> he will be at a bar and some woman will ask what he did. i am the comet shirt guy. he won't say i put a rocket on a comet. i had to defend him.
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i don't believe he was sexist. he was nerdist. they put on fantasy stuff -- was that a fantasy-style shirt. weren't the women heroic types? >> they were in bondage gear and caring weapons. just today there was the big hype about the second major "50 shades of grey" trailer filled with bondage. who ever put that out is not having to apologize for not putting a rocket on a comet. >> you know what would be great if they introduced rocket science into "50 shades of grey." >> well he does fly a plane. >> i love what you have a catch. >> i am the only one who read all of the books. >> more than once? >> i feel bad for this guy that he was forced to apologize and i will follow
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his career sky ward. >> i actually tried to buy one of the shirts on-line just to show support and the women are kind of hot. >> it looked like a scene from heavy metal. jay was that any -- >> was that any connection to the magazine? do you remember the magazine "heavy metal." jay i am -- >> i am going to shut up now. sometimes i go off in weird places and sometimes i don't go home for days and they find me naked in the field. >> does gruber hope you are a goober? he has had quite the week. 87 videos of surface and it explains how the affordable care act was crafted in order to fool the american people. here is the highlight real. here is the highlight reel. >> and basically call it on
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the american voter, but that was critical to get to pass. >> it is a clever exploitation of the lack of economic understanding on the american voter. >> excellent use of the crack musicians. despite the -- despite it, they are standing by and thanking him for his hard work. >> he didn't help write our bill. >> jay carney said gruber holding fourth is good and it helps. >> it is not good. it doesn't help. >> we should be looking at these clips before the show. what did the owl think? >> and basically all of the stupidity -- call it the stupidity of the voter.
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>> all right, there is a couple of things and let's focus on the fact that he keeps saying basically which is a sign of a pretentious elitist snob. >> you know what though? he is at least saying what the law i can makers are thinking. they were thinking the same thing. at least they are finally coming out. i don't like him because he looks like a professor i had. he wouldn't slap with me -- he wouldn't sleep with me. >> this is a week of unusual stories. we will be right back. >> that's what i don't like. >> i like it when you don't like somebody else and you use those emotions. somebody who has no idea who you are. i don't like fisher because he reminds me of a guy that worked at reason.
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i think this is a huge opportunity for republicans to do something ridiculous, right? shouldn't they capitalize on such a thing? >> do they need to pass the bill to find out what is in it? >> what about repel? >> repel is as likely as impeachment. >> you want to do both? >> you would immediately elect hillary clinton and a democratic majority if you tried either of those things. i think he is quite the talker and it is about five videos now. what is next? how many times did he insult them? >> i'm sure there will be a sex tape coming up soon. then will they call them mainstream? i haven't heard it.
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isn't he the perfect example of something we should totally hate? >> and people are hating him. >> not enough. >> it is overshadowing everything he did at the plaza. first of all was stunning to me. >> what about his brother? >> nobody remembers that. >> no, he is a -- this is so typical and -- i don't -- it is just with so much video of these people now it is easier we see a record of their screw ups and what they were saying. this is great. it is exposing him and others for what they are, obviously. he is in trouble foretelling the truth. >> he got $400,000 to work on obamacare. how attractive does that make him? >> i typically would date him.
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i already dated people who were wealthy and i called them stupid. i said never again. never again. i. >> i like it when you take stands. >> i am one of these stupid american voters. i don't understand anything about health care or bills. i don't read often, but the fact of the obama administration capitalizes and takes advantage of the fact that is me, that's shameful. you shouldn't need to trick people into agreeing with your policy if it is a good policy. >> that is so true. that is so true. >> if i am that stupid i should be able to agree with anything. >> it is the fact that i am bragging on putting one over on people. we have been lied to by republicans. we have been lied to by democrats. the fact that there is a guy after the fact and after success is willing to be in a room where he knows the camera is going we got one over on you. >> and the administration is saying they are so transparent
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when really they are not. >> way to bring that into the fold. >> i am loving this honest jay carney now. this jay carney who will actually speak about things. >> you know what -- i hate him for that. now he is being honest. now he is -- he wouldn't have been honest to hurt obama. the other interesting thing about this, they are blaming the victim. they say they are stupid. it is like saying she was drunk. >> a war on women. >> and it has nothing to do about that. >> they won. they are not saying we could have gotten obamacare passed. they say we got it passed. >> all right. at least it gotti bow law. >> two new jersey parents have been ordered to pay for their daughter's college tuition. even though the 21-year-old refuses to talk to them and
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lives with her grand mother. it is the subject of tonight's tonight's -- it has been a longtime. caitlin richie flu the cay -- flew the coup. she was extreme. she still wants them to cover college costs. why not give them mine. here is the father talking to gma. >> what the law is telling me is any kid that is 18 years old that graduates high school in the state of new jersey can move out of their parents house and not talk to them for two years and go to harvard for $45,000 and walk to their parents and go here you go. you have to pay the bill of the. >> moving stuff.
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to discuss once again we brought in a live studio panel right there. thank you for being here. how many would like to see me and steve doosey mud wrestle naked? we are not doing that again. i wanted to see if you still cared. fisher, you claim to be a parent, but i haven't seen proof of children. is the daughter a brat or is there more to the story i haven't read? remind you i haven't read the story. >> well then, yes. this is probably part of the unintended consequences of obamacare where you can be on your parents' insurance until you are 26 and i guess you are a child here. i wish they could have said in state public school tuition. >> thanks to obama they expect so many things. is that enough for an impeachment? >> let's impeach the parents
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though because you spoiled the kid into thinking she can get away with this ultimately. if you've got the coin, pay her to get the hell out of the house. your house will smell like taco bell, boot farm, bad sex and feet. i guess they smell the same. if you are in college that's what you are in store for if your kids live at home. >> there is no more boones farm. >> i don't even know what it is. >> strawberry hill. >> there is no more boones farm. well that just made friday night a little more interesting. >> i had a stash. >> i make boones farm in my bathtub. >> can i blame society? >> that's an easy thing to say, but there is an entitlement that people are entitled to their parents are
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paying from an expensive college. i look at it like well there is another girl out there with daddy issues so good in my camp. >> so you assume she will turn to striping? >> my home for way ward girls. >> i think we found a silver lining. where there is an unhappy girl there is an unhappy anthony kumaya. >> she hospital get the stent. she didn't like that and so she should work and pay for school herself. she could have used it for her tuition. >> i bet parents are paying for it. there is something else going on that we don't know.
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>> it is a lot of money. >> since when is education a human right? since when are human rights human rights. i have been saying this forever. who came up with that idea? looking for a way to stay warm this winter, try my all male cuddle puddle. first, want to see what your friend is texting? look over their shoulder or get this app. whatever that means. i don't know.
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you can talk to a friend without hitting send. a new texting app lets users see what the other person is typing in realtime. >> this is a bad idea. a like with e-mail where you have time to rethink the racist rapt, the person you are texting will see every key stroke as you enter it. the creator of beam messenger
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says it is how we communicate in real life since it allows people to interject before waiting to see a completed message. you know who needs to work on their communication? these two crazies. >> all right. who ever sent this to us, you are planning these fights. you put a giant parrot and a cat in a room and you think nothing wit happen? that's wrong. that's like a cock fight without a cock. that's not correct. we shouldn't be doing that on this show. >> it worksss in "the lion
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king." i think we found the lion. don't show it again! i am telling them we can't do this. i am saying don't show it, don't show it. >> the cat hit the dog over the head with a frying pan. >> oh my goodness gracious. and then they put that up there. that's something against the -- that's something that can start a trend. let's put -- let's put a -- what are those things? a ferret. let's put a ferret and a squirrel in a room. this will just start -- >> and then there will be ferrets and babies. >> that's not a bad idea. those babies can toc sell. can tustle. these pretext says nothing will be stored or intercepted. they said about that snap chat
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and my butt is everywhere. >> it is more than your butt out there. it is the front and the back and around the world we go. you are an idiot if you download this app. this is the way to weed out your dumbest ends from. the dumbest friends. nobody on the planet would ever download this. you show your own idiocy. >> great graphics. joanne, do you think this is a good idea. people will see your spelling mistakes. >> i like to pretend i am polished, but apparently not the case. it is for teens who don't want to exceed their data. it is for hypocon dree acts who think they are reading everything. >> so it doesn't continue if it is interrupted? >> if you didn't send it it is not using data. apparently that's what it
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says. >> it makes perfect sense. now i really like this. do you know what this is? this is when you and i e-mail each other and we use drafted -- drafts. >> that's what it is going to do and that's the result of it. they say that they are selling it and it mimics the way it is in person. why would you want that? >> the whole point of digital interaction is the way you do in real life. guy people are awful. and you of all people should know that. you are awful. >> you have them and they are in your head. >> this is what brought you the bathtub toaster and the play sets for the kids.
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>> this is crazy. how many times do you write a text and say oh no. >> every time. >> that's a little much. >> or you are typing paragraph graphs and somebody interrupts you. you are like, i'm not done yet. or you check the name three times. >> you are talking about someone else. you always send it to the person you are talking about. >> i want an app. i want an app that stabs them. >> i think it is called a knife. you can tape it to your phone. >> you can call them up and as you are coming out of the car you can throw the knife at them.
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>> there is no neutrality. >> this is not good for people who drink. every morning i wake up and i go what in god's name did i send? what did i text? what did i tweet? what did i e-mail? there is something that i did and god bless my friends who don't tell me. >> can you imagine if there is a replay all portion of this app? >> i think we learned a lesson. never have a parrot cat fight on the show without letting may know. i think it is disgusting we would have this happen. i told you this would happen. >> do you see that cat? are you not entertained? >> what are you? >> coming up, sex with a purpose of getting pregnant? that's weird. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is the
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same way. according to 20/20 it is a growing trend. men connect with these hopeful mothers who hope it is a better chance having a baby having sex than going to a sperl bank. did i read that correctly? one fellow says he has fathered more than 30 kids and duped -- i mean schlepped with over a under h -- and schlepped with over a hundred women. he asked for us his face to be hidden because he is married and his wife doesn't know about the donations. i have the clark kent life and the superman life. some of us want a million of dollars in the bank and others want dozens of children out there. i like to think of may money as my children. i like to hold them in my hands. at first i didn't believe it,
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but then i realize "20/20" never lies. >> i don't believe this. this is not happening. i don't think a woman would want want -- if she wants to have a baby so badly send for a real guy. keep the whole anonymity out of it. it may be horny people that want to hookup. it may be a thing you do as a last resort. >> it could be the psych scwee like they don't want the baby conceived with the turkey baster. bring your seman right to my oven. how do you explain where you met dad? i met him on craigslist. $25 and i got a new microwave and tube socks.
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well how much did you pay for me? >> this is like a horrendous song by heart "all i want to do is make love to you" and he -- thanks for bringing that up. >> it is all in your head. sorry. >> i would like you to sing it to me later. i don't know what you are talking about. anthony -- which one? fisher! this is the free market at work. it is probably too expensive like a lot of these fertility treatments are billions of dollars. if you want to add an alien baby it is billions. it is expensive. >> that's why he is living the superman life. but i do wonder why this guy says he is living a double life but he wrote a book about this. he is getting the residual checks.
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>> it is not a big deal anymore. >> that's october. >> all right, joanne. what do you make of the trend? real, fake, disturbing? >> very disturbing. what about one of his own children who he raises with his wife and falls in love with a half sibling and doesn't know they are related? that's a lifetime movie. >> that's a family reunion where i come from. >> i think he may have a sex uh decks, but -- addiction. >> he married his addiction to something that is actually a positive. it is proof that the web can now connect anything with anything. if you have a supply that is weird and creepy like i just want to go and try to have sex with strange women, there is a
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demand. i need a strange guy to i'm impregnate me. that's how isis started. the web allows anybody who is crazy to come together and do something. >> everybody is nodding politely. >> we are all creeped out. >> i am just thinking of how gross and kooky and crazy. what will i search foregoing home. >> you can find anything. >> if you wanted to marry a tree there is a guy in vermont who will arrange that for you. i know him by the way. should he clear someone near and dear? the out going arkansas governor is pardoning his own son for felony drug convictions. kyle bebe, now 34, you know when you are 34 you can change your name. it is no longer kyle bebe. change it to rick. kyle is not a 34-year-old name.
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kyle. kyle was convicted in 2003 of marijuana possession with the intent to sell. he wrote to his democratic dad, mr. governor, i am asking for a second chance at life and asking for a second chance to be a man i know i can be. he is not even in jail, is he? his father who was granted over 700 pardons for a non-violent offender said kids when they are young do stupid stuff. he was no different. he should fry, that's what i say! fry on a lovely beach. >> they don't have beaches there. if you were the governor would you pardon your son or teach him a lesson that would last forever? >> i probably would. you have the power and you can do it. i thought that would be illegal. i thought that would be an issue.
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it creeks of cronyism. >> yes, and the pc gone mad. >> i can understand if there was outrage if he had done something bad. any pot crimes in this country -- >> that's my point. we should be pardoning everyone, fisher. >> he kind of already got off for this. it was a felony conviction intent to distribute and all he got was probation and a fine. he already got away with it. in a state like arc ark can't vote. >> and you can't marry your damn first cousin. >> i would normally be infuriated, but they have pardoned 700 other nonoffenders and the kid got the slap on the wrist. >> seems to me like a waste of a pardon. i would like to pardon something cool. >> no, i think the pardons are a good thing. 700 of them, you will never be lonely at christmas. think of the cards he did. >> that's true. >> and maybe even a fruit cake
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if you got them off of some. >> that's true. that's true. what are your thoughts on this? he is a democrat so everybody thought it was okay. if he was a republican there would be hell to pay. >> there would be blogs devoted to this man if he was a republican. it is marijuana and this is the way the country is going. the de criminalization of it. it is his kid. come on, man. you didn't think people would notice? >> i wonder what he got his daddy for christmas. >> won't -- wouldn't that be great if the first thing he did was go out and get stoned? do marriages work between the young and the cold? "not cool" go to
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years has an 18% divorce rate and 10 years, double that and 20 years, it is a virtual lock they will split up, 9 tiff%. while age may be an indicator, different values, friends, tastes, movies and music. you are never getting married, are you? >> never again will i get married. i was married once and it was the worst thing i had ever done. well yeah, it was terrible. >> i can see how this is relevant how this works. the bigger the age gap -- there are less things you have in common. >> like books you read. >> books you read -- series you read at all. i would rather watch the movie. i read a lot, but it is like magazines. like just today driving in
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today , the girl i was with, i don't want her boots dropped on to the jaguar. she is treating it like a scion or something. >> she is in her 80s? >> of course. what am i thinking? do you agree with this study? >> i absolutely do. think of the 30-year-old woman and 80-year-old man. viagra makes it go up, but nothing can masks what smells and looks like a slim jim. >> tie me up and blindfold me, honey because i don't want to see you or touch you. turn around and let me stare out the window. >> your gold digging habits have no age. is any man too old? >> they have to be breathing. and i -- i would prefer all their teeth. >> that's beautiful of you.
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>> breathing on a respirator. >> just because somebody is married doesn't mean they are happily married. while i think age can play a factor it is more of the goals and the priorities you have at that age. so often it comes to kids versus career i think a lot of times. >> i do want my kids to work. >> i don't want to work. that's what they are there for, right? >> i never would want to recent my spouse which is what happens. if only i was with someone my age then this wouldn't be an issue. >> fisher, you are married, aren't you? >> i am. >> congratulations. >> two kids. i have a 78% chance of staying with my wife? i am stunned that they said getting knocked up out of wedlock means you have a 59% chance of staying together more than people who have no kids at all.
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i don't know why i am stunned, but i am stunned. >> i think there is a couple things at play. let's say you are in your -- two 20-year-olds getting married you can go 50 years. that skews the data. is that the right word? but they also, if they had gotten married at the age of 20, had less options for cheating. you are only -- what is the phrase? you are only as faithful as your options. so it could be they are together because nobody else could stand them. >> at 20 your most veril and most attractive? >> it is solely how people age. the body starts to just fall apart. >> don't remind me. i'm 50. by the way, i am not saying getting married young -- i am just trying to figure out the science. >> he was a creepy old guy. >> he is still around.
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i'm just looking over the company bills. is that what we pay for internet? yup. dsl is about 90 bucks a month. that's funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. wow that's fast. personally, i prefer a slow internet. there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today
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and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. returns on monday. we will have tom baker, -- mike baker, tom shillue. >> last story. that's the last story. >> it is underwear with nerdy flare. underoos and they are in adult sizes. the sets and matching t-shirts were a huge hit for kids in the late 70s and 80s. now hot topic is selling the geeky undergarments to grown-ups. the store, which sucks, offers eight sets including superman, batman, wonder woman, harley quinn and lou daabs. most sold out on-line and i am wear wearing the daabs right now. surprised? >> no, not at all. i remember underoos.
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i had the spider-man, little boys and i loved the pocket up front. i can just keep stuff in it. >> beautiful. that wasn't a pocket. >> this is gateway under wear. you can go from like this to dressing in a fuel pep pee -- pepe la pew costumes. what about you? you wear these and you are never meeting a woman. >> this does nothing for me here. it is people trying to recapture the youth a little bit. >> which you do a lot. whatever cages and traps i had set up. >> recapture the youth. recapture the youth. >> it is terrible. it is terrible. >> i don't like this. i find this very strange. adults -- it is the symbol of our culture.
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would men in world war ii bewaring underoos? >> no. >> i have an exception, but continue your thought. i would probably pick up a set if i was not boycotting hot topic because they discriminated against me for being pretty. you know what though, i would wear a wonder woman costumes. imagine waking up in the morning and you are starting a new day and in the mirror and brushing your teeth and you are like i'm wonder woman. >> i do that every morning. >> you would think that. >> i look like a fat -- >> don't say that. >> thoughts? >> i feel like we have spoiled an arc for next season of "girls." i think there is absolutely going to be an underoos --
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>> you are really screwing it up. >> you put the heart song in our head and now underoos. as distasteful as this all is, i can't say i would oppose adult footsie pajamas. >> pajama boq. boy, remember him? >> these under roos are not different than those worn in the west. remember in westerns they get their clothes off to see the prostitute and they wore underoos and they were dirty and walking around -- they walk like they were just on a horse. it is authentic. if you see it in the movie, chances are it happened. because you know what, why would they ride it if it didn't happen and if it wasn't true. people don't lie, not in hollywood. we have to go.
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held row, everyone, i'm dana, along with kimberly, greg, and eric. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." this week americans lenaarned t truth, they were intentionally not told the truth. >> it's called the stupidity of the american voter. >> it's a very clever, exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of e american voter. >> that was one of the key architects of the law. today we e
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