tv Red Eye FOX News December 2, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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nfl game or was that out of line? vote in our gretawire poll and follow me on twitter at greta. so simple. good night. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" is the elf iewnen why going on strike at the worst possible time? why a sit in could mean a holiday season filled with a whole lot of nothing. and how old does the vice president think he really is? >> to be frank, i am 42. that is not hyperbole. that is reality. >> are slow loris' depleting the world of fruit? why some say we should feed them rice instead. we have the first commercial free report next. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. jay now let's welcome our guests. well, she is sweeter than pecan pie and just as nuty, so stay away from her, america. i am here with joanne
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nosuchunsky. and if the pen is mightier than the sword, the story of ted bundy. and he wanted to take cyber monday of on and i wouldn't let him and now i regret it because he is a miserable little man. it is a andy levey. brie -- write what you know, kids. the tv, writer and producer. he is one of the founders of >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> can bots help us shop? have introduced automation to the warehouse. it is a first in history, i believe. the company enlisted 15,000 robots to pick, pack and ship items on cyber monday. it is the biggest order day of the year, i am told. to tell us more i am joined by
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fox business correspondent, joleen kent who is live from amazon, the massive distribution center in tracy, california. >> there are little orange robot, 320 pounds each. they increase efficiency by three times the workers here. instead of having the workers walk miles and miles every day these robots deliver shelves and the employees pick things out and then they are shipped to you at home. these are made by am lists to save amazon up to $900 million which would be massive for its earnings reports coming up in the future quarters. they have been doing this since july. if you look at amazon on cyber monday there is a lot of expectation here. last year they sold 426 items per second. you can see the robots moving behind me. one of my questions is why don't they run into each other? a company that amazon acquired
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looks like this and it works well because of the software they engineered so they avoid each other. they have sensors on the floor and it looks like this amazing dance of the robots watching this stuff go out on cyber monday. >> that's troubling. i assume she is fine. did a mob cost her job? a staffer resigned after a backlash on a post. she wrote about president obama's daughters. elizabeth lawton, the communication director for the republican representative director was ticked off by sasha and malea's nonshaw lont -- nonshaw -- non-chalant attitude. she said the daughters should show a little class. adding act like being in the white house matters to you.
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dress like you deserve respect and not a spot at a bar. and certainly don't make faces during televised public events. and after the usual internet outrage lawton apologized. saying, quote, when i posted on facebook i reaccount aed to an article and judged the young ladies in a way i never would have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager. obviously that was not enough. on monday lautner resigned. what happened to one of the pardoned turkeys? here is one of them. >> very ugly things going on tonight. rob, in the green room we had a bit of a discussion. it got heated. should she have resigned? was this another selective
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outrage? >> no, she shouldn't have resigned. she is kind of a jerk and she had a jerky thing. what is the big news that a bunch of teenage girls were watching this turkey thing saying i can't even? i have seen the turkey thing year after year. but for her to take a shot, you are allowed to do that on facebook. i hate this. you say that. it doesn't end anywhere. and it is so boring and stupid. it is fine of the you should be boring and stupid on facebook. that's what facebook is for. >> that's true. this is where i disagree with you. i think the republican party benefits from purging idiots. >> oh stop. we should start doing that. if any party started to purge idiots there is none of us left. >> i don't like people who make it easier for my enemies
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to call us names. >> the people who are calling names and wanted her fired are never going to vote for your side. >> that's true. >> we are all so broken down. she was caught wearing the wrong jersey on the wrong game day. there was another staffer and there is a worst part of american politics. >> i am coming back to you. i want to involve lisa because you know the woman that apologized. by the way, i have a problem with the apology. first she says all of these things. then she said i prayed and i changed my mind. was she wrong and should she resign? >> the thing is i think as a staffer -- i mean i never worked on the hill, but i have a low esteem. the country is run by 20-year-olds, right? i feel like if you become the story, then probably you should just step down. for me i don't like the
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attitude that every thought you had must be public. i had some thoughts when i watched it. not the same she had. that max me sound bike a weird weird -- weirdo. i kind of like the obama girls that they were over it. >> i showed that to a lot of people because i said this is why i like them. i find them 100% charming. that's why i would have fired this woman because of what she said. if anybody can't see the charm in what went on there should not be in communications. if you look at this and say i am disgusted by what they are wearing -- >> all of the things happening in the administration and in the world this is the thin to f? she doesn't go to bars. that's not what people wear at bars. how is that bar attire? they are dressed like teenage girls.
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>> i know. i mean i don't know. >> there is only one real explanation for their attitude and it is something they have to understand. they have to stand next to their dad and look interested. they are so over it. >> it turns out lou em -- loughten was arrested. >> the only reason it is relevant is she was telling teenagers to grow up and show some class. when she was a teenager not so much. the digging up her past is a little bit of overkill. i talked to someone today who is a friend of hers and she said her apology is sincere. i'm sure she knew her mistake. i believe she was a good person and i believe she was definitely hobbedded out of proportion to what she did. she was a communications director. if anyone should resign for a dumb social media post it is a communications director. you gotta know better in that
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position and she didn't know better. >> have you ever been with a bunch of people who are anti-obama? they get all turned around. they get going. if you read the facebook post it is, how cay they? the parents did it. and it got so crazy that if anything that's the problem with the republican side. it is the deranged hatred of the guy that is so over the top that everything he's got including these two charming girls who were about as board as teenage girls are supposed to be, they are even a symbol of the obama care. >> i don't like how everyone is elevated. she is like a gop operative. somehow i have to defend -- because i am like a conservative we have to defend stupid people or people who do stupid things? the other thing is now the media all of a sudden has the investigative skills they can go out and find all of this information. you didn't want to know anything about the first black
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president? the extent of the research was clicking on smoking gun. we found out she was arrested for shoplifting from a tweet. the researchers took down the vat gists. >> -- took down the strategists. it is a exriewn -- communication person with derangement syndrome. after six years people are going crazy. if she was working for me, maybe i would have suspended her. i wouldn't fire her, but i would have suspended her. >> would you have kept her on and tortured her the way you do with everybody. >> could anyone here without looking at their notes tell me the name of the congressman. she failed on pr. even at the end of the day she failed on pr. >> congressman, white male can
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agree. >> he represents the big district. he wants to mug those who hug. he was robbed at gunpoint and says he got what he dough served because of his privilege. in an editorial for the school's newspaper -- somebody has a worse name than me. what's up freed-feld? >> anyway, freefeld says who am i to stand for my privilege sur rounded by million dollar homes and paying for a 60 grand education to condemn these young men as thugs. it is precisely this kind of otherization that fuels this problem. well that 60 grand is obviously well spent on him. he concludes as young people we need to devote real energy
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to solving our collective challenges. until we do so we should get comfortable with spore sporadic muggings and break ins. i can hardly blame them. >> if he is working that hard he deserves what he gets. do you agree that we should get comfortable with muggings and break ins because of our privilege? >> he should. if i am a mother i am looking for that guy. if i am his girlfriend i would find somebody else to walk me from the door. >> you know what? you probably want to attack her too. maybe we all deserve it. he is the type of guy, rob, that is doing this i'm down
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with the oppressed kind of thing. he thinks maybe the people that will beat the [bleep] out of him will say, let's hang out. i think we can be friends. >> who am i to judge after spending $60,000? who is we? >> can you imagine being his girlfriend? it is like he would be the guy asking was that informed consent? you consent to that? get out and find me somebody who will really get this done. >> what do you make of all of this? do you see yourself as a fighter against privilege? >> i see myself as a person with a lot of nice things. sometimes when someone feels my umbrella i think i really hope they needed that. they probably -- >> i did. >> i am okay.
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he opens up the argument and is it the woman's fault she is raped because of her womanhood that she possesses? >> that was my -- the answer is no. >> i did steal your umbrella. you don't want it back. go ahead and defend your new hero oliver freefeld. >> finally someone stands up for all of the muggies out there. he is not entirely wrong. mothers probably were not born bad. i have seen trading places. i know how this works. but, look, this whole thing -- it might be satire. i am not convinced this is not satire. >> are you doing this whole it is not real thing again. >> i'm sure it is. >> it feels very onion.
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>> i trust they weren't trying to hurt me. next time try not giving them his stuff and see how that works out. he should test that theory. >> i want to have a camera on the event. my guess is that he pooped his pants. >> was he embarrassed by the fact? >> it is cool, dude. >> that's what stinks and not just his rhetoric. >> collective -- i mean it could be a really good parody, but i don't think -- >> i don't think. it just reads like it. >> i don't know. it makes me ill. it bothers me. >> fire him from what? >> from whatever it is. >> i would hire him just to fire him.
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not really a rhyme. a proposed law could make it a crime to lie to someone in order to get them to sleep with you. it is colds rape by fraud. violators could face time behind bars. it will focus on continuous high level deceit. like say you work for a late night talk show. one person who lied about education said, quote, when you are told lies of identity you are having a sexual relationship with a person who is a total stranger. interesting point. another victim's husband never told her he was a dog. >> that crossed the line even for me. generally i can watch
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anything. even while eating a hoogie. >> jealous much? >> maybe i am. like i said, first gay marriage and now men and dog. bible pre dwicted it. predicted it. it is either the bible or the thornburgs. >> what's the difference? >> ask richard chamberlain. he didn't care. >> some of the early books. where am i? the logic almost makes sense. if it is based on a lie -- it is like putting on a costumes and pre pending you are somebody else. you could hear the dog whispering with the guy. a marriage contract is a contract. i guess you can say i suppose if there was a fraud element. i don't know if it is rape. it is fraud. >> but if you marry someone on fraudulent grounds there are
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laws to deal with that. >> wasn't there a famous couple -- was it nicole kidman? you renee zellweger. >> the country singer. >> brad pacely. >> no. >> keith urban. >> no, that's nicole kidman. >> everyone and tom cruise. >> it was a guy with a sleep less shirt and a cowboy and really ripped. he is one of the straighter country singers. i can't remember his name. >> george straight? >> exactly. back to what i was trying to sai. keith urban? that's what he said in my ear. i don't think so. is this the same as a man going into somebody's room and pretending say they are twin brothers and guy goes in and pretends he is the brother. that's rape. is that like that? >> why does everything have to
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be called rape? does this apply to really good selfies? i don't understand the reason why everything has to be called rape now. why is that the ultimate thing? other things can be bad. >> fraud is -- this is fraud. also, joanne, you are a bitter, bitter person. i could see you accidently dating a man for many years before realizing he likes men and then suing him for that when it was your fault for not figuring it out. it wasn't really a background check. >> lying is generally bad when it comes to things like health or criminal past. little white lies are okay. what will be a problem is people will have a roll
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playing defense. oh no he was into it. he must have known i was lying. there must be a whole big gray area that is hard to find what is fraud. >> it is the area -- it is the kenny chesney area. can we retire a little white lie? >> you find it offensive? >> i do. why does it have to be white? >> why does it have to be little? >> it can be a big, piercing blue lie. andy, is this -- should this be a law or should it just be not a law? >> the proposed law is a slap in the face to the cowboy astronaut professional athlete. i don't like. it there is no way this bill is passing and should it
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pass. it is a dumb idea only a politician can come up with. that describes most laws so who knows? what about spanx. that's fraud. >> girdles for many decade. >> and now we have spanx. >> and those are like girdles. >> when they come off before the act everything is revealed. >> colored contact lenses. >> really? you think that is a big deal? >> yes, maybe so. what about people with natural blue eyes that have to sit and listen to other people say those are my parents eyes, no you are wearing contacts friend, pal. >> even amanda thought this law went too far at that point you know it is really bad.
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>> how about this one? can a man sue a woman if theo bd didn't tell him? that's a good one. >> it is trans phobia. >> thank you. >> oh that wasn't a compliment? >> it was an actual real case if the woman gets a nose job. she got married and had the kid and came out with a different nose and the guy wanted to sue. >> i believe that happened in asia. >> bangladesh. >> no a member from asia. let's have some final thoughts. >> my final thought is if you can't lie and use alcohol it doesn't work. everybody can't be happy. >> even when i am alone i have to lie to myself. >> oh jeez. coming up, restaurants put
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does your lunch give others a hunch? according to a huffington post piece what you eat and work says a lot about you. this can't be good. harry bradford writes that co-workers see the air of superiority when you are eating your organic kale chips or you don't eat lunch until 5:00. they get that too. you are a harder worker than anyone else. this is a blog article. he lists a bunch of articles and what they reveal. pizza is the i only have $3 to my name lunch. that's not true. look how delicious. tuna fish and/or eggs is the i have no respect for your sense of smell. and sal lady is look how basic i am. here is the i make more money than you lunch. not sure what those things are. here is andy's favorite. the i am going to die alone.
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and the graying lunch. greg lunch. oh yeah wednesday, thursday and friday. >> i always thought they were underwear. >> monday and tuesday. >> monday and tuesday. they would never make. it i usually open them up on sunday. >> that's what the police say. >> does your lunch have a message? >> today is an unusual day because i feasted on flesh. >> that was a classic abate article. they sell you an ad and you won't believe what is next. it is a salad. it is a classic blog article. don't you have -- lunch is whatever you have time for that day. so sometimes it is time for
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more than one cocktail and sometimes they only have the white wine. that's what i had for lunch. >> i late drinking at lunch because i get an dree . >> as opposed to normally when it is 5:15. i don't eat lunch i sit at my desk. i put stuff in my mouth and wait for it to come out. >> i like how they categorize everyone. the office jerk eats this and the office work-aholic eats this. you probably know who the jerk is before he eats his lunch. >> he is the one waiting for it to come out. >> did you know when i worked at rodelle there was a guy that would eat in the bathroom. he would change after he went
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on a run and he would eat corn on the cob sitting on a bench by the toilets. it is very sick. i wish i could remember his name. he, woulded forerunner's world. all you eat is fast-food, andy. you eat fast-food or crap off the street. you alternate between wendy's burger king, mcdone willed thats and the guy at the truck who does the rice and the chicken. >> the rice and the chicken is fantastic. the rest of that is not true. by the way to tell who the office jerk is he likes articles about your work. the tuna and egg salad means you are the i don't care about your sense of smell. that's really deep. i just don't get it. your work says you don't have a lot of time to eat so you grab whatever. >> this is a problem with our
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current obama ruined economy. they can't enjoy articles like these. what do you eat at home? it is the same thing. >> no one cares. they won't write an article. i would run the credit, but apparently we are not prepared. >> no one ever is. >> i don't eat solid foods. i typically smell my lunch. when i cannot recognize the smell it will come with a different lunch and it smells so good. i can't stand when i don't know what he is eating and i want to look over, but don't want to be rude. >> it is always something spicy and weird. >> that's the one real lunch you didn't have. >> there is nothing there. it morphed. >> somebody once said in
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hollywood, she is fat. she is not jennifer aniston fat so everybody has a gent idea. next topic, the fda has announced sometimes you have to call -- i'm kidding. he is beautiful. she is a lovely woman. i am not trying to explain the joke. i leave that for "the five." there are new rules requiring restaurants and vending machines and soda machines to display the calorie con at the present time on their foods. the hope is they will make better choices and have better apingses aka communism. they take effect next november and cost them a billion dollars and it will be passed on to consumers because we don't matter at all. andy, you don't believe this ruling goes far enough. >> i don't, greg. i think they should not just
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label the stuff that is there, but i believe you should have a chip in you. when you hit a calorie count you can't buy things. >> i that's a great idea. >> joanne, you worked in restaurants and you will be back soon. does this hurt the ?i? >> when people want to lurming they will plurnlg. -- slurnlg. but some people can't comprehend what calories are. it should say this is seven miles of running. or this is 15 minutes off of your life. if it is things people understand, they will still eat it, but that would be a better visual. >> you know what models do when they want ribs? they don't eat. >> i sense electricity and realize something great has
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happened. >> in his head that joke came together. >> do you find this with more government intrusion? >> look, everyone acts like if only people knew that pizza or chocolate cake had a lot of m calories. it would hurt harder for starbucks when you really kow what is in the pumpkin latte. a thousand calories. >> a giant coffee drink can have as much calories as like a steak. >> it is pumpkin. >> it is a vegetable. >> these hipster bars and coming up with the 15 dollar drinks those are incredibly caloric. >> >> thanks why you drink vodka and soda or wine. >> vodka water. >> i like soda. i like a little bubblely. >> i like it with a full
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cocktail with the stuff in it. i need a lot of labor. >> i get it. >> and then tips the dollar. >> lisa, is it our responsibility or the government's? you ask any criminal how many years for a crime and they will know. ask anybody in a diet. let's know. let's not like we -- let's not act like we don't know. >> i love cobb salad. that's the salad for people who don't like salads. the cob salad is like here is the crap from a really awesome sandwich and you eat the stuff on top and leave the lettuce for the rats. >> another is croutons. yew tons and -- croutons and heavy dressing.
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>> maybe we should rename everything exactly what it is. >> or put calorie counts -- caloric counts on doors and computers. they bust out calorie count, right? >> i don't believe they do. >> what do models do when they want ribs? >> look in the mirror. >> they don't eat. i am sending the joke again. it is copyrighted. when we take a break. relationship killers. it is the christmas season and it is a perfect gift for your non exes tent father or grand father. go to g >> tomorrow night judge judge napolitano will stop by to talk about his new book. we will have an exclusive interview with president obama live in studio. one of those things is totally
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world what it means to have school spirit. >> i am not sure if the players are really ready for this. >> we're ready. we're ready to go out there and hit em! every play! right now, baby! you know we came to ford field! >> they are calling you guys that you don't have a good offense. they are fired up. what do you say to them? >> gee -- we have a good offense. >> i think i got smie swagger back. >> all right. when did little floss turn into last straws? a blogger -- why do we make fun of these guys ? 21 real killers compared to joanne. some are more common sense like she was a thief. her politics both everied me.
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and he was illiterate. other reasons were stranger. he kept getting $5 tattoo. he played with my hair and looked like rumpelstilskin which is a turn on for me. what is your deal breaker? >> did anyone on the list say she wrote about my sex life or love life? >> that's a problem. >> well, it is always the little things. it never seems to be the big things. >> definitely the little things. i know what you mean. >> the everyday everything things. it is not like one day he eats combos in the bed. he always eats combos in the bed. >> you are a woman. what do your ex's most dislike about you? >> there is nothing wrong with
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me. they say it is not you, it's me. but i like to talk about my myself and i really like popcorn. i curse when microwave doesn't pop every colonel. >> one of my red flags happens on the first date. they get wasted. i would like to think they are nervous or they just can't do it. 24 has to end. >> i have had a few of those, believe me. it always comes back that i hit my nose in the bathroom. i don't know what happened. i hit my knows. rob, are people too picky? >> have you ever seen somebody on tinder?
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every now and then you swipe right. that's what people do. if this is all it takes this action here. that will obviously make you think this is a lot easier and that it is a matter of keep digging and keep swiping. >> you need to do courses and the thing. did you see how he swipes his thumb? >> eventually it will be like mother theresa -- that's not a good one. great people will be over looked. >> this has no application to me whatsoever. >> the biggest relationship last straw is being in a relationship. for me that is a relationship ender right there. oh we are in a relationship? that's a turnoff. >> that's sad for you. you know what is a big red flag for me? when there is a big red flag.
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just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. coming up tomorrow, jedediah bila and sam morrell. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. does swine cross the line? a woman brought an emotional support pig or esp for short on to her flight, but was kicked off when the animal started acting like an animal. an aspiring model was flying home for thanksgiving and needed her pet pig. before they take off the 8,000 pounds -- that's not true. the potbelly started squealing
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and defecating in the aisle. i do the same thing when i fly. she was removed from the flight and both were executed. a little harsh. she was flying back and needed her pig. doesn't sound right to me. >> i have an emotional support pig. it is bay -- bacon. it is easy to get a note for that stuff. >> people legitimately need therapy animals. if they have ptsd, they have been in battle and they need something, i get it. i see a lot of people at the airport that look like they got a doctor's note so their dog doesn't have to fly. >> you can do that with everything now. everything. i can't think of a single example. >> i need the middle seat next to me to be empty.
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if this animal is so important why are you smashing it under the seat. >> it puts a lot of fear of flying and there are 800,000 pick. >> 8,000 was supposed to be a joke. >> even 80 pounds that pig is good eating. you were arguing whether it was 8,000 or 800 pounds. >> an aspiring fitness model. >> do you trust people with exswrot particular pets? i don't. i don't at all. pets you can eat. that's the craziest stuff. one person on the flight has a blt sandwich. cannot eat the bacon sandwich.
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you are siting with your grandmother and somebody over there is eating your grandmother. >> it is also a matter of time time -- there is a logic in there. >> i am getting it. >> i said eating an old lady sandwich. >> not any better. >> a cannibal. >> old lady sandwich is a japanese pornography magazine. >> we have seen behavior like this airplanes. the pig had taken ambien and taken a few drinks and you deaf pho indicate in the aisle and cause a scene. the pig made a mistake. let's not condemn. it is like the woman with the facebook post. i don't think we should condemn the pig. if you are a muslim you can't have that pig on the plane. she was committing a hate crime. >> maybe she should be fired. i don't know her job.
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