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tv   Shepard Smith Reporting  FOX News  November 19, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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sharing your photos and stay safe out there. and thank you for being part of "the real story" today. a lot of breaking news going on. thanks for staying tuned right here. i'm gretchen carlson. let's head over to shep. >> we can blow up isis targets but we can't get at all the terror groups' weapons. that's the new warning from the united nations which reports that terrorists have an arsenal that can keep them going for years. but today, word that kurdish forces have launched a new offensive targeting the islamic state. all the details ahead. a young mother dead of a gunshot wound. at first the investigators cleared her husband. a sheriff's deputy of any wrongdoing. they called it a suicide. but one journalist did not buy it. he spent years investigating and found new evidence. now the husband faces murder charges. that reporter will join us live. let's get to it. >> now "shepard smith reporting" live from the fox news deck. >> good afternoon from the deck.
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first today, president obama says he will, indeed, go around congress, taking lawful steps to fix our broken immigration system. he'll explain those steps during a prime time address tomorrow night on cable news only. he didn't ask the broadcast networks. republicans point out president obama had said several times he would not take executive action on this issue. but in a facebook video post today, the president said, washington has spent too much time talking and not enough time act sfoog so what i'm going to be laying out is the things i can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better even as i continue to work with congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan comprehensive bill that can solve the entire problem. >> officials say under the president's new plan as many up to 5 million new immigrants in the united states here undocumented would be eligible for work permits instead of deportation. but they would not qualify for federal benefits, things like
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tax credits for health care. a spokesman for the house speaker john boehner says if the president does make sweeping immigration changes by himself and i quote, he will cement his legacy of lawlessness and ruins the chances for congressional action on this issue and many others. that's fox's top story. leland? >> shep, this is part of a well-scripted rollout by the white house to try to convince the american people president obama needs to take this unilateral action on immigration. tonight a democrats' only dinner at the white house, then the speech and the president goes on the road to las vegas for a speech at a high school there. josh earnest trying to explain the paradigm shift by the president saying he wasn't going to take executive action on immigration, didn't have the authority and is now preparing do so. republicans continue their warning. >> i do think that by any measure, upon reviewing the
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actions the president has chosen to take, an impartial observer would conclude that the president has thought to maximize the use of these problems. >> if he acts unilaterally we think that's a real problem, but obviously we would try to take steps to counteract that. >> reporter: now in a nod to the promised firestorm from the republicans, the president says if congress brings him comprehensive immigration reform that he finds acceptable, he is willing to roll back these executive actions. operative words there, he finds acceptable. in the opening warning shots may have been fired by the promised war by the republicans. within minutes of president obama's announcement about the speed senator ted cruz published something saying, quote, the new senate should not confi a single nominee executive or ju vital national security positions, so long as, quote, illegal amnesty persists. his article was titled "obama is
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not a monarch" that's not exactly a nod to compromise, shep? >> leland at the white house, thanks very much. turns out since i read that he didn't, the white house did ask for a broadcast network time. we're in the november ratings period so we'll see if that happens. the islamic state has a huge arsenal with enough weapons and military equipment to keep up its war in iraq and syria for two years. enough now to go for two years according to a new report from the united nations. it shows the stockpiles include, quote, state-of-the-art american weapons that iraq's military abandoned during the terrorist brutal offensive over the summer. they're armed with our stuff. according to the report, those weapons were unused before isis stole them, but some, they indicate, may be too sophisticated for the group to use properly. the united nations assessment indicates the islamic state's arsenal include tanks, american humvee, aircraft ar till herpy, shoulder-fired rockets and, quote, extensive supplies of
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ammuniti ammunition, we presume also american. isis still controls large areas of iraq and syria and this report indicates the militants may have so many machine guns and other small arms, they can keep fighting even if u.s. and allied air strikes continue to target the group's bigger weapons. meantime kurdish officials say they're launching a new offensive targeting isis militants it in iraq. they also say a car bomb today killed seven people including two police officers in the kurdss' regional capital of erbil. pj crowley a former assistant secretary of state now a professor of practice at george washington university and live from our washington fuse room. they can fight with our stuff and our weapons and our ammunition against us for the next two years may not be a surprise but it's interesting to see it written down, pj. >> absolutely. as our leaders have said, this is a group with surprising capability, not just the weaponry, they've got a lot of money having robbed banks as they've taken over territory. they're reasonably well led. clearly some of the senior
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leadership comes from saddam hussein's army. at the same time, they do have weaknesses. i think the strategy for the united states and the west is to begin to, you know, seal off their external sources of funding, try to stop them from being able to put oil on the black market, and particularly important, seal off their ability to replenish their troops with foreign fighters from other countries. >> i heard one analyst, pj, say what we need to do is make them fall from within make their brutality so impressed upon the people that maybe the people who are fighting with them will say this is too much? >> absolutely right, shep. you know, what's critically important, what enabled them to get such a stronghold on a substantial portion of iraqi territory is the sympathy of the sunni community in iraq. we've gone from prime minister maliki to prime minister abadi, he's made promises in terms of
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inclusive governance and now he has to deliver. there is the potential to see a repeat of the an bar awakening as we saw in 2007/2008, but that's up to the iraqi government. >> what do you think would happen, i have just reported according to the united nations they have weapons which would should our aircraft out of the sky, what if they shot down a couple of our choppers and beheaded a few of our servicemen, what do you think might happen then? >> well, as the president said, our -- notwithstanding our air force's, our ground troops are not in a combat role at the present time, but what you said is very important. having sophisticated weaponry is one thing. knowing how to use it is quite another. i have confidence that air force has taken into account the weaponry and whatever the islamic state has shown in terms of capability and put that into their operational preparations for these missions. >> all of this is -- none of this will work according to all those involved including your analysis, unless and until you
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get the iraqi government up and running and working with all the people, not just some of the people. they still don't have a defense secretary, much of anything over there, are there signs that you see that maybe this iraqi government might come together? >> well, you know, the peshmerga counter offensive is an early indication of this. i mean i think there's a credible path forward in iraq. it is going to take some time. i think it's one of the reasons why, you know, the president has doubled the, you know, the training, advising, cad dre on the ground to try to speed that up. this is going to take months to get the iraqi house in order. obviously when you cross over the border into syria, that's a much longer, much more difficult, you know, calculation. that's going to take years for sure. >> pj crowley, thank you, sir. >> okay. shep. israel is hitting back after the deadly attack on a synagogue in jerusalem. we'll go live to israel for a look at what's happening and hear from a relative of one of the americans who died ahead with the rest of the day's news
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israel striking back after a bloody massacre during a synagogue's morning prayers. demolition crews are tearing down palestinian houses, not just those of yesterday's attackers but the family homes of suspects in past attacks. meantime another of the victims injured in yesterday's attacks, died, bringing the number to
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five, that includes three american born rabbiss. police say a pair of palestinian cousins raided that synagogue and hacked at the worshipers with meat cleavers and knives. cops killed both of the attackers during a shoot-out. today, mourners returned to that bloody scene at the synagogues to pray. thousands of people turned out for funerals for the victims and here in the united states the american victim's relatives say they're trying to make sense of it all. >> he was a gentle human being, and they took one of the lambs, they didn't take a soldier. >> the attack one of the latest of the deadly ambushes. the television images show blood soaked prayer books and palestinians celebrating. all of that as much of jerusalem on edge tonight. police officers are guarding synagog synagogues and stock drivers at checkpoints to see their i.d.s. pope francis has condemned the
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attacks, did so today, and said israelis and palestinians should find the courage to build peace. the two sides are clearly very far from finding anything like it. the militant group ma hamas posted on facebook israel is to blame and the group is calling for more attacks and more blood shed. conner powell live in our jerusalem newsroom tonight. >> the attack is in the air. beefed up security around jerusalem as you said. there are visible presence of police around the cities. there are checkpoints in the eastern palestinian areas of the city. but because of these attacks appear to be individually planned and they aren't sort of linked together, including yesterday's brutal attack, israeli police are struggling to figure out how to prevent them. there is talk about loosening the gun restrictions so israelis can better defend themselves, one option put forward, but israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu did order the homes of two palestinians responsible for yesterday's attacks to be destroyed immediately, hasn't happened yet, but they did destroy the homes of palestinian man who is responsible for killing two israelis including a small child last month. now, home destruction is a very controversial punishment that israel hasn't used in a decade. there are some israeli security officials who disagree with netanyahu and say the policy is counter productive, doesn't prevent attacks, may be illegal, and palestinians say this is going to inflame the situation and make more angry. israel also announcing today the construction of 80 new homes in disputed territory in jerusalem. shepard, there is, everyone you talk to, everywhere you go, there is a feeling that this is not the end of the violence we are building towards something much more deadly, much more violent, and that the situation here is building towards possibly a third intifada, something being thrown around a lot today recently in every
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quarter you go to. >> you mentioned in aftermath that the settlements are being increased and that they're building 80 more homes. the united states and much of the west has condemned that. is that part of inflaming this, are both sides to blame in the inflammation category. >> the u.s. and the international community do condemn the settlement but israel said this is part of their ability to build in jerusalem which they view as a unified capital of the country. it is still disputed according to international law of the united states and others don't recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel, but the israelis have pursued this policy of building homes all around the city including in east jerusalem which the palestinians want, the capital of their state if they were to get one, it is the policy that's been ins place, hasn't stopped, not going to stop according to israeli officials. this has been the policy for a while. it's not causing today's violence, but it is a part of the broader context of the violence we see here regularly. >> got you. conner powell in jerusalem, nice
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to see you, thank you. in afghanistan cops say four taliban militants died today after they attacked a compound that housed foreign workers. this happened in the capital of kabul. police say one attacker died when he blew himself up in a vehicle near the compound's gate. they say officers killed the other taliban fighters in a shoot-out and nobody else died in the attack. the associated press reports this was the second time this week that taliban have attacked foreigners in kabul. the group claimed responsibility for an attack on monday. that targeted a compound for a private security company. arm former sheriff's deputy accused of murdering his wife. cops cleared him, said his wife killed herself while he was in the house. a reporter spent years investigating. they've reopened the case and he's found something that the cops knew but didn't say, and you'll wonder why. detecting one of their own is the question. the reporter who broke this story followed the lead.
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and now his reporting has led to an indictment. we'll join us live to tell us about the evidence he uncovered in just a moment. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪
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20 minutes past the hour. pro-democracy demonstrations took a violent turn in hong kong nearly four months after those demonstrations started. last night some activists tried to fight their way past police and break into a government building. some pictures of that confrontation in our slide show this afternoon. this is -- this tells much of the story right here. see a demonstrator using part of a fence to break a window. here's a wider shot of that same incident there. here you'll see cops pepper spraying a pro it tester. that's pepper spray you see. hong kong is semi autonomous, meaning it's not entirely independence from beijing but
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largely operates on its own. that was never going to last. the protests broke out after official set restrictions for an upcoming election to lead hong kong and activists say the chinese government went too far. protest leaders have condemned the new round of violence, but it goes on months later in hong kong. a former sheriff's deputy faces murder charges for shooting his own wife. now police initially said the mother of three killed herself. her parents didn't buy it. and a local fire journalist in indianapolis decided to look into her death. after years of investigating, he uncovered evidence that forced the cops in essence to reopen the case. yesterday, officers in indiana arrested the former deputy for murder. you'll hear from the reporter who uncovered the evidence in a moment. first a bit of the back story. the man's name is tom. he and his wife ashley were having a new year's party at their home in colorado to ring in the year 2012. ashley's mother says tom, the
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husband, got upset because somebody brought over some weed and everybody them and then went into the bedroom with ashley and slammed the door. that's when the wife's relatives say tom shot her in the head. the back of the neck specifically. tom told the 911 operator the wife shot herself. >> my wife just shot herself in the neck. please help me. please help me. >> cops did come. they eventually ruled it a suicide. but police photos show the scratch marks on tom the husband's chest, signs of possible struggle. then there's a neighbor who reported hearing tom admit that he did, indeed, kill ashley and the couple's daughter then but 6 years old told police she, quote, saw daddy getting the gun ready. and that she saw daddy shoot mommy. that journalist is reporter justin joseph with kdvr in denver live in indianapolis in the newsroom of our affiliate there wxin.
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good to see you. thank you. >> thank you, shep. still to hear those facts gives me chills. a pretty incredible story and a struggle this family has gone through the past three years. >> did the cops know that this neighbor had said, i overheard the guy say he did this, or was that left out of a report? what happened? >> well, it was definitely left out of a report. that's what this case comes down to. when we started investigating knocking on doors we found this neighbor who says i've been waiting for police, at that point two years, where have police been. i told them this story and they never talked to me. what he said is basically he told police the night of this killing he was at his window, heards the gunfire and he sees tom running out and first thing he hears, i can't believe i did this, his parents say what did you do? and he says i shot her. he says he told this detective yates that and we looked at those reports and in those reports that statement never appeared. we reviewed the reports and saw things that looked like they
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were changed from what other witnesses said. we have serious questions. when we confronted him he said i can't talk about that. >> that detective who is alleged to have left things out of the report and changed some other things in the report, he was found not guilty criminally, but there's another review under way, right? >> that's right. it's an internal review. we sort of expected that because remember, as this case keeps moving towards trial which it is the one thing the prosecutor will have to contend with, they have to defend a police department that mishandled the investigation up front. to have a detective criminally charged would have been a side show the focus is on tom and the criminal trial. the family says they really did expect this detective did not face charges. >> when you came forward with this new and sometimes different information, the -- a new police department was assigned to investigate. explain that? >> well, basically evans police department, whens the accusations came out this mishandled the investigation, may have been some criminal misconduct the chief stood up and said i'm going to have an
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independent police department review this and fort collins to their credit did an excellent job over the past seven months of being fact finders in this. they talked to the witnesses we provided, they found some other witnesses, and then last week they presented all of these facts to the grand jury and the grand jury said there's enough to go forward. i'm from denver so i was here yesterday when he was arrested. >> if the charges are proven, if the current charges are proven what we know is, a cop almost got away with murder, because other cops helped him do so. when this evidence all came to prosecutors how was it received? how did they treat you? >> well, i presented my findings to the local police chief and he called a press conference almost right away to reopen the investigation and so he really did the right thing to do that. from that point i really haven't had much contact with the prosecutors because they've been locked down trying to stay focused on the investigation. so from that standpoint most of the information i've had since then has been from sources. >> justin joseph who got it together from fox 31 in denver,
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thanks very much. >> of course. >> good stuff. a lake-effect snow storm for the ages, this one is. trapping people, cars, homes, stores, offices. and now word searchers have pulled the body from one car that was left under 12 feet of snow drift. now another storm is on the way and it's a wopper as well. we'll have some incredible images of what folks in the extreme northeast are facing. and think your job has challenges, right? try walking into the kremlin to meet with vladimir putin as a new u.s. ambassador to russia. you'll see how that meeting went as the russians deliver a new warning about the tensions in ukraine. there was no kidnapping, we'll give you the rest of it coming up. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it.
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more of the headlines. an overcrowded school bus hit a
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truck, killed 11 kindergartners and a bus driver in china that's what state media ro reporting. police reportedly say the mini bus was designed to hold 8 but had 14 on board. three children reported hurt. officials investigating. firefighters say almost 40 people went to the hospital after the fire ta broke out in a waste water plant yesterday northwest of los angeles. investigators say it started when a truck exploded and spread a flammable chemical. look here. massive times square showing off a new billboard that is longer than a football field and eight stories high. google is set to display ads on the thing starting next week. if you want to show your advertisement there for a month you can do that for $2.5 million. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.®
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bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. a deadly winter storm dumping a
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year's worth of snow in a couple days in new york. they had more snow in one day near buffalo than new york city had in an entire season last year. the system has led to the deaths of at least seven people. the new york governor declaring a state of emergency in the areas after the places around buffalo got hit with more than six feet of snow. at one point the snow fell at a rate of five inches per hour. and look at these pictures, a wall of snow completely blocking the door of this home. and in this next image see that the snow bursts through the toreway and -- through the doorway and into this house. see them trying to shovel it back out the door. snow go away. gale force winds and snow pummel pummeled airs around grand rapids. foot and a half of snow there. the great lakes region, people there could see several more feet of snow by friday. our chief correspondent jonathan
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hunt joins us now. this thing, i mean, to look at it in some cases it's comical but then you realize this will kill people. >> it's a monster storm and deadly one. shep, the latest confirmed death, a 46-year-old man who was found in his car buried under something like 12 feet of snow. in all, officials in upstate new york say somewhere between 100 and 150 vehicles got stuck in total on the roads up there. rescuers are still trying to reach some of the trucks in particular that simply cannot move. with a lot more snow to come over the next almost 36 hours, officials are appealing to everyone to stay safe and warm at home and keep off the roads. listen. >> when we say stay home, really, stay home. going outen the roads is dangerous. it's unnecessary. you're not going to get anywhere. you will get stuck and then you will further complicate the
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situation. that is almost inevitable. >> and when this storm finally fades, there may be another problem. temperatures by sunday predicted to reach into the 50s in that region, shep, and that means with all that snow melting, flooding is the next issue. >> i was looking at the specifics on the map, four inches at the buffalo airport, three miles away, 60 inches. >> extraordinary. >> a lot of people trapped in vehicles all over the price. >> terrible stories, extraordinary ones, including the niagara university women's basketball team. they were on their way back from a game in pittsburgh. they got stuck on a bus. you see them the. they tweeted a bunch of photos. they were there for more than 24 hours. finally, they were all rescued. there was a doritos truck that got stuck, a global news of canada reporter, we can't use his picture because we didn't get permission from him, but he did tweet he saw a bunch of guys going into the back of the truck and stealing the doritos.
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then there's buffalo bill's stadium. ralph wilson stadium, currently under 220 tons of snow. the bills are asking anybody who's healthy to go help them shovel it out. they will pay 10 bucks an hour and give out game tickets although i hear that given that it's the jets who are playing there on sunday, a lot of people are saying can we get 12 bucks an hour and keep the tickets. >> i've been reading in the twitter verse, why don't they pay people to unbury their city than stadium. >> might be a wise idea. lot of work to be done there. >> awful. thank you, sir. >> sure. >> tensions between russia and ukraine are at their highest point since the cold war. so it seems safe to say the toughest job in diplomacy goes to this man, the new u.s. ambassador to russia. his name is john tefft. he shook hands with the russian president vladimir putin in the ceremony in moscow today. he says he wants to strength quote people to people ties,
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unquote, between our two nations but says there are serious differences over ukraine. that as president putin said russia is ready it it to cooperate with the united states provided there is respect for each country's interest and the u.s. stays out of moscow's internal affairs. in other words, everything i said means nothing. russia also warning of a new military assault in eastern ukraine. that one is real. officials there recently decided to freeze budget payment to eastern rebel held territories. russia see seized the crimean peninsula, that's a nice way to put it, went in there with their people and their guns and they took it. moscow urged ukrainian leaders to talk with separatists to end the conflicks in the east but kiev rejected telling moscow to stop playing games designed to legitimize the terrorists. leah gabriel. >> ambassador tefft has a lot of
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experience in the region but he certainly has his work cut out for him. we've seen president putin go well beyond using words to project russian power and today we got a look at how nato forces are reacting, holding drills to practice scrambling their jets. pilots say russian planes, including bombers, are provoking them into doing intercepts by not filing flight plans and identifying themselves in international air space and fighting continues in eastern ukraine despite a september 5th agreement between pro-russian rebels and ukrainian troops. foreign minister blaming the west. >> translator: with the support of the u.s. and an array of european states and unconstitutional armed coup was carried out in ukraine. radicals placed the country on the edge of breakup and forced it into civil war. >> reporter: he says kiev should have direct talks with it the russian separatists but ukraine's prime minister calls them russian terroristsed a rejects that idea. new video of the deteriorating situation on the ground in donestk. see the damage to apartments from shelling this rebel held
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area. some residents say their homes are covered inside with soot. >> translator: we're constantly bombed. we sometimes have water, sometimes not. it's hard living. >> reporter: meantime president putin has turned his attention to another global showdown calling for deeper ties with north korea after holding talks with an envoy to kim jong-un. >> thank you. a court hearing for the woman accused of supporting the islamic state on facebook and offering to help connect somebody to the terror group. the feds charged her with lying to investigators about her actions. we reported on this yesterday. according to court documents an undercover agent reached out to the woman on facebook after she posted messages. the feds say the woman did not know she was communicating with the fbi when she offered to help the agent's friend join the terror group and say she denied that even happened. the woman's attorney says she
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hasn't traveled anywhere and this is just a cautionary tale about the internet. fox news senior judicial analyst judge napolitano joins us now. this is the same story we've been covering for a decade in a different form. if you just talked about it you couldn't really do it, is it a crime if the feds were the only ones you talked to about it. >> normally when the feds do this, reach out to some simp simpleton and try to woo that person to commit a crime and solve the crime and take credit for solving a crime they created. >> that happens a lot. >> the person actually engages in some activity like he drives a truck that he thinks is loaded with fertilizer and then presses a button he thinks is going to explode the truck that doesn't really have the fertilizer in it. however, in this case, all this woman did was speak. she spoke. obviously hateful words. she supported isis. but she spoke. guess what? the statute under which the feds want to prosecute her, have an exception for first amendment activities, meaning speech. so what did they do? they trapped her in a lie and
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now want to prosecute her for lying to the fbi. so in a case in which they profoundly lied to her, she will be prosecuted for lying to them. >> in a world where she couldn't really do and didn't have the intention to do anything that she said she was going to do, and she didn't even do anything, is this one of those cases of just the case of the if feds or is this something more? >> i think this is probably a trial to make the feds that were involved if the efforts to entrap her justify the money they spent. there may be something more here. she may actually know people who are involved in isis. and she may cough up the information in return for a no jail time for telling a lie to an fbi agent. >> when you say know them, know them electron compli. there's no allegation she traveled. >> she may have participated with others in this yeah isis series of e-mails she's been sending to people which are protected under the first amendment. >> the lying to investigators' part is where they're trying to get her?
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>> correct. >> a cautionary tale for everybody, don't say good things about isis but is there a cautionary tale to the government? >> don't talk to the government. if they ask you what you did they know what the truthful answer is. this is the exact same crime for which martha stewart spent five months in jail when in a conversation the fbi lied to her and she lied to them. she went to jail. >> the feds can lie and the people can't? supreme court has ruled that inexplicably but it has. >> thank you, judge. >> you're welcome. >> so weird. the feds calling for a nationwide recall of millions upon millions of air bags with the potentially deadly defect. this is serious and could affect millions of drivers. fox business network's gerri willis has the info you need to know. looking for the fox business network it is easy, fox finder. >>
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headlines. police say they believe they found the bodies of a missing beauty queen and her sister. they disappeared last week in honduras. police say the sister's boyfriend confessed to shooting her because she danced with another man. then he apparently shot miss honduras 2014 as she tried to run away. cops say he and another man buried the bodies in a river bank. scientists in europe say the spacecraft that landed on a comet might get another chance to catch some rays. the craft bounce landed last week and ended up in a shadow where its solar power batteries could not recharge but before the battery died the scientists tried to point the craft's biggest solar panel toward the sun and say they'll probably know something in the spring about whether it worked. they tell us that the lander did send back some data including potential evidence of molecules that are essential to life. the federal government demanding a nationwide air bag
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recall one which could affect millions of cars on the road. take a look at our wall. the world's largest automakers used these air bags including gm, ford, toyota, honda, chrysler, bmw and a lot more. the national highway safety administration or nhtsa warns now that -- we left one word out, traffic left out there. apologies, my faultp . the agency says the air bags can burst if there was a wreck, burst and spread metal fragments that could hurt or kill people in the car. according to the reporting of the associated press officials have linked at least five deaths to the faulty air bags. so it's very serious. gerri willis with the details, host of "willis report" at 5:00 eastern. >> you described some of it but here's what happens. look, an actual air bag expanding, that's a controlled explosion to begin with. even if it is working right. if it's not what happens is that these ammonia nitrate pellets
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explode and expand and blows up your air bag and in the worst situation they get too hot and they blow out the casing in your car and that's what those shards of metal are that are killing people. a look at the wall, ten companies here that are part of this air bag recall or will be because remember, nhtsa is just asking for this. it hasn't happened yet. if you want the full list of makes and models and the years of the cars that could be recalled go to gerri we have the complete list there. it's mighty long. >> gerri willis, ger-e-r-r-i it's called takata based in japan. are they cooperating? >> not the way you want them to, i have to say. this is a japanese closely held company owned by a family and they said look we think the problem is the humidity so the cars that are in humid states need to be recalled but nobody else. now nhtsa saying not so, we have a case out of north carolina
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that shows this happens everywhere and i have to tell you if you have one of these cars i would take it to the dealership and say, i want the air bags fixed. >> all good until you have a crash. >> that's right. >> thank you, gerri. >> you're welcome. >> next time you fly jet blue you might have to pay more for your bags. the airline going to create three different ticket classes and the first half of next year. only the top two classes will get a free checked bag. everybody else, in other words the people who didn't pay as much, has to cough up extra cashp. jet blue reps say they'll add more seats to each flight. how do you do that? well, you take away leg room. duh. the airline predicts the changes will bring in more than $200 million a year in operating income and your back will hurt just a little bit more. thrill seekers can strap into a ride that flips upside down six times and plummets 12 stories to the ground. no, thank you. that's just one of the new attractions -- it doesn't actually hit the ground. >> no. >> well that makes it better.
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>> one of the new attractions set to open next year at the theme parks across the country. lillian has details on the am e amusement park. i want to see this. our alabama girl who found herself in first place despite the loss to my beloved rebels. >> they're tied. >> said that last week. never say it again. >> tell me more. >> the first thing is called the slide border. >> what is it? >> it puts together video games and actual water and you stand in the middle and it's like you're actually surfing. a mom created it. it looks pretty cool. going to be in some water parks. >> okay. >>s also six flags is going to introduce a bunch of superhero rise rides. the first one, 120 feet and flip you down and head over heels six sometimes called batman the ride. >> also known as bonita in spanish. >> or vomit. >> it's going to be the world's
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first 4d free flying roller coaster. >> plus they will shoot things at you, slime, water. this battle for met troll police 4d thing which will have laser shooters and fog and custom music and revealed new food. this sort of hot dog thing which you're going to have beef hot dog or chicken hot dog or bacon sausage hot dog and then they fill this bun with one of seven of these sauces pineapple coconut, sauces, lemon g garl garlic, i don't suggest trying this before going on a ride. >> no, no. two weekend from now you know what the catch phrase is? >> what? >> eagles. if they do -- if we do beat arkansas, it's ours not yours. >> i'm going to the game. i will make sure that we solidify this. >> that game is on in the evening for the first time ever. the revels and bull dogs will play on cbs.
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>> that's going to be a good game. >> everybody, no roll tide. the acting head of the secret service says his agency can and will do better. how? he has testified before canning. we will tell what you happened. while every business is unique,
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the public about that incident. >> i want to know what did you about it. >> sir, we have to do a better job of communicating within the -- >> no. i want to know if there's any consequence. did anybody face disciplinary action? you have a major morale problem. this is why. >> clancy acknowledged no punishments were handed out. he says the errors were unintentional. >> any talk of beefing up security? >> there was talk about beefing up security. taller fences and electrified fence and maybe a most around the white house. a tennessee democrat had a little fun while asking a serious question. >> this guy got further in the white house than some of my republican colleagues have gotten. >> yes, sir. yes, sir. you are right, sir. a higher fence would certainly help us. we're looking for pays and options. in fact, we hope within the next few months to have rendering, drawings of some options for
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people to look at. >> overall, acting director clancy was very serious in tone and promised the secret service would do better. >> thanks. a final nod and then the top of the hour, top of the news right after this.
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on this day in 1954, driving got smoother when the first automatic toll machine went into service on the garden state parkway in new jersey. before then had you to stop and give cash to the aen it dant. this new invention replaced it with a tire wire hopper. toss the change in, wait for the green light and you are good to go. toll collections add up to nearly $13 billion for state and local governments each year. things like easy pass speed up the process more. drivers did a coin toss 60 years ago today. when news breaks out, we
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will break in because breaking news changing everything around here. the dow flat on the day, down six, seven points. that could change by the time we turn things over to your world. that's beginning right now. thank you. what happens in vegas will not stay in vegas after the president announced information on illegal immigration. it will be a sin if you do not whoop it up. >> this is not amnesty. this is pry organization. this is saving money. this is keeping families together. this is allowing children to not come home to places where their parents have been thrown from places of work and taken april way from them. i'm excited about the courage of this president. i look forward to america finally understanding the gift that you are given. let us not be


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