tv Red Eye FOX News November 26, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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we'll bring you the latest. >> janice, thank you very much. thanks for being with us. see you tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. if you can't watch live, use your dvr. "the owe reilly factor" is on tonight. >> a shocking display. michael brown's step-father screaming for violence after the decision last night. tonight we will analyze all that has happened thus far. >> this is a foregone conclusion. this was a rigged game. is it legal? we will take a look at the facts. >> i know of people in my own party and in my own government structure who disregard things we say and how we feel and we are not going to allow it anymore.
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>> what does that mean? is that a threat? as emotions run high in ferguson, missouri, we will discuss the matter. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. if anything happens in missouri at this hour we will take you there instantly as our correspondents are standing by. reaction to the michael brown decision that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. this is a two track story. the facts and the emotional aspect of what happened. let's look at the facts first. grand jury comprised of 12 american citizens heard 70 hours of testimony from about 60 witnesses. they also examined forensic reports. medical documents and police radio logs. the conclusion, that police officer darren wilson was
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not guilty of a crime when he shot michael brown to death on august 9th. is it legal examined the evidence. in nutshell brown close do 300 pounds became involved in physical confrontation with the officer and shot six times. fired 12 shots in all. on the face of it, it seems to be a lot of shots. again, the grand jury is our system and these folks decided no crime was committed. after the decision, there was looting and destruction, watched by millions all over the world. more than 80 people arrested. hundreds of thousands in damage. at least 16 people were treated for injuries. my question is where was the national guard? why were they not protecting the businesses in ferguson? it's a small town? where was the guard? and lt. governor of missouri wants to know the same thing. >> here's my question that the governor must answer. is the reason that the national guard was not in there because the obama administration and the
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holder justice department leaned on you to keep them out? i cannot imagine any other reason why the governor who mobilized the national guard would not have them in there to stop this before it started. >> now, mr. kinder's opinion is speculation but certainly governor nixon who held a press conference today must explain why the businesses were left unprotected and explain not only in words but must see what his policy was. because, by not putting the guard in ferguson last night. the looters ran wild. this afternoon, the mayor of ferguson blamed nixon for not deploying the guard and if that is found to be true, nixon should resign his office. the lang of proper protection by the national guard put responders, firefighters and police officers in physical jeopardy. the property loss was inexcusable if it could have been prevented. most americans despise these looters have dishonored the brown family. then again, michael brown's
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own stepfather was captured on tape soon after the decision was announced doing. this. [shouting] >> extremely disturbing. again, people who loot and burn after an 18-year-old american has been killed and dishonored the man's legacy. if you want to protest peacefully, final. if you sincerely believe there sin justice in our system, let your feelings be known. these looters could not care less about michael brown. they are criminals. that was obvious last night. and then there are the pundits. the usual group of charlatans who will say anything to get a paycheck and attention. >> it really does seem like the fix was in. there is a tradition here. there is a tragic tradition with this prosecutor. he is now 0 for 5 in cases in which he has taken to the grand jury, cop who shot
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unarmed people. i will make the statement right now. i will bet you his two assistants did not ask for an indictment. he showed exact what his predisposition was. this was a forgone conclusion. this was a rigged game. >> by saying the grand jury process was rigged, mark geragos is calling the jurors themselves liars and worse. can you say you disagree with the grand jurors, but to call them corrupt is an outrageous smear. the whole case makes america look bad. there is nothing good about it last night's exposition in missouri was flat out disgraceful. period. that's the memo. a look at the evidence the grand jury was presented. here now attorneys and fox news analyst kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl what caught your attention. >> the inconsistencies of the testimony. their stories were all over the place. when the prosecutor came out last night in the conference he said as much. he said when they went on the stand they would say something completely different from what they had told officers that ♪ good if you want to brings
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an indictment. couple that with the consistency of the forensics. three autopsy reports were done all consistent with a motivation of self-defense. that is that the officer was not chasing after brown as some people had said but was actually shooting at him in evidence is defense. clearly, too. they moved the hand was when brown was getting into the car and trying to get the gun away from the officer. the forensics were all together against brown and for self-defense. the witnesses were all over the place. >> what about the 12 shots, guilfoyle that's a lot of shots. >> i don't think so. having put homicide cases in front of the grand jury, i don't think 12 shots discharged from a semiautomatic weapon is too much or excessive as long as the self-defense remains intact. that's what the question was in front of the grand jury. did mr. wilson have the ability to protect and defend himself and if he didn't at what point did he lose that? in terms of the witnesses, yeah, the prosecutor pointed out that there were witness statements that were
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inconsistent with what we were hearing prior to the grand jury. that's why this was the right way to go. grand jury proceedings are secret. go in and take an oath to tell the truth. the prosecutors in this case i think did a great john because they presented exhaustive evidence. anybody that had a statement or said they were eyewitness was allowed to come forward and testify to give the facts. you don't have to do that in front of a grand jury. and they did. because they wanted to make sure that they heard absolutely all the evidence. >> unusual to have that much evidence in front of a grand jury. i did dozens if not hundreds of grand jurors. if i got done in half an hour it was done in half an hour to. go this long. >> geragos the guy smearing the grand jury. he is saying that the prosecutor didn't want an indictment and tilted it. >> he didn't tilt it at all. i have given you all the evidence you have decide. >> but can can it be shaped and discredited by the people bringing in.
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>> that's the point he didn't. he gave them everything and the kitchen sink. they wept out of the way. >> this is the same evidence and facts and circumstances that the federal case would proceed on. you have to understand something. the actual forensics ballistic reports all of that are consistent with officer wilson's story. that is the scientific evidence. this wasn't just the state autopsy was that performed. it was the private autopsy. autopsies by dr. michael baden. that is very significant when you look at that. they went to exhaustive hours going through with the jurors to explain all the evidence about the trajectory about gunshot residue. about the transfer and the d.n.a. of michael brown on the body body and clothes of officer wilson. >> wilson's own damage. his own bruises to his face. they those were finally brought up. grand jurors. they were in altercation and tussle. what some of the eyewitnesses said oh he was shot in the back of the head right meaning he was running
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away, that's not what the autopsy said he was shot on the top of the head consistent with being the same height. >> coming forward if you are making a shot like this and taking shots to the face, here you can still propel forward, it would not stop you in the tracks and medical examiner testified to that again consistent with the young man was charging the officer. >> wilson himself came into the grand jury and i understand testified for four hours. is he also going to be doing some tv interviews wilson is. if i had to interview wilson i would say to him we can understand the intensity of the situation. guy, you are in close quarters combat with him wouldn't be wiser not to confront him again? >> not necessarily. because once he turned around as the forensics show, then what the law in missouri is you have a reasonable belief. >> the father can use lethal
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force. >> there was blood spatter evidence that's consistent with with that forward motion and trajectory by the young man towards the officer that matched the business in the story that he gave. you have to understand something. it's highly unusual, pretty much never happens that the target of a jury in this case officer wilson auto would come forward and testify. >> absolutely. it can be used against you at trial. >> thanks, ladies. charles krauthammer will weigh in on the situation. later, we will talk with the st. louis chief of police who was on the front lines this evening. upcoming. b right.
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>> first time he ever used his gun. o'reilly factor continues now. >> continuing with lead story. reaction to the grand jury decision in ferguson, missouri. joining us from washington, charles krauthammer. all right. you heard the ladies, both prosecuted cases. both experienced grand jury people. they say there was nothing wrong with the grand jury. that this was the way it
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came down evidence pointed to self-defense, what say you? >> i have no reason to doubt that. i do believe anybody that says it was rigged whether theres what some kind of prejudice on the part of the grand jury is really smearing people in an unwarranted way. after all, the grand jury was chosen long before the incident even happened. it wasn't as if was chosen specifically for this case. but there is something unusual about the way in which it was presented. normally a prosecutor is trying to get an indictment so he print a case. he offers evidence in a way return an indictment and that's how you get the result in this case the feeling i have and you get it from the body language of the prosecutor and what he said. the feeling i have is that he thought there was never enough evidence to bring an indictment. however, he did not want to act unilaterally because knew it's a very sensitive
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case. if one man had decided that, it would look like the fix is in. what he did do, the responsible thing, i thought in that case he says to the jury i will let you decide. originally thinking. name there there was not enough evidence. >> okay. a couple of things. his father was killed by a black man, his father was a police officer. so, that has been used by the racial hustlers to say that he is prejudiced against blacks. number two, one of the flaws in our justice system i believe on the priewrl side prosecutorial side even if the prosecutor doesn't think the case could hold, he still goes ahead with the grand jury. still goes ahead in saying you have got to indict this guy fervently will byes.
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you heard it. said i don't want to do this case. no good. but still my duty is to go in. i'm not so sure that that is the duty of a prosecutor when you have a situation where there is confrontation. and there is physical evidence that can clarify. am i wrong? the duty of a prosecutor anyone to uphold the law to act in accordance with what he think actually happens. >> justice. >> if your father was involved in something, we don't judge people by the family history in this country. it's a ridiculous argument. the fact is that the prosecutor obviously thought there was not enough evidence but in a case this sensitive he wanted it to be done by 12 impartial people not a bad way to do it. however, can i understand why the demonstrators or othe opposition would say this is a very unusual way
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to do it and we don't like the way the process worked in this case. >> let's get personal here. benjamin crump is an attorney for the brown family. you just saw the stepfather in that family embarrass himself an awful situation. that obviously taints that man for sure. but crump went on today with an impassioned, sincere, this is not justice barack people can't get justice in country. all black people are at risk. he really believes it, charles. nothing you can say or i can say is going to dissuade his belief. when you have that attitude, isn't the debate fruitless. >> look sincerity is a virtue but it isn't evidence of veracity. that doesn't mean he is right. he may not be somebody who can be convinced, but there are a lot of other people out there who have questions about the process who, i
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think, would be open to an explanation of what exactly happened you know, to extrapolate and say therefore no black person gets justice in this country, i think is completely wrong, even the president said that last night. we made a lot of progress in the country. this is not evidence of that whatsoever. there is a very difficult case where a jury of impartial people with no reason whatsoever to go one way or the other decided there simply wasn't enough evidence. you have got to remember in this country we don't revenge people through the family. that was abolished when you institute law 3,000 years ago. it's the people against a person who kills. it's not the family against. we don't have vendettas in the country. it is the community acting through the grand jury. through a prosecutor, through a system that that will bring charges. you can understand the feelings of the family. but they don't rule juive is
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blind. if you don't have that you have nothing. >> do you believe that in this country black people don't get the same justice as white people? >> i believe that you can point to cases where black people generally speaking because of their lower economic status less access to high powered lawyers. more likely to get off if you have a lot of money and a lot of good lawyers. you get a white color crime, a violent crime and there are ways that you have advantages if you are a higher socioeconomic status. >> all right. charles. thank you. we appreciate it it directly ahead, are there two different justice systems as i mentioned to charles? one for whites and the other for people of color. we will discuss it karl rove on how handling the situation in ferguson. factor is coming right back.
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impact segment tonight beings as we have opined looting and destruction while protesting the death of michael brown is an insult to his memory. >> there is a man carrying a handful of products. seemed to have big smiles and grins. nothing somber or serious about this group at all in the wake of what's happened. this is a group with a different agenda. they have got many of their sweat shirts filled with items from ferguson market and liquor. a store that tried to board up. a store that has artwork from the fall and michael brown on the windows. a store that's now getting loolted as we speak. >> with us now in new york city monica crowley and from washington democratic strategist. you know, these looters, gentleman jeanise i think
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it's more than a party. should be prosecuted as such. >> absolutely. 100% with you. there is a group of people that decided they are going to misbehave and break the law and engage in violence. this absolutely must be prosecuted. those small businesses need to get -- there is nothing somber or serious about this kind of action. this is pure violence. this is not what this is about. we must keep the cuss on what the long-term solution is to this issue. it's not the looting what is the issue here. >> it is an issue though the perception. >> let me tell you what the issue is. >> yes. >> the protesters are angry, right? >> yes. >> do you know who is also angry? people watching those looters. real angry. >> absolutely. >> you know there are a lot more of those people than the protesters. this sets back race relations decades. al sharpton, one of the most vilified human beings in
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this country right now. all right? people hate him. and they see it as these people, that's wrong. that's wrong. because if you break it down. there are a couple hundred of these people. the looters. couple hundreds. most african-americans same as whites and hispanics and asians, they deplorable. the damage these people do monica, the damage they do because the whole world saw that last night and a lot of people overseas says that's what america is about. look at those people. >> a lot of people were angry and disappointed last night but who also protested peacefully last night. >> they were overridden. >> because of the coverage. the cameras were on these looters who knew they were being watched. >> did it anyway. >> they did it anyway. they are not protesters. i think we make a grave mistake when we lump them awesome credit tores precinct rob and.
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>> most won't do any jail time at all. nixon the governor, getting to get into this with the sheriff of st. louis. he called them out that is so outrage juts. >> this is a huge story, bill because almost a week he we in the national guard was ready to go. they were positioned in st. louis. they were in other locations rather than in the town of ferguson where they were needed. the mayor of ferguson there are reports that he asked the governor repeatedly overnight to send in the national guard and he wouldn't do it. why? >> jennice if i were the governor i would have signed executive order just like president obama not about illegal immigration. i would have areas where the protester could say have gone which were away from the commercial areas. i would say if you want to protest, here is where you go. and you are not allowed to go, you protesters into the
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commercial area and if you do the national guard about detainee and the authorities will arrest you. but you can go over here with your little mask on and your signs, right over here. would that have been unreasonable? >> no. i don't think that would be unreasonable. the ge i would ask you how passion flying high. at least youfield have had some protection. if you line the guard up in front of the o'reilly's autopare store selling the beer if you line them up jennice the protesters a couple hundred can't get through them and won't go there. if you say move along, sir, if you want to protest you go over there, if you don't, we are going to arrest you. that's how you can control the crowd. i'm glad to hear you say you wouldn't have objected to that. >> no. i am also for law enforcement.
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i am not for chaos. we are not in disagreement in that the riots are wrong and people need to be prosecuted. the hearts go out to the parents of michael brown. >> no, no, not the parents, the marry you heard them. >> i heard them and both what they said peaceful demonstration. >> we heard what he did telling people to burn that town down. you can't come back from that. monica, jennice thank you. >> talk with bernie ghold berg. next karl rove on how president obama and grand jury are han
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personal story seeing many tone, the rioting in missouri major event for the entire country, that's because people overseas see the pictures and think we are a chaotic society. >> first and foremost, we are a nation built on the rule of law and so we need to accept that this decision was the grand jury's to make. there are americans who agree with it, and there are americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. it's an understandable reaction. >> protests and disappointment are understandable. looting and violence are not. joining us from austin, texas, karl rove.
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should president obama have done more, less, or did he do what he should have done on this matter? >> well, i think he should have spoken out, and we have to give him credit for doing that you played the opening part of this statement. he devoted two lines out of entire set of remarks to emphasizing the rule of law. as you heard, immediately said people who agree with it and people who disagree with it he spent a lot mover time in his statement appealing to the law enforcement officials exercise what he called care and restraint handful of people who might engage in acts of violence. i wish he had done more to talk about rule of law and done more to not to appeal to law enforcement but to human cost that violence is going to exact in this community. think about all those people who built those businesses and worked in those businesses who now see their
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livelihood gone. >> absolutely. that's governor nixon right there. i'm not sure with barack obama's. he is addressed in private on the brother's keeper initiative which i was involved in, as you might know, his concern that black youth men, primarily, get mentored and get a break and get out of there. he has not been outspoken about the tremendous crime and violence perpetrated by black youth in which michael brown was a part. i mean, we saw what he did in the convenience store. we saw his attitude and he was going to do what he wanted to do. trayvon martin, president obama openly sympathetic to. gates up in boston, openly sympathetic to. i don't really know if he is as emotionally involved as i think he is, but i wanted to
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get your take on it. >> i think you are giving him credit, you know, and he deserves credit for his initiative. on the other hand, you are right. there have been three instances in which we have seen him empathize with the black victim of crime, trayvon martin. he said would be, if he had a son he would look like trayvon martin. but we have not heard him take on black on black crime. you know, we had a brief allusion to that in the speech, in a recent speech where he talked about how the law enforcement was needed for poor communities, black communities. but i think he could do so much both as president and first african-american hold that post. he could do a lot to help confront not just one side of the equation. it could be he legitimate concerns that people have about the remnants of racism. but also about the challenges facing the black community.
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in chicago rahm immanuel is the mayor and certainly the attorney general of the united states in chicago to get it under control in that town because that's the most acute example. i want to be fair as always to everyone involved here. there are a lot of things floating around. we will do more reporting on this down the road. mr. rove, thank you. when we come right back we will talk about the police chief in st. louis involved in keeping order after the grand jury decision. bernie goldberg will weigh in on it all moments away.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the second personal story segment tonight, let to sam dotson the police chief in the city of st. louis who is part of the unified command to keep order in ferguson. chief, you are here in new york city. we have, you know, some demonstrators marching down broadway. other cities around the country that kind of thing. what's the scene out there tonight where you are? >> well, we he have seen that already today. i saw a group march on interstate highway close down a highway. very edgy and darkness is falling in the city. i'm concerned about it.
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national guard did not appear. the lt. governor of missouri very angry where was the national guard? why wasn't it protecting the businesses? >> and that's a great question as we came forward with our plans, one of the things we kept hearing was that we don't want to see the national guard interacting with the protesters. i think people are concerned about the optics when we create a security plan it's about safety and not what it looks like. police work sometimes doesn't look pretty but it works i think a lot of people wanted to have conversation about optics. it's about safety and not appearance. >> i am going to play devil's advocate here. you have a small commercial district in ferguson i have businesses there. there was nobody guarding those businesses. though the looters went in and did their damage. if it were me and you tell me why this isn't feasible and i were the governor of missouri. i would have posted guardsmen in front of those
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businesses then i would have a police presence in front of the guardsmen so i agree with you. you don't want protesters and the guard running into each other like kent state. you don't want that on the other hand, there's with a no protection to the businesses last night. >> bill, that was the challenged that we faced. and the st. louis county police chief said if he had 10,000 police officers he doesn't know if he could have stopped this last night. i don't know if was absence of the guard. overwhelming determination of groups of criminals that wanted to go out and do exactly what they did. police officers did a great job. the guard would have helped but the 2200 guardsmen that were activated spread throughout the whole region. >> you know, only from our correspondence a couple of hundreds of these hard core looters. you are telling me that they
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couldn't have dissuaded them? i'm not sure. investigation into that chief, certainly not your call. security for st. louis. the governor, i want some i watched some of his press conference. i'm not understanding it all right. let's move forward. say edgy situation. the same people last night are there. you arrested about 65, 70 of them. i don't know what's going to happen to those people. are they going to be prosecuted or just going to kick them? bill, i hope they are prosecuted. in the city where i'm the chief, we keep seeing the same people. and we arrest the same people and it becomes a revolving door. >> right. >> this has to stop. we have to send a clear message that if you want to protest, that's fine. come out and do it. i think the attorney general said legitimate protesters. but if you are going to destroy property if you are going to be a criminal, there has to be consequences. the slap on the wrist isn't going to do it. >> no, when you are setting
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fires to building and police cars responders, that's why i wases so perplexed about the national guard. when the firefighters and the police have to respond to looters burning down buildings, they put themselves in jeopardy, see. you know he that, you are a sophisticated police officer. i'm just hoping that tonight you are little more organized to stop this stuff. last word, we are, bill. we have great plan. here is going to be the challenge. if we shut down that corridor where we have seen the burning, where are those people going to go? i think the whole region has to be prepared for it we have to have a plan we can pick up and drop into a community if they have other problems. we are ready. >> chief, we appreciate your time. we know you are very busy. thanks for speaking with us tonight. bernie goldberg on deck. the media deeply involved in the ferguson story. we will get bernie's take on that next. the conference call.
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i've never felt so alive. get the future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. back of the book segment test, anger, he yes, some protesters are teed off. but, believe me, millions of americans watching these looters are angry as well. joining us now from miami, the purveyor of bernard i was angry watching that display when i was on the air. i was talking to the sheriff who is a good man -- i mean the police chief a good man. you can't let me people do that you have got to put the guard in front of them. you can't let them run wild. you say? >> yeah, i was angry, too, even though i knew, you knew, and everybody watching us tonight knew that absent an indictment this was going to happen. something else we all knew that these people who claim
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some grievance this is afternoon excuse just to steal stuff like cell phones people that had nothing to do with the shooting. a lot of journalist, this is something else that makes me really annoyed. people in television trying to turn this into a civil rights story. you know what? ferguson, missouri is not selma, alabama. 2014 is not 19 65. and michael brown is not enmity till or megger enforce or any other black person shot by a white bigot. michael brown, that day, stole stuff from a little convenience store and then rough ared up the owner, who was half his size. michael brown then thought he would get way with, according to the grand jury, with roughing up a cop. he brought about his own demise. it's a tragedy when any 18-year-old kid is killed. especially for the parents. we certainly sympathize with
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that. but michael brown was the bad guy in this case and please, america, let's not turn this kid into some kind of civil rights martyr because that he is not. >> but that's not the narrative that the national media has embraced that michael brown, as you put it, brought about his own demise. that's politically incorrect what you said. >> exactly. >> you are going to lead the web sites, particularly the left wing web sites, bernie goldberg blaming the victim, blah blah blah blah blah, and you know what? that narrative that the national media puts out -- but i have to give the "new york times" credit, they put that stepfather on their web site. that's where we got that web site with him going "burn it, burn it, burn it" which i just thought was disgusting. the "new york times" did that. the narrative has been again
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the police stalking the young blacks. >> listen, i'm aware and you are aware, i'm sure, of the mistrust among many black people towards white people in power, especially white people with badges and guns. okay? and a lot of that is based as the president said on an ugly racial history in this country, i grant you that i was a hard news reporter for many years as were you. i don't know but, but i saw up close some bad white cops, okay? but this officer wilson was not one of them according to the grand jury. maybe the next white cop will be one of them but this officer was not one of them. the bad person in this case, the villain in this case, and i know, i still have sympathy for the tragedy involved, but the bad person in this case was michael brown. and that's something you will not hear from most
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reporters because it's politically not correct and they never feel comfortable. they always say they want an honest discussion about race. they don't. they want a politically correct discussion about race. >> that's an excellent point. i don't think they want an honest discussion about race either. if they did, we would get into the whole fabric of the family and. >> exactly. >> all of that. >> you are absolutely correct. >> all right, bernie, as always, thank you. factor tip of the day. some worthy things you might want to see around thanksgiving time. the tip moments away.
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bury, long island, my home turf, saturday may 2nd. tickets make great christmas and hanukkah gifts. will link you right to the box office. "the media circus sparked the riots in missouri. all networks including fox need to be careful." i agree some protesters played to the cameras, dave, but the news has to be covered in a free society inspect "as an australian, it is hard for me to understand that countries such as america can quell tyrants around the world can't control violence in ferguson." because the rules of engagement are different. rather than being on offense, authorities have to wait until the law is broken in order to take action. many times they're too late. however i do believe the missouri police and national guard should have been more proactive in protecting property last night. "paul simon wrote, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. that seems fitting for
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ferguson." "why isn't anyone talking about the behavior of michael brown himself. is it okay to rough up a police officer?" bernie goldberg just fulfilled your wish. because the facts were not known until last night, fair-minded people refrained from demonizing the late mr. brown. and because he did lose his life, coverage of him should be restrained out of respect for his family. that being said, all the facts need to be stated. vincent joy of boca raton, florida "as far as waters at the harvard/yale game, the late bill buckley once said i'd rather be governed by first 3,000 names in the boston phone book than by 3,000 harvard professors." yeah, but buckley was a yale man, vince, come on. sal, bell air, maryland "as a korean war vet i think killing patton should be mandatory reading in all high schools. the book's lesson is freedom is
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not free." some schools are using killing lincoln, killing kennedy and killing jesus. we also have children's books for elementary school kids for all of those. and a kids book for batton is on the way, it will be out early 2015. if you want me to sign any of my books for christmas gifts, please get the orders in now so i can personalize them for you. and if you come to premium member, as thousands of people are, you can get any one of my books free of charge. finally, i will be on "the tonight show" with jimmy fallon this evening in support of "killing patton." the singer lorde from new zealand is also on that program. 17 years old. interesting story. and finally tonight, the factor tip of the day. this coming sunday right here on the fox news channel, the movie "killing kennedy" will be shown at 9:00 p.m. right before that, at 8:00 eastern time, it will be a one-hour special on how i got to
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write the book "killing kennedy." it's a really inside story you'll want to hear. how the film was made and all the inside baseball, martin dugard, my co-author, will make his first appearance. and you'll see him. i think you're going to enjoy both the special and the film, if you haven't seen it. it was 51 years ago today that president john f. kennedy was buried. also if you are looking for a show for the whole family, this is it. the christmas spectacular at radio city music hall here in new york. very entertaining. i was there on sunday. and you know, you can take grandma and the little kids. everybody's going to like it. factor tip of the day. that's it for us today. please check out the fox news factor website, different than name and town, if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be porcine. not obscene, porcine.
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when writing to the factor. again, thanks for watching us tonight ms. megyn is next. the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, less than 24 hours after a grand jury announcement sparking the most destructive riots we have seen in this country in years, and at last the man at the center of this historic national episode speaks out. for the first time ferguson police officer darren wilson in his own words. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone, i'm megyn kelly. this is a live look at ferguson, missouri, tonight, much of that city in ruins after riots exploded last night. demonstrators enraged by a grand jury's decision after three months of considering the case do not indict officer wilson in the death of michael brown. now the protests spreading nationwide to half a
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