tv Happening Now FOX News November 20, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PST
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our hearts go out to their families as we hear more news. everything on the president's immigration announcement. thanks for being with us today, everybody. see you tomorrow. jon: president obama getting ready to tell the american people he will do what congress will not and take action to change u.s. immigration law. it is the hot button issue of the day. welcome to "happening now." i'm jon scott. shannon: i'm shannon bream in for jenna lee of the president will address the nation from the white house 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight, laying out executive orders expected to protect some five million illegal immigrants from deportation. setting up a high stakes battle with congressional republicans after at sweeping victory in the midterms. mike emanuel live from capitol hill. hi, mike.
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>> reporter: hi, shannon. earlier senator republican leader mitch mcconnell blasted the president for going around congress. >> the action he proposed would ignore the law, would reject the voice of the voters and would impose new unfairness on law-abiding immigrants all without solving the problem. in fact his action is more likely to make it even worse. >> reporter: texas senator ted cruz says the president is defiant and angry with the american people. cruz says the president is defying the law and the constitution. as we take a live look at the capitol dome i note the white house says mr. obama is acting because house lawmakers have not. some senior members suggest executive action on immigration will be like a bomb going off on capitol hill at a time the lawmakers are working out an extension funding the government. house democratic leader nancy pelosi suggests it is no big deal. >> i don't know if those same people understand what executive
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action is. would they have been eopposed to emancipation proclamation? would they be opposed to seg agation of the military? all those things were done by executive action and many, many more things. >> reporter: senate republican leader mitch mcconnell is warning that congress will act to stop mr. obama. you better expect those discussions will heat up in the hours ahead. shannon? shannon: mike emanuel live on the hill, keeping an eye on all of it thank you. jon: this action nearly guaranties a showdown royal with the republicans as gop prepares to take control of the house and senate come january. let's talk about with our political panel today. nina easton, columnist and washington he had for for "fortune" magazine and fox news contributor. charlie hirt is a columnist with the "washington times." nina, obviously republicans are upset about what the president intends to announce here but what can they do about it? >> well here's the thing, jon. i have to, you have to step back from this and say, you know, is
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this president really interested in providing more security for the illegal families, millions of illegal families who are here? or is he interested in as republicans say, conducting political trench warfare with them? i would argue it is the latter because you've got this, got this executive order coming out which is really only temporary relief for these poem here and is likely to be challenged in court. so it makes it even more temporary and more insecure. secondly, the white house is making the case that this is all about john boehner's refusal to get immigration passed by his house. but the effect of this will make it more difficult for john boehner to keep his republican caulk together to pass any kind of comprehensive reform. so basically what the president has done is made it more insecure, a more difficult time for those 11 to 12 million people who are hoping for some sort of a pathway to permanence in this country. jon: charlie, she mentioned the probability of some kind of a
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court challenge. we have three coequal branches of government but generally the courts are pretty reluctant to get involved in this kind of a battle between congress and the president, aren't they? >> they generally like to kind of make the other two branches sort of work it out but this is unprecedented. this is unchartered waters what we're dealing with right here. you're talking about a president who is clearly usurping the authority of congress. is clearly undermining, thwarting the will of the american people based on the most recent election. but the president, as he said, astonishingly after the election, he said that you know, he heard the people who voted but he also heard 2/3 of people who didn't vote. apparently he is listening to them, not the people who voted. it is pretty shocking. and so i wouldn't be surprised if the, i mean, the court should get involved in this. this is what the court is designed to do, but the thing
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that think is most amazing about it, jon, don't take my word for it. look back at the very words president obama himself has said for years now, presenting himself as a constitutional scholar. he has said all along he does not have the authority to do this. that congress is the only one that has the authority to do this. and furthermore, it would be very bad to do this because it would be up fair to people waiting in line to come into this country legally. and worse than that, it encourages further illegal immigration, which of course is very dangerous for people coming here as well as unlawful. jon: charlie, you teed up the remarks for me. on july defend fifth of 2011, the president addressing the national council of la raza said this about immigration. he said, believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. there was laugher from the audience. i problem is you not on immigration reform but that is not how our system works.
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so what has changed, nina, between 2007 ven and today? -- 2011 and today? >> what is really interesting, you had josh earnest, press secretary of the white house on air earlier today and was asked that same question and couldn't really answer it. nothing has changed except the house has not passed immigration reform. the white house keeps going back to the fact that senate passed immigration reform the well, if the senate, if the congress actually does pass comprehensive reform the president is standing by to rip up his executivebut, t more difficult for the house where john boehner has a problem getting his troops together for immigration reform, comprehensive immigration reform, pathway to permanence here. they have made it more difficult. i should also add that most people, 57% of americans, support some form of pathway to citizenship. most republicans support pathway
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to permanent, at least not necessarily citizenship as long as there are penalties attached. republicans support this. you've got senators coming in who were chosen bit party of candidates because they believe in governance. they believe in getting things done. this president refused to wait to give them a chance to do it. >> charles krauthamer, very quickly said something about all of this. effectively says the president has roll ad bomb into the houses of congress. listen to charles's steak. >> history will not care much about what is going to happen in these two years but it will care about the encroachment of the executive in a gross way on the prerogatives of congress and damage it will do to the separation of powers will be great. >> all right. charlie, final thought? >> the question, does it end here? usually when someone gets that kind of access to unfettered power, they, they don't stop there. the question is, what is next?
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jon: pointing out the democratic majorities were in both houses the first two years of his term and could have done whatever he wanted then if it was so important to him. we'll have to leave it there. nina easton, charlie hirt. thank you. >> thank you. shannon: executives from japanese airbag supplier takata testifying before a senate committee right now about deaths linked to defective airbags in millions of cars. the government new push for a nationwide recall. leland individual is live in washington keeping an eye on the hearing. hello, leland. >> reporter: the hearing is emotional and getting pretty heated. the one senator says the airbags are equivalent after ticking time bomb in millions of cars. the hearing on capitol hill has been going on about an hour. it includes senators and victims from airbags holding pictures of those injured. the problem could affect roughly 14 million vehicles. takata makes airbag inflators. reports indicate more than 100
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injuries and multiple deaths of stuff exploding out from the airbags. that includes rusty metal shards from the very devices supposed to save people's lives. "the new york times" led a lot of reporting on this accused takata of not only making faulty inflators but conducting secret tests and covering up results of the just today a new report indicates it all comes down to money. takata thought they could get away with using cheaper explosive to actually blast the airbag out. >> what we have seen here essentially is a pattern of concealment and cover-up and the specker of continuing cover-up and concealment. this hearing marks a critical step in uncovering the truth and making sure that the american public understands it. >> reporter: now the hearing includes auto manufacturers and representatives from takata who says they are deeply sorry. it appears right now that the biggest safety concern comes from cars that are in high
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humidity areas because that could cause the explosives to break down faster. in addition to the problem of defective airbags, takata is having problems reproducing replacement parts to come through and actually fix the already defective airbags. also today, came word that of all cars minivans could also be dangerous in some types of crashes. the insurance institute for highway safety rammed a number them into a piling what they call their small overlap test. the cars in this video are going 40 miles per hour to simulate late real world situation of hitting a bridge abutment, telephone pole or perhaps another car if someone drifted over the center line. let's take a look at the ratings themselves now after the crashes. chrysler town and country, dodge caravan, and nissan quest all received poor ratings. toyota sienna got acceptable, and honda odyssey received only good rating from the insurance institute of highway safety.
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so now, why these ratings are so low? experts say most minivans are built on car chassis but are wider and heavier that the cars the chassis were originally made for making for a very bad physics experiment. shannon? shannon: always amazing to see the amount of damage even at such low speeds. important for folks out there to know. leland, thank you. >> scary stuff. secretary of state john kerry heading to vienna today. he will join other representatives of world powers in high level talks with iran. this ahead of a monday deadline to come to an agreement over tehran's nuclear program. greg palkot is live in london with a look at what is at stake. greg? >> reporter: jon, you're absolutely right. it is down to the wire time for talks to try to rein in iran's suspicious nuclear program and it is looking increasingly like that monday deadline might not be met. now the issues are being dealt with are the same that we've been seeing for the past several
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years. washington and its allies claim iran wants to build a nuclear bomb. and slap the country with sanctions. tehran says the program is peaceful and wants economic measures eased. all say talks between the two sides have made significant progress over the past couple months. all admit there are gaps. for example, how much capacity should iran be allowed to have to make nuclear material. what grid should that material be? as well as how effective inspections can be at the facilities there in iran. secretary of state john kerry has been in london this week and today in paris trying to drum up support. while he claims a deal could be reached by monday it is clear he does not want a bad deal. take a listen. >> we do want to get an agreement but it is not just any agreement. it has to be an agreement that works, that achieves the goal of guarantying that the pathways to a bomb will not and can not be used. >> reporter: kerry should be
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arriving in vienna in just a couple of hours where also the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog agency, the iaea, also spoke. he said that in parallel talks between his agency and iran they still have not been satisfied that iran doesn't want a bomb. back to you, jon. >> greg palkot, keep an eye on it for us. thank you. >> iranian company displaying four brand new u.s.-made helicopters. reportedly obtained through third party dealers. the company's ceo telling state media shows the iran's ability to bypass u.s. and international sanctions. the company mainly serves iranian oil sites and plans to use the aircraft for both training and police patrols. jon: more sabre-rattling now from north korea as the government in pyongyang vows to beef up its quote, war capability and conduct a fourth nuclear test, all in response to what it calls u.s. hostility
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that led to a u.n. resolution urging the security council to refer north korea's human rights violations to the international criminal court. shannon: another security scare at the white house. one man's bizarre reason for being there and how the secret service responded this time. a terrifying shooting at florida state university library early this morning. packed with students studying for exams ahead of thanksgiving break. >> we heard a gunshot. and -- >> you got a text message saying there is a shooting and we started hearing sire recognize. >> then we like, we had some friend in there. we went to go see if everyone's okay.
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him to go to the white house. the suspect has been charged with possessing an unregistered firearm. in japan a 67-year-old millionaireers was arrested on fish shun of poisoning her late husband. six former partners who have died over the last 20 years. if she is found to have been involved in their deaths, she will become the country's latest black widow case. here in new york, a massive gun trafficking bust. the ring allegedly funneled firearms from florida to new york, often underneath chinatown-based buses. according to the felony indictment, police seized 70 illegal guns and charged eight members of the trafficking ring. shannon: a gunman shot dead after opening fire in a packed library at florida state university. leaving three students wounded, one of them in critical condition. and a terrifying incident early
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this morning. police killed the shooter after he enter ited the school's library, opened fire and refused to drop his weapon for officers. david lee miller joins with the very latest on the case report shannon, students who should have been studying for upcoming exams, found themselves literally running foretheir lives. florida state university library as you said was packed with as many as 400 students when gunshots shattered the calm. it happen ad little after midnight. three students were wounded. one of the injured is in critical condition at this hour at an area hospital. during the rampage some students barricaded themselves in isolated rooms. others tried to hide between stacks of books. school officials meanwhile tried to keep everyone calm as seen in this amateur video. >> there has been a shooting at the library. stay where you are. we'll be coming to each floor to clear it and take care of anybody. anybody has a victim, that has been shot, call 911 on your cell
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phone. if you have not been shot, or you do not know of somebody who is armed, do not call 911. >> reporter: the school is offering counseling to students and staff trying to cope with the tragedy. word of the attack spread quickly throughout the campus which is located only a mile from downtown tallahassee as well as florida's state capitol building. >> i was right up here in my dorm and i heard consecutive gunshots going off. >> we heard a gunshot. you got a text message saying there is shooting. then we started hearing sirens. >> then we just, like we had some friend in there. we went to go see if everyone is okay. we never want this to happen obviously and you hope it doesn't happen while you're here. >> reporter: when police arrived at the scene they found a man with a handgun outside of the library. he was told to drop his weapon. instead he opened fire. that's when he was killed. it is not known if the gunman was a student. shannon, just a short time ago
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we heard from florida's governor, said, quoting him now, the the ultimate question of why is never answered satisfactorily for those that lost a loved one or had someone injured in this incident. the campus today is open but all classes and exams have been canceled. there is also increased security. >> as there should be. you mentioned proximity. i grew up there. the capitol is literally just down the street. it's a small town and folks know and love each other very much. sending them good wishes today. thanks, david. jon: really sad. as the u.s. steps up the fight against isis in iraq and syria, why our next guest says the u.s. can do a lot of damage to the terror group if we find a way to do one thing. a move he says that would close the barn door for the jihadists. plus a quiet neighborhood rocked by a deadly explosion. what police are saying might have caused the blast. >> you just heard it and felt it. it literally shook the whole
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we're for net neutrality protection. now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. jon: mounting tension in the middle east as israel's military claim gaza militants test-fired rockets into the mediterranean. after days after palestinians killed four rabbis and a policeman at a jerusalem synagogue. we have jonathan schanzer, vice president of research for the foundation of defense for democracies, author of recently published book, state of failure, yasser arafat and mahmoud abbas and unmaking of the palestinian state. why the sudden flare-up in terrorism and violence there in jerusalem?
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>> this is something i think the israelis are still struggling with. i'm not sure it is actually sudden. this has been taking place really since june, since the region was on tilt before that 50-day war which of course exacerbated tensions on the ground in jerusalem. but the real troubling thing for the israelis is not so much the rocket testing in gaza but that this looks like it is an organic spate of violence stemming from a population that is under israeli control. jon: yeah. rockets they are not supposed to have. obviously they're flexing their muscles. they're showing what they have been able to accomplish despite the blockades. >> well, that's right. they want to let israelis know they have this ability to create rockets domestically that they don't need to smuggle them in through the sinai peninsula through the tunnels any longer. that they have the ability to do it themselves. but i think that for the time-being hamas is likely to continue lick its wound after really suffering a pretty tough beating over the summer. jon: yeah.
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the iron dome system certainly took care of most of those threatening rockets the last time around. jonathan, you are also the author of a new research paper about turkey's role in the rise of isis highlights among other things that country's very loose border policies that have allowed foreign fighters to sneak into syria to join the extremist groups. you advocate closing that. how do we encourage the turks to do such a thing? >> well that's the hard part here. i think the easy part is identifying the fact that the border has served as this jurisdiction for terror finance, for weapons smuggling, for the elicit sale of oil. isis is actually selling oil to middlemen in turkey. these are all things that are helping to keep isis afloat of the if we were able to shut it down we could do significant damage to the terror organization and so the question is, how do we get the turks on board? primarily they're concerned with bringing down bashar al-assad which should be a priority of
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our here in the united states but we have a disagreement on that. still meantime we have the opportunity to work with them perhaps stand up a new integrated border defense system, something could be contradicted to from nato. these are things that we need to start the press turks on very openly if we're going to get anything done. jon: but ever since, i mean, turkey used to have a very secular government ever since erdogan took over it has been more and more islamist. are there fears if u.s. leans too hard on erdogan it could go that direction and be a completely islamist state? >> in some ways we're already there. turkey is harboring hamas. they're working with al nusra. they're working with isis. they have been helping iran evade sanctions. this is not a country we can trust any longer. it raises real request es whether it belongs in the nato alliance. i think refusing to address this publicly the turks will think they have a green light to continue this kind of activity and that's what we need to stop. jon: jonathan schanzer from the
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foundation for defense of democracies. jonathan, thank you. >> my pleasure. shannon: republican governors sounding off on president obama's plan to protect millions of illegal immigrants from deportation. none are pleased with how it might affect their states but they disagree about how republicans should respond. we will take you live to their annual meeting. plus a bitter custody battle gets even nastier promptstores say the mom tried to hire a hit man to kill her ex- >> if there is evidence that indicates that the individual is trying to kill the other parent, then you probably want to actually stop the visittation with the child. odors in your car. you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy.
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shannon: right now a quick look what's still to come this hour of "happening now." the death toll mounting as an epic snowstorm grips western new york. how work crews are dealing with a record snowfall with more on the way. jury selection underway in the case of a mother accused of trying to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband and how the alleged murder-for-hire plot was discovered. saying farewell to the giants of the americanter entertainment industry. we'll look back at mike nichols life and his iconic movies. jon: republican governors from across the nation don't think much of president obama's decision to take executive action on immigration but they are split with how to respond to it, from taking him to court to
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shutting down the government. lawsuits range from there, both of those all the way in twine. john roberts live at the annual conference of gop governors in boca raton, florida. jon? >> reporter: to say they are not happy with this is an understatement. they're furious with what the president is expected to do. the governors will be on the front line implementing or resisting what the president is about to announce. they may have to by law provide drivers licenses, public assistance and in-state tuition for millions of illegal immigrants much. louisiana governor bobby jindal says it is height of arrogance to lose midterm elections on policy and turn and to do this. >> this he acts like first president ever congress disagreed with him. when he doesn't get his way he violates the law and the constitution. he doesn't want to give them
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amnesty. governors can't do that. >> reporter: rick per a's state took the brunt of the illegal immigration in the past summer he believes the president'sexecutive order granting defacto amnesty to illegal immigrants could ignite another wave of illegal immigration. >> there will be another deluge with this announcement of amnesty is coming. so hurry up and get here so you can be a part of that. that is a really bad message from my perspective. that will put a lot of pressure on the state. report now republican governors here in florida are split what to do about this most don't think republicans should shut down the government in washington as a result. though some say that should be on the table a lot are coalescing the idea taking president to court. there is ohio's john kasich, hispanics lead the growth of population in his state. he just hopes, jon, that everybody can potentially work
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together. though he does believe what the president is doing is wrong, jon. jon: so many opinions on what to do about it. john roberts, in boca raton. john, thank you. shannon: new information in a murder-for-hire case in connecticut. jury selection now underway for a woman accused of trying to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband. with opening arguments set to begin december 2nd. tiffany and eric stevens were in a bitter custody battle over their daughter. prosecutors say tiffany asked a maintenance man to kill her ex-husband in 2012. police say secretly taped her discussing the plot. then he came forward. tiffany is pleading not guilty. she is out on bail and has sole custody of their daughter. let's bring in our legal panel to talk about it. rebecca rose woodland, trial attorney and esther panitche, criminal defense attorney. good to see you both, lady. >> good to see you. shannon: esther, i will start with you. there is so much here in this case but fact is you have this maintenance man who said he came forward because she was asking
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him to kill her ex-husband and he taped it. how do you think this is going to play with jurors? because you know, her folks are saying, there has been some suggestion that you know, maybe she had a drug problem so she is not responsible for what she said indeed if she said that? >> there are so many questions here. she is involved now in a criminal prosecution of, for that reason, that she allegedly got this maintenance worker, asked him, was giving him money, can you please go kill my husband who i am in a birth custody battle with? understand the husband had previous issues and had protective order against him. he was not allowed to see the child. she had primary custody of the child pending divorce proceedings. we have a case where jury will go look at this. let's hear what the tape says. we have to see if she actually did ask for that or not. and it is beyond a reasonable doubt. so proof beyond a reasonable doubt that she hired this hit man. we don't know what she actually
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said if anything to the hit man. if that voice can be a attributed to the defendant. shannon: esther he allegedly he taped it, she said it. she was everring him $5,000. these are allegations the jury will have to hear and decide. we have this interesting point that she was able to bond out of jail rather quickly on a million dollar bond. this entire time she also had sole custody of the daughter. you know, rebecca referenced some of the troubles the husband had been in but that strike you as the way the legal system works, even if she was on tape and did say the words and did try to hire someone to kill her ex-husband, that will all be debated in court. meantime she still has their daughter and he has not been allowed to see her. >> that begs the question, which is the worst parent here? you have a woman's own defense maybe she was too drunk or stoned to give a, to give on a order for a hit man. and then you have this man who violated the protective offered, the father, who violated the
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protective offered and tried to buy a gun without, not in a legal course. so you have, you have these two, not great parents and it is up to the family law judge to decide who should have temporary custody. now the wife is presumed innocent. these are allegations. we don't know until the trial happens. i suspect if she is convicted and put away, that the judge needs to then look what is in the best interest of this child, who the child should be with. it is entirely possible that a third party may get primary custody over this child, whether a relative or someone else. if the father is deemed to be unfit. so this is generally, in my practice at least with criminal and family court combine. so it makes for very interesting although very tragic cases because at the end of the day you have this child who is left with two bad parents, possibly one in jail. and what is the court to do at that point? they have to look out for the best interests of this child.
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shannon: has to be priority for all of these proceedings but i think we have some of the audio that the jury may hear. so we'll play that and get your reaction. >> electric chair hired to kill someone. >> let me tell you something. >> you are hired to murder somebody [bleep] electric chair. shannon: allegedly that is her voice saying i want to you to do it, maintenance main saying, you get the electric chair if you kill somebody, and her saying just do it. rebecca, what would you do if that was your client and jury hears it? >> first of all, she didn't say, nowhere on the tape in the audible we say kill him. she is saying just do it. there is a very large distinction between just do it and kill my husband. there could be a time-lapse in that tape. those could be words that were taken out of context. he could have said that to her, not even said it to her.
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that is where you have experts come in and determine whether or not the tape has been tammered with. there is no point in what we heard she said just kill him. just do it, it could have meant fix my lawn, fix something else. there could have been a problem in the tape where someone tampering with the tape and changing the way in the course of the conversation. that would be a defendant's obligation, the defense has an obligation to bring in experts to refute that tape. so far she hasn't made a full-on admission and demanded he kill the husband in what we just heard. shannon: esther, how much will the maintenance man's testimony, if they put him on the stand, influence or impact the jury potentially if he says, here's what was said, here's what was recorded, here is what she asked me to do? >> it will be very important because as rebecca said we don't know if this is the entire case. we don't know the type of conversations they regularly had if they did at all. we don't know who may have put him up to taping this.
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so, we don't know how, we don't know the context yet. we need more context and only way we'll get that is from the mechanic's testimony. because of course the wife, the woman on trial has no burden to take the stand and is constitutionally protected if she chooses not to testify. shannon: that's right. >> so we need to see more. we just don't know enough yet. especially if the ex-husband was involved at all, putting the maintenance man up to this. he is kind of a shady character too. we just don't know enough. i'm sure we will find out pretty soon. shannon: well that jury trial starts we're told first week of december. we'll keep a close eye on it. esther, rebecca, good to see you both. >> thank you. jon: a home explosion in california leaves one person dead and two critically injured. the blast was initially reported as a gas explosion but now the sheriff's department saying it stemmed from an illegal drug lab in that house. the sheriff's department suggesting that in the process of making thc oil, that is the
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acti ingredient in marijuana, the occupants used butane and that is quote, probably what caused the explosion. shannon: pushing matches erupting between police and protesters outside a uc berkeley meeting hall. that is not the first time. what the students were protesting. extreme winter weather hammering buffalo, new york. six feet on the ground and more is on the way as authorities scramble to clear as much snow as they can before the next storm rolls in. >> people stranded at gaat stations. -- gas stations. cars abandoned. >> so many tractor-trailers on the road, you can't get around them. cars trying to get through and it is just not possible. iprise a simple question:
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in retirement, will you outlive your money? uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. jon: let's check out ahead what is on "outnumbered" at top of the hour. sandra, andrea, what do you have? >> hey, jon. a very special and honorable hashtag #oneluckyguy bringing down his judge's gavel on these big
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stories. >> president obama's big immigration speech tonight. will it be legal for him to go at it alone and shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation? >> the pledge of allegiance under fire. why one family is suing over it. is the phrase, under bod, discriminatory. >> forcing college students to answer intimate questions about their sex lives or they can't reg sister for class. >> judge alex ferrer on "outnumbered." please join us at the top of the hour. jon: that will be a crazy hour. >> you know it, jon. jon: get ready. thank you. shannon: "happening now," major unrest at uc berkeley. students and activists taking over campus building overnight following a vote by board of regrets supporting a -- regents for a tuition crease. calling for 5% hike over next five years despite opposition
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from governor jerry brown. university police arresting one protester so far. we'll keep an eye on this developing story. jon: at least eight people are dead after what's being described as a historic snowstorm blasted through buffalo, new york, dumping more than six feet of snow and stranding travelers. there are no signs of relief for the effected areas still bracing for even more snow. chief correspondent jonathan hunt live from the latest in new york city. hey, jonathan. >> reporter: jon, another two to three feet of snow in places. that will bring totals to eight or nine feet in parts of buffalo and that is equivalent to the average they normally get there in an entire season. now this is also of course deadly. a man in his 60s, the 8th confirmed fatality today. he suffered a heart attack while trying to move his snow blower. 4,000 homes now without power.
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and the latest danger, roofs collapsing under the weight of so much snow. miles and miles of new york state through-way and other major roads remain closed. all passengers have been rescued according to new york governor andrew cuomo but he is pleading with everyone now to stay at home and wait for round two to pass. listen here. >> i know there's a break in the snowfall and, you've been in the house for a couple of days and people are tempted to get into the car and to drive. that is a mistake. that is a mistake. it is a mistake for them personally. they're putting themselves in an unsafe position and they're making everybody's job harder. >> reporter: there is happy news too among all of the difficulties that the snow has brought. take a look at baby lucy grace with her parents in the hospital. that is not where she was born. when her mom realized the baby was coming, she was actually stranded near her home. she found a firefighter. he in turn found a you will could of nurses. they all went to a nearby firehouse and that is where lucy
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grace was born, happy and healthy. less hello think, the prospects for the buffalo bills game on sunday. ralph wilson stadium currently under 220,000 tons of snow. the governor says it would be a mistake to play the game. jon? jon: what are they going to do with all that? that looks like a shoveling job. >> that's for sure. jon: jonathan hunt, wow, thank you. shannon: lots of shovel-ready jobs. not a lot of airlines still let you check a bag for free. scratch one more off the list. they will tighten up your leg room for passengers who don't cough up enough cash. sad day for mrs. robinson and fans of the "graduate quote and many other who wood classics. a legendary stage and film director has passed away. ♪ my grandson's got this blankie
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just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. jon: legendary director of stage and screen has passed away. mike nichols died suddenly last night at the age of 83. nichols spent more than half a century in showbusiness. he is best known for groundbreaking films like "the graduate" and monty python's "spamalot." julie banderas is here with a look back at the versatile career. >> mike nichols was among the most decorated directors in american history. he won an as core in fact for his 1968 "the graduate." he also did who is afraid of virginia woolf. and my all-time favorite. "the birdcage." he is one of select few to win a
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emmy, grammy, oscar, tony. nichols won nine tony awards in all. he was recently working on a adaptation of the class the play about opera legend maria call last which was to star meryl streep. married to abc news anchor diane sawyer. the president of abc said i am writing with very sad news that diane husband, income practicable mike nichols passed away suddenly last seening at 83. mike had a wit and mind and beloved by so many in hollywood and broadway. our own diane sawyer, a true and beautiful love story. mike and diane were married for 26 years. among the fellow esteemed directors he worked with, ron howard, who tweeted today. rip great mike nichols. a elite member of the pantheon of directors whether stage, screen, tv. any conversation was rich with
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it. and wisdom. mike nichols leaves behind his wife diane, his children, daisy, max and jenny and four grandchildren. the family will hold a private service this week and a memorial will be held at a later date. back to you guys. >> what an incredible body of work. >> absolutely devastating news to hear this morning. jon: julie banderas, thanks. >> sure. shannon: well, do you remember this? [screaming] that was meteor caught on video streaking across the russian sky. another new video of another strange phenomenon. what could it be this time?
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nowhere -- shannon: what the heck? jon: the jury is still out on exactly what it was. there's speculation it could have been a media, others point to the russian military as a likely culprit. shannon: i would have been running for the hills. jon: well -- shannon: that looks apocalyptic. jon: russia is still there. we will see you back here in an hour. shannon: "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith. here today, harris faulkner, andrea tantaros, host on the independence on our sister network, kennedy, and today's hashtag one lucky guy, the honorable judge alex we area who hosted his own show for nearly a decade and today, with all due respect, judge alex, you are outnumbered, sir. >> couldn't be happier about it. [laughter] >> it's great to have you back. >> order on the couch! [laughter] >> we're off to a bad
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