tv Americas Newsroom FOX News November 26, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PST
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we want you to send us your thankful nation. what are you thankful for? send us y e-mails and pictures. use #thankful. we'll share them tomorrow. >> that was your house? >> that was my house. bill: more arrests in ferguson. 44 arrested, bringing the total to 44 in two days. the national guard was brought in to keep things calm and that seemed to work. bill: good morning from washington, d.c., i'm bill hemmer. heather good morning to you in new york. heather: i'm heather childers in for martha maccallum. for the most part police lines held. protesters were able to hold the
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line peace any in most cases. >> it's frustrating because i feel like certain individuals are taking advantage of the business owners and taking advantage of the community. in many ways of mr. brown's life and legacy. this almost has to turn into something good. otherwise an 18-year-old man lost his life for nothing. bill: mike tobin picks up our coverage in ferguson. how were things last night? >> reporter: the city hall is boarded up because the dem strairgses came down here -- the demonstrations came down here last night. there are still some jarring and groak broken glass on the ground. it was a spontaneous event. you had kids jumping on top of the car. they were cleared off this
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street with the use of some tapper gas. there is a lot of inserted drama, carnival-like atmosphere when all this takes place. i want to show you a video of a man who managed to set his own hand on fire lighting a molotov cocktail. kids drop to their knees and put their hands in the air for dramatic effect. she was joined at times by one guy. there were 20 photographers in a scrum behind her trying to get the shot. it only happened when a county flimp grabbed her by the scruf of the neck and pulled her behind the police line. the presence of the national guard changed things largely because it enables the police officers with the specific
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training to get pout front and do their job. they don't have to secure buildings and things of that nature. bill: what is the explanation that the guard did not report on night one and they did on night two? >> reporter: a lot of that is from the direction of the governor. you didn't see them up front. keep in mind what the guard has been assigned to do. it's generally been a backup role. they will do things like traffic. so the police officers who been spending 2 1/2, 3 1/2 months train tpg specifically for this event, they don't have to do the rudimentary jobs. they can do the things for which they have been specifically trained. bill: we heard about fbi agents shot nearby. what happened there and was it related? >> reporter: we are told it was not specifically related to the demonstrations here. the fbi agents were assisting
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the local police in effects an arrest warrant. two different fbi acts were shot without life-threatening injuries. bill: 8:00 local time in missouri. heather: the man who fired the deadly shot speaking out for the first time since that decision was handled down. officer darren wilson sitting down with george stephanopoulos. wilson also tried to squash the rumors about what happened that august afternoon. >> some of thit some -- some ofe eyewitnesses said he turned around and put his hands up and that is incorrect. >> you say he starts to run and starts to come toward you. >> at that time i gave myself -- can i shoot this guy? legally can i? the question i answered myself
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was i have to. if i don't he will kill me if he gets to me. >> even though he's 35-40 feet away. >> once he's coming that direction if he hasn't stopped yet, when is he going to stop. heather: wilson says he's sorry the brown family lost their son but would not have done anything differently. bill: the brown family calling for federal charges against darren wilson saying the prosecutor did not do a good job. >> we went through as much evidence as we could and saw how completely unfair this process was. we object as proudly and loudly as we can on behalf of michael brown jr.'s family that this process is broken. bill: there are two federal investigations still underway. family attorneys say they will
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continue to seek their version of justice. heather: protests take together streets for a second night nationwide. hundreds gathering in several locations in manhattan, carrying signs, scuffling with police as well and blocking the entrance to the lincoln tunnel at the height of rush hour. that's the tunnel that connects new york and new jersey. in oakland, california, protesters qulark police, setting fires and briefly shutting down two interstates. a terrifying scene in minneapolis. a car plowing through a group of protesters at a ferguson rally as they block the intersection, strike at least one woman. then the driver stopped, the protesters surround the vehicle,
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then it takes off again hitting several other protesters. the original woman suffering only minor injury. police say the driver was not charged but the incident is under investigation. bill: president obama condemning the violence saying there needs to be more of a peaceful solution to these social issues in america. here he is late yesterday in chicago. bill: the problem is not just a ferguson problem. it's an american problem and we have to make sure we are bringing about change. the bottom line is nothing of significance, nothing of benefit results from destructive acts. bill: chris stirewalt "digital politics" editor with me in washington, d.c. it's good to be here in this bermuda triangle of sorts. you write whatever the reasons,
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obama's presidency is witnessing a marked detain and race relations in america. >> the broad consensus is things have gotten worse under president obama and other polls confirmed the same thing. most people think it's the same or worse than when he took office. bill: he campaigned on bringing different strands of our culture together. >> that was his chief argument yes as a first term, freshman senator should be the president of the united states. people said he didn't will a resume to run on. he said he was his resume. he said he could unite these disparate strands and it's turned out to be untrue. bill: he said we have made enormous progress in race relations. you are making a case that any president in recent memory could
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say the same thing. >> george w. bush could have said things were better than they were under jim crow. anything is better than forced government segregation. but are things getting better depends on what people think and they are not optimistic. >> there was a conversation that the president should go to ferguson and deliver a speech and make a presentation. >> the president's supporters see him in his healer role who can bring it nation together but we have seen that's just not there. you can blame republican resistance but that's not present in this president. now, if he goes to ferguson, what does he do? he sets high expectations but is not probably able to deliver very much. as he said, it was the grand juriy's decision to make. he can't direct his own attorney
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general to file civil rights charges against the police department so he's limited in what he can call for. if he goes to ferguson and says be righteous to one another, that's not going do anything. bill: do you think eric holder and the president are of different minds in any way on an issue like this? >> what they tend to put out says no. the holder act is the conscience and soul of the administration on these issues, but behind closed doors they are in agreement about what's wrong and what they think is excessive force used in police departments especially against minorities. bill: chris, thank you. see you later today. heather: another big storingy we are following. and nor easter coming up the east coast. threatening to make a huge mess on the biggest travel days of
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the year. forecasters calling for moderate to heavy rain throughout the northeast. some places bracing for as much as a foot of snow. all of this is happening as of course millions of americans head to the airport for thanksgiving. we'll have a live update on how things are going coming up at the bottom of the hour. bill: two americans arrested on terror charges. why investigators believe they booked a flight to join isis. heather: we just heard from for darren wilson. bill: the national guard was out in droves by the thousands. but where were they the night before. we'll talk to former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, what his plan would have been to stay in charge in ferguson. is the governor's job in missouri now in jeopardy? >> where was the national guard?
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guard. bill: the national guard was called out but they were not deployed in the most heated areas. but they were last night. rude yes giuliani is with me. should the governor resign? >> i don't know if he should resign, but there are tough sessions. did the mayor and the governor meet? did they have exercises and table top discussions? did they go through a scenario when the inevitable happened? how much coordination was there? it is totally unexplainable to me that there weren't guards or police in front of the stores that had been attacked before. bill: what do you think explains that? tell me why you would activate
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them but not put them in the areas where they need to be? >> i get a sense of not have good emergency management planning? do they have an office of emergency management and do they have an emergency management center that connects the city with the state? do they do exercises and practices on a regular bay is in case there is a riot. i would want to know the answer to all those questions. how much communication was there between the mayor and the governor. on 9/11 you could not see me without seeing george pataki right next to me. i just saw george last night and we talked about that. the main one is there should have been police and there should have been national guard in front of the stores that were attacked before. that's more or less just an obvious thing. bill: as a governor of the state in nixon's role, and as your role as former mayor of the
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city, are you concerned about the images from last august when the apcs and the up-armored humvees were in the streets of ferguson? >> i am not. we used them in new york and commissioner ray kelly used them. you will see police going through the streets in these vehicles that protect against terrorists. i think commissioner kelly, my police commissioners, i'm sure commissioner brought ocommissi e commissioner bratton would agree. he always kept two times or three times more police officers in reserve right near by so if something shamed within one
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minute, two minutes they could be there and stop it. my rule is you get arrested the when you throw the first rock. that's the other mistake they made. you remember the other night, you were report rpg it on fox. they are throwing rocks, they are burning things and turning cars over and the police are standing back. that's absurd. the police should have moved in when the first rock was thrown. we learned that from the riot that took place crown heights in new york before i was mayor. the report about that explains how to do it. they should have read it. bill: i have another minute here. i want to turn our focus to sister wilson, exclusive interview with george stephanopoulos. what have you learned from the transcripts of the grand jury testimony? >> the transcript is 1,000 pages
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and hard the for people to read. i recommend they read the interview of witness number 10 who is an african-american male as far as i can tell from the interview. he suave the whole thing. he almost completely repeats verbatim what the officer said last night. and he came forward because he was angry about the people who were lying about mr. brown putting his hands up. he said mr. brown never put his hands up. he was not shot in the back pass four witnesses perjured themselves and he says mr. brown was aggressive. he even repeats the language about the demonic look on the face of mr. brown. he said mr. brown when the fine shots were fired was running toward the officer at full speed. he said in fact he was amazed how fast a large man like that could run. somebody should read witness number 10.
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then there are six other witnesses. i believe most of them african-americans who awe support if not all of it, almost all of it. this was an unindictable case. this is a case that would have been lost at trial. there is no question, what we are talking about when we do this tremendous sympathy for mr. brown. i have great sympathy for his family. no young man should be killed. we are talking about a man who just bought a robbery. he took some of the cigarillos he stole and threw them at the police officer. in the defiant act, i'm the guy who just did the robbery, here are the significant are yo -- h. we are talking about a police officer who did this job to protect you and me. you know who did this job to protect? the african-american community that lives there because they are victimized the most.
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they will police officers are sacrificing their lives to save the lives of african-americans. most of these police officers care about them and have good relationships with the community. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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to cold weather like construction. heather: new violence to talk about in syria. as government airstrikes hit a busy market. market. john huddy is live in our mid-east bureau. >> reporter: we are hearing human rights groups that 95 people may have been killed. among then 52 civilians. the syrian observatoriy for human rights released these nate left numbers based on witness accounts on the ground in raqqa. the city has been an isis stronghold and center of heavy fighting. u.s.-led coalition airstrikes as we reported have targeted isis
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positions in and around raqqa. but these latest airstrikes by syria's government were particularly intense. you can see heavy, heavy cass tiewlt rates as we have been reporting. we are waiting to find out exactly the number of civilians compared to isis fighters. these could be among some of the worst airstrikes in possibly three years. heather: could the airstrikes help the u.s.-led coalition? >> reporter: if they took out isis coalition, yes. they are fighting on several fronts. not only isis. but the u.s.-backed forces trying to overthrow the bashar
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al-assad government. we are waiting to find out how many isis fighters were killed and how many civilians. we are hearing as many as 52. if any members of those u.s. rebel forces were also among the dead. bill: they tell us it's the busiest travel day of the year. thanks to a nor'easter this could make a monumental mess. more from that interview with officer darren wilson including his thoughts on what michael brown's family is living through now.
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a foot snow in some places spelling big trouble information the travelers out there. chief correspondent jonathon hunt live at la guardia. how is the air travel so far? delays or not? >> reporter: there are some delays, around 350 nationwide * traffic delays and cancellations being reported. as cancellations go that's not great but it's not disastrous at this point. there were 140 cancellations nationwide yesterday. around 300 monday. so we are not a long way above that at this point. but they are gathering and gathering pretty quickly. it's not going to be an easy day for anybody traveling by air. at least here at the new york area airport, officials say they are prepared for the snow that is on its
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listen here. >> any time we are faced with the possibility of accumulating snow, we bring all hands on deck. we have 12-hour shifts for snow drivers and the workers. we go to bat to insure that our runways and taxiways and services are safe. >> reporter: as a number of delays begin to pick up and will pick up in the next few hours, the advice from officials is the same as always. call to check ahead on your particular flight and allow plenty of time at the airport on this thanksgiving eve. bill: how about the roads? what are you hearing? >> triple aaa says something like 46 million americans are going to take to the roads over this thanksgiving period and certainly in the northeast particularly west of the i95er
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to doer the snow is suppose to be worse around i959 and to the west of it. so its going to be tough. i can tell you for instance right here right now that it is in the mid-40s. in the effect hour it's going to plunge by 10 degree. we are seeing the temperatures dive in places like philadelphia and the roads are going to get a lot worse, officials say, before they get better. >> your first official thanksgiving as a u.s. citizen. you must be jacked up. thank you, jonathon. well done. heather: the family of michael brown releasing a statement.
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reading in part, quote, we are profounding disappointed the kilter of our child will not face the consequence of his actions. ferguson police officer darren williston breaking his silence in an exclusive interview with george stephanopoulos. expressing remorse about what happened but also saying he has a clean conscience. >> the grieving parents mourning the loss of their son. i'm sorry that their son lost their life. it wasn't the intention that day. it's what occurred that day, and there is no -- nothing you can say that will make a parent feel better. met * richard fowler the radio show host. and thank you for your time today. richard, i'm going to start with
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you. you said darren wilson is no hero. listening to what he had to say in this interview, did anything change your mind? >> nothing changed my mind here. i got a chance to read his four-hour testimony where there was no cross-examination. in the testimony he indicates that it seems as though mike brown was charge towards him with his hands up. but in the interview he says he didn't have his hands up. there seems to be inconsistency. darren wilson is trying to change his story but that's neither here nor there. as the brown family sits down for thanksgiving, they will not have their son with them. heather: our prayers are for all the families involved in this. when you hear richard talk about inconsistencies. there was a lot of inconsistency
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amongst witnesses as well. >> nobody wants to see a person lose their life. but the forensic evidence points to the fact that michael brown attacked officer wilson. he went after his gun, and we have the eyewitness accounts. those are the facts that have been played out before the grand jury and the forensic evidence. heather: richard, what about that forensic evidence? it does seem to prove brown was coming back at officer wilson. there is blood on his pant leg, blood on the gun. a lot of forensic evidence that points to what officer wilson said was true. >> there is also evidence that indicates that like i said mike brown had his hands up. beyond the fact he had his hands up. there is inconsistency in testimonies which is why this should have went to a jury of his peers. there should have been a real
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trial here point blank, period. >> the forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony concludes michael brown was in the wrong. heather: please answer that question in regards to the forensic evidence. that really isn't neither here nor there. they say forensic evidence does not lie. >> like i said this should have went to a real jury at the end of the day even if there was a violent scuffle between the police officer and michael brown, it does not justify the 10 shots that were fired including the shot to the top of the head. when a police officer uses his gun he uses his gun to make sure you destabilize the person quote-unquote attacking you. there was more than five or six shots shot into mike brown's body. there seems somebodyo to be some inconsistency. >> we weren't there, we can only go upon what has been reported
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by the forensic evidence. when you look at how you had the president on down to al sharpton escalated this issue to epic or portions. they don't talk about the deaths that go on on a daily basis in chicago. >> why can't we talk about the evidence? >> it's what the grand jury decided. >> there is inconsistencies in the evidence. >> you are okay with what michael brown did? >> i'm not okay with what darren wilson did. >> the evidence put forward is forensic evidence. >> i saw the evidence. michael brown was hit so hard, he did not have a black eye. heather: what we need to do is not talk over each other because then we can't hear what either one of you are saying. richard you were talking about
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not politicizing it. do you think it was wise for president obama to speak with this? >> he spoke with this as the leader of this country because all across this country from dallas to chicago and new york to seattle there have been protests. >> you are telling me not to politicize it but president obama did and so did eric holder? >> absolutely not, they spoke to the people out there protesting. they shut down times square and every major express wra expresss country. >> al sharpton called for protests from across the country. he made a grand announcement. >> that's not true. [paul talking at once] >> this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. based on the forensic evidence officer wilson was protecting
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himself. >> you are just wrong on a lot of issues, you are wrong on all of them. heather: thank you both for joining us and our prayers to all the families involved. bill: 20 minutes before the hour. a powerful senate democrat calling out obamacare saying the president and his party blah ity blew it and should not have voted for obamacare when they did, and this is a senator who voted for it. >> the president is not listening to himself and not practicing what he preaches. he tbawks the rule of law, he talk about supporting the constitution, yet his executive orders on immigration giving amnesty to 5 million people run contrary to the constitution.
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practicing what he preaches. he talks about the rule of law and supporting the constitution, yet his executive orders on immigration giving amnesty to 5 million people run contrary to the constitution and contrary to his oath of office where he swore to uphold the laws, not rewrite the laws. bill: texas congressman lamar smith raising questions. 5 million not only are receive amnesty but they will receive valuable benefits of citizenship including medicare and social security. did you know this was part of this deal a week ago? >> i did. this is another example of the president saying one thing and doing something else. he said these folks wouldn't be he will able for benefits. but now it become clear that those who pay into social
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security if they are here lawfully are eligible for social security benefits. bill: what do you think about that? >> i think at a time when the social security rolls are stressed, you know we'll have a problem keeping them sound. bill: if you tax them and if you can go into back taxes, that would actually help, though, and would pay for some of these benefits. >> in the near term it may help for folks who aren't eligible. in the long term it stresses the program. believe we need to work flew this process. the american people said they want to us work together. our founding fathers were brilliant in the way they created the u.s. constitution when you don't follow the system. the process you are supposed to follow you have these unintended consequences. bill: you mention social security and medicare,
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education, food stamps, housing subsidies. they are not eligible for obamacare, the affordable care act. >> you are not entitled to be here in violation of the law so it's natural they wouldn't receive those benefits. one of the benefits with them not being eligible for obamacare is now as lamar points out, we have a situation where we have an incentive for employers to hire these folks here illegally because they won't have to pay the penalty, the $2,000 employer mandate pen penalty. bill: there is an incentive for employers to hire urn documented illegal workers? >> under obamacare you have to pay a $2,000 fine. because these illegal immigrants aren't eligible for obamacare an employer who hires them wouldn't
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have to pay that $2,000 penalty. yet another unintended consequence of this law and an example of what happens when you follow the constitution. bill, it sound a lit twisted. so then you are going to have the majority come january on both houses of congress. the house and the senate. i mean, then what? >> we need to first do everything we can to stop this president's executive order. we also need to fix these kinds of problems. folks ought not be eligible for social security if they are here in violation of the law. we could fix that by just getting rid of the employer mandate. we also have other problems that are beyond that. for example the childcare tax credit gives enormous benefits to folks in violation of the law as well. we ought to fix that and change the law. bill: do you think the
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republican majority has the streets within its parties to straighten this out? >> i believe we do. we could fix the problem but beyond that we need to fix the immigration system. we need to start with border security and fast common sense reforms in the visa work program and try to get rid of some of these. bill: you would support one bill on border security and more visas to high skills workers. >> that deliberate, common sense, focused approach will make sure we don't have unintended consequences. we start with border security. >> can the american people starting in january expect this? >> i think you will see congress working on these issues as soon as we get back in january. bill: the republican out of indiana, nice to see if you person. heather: the grand jury choosing not to indict darren wilson but
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a justice department investigation is ongoing. can the justice department proof michael brown's civil rights were vaive hated. takyou haven't seen ep like... your bed in days. no, like you haven't seen a bed in weeks! zzzquil. the non habit forming sleep-aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing.
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the frozen plane eventually got on their way. their destination was above zero. heather: a 70-ton airplane andnd they were out there pushing. piece of cake for you. bill: see if you siberia. heather: switching gears, a new case of home grown terror. two minneapolis men indicted for trying to help isis. the feds stopping an 18-year-old at the airport on his way to the middle east. the other, a 20-year-old reportedly made it to turkey and has not been seen since. mike emanuel is live for us in washington. what do we know about these guys and their activities. >> reporter: he was stopped at the airport just before
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prosecutors say he was planning to board a polite to fight with isis. the other flew to turkey and never returned. both men are charged with conspiracy to provide material support to an islamic state. >> instead of running after a kid who is brainwashed and confused, why not go after the big guys. >> reporter: his concern is the feds are settling for the little guys and there are concerns the 20-year-old is fighting with isis. heather: what do we know about the 18-year-old they caught. >> reporter: he raised eyebrows when he applied for earn expedited passport. but of had no job and month money, but he was ordered held until a hearing today.
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>> this young man is far from being a threat to anyone. he's not one of the organizers. >> reporter: his parents seemed unaware that their 18-year-old had bought a one-way ticket to turkey. it has become a hot recruiting area for isis looking for fighters. 20 young men have gone there after being recruited on social media. bill: police officer darren wilson on yes says his conscience is clean. plus a thanksgiving nor'easter. the high winds at the airport, they could be a mess, america. ms that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation.
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as the nation watches with anxiety for what comes next. hundreds of demonstrators venting their anger over the grand jury decision. there were some clashes with police in missouri, a few fires but by and large it was calmer last night than the previous night because the national guard had been deployed to these areas. brand-new hour of america's newsroom on this the day before turkey day. i'm bill hemmer live from washington. good morning to you. heather: i'm heather childers in for martha maccallum. missouri governor jay knicks nin -- jay nixonsending in 2,00d troops. >> reporter: the national guard is positioned in front of the city p.d. their role is largely to standtd
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there as sentry. the city police, the state troopers, somebody who has the specific training will deal with the protesters. the city police car you can see the inside of it burning right now. heather: adam housley is live for us in ferguson. sea dam you have been there around at clock for us. what did they do different last night? >> where mike was showing that video last night was right behind you. you can see a different scene today. you can see the barricades that remain up here that separates the street from the working lot in front of the police department and municipal court in ferguson. i know the governor and people said there were 700 troops here that first night. from what we saw on the ground there were troops here. but a lot of them were not
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deployed. we didn't see them out. at 1:00 a.m. we saw 7 bus loads come in and park behind a target which is where they have been mustered ever since then. last night we saw them physically on the ground. they were in some cases parked in front of the police department here and you could find them in downtown st. louis as well. last night the riots erupted but the difference also being because you had the national guard troops here, they went in. once they attacked that police car unlike the night before where it seemed to get worse and worse, the national guard troops and police department went in and split the crowd in half and put them up on the sidewalk. and within a 45-minute time frame it somewhat diffused the situation and spread the crowd out. there was a small amount of looting and vandalism to shops. so what they did, they put a
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national guard troop in front of each store all the way down the street to stop that process and get people away from the store fronts, basically. there was a big difference from two nights ago where everything burned and all the problems they had to last night. >> reporter: what can you tell us about these new arrests that were made? >> they had about over 45 arrests last night. some of them for serious charges having molotov cocktails or weapons. we are told they are investigating some of the burnings and attacks and arson fires from the night before. the investigations are still ongoing. they are saying they are adapting and preparing for each night. heather: let's hope that things stay relatively peaceful like they look behind you right now. bill: local store owners
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reacting over the latest round of violent protests. many voicing outrage over civil rights leaders and the local government for failing to protect their property and them. >> the leaders need to stand up and act. don't have a press conference about it. we don't care what they have to say after. protect us when we need it. governor nixon was not there for us. he promised this would not happen again in august and it happened again. bill: groups of men said to be spending the night on roofs of board up stores to protect looting. suffering hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. meanwhile the federal case on the shooting is ongoing. northern general park holder vowing not to back down. >> the department's investigations will continue to be thorough and independent and they remain ongoing. they will be conducted
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rigorously and in a timely manner so we can mov forward as expeditiously as we can to restore trust and understanding and foster cooperation between law enforcement and community members. bill: steven hayes, the senior writer of the weekly standard, good morning to you. eric holder although he's leaving that job said he will see this through to the end. to what end. >> i think very few people believe there will be any kind of ultimate federal prosecution in this case because the standards of evidence are so much higher. it's so much more difficult to obtain a prosecution on the federal charges because you have to prove intent from the outset. if there wasn't even probable cause on the parole and state level you won't find that on the federal level. bill: the president spoke a couple times. the last time we heard from him was in the 6:00 hour last night. what did you think of his tone, perhaps his approach on this?
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>> i thought it was different than the comments he made the night before and more forceful. he was measured. i thought the message he gave was appropriate. he said there is no excuse for violence and people who commit these crimes will be prosecuted. which is something he hadn't said. he weren't further than what he said the night before. i didn't agree with some of the particulars of what he said. particularly with respect to the potential federal investigation. but i thought it was an appropriate mark and i think the president hit it pretty well. bill: i don't have any sympathy for protesters burning buildings. some may think that was a message that should have gone out before. he also i thought had pointed words towards the media who have been camped out in ferguson waiting for something to happen for 10 days. >> if you look at the tone of the media coverage. we pass reporters are drawn to
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where the action is. we are focused on things where there are riots and fires burning and things actually happening. but much of ferguson if you read the accounts in "the washington post," much of ferguson was pretty peaceful. there are pock else of violence. but i'm not sure watching the coverage flipping around on different networks that reporters did a good enough snob conveying the things we were seeing were in pockets. it was destructive and awful for people who own the businesses but it wasn't widespread. you might have gone the that impression watching it. bill: on o'reilly bernie goldberg was on there talking about the victim 18-year-old michael brown in this and how he will be remembered or embraced or not. have a listen to this. much. >> michael brown thought he would get away with roughing yop a cop. it's tragedy when any 18-year-old kid is killed.
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especially for the parents. we certainly i am a these with that. but michael brown was the bad guy in this case and, please, america, let's not turn this kid into some kind of civil rights martyr because that he is not. bill: on that last point, are people going there? >> i think some people are. if you look at the signs. some of the people are suggesting he was a civil rights martyr. i agree with what some of what bernie said and disagree with the other part of what bernie said. he's right that michael brown shouldn't binized and treated -- shouldn't be lionized and treated as a hero. he was acting in a way that was threatening according to the witness accounts. nobody disagres or disputes that point. whether that threatening behavior needed to lead to the conclusion it led to, i think that's a bit diceyer.
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heather: thanksgiving travel plans getting little bit messy for millions of people up and count east coast. the storm packing quite a punch. drench can the southern states. you can see there the northeast preparing for snow. maria molina live from the fox news weather center.r: good mor. it's a big mess across parts of the east. we have a large storm system and it's producing areas of rain as far r south as parts of florida. we have that lane stretching into portions of the carolinas and mid-atlantic and snow coming down heavily across portions of pportions -- -- portions of pennsylvania and new england. delays averaging over two mowrls i -- twohours in la guardia.
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you can see the snow continuing to fall for hours. by 4:00 p.m. wednesday still snowing through philadelphia and portions of new england. it's close to the i95 corridor. we have been look at snowflakes in some of the higher spots across parts of new york stiff. so that will be something to watch for carefully. we could be seeing light accumulations across the i95 corridor. but the heavier portions are in the northeast. and as far south as north carolina. here is a look at the accumulations. the blue shading is 6 inches of snow and a foot across portions of southern new england.
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bill: 11 past. breaking his silence, officer darren wilson telling his side of the story. on that fateful day he shot michael brown. plus this ... >> democrats blew the opportunity the american people gave them. we took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem. healthcare reform. heather: a democrat has harsh criticism for president obama saying democrats made a big mistake pushing obamacare on to the american people. bill: a fright for some passengers heading home for the holiday when their plane is struck by lightning. >> i saw two flashes. they were like a ball of lightning. fire almost. but it was very scary. >> it was super loud.
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heather: some terrifying moments for passengers on a spirit airlines flight when it was struck by lightning. it had just taken off from tampa and was head for new jersey. >> we thought it's the weather. shortly after that the pilot said the plane got struck by lightning. heather: the pilot land the plane in fort lauderdale. the plane was not damaged.
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the airlines says lightning strikes are pretty common and today's planes are built to withstand them. >> absolute the best when you look through your heart and mind if michael brown were white this would have gone down in exactly the same way? >> no question. >> do you think it will always haunt you? >> i don't think it's a haunting. it will always be something that happened. >> you have a very clean conscience? >> the reason i have a clean conscience is i no, i did my job right. bill: officer darren wilson break his silence with abc and george stephanopoulos. we heard from him and his extended interview. we have got the grand jury transcripts for the public to
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read. is that having any impact on the community there? >> i think the interview was interesting but what's having more. an impact are the eyewitness accounts. some of the african-americans who support officer wilson's testimony. that's been something that's very new. a lot of the first-time witnesses, their stories didn't match with the evidence. what's really interesting is they look at all the other witnesses that came forward and supported officer wilson. bill: there is more from that wilson interview now. let's listen to that. >> i was looking at him expecting another hit. i put my gun to fire. when i get out i use my walky and say shots fired send more cars. >> why not stay in the car, he's running away. >> because he's not -- my job isn't to sit and wait. i have to see where this guy goes. >> you felt it was you're duty
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to give chase. >> yes, it was. that's what we were trained to do. bill: now you have a case where there was so much violence two nights ago. yet last night was reasonably calm. what made the continues, do you think? -- what made the difference, do you think? >> some of the energy left the crowd. and i think the officials, governor nixon finally called up enough national guardsmen to combat the violence. you finally had enough police presence to meet the actual violence that was going on. bill: why did he not do that the night before? what was he worried about? >> that's the $64,000 question. remember when he said he was declaring a state of emergency? he was asked who is in charge,
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who is going to call up the national guard. we had all these weeks to get ready for this and the first tight they call up 700. of those 700, 400 went to the city of st. louis. 300 were left for slay on and the epicenter where all of this was going to take place, ferguson. nobody can explain because nobody knows who's in charge since the governor won't answer that question. on the first night, the most dangerous night why didn't you have them all deployed. bill: is it possible he was worried about the image that first fight in august when you had the police presence and law enforcement on the streets and he frankly took a lot of heat for it. >> back in august there was a let it burn policy. there was a don't defend the businesses and he was criticized for it. the last three months he said we'll defend the businesses and he was criticized for calling up
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the national guard. when ferguson burned everybody said where are the police. where for months it was too many police. but when the community needed the police the government wouldn't deploy them. bill: you said people are tired. do you believe that worst is over in that community? >> i can only hope the worst is over. with thanksgiving coming, maybe it's a reprieve. maybe these anarchists will go home and have pumpkin pie with their other anarchists. let the al sharptons go back to their community. let the journalists who stand on a street corn and tell everybody will st. louis, let them get back to trying to fix st. louis and move it forward. bill: appreciate it.
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thank you. heather: as the islamic state threatens to kidnap more americans, we are getting new details on just how this group is profiting off terrorism. arizona governor jan brewer fighting back against president obama's power play on immigration. what the governor is planning to do now. >> i believe what he has done is absolutely wrong and unjust and certainly unconstitutional. i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know.
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even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. mattress price wars ends sunday, at sleep train. martha: another round of airstrikes in syria and iraq. u.s. motive forces using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct 10 airstrikes just the last couple of days. this comes at a u.n. expert that
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is my trend here groups says kidnappings have accounted for a cash cow. take a look at this, breaking $45 million in ransom payments for hostages last year alone. let's bring in ralph peters, thank you for joining us. >> maste master i wish them thet possible thanksgiving to all the men and women in uniform throughout the world. >> and all of the families here at home as well, well said. let's talk about this. isis and the money revenue coming in. this is big business when it comes to hostages. >> taking hostages for various purposes is kind of an honorable and old tradition. the dawn of mankind. the difference today is the global big business.
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islamic state is perfecting it. also, drug cartels do. in mexico drug gains do it, snatch and grab operations. an easy way for locals to make money but islamic state see it as a way to fill up. again, the united states has the correct policy. a harsh policy to correct and don't pay ransom. we are undercut the even our closest allies who'd you pay ransom. when you pay ransom, matter how worthy the individual is your only guaranteed the there will e more kidnappings. how do you deal with these kidnappings? it is tough. as a young man, julius caesar was kidnapped by pirates, finally ransom doubt, he did the right thing, he went back and
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killed every one of them. when they kidnappings are on such a grand scale, $45 million involving beheadings, international threats, it is a military problem and the response has to be absolutely brutal. you kill them. martha: when you say that, i wonder what you thought when president obama said we need to review how the united states reviews when they're taken hostage in light of all of the beheadings that happened recently, what do you think he meant by that and what do you think he is contemplating? >> and you say you are going to review something that means i don't have any idea what is going on here. sure, obama wants to free the hostages. we had a chance to rescue hostages but the president wouldn't give the green light for the mission.
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there is no easy fix here, but if you take a hard line you won't get anywhere. the president in several of his early speeches made a point about how it goes back to the founding american republic. in a sense one of the first international problems was with the pirates in the mediterranean taking americans hostages for ransom. under thomas jefferson certainly no conservative, we build a new fleet and we went to the coast and killed as many for them to knock it off. martha: i have to cut you short because we have breaking news to talk about but thank you for joining us today. >todaybe. bill: supreme court justice had a heart stint implanted to address order a blockage. it is just crossing the way or.
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more information as we get it and we will pass it to you. also, the pentagon saying no ransom was ever paid in the release of sergeant bergdahl, but another says that is not what happened at all. is that claim true? democrats blew it by pushing obamacare. what is behind that about-face? >> such a small percentage of the electorate made no political sense some democrats focused on health care, the average middle-class person thought democrats are not paid enough attention to. óqoqúúñ@
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right coronary artery. a spokesperson says the 81-year-old ruth bader ginsburg had a procedure wednesday morning after a coronary blockage was discovered. that spokesperson said ruth bader ginsburg had discomfort tuesday night during routine exercise and was taken to the hospital. she is expected to leave the hospital at some point over the next two days for the next 48 hours for just crossing right now according to the associated press. more information on "america's newsroom." heather: where in the midst of one of the busiest travel days of the year, but now in the bull's-eye of a nor'easter. a fierce storm bringing snow, rain and travel delays caused by the storm could have some reply facts across the country. live in washington unio union sn in the thick of it. has the storm hit there yet?
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>> it certainly has come you don't want to jinx it friendly trying to make it home for turkey, but 10:30 eastern it is so far so good at least here. many are on time as well as heading out to places like york, pennsylvania, virginia, charles bell, those places. new jersey, how long is the drive? are you worried about the weather? >> no, not at all. just happy. >> who is happy standing in the west, miserable rain? >> this is home. >> that is the sentiment. you can't see it behind us, the rain coming down now. a very cold rain that turned to snow as folks hit the road on the i-95 corridor and things
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slow way down. heather: what about the mood, people just happy to be heading home for thanksgiving? >> you certainly feel that way standing out here. and ever since we could be cold, miserable and smiling at the same time. take a listen. what is it like this is the first big storm, cannot come at a worse time. >> it seems very strange, of course it had to happen on the day before thanksgiving. yesterday was so beautiful, it is unfortunate. >> you're sitting out here a to get on the bus, is it all worth it? >> absolutely be it definitely. it will be delicious and worth it. >> a lot of talk of what they will have one thing to get home despite what is going on with the weather. bill: cold, miserable and
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smiling. i like that. thank you. bill: a democra democrats now se democrats blew it on obamacare and should not have pushed for it for years ago. that is chuck schumer, saying his party made a big mistake. >> unfortunately democrats lose the opportunity in american people gave them. we took their mandate and put all our focus on one problem, health care reform. of the plate of uninsured americans and the hardship caused by unfair insurance practices certainly needs to be addressed, but it wasn't the change we were hired to make. bill: wow. alan colmes, i bet you love to hear that. >> i can criticize chuck schumer, i will say that. bill: we will give you the opportunity. brad is also here. good day to both of you. the wrong problem, what is the
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motivation to talk like this now? >> this is the law of the jungle. quite frankly obama is a lame duck, throwing him under the bus and all about chuck schumer reelection in the state of new york. he thinks the american people are stupid, i cannot run away from the fact he was a leader of the u.s. senate, he is the gruber of the u.s. senate, explicit in the cover-up in the fraud perpetrated to the american people and the mecca people will not forget it, especially people of new york. bill: what is the motivation do you think? >> it is all about politics. he is looking at the numbers and seeing only small percentage of those benefited from the formal cataract are likely voters. tommy said i wish obamacare is more about helping sick people.
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chuck schumer was an advocate for the affordable care act. does he forget they helped save the auto industry? past the jobs act obama signed, they had a couple of jobs bills and a number of things to help middle income americans, has he forgotten all that? apparently so. bill: if you listen to what he said, he voted for it, by the way. he voted for the formal cataract. former speechwriter says funny, don't member chuck schumer giving that advice when he was privately and publicly championing the formal cataract in 2010. the broader point is but he didn't just stop at obamacare, guys. he talked about the stimulus, he talked about the partial success of the stimulus. that kind of language has not come from democrats ever.
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>> absolutely not because it was an abject failure. the president and chuck schumer and others agree when we had a nation financial collapse, the crisis of jobs, crisis of confidence, and what do they do, they jammed through obamacare. as it currently exists, he knows that and he knows obamacare will not be any better today that he thinks he is getting reelected. >> obamacare is working for 7 million people. i'm still waiting to hear what the republicans idea is not just three plays, but to repair what they think is broken. i have not heard any new ideas. bill: stay on this topic of stimulus and being in partial success. the public and failed flat out, but democrats have said half saved the economy. >> those candidates who support
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obama actually won his campaign for senate, now senator elect. the ones ran awa from him lost. they ran away from the couple spent of the administration. >> really? >> absolutely. >> i will get the track population? >> he embraced obama, those democrats who did that did better in the midterm elections. bill: thanks to both of you. blue the opportunity the american people gave them. thank you. >> happy turke turkey day, fell. >> u.s. well. heather: border states record harshly to the president's plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. jan brewer saying she is considering joining texas in a
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lawsuit to block executive action. >> i believe what he has done is absolutely wrong, unjust and unconstitutional and i believe people out there believe we could take action and and up in court again. i heard from governor-elect calling yesterday, when i landed i got an e-mail, so i will reveal that to see how we can join with him. heather: you heard her mention texas governor-elect texas abbott, current attorney general. plenty to file a lawsuit in the next few weeks. bill: shots fired in the middle of paris, france. folks running for cover in the middle of a jewelry heist as the crooks make their getaway on a simple scooter. eric holder and wishing death of
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heather: the grand jury may not testify a word in the shooting case. eric holder says a federal investigation into doing wilson is ongoing and the officer may still face civil rights charges by prominent law professor says the chances of that are slim. >> usually the civil rights investigations occur after state proceedings after state investigations. the actual claim that would come out of a civil rights investigation is more difficult than what the grand jury looked at. it is very unlikely they would find evidence based on the record released by the grand jury to support this type of charge. heather: keith sullivan is a defense attorney joining us with more insight. we appreciate it. so the grand jury found no evidence to indict. eric holder says he is not
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backing down, so on what basis is there to pursue the federal case? >> there is no basis, no shock eric holder will continue down this road. there is an added element three civil rights violation and there is not an ounce of evidence in any of the investigations taking place, officer wilson shot and killed mr. brown because it was part of his skin. this dislike or hatred for michael brown because of the color of his skin. all the evidence was overwhelming was supported this was a good kill, self-defense shooting and nothing more than that. heather: there were discrepancies in some of the witness testimony. >> the sniff test we talk about brown putting his hands up, being shot in the back, forensics independence.
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michael brown is dead not because of anything officer wilson did in a racial animus. brown is dead because michael brown was a criminal, he refusee to obey police orders, he reached for his gun and charged a police officer. that is the brutal truth. heather: the forensic evidence included no shots into the back, all the shots came from the front plus there was blood on the pants leg. >> which corroborate the story there was a firing of trying to shoot him initially twice but his hands were locked and he got off a shot near the car. blood found 25 feet away and turns and comes back toward the officer. heather: if he was running away,
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why did the officer pursue? >> he has committed a number of crimes. we now know the fraud of ferguson police officer wilson was not knowledgeable, he absolutely was a suspect and one of the reasons he wanted to pursue him. heather: not only did he physically match the suspect, also the cigarettes on him. >> the clothing match, ultimately found he had the cigarettes. heather: about pursuing any case against the individuals who went in and burned these businesses to be crowned and took away these people's livelihoods? >> absolutely. he should be indicting a new york newspaper listed the home address of wilson and the individual.
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and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. oooh! mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: get a serta mattress, any size, for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ...ends sunday, thanksgiving weekend.
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protest over the ferguson case, team coverage and the political and legal impact ahead. >> thank you. nearly six months have passed release of sergeant bergdahl. the army has yet released investigation. national security correspondent live at the pentagon. what is the holdup? >> it is not clear, but knowing how washington works, i wouldn't be surprised if they released it on thanksgiving while people are giving thanks with their families. according to the pentagon, the army general put in charge of investigating whether he deserted his base, a crime punishable under the much for justice and equivalent of treason. it was completed at the beginning of october but nobody has decided his fate. >> i know of nothing deliberate.
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as i understand it, it is now in review in staffing. that can sometimes take a while especially for major investigations like this. >> he returned after being held by the taliban. bill: what about his questions of a ransom was paid for his release. >> that question has been raised by duncan hunter, a former marine who wrote a letter to defense secretary chuck hagel demanding information on whether money given to an afghan intermediary disappeared last january or february to facilitate the release. >> you can't pay ransoms. they cannot break the law and have no oversight on what they did. >> with no ransom offered, there was no money exchanged at all to
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secure his release nor was there an attempt to do so that failed. >> , as a hunter still waiting to hear back from the pentagon. it is illegal for u.s. to pay ransom to terrorists, of course, the president released five top prisoners from guantanamo bay as part of a prisoner swap to secure his release in july. bill: jennifer griffin at the pentagon, thank you. heather: a much calm her night in ferguson, so what are police and the national guard going to keep the peace as thanksgiving nears?
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late 16th century race in the debate if shakespeare was secretly catholic. ponder that. you have a great turkey day and a happy thanksgiving to you. heather: you too. it is snowing in new york city also. "happening now" starts now. bye. ♪ >> back pinning up in ferguson, missouri, after a second night of protests. good morning, welcome to "happening now." heather: police said with a whole lot more calm last night compared to monday. still arresting 44 people in the ferguson area. riots breaking out within minutes of that announcement that officer wilson would not be indicted in the shooting death of her own. the number of national guardsmen tripled to keep the peace.
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