tv The Five FOX News November 19, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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. hello, everyone, i'm eric, along with kimberly, dana and greg. this is "the five." it's important to understand why the jonathan gruber tapes are so relevant to every single american, they give us a glimpse inside the washington political sausage factory. profess for gruber isn't a jerk, he's an accidental whistle blower. he tells the story of a president who will do anything to get his way. here's what's more important to the news people over at nbc.
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>> every one of these brand-new f-150s coming off the line tonight is made from aluminum, a thicker grade than is in these soda cans. >> this may be an example of the most they have gotten done at the u.s. capitol in years. perhaps because it's happening over the heads of congress by about 100 feet. we got a rare look today at a spectacular restoration project under way. >> second place lap dog goes to abc that just came around to gruber last night. here's what they found more newsworthy in the meantime. >> mcdonald's is voluntarily recalling a toy, the hello kitty lollipop. one of america's biggest divorce settlements of all time. >> nbc mentions abc, we'll bring
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in k.g., that toy thing. >> hello kitty lollipop. since i have a boy, they don't give him the girl toy, but it just goes to show you the priorities and the extent to which the media will go to dance around what's the biggest story of the day. that's the problem. but again this is completely consistent with what we have seen from them because their behavior, i mean they act like sic sycophants. >> all these scandals have one thing in common. the major media uses fnc as a reason to dismisa story. the irony is that if we don't cover it, it never gets covered. the msm is saying we don't want to cover these stories at all.
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in the a block we're doing immigration, c we're doing climate change, all of these three issues are predicated on one argument, it is for the greater good. no matter what you do, lie, cheat, whatever, it's for the greater good. this is fine if you're a political leader. if you're a leader, you're expected to believe it's for the greater good. but when the media believes it's for the greater good, that is criminal because it's your job to question whether it's for the greater good. your job is abdictated when you agree with them, you become scum. >> when you're sitting around in the newsroom. the hash tag gruber thing, it's everywhere, it's been trending for 11 days straight, but they choose to ignore it. i got to think it wasn't an accident. >> but it is group think. and it reminds me of how after the midterm elections when republicans, the debate was was it a wave, but the media as a whole came down to the conclusion that it was really america voting against both
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parties and america voting against washington rather than the story being one of built up frustration with president obama, the unpopularity of president obama and hiss policies, plus the processes that they use to get things done. if i were in the newsroom, i wouldn't want to be dragged kicking and screaming to cover a story of corruption. but often i think that's what happens. this story is getting around, it is going to have an impact. those voters who are calling up congress, they're well aware of the story. >> 6 million -- >> cat nip -- >> as soon as you're done asking the question. >> all aluminum cars which are all light weight.
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toys that are dangerous to american children. all of those stories are far more important to american children. >> it's not a question of what's more important. we didn't even sway that nbc led with these, they never led with gruber, they never even aired a gruber comment. they never even talked about grouper. >> it's not necessarily good for conservatives. >> it's in my block. i usually get the mcdonald's stories. >> hello kitty is your come on line. >> oh, my god. >> the nbc person leading with chucked to, he said -- do you what about to run it? sorry. i was. sure. >> roll it, go, chuck todd. >> i wouldn't say it's not a story, i'm not in charge of any of those network newscasts, but
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what is the news today, network news in general hasn't been covering the political back and forths of washington. i don't think that has to do with gruber specifically. i would just caution people. >> the guy is a senior white house correspondent for nbc. the guy knows it's a big story, but for some reason, he's just pretending. >> remember also how the story gets started u it wasn't because anybody in any of these news organizations fought it, it was because the citizens were so frustrated with obama care, he's the one that found it and brought it to our attention. why you look at numbers of the democrats, the numbers of the presidency and the numbers of congress and the media all go down at almost the same rate. >> a couple of years, chuck todd, would he have asked the question as a white house correspondent with bush, was the one who had hired gruber. >> he just wrote a book in which he explained president obama
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saying that people cling to -- anthropologist would. that's in greg's new book. >> what would have done to bush? >> so chuck todd is saying, we haven't really been covering a lot of back and forth in washington lately. so what have you been covering, camel wrestling? that's your job. just admit you're in the tank for them. that's why you're not covering it. >> what's the title of the new show, "meet the press." ask the politicians the questions. >> stop manicuring the goatee. >> they're failing on a -- >> this guy -- wait, wait, wait. to be fair, we're wasting our time. >> he covered it on "meet the
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press," why is he covering for other people at nbc, the nightly news, when every american has a tv on that isn't watching fox, there's more proof you should be watching fox. why is he covering for them? >> it was a question, wasn't it? >> my question is, if chuck todd can cover it on "meet the press," why is it not that big of a story. >> didn't somebody ask a question on "meet the press" about it. >> no, he was being interviewed on another show. bob, do you remember the point about comparing things to t previous administration is the only comparison we have. remember armstrong williams, about how he was doing radio interviews and paid comment tear for the no child left behind bill, basically run out of town. believe me the press office in the white house was the only -- everyone in the press briefing room asked scott mcclellan about that. so there is a difference.
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the media bias is a pretty good point. >> what he did is not --- >> that was a far bigger story that were this guy is. >> why? he wasn't lying. he wasn't lying to congress to get election passed that would feather his own nest. >> you guys are assuming that the president of the united states is lying. i don't assume that. >> but gruber admitted that he lied. >> you think everything he session is a lie. >> everybody's mad about the wmds. everybody thought that was true, including our people. including the clintons, they thought they were real. >> i never one time, go through the videotape did i ever call george bush a liar. >> i can call obama a liar. nancy pelosi clearly lied because we caught her on tape and on her website.
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>> he was an advisor that kind of remembers him a little bit. all over the place, even -- people left and right saying that gruber was instrumental in talking president obama into delivering the message this way. that's the problem. call him a liar, don't call him a liar. >> inconsisteequential consulta. but we see the truth of the matter is -- is this a guy who's just completely incompetent and ignorant and someone who was in the oval office 1 1 times and i in fact the architect of obama care. >> who said that? >> i think everybody in the administration did at one time.
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>> guess who else found this story newsworthy. i hope you brought something good. >> the democratic leadership told us that the individual mandates in the affordable act was not atta tax, even thou they knew it was a tax. it was pretty slimy, all they can do is say we misled you but it was for the greater good. >> i don't know who he is. >> can you ever not not disappoint us? >> wow. >> johnny boy, you should check the supreme court. they're the ones who said it was a tax and that's the reason they made obama care the law of the
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land, okay? watch that once in a while. >> gruber actually figured out a way to call it something that could get past the supreme court. >> the "new york times" is defending it as well. they're providing more cover for obama than a burqa. even though gruber said obama tricked the public, he didn't trick the public. they will do anything, they're his publicist, his defender and his lawyer. what do you do when you find out a contest is corrupted, what it's the next thing? you got to have a do over. this requires a debate that's fair and square, if you're against a revote on obama care, you know you're going to lose. >> is that because we should be for a revote because the stupid idiots are following? >> because they lied about it.
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>> you're talking about the stupid people who voted for the democrats. the only democrats who voted. >> quote, his comments should not be taken that the reform law was hatched in secrecy and foisted on the public by tricky. if not by trickery, then how. >> this does not matter, let's do the hello kitty story. it does matter, because people do care about this, nobody likes the deliberate ruse over the american people and then people like elected leaders like pelosi and the rers of them. >> do you remember the tea party, excuse me the town hall meetings with all that obama care, every network, everybody covering them, they're mocked. >> they're not right.
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>> they were called racist. they were called bigots. they were called -- >> in town meetings, that was a big story. >> no, but the point was to make fun of the people who showed up at the meeting. >> i don't believe that's the case. >> that was the coverage. >> let's talk about the "new york times" playing ball. playing ball. >> about al sharpton? >> i think that the reason-your revote idea is interesting. i think that it's even more interesting coming up to january when the employer mandate which president obama has now delayed twice actually goes into place in january. businesses have been starting to meet with their accountants recently, and in the last couple of weeks we have hearing more and more people saying, how is that this going to work? it's not going to work. that is why you'll see more pressure to have some kind of vote and maybe a revote. >> it's a fraud that was perpetuated against the american people.
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>> because obama pushed it off. >> it's still going to happen. what do you think you're going to look at it? >> a quick thought before we go? >> i think -- perfect. directly ahead. the president sets the stage for his big announcement on immigration. what can we expect to hear from president obama tomorrow night? details when we return.
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it's official, president obama will announce his plans for executive action on immigration tomorrow night. >> tomorrow night, i'm going to be announcing here from the white house some steps that i can take to start fixing our broken immigration system. washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long. what i'm going to be laying out is the things that i can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better even as i continue to work with congress. >> no jacket. while the final details aren't entirely clear, some suggest the president's plan will -- the american people expect this type of leadership. >> by any measure, upon reviewing the actions the
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president's chosen to take, an impartial observer would conclude that the president has sought to maximize the use of his authority to try to solve these problems, which is actually what i think the president of the united states expe -- >> only 38% -- >> i keep saying every time i hear president obama speak, joe wilson keeps getting vindicated. i keep saying that i don't like what joe wilson said. every time i hear him, i go, joe wilson's right. president obama keeps saying that immigration is broken. it's only broken because he's not enforcing the law. it's like he's a reckless driver who's blaming the road for his tick. if you just follow the laws, you only do things rash when there's
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an exceptional necessity. the exceptional necessity here is purely political. creating a voting bloc, you know what? maybe these new illegal immigrants will be family minded. >> if he's not following the lala law -- >> that's a good point, maybe we should have a secured border. >> i think the issue is whether using the executive pen allows four or five or whatever millions. not that many. >> whether that's calling on when you're on camera. you can say a lot of things in private, when you say it on tape time and time again that i'm not going to do that and then you go ahead and do it. is everyone tired of fix the broken blank system?
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whether it's health care, immigration, but he's saying he wants to fwix immigration. >> they need to fix the white house. >> the presidency is broken. >> those things are broken. >> immigration can be fixed, health care can be fixed. >> that means they're broken. >> it can be maybe improved upon. >> i'm sorry. >> he operates on the assumption that the united states itself is broken. >> that's what he thinks. can i ask something though there are people who say yes, people who say no. from your legal perspective, do you think the president has the discretion under the law to be able to do up to 5 million people? >> to ignore the law, he can do it under executive authority.
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if you follow the constitution and the law, you see that he is in fact exceeding his powers and doing this. actually they're not that concerned about the law. he's only interested in achieving his objective. >> you agree that ronald reagan did the same thing, right? >> i'm not having a conversation with you about ronald reagan, i'm talking about right now, on the eve of the president's speech about immigration. and what i'm telling you right now, is he is using executive action. not only do they not have the authority, we don't have the money for this. this is directly going to impact americans that are here legally, right now, paying taxes et cetera. because what we're going to do is give immediate benefits to all of the illegals that are coming in and they'll have access to the welfare systems, et cetera. this is going to be very costly, it's going to be economically reckless. >> this thing is going to go to
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the supreme court. if you believe the judicial system rules, and you believe it has the right to do so, would you -- >> i will respect the law. >> why use the executive privilege when the republicans have already said they agree the system needs to be fixed. it's a bipartisan agreement. why quiet. >> why is obama care? >> i think the republicans want immigration, they don't want these zrdemocratic voters comin in. >> i'll tell you why, i am baffled by the politics, trying to put myself in their shoes, trying to figure out us, i think because the white house leaked so much that he would do it by the end of the year. two weeks ago when he said we're
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not red or blue america, we're the united states, we can work together, we'll get things done. he had no intention of doing that and all the good things we talked about leading up to the midterms about what president obama could get done in a divided congress, is much more difficult going forward. every one of these members of congress are going through the roof. that's why you were. >> you know they can't override his veto, so you think that's the reason some of impeachment talk is going on. >> i think impeachment talk is brought up mostly by the media, who would love to watch that story and not by people who are in congress who are serious. >> okay, up next, should the debate over climate change be framed as a moral issue. "the washington post" columnist thinks so and greg will take him
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. so in the "washington post," davidic nashous calls the climate change the politics of selfishness. the smear exempts him from marshalling the facts. it suggests that those who disagree are immoral, because they don't care about the future or their loved ones or the greater good. it's just so old. remember mao was greatly -- private property was banned, all for the greater good. 50 million people died, that was no surprise. people saw it coming, but they had to stifle their skepticism even while stacking the dead, because defiance was seen as
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selfishness. it hindered the greater good. now we're see as skeptics despite every climate model has -- as warming has paused for eight years. a little bump in celsius saves live lives,ic nash shus -- instead of vetting predictions, he embraces them with ink journalism. he eninvokes 1984. how ironic, a book about thought crimes being used to halt skepticism. so wily in the opposite age of indictment. demand everything but the truth. >> so dana, could this argument be used on both sides. it's like you could say it's morally wrong to deprive school choice or hurt small business with waste controls. >> i had those thoughts earlier
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and now i'm not prepared. >> you e-mailed me that thought earlier this morning. >> every issue if you believe in it, you can make a moral argument for why you would want to letting slate something. but you need facts to back it up. he doesn't say that in the article. he does say that the science points to humans causing global warming. it's the practicality of how do you then get that done and it is impossible to solve a global problem if you only have the united states skin in the became. i actually think more energy development here helps people all over the world, better their situations today and also improve the situation of global warming going forward because we'll have more resources to develop better technology. >> eric, my alarm always goes off when people use this kind of reason where they say, you're not nice or you're selfish, about a political reason. that means they're dry on fat. >> go for the heart.
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>> here's what's really going on. you always have to follow the money. so you have the climb toll gusts have to talk about global warming, everybody knows there's climate change. but there's a lot of politicians who are on the band what gong that their environmentalists tom stier for one. may be anti-fossil fuel. but if you jump on that bandwagon, they'll support your campaign. but you're on that bandwagon independence you're mary landrieu who says now i'm noncoal and fossil fuel. >> i just want to follow up on that, it's about the money, it's about dollars, it's about government contracts and cashing in on this green energy agenda and the president made it very clear that he's going to stake the claim of the last two years
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of his presidency to push forward with this agenda, roo s regardless of the facts or the truth, ring a bell. this is what he's going to do. when you see people that are going to benefit from this, that are pushing that agenda, you see this on social media, this is why that works for them. they stand to be the establishes of this agenerdagenda. >> it's got trains, there are people involved who would rather transport the oil by train. >> i hadn't thought about that. there are reasonable people on both sides of this argument. there's plenty of science on my side of the argument, plenty o yours, and we could have this debate back and forth. >> and we have. >> but it's the people that flat out deny it exists. i do think it's immoral. >> why are they immoral? >> because if you don't accept the fact that the possibility
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exists, that you could have climate change -- >> this is the article. >> this is ridiculous, though, bob, you're saying just because someone disagrees, the interpretation of the facts is immoral? >> i believe in a lot of stuff, a lot of the facts are on the side of the global warming. you don't agree with that. that's just fine. >> you just said there are facts on other side. >> i said those who believe there were no facts on my side, none. >> as soon as you make a moral argument -- >> that's exactly what i said. >> bob, it doesn't make them immoral, do you understand? just because someone has a different interpretation of the viewpoint or the fact, doesn't make them ignorant. i may make them ill informed. >> the most important topic today. >> the sexiest man alive. >> i want to get into immigration. >> wrap, wrap, let's go.
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>> next on "the five" al sha sharpton is doing damage control. his response to the allegations when we return. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink? action! blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. introducing the birds of america collection. fifty stunning, hand-painted plates, commemorating the state birds our proud nation. blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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yesterday the "new york times" published a bombshell report uncovering al sharpton's financial woes, saying he owes $4.5 million in state and federal tax leans. sharpton vehemently denies any wrong doing at a press conference earlier today. >> i think it's political. a lot of people don'tlike the fact that president obama's the president. a lot of people do not like the
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fact that bill deblasio won for mayor and the fact that i'm still here. and i'm not going nowhere. i do not owe a dime in current taxes since president obama or deblasio has been in office. i just got to figure it out. >> of course, this is some kind of personal vendetta against him. everybody always talks about how come al sharpton doesn't have to pay any taxes? >> who do they target? they target the tea party. people died at freddy's fashion mart. they destroy people's lives by propagating a false story of mass rape. sharpton is more crooked than lumbar street. he hates the police, he hates
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law enforcement, he hates the practices that made this city safe. if you listen to al sharpton about law enforcement, he would make death wish look like sleepless in seattle. >> its unfair to say that the irs doesn't pay any attention to them. they have got leans against him. they have been after him for some time. >> that's not what he said. he said he didn't owe a dime until now. >> here's the problem, when you have only one or two civil rights leaders as who stand out, who are well known, and one is meant to be al sharpton, that is a problem for civil rights groups for blacks in this country. that is the answer you have, every day we have to listen to that. that's why there's no more -- >> why does he the day after the midterms elections, president obama brings him to the white house, why is he constantly at the side of bill deblasio, the mayor of the largest city in
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america. when politicians are standing next to him for photo ops, that's not some right wing blog that's he's guessing he owes taxes, it's the "new york times" that -- i would guess they're probably right. >> they have a very strong following, whether you like it or not. and it's too bad because there should be others. >> i'm not sure that's true. he can't get a rating on msnbc, if they're not watching him on msnbc. >> i don't care who he is, he is an american citizen and he owes taxes. and the rest of america has been subsidizing his lifestyle. and i think it's time that if i were in the white house, i would say you're not allowed back in here until this is solved. i think it's inappropriate. >> i would take that deal. >> you don't have to pay taxes, you're not in the white house.
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i don't have to do that. >> i know he needs it. >> this is another statement. this is bad for the president. he's listed them all the time. how many photos and photo-opes. he's giving them audience to come in. all the time. >> all the time. >> all the time. >> reverend al was going to be part of the decision making on who was going to be the next attorney general. gr gruber is the obama care hoax and reverend al is the republicans hoax. >> talk about no justice, reverend al, no justice for the american people, because we're paying our taxes and you aren't, open up your lawless. >> it was the tax court to lean against it. >> here's a burning question, who is "people" magazine's sexiest man alive, did bob make the cut?
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we have got the answer next. so, your site gave me this "credit report card" thing. can i get my experian credit report... like, the one the bank sees. sheesh, i feel like i'm being interrogated over here. she's onto us. dump her. (phone ringing) ...hello? oh, man. that never gets old. no it does not. not all credit report sites are equal. members get personalized help and an experian credit report. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker sm.
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it's not the inest picture of him. >> he was better looking back then. he was. okay. >> he's the sun setter. because it's all about the work out here now. >> who's the sexiest man of the year. >> i only have eyes for one man, this one. >> look at that picture, though, that is blue steel all the way. >> oh, my god, he's your man. >> greg is so upset right now. >> that is crushed. >> this whole thing by the way, let's point of view out is sexist, it's a justification of men. these magazine editors should be ashamed of themselves. however, sexiest male, who could it be but lou dobbs.
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lou dobbs is amazing. for 20 years, he's been nothing but sexy. they're not booing him. they're louing him. i got the dibs on the dobbs. >> who's your runner up? was it hemmer? >> there's no runner up to lou. >> i took this assignment. >> i was torn between two men. so i picked -- this is kind of an obvious one. 50 shades of gray, which i was going to pick chris hemsworth, and he -- the second one is jared butler. i loved him in the 300. >> i'm not disparaging him, but here's the difference. for you to dump on editors.
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>> amanda -- >> they both got married in a tasteful ceremony. >> okay, i want to just consider this a public service announcement. everybody has a phone. when you're looking at your phone. do you know that there's a new study that says looking at your cell phone is the equivalent of putting 60 pounds on your neck. that's like having four ten pound bowling balls, four bowling balls like this on your neck and it can cause turkey neck, so that you have wrinkles here, and you really have to be thinking about your spine. >> good posture is really important, okay? >> i got turkey neck, i don't want to look at mine. >> you're looking down at your phone.
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>> what did you say? >> nothing. what did you say? >> nothing. >> he did not say anything. >> so show the scoreboard, from two nights ago and last night. the ridgeview mustangs won the sectionals. take the next picture as my niece on the right. they're won the sectionals, on the regionals and maybe on to state. >> here it is, 1965, the average worker made $20, excuse me, ceo made $20. guess what now. the average worker makes a buck, and the ceo makes $354. isn't that just great? and isn't that a balanced 5 ed fair economy. >> 354 to 1? you don't find that a problem?
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>> you have lots of them. check it out. this is a contribution to the happiness of americans across the country. because this is a great dane in pennsylvania who was pregnant, you think about five or six friends they can give them to. oh, 15 babies, no, 19 puppies came out, can you believe that? >> is that a record? >> this is a york county resident in pennsylvania and it's brandon and amy. >>a father must have been a hell of a dog. >> the father's not the problem. he just left. >> you know what? you know they can ruin my puppy segment.
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no matter what my one more thing is. . >> that's a big dog. . >> that's it for "the five." next the "special report." lighting the fuse on the immigration powder keg. tomorrow night president obama will announce -- this is "special report." >> good evening, i'm bret baier, we have a pretty good idea of -- tonig oof -- -- the president will address the nation tomorrow night to explain why he is taking matters into his own hands, by reportedly legalizing
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