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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  November 19, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST

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up next the o'reilly factor. good night from washington. see you on gretawire. good night. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." is the pentagon secretly training an all lumber jack army? if so, will it be the sexiest army of all time? we pick up where "special report" left off. plus why does the obama administration take out restraining orders against hugh jackman, kangaroos and paul hogan? >> we do this based on our belief that there are just a lot of things in australia that can kill you. >> and finally, just how important are potatoes to america's youth? it is the issue every other show refuses to tackle. our panel weighs in next. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> i had a panel of millenials
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once. let's well koll our guests. she is hammered more often than the thumb of a clumsy carpenter. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. and i haven't seen a sweater this ugly since i woke up in michael moore's lap. it was all he was wearing. it is andy levy. and tom shillue. and her policy to know her policy. next to me fox news national security analyst kt mcfar land and the kt stands for killer thoughts. that's right. a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> they added ass to the class. a north carolina teacher is in trouble over a genetic assignment that asked if a kardashian-sized caboose could be inherited. it is the subject of tonight's -- >> is this racist? >> i didn't forget this time.
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the questionable question appeared on a test on genetics for students at a charlotte high school. it read -- my eyes. lotsamanda has a big booty, the dominant trait. her man has a small booty which is recessive. they get married and have a baby named la princess. what is the chance la princess will inherit her big mom's big booty. some complained that it had racial under tones. the district has pulled the worksheet and the teacher apologized to anyone who was offended. speaking of big butts. ♪
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>> that was actually a meat grinder. a horrible, horrible story, kt. i want to go to you first because you are an expert in this area. is this simply inappropriate, racist or both? >> what? >> i don't know. i would never say that. >> he just means you are the biggest racist. >> i wouldn't mean that at all. i just insulted kt. >> well, i have your number. >> you do and be sure and use it if you know what i mean. simply inappropriate or racist? >> all of the above. inappropriate, racist, a slur. talking about female body parts when we are supposed to make women feel not insecure about this stuff. it is wrong on every score. you know where it is the most wrong? because this teacher couldn't
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figure out how to get her students involved in biology and genetics has to stoop to this level. >> or stoop to this level. >> it depends on the entirety of the issue. >> maybe what is inappropriate, but maybe she was desperate to find a method of learning and maybe she went too far. >> we have to inspire the kids, right? make sure they are paying attention. i don't know why this was racist. they never said they were black. they never said that. that was an assumption on these people. maybe they are the racist. my cousin funktavist would not appreciate that assumption. i thought the other questions questions were racist. schlomo and herschell are trying to save money. that's terrible. >> those are italians? do you remember when we were kids the ethnic joke books you
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could buy? i can't believe you can sell them anymore. >> all of the jokes. >> but on the cover of the books were -- they had like stereo types. they had a guy on the garbage truck with flies around his head. >> that was my introduction to multi-culturallism. >> some people might say those were the good old days, but that wouldn't be me. problematic or problem astic? >> there are a lot of problems here. they spell booty with an i-e. as to whether it is racist, are there white people involved? if there are white people involved they are racist. i do believe the answer to the question is la princess has a 50% chance of having a big bootie. it would be a 75% chance.
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that's the important thing here. no one has answered the question. >> joanne, the upside is people are talking about genetics. >> yes, but i have a problem with this. scientifically they didn't use the right terminology. if they phrased it better, then maybe the parents wouldn't be so upset. it is big bottomed or pair shaped or has a metabolic condition. i do appreciate though that they got married before they had a kid. again, we are over looking the good things we are teaching our kids like the conservative values. >> fonktavious could be greek. it is kind of a greek name. >> shawanda could be middle eastern. this is getting interesting. >> or it is petering out. two can that you be
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terrorists from -- two wanna be terrorists were told they were too jigly for jihad. another weight thing. the 300-pound plus brothers went to syria to join isis while they said they were going to thailand. the tubby two so many were unequiped to run in a field. that's an insult. you couldn't run in a field. a new study said deaths linked to terrorism was up. some of the 18,000 happened in the area. four groups are responsible for much of the mayhem. they say it is the key common gnat for all of them. that must be an error. i do not buy this for one second. meanwhile we are more focused on threats closer to home.
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>> learned a lesson there. >> could being overweight save their lives? is that a first? >> i think that they are fat now, but they won't be for long. have you seen the obstacle courses ? they run through the tires, they run through -- they do the monkey bars. that's like the biggest loser there. >> i was talking about this earlier. you rarely see overweight radical easy islamists. i wonder if the shaking around and screaming is a calorie burn. >> they are out there and working it. >> they come back down. >> also when you are trying to have sex with a goat, the
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goats run very fast. you have to chase them all through the hillside. that is a radical islamist, having sex with goats. sometimes with lambs. >> what to get to us? that would bother me. >> that got my goat. that man got my goat, officer. let's talk about the statistic which is kind of chilling. 60%. but this actually happened before the rise of isis which is strange. what is going on? is the world becoming more dangerous? >> in someways yes and in someways no. what they don't tell you is who is getting killed by radical islam? we have all been shaken. we think radical islam and killing christians and killing jews. the fact of the matter is the vast majority, like by a factor of 10, it is muslim on muslim. here is why they targeted
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journalists and aid workers they are sending a sig mall to say, i know, journalists and aid workers and red cross workers, you are exempt. no more. we are targeting you. therefore you stay out of here. they are showing us the videos they want us to see. it was the tens of hundreds of thousands they have executed and put in a mass grave. everybody keeps saying there is no islamic reformation. is this what needs to happen when they turn on each other? people say why are we getting involved? >> that's what i said. radical islam has been fighting since the old -testament. it has been shiites versus sunnies before there was islam. and i think they are headed for another 30-year war. it is radical versus radical and shiites versus sunnies.
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i think we have to seriously question do we want to be in the middle of the fight? they don't want it to stop. they are in it until the last stand. or goat. >> i think though what you are over looking is clearly it is israel's fault. >> the supreme leader tweeted that out. >> as a truth teller i'm sure he did. it is taking statistics to show and saying it is all muslims doing it. very racist. they are wrong and this is straight up racist. >> i am glad you pointed that out. joanne, let's talk about the body shaming. is that another reason to hate isis is they won't let other people fight? >> it is why people love them and want to go to them. it is like at the club. everyone wants to go to the club because it is exclusive. and so now isis is saying we have so many people coming to us, and we don't need
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everybody. we don't want everybody. we only want the best of the best. so then everybody wants to be that best who is accepted, but not me. i don't go to clubs. >> good for you. >> you are on to a good point. they want to be cool. they have this magazine called "inspire" it is like the" gq" for jihady wanna bees. it tells you what cloths to wear and where to go if you want to kill people. their sting is to attract people who say i can be cool. >> it is always the fray grans ads. >> that's because you are scratching and sniffing. >> you were going to interject something. >> isn't it also they are very disciplined and they think fat people are slothful. >> meanwhile they have sex
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with goats. >> you have two overweight australian guys left australia. a muslim leader who is anti-8 cyst and shutdown the media counts said those guys are probably too fat to fight. isis didn't say they are too fat to fight. >> isis would have taken them. >> well, you riew -- ruined that story. it is no way jose on ebay. former baseball star and crazy person jose can say co -- cansec 0* shot off his fingers. doctors did not do a great job reattaching it. his thumb was on the right. last friday the steroid slugger tweeted that the finger the fallen off playing at a poker tournament in las vegas. on monday he announced he would be putting the the finger and the gun on ebay saying the ad will say slightly used midde finger with 462 home runs and could
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be used as a stirring straw for drinks. not so fast. ebay does president -- doesn't allow the selling of human body parts or firearms on the site. so instead canseco gave the finger to his cat. >> i hope that wasn't what i thought it was. what was that? all right, tom. i have a problem with this because i believe in a free market. i believe you could sell anything you want. celebrities make a ton of money selling stuff like this, stuff they make from their own body. >> you believe in the free market? you believe they should be able to sell organs? >> i believe they can sell their hair, their teeth. if cory feldman is down on his luck -- >> i think you can sell hair on ebay.
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>> what kind of hair? arm pit hair? bikini line? >> i get it. >> you can only sell scalp hair on ebay. >> why is that the only one? >> why were you looking? >> i thought it could have been a money making opportunity, but as it turns out it is not. >> is that how you made your sweater? >> we should have let him continue taking steroids. you can grow back limbs. >> that's a middle finger? >> oh yeah it will grow back. schwarzenegger had six arms. how many of adam levine's body parts would you buy? just the one? >> i don't want body parts because then the perfection would no longer be perfect. i would love one of billy joel's fingers, but then he wouldn't be able to play piano the same way and i wouldn't be
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able to enjoy my purchase. i don't think people are actually thinking through what they would be buying. >> you could be able to buy and can continue making over time. shouldn't you be allowed to buy and sell whatever you want? >> i think in this case body parts crosses the line. >> even if it is your own body part? >> yeah. what could happen is we can get together and i can chop your hand off and i can sell it. who is to say? does it come with a certificate of authenticity? proof of purchase? >> well look at the estimates first. >> and people may think it is a baby hand. >> you know what i was thinking? i was thinking the card game and the middle finger. >> i have two pair and then fell off. >> did you see a picture of it? it is disgusting. >> he said it was starting to
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smell bad. >> andy how much of edward snowden's hair would you buy you traitor-loving scum. jay i wouldn't want his hair. i would want the finger that pressed send r send. >> where would you put that finger? >> where wouldn't i put it? >> that's the scary part. >> i am a capitalist. i believe selling the finger is better than giving the physicaller. i also think if he can sell the finger he can pay for a better doctor next time. i don't understand it. the doctors reattached his finger and two weeks later it fell off? >> yes. >> it seems like he went to the doctor on "hit men" and he lost his license to the pain pills and he is there with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a bottle of whiskey. take a shot of this and bite down a stick. >> here is why i feel strongly about this. you should be able to sell
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anything. i envision a time you can buy madonna's poop and have it freeze dried on a case and put it on a man tell piece. what is that? it is madonna's poop and it is half a million dollars. yes, kt, i thought of this. >> i am not coming to your house. >> if somebody is so into you and they will buy your body parts you can sell them other stuff. >> what about this -- >> if you want to buy ma madonna's poop, just pick up her last album. >> low blow. >> i don't even know what the album sounds like. >> wouldn't you want joanne if possible to get a pint of blood from john mayer and let it run through your veins? >> no because i am o positive. unless he is o positive i can't. i am the universal donor so everyone should be friends
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with me. >> you always have been on the back of my motorcycle when i spill out and hit my head. what about the fingernails or things like that? i thought instead of this tragedy of losing his middle finger what he should have done is say you know what, i am going to go to the veteran's hospital and i will meet a lot of people who lost a lot more than a middle finger. he could have given great encouragement and they would have loved the celebrity. >> and the proceeds will go to amputees and their families. then maybe i would let them sell it. >> that's my point. we ask tom shillue where the bodies are hidden in the new segment, where did you hide the bodies? first, charles manson is get -- getting married. he is on the left. his registry is at the pottery barn and i got him a bread machine.
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it is marriage in the first degree. convicted mass murderer charles manso in is now free to marry. the 80-year-old pile of excrement is set toed with his 26-year-old fiancee. the problem blay insane midwestern woman who goes by the name of star started visiting seven years ago in jail after earn ling of his views on the environment. that's what he is known for. you see what i mean? people are crazy. star understands the man she loves was convicted of murdering seven people including the actress sharon tate. >> it is a myth that is so
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deeply embedded into the consciousness of society that people just assume that it is true. >> i am mistaken. she is the female russell brand. she is supposed to be with russell brand. >> is that true mr. gut field? >> the two agreed to stay married until death do you part. the same sennence it he got from the judge here is hoping for death. speaking of monsters. ♪
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>> that's a classic. that is a classic. tom, as someone who tricked a woman into marrying him how do you think manson did it? >> i feel like she is the aggressor. i thought the tape you showed was a joke. i thought it was one of the original manson girls. she is quite a throw back. >> but she is one of those people that get into something. that's why she reminds me of russell brand. she is chasing the wrong psychotic. should prisoners be allowed to marry? >> well, that is a -- >> actually maniacal prisoners. >> this this case it probably doesn't do any harm. he will never get his hands on her.
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>> what about her family? anyway, go ahead. >> i thought about this like there is no fool like an old fool. he is crazy and she is crazy. but then i thought she is crazy like a fox. she will be the widow. he is 80 and she is 29 and then she will be the charles manson widow and write a best seller and movie rights. she could end up getting a lot out of this. he probably has a lot of savings in the old canteen bank. 35 years of sweeping. he has enough money to buy a travel bag filled with sundry items and a bag of chips. >> have you ever turned to the internet to find a husband? >> i like the letter writing. it has a very personal touch. however, they have all turned me down. this goes to show there is
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somebody for everybody. she came from a good family. you think she has an awful relationship with her father or something like that and he has said that he will never disown his daughter. he really loves her. he will not attend the wedding. he does president agree with what she is -- he doesn't agree with what she is doing. she is that a lot of love there. >> you don't think it is a daddy thing? >> she would have been a stripper. >> she is getting back at her dad. he says he loves her, but this is all about dad. >> i'm sure they will be happy apart. that's good. 23 i were her i would have him drop the til death do us part from the phrase. what he is doing is adding a second life sentence. think about it. i do have to say there have
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been jokes on social media or on tv. maybe we are feeling manson's feelings. we should think about that before we speak. >> i think, a, she is nut. the reason he is even around, is it because governor brown -- >> no death sentence. >> he should have been fried. this girl's family is going through hell. the survivors of the masacre have to keep hearing about him going through hell. he should have been dead and buried in 1979. we have let it go. just kill the [bleep]. >> he does seem pretty tried though. >> wouldn't you after all of those years. he has no teeth and in his pajamas. >> just a typical guy with no teeth and a swastica on his forehead. >> i think it is insane. what would any young woman in
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her right mind want to do with an 80-year-old man. >> if this woman -- this woman is kind of cute, actually. >> she is not unattractive. if you want to marry a psychotic killer don't marry one that has been caught. >> so you are saying you would leave your wife for her? >> i am not talking about myself. there are psychotic killers out there. >> this is a safe relationship. >> only a smarter person would say traveling comedian, cereal killer and it explains why i am in all of these towns and staying in low rent hotels. >> they don't call it red roof inn for nothing. >> should all female sports teams be referred to as ladies or should we call them dames? >> you have heard some things are more fun than watching paint try, but you can't be
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sure unless you tried it. we invited you to watch our special audience marathon mini series watch paint dry. tune in and huff along.
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should they choke on a lame joke? dave n busters, more like dave n busted. who are they, anyway? >> a couple of guys. >> on tuesday the official twitter account of dave n
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busters, the chain known for offering a great steak in the arcade atmosphere is promoting the taco tuesday. it read "i hate tacos" said no juan ever, reference to wall will -- reference to juan williams. why am i reading that? it is time for a bonus edition of -- >> is this racist. >> what is wrong with my mouth? i have been asked that many times. the tweet was deleted, but not before twitter got itself into a lather. dave n busters come for the crappy food and stay for the blatant racism. then they said, of course, in like 45 minutes lighter this tweeted resincerely apologize for the tweet that went out and our intention was never to off fend anyone. please accept our apologies.
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that to me is depressing, tom. you are a racist. was that racist? >> it was racist and it was wrong. it was misguided. no spanish speaking people like tacos. that's wrong. jewish people do not like chinese food. irish people do not drink. i am going to stop right there. >> i am glad we got to the bottom of that. >> do you think they should have apologized? >> no. this was not racist. it was stupid. advertising on taco tuesday, i hate tacos. the political correctness run a muck. better get a pr agent or 12-year-old kid who is tweeting. >> this is not a new statement. you can buy it on a t-shirt
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said no juan. i used the public on juan williams nay. >> it was president going for the race angle. you can't resist a pun. and juan for one is a great pun. i once went to a christmas party and it was juan his horse and sleigh. >> you consider dave to be a step up for you. was this really that bad? >> no. if now they are edgier. everyone is like, oh dave n busters i forgot about that thing. ski balls and now they remember it. the real big problem with dave
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n busters i like day drinking. who doesn't? when i go in the afternoon all of the kids are there. get rid of the kids. >> i never set foot into a dave n busters. >> it is fun. it is a place for gays. >> if you don't like fun things. i don't like fun things. >> you will hate it. >> when people say come on let's do this. it will be fun. i don't like fun things. i like things that aren't fun. i like hanging out with doctor's offices. >> you like the drugs. >> it is like christmas eve at the doctor's office. >> alone. >> you and the 6-month-old allure. andy you are weird joanne has a poith t no one was talking about dave n busters, but hospital they have waited for the apology to build up
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more pressure. >> why is anyone following dave m busters on twitter? >> how else would you know it is taco tuesday? >> and there are a couple things . dave n busters has a competitor, buffalo wild wings. they talk about making football games going into over time and turning the sprinklers are on the field. and if you can't say no juan ever. do we have to stop having paw co tuesday. >> or obie can cow -- kanobi. i don't know. >> i don't know either. i do not go to dave and busters. >> buffalo wild wipings is a great place.
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>> i like a casual dining experience in america. >> what's your favorite casual dining restaurant? >> i love dardin and all of the change. i like olive garden and i like the red lobster. guy all great places to meet single lonely women who will go back to your hotel and never be seen again. >> those are the ones discovered . >> every time they do the autopsy unlimited bread sticks. >> i will at midcome for that and you stay with the food. >> have you ever eaten at ruby tuesday? >> cheesecake factory? >> claim jumpers. have you been to claim jumpers? >> no. >> i never have heard of these places. >> you have to get out more. >> do you just hang out on the upper sees side? >> no, upper eastside. >> if you ever want to come to
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manhattan. >> there is an amazing friday's in time square. it is fantastic. >> for a guy who likes to be alone all the time you are going to time square with a million people. >> i masturbate in the bathroom. third strangers -- 30 strangers when we come back. "not cool." why did i say that? >> keep going you are on a role. oftentimes it is. g and here is what is coming up tomorrow on the independents. >> hi, guys, as you know it is movember and i hit the streets to see if people like metro sexuals or bearded lumber sexuals. >> i am taking an informal survey. which was more attractive the metro sexual or the lumber sexual? >> i guess metro sexual.
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>> because they are smooth and they smell good. see it tomorrow at 9:00 and midnight on the fox business net, would.
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?ai that's all of our talking points. all right. well, i will go to you first, andy. would you fore go financial gain to save someone from pain? british ray searchers, report they -- british researchers found people were willing to lose money to save a stranger
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from an electric shock. participants had the option of harming themselves or a partner they couldn't see from 15 ents cents to 15 bucks. people were willing to lose 30 cents to save themselves of shocks, but gave up 60 cents to save their partner from pain. i believe we have tape of what they use to shock people. >> well. >> okay. >> let me go to you first, andy. >> it was under 122-degree water. is that painful? >> i don't know. >> what am i a mathematician?
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we should start by saying you never arm someone for no reason. stoping after they get off an escalator. everyone is comparing it to the experiment where people shocked other people because they were told to. they are completely different. it was about how they will obey authority even if they think something is wrong. this was about personal gain. what it proves is they will hurt someone if someone they view as being in authority told them to. >> what is your theory on this. do you think people -- what was this about? >> add a couple of zeros. 30 cents. what if it was like $3,000.
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>> i would hurt anyone for that. or $6,000 or $30,000. the reaction people might have might change. there are cost calculators. >> you are shaking your head. >> the majority of people would not hurt somebody else for personal gain. i think they would do it if somebody in authority told them to do it. >> this is like the nazi thing. if you want to talk science, we all know if you would adjust the variable you will achieve a different desired result. the money is very bold and i would gladly take. if i have a lot of money i can help the person that was harmed. >> that's so true. >> i know it hurt and it was only for a few seconds. >> how many first degrees burns?
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>> could it be everybody has heard of this spearment? doesn't everyone know if they are out of the experiments? >> people say isn't there a video camera on me? i didn't know these things. when they actually did extreme questions, and when i went to job interviews and asked you questions to see. you know they say something like would you throw acid in a baby's face? >> you are supposed to say no. i just wanted the job. i was given the answer they wanted to hear. >> terrible, awful man. you know how they did these studies ? they camouflage it. they say in this city we want you to walk from that side of the building to that side of the building and see how far -- how fast you can walk it. what they will do is there will be a mirror there and the study is whether or not you will look in the mirror.
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they try to cam cam ma flog -- any people who have the free time to take these tests, they are weird owes. so the results of the tests how would weird owes react to this? >> right, exactly. >> i don't believe anyone except tom would harm a stranger for many. most of you would do it except for me. >> that's a good one. >> oh shut up. make love to your snowden doll. >> speaking of sheep, time to watch yourself have sex. this is disgusting. one last story will make you throw up. fox eye. green arrow. will that be all, sir?
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thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. and often even more. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. eye" we have kennedy and r kennedy, mike baker. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> make any sense at all. it is sex for the self-obsessed. the new google glass app will let you see from your
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partner's point of view. a couple wearing the high-tech specs have to say okay, glass, it is time. and then they ask what they seeing. then they say, pull out. and it makes no sense. they can later watch them on an iphone. brut -- but it will not be saved to a database. they would say that, right, kt? >> i think hackers ought to stake to good old-fashioned porn. i went to mit. i know the people who did these apps. you don't want to see what they look like. just get the video and/or the thing in the hotel room. the google glass is not going to work. it is funny when people talk about mit they always spell it ut on. >> like walking in front of a dog and you say w-a-l-k.
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>> well if your dog went to mit you wouldn't have to spell it out. >> tom, you had to be to be brothered with score partner or love yourself. >> if you have to is sex with a guy you can look back at yourself instead. guy i can see you staring at yourself. >> i said this last week. i don't like porn and i don't like looking at guys having sex. >> you can get porn with women in it. they have that now. >> it is people having sex? >> that's true. >> it could be two women or even three women. you don't know. >> i can't focus on more than one. >> i like the old fashioned newsreel strippers. fantastic. >> joanne, will this be a huge hit or a flop?
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>> it will be a flop because when everybody sees what they are looking at no one will can to -- will want to film it again. no one wants to know what it looks like. and nothing sets of mood quite like -- okay, let's synchronized. say the word. you have to say exactly with the app, you need to say it. >> i don't think you need this. have you mirrors all over your room. on the ceiling and floor. this is redundant. >> no one who wears goggle glass is having sex. so this app is the dumbest thing ever made. >> and you can't -- they can't use ok glass pull out. it will just confuse -- it will cause con fiewg. confusion, you have to change that phrase. and everybody has given up on google glass. >> they have aborted. >> this show is over.
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a special thanks to joanne nosuchunsky and mr. tom shillue and always great to have you here. the great kt mcfarland. thank you for putting up with me. i'm greg gutfeld. can be really literal? no. what is your wish? no...ok...a million bucks! oh no... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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much more on fbn. see you at 8:00. >> hello, everyone, i'm kimberly, along with bob, dana, kimberly and greg. this is the five. >> who is jonathan gruber? is architect of obama care or just an inconsequential consultant. president obama can't seem to remember, but his former white house advisor might be able to clear that up for him. >> gruber was certainly viewed as an important figure in putting ob


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