tv The Five FOX News November 15, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST
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held row, everyone, i'm dana, along with kimberly, greg, and eric. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." this week americans lenaarned t truth, they were intentionally not told the truth. >> it's called the stupidity of the american voter. >> it's a very clever, exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of e american voter. >> that was one of the key architects of the law. today we are learning mean more from jonathan gruber.
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the tapes keep on coming. >> the problem is it's political nightmare, and people say, no, you can't tax my benefits. so what we did a lot in this room, talked about how could we make this work, and obama's like, well, he's really a realistic guy. he said i can't just do this, it's just not going to happen, the bill is in the going to pass. how can we manage to get there through phase ins and everything. so that opened it up to the cadillac tax. >> the republican party has not rested on this. he thought political season was over, but that's not so smart. watch this ad. >> jonathan gruber is one of the most respected economists in the world. >> i respected the clintons back in 1993 for actually having tried to get it done, i think they did it the wrong way because they went behirnnd clos doors. >> i don't know if you saw of
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whatever, it's a very clever exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the average american voter. >> they have been saying ever since obama care passed, everyone who complained about it, their reasoning to say that you were stupid is to say, it's the law of the land. i think it's the lie of the land. >> ooh. >> i thought i would try that play on words on you, dana. >> the lie of the land. >> gruber, he's a hero, he's an absolute hero. we should be worshipping this guy, his last name is now a verb. to gruber something is to accidentally tell the truth. for instance if you're at a bar and you're unemployed and area friend tells your girlfriend the truth, that's grubering.
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isles when you unintentionally tell the truth. it's like a parrot with tourette's. progressivism when exposed it becomes viled. that explains why it has to be cloaked in darkness. >> eric, the jonathan gruber, one thing is maybe, he's a smart economist from a liberal progressive stand point, he's a terrible politician. but he's been out there, is he going to be persona non grata? >> there is a speaking tour that he's been doing for the better part of four years. so he was part of the development of obama care, he was paid $300,000. we talked about jonathan gruber, we were saying hey this a
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architect is saying that it's not all it's cracked up to be. >> we found four more occasions about of it. >> i have been thinking about this from a communications stand point, kimberly, because, yes, they did try to walk the commons back, on msnbc on a show with -- i don't think think realized that people are actually p.o.'d. >> what p.o.'d mean? >> i can't say it. every time you think there's no more video, he's no more exposed than a kardashian, he's the kardashians minus the oil. every time you hook up, there's another video of him, another statement, another association with the party. they cannot shake it. and it's going to be a problem and it's got enough legs to it and distance that the taint is going to stay with them through
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2016, bob. >> he's not very slick, is he, bob? you're slicker. let me ask you something president bush in one of the conversations with president obama before he took office, is that he recommend, president obama said he had a couple of goals. and he said if you want -- he pushed through on a partisan bas basis obama care, do you think that was a mistake? >> i think in retrospect, immigration would have been easier to get. but as kbatd as all this appears, a, i don't think people are glued to their tv set on this. what the republicans should do, my guess is they should start to do things like the device tax and some other things and try to
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amend it. >> in america, laws aren't set in stone. you think this gives some momentum to republicans, eric? >> what i wanted to get in there before is the reason why gruber even matters right now is that obama care isn't working, people rb aren't satisfied. if obama care was working, but if people were happy, it's working. costs are going up, premiums are going up. when you have to pay for your health insurance, with the exception of people who aren't paying anybody, because they subsidized, or they're getting it for free. prices are going off and people are mad. when gruber says people are stupid, we voted for it even though we knew it wasn't what it was cracked up to. >> you just pull admit romney when you said people who can't afford to pay for it. >> it's not as if there's more coverage for les.
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that's not the point whether there's more coverage of less. we're talking about health care and choice. the idea that somehow the government can claim part of my freedom through some coercive action because a group in the government thinks that they know better than we do, and this is what it's about, it goes back to grouper, that they think they can lie because they know better than you do. they don't care about the care, we have got 10 million, even though it's maybe $7 million that is to them success without actually have any metrics for success. it's all one big lie and it's all based on coercion and us being forced to accept it. >> they came out and said they knew that the numbers were bad and they wouldn't add up, basically what they wanted was to get some people evicted from the federal government and basically the only way to fix the program is to do something that bob said from the
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beginning, nationalize health care and form a singer payer program. >> unfortunately, that's what they wanted to begin with. that was the end game, and they really don't care about the quality ---they wanted to say they have this many people insured, they didn't think through it the way they should have to make sure that it was going to be a good four the american people. they didn't give accurate numbers to the cbo because then it would be exposed. now we know the truth, so what are people going to do about it, what are the republicans going to do now with this information? especially if they have the political wherewithal. i can't think of one that believes that the health care in this country was workable. but the republicans even agreed that --
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>> we wanted medical savings accounts. we wanted to have a free market involved in the decision making, that's never happened. #. >> this is last night on the special report account. >> it undermines the credibility of the president. it undermines the central element of the democratic party. this is not only a lie, but it's insulting to the american people to say that we're stupid, and yes, it's affect the president's ability to have any correct with the public and defend his boss. #. >> remember the media that didn't cover benghazi for a listening time and then when they did, it was to say that the right wing was crazy? this story about gruber has basically gotten zero attention about the network. and cbs actually mentioned it once. but do you think this is another
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example of fox news cooties? >> i think the media coverage, rachel madow called it a shiny bobble. they called us being then as lyi lying -- gruber is like that spotlight that exposes stains, but their spains are biassed. this is why they avoid gruber, because gruber says everything about their life the problem is there may be enough votes to change this act, to override a veto. there were at of democrats who were against the -- there are four or five that i can think of that you can override a presidential veto. this comings sort of a galvanized issue for one. >> the one thing you can do that will not go through, his name name was mr. mandate, the
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biggest problem with obama care is the mandate that you must own -- but that's -- you can take medical device tax out. that's not a big deal. that's not obama care. what's obama care is the mandate part of it. >> you can take out -- i mean you talk about tort reform, you can cross state lines -- that's the mandate you don't have obama care. so that's what you really want too do. >> but it's not going to happen. >> but what do you go back to? what we had. >> now that people know how bad it was? >> all the things you're talking about bob are the things that republicans wanted to put forward. everybody was trying, and president obama just shot them down because they knew better and they knew they were lying. >> that's what's so bad about it. >> greg raised the medical savings account. i think it would have put a lot
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of senior citizens and other people break. >> we had medical state offings accounts, i had a medical savings account. why take that away from people? i know that i liked mine. and enough people said, here's my out of pocket expenses, if you're have pneumonia and you need cough medicine. >> not just with medical savings accounts, but think about all that money that went into social security that could have been in the stock market. the stock market under president became exploded. think about all that money that -- >> it also gives people to try that lippy things for my eyes. >> can we make one more point? a lot of those town halls but attended by the tea party, and you guys on your side called
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them crazy, by they were all right. >> what have they done through the last two years, why do they continue to protest it? >> the other thing is in case you missed it, during that segment, bob revealed something that happened to him. what he revealed was that he ripped a glut muscle. which he called a glutton muscle. >> it hurts. >> it's a very interesting conversations off camera. we'll take a break and we'll come back. >> next will the legal immigrants be granted access to obama care? and it's face book friday, if you have a question for us, go to facing
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we're not able to be covered in the marketplace and this is a issue that is a health care issue, it is an immigration issue, and everyone probably knows that this administration feels incredibly strongly about the fact we need to fix that. >> one is perception, do other countries do this? can i get free benefits in mexico? i guess in business, you get free room and board. readmitting patients, danny's
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deductible went from 1,200 to $1,500. chris's family deductible went from $300 to $800 a month. hiss premium will reach $1,100 in january. all fruits of gruber's lies. i love immigration, blue blood makes this country tick, but we're not just putting the cart before the horse, we're putting the world before our country. as we import the world's poor to compete with our own. what's next? in europe, the safety net stretched thin with youth unemployment festering at 21% and a marginalized military.
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that's what's next when nothing's right. >> kimberly, the new immigration, the new move on immigration is going to happen as early as next week? why the rush? >> why the rush? because they want to push it through as quickly as possible. this is what president obama said he wanted to do, he does not care about the will of the people, or perpetuating a fraud on the american people. what's sad is that we're able to care properly for our own. so now we are going to import the world's poor, to do what? the people who are here lawfully, who pay their taxes, who are still trying to get ahead for their family. it's very disconcerning to me. we had a marine who crossed the border into mexico, who was beaten, and treated so badly that he actually tried to take
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his own life. yes, we are a compassion and generous country, do we have laws to make room for others to come and enjoy the liberties that our family all wanted for us? we sure do, follow them, secure the borders, make this something that makes sense, don't just avoid due process and treat it like it doesn't exist and allow people to come in, under the name, under the guise of amnesty because that's not what amnesty is. >> you were saying earlier, you wanted to hear more from charles krauthammer. so i have some sound on table, i think this was him from last night talking about the immigration move. >> i believe it was an impeachable offense. this is a travesty, it was intended for extreme cases, it was never intended to abolish a whole class of people who are
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subject to a law and essentially to abolish whole sections of a law, and that's what's happening here. >> do you agree it's an impeachable offense? >> the first of all, the first part of it has been tested in courts, so far the courts have upheld it, number one, number two, the problem is not losing in the supreme court. but it's something you can take to court. if you look back at history, i do kn i'll by pass vietnam, but there was a time in this country when people from ireland could not get any benefits from the federal government. now we're seeing the same thing happen with these people. dreams are people who are being successful. what's wrong with giving them health care. >> we're talking,illegal
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immigration, we're talking about people come from -- we have four in the united states, if we have a bunch of other poor people from other countries coming here, its doesn't help the poor here, right? and that actually creates more inequality in our country, when we focus on narrowing the inequality here. i'm for immigration, i want everybody to come in who's -- who can add to this great country, but there has to be a process, is that what we're talking about, eric? >> we should also talk about the money, right now, we spend, we're approaching $500 billion per year on medicaid, you bring 4.5 million people in or 11 million as bob suggested yesterday, take that number up to $7 hu$700 billion. we're broke already, we don't have the money already to pay for medicaid, forget the competition with our own american workers, which monumentally more important.
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president obama is using hiss own pen to bypass the constitution. let's just say he's not breaking any laws, he vowed he was not going to do it. that's part of the problem. he said i won't use the executive order for anything -- >> everybody in this country does -- just out of curiosity, what rural hospitals closed because of obama care? >> do you want me to go and get them for you? i would rather get dana in on the conversation. it was published in the usa today and it was something like a dozen of them that have closed. >> i'll just give it a different angle from a communications stand point. this week the white house, dana perino ooerks -- river the president goes out of town, something blows up domestically, this time it was, one, gruber and that lucas tomlinson uncovered this memo about
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immigration, basically it got out in front of the white house, they're not here to explain it, so they have lost another seven days, ten days before the president could explain why he thinks this is the right thing to do and why all of a sudden he's allowed to do it when he said he wasn't arnl to before. >> all right. >> you know what's
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a. time for facebook friday. kimberly, question number one. i have a grand son name ronan. how did you come to name your son ronan? >> i was pregnant, about five, six months. my husband asked me, okay, come on, we need to come up with a name, he's not going to have a name, it's going to be weird. i said why don't we call him
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ronan. because my dad gave me the idea. >> to bob from rose asks, what book or author influenced you most as a young man? >> as a young man? >> i think mark twain probably. >> interesting. >> yeah, because -- >> favorite book? >> favorite book? what's the name of the book we like so much? "santarum." >> to dana, from christine c, will jasper have a 2015 calendar coming out? please. >> jasper cam is something i do for friends and family. but 2015 is going to be a really good year.
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we'll start working on it soon. >> we'll have to look at that in the makeup room every day. it's awesome. >> he's a good boy. >> to greg do you read all of your tweets each day? >> no, i read some of them. by before i go any further, there were 43 hospitals that were closed. they were in tennessee, kentucky and georgia. the interesting thing about a calendar, is they'll have one picture per month, so you would think there's 12 pictures of dogs, but she had six pictures, it's actually like cheating. it's like 46 or 48 pictures. to eric, you're always smiling, what is your all-time pet peeve, the one thing that makes steam
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come out of your ears? it's from the producer, when he just want listen to us. >> i love it. >> kimberly, what do you do on your days off to unwind? >> she's looking for her next setup. >> what do i do? i go out with my little boy, we have a great time on the weekend because we live over by the natural history museum, so that's super fun. so that's what we do, we go to the hamptons, we like to go outside, i grew up with a backyard and here i don't have one. >> complementary breakfast. the danish comes in a little package. to bobby boy from christian j. do you wear suspenders on the weekend? >> i do. as a matter of fact i do. >> why? >> because i have no belts.
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>> we have a moment fo me to tell you what happened. bob goes to the tsa, in order to go through security, he had to take his suspenders off, he didn't put them back on, he gets to the gate, and i was charging my phone over there. so they call free to board. i'm near bob, but i just see out of the corner of my eyes, as he was walking with his bag, his pants fell all the way down at the airport in savannah. but i pretended like i didn't see it because i didn't want to embarrass him. >> whi asked him boxers or brie. and he said nothing. >> they have seen bob's bum. >> from marianne, what is your connection to south carolina? >> my friends scott and scandal.
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we were visiting them sand now they live in seattle. and i'm probably going to see them in south carolina over the holiday weekend. sandals are wonderful people. >> greg, where did you get your unicorn mug? >> because i'm fascinated by unicorns. >> tweet greg so we can find out who you are. send a fwetweet now and he can k at it. >> to eric from barbara c, why did you give up trading and go into the television industry? >> i was on the trading floor
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one day and oil was about to hit $50 a barrel for the first time. cnbc liked it and -- >> and what they say is the most dangerous place to be in america is trading eric bolling on a camera. >> to all from craig r. do you have a preshow ritual? >> well, bob does. >> i smoke my cigar. >> bob smoke his cigars. i try not to catch on fire from all the hair spray. i eat a snack. >> i do what everybody does, i rip the head off a mouse. >> what's your ritual, dana? dana's usually complaining about -- >> articles and things so that i
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can be prepared for the show. sometimes i get a phone call. >> we need to go. we got to go. >> what about mine? >> what about yours? you got to have a ritual. >> i'm last, i'm the last one in here, i hit bob on the way in. bob's holding court over here. >> he's already done four other shows. you talk about the ratings. >> i'm going to go out on a limb and say you spend more on air time. >> i'm going to challenge that. no, i'm not because you do fox and friends. >> i get free hours forever bite of the apple there. >> we're so happy elizabeth is back. >> she's back. >> who's elizabeth? >> oh, my goodness. favorite topic gambling, the commissioner of the nba says he thinks sports betting should be legalized in maerk. what we all think next.
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forced betting is illegal in most states. >> i do think that sports betting on a widespread legalized basis in the united states is inevitable in part because states like new jersey are pushing hard to generate additional revenue. my view is if that is inevitable, and it's going to happen, then we need to participate in the regulatory frame work that will be designed around our game. >> silver is calling for congress to legalize betting on professional sports. >> i agree with this, you know why? i gamble illegally with a bookie and i have for years and years and years and the amount of tax
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revenue would have be phenomenal. sports gambling ought to be available legally wherever you can go to do it and i happen to -- i feel bad about it, i really do, the amount of money i gave to my bookie last week was ridiculous. >> it's not good to admit crimes on the air. >> the government tells us what we can drink, what we can smoke, what we can eat, who we can marry, now they want to tell us what we can do with the 50% they let us keep of our money. people should be allowed to gamble if they want. if you can buy a lottery ticket, you should be able to bet on the book l brooklyn nets if you want to. >> so you're for legalizing gambling across the board? >> yes. >> fine. >> dana?
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>> can i say that i really don't care? do i have to have an opinion? >> have you ever bet on a sports game? >> no. >> no? >> i don't have a gambling gene. but i would rather go to a concert. i don't understand why we're even debating this. what i don't like is that the government wants to legalize gambling, not because it's the right thing to do, but because they want money from it. i don't like that for marijuana either. >> it's all about revenue. >> are you against legalized gambling? >> why does it matter? >> i believe that it should be legal, but i believe everything should be legal. i don't believe that anybody should have any business telling you what to do in the privacy of your home, whether it's gambling, whether it's narcotics, whether it's prostitution, these are adults making adult decisions.
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i gamble on the five, i gamble on whether kimberly will dance on her chair, or whether bob will say something offensive. or whether dana will mention her lord and savior shelton. which you do on each and every show. >> when we come back, want to know the secret to a long, lasting marriage? yes, you want to hear itt from us? no, no, no. ask your mom, or you can ask bob who has the answer after the break. >> i certainly do.
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have a wonderful exmother-in-law, my mother-in-law painted my bathroom in my bachelor house that was full of nude women and she repainted it with flowers while i was gone. that was ridiculous. >> my mom's gone. >> you're asking everybody. >> i've been married for 16, almost 17 years, why are you asking me? >> because it was in the damned segment. i'm the only one that's divorced here. kimberly, i want you to answer this because i asked you a bad question. did your husband's mother every get -- >> which one? >> of the five -- >> what? two. did you ever have a mother-in-law that didn't like you? >> did i ever have a mother-in-law that didn't like me.
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my first tomorrow was deceased. god rest her soul, and i was with her when she passed. and my son's grand ma and i get along fantastic, i just talked to her on the phone, in fact. >> this is not a bad segment, because now we get greg to tell us what his russian mother-in-law thinks of him. what does your russian mother-in-law -- >> she loves me. but i don't know because i don't speak russian. >> how do u you know she loves you? >> how could she not love me? >> when is the last time you saw her? >> i saw her maybe a year ago. >> do you send flowers? >> i send lots of things. she's a lovely woman, that's two great things about a mother-in-law, time and space. >> when did you get married. >> new york city, city hall. >> was your mother-in-law there? >> no, she wasn't. but i asked for my wife's hand, i flew to russia to do that.
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>> who did you ask? >> her father. >> and he agreed? >> yes, he did and then he lectured me in russian about marriage. >> and you nodded? >> i nodded along because i had no idea what he was staying. >> did you ask your mother-in-law or your father-in-law for your wife's hand? >> no. we eloped. >> you did? >> yeah. >> bob, do you like remember anything from this show? he asks about all this. >> you need a little break. >> you did? >> you eloped? >> we all eloped. elope, elope, elope. divorced. >> with did a segment on this. >> big weddings. >> i had -- >> all right. >> you got divorced five times. one more thing is up next.
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>> thank you, man. >> don't you see that he's trying to be responsible about his sugar level? that doesn't tell you how much he's going to eat of it. >> i do wanting to make a little bit of a serious note. i've been around for a number of years, you've probably figured that out. i want to give a couple of props to people. health. i did not treat myself well, and it's costing me a lot, so watch out for your health. i have learned to live by one thing, i care what you think, i just don't care what you think about me. i think that's one way to go through life that i learned in aa. and the other thing is, try when you can, to do the next right thing, and that's what i will pass on to you just because it's my birthday. >> did you have that as your one
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more thing plan? >> no. >> i'm on a rally tonight, doing something, but more important coming up today, bill hemmer is 50 years old. that man is old. i asked him, i said, bill, what do you want for your birthday? he said just what you got me last year, greg, i want a bird on a turtle. >> oh, my gosh, poor bill hemmer. >> is bill really 50? he looks about 22. >> nympanyway, bill, you owe me. >> kimberly, you're next. >> i had the pleasure recently of doing a cover for c magazine. also the reaeeal deal in new yo and they wanted to see where
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ronan and i live. it was a great photo shoot. and the only reason i saw it and got it is because greg gutfeld saw it in the lobby. >> so i get to go next. did you every play board games with your families? >> yes. >> and did you enjoy that as a family? >> i did, too. what was your favorite? >> monopoly. >> there's also a game called stock market which was fantastic. >> i think there's a new game for you, i think you're going to really reich it. this is my friend tim kaine, he made it up, it's called swing states, hiss two daughters are called katie and lauren, and this is to teach kids how you go about being elected president. it's how you're going to get
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enough electoral votes to get to the nomination. >> i'm glad to see people doing that. >> you have to have a -- it just can't be on dice, right? >> see all these cards? all these presidential cards? like money? >> it's swing states, it's not swear states. >> this is a game that's right up eric's alley. >> i would like to give it to my son. >> it's like candy land without kand. . >> eric bolling. >> where did you guys get this? >> you're having a tough day, bob. happy birthday, eve, bob, happy birthday hammer.
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set your dvr to catch the five. "special report" is up next. va never losing. she never lost her spirit. and we will miss her. welcome to "hannity." in a moment we will introduce you to the man who killed usama bin laden. but first americans will never forget our country's darkest day back on september 11th, 2001, when 2,977 innocent people lost their lives, nor will we forget the night in may of 2011 when justice was finally served. >> this is a fox news alert. the white house is saying that president obama will be making an extraordi
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