tv The Kelly File FOX News November 28, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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tonight. i'm bill g'seilly. remember that the spin stops here. we're definitely loo)@'g out for a "kelly file" special.ç who is teaching our kids? i'm megyn kelly. millions of students areç!"v g toward college degrees and some 50 million kids are beingç educated in public elementary, middle, and high schools. your tax dollars. while aç majority of those schl kids and college students are being educated by'kfo caring professionals, we have seen a troubling number of reports in rec3aç years about disturbing lessons6j#!÷ playing out in classrooms and campuses across
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teachers suggesting america is evil, not exceptional, taking political correctness toú dangerous place, and/! leaving parent out of the loop and in the dark. while the problem is cropping up 2r schools, it is worst on college campuses. j>ujtáát to teach.lege campuses. of them. america's education system, investigating why the left is so interested in schools. what they're teaching your kids and how it is shaping our society. we begin with trace gallagher reporting. g during a lesson about symbols and their meeting, aç south carolina englishz5&r r decided to stomp on the american flag saying the physical flag was symbolic but only a piece of clothç and his actions would he
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no çramifications. he was wrong. on leaveqg(l some female students dressedç and wereç photographed wearing burkas. their parents were bothered by tje pictures but more concerne about theç emphasis on islam. >> they startedçç talking abo+ palestine. >> reporter: çquote, the lesso is not teaching a specific religion and the students volunteered to wear theírid÷ç clothing. during a spanish class at another texas high school, a ç2yy say the pledge of allegianiegiancallegi mexican pledge allegiance.
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>> i just like, çno, i'm not going to do this. >> reporter: after the story got national media attention, she claimed she was not long allowed to attend class, resultingç in failing grade. >> it should be illegal to compel an american student to recite the pledge of a different country. >> reporter: pro-gun control websites were readily accessible but the!! ñ national rifle association website was blocked. so an 18-year-old expanded his research and found right to life groups were blocked, planned parenthood, not blocked. >> it should be the other way around. they should be unbfj6jdráz students can get different
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viewpoints. >> reporter:$e school district the, quote, appropriate websites. m were asked to compare two men whoç abused thr power. the first, hitler. the second georgeç w. bush. but it is not just elementary ) in just the last year, "theç kelly file" has covered numerous casesç on america's college ç campuses. she found pro-lifeç demonstrations onpaqgy campus s offensive, she tookç matters io her own hands. >> she's a professor and sheç steals signs. she's a o'ogçthief. she's a professor. wasn't enough, when the ç protesters followed her,eéfhg t got physical.
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don't touch me. >> reporter: the two sisters involved in the dustup decided "te kelly file." >> no one has the right to take someone else's property like that. i'm sorry ifç these signs offended her in any way. >> reporter: the images of aborted babiesfzvç upset her. lnd professor. you would think a political science class at the university of southern california would be óñ balanced. m÷jymwq is nl cf1 o teaching.s nl cf1 o that video fn] recorded in clas by a student. >> i thought it was ridiculous that our tuition money was being used for this.
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>> reporter: the university said while they dov not endorse the statements expressed by facñf( expressuñç he isç still an adjunct profesr atçx1foñç usc. a domestic terrorist once on the fbi's ten mostç wanted listç atç northwestern university. richard falk, whoç worked with the united çnations, is a professor of international é two of3 the most çinfamous lil
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college professors in the nation ke" bill ayers, a group thatç bomb 1970s. de's aç retired professor at t and his anti-government stance has softened. >> do you see any irony in ar(t% accepting a government paycheck? >> absolutely not. what's the irony? >> opposing the government regime and wanting to throw down the çgovernment. >> this is the world we live in. should i not make a living? >> reporter: then this was a professor of ethicsrufct studie. he wrote several academic articles, including one where he claimed the u.s.i:j÷p÷úé)áháo b for the attacks on the world trade center. he was fired by the1
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of colorado in 2007. his teaching continues. >> there are universities all over the country in the market for his thoughts. in his new documentary, aç filmmaker argues that a quietm revolution is happening in our schools by design. right after this break, he joins us to describe it, where it's k÷ going, and what theçç results be. >> i mean californiaç --i don't know my credit score. that's really important. i mean - i don't know my credit score.
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pen. hurry into the sign-then- drive event and get a five-hundred- dollar black friday bonus on select ne volkswagen models. black friday bonus offer ends december 1st. say on the time, on the record, in print, and on tvç i the last vestige of angry old white people. >> you hadç nothing but praise ìáhp &hc% called them courageous and even gallant. >> uh-huh. >> i would never rise up inç opposition in a militant way. >> that's just some of the=@s college prnvessors that have been educating for years. the 9/11 hijackers are worthy of
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praise and another professor said he couldn't rule out fighting his country again.p11÷ trace gallagher showed us some questionable lessons from inside the classroom, so how did this all come[>fáy to pass and what n good to see you. you tell me whether there is a difference between folks like ayers and dcchurchill who hate america and those who[ç we listened to whoç want people t stomp on a piece of paper that republicans that they areç losers?
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are these two different strains of professors we're looking at? >> i think we're looking at a continuumç of leftism. these people thought of themselves0a the other. they were hoping out of theç some massive social transformation. liked to bomb things. p"z)ez with reagan beingç elec in 1980. a lot of the radicalsç went in a huddle. how do we revive? how do we come back?ç penetrate the very institutions they were once protesting.
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these were guys standing outside the president's office and the dean's office and shouting and basket. they have become deans and college professors. even though in thegú; 60s they talked about free speech, none ç speech u)u$ them.z/(ç the moment that they got into these institutions they became extremely intolerant of opinions that disagree withwi]y theirs. >> only the professor's message counted. not anybody else's. here's my question for you. ñ how do we have so many? we're not talking about left. there's a lot of people who are liberal in the country. we'reç talking0,n aboutvv fard
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angry, right? they'reyñy> absolutely. when i was#rj+ñ a students aou of decades ago, there were two liberals on the dartmouthç campus. there were the classic liberalsç they was the mainstream g.0 democrats, if you will. they were in çcharge, but ther was an up and coming groupç of angrier, less tol were the 60çs activists who we pushing against the establishment. the old line liberals have gone
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they have retired. they have moved on, and this younger more radical group has now become the mainstream and areç using their power, the por for tenure -- remember, the professor is in aâ positionç 6fv student. another to be position of authority over impressionable people. we have a guest coming up saying this is not true. this indoctrination thing is a myth. thesecsq1f9z guys are moving ou. she's no longer at northwestern because she retired. then he's going to say the professors may be liberal, but the studentsvxbw arevltn libero they're not doing any damage.
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>> the guys like ayers, even if they don't have an official position on the campus, they they have movedç out of the universities into the high schools and elementary schools. by the way, this is a guy who wentç down toçqc venezuela an this socialist system of indoctrination was exactly the one that&b1 hisrñy model for united states. here are pareéts and alumni funding theseç colleges. they're !n[!entrusting theseç y don't realize they are actually subsidizing values like they have taught their children from theçmoáo"ááu$ey are young.
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ñ you see these kids like the ñíprotesters withç the proe sign who record what happened to them with theç one professor, thej](# kid videotaped him who calling republicansç losers an and videotape your professor because yourç grade is depende upon this person. there is a built-in mechanism to make you want to be submissive if you will. you can challenge him in class. but if it goes beyond the pale, it is hard for these students to do much about it. >> they don't care about the administration because they have tenure. they don't care about pa: b9ñ one prominent philosopher said to the studentsk
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undermine them systematically. it is my mission to undo the damage they have done to your souls. they feelxkpç unaccountable t legislatures andç parents. >> churchill was saying the ones it. everyone read my book and was fine with it on campus. does it expand in your view -- one of the people we're going to talk to todayç is somebodyl)dy ublic schools and the unions who don't allowt% teachers"uz get fired no matte how çradical, no matter how ba noç matter what they do. how big a thread is that in this
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problem orç is that a separate issue? >> well,ç anything that makes teacher unresponsive, ç unaccountable, in a sense lets them runç amuck. i believe long çterm. in the short term, you can do an expose and try toç provide a small counter where we can show our films as a screening on to create new institutions using leftist ideologues have. >> the examples when we started of them. she banned herqtñ students from watching fox news because she finds it cringe worthy.
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you're in the minority on that. good to see you. >> megyn, a pleasure. >> it is incredible. stephanie doesn't want to be subjected. okay. good luck with that. coming up, a study found-iñ a15% of college professors call themselves conservative. when one was attacked for his thinking, his epic response got national attention. professor mike adams is speaking outç about the systematic abuses of free speech on collegey2k# campuses and the tremendous double standards that were going on.ç
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our kids. these days conservative thought is often shunned. speakers who don't tow the line are finding themselves banned. our next guest is a tenured professor who got to thinking after receiving an angry note from a critic. that critic accused this teacher of being the biggest embarrassment to higher education in america. our guest took exception to that and his epic response went viral. he is a professor of criminology at the university of wilmington. thank you for being here. they thought you were the biggest embarrassment to higher education. it appeared you weren't even the biggest embarrassment to professors in north carolina. you have a long list that you felt were more embarrassing than you. walk us through some examples. >> i got an e-mail from ed, who was one of my critics, and he
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read something i had written on and couldn't believe a university professor believed in traditional marriage. i decided to just kind of publish a greatest hits of absurdities i had written about in higher education over the last decade or so. it is incredible as you go through the list. you see the many examples come from higher education here in the state of north carolina. a lot of the examples come from women's resource centers and lgbt centers, which is a huge part of the problem. in your special, you have been talking about college professors. they are, indeed, a big problem. we have these administrators who set up these offices and they campaign for things that are political in nature and very radical and sexualized in nature. it doesn't have anything to do with scholarship at all.
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that's why i often refer to the system as the dnc system. >> one of the examples you gave was a university who encouraged folks to go to a pro-abortion event. they were selling t-shirts that read i had an abortion. this was straight out of the gloria steinham playbook. to run out there loud and proud celebrating the end of a pregnancy is a little beyond. >> that was actually on our campus at the women's resource center. they were selling t-shirts that said i had an abortion to students to wear around campus to brag about the fact they had abortions. we've had other events like that. our leaders were focused in front of a sign that said, good women have abortions. they're celebrating it and
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they're sponsor groups. they choose sides on controversial issues and they are paid to advance their politics and the taxpayers have to pay for it, and that's the real tragedy. >> one of the arguments that professors reflect the student body as opposed to the student body reflecting the professors. most folks are left leaning and they get more conservative as they get older. what of that argument? >> that argument is just false. in fact, it is backwards. 2/3 of the church-going kids leave the church and abandon their faith. why? because they walk into the classroom. they're experiencing not a university. not a free and open marketplace of ideas, but instead an ideological echo chamber. that's the shame. the response to that is not to take a look at liberal
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professors or leftist professors and try to shut them down. it is to expand the marketplace of ideas by allowing conservative voices. that's why i have been so outspoken. >> just to look at the list, you pointed out that one feminist professor believes women can replace men with dogs. there was a professor who cosponsored a panel on bondage. there was a professor who posted pictures of nude underage children as art. how to appreciate your -- the end of a sexual encounter. professor, thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. >> the professor was the most embarrassing professor on earth because he believes in traditional marriage. our next guest says it is not a problem. when we return, somebody from the other side. when we return with who is teaching our kids. people with type 2 diabetes
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live from america's news he he headquarters. a shooting at the nordstrom. a man shot his girlfriend before fatally shooting himself. the woman, an employee, is in critical condition. meantime, protesters still showing frustration over a grand jury's decision not to indict officer darren wilson in the shooting death of a black unarmed teenager, michael brown. police closed three malls in ferguson, missouri. there were also demonstrations in chicago, new york, seattle, and northern california.
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now back to "a kelly file" special. welcome back to "the kelly file special" who is teaching our kids. the most recent study on political ideology on professors found that more than 60% consider themselves liberal or far left. 25% say they are in the middle. just 12% consider themselves conservative or far right. is that a problem? david, good to see you. thank you for being here. so, is that a problem? >> no, i think when we think about who becomes college faculty it is a question of
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self-selection. people who tend to be more liberal tend to go on and get doctorates and prepare to be college teachers and faculty members, so there is a self-selection that goes on. as a parent and educator, i want as many diverse ideas as possible in the classroom, but we have to pick from the people who present themselves with credentials that allow them to be prepared to teach and that's part of the issue, part of the problem. >> it is an ongoing cycle then. maybe more conservatives would choose to go in higher education if they felt that they might find a few more like-minded people to them or if they felt like that might be a little bit more accepted. but we have heard some conservatives explain that it is tough to get on these campuses and get tenure on these campuses if you are not like-minded. >> conservatives are much more
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interested in making money and entering for profit companies. i think there is that at play too. the comfort level and the political views are something we all have to work on. we all have to experience. my daughter went away to a liberal college. she had very conservative roommates and classmates over her tenure. did it make her more liberal or more conservative? i don't know. i would guess she would probably be more conservative today than the day she left home. >> it is good to have the kids exposed to all different viewpoints. when you look at what we're seeing in some of our schools and secondary schools, the stories are just legions of these teachers coming in and trying to get these kids stand
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up for barack obama and then make fun of mitt romney. even at the youngest levels where these kids are not necessarily old enough or mature enough to understand what's happening to them, someone is steering them toward a particular view. >> i think it is critically important that we stand up for our democratic values. we want a free marketplace of ideas. we want to hear different points of view. for many students, the experiences they have in college or in high school and elementary school are really very formative. they're formative mostly from the interchange between faculty members and students, but students away from the classroom. remember going with my daughter to a politically diverse set of classmates to dinner during freshmen year. i was so impressed by the way they articulated their political views. >> it is not the students who
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are the problem. it is the professors who are trying to tell them that republicans are racist and stupid and america is terrible and evil. let me ask you about that latter set. what do you think of folks like bernadine dorn who winds up at northwestern law school and a convicted murderer teaching at a columbia university and nyu? do you agree with that? >> colleges and universities have a process for selecting facul faculty. the federal government doesn't get involved in that. accrediters don't get involved in the process. i defer a lot to colleges making the right decision. >> but they're not doing that. the university doesn't even mention her background on their
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website. >> and my point is that colleges, universities, have a responsibility for making sure that the faculty are appropriate and appropriately trained and have the right credentials to be the classroom. whether it is columbia or princeton or hillsdale college, they make judgments about who their faculty are and we have to recognize that not every judgment we make is the right one. >> you can say that again. >> but i'll also say we have to all understand institutions are trying to come up with the best faculty to teach their students. >> i know you believe a lot of these 60s radicals are ageing out. they are being replaced, sir. i submit to you they are being replaced by the next generation. i have to run.
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as chanjoe biden wanted to teach, create better schools, and hold educators accountable for the success of the students. that's crazy. what resulted was one of the most epic teacher union struggles of all time. ips norelco shaver series 9000 with contour detect technology that flexes in 8 directions for the perfect shave at any angle. go to for savings on shavers and trimmers. innovation and you. philips norelco.
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not long after taking a new york school system with more than 1.1 million students and a $23 billion budget, new york city school chancellor joel klein said he wanted to raise test scores, he wanted to hold teachers accountable for those results. his critics would think he called for genocide. he took on the unions. but eventually those test scores improved and schools got better. still the latest reports show that while the u.s. spends far more on young students than most developed countries, it continues to rank below places like china, russia, and vietnam when it comes to results. he is the longest serving chancellor of new york city
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schools and the founder of amplify and the author of "lessons of hope, how to fix our schools." >> joel, great of you to be here. thank you so much. >> thank you, megyn. >> graduate rates rose 20 points. everybody praises you on all sides of the aisle. you've had this job of chancellor longer than anybody else ever had it. >> we're not getting the job for kids in high poverty communities. we have rules and regulations that get in the way of getting great teachers into these schools creating choices for families, opening up charter schools. you think about it. everyone is looking. they want a great school for their kid. middle class families go out there, they look, they move to the right neighborhood. poor kids, we tell them it is
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one and done. we give them a lot of new teachers each year. it is unstable and not working. one, we have to make teaching a real profession and give families choices. the families in new york when they have choices are so engaged in their kids' education. >> if you give more choices, then they'll leave and that leaves these other schools left behind that wind up spiraling downward. >> if nobody wants to go to them, the solution is not to force kids into those schools but to give them choices. last year, 80,000 families applied for charter schools. as we talk, the american dream is evaporating. one of the reasons is because we're not giving every kid in every community a real education. >> what's the reason for this,
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though? is it unions? it is so hard to fire teachers in new york. >> that is part of the problem. no matter whether you're good or bad, you end up remaining in the system forever and people who are doing well want to go to middle-class communities. i mean it is ridiculous when you say we're behind china. >> vietnam. >> poland. these are countries that we should be way ahead of. and the reason is because we're doing too many things that are not focused on the kids, that are focused on the adults, that are protecting the interests of adults, worrying about things like seniority rather than worrying about excellence and performance. >> you think it should be easier to fire a bad teacher and reward those who are great. >> no question about it. >> the unions are strong. you know that. >> it's time for the kids to take precedence over the unions and everything else. we have to put the kids first. this is the future of our
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country. every day we're talking about inequality in america. on every program i watch people are saying what's the best cure for inequality. it's education. these are parents in harlem. these are parents who have had every hardship that want the best for their kids. politicians are opposed to charter schools. >> you clerked for justice powell in the supreme court. you work for rupert murdoch. you worked for bill clinton. you are not a partisan. you are an open-minded smart man. thank you for being here, joel. >> thank you, megyn.
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well if you have dmids high school or you have kids at all, you probably thought about how to get into a good college, how to get them in or better yet a great one. my next guest says stop stressing, you shouldn't want your child going to an elite university. i spoke with bill, a former yale university professor, and the author of the hit book, "excellent sheep:the miseducational of the american elite and the way to a meaningful life," watch this. >> the problem for me with elite
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education and elite colleges, it has to do with what happens at the colleges, but precisely who you have to become in order to be the kind of kid who can get into one of these schools. >> and you know of what you speak. you have about 25 degrees from columbia university and professor at yale for many years and now you've left that and moved tout oregon, but you know what you're talking about. and you basically talk about how they beat the spirit out of these kids to get their resumes built so they can get into these colleges that turn out to be this bubble of elitism, wealth, and protectivism so the children can never be told they're wrong or failed. >> right, right. that's true. they're sort of stuffed with praise and flattery, but at the same time, they themselves terrified of failure because, you know, you have to have perfect grades, you have to do everything perfectly to get into these schools, once you're in the schools, you feel like you have to do everything perfectly to love school or get a job on
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wall street or whatever you want to do. part of the problem is that the kids are, they are very smart and also very ambitious, but they tend to be really risk adverse, kind of timid, afraid to fall down. >> depressed. >> there's a huge sort of mental health crisis on campus. it's especially bad morning affluent high achieving kids. people at the colleges know about it. the kids are very good at hiding it and parents and adults think as long as you're getting an a, you're getting an a, everything is fine. but serving not necessarily fine. >> a lot of parents are going to say what should i be doing. if i'm not shooting for the ivies, how should i be doing it differently short of changing the whole system? >> right. again, remember that it doesn't matter for most kids where grow, what matters is the kid. it matters they go to a college they feel is a good fit for them. listen to your kid. don't send them to a school that you think is the one they should go to. don't send them to a school, help them figure out what the
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best school for them is. >> what about prior to getting to college, elementary school and secondary school. what should you, you say it's almost child abuse to be pushing for an a in call cue louse for a 17-year-old, what should you be pushing for? >> look, you want to have high expectations for your kid, you want them to work hard, but i think you want to help them do what we were saying on air. find a sense of purpose, give them enough room which may mean also saying, don't feel you have to do everything, give them enough room to figure out what they really care about, which i think you can start to do when you're 15, 16, 17. >> you argue big for the gap year, take a year after, in between high school and college. >> yeah. >> go travel the world and figure out who you are and make mistakes and learn from them. >> exactly, get away from your parents, the system. >> amen to that, i love it. good luck with the book. it's doing great. >> thanks very much, thank you. >> all the best to you.
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isn't he so interesting? no one is saying that, yet it sounds so right, doesn't it? excellent sheep by bill. try saying that ten times fast. almost as hard as huckabee, we'll be right back. the volkswagen golf was just named motor trend's 2015 car of the year. so was the 100% electric e-golf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. and last but not least, the high performance gti. looks like we're gonna need a bigger podium. the volkswagen golf family. motor trend's 2015 "cars" of the year.
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10:00 pm our interview and the last interview with bill. thanks for watching, i'm meghyn kelly, this is the kelly file. elvis at 80. >> elvis laid in tupelo, mississippi, las vegas, in beverly hills died today. he was only 42 years old, but while he lived, he revolutionized the music business and in one way or another, he touched most our lives. >> we just love him. just love him, that's all. he's got to be watching this. he's got to be so happy. >> elvis presley, idol to million of us, sexy, exciting, even a little dangerous. elvis didn't invent rock and roll, but certainly made it
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