tv FOX and Friends FOX News November 17, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST
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talking with us about jonathan gruber. should you have to pay the money back -- should he have to pay the money back for the obamacare hoax? >> "fox & friends" starts now. have a great day. bye. good morning. it is monday, november 17. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. isis beheads another american, this time a former army ranger. is the u.s. finally ready to amp up the fight against the islamic state? we're live in washington with the pentagon's lacest announcement. >> the obamacare hoax is in. the president said his obamacare architect is some advisor who never worked on his staff. so how does he explain this? >> we had a meeting in the oval office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do -- >> not only was he involved, wait until you hear how much that guy right there was paid on
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your dime. >> and a daughter now fighting a major retailer so her mom won't have to work on this thanksgiving day. they join us live with their battle to keep our holiday sacred. mornings are better with friends. good morning. >> welcome aboard. live from studio e. it is rainy here but we've got a very busy day. >> happy to see you. happy to be with you. >> always an honor. we're going to get right to that fox news alert. the united states now stepping up its training of iraqi forces who are fighting isis militants. the announcement from defense secretary chuck hagel. this as the white house confirms a third american aide worker and former army
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ranger, peter kassig has been beheaded. good morning, peter. what is the latest? >> if the pentagon can get iraqi troops trained sooner rather than later officials are predicting that maybe other countries will jump to join the fight against isis. the head of central command, general lloyd austin, doesn't want to wait for congress to come through with new funding for 1,500 american trainers. instead he want to use american forces already in iraq to fan out to four locations and begin getting 12 iraqi brigades ready for battle. that is according to a "wall street journal" article where the secretary of defense chuck hey dpel is quoted as saying -- chuck hey dpel is quoted as saying this to get that initiative general austin is looking at the possibility of taking some of our special operations forces and opening those training centers, getting them prepared early. secretary hagel also says munitions and supplies are being expedited but there
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are still no plans to let american special operators fight alongside iraqi troops. the chairman of the joint chiefs, general martin dempsey, was in iraq this weekend and this news about speeding up to stop isis sooner came the same day an american worker and iraq war veteran peter kassig was confirmed to have been beheaded by islamic state militants. those militants are believed to have at least one more american hostage. we don't have a name but we know she is a 26-year-old aide worker from the west coast. officials aren't sure why she didn't appear at the end of the latest execution video as other hostages being held in recent months have, but it could suggest that she and mr. kassig were not being held in the same place. >> peter doocy live with the very latest on that. now let's talk a little bit about this. the president of the united states is back in the united states, and he's got something else he's got to
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deal with, and that is the whole obamacare hoax, if you will. jonathan gruber, who is an m.i.t. professor, that guy right there, he's one of the architects of obamacare. as we told you last week, he's also somebody who revealed on camera a number of times that the only way they were able to get that obamacare through was on the stupidity of the american people, and they wrote it in such a crazy way that nobody could understand it. yesterday the president was traveling. he was in brisbane. and our own ed henry finally asked the president about mr. gruber who has made headlines on this channel and finally some of the other channels are talking about it. listen to how the president distances himself from this guy who is on his team. listen. >> at your burma town hall you tried to inspire young leaders by saying governments need to be accountable and responsive
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to the people. how do you handle that with jonathan gruber claiming you were not transparent about the health law because in his words americans are stupid. did you mislead americans about the taxes in order to get the bill passed? >> no, i did not. i just heard about this -- i get well briefed before i come out here. the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that i completely disagree with in terms of the voters is no reflection on the actual process that was run. >> in fact it may not be a reflection, it might be the actuality. if the president would check with some of his campaign managers going back in history, you can't dance back from the facts here. listen to john kerry when he was senator in massachusetts, in 2009, citing gruber and his effect. >> according to gruber, who has been our guide on a lot
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of this, it's somewhere in the vicinity of an $8 billion cost. >> okay, so peter, what do you make of this? >> i make of it, let's go to professor gruber's own words where he explains in detail just how involved he really was with obamacare and the president of the united states going back to 2006. >> right before he -- i went down basically to do the tutorial for him on what we had done in massachusetts and how it would work and basically think about expanding it to the national stage. next time i see him is summer of 2009. the big issue there is that he really wants to make sure we're moving forward on cost control. i think that at this point he sort of new we had a good plan on coverage but he was worried about cost control. and so we had a meeting in the oval office with
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several experts, including myself, on what can we do to get credible savings on cost control that the congressional budget office would recognize and score as savings in this law. >> at this point obamacare which is supposed to be a fix is looking more like a hoax and the cat is out of the bag. the timing he's referring to there is four days after they had hit a halt in this plan because doug elmendorf had declared they weren't going to save money, they weren't going to bring down health care costs over the long run. this is when they brought in consultants including gruber to work through the math because he had a computer program that could predict, that could output the mathematics behind the madness that is now obamacare and the mess we are now in. he was brought in and he was paid all with your tax dollars. it is undeniable. >> how much madness can there be? how much lying can go on? now we know that nancy pelosi was quoting professor gruber. now we know john kerry's
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relationship with professor gruber. now we know that he met with senator obama and then president obama in 2009. and somehow he's merely an advisor, not really on our staff. and there's no connection between what he did and what he said and how we felt. >> paid, peter, so much money over the course of time. on average $5.9 million by the government he was paid. >> $6 million we're talking about. >> this is a massive amount of money for someone that wasn't really a part of anything. >> i just heard about this from the guy who was briefing me before i came out. how does a guy make $6 million largely in federal dough promoting this thing and the president doesn't even know about it? well, the president knew about it. let's break down the $5.9 million. he got $2.05 million from the national institutes of health to talk up obamacare. $1.7 million from the department of justice. we can't figure that out. why was eric holder paying
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him? he got $1.6 million from at least four states that we know of, about $400,000 from the department of health and human services and $100,000 from the state department as well. let's recap. he visited the white house. he worked with the administration. he bent people's ears up on capitol hill. he met with douglas elmendorf, the c.b.o. guy. mish mcconnell said that that would be akin to inviting the referees up to the owner's box to talk through the numbers, to convince. and then he was paid millions and millions of dollars to sell a lie. >> at a most crucial time when it came to the affordable care act. who confirms and who controls medicare payments there. >> the question of the day is should the $6 million man -- gruber -- be forced to pay back his consulting fee to the new york and to all the governments in the united states? >> go to facebook and
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answer that. or you could e-mail us, or you can tweet us as well. we've got a feeling the e-mail system will start heating up shortly. >> i think it already is, steve. keep those coming and share them. now we're going to turn to heather nauert who i'm thankful to see. >> great to see you, great to have you back. we've almost got the entire team back together. peter, nice to be with you. this morning a city is on edge. at any moment a grand jury may announce whether police officer darren wilson will be charged in the deadly shooting of unarmed teenager michael brown. ferguson and other cities across the u.s. are bracing for a possible violent backlash if the officer is not charged. new video coming in this morning shows dozens of st. louis protesters blocking major intersections and staging what they call a die-in, where they are pretending to be shot by police officers. [chanting]
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>> officer wilson claims self-defense in the shooting on august 9. he claims brown reached for his gun while some witnesses say the teenager had his hands up in surrender. call it deja vu or shall we say deja cruise. the cruise ship has been hit with another round of norovirus, the second time in six months passengers were sickened on the cruise line. more than 170 people have come down with flu like symptoms on a month long cruise. the c.d.'s -- c.d.c. has ordered a cruise cleaning. the san francisco 49ers and seattle seahawks are being spot checked for prescription drugs. this is said to be part of an investigation and claims from former players that
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alleges teams mishandled prescription drugs. ut's -- u2's bono needs to get himself together. ♪ ♪ >> here is what is happening. the u2 front man needs shoulder surgery. he had a cycling accident in central park. the band also had to cancel some appearances planned for this week. this comes days after a door fell off his private plane mid flight. and those are your headlines. see you in a bit. >> you might want to stay away from him. >> there are sharp turns there on those bikes, especially this time of year. >> thank you. >> coming up, we told you jonathan gruber thinks americans are, well, just stupid. now, guess what? you're racist too. take a listen. >> you don't think it's just the voters in florida don't care about it.
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the president is trying to distance himself from his obamacare architect. a sixth video surfaced. dr. gruber calls the exerts misinformed and uses the race card. >> i don't think the voters in florida don't care about the long-term insured. i think they are misinformed. if we could politically help explain the cost to society of cutting provider rates, cutting back medicaid i think we would get the majority of people to support strengthening that program. i think because of racial reasons and other things we haven't managed to get through with that message. >> because of racial
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reasons, what does that mean? here is the a representative from the project 21 leadership message. you heard him. what do you think he's talking about where he said because of racial reasons? >> i think it's a sign of desperation and it's a typical play book for anybody who's been associated with this affordable care act. now that reality has set in it is apparent what they said is not going to come true. it is going to cost us as patients and doctors an enormous amount of money. people are turning against it. that moves what they use, they use the race card, the sex card, anyone who doesn't agree with them, to shut up. i take offense to that because race and politics should not mix. i take care of patients every day and i'm having issues of seeing my patients because they can't afford to even come into the office because their
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out-of-pocket costs are so high. and they sold this on things about keeping your child on your health plan until age 26, covering birth control. and in actuality everything they said to try to lure people in has cost everybody more money. i'm just, it's awful. >> and doctor, i think we've got a dprask -- graphic that shows the number of states where health care costs will go up at least double digits in the coming year. that is not what we were told. we were told they were going to bend the cost curve down. it wasn't that long ago where the president had to apologize where he told what was deemed the lie of the year which was if you like your doctor you can keep it. he had to apologize as well when the open enrollment fouled up last year on-line so much. do you think it is a matter of time until the president says okay, okay, i was in on the same thing gruber is talking about. the only way we could sell it to you was to lie to you, but it's for the greater good? >> i'm not sure that will
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ever come to pass. i think they're going to double down. i think this is win at all costs. i think this is, and i said in the past, if there is a trojan horse for single-payer. this is never designed to work. it is just a tax and it is bending the cost curve on the backs of doctors and patients. they're paying 1% more in things like hospice and it took $700 billion out of the medicare trust fund. this wasn't about patient care. it was about setting up a rigid structure of control where everybody is in -- it doesn't matter about race anymore. everybody is in this together. and unfortunately, if you get sick, you might be in major trouble. >> that's the bottom line right there. doctor, thank you for joining us from atlanta with your point of view. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, so much for chivalry. check this guy out. he rips the ball from a female fan's arm. the backlash is now in full effect. a daughter is fighting
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got quick headlines for you on this monday morning. starting today ebola airport screenings will expand to travelers flying into the united states from mali after a rise in confirmed cases of this there. this as the status of an american sick with ebola remains in critical. his condition is monitored hour by hour. it is serious. pope francis is planning his first trip to the united states. overnight the vatican confirming he will visit
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philadelphia in september. the 2015 world meeting of families. he also plans to stop in washington, d.c. and new york city. pope francis will be the fourth pontiff to visit the united states of america. elisabeth. >> for thanksgiving k-mart announced they will be open for 42 hours straight and one woman who works for k-mart is petitioning. >> k-mart employees will be forced to miss family time for thanksgiving. i'm asking k-mart to allow employees to request thanksgiving day off and to use only volunteer employees. that writer and her mom are joining us this morning. why did you decide to write this petition? you have a great following. >> i wanted to start this
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petition -- it started last year actually. my mom called me on the vernal of tears and she was upset because she got her schedule and she was going to be working a split shift and she didn't know what that split shift, how she was going to be able to spend time with our family on thanksgiving. we have people already planning to come up. so this year it came about again, and i said what are your hours? what are your hours? no response. she didn't have any yet. then i heard k-mart was going to be open at 6 a.m. when i heard that and they were going to be open for 42 hours straight, i said i have to take a stand. i cannot have my mom calling me in tears again. we need to do something now. >> when you're hearing your daughter say this, you're obviously not afraid to work hard. you've been doing it for 21 years. what would like your bosses to do? >> actually what i would like to do is i would like to see all retail, you know, we're nonessential employees. i'd like to see us actually close for the day. but i know that's a big
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hurdle to overcome. either volunteer for that day or make it a, just a plain eight-hour day so people can be with their families. and i understand it's a time and a half pay issue for a lot of people. so if you're closed on thanksgiving or a holiday, then pay the time and a half on black friday so that my co-workers don't lose out on their time and a half. but i mean, we are nonessential employees, and i don't feel that we need to be open on a holiday. give us some time to spend with our family. and this is all retail, not just k-mart. >> i want to read you k-mart's statement for our audience at home. they say this, quote, our associate is aware of her schedule and her manager accommodated her preferred shift on thanksgiving. what is your response to that? >> well, yes, they did accommodate me, but in order to accommodate me that now means i have a co-worker who has to work
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the shift that i didn't want to work, which is not fair. it was never about me. i said this last year when they were willing to schedule me, any schedule, and i said no. you scheduled me a split shift. that's what i'll work. i decided not to work the second part of it. i lost my holiday pay. but it's never been about me. it's about everybody who has to sacrifice to keep their job and not be with their family on the holiday. >> i think that message is is thanksgiving is not a commercial holiday. we are getting to the competition of who can be open the longest and we need to get away from it. that statement, i'm happy my mom will be here with us. but they're missing the message we're trying to send. we need to take time to
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spend with our families on thanksgiving. >> where can people go to sign the petition? >> they can go to and it's on the main page. it's very simple and pretty anonymous. if you sign the petition, it just shows your first name and the first letter of your last name and you can even identify if you work at k-mart. i know that we are trying to reach out to k-mart employees, so we are urging k-mart employees to sign the petition because it is anonymous. nobody has access to if you signed and you are a k-mart employee. >> you do have, i believe, over 2,000 signatures so far on that petition. we want to thank you both for being here. this is a tough one, choosing between an earning day, selling day and a family day and a lot of people can relate to that. we thank you both for being here. we'll keep on it. >> this coming up, before you leave the house, you've
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got to hear this. wild weather hitting millions of people today from freezing temperatures to tornadoes. maria molina is following all of those storms for you. one journalist revealing how the liberal media reacts to the truth about obamacare. >> i was at cnbc, i pointed out to my viewers that the mass of obamacare didn't work. not the politics, by the way. just the basic math. and when i did that, i was silenced. >> the fox business network melissa francis right here with us with that story next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. we have got some extreme weather to tell you about on this monday morning. millions of americans feeling the freeze this
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morning. the texas pan handle -- texas is shoveling out, but it's not just snow and bitter cold hitting the nation. tornadoes as well. it is a crazy weather day, and maria molina is tracking it all from the streets of new york city, where it is, it's kind of miserable today. >> it's a little drizzly out here. we have some clouds. you're going to need umbrellas as you head outdoors today. over parts of the plains it was a different story.we pickedn amarillo, texas. the texas pan handle getting hit with snow and also porges of the plains, including kansas city. now that system is farther off to the east in places like ohio, western parts of kentucky and northwestern portions of pennsylvania are looking at snow. there is a second patch of snow moving across portions of northern new england. accumulations should be very light, just a couple of inches. i want to take you to the gulf coast. on the warm side of this storm system we have several tornado watches in
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effect early this morning for parts of georgia, alabama and the florida pan handle so there is a potential out there to see some tornadoes with some of these storms as they continue to push eastward. you have the cold side of the storm towards the north and on the south side you have the potential for severe storms. you can see several tornado warnings in effect across southwestern parts of georgia and the northeast of panama city and the florida pan handle. when those tornado warnings are issued for your county it is very important to seek shelter immediately. as that cold air continues to filter eastward look at what is going to happen over the next several days off of the great lakes. we're talking several feet of snow just to the south of the city of but buffalo. off of lake erie, significant snowfall accumulations and significant snow for the city of buffalo. current wind chill temperatures feels like 11 ploa -- below zero in minneapolis. i want to show you highs for tuesday.
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tuesday you're not going to make it out of the 30's in atlanta or raleigh. those are the forecast high temperatures as we head into the afternoon. let's head back inside. >> can't we hold off the snow until after thanksgiving. >> some people may have a white thanksgiving. >> the obamacare hoax goes deeper than jonathan gruber. it seems the liberal media has been trying to silence critics since day one. that is what melissa francis says happened to her while she was at cnbc. >> good morning to you. what did you say on your show the other day. >> when the gruber tapes came out and we saw him talking about the fact that he was depending on the american vote to not understand the math, it sort of all came together for me and i was yelling at the television because while i was at cnbc we were basically part of what happened. >> what do you mean? >> at the time, you know, i'm trained in economics.
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i went to harvard. this is what i do. you looked at the math of obamacare and it didn't make sense. you can't add millions of people and have it not cost everyone. you can't add people with preexisting conditions and not charge more. maybe folks would still be in favor of it if they knew the facts but they needed to know the facts. so i would pursue that line of questioning. after the show one day i got called up to my manager's office and told that i needed to stop. i said why? this is math, not politics. they said that i was did the respecting the office of the president. that was the exact language. >> you mean the president of cnbc or the president of the united states? >> the president of the united states who was out campaigning for obamacare at the time. they said i was disrespecting the office of the president by pursuing this line of questioning and that i needed to stop. >> meaning you were then to interpret that any move forward in that direction was going to result in what? >> it didn't get that far. i mean, i was marched upstairs after my show --
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>> that was a threat; right? >> it felt like a threat. they didn't say or you will lose your job. they just said stop. >> that you were not being patriotic in terms of your reporting? what did you think would happen as a result of that going forward? implicitly you're going to be fired. you're going to be somehow acting in a way that's not an american? >> i'm ashamed to say i was always a straight a student. i'm a pleaser and i didn't like the feeling of having my boss be disappointed in me. it's a competitive environment. >> when you saw what they have come out and said now -- gruber and all these folks -- how does that make you feel? >> terrible. >> because you were right. >> it made me feel terrible that he was counting on the job of business news and what we do at fox business is to make the dollars and cents of life make sense for people. that's exactly what needed
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to happen with obamacare, to say look, guys, let's do the math and lay it out and know the facts and then make a decision. maybe we're still in favor of this. maybe you still want to go ahead. but you have to understand the real facts. and we did not illuminate that. >> going forward from that point, did you pursue the type of questioning that you had prior to the meeting when you were called in by your bosses and said you were basically un-american and harming the president's reputation? >> i'm ashamed to say i didn't fight back harder. i did value my position. it wasn't that long before i left. but i was called in numerous times. it wasn't just once. >> you shouldn't be ashamed. you're a great reporter and great anchor and you were on the right track. and cnbc denies these charges. >> not really. >> here's what they said -- cnbc says that's laughable but we take notice we're always on the lookout for high-quality comedy writers and actresses. either they're saying -- they're a comedy channel or they're not denying it.
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>> it's a classic very sarcastic glib remark. they didn't say it's absolutely not true and this didn't happen to her because i think they know it is true and it happened on more than one occasion. to make a sarcastic remark about actresses and comedy writers shows they're laughing at their viewers -- >> you had the courage to tell the viewers about this, melissa. >> don't miss money with melissa francis on the fox business network. to find it in your area go to finder because as we have learned, she tells you the truth. >> time for headlines with that gal. >> good morning. we've got other news going on. we have dramatic new video. it reportedly shows the moments after a malaysian airlines flight was shot down. shocked residents try to help out with buckets of
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water. 29 # people were killed when the plane that left amsterdam was shot down by prorussian rebels. 298 people were killed. >> zacharias mossai says he can offer inside information that shows the saudi government financially supported terrorism. he says he has evidence that the saudi government paid for flying lessons for the other hijackers. victims filed lawsuits against the saudi government. >> a burglar learned the hard way not to mess with a veteran. a veteran with the 82n airborne takes down a man trying to steal from him. he held him down until police arrived. the seattle homeowner said the crook broke in days before so he installed cameras to catch him the next time. talk about a real lowlife. watch as a saints fan
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snatches the ball away from a bengals fan. the player tried to toss the ball to the cincinnati fan. she begs for the saints fan to give it up but he is not having any of it. feeling not too great about it the saints organization did the right thing. they gave that gal another ball from an opposing team. how nice is that? those are your headlines. >> thank you. >> 18 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up isis militants beheading another american. a former army ranger and now they're threatening to attack our soldiers everywhere. our next guest, retired navy seal, is here with a warning for the islamic state. >> the newest wave of illegal aliens could be coming to a d.m.v. near you. ♪ ♪ ♪
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it's about 15 minutes till the top of the hour. quick headlines for you now. the state department shuts down its e-mail system after a suspected hacker attack. a senior official says the security breach impacts the unclassified e-mail system. you already pay for the roads. now you're going to pay for illegal immigrants to drive on them. california expanding d.m.v. weekend hours to accommodate the nearly 1.5 million illegals who want to drive their cars with licenses. the price tag for it all just about $141 million. peter, over to you. >> this is a fox news alert. another american beheaded by terror militants isis. the white house confirming the video depicting the death of peter kassig, a former army ranger and american aide worker. what does this mean for the war on isis? and could they be headed to the u.s.? joining us now to discuss this is former navy seal
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carl hig bee. >> are we doing enough to stop these beheadings, enough to stop isis in its tracks? >> absolutely not. to deal with this effectively you're going to have to do like we did in berlin. this is a radical group. there is no coexistence. they want to eliminate us. we need to eliminate us first. >> how do we effectuate that today? >> i would completely eradicate a large section of that area just to stop the beheadings, to send the message don't mess with us. >> eraid indicate in what way? -- eradicate in what way? are you talking about airstrikes, men and women on the ground? >> both. men and women on the ground, bomb them. send the message that we are not here to play around anymore. we are not going to let you behead americans and we're not going to let you run, wreak havoc all over iraq
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like you. >> the american government is saying we're making some effect here. we're taking back oil fields isis had taken over before and it's having an effect. is it having an effect? and what effect will it have as a 26-year-old young woman and aide worker who is also being held by isis right now? what should we be doing to effectuate her, her rescue right now? >> the effect is we need to show force. we need to show force to go in there and say this is no longer a game. these people are here to kill us. the president needs to tell them, if you don't do something about this, i will. >> in terms of this game that you think is being perpetuated at this point. let's here what abu bakr baghdadi has to say. continue to harvest the soldiers. erupt volcanoes of jihad everywhere. light the earth with fire. america and its allies are
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terrified, weak and powerless. are we terrified, weak and powerless? is carl higbee and the men and women who serve with him, are they terrified, weak and powerless? what do you say to this terrorist leader? >> we are not weak and powerless and if you want some, come get some. there's 20 million vets here in america. come to our shores and see what happens. >> straight up talk this morning. thanks for being here. good to see you. coming up, black friday shopping taking over your thanksgiving holiday. how early is too early? and is it a bad trend for families? the debate coming up in the next hour. linked in now under fire as outraged users say the networking site is contacting their colleagues without their permission. kurt the cyber guy is here with how to keep your resume, your job and you safe on-line.
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oh, and this is the xfinity tv app. he can watch his dvr'd shows from where ever he wants. hey. have fun, make some friends. alright. did i mention his neck pillow? (sniffs pillow) watch your personal dvr library where ever you go. with the x1 entertainment operating system. four plaintiffs suing linkedin claiming the feature got in the way. they can make hiring and firing decisions based upon the information they gather without the knowledge of the members, such secrecy directly contradicts the express purpose of the fcra. how do you keep it private? here with the tips you need is kurt the cyber guy.
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>> it's so good to see you back. it is so good to see you back. >> so we've been talking a lot about this. explain this lawsuit and what's going on and then we're going to move into what we need to know just as lay people not involved in the lawsuit right now. >> linkedin, if you want a professional profile, this is the day that resumes have come on line and linkedin is the ultimate did -- >> everybody uses it. >> it's your professional connection. so the problem with these sites and the lawsuit that we're talking about that fcra, fair credit reporting act, there is a group of people that said all of a sudden out of nowhere, people came and they are paying for my information to access former colleagues and how cool would that be to get a phone call from somebody saying, one of your competitor socials is reaching t asking about you. linkedin is saying to that that, in fact, they're not necessarily revealing anything that isn't already public, which brings us to this. you got to seal up the public
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view of your linkedin profile so that all of these things aren't really available. >> are you saying from this point forward what, should we do? >> look for -- what is your employer going to see when they look at your public profile? you want to be aware of that. you can go to your ling link profile, to the privacy settings and click on there all the way through. it's two little things to see what it is for setting your public. you want to turn off the broadcast activity that's inside of it. what that means is that whoever you accept as a friend or whoever you're endorsing or if somebody makes a connection with you, it's not broadcast to the entire world that you're now engaged with that human being or that you even had a conversation with them. >> you want to opt out of it. >> you have to opt out of it. you have to turn off that activity feed, otherwise it's defaulted on and everyone can see your business. it's one of those things also where you just got to stay active with this. you got to rein in this privacy and you've got to stay active
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and constantly check this about once a month, go online and make sure they haven't tweaked the privacy policy so your profile hasn't changed because go and do this, you think you've sealed it out and all of a sudden, you haven't reined in your privacy all together and what ends up happening is people end up being able to see everything 'cause the rules are tweaked and we didn't notice. makes news today, linkedin, boy, they're down for the count. facebook coming up, announcing new this morning, facebook for work. finally the goofing off on facebook in the office is going to be tolerated because it's for work. >> that means we can post kiddy videos all day long. if you want more information, go to thank you very much. coming up on this monday morning, the president tries to back away from a key obamacare advisor after numerous videos reveal the hoax that is the affordable care act. what does donald trump say about that? we'll talk to him about it live
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good morning. it is monday, november 17. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. isis beheads another american, this time a former army ranger. then issues a new threat to president obama. this morning we have an idea of the white house' plans of reaction. and the president finally weighing in on the obamacare hoax, claiming that guy, not really on my staff. really? >> so we had a meeting in the oval office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do? >> he was in the oval office and that's not all we found out. donald trump reacts on grubergate coming up. and they're calling her sick and psychotic. a famous female hunter facing backlash for posting a photo of her kill. this morning she's here to tell her side of the story. and that's not sick because
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mornings are better with friends. welcome aboard, folks. elisabeth, great to have you back. >> always great to be back here, especially this week now. i'm happy to see heather nauert here with us, too. >> keeping the curvy couch cozy. >> the extended family, we're all here. >> okay. >> family indeed. >> i missed you, heather. >> me, too. >> a lot happening this morning. >> i want to get to this story from overseas. it is a fox news alert. the u.s. is now stepping up its training of iraqi forces who are fighting isis terrorists. u.s. special operators in iraq getting a jump start on their work training and advising the iraqis. they're getting 12 iraqi brigades ready for battle.
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officials predict that if the pentagon can get these troops trained sooner rather than later, other countries will join in the fight against isis. but there are still no plans to let american special operators fight alongside those iraqi troops. this as the white house confirms an american aid worker, iraq worker, was beheaded. there is one american being held hostage. we don't have a name, but we do know that she's a 26-year-old aid worker from the west coast. call it deja vu or shall we say, deja cruz? the same cruise ship has been hit with another round of the noro virus. this is the second time in six months that passengers were sickened on that cruise liner. more than 170 people have come down with flu-like symptoms during a month long cruise. the cdc has dispatched a team to california to perform a deep cleaning. the dea conducting surprise inspections at at least three
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nfl games. medical staff with the tampa bay buccaneers, san francisco 49ers and the seattle seahawks are being spot checked for illegal prescription drugs. the dea says they're not targeting specific teams. they say it's a part of an investigation into claims from former players. those claims allege that the teams mishandled prescription drugs. everybody likes a wedding. beyonce's younger sister, solange ties the knot. she married a video director. alan ferguson. this happening in new orleans over the weekend. the couple breaking all the wedding rules by having everyone wear white. not breaking wedding rules, that is. she opted to wear a jump suit instead of a dress. a small group there, including her sister, beyonce, her brother-in-law, jay-z, and her mom. congratulations. and those are your headlines. >> thank you very much. now let's dial in donald trump. he joins us every monday at this time. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what do you make of jonathan
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gruber, the m.i.t. professor who earned at least $6 million, largely in federal funds for pushing what he admits was cloudy language in obamacare so we, the stupid american, wouldn't know what was in it? >> well, i had an uncle who was a great guy who is a professor at m.i.t. and now i'm starting to say well, maybe that wasn't as good as i thought. this gruber is bad news. he's really the dummy because to go around and give classes all over the place and say many, many bad things, almost worse than what he's been saying. but calling the americans stupid because essentially they approved the plan and congress approved the plan. he's calling them stupid. he knows the plan is no good. everybody knows the plan is no good. it's not working. not only the web site -- by the way, the web site continues not to work. but he knows all of this and he's going around saying stupid, but he knows that some day, i guess somebody will tape it.
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now they've come up with six, seven, eight tapes and i'm sure plenty more will come out. really, who is the dummy here? >> the president, good morning to you, donald trump. >> good morning. nice to have you back. >> always so excited to be here action but especially since i've been gone so long. president obama, though, when asked by ed henry sort of danced away from this. despite evidence that gruber was in the oval office, at crucial meetings. we're hearing his own words come out saying he played a part here, but yet the president says this as obamacare is looking more and more like a hoax. take a listen. >> at your town hall a couple days ago, you tried to inspire young leaders by saying governments need to be held accountable. i wonder how you square that with your former advisor, jonathan gruber, claiming you were not transparent about the health law because in his words, the american people, the voters are stupid. did you mislead americans about the taxes, about keeping your plan in order to get the bill passed? >> no. i did not. i just heard about this -- i get
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well briefed before i come out here. the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that i completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. >> your thoughts? >> well, it's typical obama, tries play down the advisor like he doesn't know him, doesn't know of him. oh, gee, i wonder who he is? lies. so many lies. and i'm a republican, but i'm so disappointed in republicans not bringing it to the end zone. they just don't bring it to the end zone. and there are so many things. all of the lies that went up to make obamacare should be the subject of a major lawsuit because it was a fraud. it was a total fraud. >> is that what you're saying, the republicans could bring it to the end zone by suing the government? >> look, whether it's benghazi, they don't bring it to the end zone. they talk about it and they talk and talk and everybody is
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talking. the irs, they talk and talk. i mean, everybody knows you can't get rid of e-mails. anybody that's ever been sued knows you can't get rid of e-mails. you have hard drives and you can't get -- you ever hear the expression, once an e-mail goes out, you can't get rid of it. and the republicans don't go and get those hard drives and they don't hire an expert to go and get them. it's a mathematical impossibility. you can't lose them. you can't lose them. you can go get them. so all talk and so those are two examples. you look at what's going on with obama, with you keep your doctor and you keep your plan and everything will be great. okay, i'll vote for it. then these characters in the house and senate, okay, i'll vote for it because we can keep our plan. well, he lied about that. we can keep our doctor. he lied about that. okay, good. let's vote for it. well, he's created a fraud.
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look, his whole administration is a fraud. now he says he doesn't know gruber. i can't help if some guy said this or that. well, the some guy was paid $6 million. and more. that's only the money they found so far. but he's been paid 6 million. 5 billion has been paid through a web site that doesn't work on obamacare. these people are extremely shady. they're extremely dishonest. they're probably incompetent. they're either incompetent or very bad people. but somebody should be done about t. i'm disappointed that mirins don't follow any -- my republicans don't follow anything up. i always say about politicians. they're all talk, no action. >> does this make you want to run for president? >> well, i see what's going on with the country. i see how bad things are. i see what's going on with china and mexico, by the way, with they're just ripping us now, mexico. they're the new one. they're the new boy in town that are just absolutely going after us. they've taken our money like
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it's coffee and frankly, they wouldn't let sergeant tahmoreesi, took 210 days to ge@ this guy out of jail. they had no respect. to this day, i don't think obama ever made one phone call. nobody has been able to prove that he has because if he had, even a modestly competent president would have gotten this kid out. >> i think greta van susteren did more to get tahmoreesi out than the president. >> absolutely. she was great on it. but it's very sad what's happening with this country. so when i look at the gross imcompetence and i look at the people that are running, i mean, i may surprise you. i may not be able to do your highest rated segment anymore on monday morning because if i run, they won't allow me to do it, right? >> that is correct. so are you saying at this point it looks like you're going to be running? >> well, i'm going to look at it. i'm going to look at who is running. one thing i know, people aren't going to be ripping us off. other countries aren't going to be ripping us off like china, what they're doing to us is incredible. you look at saudi arabia, you
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look at these countries. we talk about beheading. they're beheading people all over the place. but you look at what's been going on over the years with opec and how they play the game with u with all the energy in the world available. it's just absolutely insane. we have potential to be a truly great country again. i have to say again, because right now we're not respected by anybody. >> any of these candidates, would they be a better president than donald trump? >> i think i'd -- look, if i just decided to run, i think i would be a great president. and the united states would not be ripped off anymore. we are being ripped off by everybody. the united states would be back in a position where we would be respected again. >> when your tv show, "celebrity apprentice," concludes on nbc, is that about the time you probably would make the determination? >> well, the apprentice goes on -- years, 14 seasons and it's hard to believe. we had 15 copies of the
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apprentice, every one of them went off, and they within off quickly. i could name the people, but why embarrass them. but it's actually now with the 14th season and goes on january 4. after that, i'm allowed to do what i want. if you have a major television show, you're not allowed to run for office because otherwise they'd have to put every candidate -- nbc would have to give every candidate equal time, like two hours of prime time television. somehow i don't think that's going to happen. >> great point. >> we're counting mondays in our minds right now to treasure with you until then perhaps, mr. trump. >> you treasure these mondays 'cause maybe they won't be happening so much longer. >> tan at that liesing clue. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. sounds like he's in. coming up, right now it's 7:11 here in new york city. coming up, is ferguson, missouri a powder keg about to blow? protesters planning to hit the streets no matter what the grand
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it could happen any moment. we are awaiting a decision from a grand jury in missouri whether or not to pursue charges against police officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. the august shooting led to more than 100 days of protests in and around the city of ferguson. the latest over the weekend has demonstrators laid on the ground to play dead. you see that right here. these protests led to violence days after brown's death. but they fear it could lead to more protests. joining me is the executive director of the black fear. good morning. what are we bracing for? >> the left would like that all these different powder kegs, as we've called them, would erupt about ferguson because they're invested in it. they want a couple days notice because they're going to be loading up paid protesters and
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they've got people out that you just described over the weekend creating nonsense. effectively terrorizing the community of ferguson. there are people that want to go back to work. they want the disruption to disappear. but unfortunately, there is too much money invested in it on the other side. >> why businesses? why are they the target? >> there is no reason. what's really funny about this is that you've had barak obama, who had a secret meeting or unscheduled meeting with the various people from ferguson. they call them the ferguson leaders at the white house. but i don't think barak obama's talked to the family whose tire shot got broken into or the lady who invested her life savings in the doughnut shop that was right down the street from the ferguson riots. he's not made those phone calls. but what he will do is he tells those people to stay the course. >> when -- i believe that meeting took place november 5 that wasn't on the president's
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schedule. what does he mean by stay the course? this is before we actually have word on this jury. >> stay the course to barak obama means stay the course of fomenting hatred because he's only going to look to one side. what's leak out is the idea that darren wilson did his job, shot a kid, unfortunately, who did what it took that led to his own demise. but that narrative doesn't play very well for what barak obama wants to do. he's all about racism. there is so much money in it, my latest book is called "race pimping, the multi trillion dollars business of liberalism" because that's what this is about. this community is an amazing community and there are people setting up cop watch organizations in ferguson, missouri. it's incredulous to believe that. >> kevin, i remember barak obama then saying this is not black america, not white america. it's united states of america.
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i remember those words quite clearly. but yet what i'm hearing from you is that this violence, to stay the course in terms of protest and what i believe we're all fearing will happen perhaps in these moments and days ahead, this completes a narrative that liberals and this administration are in favor of? >> sure. they would love for things like this to continue because that's what barak obama's presidency has been built on. look, there has been nothing done in the black community by barak obama. you look at any statisticcal evidence around -- statisticcal data and you'll find barak obama has not improved anything for blacks in america. this is the only thing he has to manufacture, hatred, disruption and that's the only thing that's going to work for him. >> what would be, in your mind a proper response? >> the proper response would be for him to come out and say look, guys, this is a tragedy,
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but it is not going to rise to the level of us having to worry about violence breaking out all across america. we're going to clamp down on it. i can tell you this, i don't think barak obama's made a single phone call to the republican mayor of ferguson, to the chief of police, or to darren wilson's family. >> we will certainly look into that as well. we want to thank you for being with us. kevin jackson of the black sphere shooting straight with us on a serious topic and we're awaiting that decision. thank you. >> my pleasure. coming up, christopher columbus didn't discover america. muslims did? how one middle eastern leader is rewriting history, up next. and forget families. more americans saying they'll go shopping this thanksgiving. and musician, john tesh says we live in a very different world now. but is it better? he's live when we come back for you. ♪ ♪ (receptionist) gunderman group.
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gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. fast-acting advil is designed with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core technology stopping headaches and other tough pain. fast. relief doesn't get any better than this.
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now it's time for news by the numbers. first, ten. that's the percentage of all v.a. patients still waiting a month or more for treatment. 10%. patients who are being seen sooner are mostly getting care from private providers. not v.a. next, first trip to the united states overnight. the vatican announcing that pope francis will visit philadelphia next september. he also plans to stop in washington and here in new york. and finally, dumb is number one. >> i'm his associate, dr. christmas. >> christmas like the holiday? >> no. like the tree.
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>> i'm sorry, still funny to me. "dumb and dumber 2" bringing in enough to make it the number one movie in america. that's the news by the numbers. well, forget family time this year. more and more americans than ever are expected to go shopping on thanksgiving. >> is that the store's fault for staying open or are misplaced priorities to blame? >> let's bring in john tesh. you remember him from "entertainment tonight." and gibb gerard. >> we came in just for this. >> we called you very early. >> what do you think about it? it seems like everybody wants to get a good deal before christmas. so the stores are opening earlier and earlier and forget about the deal. but it's the families who have got to work. >> yeah. i think is a -- i call it a tylenol moment. this is a remarkable opportunity for the ceo of k-mart to say, i
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was just kidding. i thought it was a a good idea, but maybe we -- and just say listen, we weren't thinking, so maybe we should just -- we're going to get a do over and everybody go home. think about the press on that. >> you may be on to something because earlier we spoke with a mom and daughter, the mom had been work at k-mart for over 21 years and explaining to everyone why they, like you just said, just want some time together. take a listen. >> we are nonessential employees and i don't feel that we need to be open on a holiday. give us some time to spend with our family and this is all retail. not just k-mart. >> the message was, thanksgiving is not a commercial holiday. we're getting into a competition of who can be open the longest. and we need to get away from it. >> it's not just k-mart. it's a lot of stores. >> but just think about this, the ceo goes on camera and says, listen, we're sorry. we were just kidding. but -- so we're going to close. but we want all of you people
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who are watching us to come the next day. >> why not? because we're such good guys. >> we offer to pay them however much they're willing to work for us. double time. if we have you work on thanksgiving, we'll increase the pay rate. >> he's always the wet blanket. >> it's a great solution, i think. >> we got a bunch of e-mail from you watching regarding this. from gloria, she writes, as for working on thanksgiving, i think we should all go back to closing all businesses on all holidays. amen. >> one of the reasons this is not happening is internet messed everything up. >> you can go shopping all day long. >> right. so the brick and mortar stores are competing that way. we're used to on demand, even in k-mart. >> listen to these voices. what does wade say? >> if you tonight want to work on thanksgiving, then quit and work for another company who is closed.
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darn it. i added the darn it. >> i'm sure he doesn't mind. something you are going to be working on. tell bus this new show. >> we radio show, conima, my wife -- connie, does a show. we started september 15 on many fox stations and it's basically our family together, connie and i have been married 23 years. i joined people in progress at nine years old. a couple of grandkids. we take all the intelligence that we have on the radio, which is the best way to be a parent, shrink your waistline, and then we illustrate it and discuss it as a family. >> he doesn't make you work on a holiday, does he? >> he makes me work all the time. >> wait a minute! >> the problem is we're family -- >> i'm ceo of intelligence for life.
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>> we're family, too. so on thanksgiving we'll talk about business. i can't get away if it even if i want to. sign a petition. >> how many signatures? >> i'll get three. >> that's great. we love your show and you've been doing it for so long on the radio. >> yeah. >> give our best to connie because we know connie selleca is a big fan of "fox & friends." >> absolutely. give our best to petery doocy who is obviously the journalist in the family. >> whoa! >> i'm terribly sorry. >> we're both proud and offended at the same moment. >> thank you very much. >> thank you both for being here. >> if people would like to know where the show. >> find the station. >> we look forward to that. >> she posted pictures of her epic kill on facebook and animal activists are threatening her dog. does that sound like a double standard to you? this famous female hunter here to respond to these critics. and sooner or later, everyone has to face their
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>> (scream). >> don't. we have to fly to china early tomorrow morning. >> oh, you're in trouble! >> you know what? so i got this not get done in the next two years. >> is that the nobel peace prize he was wearing there? >> around his head, yes. >> or medal of honor. >> i think americans wouldn't mind seeing that every once in a while. that's not gridlock. >> that was "saturday night live"'s version of the so-called summit and mitch mcconnell. >> decorative medal there right on the head. we're going to turn our heads to heather nauert. we start off with a laugh. >> good morning to you. adrian peterson could learn his
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fate with the nfl by the end of the day. today the minnesota viking player is expected to appear at his disciplinary appeals meeting with the nfl. the league is determining if he should be punished further after his arrest for child abuse. peterson has missed eight games under suspension. he also pleaded no contest to misdemeanor assault charges. the state of indiana revamping its food stamp requirements soon. those who want to continue to collect government assistance will need to find a job first. social services will require at least 20 hours of work each week for those who want to receive benefits next year. the rule applies to people who are able to work and have no children. job training will also be considered a form of work. and did muslim sailors find the new world before christopher columbus? that's what turkish president of turkey is saying. he claims muslims reached american shores 300 years before christopher columbus. that's based on a note that the
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turkish president says was found in columbus' writings where he apparently found a mosque on top of a hill in cuba. what do you think of that? and a dog that is so afraid of doors. look at this pit bull. he's afraid to walk through doorways. how does he get from room to room? he walks out backwards so he doesn't see where he's going. and those are your headlines. >> way to take note there. >> a little cheesy. now it's time for extreme weather. dangerous driving in oklahoma city. we've got the video here that shows the driver of a pick up truck losing control. oh, my goodness. off the highway. i hope nobody was hurt right into the ditch. snow and freezing temperatures a big concern all across the country. maria molina tracking it from new york city where it was ten degrees cooler right now, we would have about a foot of snow.
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>> yeah. we would be looking at some significant snowfall across parts of the i-95 corridor. we do have some heavy snow farther off toward the west, across parts of ohio early this morning and also areas across western kentucky, indiana picked up some snow early this morning. about several inches. over the weekend, by the way, the same storm system produced snow across parts of the texas panhandle, central plains, including parts of missouri and even up into the great lakes region. you can see today it's on the move and across parts of new england, we're also seeing that snow coming down across maine, vermont, and also the state of new hampshire. we also have some severe weather being a concern with this storm system. we have several tornado watches in effect across parts of florida, georgia and also in alabama and that risk for severe storms will continue today. you can see we have two tornado warnings currently in effect out there across parts of the gulf coast. otherwise very cold air continues to move over the great lakes, we'll have a significant lake effect snow event taking place out here over the next several days.
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we're talking lake effect snow warnings already in place and several feet of snow possible off of the great lakes, especially off lake erie, across the buffalo metro area. they're expecting several feet of snow from the storm system over the next few days. that's wednesday. you can already see more than two feet expected out in that area and here is a quick look at your current windchill temperatures. 7 below in rapid city. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. it's a family friendly film that is sure to get a lot of laughs. >> we've arrived in the center of dublin, ireland. we got to blend in. river dance. ♪ ♪ >> i give the orders around here. >> you were supposed to handcuff them. >> but they don't have hands. they just have flippers. >> and i have flippers. >> so it's flipping useless! >> the new fox film "penguins of mad gas -- madagascar" premiered
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last night. michael tammero was on the red carpet last night. >> it was fantastic. >> good weather for penguins. >> it was perfect. we first met rico, skipper and private at fox fan weekend. >> yes. >> they were a small part of the madagascar family. they were so popular that dream works and fox thought they could headline their own movie. we see how the super spy team was formed as they go off to save all of pen wingkind. -- penguinkind against dave the octopus. features the voices of john malkovich who is making his first animated feature debut. they're stage trained actors. we caught up with them last night. brian park ice rink here in new york city, and talked a little bit about their performances.
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>> i love the look of the character and it's animated. touch an entertaining way. of course, they have their own ideas, own concepts. but they also use what they see you do to help sort of physicalize the character. >> when i heard how much john was moving to the rhythm of his beast, i thought i got to up my game. it's great. it's great. he's wonderful. but i can make -- i can be more expresssive. >> he's so hot right now. it opens up nationwide thanksgiving. there is enough adult humor. >> we were told to refer to him as arrest machine dough christian parures. >> what's the matter with you? >> perez. >> okay. >> he was having that kind of day apparently.
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>> you can catch nor in the and our new pod cast. we have three episodes up there. and twitter me. >> thanks for hanging with us. 20 minutes before the top of the hour on this monday. coming up, in the wake of another beheading of an american by isis, how should the white house respond? they haven't done anything yet, have they to mention? no troops on the ground yet. lieutenant colonel oliver north is going to weigh in on what should happen. and she posted pictures of her epic kill on facebook. and now animal activists are threatening her dog. does that sound like a double standard to you? this famous female hunter here to respond to those critics. first, the "fox & friends" question of the day. born on this date in 1949, this republican was a linebacker in high school, coached by future notre dame coach gary faust. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer.
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welcome back. to quick headlines. more than half a calls to poison control about energy drinks are for children younger than six years old. researchers from that study now calling for stronger warning labels on the cans to add side effects for children which include seizures and heart problems. and pucker up. dutch researchers say kissing helps boost your immune system by giving your partner your germs, their bodies are better prepared against whatever you might come down with later. i'll send think kiss. steve? >> thank you. fox news alert. a gruesome new video posted on
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the internet claims to show the beheading of an american hostage. peter kassig killed by isis militants after he was kidnapped from an aid mission that he started back in 2013. you're not going to see that video here. we're honoring his family's request for privacy. one thing that's consistent in all of the videos, it seems like they're taunting america. come here. go to war. fox news military analyst lieutenant colonel oliver north joins us from our nation's capitol. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> you listen to the message and that is what it sounds like. it sounds like they're saying, come on over here. but is that ultimately what they want? >> well, they're taughting us. no doubt. they also know very well, because they understand our media and they understand americans' politics. barak obama is not going to send ground combat troops into this war. doesn't say what might happen a couple years from now. but he's not going to do that. what we're finding is the
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peshmerga forces are effective against isis in northern iraq. kurdish casualties are down and the isis dead and captured are going up. by the way, we are not being given access to those captured isis fighters to gain intelligence because we simply don't have, quote, enough troops on the ground to do that kind of intelligence work. the effectiveness of air attackn disruptive. but it's hardly destroyed isis. so now we're finding in southern and central iraq that isis continues to consolidate in primarily sunny area and threaten baghdad. yesterday the very first time isis managed to cut the road between the capitol and baghdad international airport where we've got all those aircraft and stand-by quick response forces and the like. >> sure. >> this attack contradicts dempsey's comment last week about the increased effectiveness of iraqi security. so you got to wonder, what does this administration really think? what are they doing? they're not apparently doing
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much because the promise of simply degrading and destroying isis is not a strategy. so what we'd like to know, and i think what's important to know, what is their definition of victory? isis knows what theirs is. that's driving us out of the lands of the prophet. >> sure. you've got a headline right there that i haven't heard anywhere else and that is that isis now controls the road between baghdad airport and baghdad. that is a big headline. that should be in all the newspapers and on all the television shows, but of course, they don't want any boots on the ground either. >> well, apparently not. of course, knowing that, when your enemy knows what you will not do and this administration appears to be incapable of defining the word victory in this war action isis wins. if you don't know what your goal is, you can't have a strategy that works. the administration's inyes, ma'amal augmentation is lyndon johnson and vietnam, the sequel and it's not a good sequel. >> no kidding. lieutenant colonel oliver north joining us from our dc bureau.
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thank you very much. >> steve. >> 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, hypocrisy alert. this hunter facing threats of her own from people. she's here to respond to those critics and you'll hear all about the bear hunt backlash. and on this date in 1987, billy idol's cover of "money, money," number one across america. ♪ ♪ when diet and exercise aren't enough,
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congrats. well, famous female hunter facing backlash this morning after posting this photo that you see here of her successful kill during a bear hunt in north carolina. >> animal activists attack her, calling her sick and psychotic. one even went after her family pet, saying, quote, kill that worthless little dog instead. eva joins us now. good morning. >> good morning, guys. thanks for having me. >> did you expect anything like this after you and your father bagged a couple of black bears in north carolina? this is pretty sick stuff. >> it is sick. i agree with you. but unfortunately, we actually have to deal with that quite a lot. so this comment particularly, i've never heard someone tell me to kill my puppy before. but comments like this definitely happen to us. >> what is your reaction? what do you have to say to people who may share those sentiments? >> well, honestly, if anything, it makes me a little bit sad
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because the people that are saying these things, i think they're showing hatred is actually because of their fearful. they don't understand why we hunt. they don't understand hunting and conservation and all the good things that we're doing. so instead of asking questions and trying to learn about it, they just show hatred and say mean things and say aggressive things. i just don't think that's what they would really believe and what they would say if they understood a little bit more. >> this is something familiar to you. your dad, famous for his hunting adventures. i'm sure he had some advice for you in dealing with the negativity. what did he say? >> he does. he's been amazing, amazing role model. so glad i had him. he always says stay above. like stay classy. don't stoop down to that level. they say things that are really hurtful and i read them and i go oh, my gosh. like does that person have a mother or a father that ever taught them not to speak like that to somebody? i don't think they would speak like that in person to me. i don't think they would say it to my face. i'm sure it's because they're
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behind a computer. but it still gets to you. it's human response. they say something hurtful, like my dad just shoot me in the head. i mean, it happens. that's what they say. i'm like, oh, my goodness. he says stay above it. show what you believe. i believe with every part of me that what i'm doing is right, so there is nothing that i'm apologizing for. so in that sense, i mean, i'm not going to apologize to them. but i will say that i'd love to explain to them, i'd love to show them every day what i do and hunt something a good thing. >> a lot of americans on social media, even folks who are not big hunting proponent, have said listen, back off. for example, bob in maryland, one positive post. the antiradicals, you are a strong role model for young women and hunters in general. keep up the good work. what's the lesson for you and for young women and for everybody in this country about responding to this kind of abusive behavior and keeping your head up? what's the message that you want going forward about you, your
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family, and what you believe in terms of hunting? >> i think the biggest thing as far as being a proud hunter is that what we're doing is a good thing. we're raising huge, huge, huge amounts of money for conservation every year, something the antihunters, they're fighting hunters. but when they're fighting hunters, technically they're just fighting us raising money for wildlife habitat and that's not really doing anything for them. it's backfiring. so if they understood how much money we're putting into hunting, how in north carolina specifically, the hunt i was just on, the bear population and the human population, they're both rising really fast and obviously we're not going to get rid of the humans. so at that point, you have no choice. it's human nature, you need to make room for the humans to live there. you have to keep the bear population in check. if the hunters don't do it, then the bears are going to be increasing, there is highway collision, there is huge, huge dollars lost. and if farmers don't do it, it
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won't be as nice as the farmers. >> we want to thank you for being with us. we want to talk to you more and bret baier will join us at the top of the hour. >> thanks so much e pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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good morning. it is monday, november 17. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. isis beheads another american. this time a former army ranger. so is the united states ready to amp up the fight against the islamic state? bret baier is live with the pentagon's new announcement straight ahead. and according to the president, his obamacare architect never even worked on his staff. so how does the president explain this? >> so we had a meeting in the oval office with several experts, including myself, on what can we do? >> and adding insult to injury, wait until you hear how many millions professor gruber was
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paid with your dollars. >> #grubergate. we introduced you to this daughter fighting k-mart to give her mom and other employees thanksgiving off. should the retailer listen and others as well? your e-mail are pour not guilty on this one because a lot of people out there have had to work on holidays. you'll want to hear their comments. thank you for joining us. you're watching "fox & friends" live from new york city. from studio e, it's "fox & friends," the world's number one cable morning news show. we got peter in for brian and we've got elisabeth in for elisabeth. great to have you back. >> it is great to be back. always an honor to have you all with us in the morning. >> absolutely. >> bret baier, who is with us as well. good morning to you, bret. >> good morning. >> we start with a fox news alert. the white house has confirmed the death of peter kassig, a former army ranger who then went
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back to syria to work as an aid worker. he converted to islam before his death. what else do we know about the circumstances about this young man's beheading, bret? >> obviously as any beheading is, it was gruesome, brutal. this video is different than the other videos in that it was longer. it was not as slickly produced as the others. the figure of the black robed english accent executioner, he was there, but it wasn't the same. and analysts are already starting to speculate that it may have been because there was something wrong, something went wrong, either kassig pushed back, wouldn't say anything, or maybe resisted in some way, or they weren't able to stay outside because of the threat from air strikes that had been happening in syria and iraq. >> there was some suggestion that maybe he wouldn't read the statement as others have in the
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past. also at the same time, it looks like the secretary of defense, chuck hagel, says we're speeding up the training of the iraqis to fight isis. but at the same time, we just heard from ollie north 15 minutes ago, he says that isis has taken the road between baghdad airport and baghdad. that's not the right direction. >> no. we have seen advances by isis and it's kind of like hitting a water balloon. you hit one side of it and then it expands other places. and we've seen this before. anbar province, to the west of baghdad, is now home to isis. we are still seeing the battles up in the north with the kurds and there is significant thought that more troops of some level of experience will be needed on the ground, whether they're u.s. troops or other troops, they're going to need something, according to people at the pentagon. >> strong message needs to be
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sent, according to former u.s. navy seal who we had on. this was his message about that. >> this is a radical militant group. the problem is there is mo co-existence. they are going to try to eliminate us. we need to eliminate them first. if i was in charge, i would completely eradicate a large section of that area, just to stop the beheadings. just to send a message, don't mess with us. we're here to protect our interests and ourselves. we absolutely need a show of force to say, this is no longer a game. these people are here to kills. the president needs to tell them hey, if you don't do something about this, i will. >> word from the pentagon, our next move? >> well, this train will go speed up. they have not ruled out troops on the ground in various situations, even up in the north to retake mosul. that has been talked about. but there is a sense here that he's right, that strength is the thing that plays the best in the middle east overall and weakness is provocative, especially with
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a group as brutal as isis. >> absolutely. let's switch gears. >> bret n what's becoming almost something of a perceiving it as a hoax, as cruel trick on the american people with regard to this professor gruber and what the american government thinks about the american people, and now we hear president obama downplaying jonathan gruber's role in implementing obamacare. but he also admits gruber admits he actually worked with the president. take a look at this. >> according to gruber, who has, somewhere in the vicinity of an $8 billion cost. >> okay. so there you got john kerry, former senator of the great state of massachusetts, and he's talking about how they used gruber, congress did, as a resource. the president famously was asked by our own ed henry while he was on the road about comment and accountability. this is becoming a full-blown -- a big problem for the white
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house, isn't it? >> it is. and the fact that the president said the fact that an advisor who was never on our staff expressed an opinion, i think that is a disconnected reality here because you listen to gruber not just in the one interview on frontline, but numerous speeches, numerous times he talks about being in the oval office with the president and a few other chosen economists going through line by line how they were going to get this bill across the finish line, how they were going to raise the funds to be able to pay for obamacare in a way that was politically appealing, if you will, to get it pasassed, lawmakers and past the american public. >> they used his mathematical skill to justify what seemed to be their plan and what now moan americans feel is a hoax. wool pulled over their eyes. he was there in 2009, four days before he sat down with douglas
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ellendorph of the cbo as the director. he said, the math isn't adding up. i'm not going to be able to save the money we thought. that's when they called in jonathan gruber and over time, he made close to $6 million in consulting fees from the government right here. i mean, 2.5 million from 2.05 from the national institute of health, close to 2 million from the department of justice, 1.6 million from at least four states when you scatter it around, $392,000 from health department. so it's almost $400,000. this isn't just someone who happened to be around there that they weren't listening to. he was paid to give his mathematical opinion to justify the means. >> yeah. it's a big deal. we add it all up, there are a number of states that have some explaining to do as well. he was well respected in the circle of pro-obamacare and trying to explain it. he even came up with a comic book which kind of adds to the
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unbelievable scenario of this story. the fact that we are where we are, the president's answering these questions on the road, and you have the administration now in full pushback mode to try to sell obamacare at the same time. i think it's doubly egregious that we are one of the only places you've seen this story. >> no kidding. listen, have your special report team figure this out 'cause peter and i were talking before the show. why on earth would the department of justice pay him $1.7 million? we can't figure it out. >> incredible. >> yeah. i think we got to do some digging on all of that and also the states. what role did he play in all of these states. some of them where the economics was upside down in those states. >> sure. he's got to go start work on today's big telecast. it is at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. bret, thank you very much. have a great day. and see you back here on monday. >> okay. now let's turn to heather. lot going on. you want to bring everybody.
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>> good morning to you. hope you're off to a great day. there is an nfl shocker underway. the d.e.a. conducting surprise inspections at at least three nfl games yesterday. they were look for illegal prescription drugs. medical staff with the tampa bay buccaneers, san francisco 49ers, and the seattle seahawks were spot checked. the d.e.a. says this is part of an investigation into claims from former players that the team's illegally supplied them with pain killers. trouble on the high seas. the same crown princess cruise ship that had to be scrubbed of the norovirus in the spring has been hit with another round of the highly contagious illness. this is the second time in six months passengers were sickened on the cruise line. more than 170 people have come down with flu-like symptoms on a month-long cruise from l.a. to tahiti. the cdc has dispatched a team to california to perform a deep cleaning. pope francis planning his first trip as pope to the united
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states. overnight the vatican confirming that he will visit philadelphia in september of next year. he also plans to stop in dc and new york. the daughter of a k-mart employee pleading with her mother's employer for more family time this thanksgiving. she launched a petition asking k-mart to change its thanksgiving hours so her mom can spend the day at home with her family. right now the store plans to stay open for 42 hours. jillian and her mom spoke with us earlier on "fox & friends." listen. >> we're getting into a competition of who can be open the longest. we need to get away from it. it's never been about me. it's about everybody who has to sacrifice to keep their job and not be with their family on the holidays. >> k-mart responding, saying it will switch donna's shift and honor her original request. she says then somebody else just gets stuck having to work. a lot of people writing in. >> absolutely.
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>> here is what janet says. thank you so much. i have worked 17 years at k-mart as a receiving manager. i gladly look forward to work on the forward. the pay and holiday cheer are exceptional. >> bob says, get a grip. thanksgiving can be any day that you choose. my family has several thanksgivings every year and not on that specific day. >> richard writes to us, he says you got to be kidding me, lady. just go to work. you can celebrate by eating a turkey sandwich while on break. i did it for years and was very well compensated. actually, we never close. i worked a lot of holidays as well. you get both sides. it's easy to see. >> i guess you can move thanksgiving, sort of. depends on if your family can do that. >> a lot of people have to. >> keep those comments coming. we love to share them. >> we do. 11 minutes after the top of the hour. up next, these three terrorists have one thing in common. they all got jobs at the same american airport. who let that happen? the reporter who broke that
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welcome back. do you remember this terrorist? before he died waging jihad overseas, he worked at the airplane in minneapolis, minnesota cleaning planes for passengers just like you and me. this morning, months after that story first broke, we find out he wasn't alone. investigative reporter for fox 9 in minneapolis has uncovered the disturbing new details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. the context is what's really so frightening. we have had 36 men and in some cases women for the twin city, who have left, been recruited from here to go fight overseas for terror groups, including these three who worked at the airport. we've already told you about the man who cleaned airplanes, also
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fueled them, had a security clearance that gave him access to the airport tarmac, as well as the airplanes. he died fighting for isis in syria alongside dan mccain, who is also from minnesota. we also have learned of another man who worked at a coffee shop. he was a barista. he would later die fighting for al-shabab. he became a suicide bomber about three years after he left twin cities international. that followed on the heels of another man from minneapolis. he was an airport cart driver at the airport. he would shuttle people from gate to gate. he ended up becoming the first american suicide bomber for al-shabab. again, about three or four years after he left the airport. the thing that this really underscores and according to tsa internal documents that we've obtained is this insider home-grown threat and the risk that someone from the airport could be recruited.
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in this case, it looks like they were readycallized after they left the airplane and that the airport was never their intended target. but it really does underscore this insider threat in our airports, which even tsa says may be the number one threat right now. >> this is somewhere between disturbing and terrifying. what is the tsa doing now? what is the federal government doing now in terms of checking out employees in that airport and in airports across the country to make sure that we don't have that kind of high rate, that high suicide terror rate that we see in the minneapolis airport? >> that's really the question. tsa says they have a layered security that's redundant that, they do spot checks that surprises a real element of their security. we talked to the former assistant secretary of homeland security, former head of tsa not only nationally, but here as well, and he worries that while we do these federal background checks, federal state databases, nci fingerprints, that it's not
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catching a lot. about 25% of the 17,000 workers from our airport come from overseas and a lot of the data we have on them is really incomplete. even birth dates are incomplete. he says the other thing we're not doing, we're not checking known associates. we're not checking their name and whether they're associated with known radicals or known recruiters. he's afraid that kind of work is not being done currently. >> tom lyden, great reporting, fox 9, we really appreciate that. thank you so much. >> you bet. every parent wants to hold their baby the moment he or she born. for those who cannot, our next guest invented the next best thing. she's here next to share it with all of you. and here is one ceo who really does stand by his product he'll be here, yes, live later
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time for quick headlines. 23 minutes after the top of the hour. talk about a low light. watch as the saints fan snatches a ge ball away from a bengals fan in new orleans. you can see the player tried tossing the ball to the cincinnati fan. she begs for the saints fan to give it up, but he's not having it. feel the saints oranization gave her another ball. job well done. and she might still be a teen-ager, but the first female pitcher to win a little league world series game has a lot to talk about.
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monet davis is publishing a memoir. the book will be released next march. very nice. now over to elisabeth and a special guest. at seven months pregnant with her first child, our next guest was told she had a life-threatening disorder that would kill her and her child if she didn't have an emergency c-section. so jackson delivered her baby boy, zach. he was tiny, weighing in at less than two pounds. you see that right there. precious, but once this little guy started to grow, he didn't stop. he's now 13 years old. what a blessing and in great health thanks to his mom. she is now using that experience as motivation to help so many others, the creator of the zachy pillow and the kangaroo zach. she joins me now. what an honor to sit with you. i know so many moms can relate right now to being in your situation. tell us a little bit about your story. 28 weeks pregnant, is that correct? >> 28 weeks pregnant, yeah.
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he was born at 28 weeks. >> how long were you in the hospital? >> i was in the hospital for three days. he was there for five months. >> it's a blessing that they are there, but the care is so important and really the comfort of that little one to grow. tell us your experience and why you wanted to create the zachy. >> the zachy came because i had a child and i wanted to be with him. i didn't want him to be alone. really women want to stay with their children and have their children basically when the baby is born, when the baby is sick, or when the moms have to travel or work and leave the baby. so all these three happened to me. i had the child. i wanted to hold him because he was sick. but he was very sick, i couldn't hold him. then i had to go home at night. i couldn't stay with him at night. so i wanted to leave something of me with him so he would not
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feel abandoned or sad. >> we're looking at this picture here. it is so precious. is it the blue -- >> that's the original zachy. >> so tell us about the first prototype, really. >> yes. the nurses taught me how to use my hands to comfort him. and not to rub him 'cause he would be overstimulated. so just to place my hands. i would hold him all i can, which is what you want to do with preemies. hold them all you can, but when you can't or you're not there, then leave something. so the idea of the glove came because it simulated my hand that helped position him, helped holding him when i was not there. >> it's remarkable. i'm holding the zachy right now and it's comforting just to sit with it. >> yes. >> you're so brilliant. you used your engineering background. >> yes, i have four engineering degrees. my concentration is american
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economics. >> an outstanding heart you have. it feels as though one is holding you gently and i can see how it would help so many, including military families. i would imagine that there are many military moms and dads who would find this so useful if they have to be away for some time. >> military families, a lot of the parents or both have to leave babies. when they come, they don't know their moms or dads. so by leaving the zachy scented -- you pick up putt it on the chest or neck. it helps with positioning and transition and other things. but the baby learns the scent of the dad or the mom. so when they come back, they know them. it's also used for adopted parents when the baby needs to learn the scent. >> of course. >> babies are born knowing their mom, knowing the scent of the
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mom. so we want to have the subsequent of the mom because that comforts them. but we want the baby to learn the scent of the dad as soon as possible. >> no pun intended, i have to hand it to you. we had our little one in the hospital for some time. when we had to switch shifts, this would have been just in my heart, such a mom life saver in so many ways, in addition to comforting isiah at that time. your baby, zachary, who is now 13, is here right now with us. come on in. hi, zach. how are you? what a pleasure to meet you. what do you have to say about your mom really bag hero for so many parents? look at you now. what do you think of her? >> i'm proud of her. >> and i'm proud of him. he helped so many kids around the world and so many families. >> this really started with a gardening glove. can you believe it? look at a gordoning glove now, do you think, my life is different now. i really had a chance because my mom used that glove to help me.
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what do you think about that? probably can't say thanks enough, right? you might have a little invention skill in you. do you have any projects in the works? >> he's a little engineer. >> i bet he is. a miracle, but the mindfulness, the brilliance of your mom right here, we are honored to have you here with us at fox. love this story. >> thank you. >> how can we get this product? >> in our web site, it's a way to relax babies and help them sleep. >> it's relaxing me right now. i think so many moms and dads are feeling it. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> it is awesome to see you here >> thank you for reminding us and for the visit and your great mindfulness. >> thank you so much. >> peter and steve, i'm going to throw it over to you. fox news alert, moments ago,
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major news on the ebola virus outbreak and this news is not good. >> president obama says i don't know him. the obamacare architect that called voters stupid. but the evidence suggests otherwise. what does that mean for the president and democrats going forward? karl rove, there he is, joins us live next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ what can your fidelity greenline do for you? just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today.
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the united states for treatment is dead. nebraska health officials confirming dr. martin salia died as a result of advanced symptoms of the ebola virus. he contracted it while working in west africa. he was a native of sierra leone and leaves behind his american wife and two kids. they live in maryland. but once again, the headline is that man has died of ebola in nebraska. >> very sad. let's bring in karl rove to talk about some other stuff on this monday. good morning to you. >> good morning. how is everybody? >> we're doing okay. we're probably doing better than the president is explaining this whole gruber thing. now he's talking about, i don't know who he is. he never worked for us. anybody buying that? >> well, that's a mistake. it's like that movie "clear and present danger," when harrison ford tells the president, what they say is your friend, say it's your good friend. look, he was invited into the white house with two other economists to brief the president. he's in and out of the white
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house. you can go to white and after september 15 of 2009 he's in at least three times. one to see orszag, one to see in charge of domestic policy and health care policy. we don't know -- i couldn't find out before the 15th of september how many times he was in. again, getting paid $400,000 by the department of hhs to be an advisor to the white house and to the department on affordable care act. >> he has made $6 million, including money from the feds and the states as well to push this thing. >> what's the strategy now from the administration, do you think? how do they handle this? the cat is out of the bag. >> they're going to probably make this about gruber. but we ought not to let it be about gruber because look, every single major promise used to sell the affordable care act has turned out to be wrong and more importantly, everybody -- health economists and others knew it was wrong at the time. if you like your plan you can keep it. one of the important principles of the affordable care act is we
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have too many plans that are not necessarily, quote, conforming to the standards the administration wants, so you have to lose them. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor? no. the affordable care act says you got too many doctors, too many choices. we need to narrow the networks. all of these promises that were used to sell it were essentially false at the time. >> the premise seems to be the american people, you're really stupid and we're capable of tricking you. we had melissa francis on, a great anchor on the business channel. she was at cnbc and she was basically told that her questions about the bad math of obamacare was disrespectful to the office of the president. basically you're unamerican and not patriotic. please react to what she said to us this morning. >> i'm trained in economics. i went to harvard. this is what i do. you looked at the math of obamacare and it didn't make sense. you said you can't add millions of people and have it not cost everyone. you can't add people who have preexisting conditions and not
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charge more. and maybe folks would still be in favor if they knew the facts. but they needed to know the facts. so i would pursue that line of questioning and after the show one day i got called up to my manager's office and told that i needed to stop. i said why? this is math. not politics. >> what did they say? >> they said i was disrespecting the office of the president. >> sounds like cnbc was running interference from the white house. >> most of the major media was. this is bending the health care curve. this was the administration's claim that by adding tens of millions of people into the health care system, we would somehow be able to bend the total amount of money being spent in america on health care, first moderate its incline and then bring about an absolute decline, which again, you talk to any reputable health economist at the time and said no way this is going to happen. >> yeah. that's all she would say. >> look, they also gamed the rules of the cbo. not only as gruber outlined with regard to the tax on cadillac insurance plans and not only with regard to the individual
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mandate being a tax, but they also gamed it op the overall cost of it by borrowing $500 billion, half of the cost of the first ten years, from medicare, which is going broke, at the same time that they were counting those $500 billion in medicare cuts as savings that would offset the unfunded liabilities of the program. >> they took it right out of the hands of congress. that's where the power was prior to that. speaking of, republicans now weigh ago government shutdown to put pressure against the president who seems to be ready to use executive action as it relates to immigration. good move? >> actually it's not republicans. it's a few republicans. >> okay. >> let's go back. when we had the government shut down last year, which didn't work, incidentally. you may remember the polling and the immediate aftermath, 17% of the american people approved of it. 81% didn't. who did they blame? it was like 59% blamed the republicans. 15% said it was both the president and the congress and the rest the president. republican party democratic
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party were sort of like this at that point. the republicans took a steep decline and it took us a year to get back. not a single one in these competitive races to beat democrats or take democrat seats, not a single candidate was out there defending the government shutdown. >> so they're not going to do it this time. >> look, there are ways to do this. but the idea of let's shut down the government unless the president agrees not to do the executive order, that didn't work last year with getting him to get rid of obamacare. they need to be a lot smarter and more agile this year. >> it's too bad the newly elected officials can't present something, be given the chance to present something as the american people have sent them there to do. >> starting january 4, something tells me they will be. >> all right. thank you very much. >> you bet. >> look who is over there doing headlines. >> there we go. >> great to see you. i've got news from overseas. we have dramatic new video coming in this morning and it reportedly shows the moment after malaysian airline flight mh 17 was shot down in eastern
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ukraine. you can see a massive black cloud rising from the crash site as shocked residents run to try to help with buckets of water. 298 people were killed when the plane that was leaving amsterdam was shot down by pro-russian rebels. you already paid for the roads, but now you'll pay for illegal immigrants to drive on them. starting in january, california is expanding its dmv weekend hours to accommodate the 1 1/2 million illegal immigrants who are expected to apply for driver's licenses in 2015. that means a bigger staff, more paperwork, and a lot more waiting in line. the price tag to give illegals who want those licenses is estimated to top $141 million. and caught on camera, a home burglar learns not to mess with a veteran. surveillance individual know she's the veteran trying to take the man down. he was trying to rob him. he managed to keep him there until police arrived.
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the seattle homeowner says the crook broke into his home a few days earlier, so he installed cameras to catch him the next time. yeah, you tonight want to mess with a veteran. those are your headlines. >> the camera didn't do that. >> don't mess with the military is right. >> thanks. straight ahead, democrats and republicans working together to pass the keystone pipeline bill. but now president obama reportedly ready to veto that. maria bartiromo is here with the economic fallout that the american people might not like. and meet the ceo who really stands behind his product. he survived and he's here in our studio to tell the tale. >> we're not going to take a shot at him. >> no, absolutely not.
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members of the house approving the keystone pipeline in a sweeping bipartisan vote and this week the senate is set to act on the pipeline as well. setting up a possible showdown with the white house. >> if keystone is passed, will president obama actually veto the bill? that's a big question. joining us now from our sister network, fox business, maria bartiromo. great to see you. >> good to see you. >> right now we're look at bipartisan support for this. i would imagine that everyone understands that there are benefits to this being passed money wise, what are we looking at? >> reporter: you would think this is the easy one. this is the low hanging fruit that would be one situation where the two sides could come together. but you know what? it's really not that easy when you listen to president obama and what he has to say over the weekend about this and where the oil is coming from, canada going through america, being sold to everybody else is the way he sold it, the way he talked about it yesterday. i think that the senate will pass it, but it looks likely now
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that the president will veto this bill. this is supposed to create 40,000 jobs, shovel ready jobs, as the president has said in the past, because these are jobs that people need skill sets to do. it's a higher salary because it's actually construction, getting the product from the ground. it's also you would think safer than carrying crude oil on rail car, which is what we're doing right now. and yet, now the question is open as far as whether this is actually going to pass. even though it's a major job creator. >> maybe the congress -- the house has voted on this kind of stuff a million times. maybe there will be such a super majority in the senate, it would be veto proof, because when you look at the public opinion of the keystone pipeline, about 60%, which would be that super majority, they favor only about a third opposed. 10% have never heard of the keystone pipeline, which is troubling. >> that is troubling. you're right. the people understand that this is a job creator. if there is anything that is the
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easy stuff to think about as far as creating jobs, it's the energy situation that we have in this country. and this amazing shale revolution that's happening. that, along with the keystone pipeline, is one of the reasons that oil prices are down, by the way, because people understand that there is enough oil and gas in the world. you've got to look at this as a global market. this is not just about the u.s. >> there are a million pipelines in the united states. if this was the first one and people were, i don't know about a pipeline, you look at the map, they're all over the place. >> it's a really good point. when you consider the fact that crude oil right now is being transported by rail car, an accident in terms of all of that oil falling is so much easier to think about than actual oil coming through a pipeline under the sea. >> you know who owns a lot of the trade? >> warren buffet. and you would have to believe warren buffet is telling obama, don't do this. obviously it will take his market share. >> with 60% of americans favoring this, you would think he would hear that. >> who does he listen to?
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warren or the people? >> we're talking about jobs this morning on opening bell on the "fox business" network because we're also going to go back to look at what is possible for immigration. if the president goes it alone and forces those 5 million people will not be deported, what does that mean for jobs in america? we're going to talk about that. >> that's the question this morning on the "fox business" network. >> don't miss it. you want to know where it is in your town? go to >> thanks, maria. up next, ceo who literally stands behind his product, he survives that shootout on the car. he's live in our studio. good morning to you. and first, hey, bill. >> hey. good morning to you. elisabeth, a wonderful welcome back to you. >> thank you, my friend. >> i missed you and to you and your family, it's great to see you. >> happy 50th to bill hemmer. >> is it your 50th? >> it was. >> happy birthday. >> thank you very much. nice to see the three of you. good morning. it happened again.
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another american beheaded. what will we do to stop this? breaking news on ebola we just mentioned. what will republicans do with the senate majority? rob portman will answer that next live. and what do you do and how do you win a war when the white house is controlling your every move? that is the claim now from the former secretary of defense. we'll have that for you when martha and i see you at the top of the hour the conference call.
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he joins us live in the studio today. we saw that last week. we said he's not budging. that is obviously a mannequin. >> yeah. that's what a lot of people think. they think i'm a mannequin in there. i want to concentrate on not flinching, i think that's what i was just still. >> were you nervous? >> a little. but i have seen thousands of these tests over the years. not one penetration has ever happened. >> you know, when you went home and told your wife what you did at work that day, what did she say? >> yeah. made a point not to tell her before hand. it was something that i told myself no, we're not going to tell her. i'll just do it and then after she sees the finished product, she'll enjoy t. that's what happened. she was a little shocked. >> your daughter is in the green room. you're a father! you can't be having the employees shooting at you at work! >> that's right. i'm a father of seven children. >> oh, my goodness! look at that. i had no idea. ultimately, though, while this
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is quite a video presentation, it really is a great sales tool. if i was somebody who needed that kind of protection, i'd be thinking that's the guy i want to hire. >> that's what we're hoping to happen. that's one of the reasons why we created the video. we've done all kinds of tests before without humans hyped the glass -- behind the glass or in the vehicle. >> there at texas armory, who do you do those cars for? >> a lot of our clients are very wealthy politicians or just wealthy businessmen overseas, most of the time they go overseas. you have to have a commerce department license to have the vehicle. so our commerce department does license them. >> i would imagine. in that car that we're looking at that's getting the shots at, how thick is that glass? >> that's two inches thick. it's going to stop ak 47, 308 type weapons. >> and how much would it cost to armor up a vehicle like that? >> not including the price of the car, that's about an $85,000
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job. >> but in some parts of the world, and you said your business is booming in west africa right now. >> that's correct. >> $85,000 is a small price to pay for being alive. >> that's right. that's right. they're worried about being kill or even kidnapped on the street for ransom. they get held for ransom. >> after that came out, millions of views, because people are thinking, nobody is that dumb to be behind the wheel, but it makes a good point. has it helped sales? >> it has. we received thousands of inquiries. it's really helping sales, yes. >> is your wife ever going to let do you that again? >> she said let's make it a one-time deal. >> she's a wise woman. trent kimble, the ceo of texas armory, incorporation. thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> more "fox & friends" works minutes from right now introducing nexium 24hr
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fox news alert into the news room. the american surgeon infected with the ebola virus who was brought to the united states not long ago for treatment is dead. nebraska health officials confirming that dr. martin salia died as a result of advanced symptoms of the virus. he contracted ebola while working in west africa. his death now the second here on american soil. we have been told that he was not in good shape and now tragic end. >> the sickest patient that had come. maria, you've been manning the radar screens. what a lousy weekend weather wise. >> too cold. >> yeah. and that storm system still on the move. we have had some snow across parts of ohio. you can see on your screen. those are images out of that state. and other areas hit as well across portions of new england, the plains over the weekend, and now we're looking at arctic air moving eastward and highs in places like atlanta, in places
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like also raleigh, north carolina should only be in the 30s. by the way, feet of snow forecast across the great lakes. >> get out the long john. >> thank you. >> see you. bill: a whole new week and president obama ready to go on it alone on immigration. expected to grant amnesty with single stroke of the pen. but his own words are coming back to haunted him. why is that? welcome to america's newsroom. i feel good. martha: i'm glad, you look wonderful. i'm martha maccallum, glad to have everybody with us here. in 2006 president obama warned in "th
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