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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  November 21, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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head with a wayward skateboard while doing a story in a los angeles skate park. he is doing fine. >> "fox & friends" starts now. >> have a great day. good morning. it is friday, november 21. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. the president's power play. >> there are actions i have the legal authority to take as president, the same kinds of actions taken by democratic and republican presidents before me. >> millions of illegals allowed to stay in the united states. what it means to the new congress and you, the american people. >> meanwhile, while you were sleeping this happened in ferguson, missouri. we have the breaking details on new trouble in
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the show me state. >> the company says it's all about gun safety, so why was this ad banned from facebook? it's an ad for gun safety. but wal-mart which sells more guns than anyone else can advertise all they want. oh, the irony. mornings are better with friends. fantastic. >> this is larry the cable guy. you're listening to my friends over at "fox & friends." >> thanks, larry. today tucker carlson is going to get it done. >> elisabeth, great to see you. >> better that you're here on the couch. >> i've got news for you. it is not always great when he's here. >> why are you breaking that to me now? >> last time tucker carlson was here it was about 10:30 in the morning and i pick up my device and i see hey steve, it's tucker. i'm wearing your coat. he walked out with my suit
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coat. >> i'm going to guard all my things closely today. >> remember that? >> a lot to learn about you tucker. thanks for joining us this morning. we have a lot of fun here right now but a lot of important news to bring you. our fox news alert is first. president obama officially lays out his new sciewfd on immigration allowing millions of illegals it stay right here in the united states. we're live in d.c. to break down the plan for you. good morning, doug. >> elisabeth, good morning. the president says this is not amnesty but at the very least it's a major change in the way the nation enforces or in many instances no longer enforces its immigration laws. here's the president from last night. >> it does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. only congress can do that. all we're saying is we're not going to deport you.
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>> not citizenship. but this still affects millions, perhaps five million illegal immigrants, the lie yn's share -- lion's share who have been in the country five years or longer illegally, parents of u.s. citizens or legal residents here. the other part is the legality of the president's orders? is he overstepping the bounds of his office? many republicans think so. here was the president's message about that. >> i have one answer: pass a bill. >> this has been the least productive congress in modern history. if they wanted to pass an immigration law, we could have done this. we could have done this. it's been sitting. we never had an up-or-down vote >> it is not clear what the republican response to this is going to be, whether there will be lawsuits brought against the president because of these executive actions. the president heading to las vegas today to spheek
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at a high school -- to speak at a high school there to go further about his plans on immigration policies. >> doug said the president said last night it is not amnesty. according to "the new york post," it is not amnesty. it is bam-nesty. bring me your tired, your poor, anybody. >> what is interesting last night when the president talked about how he is going to bypass congress, he said you know what? the border has never been so secure. in fact the number of people we've been sending back is the highest it's been since 1970. remember this? >> we have more agents and technology deployed to secure our southern border than at any time in our history. and offense the past six years illegal border crossings have been cut by more than half. although this summer there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it's been in nearly two years. overall, the number of
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people trying to cross our border illegally is at its lowest level since the 1970's. those are the facts. >> well, the facts are as they choose them. in fact the administration has changed the way they gather the facts. >> they have in terms of -- they actually expedited the process. you have to see a judge before that would count as a formal deportation. but it is happening now at the border. that is why those numbers are exponentially decreased. charles krauthammer brought it down. >> the deportation numbers are completely distorted because up until obama the deportations that were counted were those from within the country. they changed the recording system, and anybody who today comes across and is returned immediately, who in the past was not counted, is now counted among the deported. so the numbers are inflated. and we all know why there was a decline in the river
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of illegal immigration over the last several years. it was because of the recession. and we all know that as the economy recovers, we're going to have the crisis that we had this summer over and over again. >> this is a big deal. i mean, this is a vast number. to put it in some perspective, the president just added to the u.s. workforce legally about the same number of people as jobs that have been created during his presidency. every job created under obama could go to an illegal alien. the numbers match up exactly. by the way since the 70's, the labor force participation rate, there are fewer americans working 5, 3% today looking for a job. >> now they have new competition. >> one of the things the president -- keep in mind he was trying to sell the american people this is a sound idea because the border is secure and i'm sending all the criminals back. at one point the president did say -- we're going to
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play one more sound bite where the president says the number of people being deported are way, way up. keep in mind they're fudging the numbers because now they're including some people in this particular number who decided to go home for one way or another on their own. nonetheless, it adds up to, according to this administration, 80%. here's the sound bite. >> over the past six years deportations of criminals are up 80%. and that's why we're going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. felons, not families. criminals, not children. gang members, not a mom who's working hard to provide for her kids. we'll prioritize, just like law enforcement does, every day. >> that sounds good. but included in that 80% now are people who decided to go home without being ordered. not really deported for one
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reason or another. he mentioned kids. last night he said there's been a little spike in the number of kids this past year. >> like 58,000. >> it was 12,000 a couple of years ago. then 24,000 this year. close to 70,000. >> this is so silly. they don't want to deport anybody. the whole point is is the electorate. they're unhappy with the vote. this is about increasing the voter base. >> the president can put forward any numbers that he wishes but some of the numbers striking the american people are those that have been killed by illegals particularly driving under the influence in the united states. remember the i.c.e. attorney we spoke to filed a discrimination lawsuit and was told colleagues were told to go easy on criminals with d.u.i. convictions. we saw personally what that can do. we spoke to father whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant yesterday. don rosenberg.
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>> this is not a story about my son. this is a story about 100,000 people that have been killed since the last amnesty and are getting killed at the rate of 5,000 a year. and ironically most of them, about 60% are being killed by people that are in the country illegally but have not committed any, what the administration called serious crimes. they're so concerned about separating families. what about our families? what about the millions of people whose families haven't just been separated permanently, but have been destroyed? >> last night the president threw down the gauntlet. he said because congress isn't going to do anything, i'm going to do it. >> because that's in the constitution. if the congress doesn't take up the president's program and endorse it, he has a right -- it's article 3, i think. [sound of buzzer] >> he's making it up as he goes. we would like you to sound off and let you know what you thought about the president's plan. is it a good idea? is it going to cause
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continued gridlock? or is this a real opportunity for the republican party to take the bull by the horns because let's face it illegal immigration is a terrible problem in this country. should the republicans come up with their own plan, a real border security plan or a guest worker program that does not lead to automatic citizenship? let us know. you could also facebook us or tweet us. >> we will share all those. we want to share breaking news going on overnight in ferguson. heather nauert joins us. >> another big story we're following this morning. police officers chase and tackle a suspect accused of robbery and that take down is all caught on camera. >> cops arresting at least three people in ferguson, missouri. in the meantime word overnight that officer darren wilson is in talks to resign from the police department. a decision on an indictment is expected any day now.
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bizarre developments in that shooting at florida state university that left three people dead just hours before the gunman opened fire he contacted eight friends. the reason why? well, that is a mystery. the gunman, 31-year-old myron may, warned his friends a package is in the mail on the way to their homes. they're expected to arrive today, and no one knows what is inside those packages. police say he believes that the government was following him and that new documents reveal that he was hospitalized several weeks ago for a severe mental disorder. i stated three people died. three people were rather injured. he is the one who was shot dead by police. another arrest outside the white house. secret service agents spotted a 23-year-old woman with a holstered handgun on her hip. they nabbed her during demonstrations after president obama's immigration address last nate. the president was inside the white house at the time. of course this follows a series of embarrassing security lapses at the
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white house. listen to this one. mommy and daddy did it. an n.h.l. star is blaming his parents for going bankrupt. 27-year-old jack johnson of the columbus blue jackets is in the hole for 50 million bucks. he turned over his outfit to his parents in 2011 after firing his financial advisor. mom and dad spent the money on cars and home upgrades. yes, his bankruptcy hearing will take mace in january. this guy had a $30 million contract. his parents managing his money. he knew they were managing his money but he didn't know they were buying homes and cars. >> they probably said -- >> that happened to me after my years on "different strokes." i'm serious. >> i remember that and it's great that you're out of the can. >> glad it all worked out for you tucker. >> this is the problem with having an open muslim mow is a bar in the -- an open mimosa bar in the studio.
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al sharpton decides to protest around the country no matter what happens in ferguson, missouri. is he fueling the fire. >> nanny cam, someone else may be using them to spy on your little ones. the dangers you don't know about. we're going to tell you. ♪ ♪ ♪
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looking at pictures from overnight. there was brand-new violence unfortunately breaking out in ferguson, missouri. >> this as reverend al sharpton promises to protest in at least two dozen cities regardless of what the grand jury decides. will this create more racial tension? we're going to ask bishop harry jackson who joins us from st. louis this morning. bishop jackson, we thank you for joining us here. it's a stressful time. i'm sure the mood there is high anxiety. have you spoken with reverend al sharpton? >> i have not spoken with al sharpton. i do know him and have been many times a guest on his program. >> what do you think of his
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plans to lead the way in potential protest here regardless of what the jury decides? >> i think, elisabeth, it is a knee jerk response. two things happening. there is a concrete case before us and then there is a long-term history of concern about racial issues in america. his tem straitions are not going -- his demonstrations are not going to address those underlying problems. the work that has been done here, the 28th annual urban summit -- that is why i'm in st. louis -- is going to be more systematic. long term. the area is that folk in the community have to solve this problem, and there is a history, lynchings, racial profiling in the past. there is a current reality that has to be changed. the real message all of us
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are trying to get out is black lives count and problems have to be addressed. but where these demonstrations around the nation fall short, in my opinion, is that there are no concrete steps of action in just a demonstration. and i think that's a problem. so local people have to come together. we have to understand each other. the event i'm involved in here is dealing with racial reconciliation at the root, using christianity as a bridge to bring people together of different races, and then having ongoing policy watches, systematic ways that we can reform what's going on in this community where there are many aberrant behaviors. >> isn't violence an impediment? looting and violence, what do those things have to do with justice?
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>> i think there has to be justice on both sides of the coin. justice for this police officer. he's got to go home at night after a conflict. and any policeman around the nation. and then justice must be done for those in the black community. and i think that's why we need intermediate and longer-term ways of addressing these issues. so, no, violence doesn't accomplish anything at this particular time. it feeds into some of the problems that we're already having. >> thanks, bishop. coming up, here we go again. five more gitmo prisoners set free. is the president trying to clear the place out before the new congress is seated? is that a good idea? >> are your kids taking test after test after test? up next, teachers who are fed up with it and they are refusing to give them tests. ♪ ♪ when i crave a smoke ♪
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at 24 minutes at the top of the hour. we have quick headlines for you now. while americans were distracted with the president's new amnesty plan, the obama administration quietly releasing five more terrorists from gitmo. three were sent to the country georgia. the other two sent to slovakia. the white house claiming they are no longer dangerous. this is just disgusting. we spent tons of money and time to free him but turns out the american being held in north korea didn't want to leave. matthew miller revealing he intentionally destroyed his passport and tried to get arrested so he could get a real feel for north korea. >> great. thank you very much. we told you about a florida
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kindergarten teacher who won the fight against administering a state exam to her students. >> i really hope that this opens up a conversation so that we can look at testing all across the country in all of the grades. i think that there's too much testing that's going on and too much instruction time lost. >> but that fight is still continuing all across the country. our next two guests are risking their jobs refusing to administer any more assessments to their students. why? joining us two first grade public school teachers, nikki jones and karen hendron. karen, explain why you've drawn a line in the sand. you told your buses enough with the testing. they're little kids. explain. >> we have to give what we call a math test. it's a 55-question test computer-based that is not developmentally appropriate for our students whatsoever. >> why do you feel, nikki,
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it's not developmentally appropriate for kids that age in first grade? >> it is an adaptive test. in early childhood they are in different phases of development. their brain is not capable of taking on all these feelings of failure. so the test is designed to where if they answer a question appropriately, it escalates to a higher question and so forth. eventually takes them out of their zone of development and causes that feeling of loss or unsuccess. we need to be empowering them at that age. they need to be backed up, not made to feel like a failure. >> sure. they've got these questions. for instance, provide detailed checklist of people residing in your house. the number of computers in your house. do you have a tv in the bedroom, the languages spoken at your house. i don't ever remember anything even approaching that when i was in school back in the 1930's.
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but you say as well, ladies, that one of the problems is because you are teaching to the test essentially. you're wasting a lot of time teaching -- >> we're not teaching to the test. >> i'm talking to general, the way your school district and other school districts around the country want to do is they want to make sure the kids do well on the tests to make it look like the school is doing well, make it look like the teachers are doing well. >> they higher the accountability to the test as a value added measure to the teachers evaluation. of course teachers are going to teach to the test. they're worried about how their evaluation is going to turn out. >> absolutely because that is money in the bank. when you look at the amount of time, students spend 25 hours completing their assignment. the teachers spend 288 hours administering tests, which averages out to about 72 days. let me ask you this.
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your bosses, they can't be happy that you are saying, look, enough with the teftion. i'm not going to -- enough with the testing. i'm not going to do it anymore. you've got orders, don't you? >> we do. >> what's happening? >> it's been pretty silent in our building. we got a lot of support from outside sources and the community but not much in our district. >> teachers all over the district supported us. it's just that administration support is lacking. i think they feel their hands are tied. i think they fear the system we're in now. >> we would love to hear from our teachers watching right now across the country about what you are doing in tulsa. is it a good idea, bad idea? is it a broken system? how do you fix it? >> karen and nikki, thank you for joining us early because we know you've got to go to school right now and teach the kids. 29 minutes after the hour. coming up, the president pushes ahead on immigration using scare tactics.
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>> congress certainly shouldn't shut down our government again just because we disagree on this. >> our experts say this is a political ploy meant just for republicans. the secret message he just sent with that statement coming up next. anything can happen on live tv. >> gasoline on the floor, set it on fire and went to buy a drink and came back. >> that guy just admitted to arson. how this ended for him. you can imagine not well. >> first happy birthday to former big league slugger ken griffey jr. he's 45 and he's still a junior. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ no mom in the history of moms has ever turned down a handmade ornament. this week at bass pro shops santa's wonderland kids can get their picture with santa, make a stuffed reindeer ornament,
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both parties to pass a more permanent legislative solution, and the day i sign that bill into law the actions i take will no longer be necessary. meanwhile don't let a disagreement over a single issue be a deal breaker on every issue. that's not how our democracy works, and congress certainly shouldn't shut down our government again just because we disagree on this. >> very clever. what is the president trying to do? is he trying to scare americans into thinking the republicans are going to shut down the country, going to go crazy and try to imreech him? is he trying to poison the well with the new congress before they start because he said look, okay, so i bypassed everybody in congress because they're not doing anything. i'm taking over right here. but we should be able to do a lot more good stuff in the future. >> he's trying to confuse the public by saying one thing and doing exactly the opposite. i'm so bipartisan that i'm
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ignoring the republican party by doing it union hat rale. thatthat is orwell. >> the midterm terms did happen, ignoring that. a former speech writer for president bush talked to megyn kelly and he explained what's going on. >> if the president of the united states believed a word of what he said he would not be doing this with executive action. think about it, he's not trying to help illegal immigrants. he's trying to provoke a fight with the republican party. and the money quote was, he said meanwhile don't let a disagreement over a single issue be a deal breaker on every issue. that is not how our democracy works and congress certainly shouldn't shut down the government again because we disagree on this. that's exactly what he wants the republicans to do. he's trying to goad the g.o.p. into self- self-destructive behavior. he wants them to shut down
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the government, he wants somebody to say something bad about immigrants because he wants to rally his base and make somebody go out there and blow themselves up. >> is he saying he is using five million people's lives for politics? >> he's trying to elicit response. he's thinking in generational terms. he's expanding the democratic party. that is the long-term goal. they'll say that if you ask them off the record. >> trying to goad the republican party. he must have written that line earlier in the week because mitch mcconnell has already said we're not going to shut down the government. >> there are a lot of republicans who would like to. i don't know what the right thing is. this is a big deal. this is a game changer not just for politics but for the country itself. i can see a lot of republicans really want to do everything they can to
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stop this. >> if you've got a leader like mcconnell stepping up and saying it's not going to happen. >> we've had judge napolitano on the show saying what the president is doing does rise to the level of something you would normally get impeached for but that is not going to happen this time. it's just not going to happen. what was the president doing right there? sounded like he was trying to get the republicans to take the bait. >> but will they? not looking likely. >> stand by for that. >> we're going to toss our fishing line over to heather nauert. >> good morning everyone. hope you're off to a great day. it is a bold and shameless crime. a man in maryland accused of setting a house on fire but he comes clean about it live on television. >> me, i set it on fire. set it on fire and went to buy a drink and came back. >> that suspect tells a reporter he started that fire because conditions in the home, he says, were horrible and that cops didn't take his complaints seriously. cops are pretty serious about it right now. they arrested him and
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charged him with arson in rockville, maryland. a video capturing the end of a wild police chase in missouri. there is a driver in a stolen s.u.v. who loses control, slams into a brick building while going 80 miles per hour. the impact is so strong that the building collapsed. look at that right there. a huge cloud of dust. the suspect walked away with some bruises and then was promptly arrested. look at that right there. crazy. listen to this one. a lot of folks have nanny cams. russians may be spying on you through them. there is a website called insta cam. it hacked into security cameras across the united states. a lot of folks film everything from sleeping babies to empty rooms to keep an eye on their house. the entire world is able to see this insecam says they
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can. >> this is quite a story coming out of new york city. do not call them waitresses. the owner of a new york city restaurant slapped with a $5,000 fine after an employee took out an ad on craigslist for a waitress. the reason the owner was pea -- penal is the employer didn't use the word server. one man says it is an outrage and plans to fight what he describes as a scam. that is what happened before when somebody took out an ad for hostess and that they say is gender specific. >> kind of amazing. >> you can't make this stuff up. >> but they are waiters and waitresses? >> you have to -- >> thanks, heather.
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it is 22 minutes before the top of the hour. it is a chilly day. maria molina outside because she's tough. >> good to see you. that's right, it is a chilly day across parts of the northeast. in new york city you're really going to need that scract. but it is nothing compared to what parts of buffalo dealing with. we picked up more than 60 inches of snow in many parts of south buffalo. look at this video. you can see snowplows cleaning up the streets. look at all that snow. the concern is as we head into this weekend and early next week we're going to see a significant warmup. all of that snow will be melting. there is rain in the forecast. now flood watches have been issued for the buffalo area because flooding is going to be a concern. otherwise across the rest of the country we have a storm system developing across the center of it and it could produce severe storms across portions of texas as we head into saturday. that will be something to watch. otherwise high temperatures today are going to be cold across the northeast and great lakes.
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look at that. highs in the 20's and 30's for many americans. let's head back inside. >> maria, thank you very much. meanwhile, this is elisabeth's first full week back at work, and what a week it has been. >> it's been a fun one with you guys. i'm so thankful to be back. but if you missed a second and you want to catch back, take a look. >> good to have you back. >> always great to be back. >> this is a family, extended family. >> all back together. >> i know. i can't believe it. >> glad to have both of my brothers by my side here. ♪ ♪ >> the sexiest man alive is hiding behind that "people" magazine logo. who is it? we'll have him take it off, the logo straight ahead. >> they could lose jobs. >> i think i'm asking you to dance. >> there he is.
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there's gruber. >> the six million-dollar man. >> we were gruber-ed. >> do you have video? ♪ because you know ♪ i'm all ♪ about that baste >> jingle bellies. >> those bellies are only going to get bigger after thanksgiving. >> whoa! >> did he drop his pants? >> yes. >> give our best to peter doocy who is obviously the journalist in the family. >> i'd like to thank my wife for putting my son's shirt in my closet. that would explain why the sleeves are so long. >> or are you just shrinking? >> give us a taste of one of your songs. ♪ i don't want the world ♪ to see me ♪ because i don't think ♪ that they'd
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♪ understand >> call the p.c. police. >> they're here. >> that's a sound effect? >> no, they're coming for you. ♪ new york city christmas ♪ ♪ we have robert downey on here later. >> everybody get out. >> we shouldn't sing, should we? >> you've got some pipes. we love it when robert comes to town. what a week and welcome back. >> it's been fun and meaningful to be back. i love this family here and i love all of you at home joining us in our party in the morning here at "fox & friends." and tucker, good to have you. >> thank you, elisabeth. coming up the face of heroin no longer living on the streets. who are addicts in 2014? the answer will shock you.
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dr. segal here to expose the real face of addiction. >> the company is all about gun safety so why was this ad banned from facebook? but wal-mart who sells more guns than anybody else can advertise all they want. ♪ ♪ i'm over the hill. ♪ my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. once there was a girl who even in her laundry room. with downy unstopables for long-lasting scent. and infusions for softness. she created her own mix, match, magic. downy, wash in the wow.
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a a a
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heroin used to be the drug primarily used by lower income inner city men but that has changed. over the past 50 years 90% of heroin users are white middle-class users from the suburbs. what do parents need to know? dr. marc siegel from the fox news medical a team is in the house. when i saw the statistics, it's startling. this is a new face of
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heroin. what do we know? >> i think doctors are at the heart of the problem because we're prescribing too much prescription painkillers. 70% of the painkillers i prescribe are used by someone else than who they are intended to. that means kids are out there, teens are out there lookingment -- looking in the medicine cabinet. they find perkodan. they run out and say what do i do now? you start with heroin and then you have a habit going. >> when you see that, starting with prescription drugs, when it does move into heroin, what are the warning signs? what does a parent, friend, brother or sister need to know? what do they look for if they think someone is using heroin? >> the money starts disappearing. $150 to $200 a day for a habit. your jewelry may start disappearing. why are they want more
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money. then you see a change in behavior. they get irritable, the kids get isolated. then you look and see they have pinpoint pupils, their faces look flushed and red. their mouths are dry. they get nauseous, vomiting, they don't feel well. >> are you talking about behavior changes, something that changes during the day or all of a sudden they are a different person? >> it is not all of a sudden. it's gradually. they become more isolated, angrier, lethargic, not doing their school work, not listening to you, not communicating. >> how do you help someone quit? >> really important. first of all, cut off the money train. stop giving them money. you have to stop giving them money, hide your jewelry. you look into drug rehab situations right away. there is a combination that works, intlerkts -- of medication. behavioral therapy is key here. you get them involved by
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calling some agency. look at you've got to get your kids involved. >> what does heroin do to the brain? >> it is a growing problem. here's how come heroin is addicting. the brain makes our own opiates. you make your own heroin like compounds in the brain. if you're getting it elsewhere you stop making it. then you crave it. endorphins make you feel good. it is a pleasure hormone. if you are not making it in your brain you're going to try to get it elsewhere. you're not making as much dopamine as you need. it is a very dangerous problem, close to a million people are chronic users and we've got to get to them. >> a new face of the heroin user. >> upper middle class.
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>> this company is all about gun safety so why were they banned from advertising when wal-mart advertising when wal-mart can advertise will that be all, sir?
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the first facebook banned ads for firearms, but now it's banning gun safety items, too. hyatt gun, the nation's largest firearm dealer, advertised its sale on gun vaults and safes, again, those are to protect people from guns and got this note back on facebook from someone called vanessa. quote, your ad was rejected because it violates the ad guidelines. they may not promote firearms, ammunition or weapons. this decision is final. please consider this the end of our correspondence about your
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ad. in other words, shut up, she explained. but why would facebook ban an ad for gun safety? here is justin, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> i want to make sure i have this clear. you're trying to advertise gun safes, not guns. is that right? >> yeah, that's correct. we put out this ad for our veterans day safe sale. we wanted to promote people safely storing their firearms and apparently facebook doesn't agree with that. >> so you really have to be a hardened ideologue to hate the second amendment so much that you extend that hatred to banning ads for gun safes? isn't that counter productive? >> let's face it, it's whacky. i don't really care which side of the gun debate you're on, whether pro-gun, anti-gun or in the middle. i think we can all agree that keeping guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them is probably a good idea. >> ha do you think the rationale is behind this? >> i really think that what it
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comes down to is guns are scary and i think that really they need to maybe grow a little bit more backbone on this. i don't really know honestly. it shocked me. i put this ad together. we spent quite a bit of time looking over their terms. this was really our first dip in the water to try to advertise with facebook and we did all our homework. we were honest and forthright with them and it seemed very odd that we knew we weren't in violation of their terms. they told us we were. >> so their view guns are so scary that the containers they're held in are scary, too. isn't this inconsistent, though? i think they accept ad, probably accept ads from wal-mart, which is probably the world's biggest gun seller, no? >> that's correct. they accept a lot of ads from big box stores and it makes you wonder whether there is some sort of small business bent here, whether they don't want
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small business advertising with them. let's face it, facebook for us, we're a small business. we're a third generation family business here in charlotte and we need to be able to utilize things like social media to be able to compete with these big guys. they spend millions and millions of dollars on marketing. we just don't have the budget for that. >> maybe that's the key. this is so silly. i'm sure facebook, once they come to their senses, will reverse it. we'll be on facebook responding to the questions. so send them in. thanks very much. that was interesting. >> thank you. coming up, one state paying pastors to preach global warming. guess who is paying for it. you, of course. stuart varney says the president's immigration power move will cost every single american household. he joins us in moments, top of the hour. stay tuned ♪ (holiday music is playing)
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good morning. it is friday, november 21. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. president obama going it alone on immigration. and for critics and congress, the president has a clear message. >> to those members of congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom of me acting where congress has failed, i have one answer. pass a bill. >> this hour, the president's press secretary, josh earnest, joins us live. and more violence out of ferguson, missouri, according to new reports of looting. >> this is robbery! >> guess who is coming to make it all better. al sharpton. >> great. >> she had he be leading --
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he'll be leading protests in 12 cities. remember the magician who changed a veteran's life forever >> are you one of those street musicians that makes a lot of money? >> lot of money? how did you know? >> that is awesome. that magician is back at it again. wait until you see what he does this time. thank you very much, folks. it's tgif. thank goodness it's fox and thank you for watching. >> hey there, this is kellie pickler. you're watching "fox & friends." >> her voice will make you smile every time. >> absolutely. >> what a joy. >> his voice, too. good morning to you, tucker. >> melodious is the term. great to be here. >> we thank you for being with us in this hour. we'll get to the fox news alert. president obama officially
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laying out his executive order on immigration during a prime time address. the new plan allowing millions of illegals to stay here in the united states. here are some of the highlights. >> background check and you're willing to pay your fair share of taxes, you'll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation. you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. i know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. well, it's not. amnesty is the immigration system we have today. millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time. the actions i'm taking are not only lawful, they're the kinds of actions taken by every single republican president and every single democratic president for the past half century. for those members of congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom
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of me acting where congress has failed, i have one answer. pass a bill. >> well, today he makes it official by heading to nevada to sign that executive order. >> that's right. even though wasn't it a couple years ago the president said you shouldn't be going to las vegas? he's going to las vegas. >> on a private plane, by the way. just as he said you shouldn't do. he made the point again and again, this is constitutional. the constitution grants the president authority when the congress doesn't do exactly what he wants to make laws by himself. >> it just seems this is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people. but this feels more like of the president, by the president, for the president, on the backs of the american people. >> you heard what he said, they're not doing what he wants. so of course he has to make laws. >> sure. what's curious is he did invoke president george herbert walker bush, invoked ronald reagan. he said i'm just doing what they did. he left out the part that they actually were doing things in response to a bill that was passed by the u.s. congress. >> it was. >> there was congressional
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bipartisan support back in 1986 to do essentially legal status for millions of people who were in this country illegally and then they had to do some clean-up stuff. he didn't mention that. also in addition to mentioning george herbert walker bush, he mentioned george w. bush last night. i think it's the first time i ever heard him speak positively about something the former president said. >> right. >> but it was helpful to him politically last night. >> when you think about the work permits that will be dropped now, five states -- six states have two-thirds of the 5.2 million people who will be eligible for those temporary work permits and competing with many of american workers who are going to need those jobs moving forward. stuart varney actually joins us right now and i'd like to broaden that, too. what does this mean financially? what are the implications here that the american people in those states across the map, what are we going to be facing? >> three points to makely. the cost of illegal immigration per year right now is put at around
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$113 billion. if you say to a whole group of people -- >> where is that money spent. >> it's largely spent on education and medical services. if you say to a group of people, you can stay. but by the way, we're not really closing the door, you're encouraging another wave to come in at some point in the future, which adds to your cost down the road enormously. second point, if you say to people, you can stay and work if you pay your taxes, how many of those people who you are saying you can stay will in fact stop using fake names, stop getting paid in cash and then go on the books and pay those taxes? we don't know how many. it might not be very many at all. >> you're saying you're asking people who have been break the law to abide by the law? >> yes. >> the president says they're going to pay tax, but most of the families don't make enough to pay tax. >> i think the taxes he's referring to are social security
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taxes, which you would in fact pay as soon as you go on the books. but you're right, the income of many of the people allowed to stay is so low that they don't meet the threshold for state or federal income taxes and probably get a check in the mail in january from the earned income credit. >> so we're sending more checks to more people? >> that will probably happen. plus as you mentioned earlier, you've now got increased competition in the low wage sector, from an extra 4, 4 1/2 million work permits, which are now going to be issued. it's a very costly maneuver on the president's part. >> sure. for tax purposes -- if you. >> i told you we were a big old family here. >> are you a little jealous that you stood in line to become an american citizen and these people essentially don't.
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it's on a temporary basis. >> someone like me says anything about immigration, you have to remember where i'm coming from. i have been embraced by this very warm culture. and i've been accepted and i'm truly grateful for that. you have to say it, i'm in a special position. i speak the language. i was educated on somebody else's dime. and i've been accepted in american society and i'm very, very grateful to this extremely generous society. so before i say anything on immigration, you got to remember where i'm coming from. i am truly grateful. >> we're grateful to have you. i personally am grateful to have a lot of immigrants. my business partner is an immigrant. i just wonder why now at a time when 63% of americans are work. the lowest in 40 years. why would you bring in more low skilled labor when wages are stagnant and you have 90 million people unemployed? i don't really get that. >> it makes a great deal of political sense. i think the president wants to change the landscape of america
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going forward. that will be his legacy. i'm going to be per majortive, but i think the president is bringing in democrat voters who will vote democrat in the future. that's what is behind this. not economics. >> you said they would be contributing into the social security pot and not able to collect? >> oh, yes. >> they would get numbers. >> yes. they can collect if they're on the books, paying social security tax, you paid into the system, you take out of the system at the appropriate time. yes, you do. >> so if you read the pages of the "wall street journal," they are behind immigration reform. they would like to see more lower paid immigrants coming to the country so that it's the whole cost of labor. so going forward, wouldn't it be -- behoove the republican party, the okay essentially is blackmailing them. this is the plan until you come up with a plan. why wouldn't they step forward and say, this is the perfect time to have a guest worker program, perhaps that does not lead to citizenship or secure
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the border. that way it makes it look like the republicans are doing something and they actually are? >> i think most conservatives are on board with far more immigrant visas. come over here because we want to choose who we have coming to ourxpand the number of legitimate visa applications that are coming to america. i think conservatives are on board with that. case closed. >> why would middle class people be on board with that? i get why it definitely benefits me or upper income people for sure. but if you're making 40,000 a year and let's say you're unemployed, why is this good for you in any way? >> that's a good question. i think -- >> haven't figured that part out yet. >> may not be. >> it creates some economic growth because of expand of the labor force and that expands total demand in your society if it is legitimate. that's how the whole society is helped, by immigration. do you get more entrepreneurs coming in. people who start businesses, who climb the food chain because they're aggressive and want to do that.
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i think that helps society overall. >> operationally, states are going to be facing increased costs in terms of giving the check, who has been here for the five years, making sure that all these tests are put forward. this is going to be costly. >> you can't do those checks. there are so many people, you can't do thorough checks. they'll white wash this. >> catch stuart varney over on "fox business" network. to find the channel go to foxbusiness.channelfinder. >> thank you. what's your beef, stu? >> all right. heather nauert has got the headlines and we start in ferguson, missouri. >> we've got a fox news alert. ferguson police officers chase and tackle a suspect who is accused of robbery and the take-down is all caught on camera. >> you are under arrest!
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you're under arrest for robbery! >> at least three protesters were arrested overnight. also a new report that officer darren wilson is in talks to resign from the police department. a decision on an indictment is expected any day now. we'll keep you posted. bizarre developments in the shooting at florida state university that injured three people earlier this week just hours before the gunman opened fire. he contacted eight of his friends with a mysterious warning. the gunman, 31-year-old minor may, told those friends that he put packages in the mail and sent them to their homes. they are expected to arrive today and no one knows what is inside. may believes the government was following him and we're learning also that he was hospitalized several weeks ago for severe mental disorder. he died in a shootout with police. another weapons arrest outside the white house. this time police arresting a 23-year-old woman who had a .9 millimeter hand gun holstered on her hip. that gun was not registered. the gun was spotted while she was demonstrating shortly after
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the president's speech last night on immigration. do you remember the magician who change add homeless veteran's life forever? >> are you one of those street musicians, going to turn that into a lot of money? >> i actually is a wad of money. how did you know? >> well, after that magician ripped up that veteran's sign and turned it into money, rob anderson collected thousands of dollars for our veterans. he took some of that money and spent it on the vet, johnny hicks, he bought him a new car, appliances appliances and paid his rent for a year. he was struggling to support his family of six after losing his job. what a nice thing to do. those are your headlines. >> usually magicians make things disappear. he made a whole life appear. that's fantastic. >> thank you. coming up, anything can happen on live television. >> pour gasoline on the floor, set it on fire and went and
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bought a drink and came back. >> just to be clear, that guy just admitted to arson on television. hear more about why he did it and what happened to him once he admitted it. >> i wonder what kind of drink it was. then one state paying pastors to preach about global warming and sustainability. and the money comes from you, the taxpayer. what's that about? find out live from new york city as we roll on on this friday. ♪ ♪ a
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preach green to save green. that's ha some churches in maryland are being forced to do so they can avoid getting soaked by the so-called rain tax in maryland. our next guest doesn't think this is a good idea"r pastor mccoy of the hope christian church in prince george's county, maryland joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning. great to be with you. >> we've been talking about this so-called rain tax down there in maryland and what's curious is the state said you're going to have to pay a tax, particularly you and your church, because you've got all that asphalt in the form of a parking lot -- unless you start preaching about green things, sustainability, global warming, stuff like that. when you heard that, what did you think? >> well, of course, the first
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reaction is that this is an absolute -- first of all, wondering about the question about why are we being taxed as a church? we don't understand this whole idea of whether you call it a fee or taxed. that's the first fundamental thing, it's not right. then when you say, we're going to give you a credit if you do certain things such as preach on green issues or do certain things to your property, it sounds a little bit like they're trying to push an objective and trying to tell what you to do. i think the telling piece is the epa, when they say churches are untapped resources and we could really get to their people. >> pastor, when i go to church on sunday, i want to hear about how to live a good life and how to be a good person. i don't want to hear about recycling and i don't want to hear about sustainability. just saying. do the people in your church, are they interested in sustainability or are they more interested in a good life or
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jobs or the economy? >> well, there is no question. they're definitely interested in jobs and the economy and taking care of their families. i think the other side that churches do, they do this cart blanch, is they do talk about just how we forget our environment or how to sustain where we live and be good stewards of where we live. that's scriptural content for them. when you get to the place of saying you got to do this in order to receive a tax or in order to receive a credit for a tax, that's where you're giving in to hey, this is a fundamental threat against our religious liberty, our freedom of speech. that's where we come into a big problem. i think many people in our churches really enjoy just coming and learning about how do we get better. >> exactly. the big question is, you face a big fine unless you do it. so are you going to do it or have a sermon on greenability? >> well, it's interesting. some of the folks that have already done it, they understood they were between a rock and a hard place.
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i get taxed or i do this. so nobody necessarily liked the tax. let me be real clear about that. and some of those folks are just dealing with the point of what do i do, because i'm faced with a tax. i have a church. i don't want to get feed and be taxed in terms of our property. we're in a place where we're trying to look at it, analyze it, and fortunately we've governor-elect who is talking about even repealing this tax, which is going to be a great thing. >> maybe ultimately you could recycle a sermon. maybe that would save everything. pastor, thank you very much for joining us and good luck to you. >> thank you very much. appreciate being here. next up, thanks, mr. president. ice now preparing for a surge of illegals. brand-new details about what's ahead perhaps coming up. plus, does the third "hunger games" live up to the first two? kevin mccarthy next on whether it's worth your hard-earned cash to see katniss.
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fox nurse alert. chaos erupt not guilty the streets of mexico city overnight. watching brand-new video of clashes in the square that follows a massive riot in a case where 43 students are missing. they haven't been seen since they were attacked by police on september 26. >> thanks. "the hunger games" trilogy has taken the world by storm. take a look. >> four, three, two, one.
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>> oh, man. >> today it hits theaters and founder of sat down with the stars. good morning to you, kevin. >> good morning. how are you doing today? >> great. thank you. >> what do you think of this one? >> this one is picking up exactly where the last one left an. katniss is in district 13, becoming the face of the rebellion against the capitol and trying to save tina's life. there is no hunger games in this one. this is a dark character-driven film, thought provoking. as i said in the past, i think these movies really transcend that young adult and teenage genre. the twilight movie never really left that young adult world. i feel these are for everybody. they're thought provoke. performance are amazing, character driven. jennifer lawrence is incredible as is philip seymore hoffman.
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he transcends anything he's in. and julianne moore. four out of five y. think it's as good as the first "hunger games" movie. i think it's equally as good as "catching fire." they should have ended the movie five minutes early. they're splitting this into two films. the second part comes out next november. they should have ended this five minutes early for a more jaw-dropping climax. i did think it was solid, four out of five. >> just figure out what the running time is, watch your clock, and just leave five minutes early. >> steve, you're a genius. >> thank you very much. i understand you were actually talking to the big star, katniss, jennifer lawrence. about what. >> i had seen liam hemsworth talking about how awkward the kissing scenes were in the film
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because jennifer lawrence apparently made her breath bad on purpose. so i wanted to ask her and approach her about this. i want to know was this true. check it out. >> i saw you on fallon last night make a reference to how awkward the kissing scene was because they said you would chew onion or garlic before those. >> i wouldn't say that. i i just didn't think so much about the kissing. so i would kind of eat wh wante. >> she would tell me what she ate. >> i think the onions you're referring to was just -- i had a sandwich with mustard and raw onion. >> she'd say, and i didn't brush my teeth. >> fair warning. >> don't they have -- >> the hard hitting questions. >> they did talk it out. >> there is another film where steve carell puts on a big fake rubber nose, called "fox
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catcher" and apparently it's fantastic. >> mark my words, steve carell will be nominated and possibly win best actor next year at the academy awards. he is unbelievable in this role. completely transformation for him, as well as channing tatum. he plays the millionaire who basically brought out the schultz brothers to the fox catcher estate to train fort 1988 olympics in seoul. and it ended in devastation later on. i can't really get into the details. but it's a true story, if you know it, you know what happens. it's a phenomenal film from a performance standpoint. the story telling is lack. i never felt fully engaged in the idea of the story. but the performances are worth seeing. so for that, i give the performances a five out of five. the movie itself a three. 3 1/2 out of five total. definitely see it. it's in limited release this weekend and expand over the course of the oscar season. thank you for having me on. check out the limited release movies right now. >> it's an amazing story and totally real. it didn't end well, that's for
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sure. >> i agree. >> kevin, always a pleasure. thank you very much for going to the movies. >> thanks a lot. >> have a great weekend. >> you too. now this, president obama using the bible to defend his power move. >> scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger. we were strangers once, too. >> well, the man that's calling that move audacious up next. and if only catching all criminals was this easy. >> i poured gasoline on the floor, set it on fire and went to buy and drink and came back. >> yep. he just said he poured gas on the floor, set it on fire, went to get something to drink. >> he was thirsty. >> that guy just admitted to arson on live tv. not good for him. see what happens next next on "fox & friends." that guy is nuts. ♪ ♪
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are we a nation that kicks out a striving, hopeful immigrant like astrid or a nation that finds a way to welcome her in? scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger. we were strangers once, too. >> so there the president of the united states invoking scriptures, which i believe had to do with feeding the poor and the hungry and nothing about visas. >> he's a bible scholar in chief lecturing us that it's not kicking them out and god is opposed to them and god is on president obama's side. >> this is a man who claims to have been in church a long time. did he just read that verse and decide to use it right now? charles krauthammer says i'm
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wondering about that. this is the audacity of nope. >> i find the president's audacity here rather remarkable. he tells us at the end in that little oration that we heard that i have to explain why i feel so strongly about this issue, so strongly, in fact, that he invokes scripture to support his executive order. if he felt so strongly about the issue, why did he delay announcing this until after he got past the election, because he knew if he had announced it earlier, and it's supposed to be so urgent, it would have damaged the democrats' chances in the election. why did he not do this before the 2012 election? because he didn't want to jeopardize his own reelection. but most important, if he feels so strongly about this and scripture dictates that this ought to be done, why did he do nothing about this in 2009 and
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2010 when he had control of the white house, the house and the senate and he could actually have done this constitutionally by passing legislation? >> and had they done it that way, gone through the actual congress, it would be law. but right now what he is suggesting and ha he's going to do is just temporary. >> you mean by seeking counsel of those who are elected to voice of the people? proves 11:14 showdown, where there is no guidance, the people fall, the abundance of counselor, there is victory. the way of fools seems right to them. but the wise listen to advice. that's proverbs 12:15. >> we can have a political debate. but for this guy specifically, the president who spent his career defending late term abortion, among other things, lecturing us on christian faith? that's too much. that is too much. we always hear the christian right, the reason right. this is the christian left at work and it's repugnant. >> how many times over the last six years -- eight years, have we heard this president, then
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senator, bad mouth george w. bush? a million times. last night he actually quoted number a positive way, which i think was the first time. >> whatever it takes, i guess that's the point. >> pulling out all the stops. >> but not communicated with him as we heard from george w. bush. >> but to quote scripture? that's just out of bounds. >> i just quoted scripture back. a scripture off. >> it's different. >> for him to suggest that people who oppose this are oppressing, quote, oppressing immigrant attention. >> to guilt someone, a scholar wouldn't interpret it as its proper use. >> amen, amen, amen. >> and all the people said amen. heather nauert is here. >> good morning. i've got more news about immigration. this town has a slogan of the slice of the good life. but now dilley, texas is bracing for a surge of illegal immigrants. 2400 beds are now being packed into a detention center there. immigrations and customs
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enforcement officials say the new facility will insure timely and effective removal. next year more than 100,000 illegals are expected to flood over the u.s.-mexico border. police thought he did it and then he confirmed their suspicions. watch here as the suspect actually confesses to setting a home on fire live on television. >> me. me. i set it on fire. >> set it on fire and went and buy your drink and came back. >> so he got a drink. but he says he started the fire because conditions in the home, he claims were horrible. he said cops didn't take his complaints seriously. cops arrested him and then charged him with arson. mommy and daddy did it, says an nhl star. he's blaming his parents for going bankrupt. 27-year-old jack johnson of the columbus blue jackets is now in the hole for $15 million. here is what happened. he turned over his assets to his parents in 2011 after he fired his financial advisor. mom and dad, he says, spent his
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money on cars and home upgrades and a house, too. now he's bankrupt. you can take raking leaves off your chore list. according to the national wildlife foundation, a lawn full of leaves is actually a good thing and that's because their minerals help to feed the animals in the winter, they say. if you tonight want them on your lawn, scientists say placing them alongside your flower bed and plants for the very same effect. that's what i told my parents, of course, when they went on vacation and said, you better have the lawn raked by the time we get home. and i asked them, under what condition would i not have to rake it? they said, if it rains. and so i sprayed down the entire lawn with a hose. and then all the leaves froze. >> wait. that's so deceptive. on your own parents? >> yeah. i'm a trouble maker. >> your boys are taking notes, heather.
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that's all i have to say. 22 before the top of the hour. coming up, president obama goes it alone on immigration. we've been talking about it. we have all sorts of questions for the president's press we can, josh earnest. he will join us live from the white house right after chief white house correspondent ed henry joins us, too. it's twofer this half hour. ♪ ♪ goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the am. now you can have a good night and a... good morning! new aleve pm for a better am.
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president obama placing the blame on the gop for his forcing of hand on immigration. >> had the house of representatives allowed that kind of bill a simple yes or no vote, it would have passed with support from both parties. today would be the law. but for a year and a half now, republican leaders in the house have refused to allow that simple vote. >> in 2009 and 2010, the
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president had democratic control of both the house and the senate and didn't pass immigration back then. here to react, josh earnest. we know you've had a busy night and morning here. we thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. why now? >> look, you pointed it out. the president has been -- the country has been waiting for 500 days for house republicans to act on a compromise common sense bipartisan legislation to pass the united states senate that would have reformed our immigration system, brought accountability to the system that would be good for the economy, create job, make a historic investment in border security, and would finally bring out of the shadows the 11 million people who are in this country already. >> undoubtably those who have come to this nation, the legal way, this nation is better because we have immigrants who have come here legally, gone through an expensive and legal process. how is this better for them?
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essentially they're saying today that the president is taking that executive pen and slapping it right across the face of the immigrants who worked hard and paid a lot of cash to get here the right way. what do you say to them, because they want their money back and it's offensive to them? >> i think those people are proud to be american and the fact of the matter is, the senate legislation that was passed with bipartisan fashion, would have actually made some progress in reforming our legal immigration system to make it a little easier and less ownerous for people coming to this country and set up a pass to citizenship for those people who are living in the shadows. it would have made those people pay taxes. it would have made them submit to a criminal background check. and also would have put them in the back of the line. so it would have been not just fair to those people who came to this country legally, it would make it easier for people who are trying to do the right thing and trying to follow the law to do exactly that. the people that we're talking about right now are people who work in the same building that we work in. these are the people ho send
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their children to the same schools that our children attend. these are the people who worship in the same churches that we do. so the president believes that we need to restore some accountability to this system and the truth is, i know mirin friends on capitol hill like to talk about amnesty, the closest thing we have to amnesty is doing nothing and that's what house republicans are doing. >> why would the president not hear the american people, particularly after the mid terms and allow the newly elected officials to get together and put forward a plan and then moving forward with a new congress, why not at that point if nothing came forward and nothing could be agreed upon, then use executive action? it would actually seem more justified then. here it just seems like a political move. >> the speaker of the house wase days after the election. he was asked directly if he intended to bring up common sense bipartisan immigration reform in the next congress. and he wouldn't even commit to doing that. so the truth is, if he changes his mind and he decides he's ready to sit down and work with democrats and republicans and the administration on common
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sense immigration reform proposal, the president would be happy to do that. we'll roll up our sleeves, we'll get to work. we can hammer out a common sense agreement. there's a loft common ground to be found here. it would be good for the economy, good for national security, good for strengthening border security. if we can pass that piece legislation, the president is ready to tear up the executive action he signed, sign that bill and make that bill become law. >> that's a promise that you're making right now because what it also is it seems to be an admittance this is a temporary fix. >> it is. >> tell me this, you're saying it's better for national security. we saw what happened last time at the border. you're promising this nation today that it's going to be safe, that we're not going to see the influx of illegals flushing into this nation and not see lower level jobs now being lost by those who have been here legally and for a long time and their family, the american worker is not threatened by this action? is that what you're also promising? >> well, what i'm telling you is that we see that immigration is -- illegal immigration at the
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southwest borrowed is lower than it's been since 1970s. that's because there has been a historic investment in border security under this president, both in terms of manpower and in terms of fence examining technology that's been deployed to the border. our border is more secure -- >> 2005 we know that the way the deportations were handled has shifted. so we understand that they don't have to see a judge, doesn't take the time. they're turned around right there. they can come back, click, count that number. so the american people know those numbers can be warp to do back up a point. i think what we're concerned about is this is a time when national security is ultimately really important. we're looking at isis right here attempts to get into this nation. may already be here. we're looking at a job pool that seems to be dwindling by the day when it comes to lower level jobs and the average american worker and the legal immigrant who are fighting for those jobs will now have 5 million people giving them stiff competition. that's true. you would admit that? >> elisabeth, what's true is that the 11 million people who are already here are actually
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already competing o for those jobs and the fact that they are undocumented means there are unscrupulous workers out there who can undercut legal immigrants by paying illegal immigrants, capitalizing on them and paying them below minimum wage and not treating them right. if we bring them out of the shadow, we're going to hold unscrupulous employers accountable and level the playing field. that will be good for workers all across this country. >> how do you deal with the states? the states now are going to be facing the burden of trying to figure out who has been here for five years. you can promise we can figure out who has been here for how long and not at a great cost to this nation and states? >> well, elisabeth, what we can certainly do, and this would go a lot better if congress would cooperate and actually if house republicans would act on the bipartisan legislation pass in the senate. we could have an orderly process for dealing with this. you raised another issue that's important. you talked about raised the prospect of aisles. there have been some who suggested that isil has succeeded or is actively trying to encroach across our border on our southern border.
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that's just not true. there is no intelligence to indicate that that's the case. but the fact of the matter is, we have more boots on the ground on our southern border than we ever have in our history under president obama. there is more fencing on our southern border than we ever had in our history under president obama. there is more technology in the form of drones and other fencing equipment that is deployed to our southern border under president obama. and the bipartisan senate bill that we talked a lot about backed by house republicans would double the boots on the ground in the southern border. that's something that the president wants to implement. but that's blocked by house republicans, too. that's a good indication, again, i said this before, but it's true, the closest thing we have to amnesty we have right now is doing nothing. that's exactly what house republicans are doing. >> well, the latino community and hispanic community has been wait ago long time. they were promised action legally through congress and it was by the president in 2009 this seems to be a quick fix. they're not feeling it right now. i appreciate the conversation. josh earnest, white house press secretary. hope to continue this as things move forward and i'm going to
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hold to you that promise. if a good plan comes forward, the president will tear this up. that's making news today. josh, thank you. >> it is making news. when he does that bill signing ceremony, i hope you come to the white house for it. >> if that's an invitation, i'll consider it. >> that sounds good. great talking to you. up next, chief white house correspondent ed henry standing by to react to what the press secretary just had to say. but first on this day in 1975, "that's the way i like it" by k.c. and the sunshine band with the number one song in the country. ♪ that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ ♪ i like it ♪ that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ ♪ i like it, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ ♪ i like it ♪ here's some news you may find surprising.
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we're for an open internet for all. we're for creating more innovation and competition. we're for net neutrality protection. now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. fox news alert.
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we just heard from white house proceeds secretary josh earnest defending president obama's use of executive action on immigration. it was some reaction and observation is senior white house correspondent, ed henry, who is in the bureau because tonight he's hosting "special report." good morning to you. >> good to see you. >> what did you think? great interview, elisabeth. >> it was. >> thank you. >> my first impression was, i'm a little concerned, what's going on here? are you trying to take my job when you're sitting there grilling josh earnest, hitting him with these hard questions. if you want to switch jobs for a day, i'll get on the curvy couch. you come into the briefing room -- >> wait. three guys on the couch? i don't know. >> you do a fantastic job day in and day out. so i need burns endurance for that. >> what i thought was interesting was when you were really pressing josh earnest on the, like, why are you poking republicans in the eye? why now? there is one exchange here. i want to play that and i'll explain what i think is interesting. listen to this. >> speaker of the house is asked a question two or three days after the election.
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he was asked directly if he intended to bring up common sense bipartisan immigration reform in the next congress. and he wouldn't even commit to doing that. so the truth is, if he changes his mind and he decides he's ready to sit down and work with democrats and republicans and the administration on common sense immigration -- on a common sense immigration reform proposal, the president would be happy to do that. we'll roll up our sleeves and get to work. we can hammer out a common sense agreement. there is a lot of common ground to be found here. >> what i thought was -- there was a good follow-up from elisabeth there -- but best moment, worst moment. best moment for the president was sort of this call to action. you heard it from josh earnest there. we're going to hear a lot, i'm told the president will be on the road not just in vegas, in the weeks ahead pushing congress. there is something there. look, the republicans now, come january will have the house and senate. if they think -- they now have the keys to the kingdom. you're going to hear that from the white house. that's something that republicans are going to have to deal with. worst moment for the president
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is that after making that case, then says look, what i really want is a rational debate moving forward. but i'm going to poke you in the eye. i'm going to move forward anyway. how are you going to have a rational debate, quote, unquote, if you've already kind of made a decision before the debates really gotten going, and rational when you're poking them in the eye? that's tough. >> have you seen a single poll even one sponsored by that shows the majority of people supporting this at all or close? >> look, i think there was a "wall street journal," nbc news poll a few days before the speech. we'll see what it is after the speech. it suggested more people -- there was a majority that was saying they were very skeptical of this action. the president is going to go out and sell it. we'll see. >> ed henry hosting "special report," thank you very much. >> we'll be watching there. take care. >> i'll be watching you, elisabeth. >> we're going to want to watch? geraldo rivera. he's in the hall right now and has a lot to say about the president's power move. i think this is going to be an
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all-time great segment. look, he feels victorious! ♪ ♪
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good morning. it is friday, november 21. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. the president's power play. >> it does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. only congress can do that. all we're saying is we're not going to deport you. >> what it will mean for the new congress and you, the american people. geraldo reacts next. on the brink, brand-new violence erupting in ferguson, missouri overnight. >> you're under arrest for robbery! put your hands behind your back! >> should tv host and reverend
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al sharpton really be leading protests in 12 different cities? a local business owner reacts this hour. and she shines bright on the big screen and on broadway. ♪ somewhere over the rainbow ♪ way up high >> there is something you don't know about kristen chenoweth. the actress here live. >> love her. >> hi, everybody. this is kristen chenowith. you're watching "fox & friends." stick around. stick around. it's a fox news alert. last night the president of the united states made it very clear, he wants to do something about our broken immigration plan. geraldo rivera heard it and now is taking a victory lap. >> i am delighted. it's something i've been campaigning for since i wrote the book in 2007. it's just. it is compassionate. it's about time.
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these are generally speaking, law-abiding people other than the fact that they are here. their presence here is illegal. >> but it's temporary. >> it's temporary, but i'd like to see the president who has the courage after three years of these people being legal to now declare them illegal again. i don't think the republicans can do that and survive as a national party. >> would it have been better -- is it enough? it would be better moving forward if this were done lawfully through congress, right, that we could actually did this in the arm of our government that is supposed to create a law and write it. would it not feel more permanent, more secure to those affected than this? >> i heard charles krauthammer last night, so smart and so thoughtful and talking about the why the president did this and why now. i'm not concerned about that. i am concerned about the what the president did. these are people here in new york city. we have 500,000 undocumented immigrants. that's the population of atlanta or tucson or las vegas.
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and you never hear about them. why is that? it's because they go about their daily lives. they take their children to school. they do their jobs. they mow our lawns. they care for our children. they wash the dishes. they start businesses. they sell purses on 48th street here. they serve noodles in the chinese restaurant. you never hear about them. they are just hard-work people generally speaking. and they fit in. they are seeking the american dream. this is exactly what this country is about. >> i totally buy that. i like immigrants. >> real republicans do. >> i think they are very hard working. >> they would agree with that, right? i think everyone does agree with that. it's just in the method. >> here is my question, so i get why they're happy about it and why affluent people are happy, because they get a lot of people to work for them. >> cheap wage. >> what do you say to the tens of millions of americans who are persistently out of work whose wages are undercut -- and nohs . >> that's a false premise. >> that's not a false premise.
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you can't argue that immigration raises wages. it lowers them. >> you can put an empty bus on 125th street in the heart of harlem and say, get on board. we'll pay you minimum wage and go upstate to pick apples. are you going to fill that bus up with workers? you're absolutely not. >> it depend what is the wages are. >> minimum wage. and i'll tell i couldn't you won't fill it up. because we have in this country provided an entitlement cushion to our citizen americans that makes these jobs unappetizing. makes these jobs, why do i have to do that when i can -- >> i'm sorry. not just welfare recipients out of work. that's an unfair thing to say. >> under 6% unemployment in this country. >> so many have given up. >> they're the most anti-immigration sentiment was in 2007. it is a -- >> what do you say to the unemployed? >> what do you say to the woman who makes your bed or takes care of your children? >> i say congratulations and ask
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you about the other people in this country. >> when you can show me that you are really denying american citizens jobs, who is going to go to 'til the fields in southern california? who is going to do it, tucker? are you going to raise the people to do it? are you going to pluck the chicken and process the meat? >> that pertains to california, but whatever. you're missing the points. >> you are making a false narrative. >> it's not. >> that undocumented immigrants are stealing american jobs. >> the affluent -- >> it has nothing to too with affluence. >> i'm (talking over each other). >> you have the congress of the united states, you have the speaker of the house who is powerless in his own party. he's been taken over by the steven kings of iowa and the mo brooks of alabama who want to line up 11 million undocumented people, put them on buses and send them anywhere but here.
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>> that's ridiculous. >> geraldo -- >> excuse me, elisabeth. i'm so sorry. i interviewed mo brooks three days ago and he said exactly that. >> you're implying that -- >> you're implying they're mighted and that's a conversation ender. >> some of the people opposed to this are those ho came here legally. there are people out there, this is fact -- this is an emotional issue. there are many people who came here as immigrants, legally the right way, paid a ton of money, thousands of dollars, and they are unhappy today because they feel as though someone else is getting in the cheap and easy way and they worked hard. >> so let's take a look. here are some tweets electric these actual people. iron fox tweeted us, my wife came here legally if obama amnesty happens, can we get a refund? >> another says, 5 million illegals get short cut visas, do i get a refund of the $50,000 i
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spent over 14 years legally becoming a citizen? so how do you respond to them personally? >> the immigration system in the united states has been broken for generations. >> absolutely. >> in the old days before 9-11, the southern border was a very casual thing. i went to college at the university of arizona. hundreds of thousands would come to pick the crops and then they'd go home after the season. they'd come to work in the meat processing or poultry processing and then they'd go home. >> they call them migrants. >> then because of this threat of terrorism, we closed the borders and the hammer of 9-11 fell heaviest on the southern border. even though there has never been a credible, verified penetration of our southern border by muslim extremist terrorists. never. there have been three at least in canada since 1997. it was the atlantic city subway bombers. there was the millennium bomber at lax.
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and there was the train in 2013 coming from toronto to buffalo. three muslim extremist attacks from can did. you never hear -- >> what about the people who are standing in line? >> you never hear about the muslim extremist threat from the northern border where there have been verified penetrations. they get blamed for ebola. remember they were going to bring ebola into the country. >> it's not fair to people following the rules. >> if republicans believe in climate change, they would blame the immigrants for climate change. >> what is the heart of people ho came here legally. >> i stood in line. >> i've been following the law. i got to the back of the line. now this? >> it is a good point and i understand the frustration of people who have done what they should do. but please understand that the immigration system has for generations been skewed. first it was designed to be anti-chinese. then it was designed to be anti-southern european. then it was never an ellis
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island for latinos. you have to understand that they are trying to make up ground. there has been -- and everyone admits it and i hate to raise a flag that says racial preference or anything like that, but there is clear history that we wanted northern europeans. we didn't want southern europeans. we didn't want africans or chinese or south asians. we prioritized. and now there is a leveling of the field. the bigger question is do these people contribute to the united states of america and who we are as a nation or do they detract from who we are? are we stronger as a result of this immigration or are we weaker as a nation? i maintain that as a nation of immigrants, this process will sort itself out. some people have had the one leg up on the system. others have been disadvantaged historically. it will work itself out. right now 5 million, no criminal records, citizen born children, paid their taxes.
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>> it's a leveling of the field. i'm glad you said that. that kind of crystallizes it. >> i think we can all get along with the fact that the system currently is broken. something needs to be done of the the big question is, geraldo says it's a step in the right direction. >> i'm delighted. >> i know you're delighted. wait until you hear the best news. you're going to be spending thanksgiving at tucker's house. >> absolutely. i'm going to be at your house. >> a great debate. >> thank you. >> thank you, steve. thanksgiving came to him yesterday. meanwhile, let's go over to heather who has some headlines. >> good morning to you. we've got fox bizarre develops taking place. shooting at florida state university that injured three people. just hours before the gunman opened fire, he contacted eight his friends with a mysterious warning. the gunman, 31-year-old myron may told friends he put packages
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in the mail to them. they're expected to arrive today and no one knows what is inside. may believes the government was following him and we learn he was hospitalized several weeks ago for a mental disorder. he died in a shootout with police at florida state. chaos erupting in the streets of mexico city overnight. take a look. that is brand-new video of the clashes. it follows a massive rally that was against the government's handling of the case of 43 missing college students. those students are believed to have been taken by police on september 26 and turned over to gang members. thousands of protesters now demanding the students return home. however, some believe most of those students may be dead. another weapon arrest to tell you about outside the white house. this time police arresting a 23-year-old woman who had a .9 millimeter hand gun holstered on her hip. that gun was not registered.
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the gun was spotted while she was demonstrating shortly after the president's speech last night. the president was at the white house at the time. don't call them waitresses and this is quite a story for you. the owner of a new york city restaurant slapped with a $5,000 fine. an employee of his took out an ad on craigslist looking for a waitress. the reason that the owner was penalized for this? the employee didn't use the word server in the ad and that is against the law. new york city has gender-specific ads. it says those ads actually violate the city's civil rights law. the owner says it's simply an outrage and he plans to fight what he describes as a scam. those are your headlines. >> you can't say hostess. >> you can't say waiter. you can say wait staff. correct? >> wait a minute. >> that makes a lot of sense, right? >> wait another men right now.
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thank you. >> you are fast in the morning. >> it's the coffee. coming up, brand-new violence erupting in ferguson overnight. take a look at this. >> you're under arrest for robbery! put your hands behind your back! >> now a new report saying there are more guns on the streets than ever before. is this really a good idea? our next guest says yes. then we spent a ton of money and time to free him. it turns out the american being held in north korea didn't want to leave. the people's paradise. that story next.
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fox news alert. brand-new violence erupting, unfortunately, overnight in ferguson, missouri. >> you're under arrest for robbery! you're under arrest for robbery! put your hands behind your back! >> now a new report finds the gun sales are skyrocketing in the region ahead of the grand jury decision which could come as early as today. our next guest is selling between 30 and 50 firearms every day, he says. joining me is steve king, the
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owner of metro shooting splice. thank you for joining us. why do you think people are buying so many guns in your area? >> it's quite civil. they're afraid for what's going to happen or what the fear of the unknown is. >> they also seem convinced that lawsuit won't protect them. do you think that's a valid concern? >> i think depending on the type of protesting we get and the number of protesters and how violent it becomes, law enforcement certainly is going to have their hands full. so with this many residents living in this type of a community, i think it would be pretty safe to say that every single resident who would not be able to have a policeman sitting in their home protecting them. it would be a personal responsibility to defend themselves against any type of violent action. >> some critics have said citizens don't have a right to protect themselves. stand back. wait for someone else to protect you and that you are inciting overreaction by selling firearms to people. how do you respond to that? >> i have to tell them that it's
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common knowledge that the people that are well-armed are going to defend themselves. i don't think we're talking about arming militias or people to go out and cause problems. we're talking about people that are going to be law-abiding citizens. they've come in, they've done the process that it takes. they've had the criminal background check. these are people that are going to be at their home. they're going to be defending themselves against any type of activity. they're not going to be going out looking for problems. >> does it feel a little bewildering, like it's not really america? we're talking about violence in the streets? when did this become normal? does it feel that way to you? >> you know, it will never become normal. and i hope that the people of st. louis have calmer minds and that prevail. we have a very conservative value here in st. louis and i hope that they bring that to the forefront and we don't have a lot of problem. >> al sharpton is coming to town. do you expect he'll calm people down and help people understand one another and bring piece past to the region or no?
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>> you know, it would be a great event if al sharpton president rest of the clergy could come out and talk to their constituents and preach peace and brotherhood and love and i don't think that's going to happen. as you hear from al sharpton president rest of the clergy, they're preaching racism and hatred. it's just not what they're job is supposed to be. i don't think he'll be helpful at all. this would be a great opportunity for him to come in and be a true leader instead of an incity garrett. >> he's not getting rich from brotherhood and love, that's for sure. thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. have a wonderful day, you, too. coming up, do you have a nanny cam? a terrifying warning this morning. someone may be using it to spy on your child and on you. we'll tell you how that could happen. plus, she's been on the curvy couch eight times. we just discovered some new things about kristen chenowith we never heard before. we'll tell you what they are.
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this is your 8:24 a.m. wake-up call and now some headlines. while you were sleeping, five nor gitmo prisoners set free. three were sent to the country of georgia. the other two sent to slovakia. the white house claiming they're no longer dangerous guys. 100 prisoners have been freed since president obama took office. he spent tons of money and in time to fee him. but turns out the american being held by north korea, remember him -- he didn't want to leavement matthew miller revealing he intentionally destroying his own passport and tried to get arrested so he could get a feel for the real north korea.
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he got one. and he didn't want to leave. now this. ♪ somewhere over the rainbow ♪ way up high >> wow. that voice can give you goose bumps. she has come a long way from her oklahoma roots and conquered the stage, screen and television and the curvy couch. >> we're honored to be joined by kristen chenowith. >> thanks. >> you have such a remarkable voice. so huge. >> thank you. >> a lot of soul from that voice. >> where are you singing the song from "wizard of oz." i'm the one from kansas. >> i stole it from you. >> stop it! >> s what is that joke? >> something about weather. >> it is the weather.
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i wanted to do a stopping that i've been singing since i was a little girl is that oz is such a unique part of my life because i loved it growing up, and then "wicked" came into i in lifement i thought, why shouldn't i? i know judy owns the song. there is my bed. we recreated my bed. there is my church in the background. it's special. i'm really proud of that. >> this is your new album, which is "coming home." tell us about home. tell our audience more about you. >> you've been on a million times. >> thank you. broken arrow is right outside tulsa. a lot of farm land. i grew up in a tiny town with sonic and golden hamburger and that's about it. >> at sonic, would they come out on the roller skates? >> of course. i didn't work there. i was teaching aerobics. >> tell bus your parents.
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>> my mom and dad were engineers. they didn't sing or should they ever, ever sing. but my dad, i sing a song about my dad called "fathers and daughters" in the show. he's sitting in the front row and it's so hard to hear it because i get emotional. it's about me and my dad. the whole show represents all of me. anybody watching it or listening to it, it's so much more than just glenda from "wicked" and "glee" about. it's a woman and somebody who has been hurt and has hurt someone. as a friend, as a daughter, it's that. >> i can't imagine you hurting anybody. >> certainly not on purpose. but we do. we're human. but it kind -- when they said, where do you want to record it? i thought why wouldn't i do it at my own theater in oklahoma? >> going home. >> yes. >> the story to tell. you're so busy. you got more things coming up. you're work on this and another film in the works? >> yeah. it comes out january with jennifer lopez called "the boy
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next door." a thriller. then back on broadway with peter gallagher who is handsome and talented. >> i didn't know people thought that. >> "coming home" is something everybody should check out. we're always glad you come here. i have known you for a long time. >> yes, you have. >> i just love you. you look great and wherever you are, you bring a smile. aerobics class, i need footage of that. >> you'll get it. >> thank you. >> thanks for coming to "fox & friends." >> always. elisabeth spoke to josh earnest. he says the president willing to tear up the executive order. chris wallace reacts to that next. plus, he may now disthe bride. the jilted husband getting the ultimate revenge. ♪
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♪ will have
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earlier tonight, president obama gave a prime time speech to announce his plan for immigration reform. people watching tv said the president came off as strong, powerful, and decisive. then they switched from scandal to see what obama had to say. he was good, too. he's all right. yeah, yeah. >> scandal is a good show. chris wallace joins us from our nation's capitol where they have had their share of scandals throughout the years. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. big day today for the nation after hearing the president speak. we actually had the chance to speak with white house press secretary josh earnest. love to let you listen to a bit
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of it and then get your reaction. here it is. >> the president believes that we need to restore some accountability to this system. the truth is, i know my republican friends like to talk about amnesty. the closest thing we have to amnesty right now is doing nothing of the that's what house republicans are doing. the speaker of the house was asked a question two or three days after the election. he was asked directly if he intended to bring up common sense bipartisan immigration reform in the next congress. and he wouldn't even commit to doing that. the president is ready to tear up the executive action that he signed last night, sign that bill and make that bill become law. >> that's interesting at the end. it almost sounds like blackmail. i'm going to tear it up if congress does something. >> yeah. i think that's one of the more ungenuine comments by the president and by his spokesman, josh earnest because first of all, i don't think congress is going to pass a comprehensive immigration reform. the fact is they did in the that the in 2013 and for a year and a half, the house couldn't find a way to do it.
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in addition to which the president -- there is kind of a sub text. he's not saying, if congress passes any bill, i'll throw away my executive order. he's saying if they pass a bill that's to my satisfaction, then i'll do it. so it's not really very genuine on his part. >> chris, you would never know that there was just an election two weeks nag which democrats got creamed. what are republicans gog do? how are they going to respond to everything that's happened in the last two weeks in congress? >> it's a good question, tucker. the answer is right now they don't know because there is quite a division of the leaders. mitch mcconnell and john boehner are saying we want to respond. we want to respond forcefully, but not shoot ourselves in the foot by overreacting doing something like shutting down the government. the history of that politically, i don't have to tell you guys, is that forget the merits. when we did that when the republicans did that in '96 or 7
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with newt gingrich when it was done in 2013, the republicans end up taking the political hit and the democratic president ends up benefitting politically from it. you've got ted cruz will be an exclusive guest on our show talking about holding up all presidential nominations. also you can try to legislate against it, but it's pretty hard to legislate against not supporting people. it's going to be a hard thing to fashion legislation that will do it. i think one of the other questions is should this shut down all compromise on all other issues, i think that would probably be a mistake for republicans in congress. >> the thing about stopping the deportations, they're not really deporting anybody right now. one of the biggest states impacted is texas. governor-elect greg abbott, who won with a lot of hispanic support, actually plans to challenge the president in court. he says, quote, following tonight's pronouncement, i am prepared to immediately challenge president obama in court securing our state's
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sovereignty and guaranteeing the rule of law as it was intended under the constitution. where do you think that's going to go? >> well, i know where it will go on sunday. governor-elect abbott will be an exclusive guest on fox news sunday. >> ted cruz and that guy, too? >> yeah. how is that? a it's almost as if you knew and created a -- it will be interesting to see. a lot of people say that the states have a better chance legally because they suffer more damage than a member of congress. can't say what's the direct damage? i know you can say well, he's infringed your honor powers. generally speaking, the courts have not taken a very attractive, receptive look at that. just so everybody know it's fair and balanced, we'll have javier becera, one of the leading hispanic congressmen who thinks the president was too late in doing this and applauds the measure. so cruz, becera, there he is.
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>> too late, meaning this could have happened in 2009, 2010, 2011. >> we're working working with te psychic friends note work trying to figure out who you might have on sunday and make a bunch of graphics. >> i'll give you a number between one and ten. what is it? >> 7! >> you're right. >> you're right. >> your years at the carnival paid off. >> chris, have a great weekend. thank you. >> we'll see you sunday, chris. now we're going to turn to heather who has more to bring us this morning. still a lot going on. >> yep. a lot of stuff going on. police thought this guy did it and then he confirmed their suspicions. live on television, watch here as the suspect confesses to setting a house on fire. >> me, me. i set it on fire. >> set it on fire and went and buy a drink and came back. >> of course. why not? he said he started the fire because conditions in the home he claims were horrible. he says the cops didn't take his complaints seriously. now he's charged with arson.
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that coming out of maryland. russian spying on you through your nanny cam. there is a web site called instarcam and it's hacking into thousands of cameras across the united states. what's even worse about this, they're streaming it all live for the entire world to see. the cameras are capturing families and children in their own living rooms and their bedrooms. you name it. experts say the cameras that are not password protected are the most vulnerable. you want to look out for that. and incredible video capturing a dramatic end to a wild police chase. look at this. a driver in a stolen suv loses control, slam noose a brick building while going 80 miles per hour. the impact is so severe that the building which was filled with antique cars collapsed in a huge cloud of dust. luckily no one inside was hurt. the driver walked away with some bruises and a rap sheet. that in kansas city. he has now dissed the bride. this is my favorite story of the day. kevin was devastated when his wife of 12 years just walked out on him.
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she took everything he oned, except she left her wedding dress behind. what did kevin do with it? he turned it into everything from a dog toy to this hunting camouflage. that's perfect for hunting in the winter snow. he put all these pictures in a book and called 101 uses for my ex-wife's wedding dress. that guy is brilliant. wow. >> let's book him on the show. >> and creative. look at this. >> it's very dark. but hilarious. >> looks cute in that veil. >> as guys in beards do in wedding dress. >> apparently he had had an argument with her and she said -- he said, what do you want me to do with this and she said anything you want. >> he took her at her word. >> wearing her dress in the white snow. if you're in the white snow today, maria, but maybe it's around the corner or get warmer. what do you have to tell us? >> we have a big warm-up coming up this weekend. before that, i want to show you this amazing video out of south buffalo where they picked up
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over five or even six feet of snow across that region. you can see the snowplow pushing that snow around across that area and take a look. incredible amount of snow. the big concern is going to be that we're going to see a lot of warm-up over the next several days. that's going to be melting a lot of that snow and that could come as well with some rainfall. so flooding is going toñi be a g concern out 2003 have flood watches already in effect for the buffalo area and that snow is winding down. so we are going to be seeing the clean-up efforts really in full effect throughout today. i want to take you to the maps because we are tracking a new storm system that will be developing this weekend. it's going to be backing the center of the country. parts of texas could potentially be seeing some severe storms with isolated tornadoes as we head into tomorrow. so that will be something to watch. freezing rain also possible across portions of the midwest with that moisture moving in. and take a look at the high temperatures today. still cold across the midwest and northeast. i mentioned a big warm-up. some areas could be look at highs in the 60s by monday
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across the northeast. let's head back inside. >> but cold here right now. 28 degrees is the air temperature. it feels like 19. >> oh, yeah. >> thank you. >> the real feel. >> the real feel. thank you very much. this coming up, it's a story that your child should see. >> we are molding lives every day. the question is, are we molding them for the better or for the worse? >> get ready to be inspired. coming up, proof that you can be whatever you want no matter where you come from. ♪ ♪
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he alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime. it does not grant citizenship or the right to stay
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here permanently or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. only congress can do that. all we're saying is we're not going to deport you. >> okay. the president said last night the illegals won't have the same rights as citizens, but if they get social security numbers and cards, how is that going to work? let's talk to peter johnson, jr. >> easy answer. he's wrong. they will have the same rights over a matter of years. it's gonna happen. he also said that he's not enacting new law. this is a new law that the president has enacted in violation of the constitution. we need immigration reform in this country. we all agree that we need that. we may need a path to citizenship for some people. but this is not the way to do it. you don't tear the constitution apart. you don't say that as a vacuum of power, i will occupy it. i will occupy it. i will do what i want and then if you decide to get along and do something, then maybe i'll tear it up. >> didn't the president himself just make the exact point you're
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making like 20 times over the past few years? i can't do this 'cause i'm not king. >> 22 or 25 times, depending upon the count. he said no, i can't do that. you want me to enact this? i'm not the congress. so he has now said on national television and will sign the executive order today that he's the congress. he is the court, he is the prosecutor. he has discretion. he has the power. well, long live the constitution. down with this power. we need to litigate this issue. we need to have immigration reform, but we can't have a president out of control. and this president on this issue in my view, is out of control. >> all right. peter johnson, jr., thank you virginia tech. >> happy weekend. coming up, these four people are proof that with hard work, you can be whatever you want to be. no matter where you come from. wait 'til you hear their remarkable stories. they'll inspire you and your children. first, hammer is -- hemmer
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is upstairs. >> those are great americans by the way. >> indeed. >> you hosted the show. >> yes. really inspiring and they're well on their way. good morning to all three of you. now we await the republicans' move. john boehner will show his hand in a matter of minutes. we'll have it live for you and dana perino will react to that. what's the best path forward for america? other news, how the department of justice targeted reporters. we now have the e-mails as proof. and how did the government inflate the numbers on obamacare? answers on that today. a roller coaster like you have never seen before until today. martha and i will see you at the top of the hour when i crave ae that's all i crave. that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette.
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many of you know, the ailes apprentice program was started by ou chairman and ceo, roger ailes to celebrate diversity and change the face of the television news industry. >> yesterday we shared some highlights from our tenth graduation and an event that included some powerhouse personalities, including the daughter of the late martin luther king, junior, dr. bernice king, who left us with this inspirational message. >> the question is, what are you willing to do to insure that your power of influence is making this world a better and not a more bitter place? we are molding lives every day. the question is, are we molding them for the better or for the worse? obviously we are called to do it for the better.
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>> remarkably strong words that are worthy of this incredibly strong group for sure. joining us now is maria molina, a big supporter of the program and one who knows these guys and has been out in the field working with them throughout time here. tell us who we have here today. we are so honored to have you here. >> we have a great group with us. here now are shavon white, megyn growingen, phillippe and brianna. welcome. >> thank you. >> we keep hearing so many incredible things about this program. meghan, i'm going to start with you. what about this program enabled you to do things that ordinarily you would have been outside the lines for you? >> so for me, i'm so early in my career. i was kind of indecisive as to where i wanted to go. so i was able to do pretty much everything and use fox as a resource. so i was able to shadow show teams, producer, editor, writers, attend red carpet events and lucky enough to be handed the mic to interview the
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stars and then along with the apprentice, we had a digital newsletter where i was able to do camera work and every opportunity has just beenñi amazing. >> opportunity is right. what an incredible way to frame this time up. how moving, i would think. brianna, what was your experience like? >> one of the most surprising parts about the year for me and honestly, most rewarding for all of us was the service aspect. when you think corporate america, you don't necessarily think volunteerism. it's really a pillar of the program. we were able to work with the special olympics. we were able to work in soup kitchens and i think it really allowed us to bond with each other outside of the office in a way that really made us closer. i think we were literally able to get our hands dirty. in one case when we rebuilt homes that were damaged by sandy. maria joined us and it was moving. it's nice to know that you're part of something bigger than yourself. >> of course. we loved hearing you speak, by the way. >> thank you. >> how remarkable.
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shavon -- >> you all did such a great job on your graduation and your speeches. i know you all worked very closely with mentors. so i want to ask you, shavon, a little bit about your experience. >> before i began working here at fox, i used to work at avis rental car as full-time employee. one day the senior vice president of fox business, brian jones, who is actually one of my greatest mentors, he discovered me and he brought me here to this amazing company. and since that day, i understood the true meaning of having a mentor and having someone guide you and just to take you under their wings to show you throughout your career. and basically that's what the program is all about. someone that has faith in you and wants to move you along and help you. >> truly an incredible journey. phillippe, you have a very special story because your journey was not just incredible in terms of all that you did, but also you had an emotional journey. tell bus your story.
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>> sure. so when i got into the program, i was super excited. sometimes the things that god wants for us is beyond our imagination, which is kind of what happened to me. in the middle of the program, i was found with cancer and i needed to be treated as soon as possible. so i went through all this battle and after all i realized that it's not about how hard we fall. it's about how strong we raise after literally being knocked down by life and having all the news family, my back looking out for me, supporting me, gave me a lot of strength. that's just priceless. >> thank you. >> so great to have all of you here this morning. amazing to hear your stories. how are you now? >> i'm cancer free. >> yes! you're right about a family here. this is a family first here. >> yes. >> this family is honored to have all of you. >> yes. >> as our brothers and sisters. incredible work. we are so thankful for you.
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>> we honestly can't thank you enough. all of you at home for joining us for this and our celebration of our family members here. we are expecting some big things from you guys. we're not letting you off easy. to learn more about this incredible program, visit us at you'll be inspired. more "fox & friends" around the corner. stay with us. ♪ ♪ fact. when you take advil you get relief right at the site of pain. wherever it is. advil stops pain right where it starts. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil.
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tomorrow more fallout from the president's immigration plan.
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governor mike huckabee. one college offering a scholarships for illegal. >> if you're going away for the holiday, don't think about leaving the house without last minute travel tips. >> pack up. we'll see you. >> watch tucker. republicans set to respond after the president orders mass amnesty for five million illegal immigrants. that from john boehner and we'll have it live for you. welcome to "america's newsroom." martha: good morning. i'm martha maccallum. alabama senator jeff sessions saying what the president just did he believes was against the law. here he is. >> congress makes the laws. what the president did in this order is said, i am not enforcing the laws that you have passed. and indeed i'm going further. i'm going to give work permits,


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