tv Red Eye FOX News November 22, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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you got to get tough. >> not too tough but enough freedom to let them learn on their own helps them grow up. that's our show. thanks for watching. now on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." has tinseltown finally wised up and given matthew mcconaghey a star on the hollywood walk of fame? >> i got my name on the hollywood walk of fame ♪ >> yep, just thought you should know. plus what typically happens when joe biden shows up un-- uninvited to poker night? >> everybody wants to go home? and are they trying to send a message to isis? none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> let's welcome our guests.
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he is the only kennedy that won't try to bang you in a bathroom. you can see it week nights on fox business network. if you don't have it -- >> go to fox finder, what? she can kill with a smile and wowbd -- wound with her eyes. it is joanne nosuchunsky. and who wouldn't want this under cover under their covers? sitting next to me is baker, former cia operative and current president of diligent. maker of diligence long johns and diligence phones and tapioca. for all of your needs, think diligence. diligence, it killed more people than you kissed. and tls tv -- and it is tv's levey. where diligence fails, and we succeed. the stuff we do makes diligence look like a bunch of snowden loving pansies.
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they don't even know it. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> that's the edge of the a block. >> way don't even have anymore stories. let a sit here and stair at the audience. why don't you entertain me? are we less free than nz? when it comes to liberty the u.s. is lacking while new zealand, whatever that is, is number one. this could happen. the study from an institute in london found americans feel their personal freedom has declined sharp lea under obama. the scores are based on people's satisfaction with their country's handling of civil liberties, freedom of choice and other junk. new swrea land -- new zealand topped the list followed by norway and australia.
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america was a lowly 21st behind germany, the uk, france and appleby's. the last time this report was issued in 2010, we were 10th. meaning in the last four years we dropped 74 positions. joining us as always is our studio audience panel. before we begin how many think mike baker should take off his shirt? >> i couldn't agree more. that will happen later in the show. stick around. kennedy, how are you? >> hello. >> it is good to have you here. >> thank you. thank you for having me on "red eye." >> it has been awhile. we miss you. what do you make of this? a lot or a lot? >> i actually say there are a number of organizes and think tanks and institute that put out a freedom index every year. and on every one we are dropping. if you take them all broadly and with a tiny grain of salt it seems as though our freedom is dropping. and that sucks. >> that's what you take away from that.
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>> that's what a ucla education will get you. >> you are a bruin? >> >> yeah. >> i'm a bear. >> it is beat sc week. i think we can agree on that. >> i hate sc. did you dangle the car keys at them when they played? it was daddy's car. >> i went to usc. >> this is going off the rails and not in an interesting way. baker, are you buying this report? are we less free than we were four years ago? and is it the fault of barak hussein obama if that is his real name? >> yes, of course it is. and you realize appleby's is not a country. i want to clear that up. and i completely agree -- >> you know what, if it were a country it would have the eighth largest economy in the world. >> and i agree with kennedy. this study is full of [bleep]. the reason is because hong kong is listed two slots below america in the freedom index. apparently they feel only
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slightly less free than we do here in america. that's all i need to say. >> hong kong feels free because they have so much great stuff even though they are not free. >> the stuff make up for the lack of freedom. >> we are chained by our ipods and ipads. our freedoms are being taken away, but we don't care. we president do know what is going on because we do this. >> carpal tunnel. >> that's a great heavy metal band. how free do you feel and by feel i don't mean drunk. >> i feel really free i feel secure, but i am a young, white educated woman. that may have something to do with it. >> the educated part, i wouldn't go that far. >> i spent a lot of money on something. i do think a lot of americans do feel this way because the presidency has not been too transparent. obama is taking executive actions. on the other side of the coin
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it might just be that the times are changing. with the advancements of technology and the values and the culture, it could just be a shift in perspective rather than owe bough ma's fault, but i think it is. >> i think so. i was worried about you there. we were going to have to go to the editing booth and switch it around. go ahead and smain something people don't understand about. it measures how free people feel. we scored lower than the uk, but are we more free than those who criminalize hate speech and doesn't have a constitution as i was about to say? of course we feel less free than we did four years ago. as baker said in the green room, we know how much the government is spying on us. and there are hateful groups
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like black water and diligence that do these extra constitutional -- >> assassinations ? >> illegal, immoral activities -- >> are you going to let him go on like this? >> i was waiting for you to throttle him. >> for once the president was in complete agreement. i did a complete 180 on snowden. >> you would like to do a 180 on snowden. that would be brilliant. don't get me started. >> i am always mindful of the fact that you are a very smart individual. just completely misguided. >> it is actually pie over two. if you go to a place like new zealand it is a under withful country. it is populated by hobbits, but if you try to start a business in this country, we are less free relative to
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ourselves, but i don't think it makes us less free than malta and it is impossible for people to travel to all of those different countries and say oh slovenia is a great place. >> it is very hard to start businesses in india. i just saw that on a news program. i swrus wanted to add something to this conversation. what she said was really smart. >> it was smart. and not to say what you said wasn't smart. >> hers was smarter. it was smarter than yours and yours. it was smarter than mine. >> having spent most of my life overseas, you have right. there is no way you can justify the results of this. people are feeling less free because of the headlines and the angst and the fear that exists out there. but we have it so good in this country. >> but again, you don't have to justify the results. the results are accurate because it was about people's feelings and not what is.
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>> weren't you listening about the ability of our population to do anything? >> no. >> never mind. >> i would watch msnbc. >> the pro-jihady were making the trip to syria to join isis. the western recruits braced themselves for a life without sit down toilets. learn to squat if you don't know how to. below is a picture of a man squating with correct form. and he is right. here is the picture. you know what? it is kind of pleasurable. they recommend rocks, leaves and straw while avoiding wet wipes. it is in a tone that is lighthearted. i believe we have tape of a jihady cleaning himself.
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>> ♪ i whip my hair back and forth ♪ >> all right, baker, do you think it will scare recruits away? >> oh no. no. i think it will draw them by the thousands. >> they point out you shouldn't use bones. >> or dung. >> or dung. that will keep people from joining. you know how pleasurable it is to wipe your ass with a bone. >> or dung. >> i think this is just one more example of their effort to do this media out reach. and we make fun of it. it is surprising how much better it was now than say three, four, five years ago. you look at what they were putting out there and the efforts they were making to recruit people.
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you have to be a complete moron or [bleep] to fall for this. >> they are getting the lingo down. they are knowing how to talk to kids. >> they are. >> i am going to get back to you on what we have to do with isis. i am afraid of people saying it is no big deal or it is a huge deal. it is either a big deal or it is no big deal. do we go in there and kill them all on the ground? >> i don't want to take up too much time -- >> but having said that. >> if we decide it is in our national security interest to not have an extremist state with territorial integrity because we know what happens when they get that and they are not settled for that and they are clear about their desire to expand and lash out, if we decide it, we better do it in a big way. it was sitting around waiting for them to do something it is useless and not going to happen. the only people i have committed in a meaningful way is us, the brits, the australians and canadians. if we decide it is not in our national security interest
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let's get the hell out. but we will pay for it later on. if we don't deal with it now in an aggressive way and solve this problem, we are going to pay for it in a much bigger way. >> can i add something to that? i agree it is a huge problem and i haven't quite seen a plan that will take care of the isis problem. you can't have people running shed -- running around crucifying women. it is unacceptable. but the problem is if you go and you kill a bunch of them, the ones who will pro live rate -- proliferate. it looks like a recipe for future disaster. do you kill more palm in 10 years? >> our perspective is we are going to end it and way are going to solve it. you don't solve these things. you take care of it in the moment and then you understand that this problem is probably never going to go away. they have a bottomless recruitment pool.
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>> it is like an outbreak. >> it is like a violent herpes. >> we don't have anymore ebola in this country. >> i wish. >> should we be a recruitment so weird owes will go and die over there? encourage them. >> i just don't know if you will get a lot of palm who are enjoying the perks and the comforts of western civilization. it is like you are going to summer camp. this is the stuff you can look forward to with the quips that i can ma you sound stupid. they don't want me and i don't want them. >> you would be a great role model. >> i don't think they would understand. >> that would be great. >> but, yeah, this is going to happen. if it is going to continue
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happening, i hope that people look at the language and how it is not very well written. i don't like the tone. >> well that's the one big thing. >> they advise not going to gym because that's where there are bodies of worship. you have been following this advice for years because you are flabby. >> it is not even that they said that. did it in a problematic way, greg. they said unless you go to a seg bra gated gym it is difficult to lower your gay. i didn't picture them being homophobes. and then they say, quote, for some reason traveling light may be extra hard for the sisters. oh i guess women pack more than men?
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sexist much? >> so you are telling me that isis is sexist? >> they would wear a shirt with the half naked women on them. >> they are telling you to get in shape. that's the thrust of the memo. don't take up though krav-maga because that was developed by them. >> that is vial. >> i take a lot of extreme vacations and i love to read travel tips. it was a complete and utter delight for me. >> are you planning the zip lining? >> the zip lining is weak. >> some people like the zip lining. >> if i zip line i will do it without the zip. >> i will zip -- you know what i'm doing? thanksgiving is thursday, right? i start zip lining on thursday and i don't stop until sunday. i am zip lining -- i start in manhattan and i am done in
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scran ton. >> i may get a zip car and go to the eastside. people turn on zip lining like they did on nickleback. nickleback is awful. nickleback is worse than psoriasis. at least there is treatment for psoriasis. there is no treatment for nickleback. >> there is an visible group of people terrified of not liking nickleback. they go to the concerts and they feel bad and they don't know what to do. >> i know tiger woods likes nickleback and people in interior bc. that's the only group i have come up with. >> i don't find nickleback -- >> what about maroon 5? >> awful. >> love. >> let's take a break. it will give us more time to do the bill cos bea story we -- cosby story we didn't get to. first, a snowden story.
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now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. cad? bill cosby is accused of drugging and raping as many as 15 women in the 1980s. the cnn anchor and my squash partner interviewed an alleged victim. after noting that she lied to keep from having inter rs could they say -- he asked a question that crossed the line. >> he made you perform oral sex? jay right. >> there are ways no the to perform oral sex if you want
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to do it. >> i was kind of stoned at the time. quite honestly that didn't even enter my mind. now i wish it would have. >> meaning the using of the teeth as a weapon. >> i didn't even think of it. >> biting. >> ouch. >> there you go. >> he was criticized for being insensitive. on wednesday, of course, he apologized. >> word about pie interview with cosby accuser, as i am a victimize i would never want to suggest that any victim could have prevented a rape. if my question to her struck anyone as insensitive, i am sorry. that is certainly and was not my intention. >> nbc pulled the plug on an upcoming sitcom staring bill cosby and netflix has delayed a special with bill cosby. i think it will be
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indefinite. they have added a season of turtle burglars. >> that is amazing. that turtle has more of a social life than you do. he is coming home from somewhere and you never come home. you don't go anywhere. good questions often require uncomfortable questions. i should say good journalism. that's why i am here. >> good question. >> was that an inappropriate question? >> it is so wildly inappropriate. it is a way of revictimizing someone who has allegedly been through something quite traumatic and horrible. i don't think that question is ever going to produce an intriguing or positive result. what is the best case scenario that can come? let's say she answered that in
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the uh affirmative or he asked why didn't you use your teeth? what is she supposed to say? it tasted like pudding? it is so wrong -- sorry, i am getting choked up. it is wrong on so many levels. i would say he should know better, but he constantly does thing over and over again. >> he is asked -- i find him captivating because i never know which direction he will go in. i think he will side with somebody and then he gets angry at them and then is flippant and doesn't care. i never know where he is going. he is like a car with a wonky wheel. >> he is like the sentinal of journalism. >> whoa, whoa. jay let's talk about this. should people be more angry at lemon or should they be more focused on cosby? >> keep the focus where they should be. look at all of these allegations. you see something like that
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and i don't know. >> it is a fan of the cosby show. >> of the cosby show. >> you were considered the white cosby. >> everybody liked bill cosby. that was the sing. dwash dash that was the thick. i remember bill cosby for the sicks. sicks-- from the 60s. >> you were considered for a longtime the 6th huxtable child. >> i was. and who didn't love pudding pops? it is is just so sad and it is going to be played out. >> i have to say that i haven't read the whole thing. did anybody go to the police or was -- >> yes. >> okay. >> yes. >> that's what i wanted to know. then how come he wasn't arrested? or did he get arrested? >> they always said they couldn't find enough information. janice dickenson reportedly wrote about it if her memoir. >> nobody read the memoir. >> it was taken out because
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when they went through the vetting process when they write a book and then they say if this is true, yeah, publish that and we will sue you into oblivion. >> maybe it is not worth it. nobody misses something that is not there. that's what everybody tells me when i am writing. >> or when you are thought there. >> the ironic part is he could have stopped it from happening if he had bitten his tong. >> andy, you will apologize for that. >> i don't see why. i want to talk about lemon's apology. he says i'm sorry if it struck anyone is a insensitive and then he says as a victimize i never want to suggest any victim cay have prevented a rape. that's what he did. it is an awful, awful apology. >> now you say i'm sorry if what i said offended anybody. >> should he uh poll gaze for
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the apology. >> joanne, should he have asked that question? >> no. especially when it is a topic as sensitive as this and you are on air, you don't ask that in front of -- >> do you ask in the green room? >> you can screen through it, you know? obviously it wasn't a well thought out and delivered question. the real thing that gets me upset is they are can selling all of these things for bill cosby. they are not thinking about him. >> thinking about the money? >> i am worried about the people who were signed on to do the show, the cameramen. there were other people who were cast. >> the show wasn't even green lighted. >> would have been. >> when you talk about our crew i find it hard to believe you care for their families. >> they foe who their friend is on this panel. >> you know what is funny? they are all can can selling him even though they knew about this for years.
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it has been open secrets. it is the same stuff that was said about him and chuck berry. you can find it on the web. >> roger goodell. >> and it is allegations. what happens if charges are pressed and he is accused of doing x, y, z how much more can you punish him? >> this is being ridiculous here, but pretend that bill cosby did none of this. his reputation has been maligned. i don't believe he is innocent , and my gosh they don't tell me it probably wasn't true, but that's not the important thing. but say it wasn't. how could you possibly prove you were innocent? and what should bill cosby do? >> probably move to an island. >> you know what, unless he goes to jail redemption comes quick. he is 77 and i bet he is 79 and redeemed.
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spitzer got himself a show and wiener almost won an election. >> al sharpton goes to the white house every other day and his history -- >> there is something different about stuff against people's will. especially you talk about younger girls and underage girls. let's say it was his fetish. say there are people who like to do things, but forcing people to have sc -- to have sex against their will. >> i like to step out on a limb. >> it gets to the question of how much can you separate an artist's work from his life? rosemary's baby will also be a good movie. woody allen is a scum bag. the cosby show will always be one of the most important shows in the history of television. what do you do now? chris brown is -- well, no.
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>> what did seventh heaven? it is hard to watch seventh heaven. >> it was always hard to watch seventh heaven. >> i can't remember his name. >> it was kurt gibson i think. >> what the hell is "seventh heaven"? >> he was a detroit tiger. >> i was thinking baseball. >> windows, trans parent object you can look through or demons from the fourth dimension. we discuss in our 15-hour special. >> tonight's sponsor is icebergs. icebergs associated with lettuce and bringing down the titanic. icebergs are the ocean's space junk. they move around the sea like the ice cubes in my sangria. thanks, icebergs. want to know how hard it can be... breathe with copd? it can feel like this.
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former dancer moved to russia to live in sin with the leaker. production starts in january, a month forever known as stupid month. i want this to be an objective , unbias attempt at discussing this topic. is she betraying her country by betraying the slime ball's girlfriend? >> that's not being very fair to either of them. who won't run, don't walk to see this movie? i am not sure where it will land with on oliver stone in charge. i will be the first this line to see this thing. >> probably right down the middle. >> i think you are right. a little known fact, i am in this movie. >> what did you do? >> i appear out of no where during the production and beat of [bleep] out of snowden.
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and apparently they are leaving it in the. >> they don't care if it is just the actor playing snowden? >> i don't care. it will give me an immense amount of pleasure. >> you will hit him so hard he will feel it in russia. >> sentinal is one of the producers and it has taken a fair amount of money. >> why not go to sentinal. >> hear me out on this. maybe i am crazy. maybe she is an actor and thinks it is a good part and it is like, wow, i get to work with oliver stone. i heard it doesn't mean you are nazis. >> that has never happened. >> show me examples of this. >> of actors playing people?
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>> show me. if you don't have them -- >> it is right here. >> anthony hopkins really ate people's organs. let me ask you will anybody watch this piece? >> i think there is room for whistle blowing in all agencies. >> whistle blowing? i'm sorry. >> the cia and everyone else who has come forward talking about the inefficiencies in the government. you may be mad at glen greenwald, but i am happy we know about some of these programs now and i don't blame people either. >> here is my problem, snowden -- >> i think oliver stone is a hack. i think he has gone out of his mind. he hasn't produced -- the most impressive production he had was his morning constitution. i can see how it is an
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interesting story and snowden is a complicated character. >> he works on so many levels. >> you are jealous that he was almost "time" magazine's man of the year. >> i know. i want to be just like that [bleep], [bleep]. >> i would have more respect for snowden if he hadn't gone to an outspoken critic of the united states in the war on terror. if he had even gone to salon i would be okay with it. he went to people that wanted to undermine our security. we know it has happened. the terroristed shifted and people know they are being spied upon. it is good we know. >> maybe we should focus on terrorists and not just all-americans. >> they are terrorists here now. >> kennedy, the problem is we are potentially all terrorists. don't you get that?
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i am just glad that edward snowden took down obama's' nsa i think that makes him a hero. >> they are totally going to dismantle it. we are going to great you are trans -- transparency. >> don't go too fast. >> i thought this was a segment i would be able to talk about like acting and casting. >> well let's talk about acting and casting. i don't like shaylene because she tried to steal my thunder. she came out with an or the cal talking about her scoliosis and how she wore a back brace for several years. that was my thing. >> more than one person can have scoliosis.
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i get that. but i am the spokesperson. >> i have siliac disease at fox and elizabeth hasselbeck works there. >> so she also has siliac disease. jay she is like the siliac disease lady. >> this is like my problem with being short. so is sean on "the edge." eric shawn is short. i would be the short guy but he beat me by an inch. >> charles pain is much shorter than he looks. he is 6-8. i didn't realize lou laabs was 6-11. >> he is big everywhere, let me tell you. >> you are not the only one who has followed him into the men's restroom. >> where are we on this story? did we make headway? >> we decided to go as a group
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to see this movie when it comes out. >> i want to go to russia and kidnap snowden and bring him back. >> go. >> that was -- what? jay you are us a making these big announcements. i want to go to russia and kidnap snowden. i want to eat uh spare gus. you never do. you sit with your stupid beef jerky and i am [bleep] sick of it. go to russia and eat ribs. >> i didn't know you felt that way. >> i'm sorry. i couldn't keep it in longer. gee i think we cleared the air. >> isn't russia higher on the freedom intext anyway. >> frankly i am getting emotional. >> have you ordered not cool yet? and get a copy at g
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amazing. we are talking about chinese ribs, spare ribs. they are fantastic. i would get them right now if i could, but i can't because i am on tv. they made sex tay complex. on-line dating site ok could cupid is looking at gender and sexual identities for singles. i just spit all over me. users can choose from 12
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orientations. among them hetero flexible which is gymnasts. mostly heterosexual, that's mike. and sapiosexual which is based on intelligence and pansexual which is people who screw cooking skill lets. it is an attraction of people of any sex or gender identity. users can pick five descriptions that will appear in their dating profiles. mike, if you have five options are you just too lazy to figure out what you like? >> or you are widening the playing field. i don't follow the whole thick. >> you are beyond -- you are beyond the era of on-line dating, mike. you never needed it with that face. >> and it was something that
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occurred after i got out of the old dating market. >> wait, there is a market? >> when he was younger he called them single's bars. there was the era of jack tripper. >> we went home to the conversations. >> did you have a bean bag chair? >> are you kidding? there was a back by -- bamboo chair that hung from the ceiling. >> i bet you lived like larry hagman in "i dream of genie." >> i was like his friend roger. >> that was the bob new hart show. what did you think of this trend of expanding options. >> people need to sim simplify their lives. the idea that you have to have options, just shut up and eat. not everything has to be a buffet. i learned this from gordon ramsey.
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not every place has to be a diner. >> when i go to a restaurant and i see the six or seven pages i leave. they have stuff like -- i like steak diane, i go. it has to be five things on a single piece of paper. you are are a bartender. the more you have the worst life is. >> people will ask what they want and they are very open. i think it is a good thing. i think it is great that people are feeling so comfortable with themselves that they will show on-line exactly what they like and exactly who they are, and it will help them find what they are looking for. >> i mean, the dating world is very dangerous. >> they didn't have my option which is a bummer because i'm sure there are more like me. >> there are separate websites
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for that. >> you don't know what a woodland peeper is. >> it is somebody outside the woods peeking in. >> really? >> oh yes. >> that is a woodland creature. >> i like to watch -- >> i like to watch them frolic. the frolicking, not the sex. andy what do you make of this? >> i am fine with them doing it. this is a dating site. if it bugs you that is helpful too. if you roll your eyes you know that person is not a match for you. >> would you choose several? >> i would pick two. >> no judgment. >> i would pick two spirit which is a native american term for a person who believes it has a masculine and feminine spirit. >> so in between?
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>> it is kennedy's romantic line, shut up and eat. lie i like those that have the 16-page menu. >> i wish there was more options for their hair color. okay, brown. but my hair is so much more than brown. a little highlights, a little bit of -- >> it shimmers. >> we is a to go. coming up, the sexiest man alive. have you been looking at him all night. animals, videos and you know what it is. fox eye arrow. here's some news you may find surprising.
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we're for an open internet for all. we're for creating more innovation and competition. we're for net neutrality protection. now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. next "red eye" we have katherine and andy -- sorry kurt metzger. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> people, the magazine named the sexiest man alive and sadly mcavoy was numbered
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again in favor of the hideous crist. previous hunks receiving the honor are bradley cooper and ryan reynolds and sean. >> inconceivable. >> hemsworth, right choice? he died three years ago? >> he did, but his work moves on. i love thor. sometimes i pre pepped i am natalie portman's character and i am on the plane and thor is always on the menu. i love thor and i love chris hemsworth a lot. the idea of a man with a hammer is super sexy. >> you and jedediah. what is it about the hammer? >> yen what that means -- i don't know what that means.
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>> can we see that again? >> there are people in the control room. >> you know who did that? andrew brightbart did that. why does it have to be an actor? why can't it be a super secret agent? >> why can't it be a random panelist? >> i don't know. i haven't seen the movie. i don't see it. i thought there were better choices. >> good opinion there. >> new dude that sit on a panel and talks about people's sexiest man alive should shut up. >> he is a little too masculine for my taste. >> she likes to find out later they are gay. >> the sexiest thing is warren
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buffet. >> you can sit there and watch him give to other people while you weep in the corn every. >> i wanted it to be morally safer? it is morally safeward. andy, you like the super hero movie. >> i was going to say ironically because he won all of the other super heros are thor. >> you know what, my joke doesn't remember who you are. >> captain america is better than thor. >> i haven't seen either. >> i have real stuff to do. >> who doesn't? >> all right, we have to go. >> mike asked who doesn't?
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twitter at julie bandaras. i will talk to you later. huckabee starts now. >> it has been a tough few weeks and my approval rating is so low it is down to my friends and family. (laughter) >> i can't get msnbc to say nice things about me. no one watches them. democrats will not admit to voting for me. i know they did. nsa sent me the e-mails. now i have to drink bourbon with mitch mcconnell.
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