tv Media Buzz FOX News November 16, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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>> fantastic. >> the mediterranean diet. >> thanks so much. >> on the buzz beater, the architect of obamacare saying the law was designed to pass because of the american's public stupidity and ignored by the "new york times" and the mainstream media. what gives? >> you don't get the news. if it goes against the liberal orthodox. this is proof, absolute proof. >> if it were a republican... the anchor who says cnbc challenged her when she challenged the selling of obamacare. >> i was called to management and told i was "disrespecting the office of the president."
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it turned out to the be truth. >> melissa francis will be here. >> and valerie jarret is the scapegoat and chief the media says that is associationism. >> the lost art of reporting in a conversation with brit hume. >> flesh beck make as fearful video about health problems that almost forced him to hang it up. >> i had a stream of health issues and i felt crazy because of them. >> where does this leave beck and the media empire? that is "media buzz" today. >> there is nothing the media loves more than secret video tapes and the architect of
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obamacare admitting to an academic concert it was deliberately designed to disguise it would have a tax that transferred money to poorer patients. >> because of the stupidity of american voter, that was critical to get it passed. >> this was played as a big story on fox news. >> a stunning admission from the architect of obamacare in the last 24 hour as scandal involving a key white house advisor has blown up. >> new developments on the architect who was caught on video admitting the white house preyed on the "stupid it of the american voters," to get the health care law passed. >> but it was a nonstory for days with not a word in the "new york times" until yesterday and little on msnbc, and cnn was an exception covering the story several times and other news organizations, including
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"washington post" and cbs catching it days later. examining this gap is former cbs news reporter and. >> their of "solo," against the forces of obstruction and intimidation and harassment debuting at number five on the best soler and stand writer at the "washington freebie con," and strategist and fox news contributor. the video, is it important news? why didn't it get more coverage? >> something came to mind the romney 47 percent video that was reported secretly and was exposed and i know my own network, aired it time after time. >> but he was a presidential candidate. >> what makes this more important, romney is talking about his political findings and
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this is a machine saying this initiative is something they had to mislead and deceive the public about to get it passed that is big news. >> why did the major news organizations from the network newscast, to "new york times" and ors decide this had zero news value. >> i don't think there is a good excuse but something that was made for the news particularly broadcast news to pick up on, it was not a written account but it was very clear good video. >> it wasn't a come applicanted memo. >> it is very clear. people love videos that can be interpreted for themselves. he is hardly a household name, but you have to remember this is the guy that had the tape that came out in july that is going to impact the supreme court for halliburton. things he says now, should stillen important particularly when what he has said will play
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in the supreme court case will potentially have a significant impact. >> and abc and nbc talk about this a little bit on sunday shows but that is the first time on the two networks newscasts. don't the media love secret videos with someone saying something at the least that is embarrassing? >> they do and this is a democratic -- a story but he is not a household maim and part of it there is a media buzz toward obamacare being an old story that is implement asked not going anywhere and the media knowledge that is important so --. >> so, just move on? >> but why believe that is legitimate. >> with a story three or four or five days later you report open something that everyone already knows about. >> he went on msnbc and he went on the afternoon show and we
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will play that audio. >> i was speaking off the cuff and i spoke inappropriately and i re-grow having made the comments. >> your point you were making was, essentially, that due for political pressures the language of obamacare had to be somewhat opaque. >> the most notable thing about the clip is what you did not see dispensing with the discussion of the video and the interviewer went on to ask them current questions about health care from the guy who jump at mitted everything i said before was, perhaps, a party to misleading the public with a certain intent. why would you use him as an expert? >> he comes on and says, i spoke inappropriately and cried out for follow-up questions. >> though moved on. >> i'm not one to cry bias but i do think it is hard to come up
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with another explanation other than cluelessness and other stories were dominating the news that could have sucked up the oxygen but no one has ebola -- when republicans bring up obamacare a lot of people in the media think this is covered enough and it has been beat to death and we have talking points and ignore it. what is the wrong approach. this is incredibly important legislation that changed an entire industry that people should watch like a hawk and they don't. the bias may not necessarily be left or right bias but what julia said, for whatever reason the people feel tired of it. >> the narrative has been going on career after year after year and i am not legitimizing the fact that people have been ignoring the stories but it has been throughout the press corps and, can we move on to something
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else. >> it is not leak this something in the history books, the open enrollment that starts yesterday but flipping the question, this is generating dozens of segments on fox. has fox news overplayed it? >> i think fox news has traditionally been the network that has taken a heavier view of obamacare than others and working at a different network before fox, when it was implemented, fox news was always been much more the obamacare story than other places so this is part of the course. >> i would say the fact that belatedly the associated press ran the first story late friday afternoon, belatedly, yes, we ought to talk about this. where were they for days? viewly, we will have melissa francis on, former why cnbc
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frank core when she criticized the math of obamacare she was called on the carpet by management and silenced. what do you make of that? >> i am not terribly surprised because i have never been called interest management and told i am being a bad american but i have gotten signals when i have done stories that they perceive critical of the administration. >> cbs? >> yes, i got signals that was something they did not want and i have heard stories from other reporters and some of them are in my book and some have spoken by name but maybe we will hear more people coming forward and give the accounts publicly. >> were these subtle signals. >> a mix. a mix. sometime as mistake. we thought we understood what was being implied. >> the stories are not getting on the air that is the strongest signal. >> now a story that will
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dominate the news is preparing to issue an executive order on immigration for rebound and i want to the huffington post, a liberal website, "krauthammer, impeach," in reference to him saying on fox that he thought if obama did this it would be impeachable but he said he was not pushing for that. will the media gin this up? >> if they won't, the tea party caucus will. you can count on one thing: you will find someone on the tea party caucus to impeach the president and the republicans fall into a trap, they give the media the huge story which is a nonstory. >> you make the media sound like passive recipients whether to play up that. >> it is a sexy story. you have someone wanting to impeach the president of the united states, first for sex and
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now immigration. nothing the media loves more. the media is not exactly something that is nuanceed but you always follow the readings. >> the "washington post" says some republicans want to shut down strategy, challenge president obama on the budget next month and some don't and want to work this out. dot pundits love this kind of showdown. >> they do and part of why you see a lot of the news story focus on this because the white house has been tightlipped on what they are landing to do with immigration. we don't me if they will announce next week or it is the end of this year and because there are so many instances the administration has brought up immigration it makes sense to see 9 focusing on the different angles and they are limited in what they can cover in terms of the actual details. most print outlets have done a
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fine job. >> the white house other any administration will go to a favored print outlet which is a common strategy and try to get their version of the story in the least critical way and they know in the broadcast press if the "new york times" has it we will go after that and suddenly that is on the front page and the front headlines elsewhere. >> to button up obamacare, the president was asked about this sunday in australia and he said he didn't agree with the remarks and he wasn't on the staff, which is true, he was an administration consultant and he said i advise to pull up every clip and you can say this is fairly debated and transparent playing defense on this story. i want to hear from you on
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twitter and this segment and what you think of the show ahead of fox big anchor and melissa francis said she was chastiseed for criticizing the obama administration. stay tuned. i'm over the hill. my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. --i don't know my credit score. that's really important. i mean - i don't know my credit score. don't you want to buy a, ever? you should probably check out credit karma, it's free. credit? karma? free? credit karma. really free credit scores.
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what the criticism was from the aide. >> i would be remiss if i did not give the we chance to respond, about reports circulating around the beltway. drew a response? >> i would say when you break glass ceilings you get minor scrapes. >> that reference was no accident, the argument that the criticism is sexism is pushed by, among others, msnbc co-host who has moderated white house forums with valerie jarret. >> here with us is valerie jarret on the set. >> you are looking great. >> she keeps me calm each morning when gentleman tries to raise my blood pressure. >> she said in a column, yes, she and valerie jarret are friends but she deserved credit, not sexist attacks.
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>> they have a friend, she puts it out there. do you have a hesitation of her rushing to her defense after the critical articles? >> i expect she could do that and she acknowledged they were friends so people can weigh that. whether it is sexist, i read the main article and it called her shrill and emotional and tearful. >> she cries a lot. but i didn't see anything like that and people like karl rove and dick cheney were vilified and you could say as much or more so than valerie jarret and i don't think there is anything at play. >> she is fair game for credit civil and i was surprised that show and the white house re-tweeting the comments by mika were playing the gender card. >> it is not sexist. you can see examples in past
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administrations and back to h w. bush before john sununu resigned and three was pinpointed as why the entire administration was in disarray. could think it is unlike other criticisms that previous male administrations have received and you can maybe say some of it is scapegoating but not sexist. >> not sexist. all the people would work their way up the ladder and resent someone came from chicago who has the ears of the president and the first lady and this is typical. when you work in politics, where you try to undermine who you think is more powerful than you. not sexism. >> a lost unnamed sources and former officials what would do it. >> the tv's favorite past time. >> nancy pelosi has a news conference the other day and the reporter asked whether she gave any thought to stepping down
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after the midterm as minority leader. >> what was the day that y said to mitch mcconnell when they lost the senate three times in a row, making progress and taking back the senate, three times in a row, aren't you getting a little old? have you ever asked him that question? >> in fact, i think that was asked about mcconnell and i think it has been asked of harry reid and i am protecting sure it has been asked maybe not if an age sense but was he qualified, of speaker boehner so why think she is the first person and being a woman is the republican the question was asked. >> it was asked by a woman and did not mention able. >> pelosi said she was treated equally by "time" magazine and the week she became house speaker when the democrats when she didn't get her face on the cover of "time" magazine and mcconnell was on cover of "time" magazine seems
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she is still steamed. >> i don't mind the able in presidential elections but it is superficial and lazy question, people back in may, 55 percent when asked, do you care if your elected official is over the 70, they don't care. >> she will be there as long as the calked wants her there. >> thank you all for being here. brit hume on where the pundits and will positives fell shore but melissa francis warned four years ago that the obama numbers did not add up on obamacare and charged she was silenced by cnbc. want to know how hard it can be... breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment...
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suddenly made some news about her former employer. so four years ago, you were on the set of cnbc. >> it was at the time that the president and his surrogates were out arguing for the passage of obama care and they kept saying again and again that it wasn't going to cost a dime, that you could add all these people to the system and it wouldn't cost anything. i was questioning repeatedly, how is that possible? if you add millions of people to the system, it's going to cost something. and after my show one day, i was called upstairs to our manager's office and told that, you know, my comments were inappropriate. and i said, look, this is math, not politics, i'm talking about the dollars and credibilities. i was told that i was disrespecting the office of the president by questioning the map of obama care. >> i got a one word comment,
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laughable. >> they poresponded immediatelyo the "new york post" and what they said was more baffling than anything else. they said they were always on the lookout to hire actresses and it was so glib, i don't even know at what point they were trying to make if they're doing scripted programming now and that was what that was about. >> in reference to your previous career as actresses. >> they said we're growing in prime time, and we're always on the lookout for actresses and comedy writers. i'm not a comedy writer. >> did the managers who had called you on the carpet say your tone was too harsh, that you couldn't question obama care at all. >> they said my tone was inappropriate, that i was being
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disrespectful to the president and the office. i was called in more than once, i pointed out that there are other folks, there are many great journalists at cnbc and this make no mistake is about the management. and at the time, i said there were other people who are vocal and political, you look at larry kudlow, and their response to me was these are specific people with specific roles and everybody knows that they're out there representing a certain point of view. >> we don't want to tar old cnbc. ri if you're going to tell the story now, shouldn't you name is executives involved? why protect them? >> i thought about that a lot, i think it was pervasive across the network and there was actually more than one person who told me to stop. depending on an individual, that would allow them to scapegoat one or two people in particular.
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i think it was pervasive across the network, and people should know about it. and especially now, you know, when jonathan gruber comes to light and he says the administration relied on the voters, the point of business journalism is to illuminate the economic facts. and i had to scream at the television when i saw the gruber video. >> let me jump in. >> i was a part of it. >> it's been four years now. >> i mentioned the incident to many people in the past. at the time i told people and i really told roger ills now, u i felt like i was in part complicit in the very coverup that he's talking about because i tried to illuminate the map, that they had to hide the cost, i specifically tried to illuminate the cost and was stopped from doing that and i
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think the american public deserves to know that the reason why jonathan gruber and others are able to get away with this, because there are networks out there who are complicit in this cover-up in keeping people ignorant. you need to understand the real map and then decide. and that's certainly what we tried to do on fox business. >> coming up in a world awash in media polls, what happened to old-fashioned campaign reporting, brit hume is on deck. and why the media are suddenly paying attention to 30-year-old allegations against bill disease by.s kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day starts with her minor arthritis pain, and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. what's that, like six pills today?
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of isis killing a 26-year-old aide worker from indianapolis, a short time ago, president obama called the execution "an act of pure evil by a group that the world associates with inhumanity," hours after they released a lore filing video which we will not show. kassig was captureed last year helping members of the civil war and was an army ranger and served in iraq with the familiar saying we prefer he being written for his work and the love he shared with friends and family. see you back at 7:00 with the "fox report," with breaking news as it happened. back to media b howard kurtz. >> political analysis is an art not a science.
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but is the art now becoming an akron anymore. back in the day when i was coming races and going to a state that cover a congressional district race or a senate race or even a primary, there weren't that many polls, so a reporter who would go to a state, there might be some poll out there that you heard about, that would give you some sense of the -- some data organization you never heard of. so you go to egyvents and you watch the candidates perform and you pick up some sense of how -- you talked to the campaign workers and see the managers and so on and they would tell you
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stuff and you would be able to from experience you could kind of filter out the spin and pick the things that kind of made sense to you. you would get a feel for the race. and, you know, you didn't have a poll to go on and -- but now you have the real clear politics average of polls and david reuter would go knocking on doors and talk to people in a shopping mall, i think it's kind of seen as old-fashioned. >> the problem is that while we had some polls this cycle that were sort of spectacularly off and failed to catch things like the virginia senate race being so close and the maryland governor's race going to the republicans. most polls over time have been nearly correct or nearly correct. so when there's so many of them, you know, the first thing you see, the first thing you know about is the poll, and there's a tendency not to be able to see pass the poll. you know the poll, it's what the poll says, you believe it's
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probably right. and then you kind of go out looking for why the poll shows what it shows. and so you end up working back from the pole instead of sort of relying on your own instincts. just not pick up some of the things that you would tip you off in the old days that something was happening that you weren't expecting. >> even in the old days, you were telling me about covering the old -- >> there was a new jersey congresswoman named mill sent fenwig. she was a total character and she was kind of popular because she was such a colorful figure and the early polling in the race such as it was, had her way ahead in the senate race, she was a house member and i went up there to do a story on her race and i thought her crowd seemed a
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little flat, she didn't seem that great on the stump and fra frank lautenberg, a political newcomer, he seemed to be pretty good on the stump and the crowds were enthusiastic and there was a sense that something was happening on the race. i reported this where i worked and they were dubious about my thinking about it, i ended up doing a piece that was quite fair to both sides but i didn't fully state any tense -- because that indicate that it can be difficult to break from the pack. ive you go on -- to staying, hey, i was just in the state and i have sources and they're telling me that so-and-so is surging or so and so is flipping. >> most people who don't -- you know your sources and you develop an ability over time to -- saying what you have to say that you think your guy is
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going to win. and when you relate that to somebody else who doesn't know what you know, they're going to say, well that's what you would expect them to say. everybody would say the polls are showing and ---that happens about once a century. and skepticism and that kind of thing is understandable and you have to know from experience when somebody is giving it to you stwragt or not. >> i have talked a lot in recent weeks about the network newscasts and how they covered the midterms very little, shockingly little compared to past years. what's going on? >> i think, look, the way bias worked and it does affect these networks, it's insid ydous, it' not that men and women -- we don't want to do that story,sto
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genuinely looks at them quite interesting, they just tend not to emphasize it. and that's why, the solution to bias begins with a recognition of bias, if you know every day that you go to work, and you would rather see one side win and that's in your mind, it's not that hard to screen that out and make neutral calls, so you feel like in 2014, which shaped up to be a big democratic year, do you think they may have mustered up the courage? a looking at an extraordinary and emotional video by glen beck in just a moment.
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think what glenn beck said, this is between you and me not meant for the press. what we see in talk radio is this versus them where guys like beck are speaking israel to each audience memorial, the humanization of opinion journalism and glenn beck certainly is a good performer, and i am not saying he is performer in any capacity but he is humanizing this and certainly was speaking directly to his most loyal audience members. and he says he has a clean bill of health recovering from auto immune sin dream but there are skeptical voices over
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whether he is overdrama teasing this. >> it came from liberal media when a media figure comes forth with a revelation it is, usually, glad you are feeling better but in some cases someone is screaming to be relevant again, he said that glenn beck is making this up because he is going bankrupt. let me breakdown how glenn beck makes his money and where high ranks with the media. glenn back made $100 million contract for the syndicated i show and he also generates $45 million according to forbes i've year from his media network and has four "new york times" best sellers and earned $90 million last year and that is more than oprah and more than will en, and anyone who says he is going bankrupt and made it up because he doesn't have a couple of dollars in his pocket does not
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live in a reality with google and basic logic. >> beck is a guy who has said some incendiary things and recently he has been more conciliatory and regretted some of the statements including call be president obama racist and i wonder what he is going through whether it is connected and whether it changed his political outlet. >> when you go through a health issue you have a different perspective, he was the most polarizing and create as reaction but now he is 50 years old, and he went through this ordeal the last couple of years with all of the pain that goes along with it and maybe he says, maybe i have a different perspective and i will try different thens like he is doing now which is creating a full length feature film. we are glad he is doing well and wish him health. >> i second that and he accredit
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the his faith of god where make his fans love him more and his detact reports can say what they want. >> after break, our video verdict is interesting. stick around. deo verdict. an interesting one. st my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's progressive pain. first that feeling of numbness. then hot pins. almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet.
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but he never was one to impose his will on us. >> as you watched as he was a president, you would turn on the television to hear critics talk about him. >> yeah, it made me angry. >> what about you, though? >> same thing, i did not like it. >> my grandfather considers serving his country his greatest privilege. >> i was weeping too. >> that's just a matter of taste. it was a little awkward for me to watch. it didn't seem terribly natural. it was something different they could offer viewers because of the relationship they had with jenna bush. >> i think it would have been high and fine to have her as a guest, but doing the interview made me uncomfortable too. i wonder if it had anything to do with getting this interview. all right. now bill cosby refused to
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respond when he was asked about the resurfacing of allegations that he sexually assaulted several women. a women said cosby drugged and raped her three decades ago a. >> the mainstream media does not want to deal with it. it's just now becoming important enough for worldwide attention. and because of the situation with the fame and the celebrity and the power and the media, the media doesn't want to make enemies and they have to follow some jurisdiction and he does a lot of great damage control. >> for that reason, i'm so glad that you are speaking up, barbara. >> what do you make of that moment where she grabs her hand? >> that's difficult. that crossed a little bit. i can see where you're talking to somebody who seems heart-felt, yes, that's a
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difficult situation. you have to also keep in mind the idea that there's been no conviction or admission and cosby should be presumed innocent under the eyes of the laws unless otherwise. >> cosby has faced these allegations before and it is -- part of me says i'm glad this woman is speaking out, but she never brought a lawsuit or anything like that. at the same time, it is true that most of the media give bill cosby a pass because he's such a father figure and entertainer. >> we know that that can be true. so you look at her allegations and seeing in the past that perhaps things have been covered up before because of someone's power, it's believable that perhaps that's happened. as an interviewer you have to be careful not crossing over the line looking as though you formed a conclusion. >> exactly. and cosby's lawyer put out a statement just this morning saying that cosby does not
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intend to dignify these allegations. still to come, your best tweets and fox news facing a major decision on mike huckabee. buzz worthy is up next. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know genies can be really literal? no. what is your wish? no...ok...a million bucks! oh no... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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in our press picks more on the media fail. the "washington post" has finished reviewing allegations of plagiarism against the cnn host. sayings, quote, strike me as problematic. this is quote, again, unfair to readers and the original sources. the paper has posted notes of apology. they took place before he
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promised to be more careful in 2012. another media fail, the conservative site, an embarrassing mistake when president obama announced his attorney general nominee. the problem, this was another loretta lynch. strangely with the same white water headline and a note at the bottom of the story before doing the right thing. question is why some media outlets ignore bruber's obama videos. the biggest change to american health care was based on a lie. christian bell, because it's a nonstory as if it wasn't understood. of course it's been underplayed. the architect was barely that. gruber's comments were silly, move on. the affordable care act is a
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huge success. now when fox news announced last week that it was dropping ben carson as a contributor, i said they face the same decision on mike huckabee. days later, we are taking a serious look at governor huckab huckabee's recent activity in the political arena. we plan on meeting with him. huckabee is alikeble guy, but right now, he is straddling two worlds. they reported this week he is recorrecting with activists. that's it for this edition of "media buzz." i'm howard kurtz. thanks for joining us. we hope you like our facebook page. we post videos you do not see on this program. once again, we're back here every sunday morning.
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you know the drill by now, 11:00 and 5:00 eastern. back here with the latest buzz. keystone pipeline. i'm chris wallace. congress gets back to work with balesrewing over im >> congress gets back to work over immigration, climate change and obamacare. >> i would welcome the president moving to the middle. >> the president obama seeks to block deportation of millions of illegal imen froms. how far will the g.o.p. go? >> they have
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