tv Hannity FOX News November 18, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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the other three from heart attacks. crews are still working to free 150 drivers trapped in the snow. israeli prime minister demolished the homes of two palestinians who attacked a synagogue yesterday. at least ten arrests were made. >> and democrats voting down a bill to approve the keystone xl pipeline. all 45 republicans were in favor of the bill. they came one vote shy of sending it to president obama's desk. he was expected to veto the bill if it passed through congress. "hannity" starts right now. for your head lines, log on to welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. at this very hour a deep and dark cloud is now hovering over the obama white house as a result of america's crisis of
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confidence in the 34th president of the united states. now why? because time and again barack obama has demonstrated his ability and his willingness to routinely deceive you, the american people. why? in order to advance his political ideology. tonight we'll lay out very clearly the latest and greate e examples of deception. we begin with the great obama care hoax. over the course of the last week a series of videos have surfaced of obama care architect jonathan gruber repeatedly admitting that lies were strategically used by democrats to run through the affordable care act through congress. watch this. >> you get a law which said healthy people are going to pay in, and sick people get money, it would not have passed. people transparent -- lack of transparentsy is a huge political advantage and basically call it the stupidity of the american voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to get this thing passed.
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americans are too stupid. a very clever basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the american voter. i don't think it's that the voters in florida don't care, i think they're just misinformed. >> statements should be condemned by representatives in washington not condoned. for nearly a decade top democrats have praised the work of jonathan gruber. let's take a look at this. >> you've already drawn some of the brightest minds from academia and policy circles, many of them i've stolen ideas from liberally, from austan goolsbee, john gruber. >> i don't know if you have seen jonathan gruber's m.i.t.'s analysis. >> jonathan gruber is one of the most respected economists in the world. >> ah, that was then but now that videos have surfaced gruber calling you, the american people, stupid, they've quickly changed their tune.
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i'm no doctor but this looks like a case of political amnesia. >> you can talk to dr. gruber about what he said, but i don't have a comment about his comments. >> i don't know who he is. >> the fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that i completely disagree with in terms of the voters is no reflection on the actual process that was run. >> ah, mr. president, jonathan gruber, he wasn't just some adviser, he's been at the white house at least 19 times in recent years meeting with your top aides and even sat down face-to-face with you in the oval office back in 2009 for over four hours. and since then he's been paid by the taxpayers a half a million dollars for his services. so i think we deserve to know what was discussed at those meetings. now, did you talk about the stupidity of the american voters? did you plot, plan on how to deceive the public into supporting your bill? maybe he's the one who helped you come up with these infamous
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broken promises. >> if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. and if you do have health insurance, we'll help make sure that your insurance is more affordable and more secure. if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. >> now, the reason why these gruber tapes are so important is they prove once and for all that the great american obama care hoax was sold on a foundation of lies and that brings me to the latest item on the president's agenda, that's his plan to implement executive amnesty for illegal immigrants in this country. while the details of this scheme are not yet clear, what we do know is that even barack obama once recognized that taking such an action would amount to an unconstitutional abuse of power. take a look. >> the notion that i can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case. i know some people want me to
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bypass congress and change the laws on my own. but that's not how -- that's not how our system works. the problem is that, you know, i'm the president of the united states. i'm not the emperor of the united states. if in fact, i could solve all these problems without passing laws in congress, then i would do so. i cannot ignore those laws any more than i could ignore, you know, any of the other laws that are on the books. until congress passes a new law, then i am constrained in terms of what i'm able t >> so it looks like we can now soon add the issue of amnesty to the long list of lies told by the president. now, first, remember there was the stimulus, those bogus shovel-ready jobs that weren't so shovel-ready, then obama care, fast and furious, the irs scandal, benghazi, a spontaneous demonstration based on a u2 individu --
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youtube video and on and on. voters are far from stupid. we know atta tax when we see on we know a lie when we hear one. with us now is karl rove. how are you? >> fabulous. >> what do we make of these lies? >> look, it is evidence of what we knew all along. this whole affordable care act was sold to the american people on a series of lies that at the time the president and his people knew were not true. the affordable care act, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, the crux of the affordable care act is that the president thought most health insurance policies is were inadequate and they needed to be canceled. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. they knew that wasn't true. it is based on the premise that americans have too many choices in health care. in order to reduce costs you have to be limited in who you can see. >> listen to what gruber says when he talks about it was written in such a tortured way, doesn't that mean we meant to
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manipulate the american people? >> exactly right. in fact, we had also as a participant in this john kerry. remember, the tortured thing is how do we avoid taxing the so-called cadillac plans, these very expensive health care plans generally enjoyed by members of organized labor and how do we avoid being attacked by labor unions for taxing their plans? we claim we're not taxing the plans. we're simply taxing the insurance companies. and the idea was john kerry's. look, this drama didn't include just one academic at m.i.t. it included senators, the president of the united states, it included his top aides and advisers, it included the secretary of health and human services. they went out and said things that they knew weren't true. why? because somebody in the white house said we need to spin this to the american people. >> from the healthy to the sick, the elderly and the uninsured. >> and for the young to the old. that's one of the more pernicious things about it.
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community rating. the age-rated bands. >> but they knew it wouldn't have passed. >> exactly. >> so what recourse do republicans have? there's a big struggle, battle in terms of how to strategically how to deal with this. defunding seems to be in my view the constitutional weapon they have at their avail. how would you go about it, short-term cr into the new congress? >> i worry about us trying to get things done when we have 232, we hold 233 seats. but i feel better doing it in the new year. we ought to systematically take parts of the affordable care act, particularly things that democrats will vote for and run them through in order to start blowing out parts of the affordable care act. for example, saying that the definition of full-time work is 40 hours a week, not 30 will save a lot of people who work in restaurants and hospitality industry and work 35 or 36 hours a week and get tips, it will
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keep them from being cut back to 29 hours a week, and that will hurt and undermine the affordable care act. >> medical device tax. >> medical device tax aught to be another one. and look, there are lots of them. we also have a couple of them with reforms that we advocate and support. small businesses ought to be able to pool their risk and get the same discounts big boys get. we ought to allow -- across state lines. we are looking at whatever we can to both undermine the affordable care act -- >> to me it's important in principle, especially with the new congress, that they vote to a full repeal even though we know the president won't sign it. >> keep everybody on record. put everybody on record. the house will pass it. we'll get some democrats to vote for it. it will go to the senate. i'm still not certain where we'll see we have republicans voting to repeal it. i'm not certain where i see democrats doing it. we put everybody on the record.
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if we do come up with six democrats to vote with us or if we can do it under reconciliation and send it right to the president. >> let's move on to immigration. the president seems like he's going forward. you heard the tape. that's only a small portion. >> the record is enormous on this. look, to me, look, this is a political gesture by the president. "the wall street journal" had a great editorial the other day. there's a little-known office inside the department of justice called the office of legal counsel, olc. it's where you put your best constitutional scholars and the white house usually asks on major questions like this -- >> they went to eric holder. >> they haven't even gone to eric holder. eric holder would be obligated not to issue the opinion but to refer it to the olc. >> i read that eric holder came up with the plan with the president to do this. >> but not in his official responsibility as the attorney general. he came up with it, if he d as the political advisor to the president which the attorney general should not be.
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>> when you look at the magnitude, keep your plan, keep your doctor, save money and -- >> won't add to the deficit. won't tax anybody that makes 250,000. won't interfere between you and your doctor. >> this is so -- this is an orchestrated propaganda campaign basically. >> yeah. >> to manipulate the american people, manipulate the cdo. what the recourse they have on that? and what is the best way the republicans deal with this? seems like the president wants a showdown on shutting down the government again. >> we shouldn't have given that. what we ought to do is make him be in a place where he has to be constantly vetoing if he wants to appropriations bills and forcing democrats to sustain this veto. because look, there are going to be a lot of democrats to say there are republicans going to try to rein in this thing or that thing. we should be doing the medical device act. >> they'll be fighting among themselves. >> second of all, there will be democrats who say, yeah, count on me. mark my word.
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we come up with a measure to say that the definition of a full-time work week is 40 hours a week. i bet you there are two-thirds or more of the senate that end up voting for that bill. >> karl rove, thank you. >> thanks for having me. should lawmakers call on jonathan gruber to testify before congress about his remarks? we'll check with jim jordan on that very question. he'll join us later in the show. but first tonight -- >> the struggle goes on. and it's not only ferguson. there are other communities around our country where we are dealing with relationships that are not what they should be. >> and the struggle goes on. america's top cop eric holder, well, then went on to compare michael brown in that case to emmett till, and i'm not kidding, juan williams is here to weigh in on that. and the latest out of ferguson on this busy news night on "hannity." it's more than the driver. it's more than the car.
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welcome back to "hannity." as the country awaiting the decision of whether officer wilson will be indicted in the shooting death of michael brown, prominent politicians are jumping in and fanning the flames of violence. just yesterday eric holder went completely over the line when he likened michael brown to emmett till. watch this. >> the struggle goes on. and it's not only ferguson. there are other communities around our country where we are dealing with relationships that are not what they should be official communities or whether it's on a more personal level. there is an enduring legacy that emmett till has left with us that we still have to confront
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as a nation. >> and sadly, holder is not alone. take a look at what missouri senator claire mccaskill had to say earlier this morning on the issue. >> the rush to judgment by some in the african-american community is, in fact, understandable because there is driving while black in our country, there are racial disparities on how people are treated. >> rush to judgment, understandable? innocent until proven guilty, really? rush to judgment is ever understandable? >> look, i'm from los angeles, california. i remember watching on television as my home town burned to the ground in 1992 during the rodney king riots. 56 people were killed. what people like obama and holder should be doing is telling people to stay calm and reminding them that in this country the way the grand jury works, they meet in secret, listen to testimony and determine whether to indict or not indict someone. rather than doing that and
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trying to make sure that people stay relaxed through this whole thing we've got eric holder bringing up the memory of emmett till who is a young man who was mutilated, attacked and killed by ku klux klan almost 60 years ago. that's throwing gasoline on to a potential fire. >> you agree with that, juan williams? >> i thoroughly agree with what he said about emmett till. i read histories of the civil rights movement. emmett till was basically lynched by people objecting to him whistling or saying something to a white woman. he was just a kid from chicago visiting down in mississippi. i disagree with roy about the effort by the effort by obama administration officials to try to retain some control about what's going on in ferguson once the, you know, the grand jury makes up its mind. i think it's smart to try to have some control over what could be a very difficult situation. >> but he's talking about fans the flames here, juan. i have internal sources, i have
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my inside sources that have confirmed for me that the reports we're hearing about leaks from the grand jury, that, in fact, they were black eyewitnesses. because all the media reports were white officer shoots unarmed black teen. the eyewitnesses have corroborated the officer's story here. if that does turn out to be true, those leaks are right, what does that say about the president sending three white house representatives to the funeral of a guy that may -- i don't know this -- may turn out, if the leaks are right, to have been a guy that may have attempted to kill a police officer? >> sean, we don't know. >> what's the point? >> i think there's no rush to judgment here. i think what the important point is, that the federal government has historically tried to be involved in these civil rights issues so as to prevent things from blowing up. >> well, it's not working. >> go ahead. >> the fact is we don't know. the people who have seen more evidence on this than those ourself -- >> you read the leaks.
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>> i've seen leaks but i'm not in the grand jury room where the grand jurors are listening to testimony and evidence from the prosecut prosecutors, i assume from the police, and they know more about this than we do. they have a process which they'll sit down, weigh this evidence and decide to indict or not to indict this cop. we need to let them do their job and people in leadership should be telling people who are very excited about this to remain calm, follow this process and not go out and start a riot from coast to coast and get hundreds of people killed. >> i can't agree more. i couldn't agree more. i just think it's nuts. and i see some in the liberal media who are almost encouraging people to riot as if that's an authentic expression. what insanity. it destroys the black community. >> it is tragic to me as a black man we got to get the national guard out there because these blacks can't control themselves. >> insulting. >> it's very insulting the notion that these black folks
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just can't handle it so we need to be out there. >> i do place blame, i go right to the white house, i go right to the attorney general for the -- wait a minute, juan. the white house sent three representatives to this guy's funeral, as you pointed out and deroy's pointed out, we don't know what happened. he was wrong at cambridge, the police acted stupidly, wrong when he said he had a son that looked like trayvon. now al sharpton into the white house the day after election day and says to them, stay the course. what does stay the course mean? what does that mean? >> to me it means, look, we understand and the whole idea of movement, civil rights movement, movement for racial equality in the country and we want you to express your feelings, if you don't like something, your ability to protest is very american. but don't riot, don't act out in a way that will hurt your cause. >> what does stay the course
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mean? let me play -- first of all "new york times" reported that meeting. secondly over the past hundred days al sharpton stoking the flames here. here's part of what he said. >> if you're angry, throw your arms up. if you want justice, throw your arms up. if you want answers, throw your arms up. because that's the sign michael was using. >> in order to establish peace, you must have fair justice for everyone. we want real peace. we don't want to just be told to shut up and suffer in silence. we don't fight until we get time. we fight till we win. the federal government must step in. >> so the activists, the ferguson activists and al sharpton go to the white house. here's al sharpton's history. >> you ain't nothing. you're a punk -- now come on and do something.
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>> should he be in the oval office with ferguson activist, many of them from out of town? >> it's so sad to hear this man and see these comments and see that he's now the sort of de facto heir to martin luther king. the man is not a peacemaker, the man is a rabble rouser. we don't know what evidence these jurors are seeing. the original story when this all started was this gentle giant on the way to college got in some trouble and was shot and killed. then we saw the footage -- >> just walking in the middle of the street. >> minding his own business. >> shot in the back. >> shot in the back.
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>> then we see him stealing cigar, intimidating a clerk. then the audio tape from police saying be on the lookout for somebody that just stole cigars and that's what he was wearing an the cops stopped him based on that description. we've gone far from the original narrative that this guy was on his way to college and was killed, maybe on his way to the library. we need to tell people to remain calm and not have a reprise of the l.a. riots. >> there was no signal by the policeman that he was apprehending the person that he heard described as having intimidating the clerk in the store. >> that's not true, juan. >> that is true. wait, wait. hold on, sean. >> it was in the paper this week. >> i'm telling you the timeline is there, but when you listen to the tape, the officer never says anything about i see the guy who was thethis. >> it was the initial confrontation he might have seen the person. >> that's the fact.
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but this is a very unusual situation with the grand jury. most -- i think especially you sean hannity would say we want transparency. we want to know what happened there. this is being told the to the grand jury. given the ankh site -- >> here's what my inside sources tell me. wait a minute. darren wilson has a bounty on his head, the police officer. >> what? >> oh, my god. >> he has a bounty on his head. you have people, agitators from outside literally planning and go to gateway, they have a whole list of targets for when the decision comes down. i've been told that the grand jury's scared to death, the witnesses, some of whom happen to be black that corroborate the officer's story, they're scared to death. the police department is afraid. this has been set up, people have been in, i would argue, in part this is obama and holder's fault for rushing to judgment. they've been conditioned to believe this will come out one way and it may very well come
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out another. >> if anybody's at fault the ferguson police department that has mishandled, that was not transparent, that in fact, was acting if someone -- >> the president of the united states should have waited for the evidence. >> those people really have corrupted and distorted this process and appealed to black fear. >> there's a reason why grand jury testimony is secret because sometimes the decision is let's not indict. you don't want that information to be floating around, this is evidence of wrong doing when there was no wrong doing. yes, it would be helpful to get this information out but maybe there are witnesses who don't want their names out there who are afraid of being retaliated against. >> thank you for passionate debate. as the country awaiting the grand jury decision about whether officer wilson will be charged, there are disturbing reports that a bounty has been put on that officer's head. plus the fbi's warning that the announcement could lead to violent extremism coming up next. we'll speak with someone from the national organization of police organizations, all of that and more on a busy news
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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. welcome back to "hannity." "the announcement of the grand jury's decision will likely be exploited by some individuals to justify threats and attacks against law enforcement and critical infrastructure." this statement comes as new reports surface that one group has put a bounty on the head of officer darren wilson. and as new york city mayor rudy giuliani pointed out last night right here on this program, it should be that he, like anyone else, is innocent until proven guilty. watch this. >> you know what really kills me? all these civil rights people who used to always argue that grand juries make snap decisions and you have to have rights for the accused and people have to
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be presumed innocent when they commit violent murders or rape or -- what about police -- why isn't he presumed innocent? >> that's a great question. >> where are the civil rights groups demanding civil rights for the accused police officer? >> here with his reaction, the executive counsel and former nypd detective bo dietl. let me start with you, we have these organizations then there's a bounty on the head of darren wilson. you've got reports all over the place that these groups have literally targeted if they don't get the decision they want from the grand jury, how they're going to react. and they have specific targets that they want to hit. how does that make you feel? maybe you want justice for michael brown, but if they do that, is that justice for michael brown, targeting innocent people and innocent
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businesses? and cops? >> i mean, i saw what happened. and i read what happened and people mess with the page, the page got made up justice for mike brown. everything they said is a completely lie. >> i asked you a question. did you hear my question? i'm asking you what about the groups that have a bounty on the head of this man? what about those groups organizing to agitate when this decision comes down if it doesn't come down the way they want it to come down? >> i mean, i seen they should take it a different way. it shouldn't be like that at all. everybody wants justice for mike brown. as we can all see but -- >> they got a bounty. >> there are leaks from the grand jury, these leaks say that there are witnesses -- remember, we keep hearing this is an unarmed black teen shot by a white cop. there are witnesses, according to the leaks, if they turn out to be true and i have sources
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that corroborate that that has been testified before the grand jury telling me that black eyewitnesses corroborate the cop's story. now if he doesn't end up getting indicted because eyewitnesses back up the cop's story, well, is that justice for mike brown? >> i mean, i don't think it is. >> you don't think it is. but you weren't there and i wasn't there. neither one of us were there for sure. we're just going by the testimony of others. >> that's right. >> yeah, that's right. so what do you make of this? >> well, you know, this is something that we have a jury system. we have a court system. and that's what we have. we have peers, people are going to make a decision. they're going to hear all the true evidence. they're not going to hear he said or hearsay, they won't hear he said that. they're going to hear actual facts of what happened. this is like saying those two cops, remember staten island, two detectives that were shot by this guy, we should take that guy that shot the two cops, take them out of jail and string them
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high. this is not the wild west, this is justice. we have to wait to react. >> but the president rushed to judgment. the president sent three white house reps to this guy's funeral. >> the attorney general, i think there were 380 cops killed last year across the united states. where was the justice department? when did holder send anybody to respect for the families of these cops that were killed? 360 or 70 or 80 cops killed across this country. where are their rights? the problem right now is you have agitators that are just waiting for an excuse to steal, to set fires, to riot. you know what it's all about? then we got this guy here from new york running out there. we used to call him fat al. now he's skinny al sharpton. that's his job, his job is to jump up and down. he has the ear of the president, he lass the ear of holder and bill de blasio here in new york that he's destroying the city,
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the cops are handcuffed in the city. whatever the grand jury will come, if it's an indictment or not, that's not the end of it. there's a thing called trial where you get a jury, 12 people -- >> bill johnson, let's get your reaction to the position that the police are in and the inappropriateness of a president and the attorney general i would argue raising the hopes of people that want to get the decision they want without any facts being laid out before that point. what's your reaction? >> i think it's very important to realize the situation, not just police but the individual officer in this case, officer wilson, the man of flesh and blood, i can't even imagine the pressure that he and his family feel themselves under at this point. his comrades, the people there work with him on the police department as well as in st. louis county. to answer your question, it's been a source of concern, i know, to our association and to officers across the country to see some of the actions by the department of justice in this case, but the federal department of justice. it seems to us that they jumped
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in very early, kind of went off half cocked really listening to allegations that were horrible when you look at an allegation that michael brown was basically assassinated on the street with his left-hands up, the aelg allegation is awful. but that's an allegation. that's all it is. >> have you heard the same reports that i have, the same reports that have been leaked about the grand jury that witnesses say, no, that's not true. that michael brown struggled for the gun originally when the cop was still in the car. i mean, there is -- there's two scenarios here. there's a possibility that the white house rushing to judgment sent three white house representatives in a case where a guy might have struggled for a gun in an attempt to kill an officer. that's what's wrong with rushing to judgment, isn't it? >> the white house in particular and the department of justice that they didn't send investigators. they sent prosecutors right off the bat.
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>> amazing. >> you also get the injuries, the injuries on this officer are consistent with him getting beat up. now, you know what the problem is? now you have the audacity of people, a $5,000 bounty on this officer's life? >> where is the person that put that money up? because isn't that a terroristic threat? isn't that against the law? >> the attorney general should be prosecuting the punks that are putting the bounty up. >> more with this panel after the break. also coming up tonight -- >> the problem is not that gruber helped them put obama care together. the problem is what he said in the last two weeks and how the white house has handled it. >> new video tonight. a former key adviser to president obama reveals the true extent of jonathan gruber's relationship with the white house and congressman jim jordan. is he going to bring gruber before a house committee?
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welcome back to "hannity." still with us the counsel for the national association of police organization's bill johnson. justice for mike brown founder derk brown and detective bo dietl. you weren't there, i wasn't there. we got two stories here. the original story was he was shot in the back. he was an innocent bystander. did nothing wrong. was going to college. then all of a sudden new details started to emerge. other people were interviewed and michael brown, that's story was that michael brown reached for the officer's gun and that then the first shot went off inside the officer's car and then he ran away and then started to charge towards the officer, which would be, by definition, justifiable use of force. you weren't there. you say you want justice for michael brown, but if it turns out michael brown acted that way, i would assume that you would agree that that michael brown would have been responsible for the whole thing, if it comes out that way?
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>> i mean, i don't agree. >> you don't agree. so you've made up your >> but i'm saying if that was to happen, if he did show the opposite more ways than the situation besides pulling gun on him. >> with his hands. you're saying a guy that reached for his gun in the car and then charging at him, if that story's true, this is hypothetical now, you're saying that if that happened, you're saying that the officer doesn't have a right to defend himself? >> i mean -- but at the same time, though, it's more than one weapon he could have used at that time instead of going for the gun the first time. he could have used just mace, taser. >> mace, taser, i don't know if he had mace or taser. what do you think? >> in a situation something like this, the cop can use deadly physical force if he thinks his life or the life of another can be in question. and that cop is making that split second decision. he might feel as though this guy was so big and overpowering that
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he had to shoot him otherwise this guy would get his gun and could have shot that cop and then there wouldn't be anybody from the attorney general's office over there and we would have 379 dead last year. >> what's your reaction to that, bill? >> i think he's absolutely right. it's important to realize that police officers don't give up the right to self-defense that you or i have or anybody else when they're attacked. the evidence from the case seems to indicate that there was an attack upon the officer in the vehicle, there was an attempt to disarm the officer. it's not just a piece of property that's at risk of being taken, but a firearm. a means of protection for himself -- >> derk, you saw the video of him robbing that convenience store, right? you saw him intimidating that clerk in that convenience store, right? >> i saw the video, but it had nothing to do with the -- >> had nothing to do with the shooting, but it does have something to say about his character. who treats a clerk like that? do you treat a clerk like that?
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do you ever do that in your life? >> i mean, no, i haven't. >> if it turns out he's tried to get the officer's gun, who acts like that if that turns out to be true? is that the behavior of somebody that you want justice for? what about justice for the officer? >> i don't want justice for the officer. >> well, you don't want justice for the officer? you've made up your mind. >> no. >> you tried, you convicted him. you don't want justice for the officer? >> what he did was wrong. like i said again -- >> you don't know if it's wrong. you don't know anything. you don't know if it's wrong. wait a minute. stop here. why don't you just want justice, period, whatever way it comes out? i want justice and fairness. if the officer shot him in the back, if it turned out he acted in a wrong manner, didn't obey the law, fine. but if it turns out the other way, then the officer should go free. why wouldn't you support justice for him? >> listen, though, you got to remember, though, if he was in
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fear of his life and he was mike brown if they were saying why didn't he get on the radio and call for officer need help, officer need aid. >> apparently he tried but he might have been on a frequency that actually didn't go out when he thought it was because he was in the moment and, you know what, he just hit the wrong frequency. >> these things happen so fast and with respect to the gentleman there, until you are out on the street, you don't know what you're dealing with, split second life and you'll be judged forever and ever about what you do. and there's 370 cops that didn't come back last year. >> thank you all. if anything, can lawmakers, can they do anything to hold jonathan gruber accountable for the obama care hoax? coming up next congressman jim jordan.
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so we offered to take him to capitol hill paid for by us. we paid him, right? >> did use taxpayer money to lie to taxpayers and made fun of them. >> so of course he needs to come before a congressional committee. let's hope that happens there is a timing to it. let's hope it happens i think it will. >> if this is true, that this was a mountain of lies and a great manipulation and torturing language ask we didn't have to tell the american people it was a transfer of wealth, what could be done? anything? >> you use the term if, it's not f think about the false statements the administration makes. >> i stand corrected. >> yes, sir. >> just making a point.
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>> if you like to play, premiums are going to go down. all of the misinformation we got so this just adds to our face this is a bad law. it needs to be repealed we need to put in a model that works >> we know the president is going to to pass that action p some day. i assume the president vetoes and you guys go back, piece meal. do you have authority to defund this? >> sure do. and we should look at that as well. but the first thing is put something on the president's desk. for the last several years the president had been able to hide behind hairy re dichlt. she's got to answer why he'll veto it or why he won't sign it. put it on his desk. that puts the burden on the president and begins to frame up to give context to 2016
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presidential race. to get rid of obamacare completely we're going to need a new president but you begin to frame that up. >> can i ask why? in other words if congress has the powerer of the purse why cat you defund it? >> we can. we're going to look at that in the context of immigration and obamacare. that is one of the primary, maybe the primary power the legislative frafrj has so. we should look at using that. >> let me go to an on yauma advisor.dvisor. they sided gruber. he was at the white house 19 times, now, nobody remembers him. never heard of him before. it's funny. but one honest guy, steve radner said he was the man behind obamacare. >> looking at the washington post you'll find his name all
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over it as a leading expert on health care quoted by everybody, someone the white house was using. i don't think we know dollar numbers paid at the time but i remember that when i was in the white house he was viewed as an important figure in helping to put obamacare together the problem is that he not helped him put obamacare together. the problem is how the white house handled it >> he was the man. >> yes. >> again, under scoring why he needs to sit in front of a congressional committee, and answer the tough questions mr. ratner says he was the man. he lied to the american people, using their tax dollars to do so? of course he needs to answer our questions. >> republicans need to have a back bone. you have the power of the purse. i hope you use it. the days and weeks ahead are going to be very interesting.
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we're going to learn about where the republicans are going to stand. >> well said, thank you, sean. >> coming up, tonight's question of the day. stay with us. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain. the house tried to keep out all the water, but water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. they just didn't think it could happen. they told the house they would take better care of her...
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twitter and tell us your answer. just a fun question on these cold winter eve-like mornings in the midst of global warming. k how stupid do they think we nathan gruber has been to the white house at least 14 times, as recently as june. he has spent time with president obama in the oval office. has received multiple government checks cut to him totaling about $6 million. gruber's name is in the obama administration brief to the supreme court, that's right here. gruber was lent to capitol hill to help draft obamacare and even secretary of state john kerry in oon it. he wrote a blurb. praising him for his service and calling his comic book fun. in spite of that and much more,, now everyone in the obama administration, including leader nancy pelosi act like jonathangqem÷ gruber, who? oh, come on. you don't buy that, do you? >> it's a very clever, you know, basic
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