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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  November 26, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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7 for a special marine -- happy thanksgiving everyone, special thank you for our troops serve hog can't be home with their families. thank you for your service. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: [chanting] >> protesters storm downtown st. louis today and with all the chaos county police bring order to ferguson. we'll have the latest. [shouting] >> this is cry from the stepfather of michael brown helped fuel the vicious riot in ferguson and did he commit a crime for saying it? we'll have a debate. who is behind the protests that have swept major american cities over the last few days, trying up
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traffic, wreaking havoc, leading to injuries. we'll have a factor investigation. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪. >> hi, i'm juan williams in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. it's 7:00 in the evening in ferguson, missouri and it looks as if the police and the weather may finally be tamping down the trouble. on the scene all week has been the intrepid reporter mike tobin he joins us now. mike, what about this story about the protesters grabbing a police weapon? >> well, if you remember from the coverage on monday night, just about a quarter mile in that direction there were a couple of police cars that were set on fire during the course of this demonstration. what we now understand from police is one of those vehicles had it an ar-15 weapon. that ar-15 is now missing
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presumably in the hands of the demonstrators, juan. >> mike, last night in ferguson, had a total of 68 arrests. 45 of them in ferguson. seven booked. four though i understand: police officers. what happened there. >> well, it got pretty raucous particularly here last night in front of the police department. we saw the demonstration start getting riled up and they took off down the street and went in front of city hall there that's where they tried to tip over a police car, broke out the window and set that car on fire. ultimately you had the cops in the riot gear show up and ugly scenes play out of the arrest and the police ultimately cleared that area with the tear gas and took them a little while to get all the demonstrators out of the way. that's what was going on there. >> i understand the police also took some guns from the protesters last night, molotov cocktails as well. what kind of weaponry are
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they seeing? do they think it's being brought in or does it belong to the residents of ferguson that is you investigate the path of these weapons. you are going to find unreligioned illegal guns. we have seen in the crowd. people carrying knives. clearly we have heard the gunfires. we know there are gunfire in the crowds. we have seen a lot of the molotov cocktails. in fact, one of the things cameraman bob lee shot last night during the live coverage is one of these guys trying to start a molotov cocktail and setting himself on fire in the process. >> mike, what has it been like for you. >> well, tonight it's just kind of wet and miserable and long. not a lot of activity. you really have to feel sorry for these guys in the national guard behind me right now with this wet snow coming down. and they are here because they are tasked to stand century in front of the city hall. if you look right now where they are guarding, it's
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really only about a dozen people. we are in one of those situations at the moment where you have got more cameras than do you have demonstrators, juan. >> so in a sense, people who are there seem now to be local residents who are peacefully protesting but the protests go on despite the weather. it's very small as you say? >> very small. the people who show up and get that block party atmosphere going, they are not here right now because it's no fun to be standing around in this miserable weather. we are not seeing them. doesn't mean they won't show up later on as the evening rolls on. as you get closer to midnight the crowd gets more raucous. >> what about the prospects? what are you hearing from police? what are they anticipating tonight and going into the thanksgiving holiday and weekend? >> you know, what you get from the police always is a projection of optimism. they are hoping that they are going to get a handle on it they are hoping that it's going to be better. they hope that the presence of the national guard will free up more officers to get a better handle on the crowd out here as thes assemble.
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to demonstrate to get their voices heard but they don't want any more businesses broken into. they will don't want any more lawlessness and don't want anybody hurt now that we know there are so many weapons in the crowd. >> one last question, mike, there was some concern about the fact that on the first night the national guard was not there. what are you hearing now by way of explanation? >> well, we have never really heard much as far as an explanation as for why they had the lower numbers of national guard on scene. one thing they have been clear about throughout this process is the national guard would never be the tip of the spear. they are not the guys chained to deal with the front lines of conflict. mostly what they are doing is what you see back here. stand century at a facility and therefore free up another police officers trained specifically to go forward and deal with the
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demonstrators. >> mike, i think people would have liked to have seen them there when this all started. mike, thanks for your being there. we really appreciate it. happy thanksgiving, buddy. >> happy thanksgiving to you. >> protesters try to storm city hall in sent a lewis earlier today. trying to create chaos. but did they succeed? we'll go there with a live report next.
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bro. [shouting] >> hear now the police chief of the st. louis sam doddson, chief, how are you going to keep a lid on things in your town? >> done a good job. what you saw today was the only protest so far today. that group thought it was okay to march on city hall. when we told them to stop, they tried to push their way and force think way past the marshall who made a couple of arrests. things are calm right now in the city. >> well, as i understand, they want wanted to hold a tria? >> well, you really never know what their purposes are but it was very clear after what we have seen this week. we have had windows smashed. we have had gravity and fire set. that group wasn't going to get into city hall. you could see their
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interaction with the marshall there. they didn't want to come in just to be silent. they wanted to be disruptive. >> you know, chief, there is so much politics and so much controversy and we really appreciate your coming on the factor tonight, you are a part not only of a unified command and chief of police of st. louis. but you are part of a leadership. so help us get some things straight. where was the national guard on the first night? they are very much in evidence last night, tonight, where were they that first night. >> a few locations, places we thought there might be looting. as we said a few minutes ago, they were never intended to be the tip of the spear. the law enforcement police officers like this were the ones supposed to be interacting with the crowds. i don't think anyone ever expected it to be like this. the county chief who you can't see video of it. not sure that the outcome would have been any
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different. while say hey it would have been different had the guard been there. look around other events, i don't know. if the crowd is intent on doing something. sometimes they do it. police officers, respond take care of business. we do what we are supposed to. i don't know if the guard would have make in ferguson, or not. >> stay with politics for a moment, chief, the governor did declare a state of emergency, he put the guard in place to be deployed and he didn't pull the trigger. what's that about? that is a puzzle to me. >> ron, they were deployed. there were guard that were out. they might not have been at the spot in ferguson where they were needed but they were out. you also have to balance that sometimes we have short memories. it was just in august where everybody was critical what the militarization looked like. when the verdict came out, everything was calm. flip it around for a second. had the guard been out there and nothing happened and militarization comment. our job is to keep people
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safe. that's why we asked for the guard. that's why the governor issued the guard. we are going to keep people safe now. we are doing the best job that key with with police officers that we have and the guard. politics, you know, where were we in august where people say hey you can't look like you are militarized. >> wait a second. hold on, chief. do you think that the white house, that the obama folks were on the phone with the democratic governor in missouri saying back off, don't look like you are going to be aggressive here. people have a right to protest and we're telling you don't do it? >> juan, i wasn't in those conversations so i can't answer that. certainly every news outlet ran a story that said militarization what does it look like. you can't be tone deaf to the confirmation. >> that's fair to say. but did things on that night get out of control because obviously you said the police are there to protect folks. well, lots of folks.
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fire what happened chief. was it more than awe anticipated? >> well, i think it was more than anybody anticipated. if the justice department was in town, churches were holding meetings. people were trying to calm there was a sense of calm. anxious and anxiety. nobody expected. this i think if you look back, cincinnati, los angeles, the other places that experienced civil unrest. i think they all saw similar things. they always had an expectation of calm. nobody has a crystal ball. it's very difficult sometimes to say this is what the criminal element is going to do. we respond and we responded well. the thing everybody has to do, too, and people should remember is that there was no serious injury because of any action of law enforcement or of the protesters that night. even with lots of gunfire. lots of gunfire. i was in ferguson, i heard it even with the fires being set. lots of violence, still, nobody was seriously injured.
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>> i want to know must of the people arrested seemed to have been from ferguson. any indication that people were coming from out of town attracted to the fight? >> i think the people i have interacted with are from all over. i have seen ferguson, i have seen from the state and several states around the country. there are people that are visiting st. louis just because of this platform that's been created. they want to have their message heard. >> chief dotson, thanks so much. we appreciate your efforts sincerely. all right. when we come back, did this. [shouting] >> have anything to do with this? we'll debate it after these messages. (vo) nourished.
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segment tonight when the grand jury's decision came down. the streets of ferguson were filled with protesters, many of them heard the stepfather of michael brown say these words: [shouting] >> not long after, some suggest his words incited the crowd. is so, can he be charged over his words? were they, in fact, the equivalent of shouting fire into a crowded theater? his wife defended those words today saying. this. >> emotions was taking over him just like mine. he just spoke out of anger. it's one thing to speak and it's a different thing to act. he did not act.
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he just spoke out of anger. >> joining us tonight from st. louis is radio talk show host mcgraw mill haven and with us here in new york, attorney stacy snyder. mcgraw, what would you do? would you, in fact, if you were the authorities, charge him with inciting a riot? first of all the video and audio is chilling. impose that on shortly thereafter. authorities and people of st. louis will give him a lot of leeway depending on what is he going through and the emotions. at some point you have to come to the conclusion that words matter. and that if you are yelling we need to burn it down and you are looking for a microphone to say it to as many people as possible and then an hour later ferguson is burning, you have to seriously question what he was doing and was he, in fact, helping to incite a riot? >> how do you prove it? you are a lawyer, now, i
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think mcgraw got, you know, a prima facie case, the man standing there saying burn this -- i'm not going to repeat it burn it down. >> words matter -- in this case a missouri statute about inciting a riot that falls under disorderly conduct. and you have to be affidavit voyeur indicating a crowd to violence. but you have to look at the context of this statement, juan. yes, it's offensive yes, it's crude. he just had heard shortly before. i'm not defending him but you have to really look at how the law fits. he just heard that there was no indictment from the grand jury and he is in the passion of the crowd and the emotional excitement of the crowd and everyone is riled up you can't automatically assume the words burn b down go through the city committing arson and looting
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: in the context of that setting, i had enough with the criminal justice system. i had enough with what the grand jury found: >> mcgraw, do you have any question about intent here? what you hear from stacy is maybe the guy is just angry, is he frustrated? >> yeah. i think she is a contortionist trying to justify what he said is. look, here's the deal. the question is, did he actually find out at that moment? there were reports that the family was tipped off before bob mccullough ever went to the microphone. >> he is the prosecutor. who made the announcement. >> benjamin crump was quoted in different outlets already telling people that he knew the outcome. and so leslie mcfadden and the stepfather are out there in front of the police station. they probably already knew the decision. so when the decision came out, all of the sudden is he outraged. why are you outraged?
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you already knew the decision. >> you are assuming what's in a man's head just because there is passion about this issue i had enough. you don't know that you aa assuming what the words meant. they are interpreting them to be illegal. prosecutor look at this situation. they have to look at the in the context which they were spoken. >> hang on, stacy. you don't think you could get a prosecution? >> i don't think. no i don't think prosecutors have enough in the way the words were said and what was said and what was going on in the crowd to show that he was inciting people to violence. he was saying a stupid thing. >> mcgraw, say to you, if i'm the guy prosecuting this case i say this man lewis head is his name. 38 years old. he has prior convictions. felonies, so i would build a case that this guy was intending to incite.
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do you believe that you could get a prosecution? you are not a lawyer. i'm not a lawyer so i'm asking you. i do know the state, the city of ferguson is debating on whether or not to charge him with assault because a few weeks ago he beat up michael brown's grandmother who was trying to sell mike wall brown t-shirts on the street. he has a i violent past. he was telling people to burn it down. an hour later it's burnt down. if you own ferguson market do you have a civil suit against him? guess what the markets were burned down. you said he had just found out. the benefit of the doubt it was all emorvel. >> let him finish. >> he already knew, stacy. stacy, he had already been tipped off. the family already knew. when he we all found out he already knew. >> we're talking about a very brief time span. you are talking about someone in his position who is disgusted with the situation. it's his position he used
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vial crude language. can't assume that he was inspiring all this burn down the city. and. >> what about charging him with lesser crime? >> lesser disagrees? you could charge. demeanor crime really want tensions more. >> wait a second. that was a serious. people lost their businesses. the property burnt who are we blaming? the people who did that act or the words that came out ahead of it? >> how about this? how about the guy who said burn baby burn. you don't know what the guy meant. he wasn't a nuances sentence. he wasn't speaking latin. >> from your world. from his level of sophistication it was a bunch of garbage. >> we can agree on that. i think all of us. stacy mcgraw thank you both very much. plenty more ahead as the factor goes on this evening.
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we will hear the words of officer darryl wilson as he describes what happens that day when his path crossed with michael brown and did his testimony before the grand jury save him from indictment? we'll have a report. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way
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in the factor follow up segment tonight, officer darren wilson as he described what happened that fateful day that he encounter michael brown. open the door hey come here for a minute. that's when he turned and said [bleep] do about it and slammed my door shut on me. >> slammed the door shut. >> yes. i used my door to try to push him back and tell him to get back. again he pushed the door shut and stares at me. as i look back punches start flying. >> he threw the first punch.
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>> yes hit me in the side of my face. >> some of the witnesses they saw you try to pull him into the car. >> that would be against any training ever taught to any law enforcement officer. i don't know what or how many hit me after that i i just know it was a barrage of swinging and grabbing and pulling for about 10 seconds and then what? i had reached out my window with my right hand to grab on to his forearm because i was going to try to move him back and get out of the car to where i'm no longer trapped. i felt the immense power that he h and the way i have described it is it was like a 5-year-old holding on to hulk hogan that's how big he was powerful man. >> you are sitting there figuring out how to get out of this. >> yes how do i survive? >> the grand jury's decision not to indict officer wilson has been applauded by a comprehensive thorough effort to ferret out the truth of what happened that day in august. others suggest the whole pro-success was rigged. here to make since of all of this is attorney jonathan
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turley who defends the process. jonathan, let's begin with the very basic point that the grand jury is controlled by the prosecutor bob mcculloch would you adisagree. >> grand juries have been criticized as many willing to diet ham sandwich. they tend to have a high rate of indictments. >> the standard here is not beyond a reasonable doubt but just probable cause. so, in layman's terms for the audience tonight. 51%. you got 12 people, nine agree on the indictment. that nine has to say, you know, 51 -- yeah. i think this is going to happen. i think the government could prove a case and get a conviction here. am i right? >> that's right. the standards that would be required for a conviction probable cause is less but they are certainly looking at this as to whether this
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warrants a trial. >> so jonathan, cindy it, from the -- as i understand it, you think the process was a good one in ferguson. i'm thinking to myself boy this one is open to so much criticism. the protests that we have seen. people that think that the system was rigged. to try to defend a police officer because the fact is, most prosecutes. use most grand juries to get the results they want. and bob mcculloch couldn't have gotten an indictment that would have led to a public trial of officer wilson. am i wrong? >> that's the curious thing, juan, that the description that these people give of grand juries is the criticism of grand juries that defense attorneys like myself and others long criticized grand juries as not seriously reviewing evidence that they are rigged. this is a raritiy. this is a case where prosecutor did not put his
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thumb on the scale and the grand jury actually looked at the entirety of the evidence i'm not sure that's a criticism. normally not done. in this case people are often ignoring some simple facts. one is that there was a great deal of evidence supporting the officer i have significant concern about this case as a lot of people do. the forensic evidence and some eyewitness testimony did support the officer. if this was handled like a normal grand jury in one day. it very likely would have been a very fast decision not to indictment i will tell you one thing, putting aside the grand jury, i don't have much doubt in my mind that this would have been defense case. i don't think the prosecutor could have won if there was an indictment in this case. i'm sorry, i just don't see it. >> one last thing, jonathan, nobody there to challenge officer wilson's account. no cross-examination in that
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grand jury. >> no, that's very true. that i think is a fair criticism. that's a criticism of the grand jury's generally. the priewrst, if he believed he had probable cause in that state could have gone for his own charges and indictment but there would have been a preliminary hearing that the defense would have had chance to cross-examine witnesses. >> that's a tough one. we appreciate it demonstrations in cities all across the country in response to the situation in ferguson. who is organizing these protests? we have been investigating and we'll tell you next. quitting smoking this time was different because i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix.
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and save $50 on these men's north face hedgehog hikers. thank you so much for staying with us. i'm juan williams in for bill o'reilly. in the factor investigation segment tonight, many americans surprised last night when large groups of demonstrators hit the streets of many major american cities, closing down bridges, tunnels, highways, basically creating havoc during rush hour, well into the night. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> no justice, no peace. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> michael brown.
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>> stand down. >> hands up, don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> while most of these protests nationally led to scattered violence, ferguson was not so fortunate. joining us to discuss who might be behind some of the turmoil is eric owens of the daily caller who is in st. louis from from las vegas niger -- >> did you see what was taking place in ferguson or was it a raw visceral response of the grand jury? >> well, i think the answer is both. i think that on monday night it was clearly a raw visceral response to the grand jury. that's a great way to put it. people were angry. things got out of control about an hour and a half after the grand jury
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announced it and there were no police west florison, they abandoned it tuesday night more peaceful. to the extent there were violence police car exploded and molotov cocktail found at city hall. definitely that was an organized thing by people who have been here for a few months really they had a lot investigated in it. >> when you saw this violence. i understand you were talking to people, some of the minute misssters in ferguson. you come to the conclusion that some of these folks were paid. >> you know, tea we have a project that dr. aveda king and myself call restore the dream 2015. that brought us to ferguson several weeks ago and many of our allies, including bishops and pastors were in ferguson over the past
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couple of days they said to me and i just got off the phone with the bishop that we're working very closely with who told me there was a lot of money spread around during these protests. a lot of money spread around. >> niger, stop. money spread around by which groups and to what end? what were they trying to accomplish? >> well, we're going to investigate that. and i'm very curious to see if that phenomenon of money spreading exists of not just in ferguson but in the st. louis area. >> niger this is the no spin zone. i'm saying the suggestion is here that somehow you have outside groups, that are putting money in for people to get violent. to riot. are you saying that that took place? >> i'm telling you what i was told. which was that a group of ministers that are on the ground trying to bring peace to that community, trying to bring decency to that community, a prosperity when
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the circus leaves town they will be there. they told me verbatim that the belief was that money was being spread around by those who had agenda that was quite different than theirs. >> all right. so when we look at this, eric, it strikes me that the key question is, you describe the situation there as raw emotional that first night. but, is it the case that you had people coming from outside of the st. louis, ferguson area, sort of attracted by what you might call protests, tourism, riot porn is the way some people refer to it. what were you seeing there? >> i think protests tourism is really a great way to think about it i have wondered. elm there have been i was here in august. people have been here since then. it's been three months. how are they living, you know, who is paying for their food? where are they staying? those are good questions in terms of who is paying for that? i do feel like those people are dedicated to what are values they are dedicated to and they wanted to pull off
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some anarchy. i don't think these groups have a lot of money to give. i think these are people who really wanted to pull off some violence. they didn't need to do anything on monday night because people who are local, they were doing plenty of violence. tuesday night they tried to pull a few things. i don't think there is a ton of money. i think it's more people who are really angry and out-of-town people have a lot of energy invested into this and some of them probably wanted to pull some violence themselves. >> niger, you just heard what eric said. it raises the question in my mind, you know, could it be that you have social networks these days. people get online spread the word quite quickly start a flash mob. could that have attracted people. whether they are angry, frustrated, whatever with the system. i want to go to ferguson. i want to stir up some trouble. you niger are suggesting that maybe there is a hidden
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hand. >> i am suggesting that. i'm outright saying this. you have diverse elements in there. you have got folk like the black panther party. the so-called black panther party. see an opportunity. they have one set of ageneral does. you have folk within the civil rights industry as you so brilliantly have written about in the past folk like sharpton and jackson that want to maximize it for their own particular special interest. again, i'm just finding out about this. these pastors that are trying to build. they are not trying to burn baby burn. they are trying to build baby build within the community they see a hidden hand and an element that is spreading money around. not to do these things. and when the tv cameras leave, juan. they will be nowhere to be found. >> well, you know, i don't think there is any question about that so, gentlemen. thank you so much. we appreciate it. happy thanksgiving. please remember it check out
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bill o' now is the perfect time to order signed copies of bill's best seller killing patton. remember, all the money bill gets from the web site goes directly to charity. so it's a good cause. and when we come back, days of riots, demonstrations and highlighted the split between how blacks and whites judge race in america. we'll have a debate on that issue. plus, we're going to take you back to ferguson, missouri to see what's going on right now. so stay with us. for the perfect shave at any angle. go to for savings on shavers and trimmers. innovation and you. philips norelco. ght, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. d aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya?
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in the personal story segment tonight, it's been a traumatic week for race relations in our country. there seems to be a stark divide between how blacks and whited see the decision by the grand jury not to
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indict officer wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. but things have been deteriorating for years now. for example, five years ago 76% of blacks surveyed in a pew research poll said blacks and whites got along very well or pretty well. this year that number dropped 12 percentage points to 64%. now, for whites, the must be dropped from 80% to 75%. joining us now from washington, d.c. to discuss ferguson's intakd on race relations is hillary sheltd ton of the naacp. hillary shelton, one of the things that strikes me right off the bat is the naacp really has not been a player in ferguson at that tap down the violence. where is the knap. >> the naacp has been on the ground since day one in ferguson. brand new president and ceo
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carnell brooks went to fergs the day after the violence began to make sure there was a presence there. >> wait a second, you just said, hillary, hillary. you just said the day after. i'm saying why wasn't the naacp, i have written this where was al sharpton violence we see this week. that's not helpful to black folks. >> the minute we knew there was a problem. our new president and ceo was on the plane and on the ground. mississippi unit in st. louis county of which ferguson is a part. mississippi units in st. louis, city. which is of course ferguson is a suburb thereof. our state conference of the naacp is also statewide throughout missouri. we have been on the ground. we have been working with people on the ground to try to stop any kind of violence. >> let me ask you a question. >> and the department of justice. from the very beginning. >> hold on now. i have read a statement put out by the naacp that said
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governor nixon was wrong to declare a state of emergency protest as part of the personal tradition. what's he trying to do? the site of the national guard and the state of emergency declaration. in fact, my problem on the other hand hmpleted ilary when the national guard wasn't there, ferguson burned. >> let me say the ferguson was there. making sure that that person freedom of speech on the ground in ferguson. a place that need it more than anything else. ground central for all the violence that began. those conversations needed to happen: how you can blame declaring a state of emergency and not understand that that could have some consequences for people? >> i think it's important you have to understand what the state of emergency means. it means end up suspending civil rights to participate and raise their voices and talk about the concerns they have. in ferguson and other places. and we want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to he say what's on their mind and actually to
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participate in peaceful protest. >> now, miller, i have also heard that you condemned the prosecutor, bob mccullough in the case. you think that the grand jury process was rigged that he put so much information out there for the grand jurors that essentially confused them and intended in their confusion to avoid an indictment for the police officer. >> let me say for someone who has been a prosecutor for decades, to actually behave the way he did in this case raised major concerns and actually fed concerns we had early on. the naacp called for mr. mccullough to be recused early in the process. we asked for a special prosecutor to come in from day one. we recognized his background that he comes from a big family of. >> no, no, no. we know that. >> his father. >> look, everybody knows that hilary. >> his behavior had been established and contentious to african-americans and other perpetrators. >> hilary, i have a quick question for you.
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>> absolutely. >> do you think that officer wilson, in what he has said both in the grand jury and now should be found free of indictment or do you have some problem with the things that he said? >> i have major problems with the things that he said. quite frankly, the only thing we are outrageous what we read in that transcript was the interview he did with george stephanopoulos where he referred to in his mind mr. michael brown as some kind of demon. he described his behavior in terms that reminded me very much of the breath coming out of his nose. he said when he looked in his face he saw blankness that i would describe what we talk about when we think about sharks in the water. in essence what it is dehumanize michael brown to a point that made it okay to actually kill him as he did. >> well, i think that he felt he was threatened. that's what he says, hilary. >> even as ridiculous as that threat might have been. clearly somebody who should not have been a police officer from the beginning. >> happy thanksgiving.
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and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. in the back of the book segment tonight, let's go right back to ferguson where it's close to 8:00. steve harigan has been there since the grand jury decision came down. steve, it looks -- does it? >> this is the spot where much of the violence and looting was going on. you can tell dramatically different two days later, due to in large part of missouri national guard. this store was being looted monday night, today you can see dead quiet. national guard with rifles and helmets, we've been seeing armored humvees go up and down the street. cops are diverting all traffic. they are calling this entire street a crime zone. most of these businesses all boarded up or burned down. and really the overall mood here is one of worry. people want to know if this violence is over or if it's just
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in a holding pattern because of the presence of national guard, juan. >> steve, do you see that there are protesters still there camped out waiting for an opportunity to resume the kind of mayhem that we saw earlier in the week? >> there was some trouble overnight. city hall was attacked, another police car was attacked, tipped over and set on fire. so it's not over yet. but the numbers and the amount of violence has dramatically gone down in the past 48 hours, juan. >> steve, very quickly, before we go, i think of you because i saw what happened with the camera being attacked, with the kind of profanity that was aimed at you, do you feel safe, steve? >> i feel safe now. two nights ago i didn't feel safe. when you walk into an emotional situation with a big crowd, it's happened to us in syria after a bombing. it happened here monday night in missouri. juan. >> steve, i got to ask, what did you do immediately? was there a safe haven with the
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police? for you? >> no. there was really no police presence. there was real looting going on, real chaos going on. and no police to be seen. right after our camera got smashed shots started ringing out. it's nighttime and you don't know where the shots are coming from and no police presence at all in those early hours. a real sense of complete chaos and feeling of help esness hiding behind an engine block of a car. we were looking for those police. they are here now in force. we're glad to see them. >> any indication they'll be there in force tomorrow night and through this weekend? and will there be business -- are people going into black friday and the holiday weekend going to be able to sell goods from those stores behind you? >> you're pointing out a real problem for the local businesses. a woman came up to me today and said i want to spend money here. i want to patronize local business, but none of them are open. a tough scene for business
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owners here in ferguson, juan. >> steve, thanks so much. thank you all for watching us tonight. have a great thanksgiving. i'm juan will jams in for bill o'reilly. and please remember the spin stops right here because we're looking out for you. developing tonight, the national guard and police on alert on a frigid and snowy night in ferguson, missouri. bracing for what could develop into a third night of dangerous protests. welcome to "the kelly file" special. i'm shannon breem in for megyn kelly. some 48 hours since the announcement officer darren wilson would not be indicted in the shooting death of 18-year-old michael brown, the scene in ferguson appears to be relatively calm. last night we witnessed shots fired, dozens of arrests, and a police car being torched. the governor saying he's continuing to monitor the situation closely saying the actions of the national guard have been helpful. but some feel the governor sent in the troops far