tv Americas Newsroom FOX News December 2, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PST
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>> you got in in the nick of time. you walked in at 47 minutes after the hour, which gave you 13 minutes to get ready. >> they performed a miracle. >> you wear that shirt to work? >> i sleep in around reagan t-shirt. okay? bill: immigration is front and center. congress gets back to work today. the white house is defending the move on immigration. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to "america's newsroom." good morning, martha. martha: i'm martha maccallum. busy morning. we take to you live pictures as everybody gets ready to roll. jeh johnson the homeland security chief. he will claim it's just a common
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sense approach. bill: chris stirewalt, good morning to you. he will likely argue what? >> that it's no big deal. nothing to see here, doesn't matter, this is just a slight tweaking in the enforcement of the law. however, that's not what he hear from other parts of the administration. especially when we heard president obama tell protesters that they changed the law. when they talk to activists and potentially hispanic voters. they are talking out of both sides of their mouth because secretary johnson says no big deal at all. bill: they will get a chance to question johnson face to face. >> between now and the 11th of
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december when the emergency funding measure that keeps government open in the absence of a budget, the issue of immigration and this spending package are totally connected. the republican means by which they hope they can turn back the president on this temporary amnesty he has granted is by cutting off funding or putting in riders into legislation that would instruct government how to spend the money or how not to spend the money. john boehner thinks he has a way to convince his fellow republicans they have a way to do that without a government shutdown before christmas. bill: you say johnson can't afford to give away too much. >> the secret of congressional testimony is to talk a lot and say nothing.
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today he knows everything the says is likely to end up in the transcript of a court case when the eventual litigation takes place and it will be lit ghaitd court of public opinion when americans decide did the president break the law or change the law on his own or was it no big deal. bill: chris stirewalt there. thank you. martha: you have you have got the immigration debate starting to heat up. what is ahead for the republican party. what are they going to do. the house the judiciary committee will have a big hearing on this this afternoon. we will talk to the committee chairman bob goodlatte about what he hopes to learn about that. >> a new majority, what is your expectation of the republicans in congress. will they succeed or will they
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fail? send us a tweet @billhemmer or @marthamaccallum. martha: president obama wading into the situation in ferguson in a very big way. this is the scene yesterday at the white thousands one week after the grand jury decision the president proposing a $260 million spending package that would cover a lot of thing including police body camera and what he sees is a need for expanded police training. mike tobin live in ferguson, missouri. the ferguson commission began meeting to help the community recover from this. >> reporter: that 16-member panel or commission appointed by the governor held its first meeting yesterday. it started off slow in an effort
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to be slow and progress to a total meltdown as protesters shouted down the panelists. [shouting] >> reporter: one black teenager stood up and said darren wilson did his job. he got the shotdown from the audience. the goal of this panel is to recommend change to the governor. martha: what was the situation out on the streets in ferguson last night? >> reporter: really calm. the demonstrations never material. >> id. the police are going off the 12-hour shifts and going back to their normal shifts. bill there are investigators in
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wet virginia combing three different shooting scenes. police say they fount hunt's body in a wooded area last night. no word on a motive in that. west virginia. martha: police in utah say they have arrested a high school student with a laded begun at school. it happened in plains city north of salt lake. a classmate said she saw the suspect with a gun tucked into his pants. the officer and school staff tracked hip down in class and found that loaded gun in his wait band. officers say -- in his waist band. officers say his target was a girl he had a relationship with. >> his intent was to come to the school and shoot a certain student and then shook in the
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rest of the school. martha: the campus was locked down for three hours as police stood guard on the roof. police say the suspect was acting alone. bill report wife and son of the terrorist group leader stopped at border with syria using fake i am d.s. was this part of an operation or was it simply luck. >> this was part of an intelligence operation in coordination with coordination with other foreign intelligence agencies. we still don't know much about the woman and her son and in particular why he tried to get into lebanon. but she is believed to be one of the wives of isis leader al-baghdadi.
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al-baghdadi was injured and possibly killed during a u.s.-led coalition airstrike. bill: could the woman have ties to isis, militants operating in lebanon? >> isis militants have been actively recruiting in lebanon. remember knees military as we know and as we have been reporting has been fighting to keep isis away from its border and it's investigating claims that isis has remember knees soldiers hostage. -- has remember knee -- has les held hostage. this could possibly whatever the case, be a big break in the hunt for al-baghdadi. bill: we'll see where it goes, 9
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minutes past. martha: republicans are looking for ways to block the president's executive action on immigration. bill: there is fallout for bill cosby over allegations of sexual assault. we'll tell you the job he's forced to give up. martha: will he or won't he? big question when it comes to the former governor of florida, jeb bush. what has he just signaled when we come back. >> it's a big sacrifice because it's an ugly business. there is a level under which i would never subjegate my family. family. that makes our lives possible.
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martha: there is new fallout for bill cosby over the sexual assault allegations. allegations. he has stepped down from temple university. he has strongly denied any wrongdoing. he said he always wanted to do tbhaments best interests of temple university. the board accepted his resignation and thanked him for his service to the school. bill: the homeland security secretary defending the
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president's move on immigration a common sense approach. a republican senator john mccain out of arizona. welcome to america's newsroom. good morning to you. you are firmly against the executive action on immigration. given that, what can republicans do about it? >> i think there is a number of things we can do. first of all get our border secure. and we can act, we know how to do that. it will were some expenditures. second of tall change the 2008 law that allow children to come here and basically stay. treat children from the central american countriesed the same way we do to children who come from mexico. that means ned deportation. if they have a case for asylum increase our capacity at our
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embassies and consulates in those countries. make sure none of these granted this amnesty are eligible for any government-funded program. the president said he talked about people who are not costing the taxpayers a dollar. let's make sure they are not eligible for food stamps or medicare or any of the other programs that are taxpayer funded. and finally we have to look at this whole situation in ways that we can defund certain aspects of this program. i'm an advocate of immigration reform, but not this way. bill: you want to go after the funding. you can support that. >> go after the money, especially taxpayer funded program, is is preciously program that a -- especially
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programs that allow people who come here illegally to receive funding. i know our borders are not secure and i know these children who show up have to be immediately flown back to the country they came from. bill: jeh johnson testifying right now said the same thing. the president alluded to that in the past. he knows that's a possibility. >> these children that are coming up and young people coming up across our taken by these coyotes, there are human rights violations. young women are being raped. children are falling off trains. where is the humanitarian aspect of this administration that worries about what happens to these children while they are under the custody of the most horrible people in the world, coyotes and drug dealers. there has to be a security bordered and we can do it with
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technology. bill: do you expect that to come from a new majority? >> i expect to us work on it and i expect to us get it done. because the people of my state deserve it. they are tired of having people come across their property at night. bill: would the president sign that or support it? >> i have no idea. but i know what the american people want and i know what the people of arizona wants. we can do a broad array of actions to restore our border were security and stop the influx of people illegally and not spend any taxpayer dollars on any program that would benefit people near this country illegally. bill: congress is open today for nine days before the christmas break. do you expect a government shutdown? >> i do not expect that because i don't believe most of us believe that's a viable action.
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i think we have a rifle shot, not a meat ax. we need to rifle shot these programs to keep from a government shutdown. we shouldn't shut down the government. but there are certain things we shouldn't compromise on. tough decisions will be made in the next few days. bill: when you move to the new year, do you expect the new republican majority in congress to succeed or fail? >> i'm absolutely convinced that our lesson from this last election that they want to us govern southern we'll govern and we'll have a positive agenda. if the president wants to veto the results of that positive agenda he can. but we'll be coming forward with progressive and productive legislation to send to the president of the united states. that way we can elect a republican president in 2016. bill: final topic, secretary of
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defense. we need one and we need a good one. do you think senator lieberman would get the job? >> i don't think so but he would be great. this president tomorrow wants yemen. all the decisions are being made d only wants yes men. '. they would not select him because they don't want any independence. if i were joe i would be wondering how much influence i would have, his three predecessors have complained bitterly about the tight management from the circle around the president in the white house. bill: would you support them? >> i think he's a good guy. i just hope that he realized if he takes the job he will not
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have influence just as his three predecessors didn't on national security policy. as long as he understands that, so be it. bill: what about you? >> it would be a cold day in jirks h --cold kay in hila bend. my friend. martha: he has been on the bench all season. but today vikings start adrian peterson gets to make his case to the nfl. could he end up back on the field despite allegations of child abuse? >> i seen what was happening. a guy running with a skateboard in his hand. there were six or seven cops.
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bill: a suspect driving a stolen bmw gets caught in heavy traffic. slams into the back of another car. that's when he decides to jump out and make a dash for it. his next vehicle of choice, a skateboard. why not? makes it half a block before running again. a few seconds later he's back in traffic cornered by a pickup truck. the guy in the pickup truck is in a reality tv show and becomes a reality tv star. all righty. the last piece of the senate
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puzzle will be decided saturday. the candidate for senate, louisiana, went to to to, democratic incumbent mary land dralandrieu trying to hang on to her spot in the senate. good morning, john. >> reporter: polls suggest this could well be senator landrieu' last campaign for the that. last night congress man bill cassidy continued to press the point that a vote for senator landrieu was a vote for the continuation of president obama's policies. he argued the president has gone rogue ignoring the results of the elect and the best way to rain hip in is to increase the majority. >> if you want a senator who
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will work to repeal and replace obamacare, who will create a culture of life and defend your second amendment rights, vote for bill cassidy. >> reporter: senator landrieu is throwing another hail mary attempting to raise suspicion about cassidy's part-time work at lsu's medical school, suggesting he's getting paid for work he didn't do. >> my opponent has spent 8 months hiding from the voter and will not submit record of his double dipping from a public hospital. he will be fighting more than president obama. he will be fighting subpoenas because this will be under investigation. >> reporter: senator landrieu is trying to rally
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african-american voters by accusing cassidy of being disrespectful to the president. martha: is there any indication that's sticking with voters? >> reporter: lsu said it will review its part time arrangement with cassidy. though his supervisor said there is no problem with it. but i's facing a seasoned poll division her back against the wall and that's a wildcard. bill: fbi investigating a hollywood hack attack. a movie studio's computers knocked offline. while some believe north korea is behind that breach. martha: can the republicans take the white house in 2016. the former governor jeb bush weighing in on what it would take for him to rub. we'll talk 201 coming up. >> i kind of know how a
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bill: international monitors in eastern ukraine say government troops and russian-backed separatists have agreed to a ceasefire. from hawaii, a village cut off by lava, a highway is now open. there have been multiple break glowts recent weeks. police in haiti on the hunt for three dozen prisoners break out of jail by sawing through steel bars. all three guards overnight have been detained on suspicious of an inside job. martha: former florida governor jeb bush not ruling it out and
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thinking long and hard about tossing his hat into the ring in 2016. he opened up a little bit about his thought process and what it would take for him to run and for any republican to win the white house. >> i'm thinking of running for president. i'll make up my mind in short order. perhaps more important, can do it wrtd sacrifice for my family is tolerable. every person who runs for office at any level, it's a big sacrifice. it's a pretty ugly business. i'm not saying w we woe is me. i know how a republican can win and it has to be' more uplifting and positive. martha: let's read the tea
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leaves from mr. bush. doug schoen and rich lour rich e both fox news contributors. march he said i don't want to get into the mud and i don't want my family to go through that. what do you think, rich? >> i think no. let me tell you, rand paul, ted cruz, these guys aren't sitting around examining their bellies to see if there is fire to run for president. it will be a brutal process for anyone, especially jeb bush. if he has an illusion he will be able to float about of. he's fooling himself. martha: the question has to be who is a winning candidate. when you look at the guys you just mentioned and you look at jeb bush, a primary is different from a general election.
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who do you think would win. >> jeb would be in a strong place. you look at the candidates who have won traditionally in the republican ma'am nation battles, even though they have support. jeb has been out of the process the entire obama years. he hasn't been part of the epoch of politics. he will be the one guy who will have a target on his back from the rest of the candidates. martha: i don't know if he has the appetite for fighting it from his own words. what do you think of jeb bush? >> i agree with rich. when you hear a candidate this close to the decision day vacillating, it tends to be a sign they havesevere diewnts probably won't run. from what i heard from insiders
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close to him there is a much greater likelihood he runs now rather than six months sea go. but if i had to vote i would vote with rich. martha: duval patrick says he thinks the inevitabilityty of hillary clinton is a turnoff to voters. that brought plea back to president obama's statement. i am not sure hilly is associated with a new car smell. >> there are two things lining up here with the democratic process. it's so rail to have a non-incumbent in such a powerful position going into a nomination battle. this presumptive nominee is out of step and out of spirit with the drift of the democratic party to the left in a more populist direction and she is establishment connected to big money.
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it's a mismatch. martha: are they hoping there will be someone else they can get behind? >> clearly the president made it clear by word and deed he would not be disafound it someone else other than elizabeth warren ran for president and rich is correct. there is a huge sentence mayor case an unfair society and we need fund amount at redistribution of income which is not the position bill clinton or hillary clinton have taken. politics abhors a vacuum when there is an ideological or political vacuum someone else steps in. elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, jim web become a credible candidate. martha: does that have an
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impact? >> he can be an important player in the senate but he wasn't going to win the republican nomination. martha: does that change the dynamic of who scott walker -- >> he would have to sock pie the establishment space taken up by scott wearing or chris christie. >> i see him getting into this race and saying i was right, president obama was wrong and i think we are looking at a hillary-myt-mittt race. he had a shot, it didn't work. there is a bounty of talented republican candidates out there who are fresh faces, the party should be looking to them. martha: there was a "wall street
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journal" ceo's poll. 70% of them said they would like to see jeb bush run. >> i think it's not helpful. republican primary voters tend to be against anybody who has ever proposed a thanks increase, anyone who has ever talked about a pathway to citizenship on immigration. jeb bush i think is a great guy but he's not a great guy ideologically for the conservatives voting in the republican primary. bill: how about that. schoen is on record saying hillary versus mittt. the fbi wants to know who is responsible for a major cyber attack at sony pictures. one suspect. north korea.
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retaliation for a comedy about the assassination its leader. >> reporter: one attack was internal. a skeleton appeared on the sony pictures computers that caused the first problem. a small message claimed they had been hacked by the gop, guardians of peace. five sony picturing that weren't yet released out for to us watch in movie theaters were shared on some of the unauthorized file sharing web sites including the upcoming movie "annie," "mr. turner" and "to write love on her arm." other internal systems were knocked off line. hacked. the fbi may be investigating all this. the seth rogen, james franco comedy "the interview."
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they are recruited by the cia to assassinate him. north korea denounced that movie calling it an act of war. this hack could be just the beginning for sony. >> if somebody wants to get their foot in the door by attacking an end point that is less secured, then they try to break tennessee systems closer to the core it infrastructure of a organization like sony. >> reporter: they released 17 of the company executives who make $1 million putting that information online which you know can cause internal problems. the fbi is warn being a bigger attack? >> reporter: any time you have a copy like this suffer an attack internal or external. there is a flash warning that goes out. this happened to a number of
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companies. basicalli' warning them about malware. you get a virus on yr computer at home. the same idea but a much larger scale. it's not the first major cyber attack against sony. and it's not the first cyber attack against an american organize based in the u.s. at least. they hopscotch around when they do these attacks. bill: movies are one thing, your personal information another thing. martha: let's go to wall street's opening bell. take a look at the opening action on wall street. up 43 points. 17,823. investors reacting to falling oil prices. that gives a break at the pump as well.
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prices down 40 cents a gal from the same time last year. which leaves you with leftover money for christmas presents. we'll see. i think they are expected to be fairly solid in the end. bill $2.76 in ohio over the weekend. martha: i like that. bill: iran said to be hitting isis inside iraqi tear. is that true? and if so why would washington be working with tehran in that way? martha: a football star make his case to the nfl after pleading no contest to hitting his son with a switch.
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bill: there are reports of iranian jets crossing into syria crossing into iraq to bomb in that country. do you believe this? >> i don't think you can conclude from these reports that there is cooperation between iran and the united states on these attacks on isis. the obama administration would love to see it because of their larger desire to conclude a deal with iran on the nuclear weapons program. the targets that the iranian jets are attacking are in the northeastern parts of iraq, far away from where we are striking isis in western iraq and syria. it's possible our military is watching them, keeping a close eye on them but not the actually
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coordinating. i. it could be coming in a variety of ways. the government of baghdad saying i remember earlier military actions in the gulf, israel asked for deacon application codes so they could in the air with us at the same time. we wouldn't give those codes to israel. if we are deacon applicant with iran that would be big news. >> i think against an ebola anyn enemy that doesn't have good air defense. no match for us but the iranians are showing they can still get up in the air. in the western part of syria they are talking about a no-fly
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zone, a safe zone that the obama administration would use jets out of turkey. >> we want to use turkish airstrikes. turkey is a nato ally. the turks would like to see us get more involved against the assad regime and it's one of the complications being in a struggle foreign to the way americans look at this military conflict. there are more than two sides. there are multiple sides. it's one of the reasons the obama administration has not developed a strategy. it looks like it's close and it would be a help to us in struggle against isis. bill: there are rumors ash carter could be the next secretary of defense. if it does happen, are you a fan? >> not particularly. he's been on the list that the
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great mentioner has mentioned since chuck hagel was fired. i think he would have to pass the litmus test of being a yes man for the leadership. three secretaries of defense in the last 5 and a half years? >> i think you can't do what's necessary to have adequate planning and budgeting and weapons procurement and the rest of it when you have that kind of turnover. bill: john bolton, thank you, sir. we'll see you n very soon. martha: president obama taking a stand in the wake of the ferguson grand jury decision pledging millions of tax dollars to tackle what he calls a simmering distrust between police and minority communities. there is al sharpton and joe
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biden. deblasio, the whole gang was there. what did they talk about? plus this ... bill: a free con expert in times square. some big name rock stars saving the day for u2's front man bo no -- bono. martha: how come springsteen doesn't fill in for you when you are out. bill: i think he would say yes to your invitation. n average ad. but there's a better choice. drink more brita water. clean, refreshing, brita. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time.
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getting combative. he's defending himself against charges he caused the wreck abandoning his ship, causing passengers to die. 32 people were killed. five of the captain's colleagues have already pled guilty in that case. martha: adrian peterson appealing his punishment after using a tree branch to punish his son. what are peterson's chances? >> reporter: legal experts tell us it's going to be a pretty tough road for adrian peterson. remember he was initially suspended with pay when he was first charged with child abuse. then he pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor assault charge
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airport was at that point that nf there commissioner roger goodell change thed the suspension to be -- changed the the you springs without pay to april 16. legal experts would tell us it would be hard for peterson to thrarg wasn't a reason given the circumstances with that plea. >> i think he has a less than 50-50 chance of winning his case. he may have the ability to slightly shorten his penalty, maybe find that commissioner could tack some of the time was suspended back or couple with a different remedy but i don't think the arbitrator will rule against the commissioner. >> reporter: we are told that this hearing should last probably a couple of days. then a decision within the next two weeks. martha: the commissioner lost out in the ray rice situation. he kind of needs a win here,
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does he not? >> reporter: certainly for the nfl's reputation and the reputation and credibility of the commissioner roger goodell himself, he does indeed need a win here. remember he lost the ray rice appeal hearing. that decision being announced last week, and ray rice being reinstated against roger goodell's wishes obviously. so certainly roger goodell himself would like a victory in this one, martha. bill: congress is back at work. lawmakers starting a hearing on the terror threat from isis in a matter of moments. what can we expect from that war in a moment. martha: the taliban intensifying attacks. are taliban fight trs regrouping and making a comeback? when the game's on the line. hit him with a hard count, see if they'll tip their hand. the nfl trusts duracell quantum to their game day communication.
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martha: fox news alert. the threat of isis taking center stage on capitol hill. you have a house foreign affairs committee holding a hearing on whether the strategy is working to try to defeat them. i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. a critical question. for months the u.s. and a coalition of countries have been launching airstrikes against isis in iraq. top officials testify about how effective those efforts have been. catherine herridge is live in washington on this. >> reporter: turkey and homeland security agents released agents to work with turks on the border to block the flight of.
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a separate committee in the house launched an investigation into the foreign fighter crisis in what is now described as a fast track into syria and iraq. >> we know turkey is a super highway for jihad its with great ease of travel from iraq and syria through turkey, then into western europe and possibly the united states. i think that's what we are trying to stoppal all costs from happening. >> reporter: publicly available data suggests 15,000 foreign fighters in iraq. they come from visa waiver countries. that means they do not need a visa to enter the u.s. the rising quoted figure of 100 american is seen in counter-terrorism circles as extremely conservative. while the intelligence community is zeroing in on the executioner
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who speaks with a northern accent. they are confirming the identities of two other americans who traveled to iraq. one is a california woman and based on her social media postings she married an isis fighter. bill: thanks, in washington. >> reporter: president obama posting a new program to help local police department nationwide buy body cameras. the uproar that has happened nationwide after ferguson. >> we'll be signing an executive order that specify how that program is accountable, transparent and we'll make sure we are not building a military.
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>> id culture inside our local law enforcement. martha: what do you think about all that? jonah goldberg, senior editor of "the national review" and fox news contributor. there was focus on the militarization of police forces and the retaining of police officers across the country. what did you think about the president? >> it strikes me as a lot of window dressing. first of all, there is a proposition going back to socrates or plato, saying anything al sharpton is involved in can't be entirely good. but beyond that the militarization of police forces is a real issue. a lot of these towns have their own s.w.a.t. teams. but it wasn't an issue in ferguson and on 4 per of the stuff that comes from this pentagon program actually end up in terms of military equipment. most of it is office supplies.
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mor. -- moreover, they are talk about the $263 mill for body cameras. but he's got to get that funded by congress. he can pledge all he likes but he has to get it through congress. martha: what is the real outcome of ferguson? eric holder talked about how he sees it as well. >> i will announce updated justice department guidance regarding profiling by federal law enforcement. this will institute rigorous new standard and robust safeguard to help end racial profiling once and for all. martha: i look at this issue and you see how divisive all of it has been.
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and it looks like race relations have deteriorated in the wake of all of this. and i wonder what role president obama and eric holder could have played and how instrumental it might have been if president obama had gone there and stood in front of some of those destroyed businesses and talked about bringing people together in this. instead of pointing the finger of blame largely, he didn't completely toward the police. >> in many ways eric holder gets to stay a lot of the things obama can say, but may perhaps want to. again, just on this window dressing thing. when eric holder is talking about, racial profiling by the federal government which is already illegal by the bush administration and has nothing to do with what happened in ferguson. he didn't racially profile brown. he fit the description and saw him with goods he stole from a
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convenience store. a lot of this is a distraction. this is not a federal issue. in terms of race relations generally, i think this whole episode is tragic. it does expose real issues. people can say these black communities are irrational for distrusting cops. moreover it doesn't solve the problem because they distrust cops and poor communities, minority communities needs as much as anybody else. so in terms of whether obama could have come in and fixed all this, i think one of the reasons we are in the mess we are in, we had too high expectations of what obama could do on race to begin with. the idea he could parachute in and placate both sides of this i think is beyond his capability, and probably may have caused more harm and good. martha: i would imagine he made the same assessment jonah because he didn't go and he said about going. it's always an important
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decision when presidents decide to put themselves in the middle of a situation. but i think people will look back at this presidency and wonder if there could have been more done to bring both sides together or whether it has served to actually divide both sides more dramatically. >> i agree with that. all this talk about an honest conversation. we hear it from obama and holder. it's always a one-sided conversation. the activists get to say anything they want. and anybody who disagrees or pushes back is called a racist. that's not an honest conversation. that's a lecture. bill: if we don't get a new spending bill we may be looking at another government shutdown. mike emanuel is on capitol hill. >> we expect to hear from house
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gop leaders after their meeting with republican members. the republican strategy in the house seems to be funding the vast majority of government through the end of the fiscal year thought it would only pay for immigration related activities for a couple months into the new year. i talked to a house have you can about why he likes that plan. >> the american people believe their voice was bypassed when the president took the action he did on immigration. for to us do something short term that allows to us address tonight a reasonable way during the lame duck or address tonight january-february of next year is what the american people are looking for. reporter: i'm hearing the plan seems to be voting on that government funding plan next week based on support. bill: what are democrats saying? >> they are opposed to cutting immigration activities out of the government proposal. they say that's not the way to
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run a business or government. i talked to a leading in the shoes democrat tools why he's opposed. >> it's important we provide stability and certainty to the government and the country. if you try to do spending opening a month to month basis it creates all sort of uncertainty. >> reporter: that's just what the state of play is in the house of representatives. you have also got the senate which is still controlled for a few more weeks by harry reid, the democrat. it's unclear anything that passes the house, will it pass in the senate? bill: toaferltd ends of the next week you have got a deadline. we'll see. martha: got to pay for the government. illegal immigration and the president's decisions about all of this are a hot topic on the hill today as we have been telling you this morning. did the president's executive order go too far? a hearing on that topic is set
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later today. plus there is this. bill: that's just part of the outrage in the streets. violent protests break out over the disappearance of dozens of college students. we'll tell you what's happening there. martha: a warning for republicans if they do allow the government some to shut down. mr. it be a disaster for them? lou dobbs joins us next. >> i understand the spent-up anger and rage over the president's unconstitutional action. but the cure for that is to go see a psychiatrist, not vote in the congress and shut down the government.
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bill: violent protests in mexico city after a peaceful demonstration over 43 missing college students. and lot of those demonstrators wore masks and shattered store front and threw gasoline bombs. there were thousands of protesters that gathered at a mexican capital demanding answers about the students who vanished while in police custody a few weeks ago. martha: president obama's order on immigration facing resistance
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in the house. virginia congressman bob goodlatte is the chair of that committee. >> good to be with you and your viewers. i think we'll hear from several constitutional scholars about the unconstitutionality of the president's actions. i don't think that will surprise a lot of people because the president himself has been recorded numerous occasions saying that he didn't have the authority to take the actions he ultimately took. but we'll get into the details of that. the basis for the president's actions and why the scholars think those actions are not constitutional. i happen to agree with them. that will lay the predicate for further legal action to be taken. this is a multi pronged approach. we are looking at using the power of the purse. we are looking at legislation and litigation and the senate has additional tools when they come into the majority in
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january. we'll not take this lying down. it may be one of the largest unconstitutional power grabs leaving beside the specifics of the immigration issue. the actual action itself infringing on the congress' power can't go unanswered. martha: the president who was a constitutional law professor disagrees with you. one of the aspects you are going to try to pursue here is it's unlawful for the president to pick and choose who gets legal status and who doesn't. tell me more about that plan. >> we are in the process of work on legislation that will be produced and take be up very soon. while leave it to the leadership to make the announcement of the specifics but it would reassert the congress' authority in this area and make it clear the thousands of representatives does not believe the president has the authority and it will
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also lay the predicate for since i'm assuming that senator harry reid is not looking to take up this measure, he says he supports the president's action, a new senate will be able to join us in this type of measure in the new congress. martha: there is a couple way to the get at this for your side and one is the legality issue of it. i know the white house believes they have prosecutorial discretion to extend the process by which they would not bring people in and interrogate them and press charges. they would look the other way and defer that action. i know you disagree with that. the other way is the power of the purse and to cut off the funding that would be required for this program. which do you think will be the more successful route for you. >> they are all important and we should pursue all of them. quite frankly i think a challenge in the courts under this will be successful because
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prosecutorial discretion is intended to give prosecutors discretion with that tough case. here the president is using the exception to swallow the law. when you give legal status to five mill people, that simply is not what's intended by the term with prosecutorial discretion." martha: isn't that essentially what we are doing? there are 11 million people here who are not being prosecuted for anything. their argument is this will bring them out of the shadows and identify them. that's their argument. what's wrong with that? >> there is a lot wrong with it. the constitution under article one says all legislative power reside in the congress of the united states. when you have prosecutorial discretion and say i'm not going to enforce a major aspect of this law affecting half of the people here illegally what many
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to stop any president from saying i'm not going to enforce any law? what's to stop a president saying i'm not going to enforce a law related to capital gains taxes or social security laws. there is a clear division of powers and it's a serious constitutional issue regarding constitutional powers. martha: i want to get a sense what you expect to accomplish the near term before january and before the new members come to capitol hill. what you think is possible during that time period and what you want to wait on and start to do after you have got that majority. >> i think we should begin the process now. we should not wait. to the extent we can use the power of the purse successfully now we should do that. that's ongoing with the appropriations committee. we should be laying the ground work for a legal challenge to this. and we should be looking at what we can do legislatively now ebb if it can't pass the current
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senate. we want to look at things that could past a you are in senate to tie the president's hand and make it clear the congress has the authority and the president does not. he put the cart before the horse and we need to challenge that. martha: thank you very much. good to see you. martha: a simple and controversial hand gesture and the police want an apology. what are the facts as we know them. we'll debate it. plus there is this. >> santa is replacing his workshop elves. every year robots, mccallum. the elves are gone. this could be your job. but you might get it faster. introducing the new philips norelco shaver series 9000
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shyou see this right? it's 80% confidence and 64% knee brace. that's more... shh... i know that's more than 100%. but that's what winners give. now bicycle kick your old 401(k) into an ira. i know, i know. listen, just get td ameritrade's rollover consultants on the horn. they'll guide you through the whole process. it's simple. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need.
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martha: it is the march of the amazon robots at the famous nutcracker suite isil they are filling your holiday shopping orders. 15,000 of them at their warehouses. amazon says and let them add more inventory because i don't see a lot of space to move and save a lot of time so packers do not have to go searching for items. that is amazing. bill: that is our future, kids area did avoiding a government
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shutdown is one of the first things the congress has to tackle. a government shutdown would be a complete disaster for republicans blame here. >> republicans are finally had of democrats in the polls about who do you favor. this is the worst time to blow it. i understand the pent-up anger and the rage over constitutional action, but go see a psychiatrist. not to shut down the government. bill: lou dobbs from the fox business network for analysis. nice to see you. >> i am there he joined site drdoctor. back rarely wrong about anythin. this is not one of those rare
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occasions that he is taking up a line really the favorite of the left right now and the democratic party. they want to talk as much about shut down as possible. congresswoman marsha blackburn. there is not going to be a shutdown. they understand something quite different than october of last year when republicans got into all of that troubled did it didn't affect the outcome of the election. once they were desperate in 2013, they are sitting on top of the hill and are going to play power politics. bill: don't blow it. we are asking today online with a new majority will they succeed or will they fail?
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>> first of all i think there are bound to succeed unless as trials suggest not see a psychiatrist and do some serious inner exploration. the reality is we have a president who needs to be visiting a psychiatrist, not republican leadership. maybe they should all take a little counsel, i'd don't know. he is taking imperial presidency to levels and to depths not imagined. this is a presidency that borders on the sword or even some. republicans have in my judgment manifest as a constitutional responsibility to put in place limits for this president and they must be set soon. when their majority walks on to the hell and in the
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house, mr. obama will have to work like a responsible adult. bill: got you covered. don't miss lou dobbs on the fox business network. what about you? martha: hello, dr. dobbs area did weather have been a series of attacks raising new concerns of the resurgence in the taliban. are they making a comeback? bill: we have heard from ray rice coming clean of the incident that has sparked a firestorm of controversy. what he says about his future in the nfl and the future of his relationship. >> my wife is an angel, she can do no wrong.
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>> there are some new concerns about the taliban and after an update and violence the afghanistan. at least 12 high-profile attacks in the capital city in the last two weeks, top u.s. monterey commanders insist any kind of a resurgence is not true. national security correspondent joins us live from the pentagon. what is the embassy saying about these recent attacks? >> the taliban has been targeting foreigners in the capital in the last three weeks. many a groups are urging the workers to leave the country over the christmas holiday. canadian embassy issued the following advisory. if you are already in afghanistan, you should leave, threats to foreigners including canadians from terrorist and criminal violence is incredibly high. i high-profile attack on a california-based charity
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partnership in academics and development over the weekend left three south africans, father and his son and daughter dead, tell then accuse him of being christian missionaries, the mother also south african decided to remain in defiance of the attempt to frighten international aid workers. so far this year 36 aid workers have been killed in afghanistan, 95 wounded. martha. martha: could be attacks been linked to a nato meeting going on in brussels? in london? >> you are right, two days eight conference coming up and yes, curly up take an attack on foreigners strategically timed by the taliban to discourage international groups from a can look like the taliban insurgents are pushing the u.s. and nato allies out of afghanistan. the overall numbers of attacks don't support the notion of a taliban resurgence. here is the press secretary talking about u.s. plans to draw
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down by the end of the year. >> we are on track to get down to the prescribed level of forces of about 10,000 by the end of this month. >> no at 22 it is as in iraq, wesley president obama reversed a ban on airstrikes in afghanistan to allow u.s. forces to keep pressure on the taliban as the u.s. reorganizes the mission. martha. martha: thank you very much. bill: four-star general for fox news military analyst, good morning to you be at you saw this coming, didn't you? >> pretty much. i did a bunch of them, we predicted we were going to have major problems with the network
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because we were never able to apply the surge forces. did not give the full number of forces and over the objections pulled them out early. able to secure secure and stabilize the south but not the east. we were leaving a major problem here for the national security forces as we were never able to root it out the way we wanted to. bill: civilian deaths up 17% in 2014 alone. now the capital city has become the frontline. two weeks ago the president said combat forces will stay there another year. what happened? >> the issue we have here is much worse than in iraq in the sense this is an arbitrary decision to pull out forces having nothing to do with conditions on the ground. civilian deaths going up because the focus is on the city and
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other major towns and villages. one of the things we strongly recommended is that the advantage they county network has is a sanctuary in pakistan not too far away from the afghan border, and out of that they plan to oversee, train and receive intelligence from the military. we believe they should be targeted much like al qaeda and disrupt these activities which would push this organization back. it would be very disruptive to put them on the defensive. that has never been approved by the white house. it is not going to change. what i see happening here is this presidency is going to end in 2016 and he is going to turn over to his successor a major challenge in iraq and syria and
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deteriorating condition in afghanistan and i hate to see it happening but i think that is exactly what is going to be. bill: thank you, sir. martha: ray rice helping to get a second chance at the nfl. former ravens running back and his wife back for part two: on the interview this morning. now the lifetime ban has been lifted, overturned. rice is explaining what he thinks it would take for another team and fans to give him another chance. >> they would have to be willing to look deeper into who i am and realize me and my wife had one bad night and i took full responsibility for it and one thing about my punishment, i have accepted it, i went forward with it, and never complained, i
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never did anything like that, i took full responsibility and the only thing i can hope for is a second chance. martha: the question comes for him professionally will he get it. the family is giving him a second chance, a very difficult thing to watch. he would like another shot. do you think he will get it? bill: not this year i don't think. next year if he is in shape and wants to play. you start to see why perhaps this was so overlooked in the beginning because it's reputation was this is a really good guy and a likable guy. that is what everybody started to assume the story was at least initially. >> the problem is the video. and you ask yourself is this the way a few runs husband, can you
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overcome that? i don't know. personally they're going to try and i wish them well in that effort, but it is a tough video that has been a major story for them. bill: we waste to see what happens on this, a gesture out of ferguson for the st. louis rams, democratic lawmakers on capitol hill, what does that mean if the facts suggest otherwise. we will debate, plus this. martha: superstars jumped into take a claim.
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bill: one of the major headlines is what republicans will do next and effective action taken by the president regarding immigration. john boehner moments ago said this area did >> his decision to take action on immigration an act he himself says exceeded his authority makes it harder for the machen people and representatives to trust his words on any issue, before things giving republicans for the fight of unilateral action looking at a variety of options right now and when republicans control both houses of congress next year. we will continue to discuss with members a number of options in terms of how we will deal with this in consultation again with members and no decisions have been made at this point.
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bill: one word he used, trust. trust hangs the balance between members of congress and the white house. 17 minutes now. martha: st. louis police and the rams and over an apology. the rams say there was no apology. police chief saying the rams official had apologized for this gesture that was done by five players the other night before sunday's game. they regret the officers actions but did not apologize for his players good meanwhile three lawmakers on capitol hill with the same thing on the floor of the house, all of this despite no credible grand jury evidence michael brown had that moment hands up surrendering moment when officer darren wilson shot him.
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talk show host and news contributor. radio show host as well. this is what is disturbing about these images because people need honesty in order to get to the truth to mend the broken relationship that exist because of all this and can we do that if we are perpetuating a moment according to the grand jury and the testimony they heard did not happen. >> both the rams players and levers of congress have the right to express their first minute right and freedom of expression whether we like it or not. i don't like it when people protest the actions of the president, but that is what it is about. martha: does it serve anyone to perpetuate that motion if it didn't happen.
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who is supported by that? >> this is a community devastated they will not come down with an indictment. reading through the 2000 pages of this, indicating mike brown had his hands up, even darren wilson's testimony indicated he had his hands up to thwart him. there is nuance that comes whether or not he had his hands up. martha: many said they were not sure if they remember it that way. >> i have read most of this. >> a number of them recanted it, they found not even any reason to indict, much less push this forward to a trial. when you look at this situation and these images all over the media, football players and
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members of congress, are they helping to heal the wounds of what happened in ferguson with that motion, with that action? >> the hands up don't shoot was predicated on a lie put forth by johnson who was michael brown's accomplice in the robbery before the incident with the officer. if they want to make an ill-informed statements, that is fine. if the congress, original black caucus did not need the health carhealthcare bill and voted on, devoting time to this on a lame duck session, let's talk about hypocrisy, where is the outrage and protest after the 32-year-old bos bosnian man is beaten to death by three black teens and one hispanic teen 20 miles south of ferguson. we are supposed to believe that
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is not racially motivated. we are supposed to accept that was not racially motivated while at the same time as a society we should accept mike brown and wilson is simply a racial situation, where is the logic in that had false logic, a narrative that matters. >> is a complete and total false equivalence. whether or not he went to the convenience store to steal cigarettes are not doesn't matter. >> finish your thought. >> does not equate to a death sentence. my mother, your mother, to see four and half hours here, clearly is not level. that is what the protesters out there are saying. it is not level. there are a lot of protests.
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i will join you. at the end of the day these young people across the country come together, they want justice. it is about all of those individuals. bill: that is the point, we need the hands of gesture if he wants to heal what is going on you have to be honest with the circumstances of what happened and you do have to look at this bosnian man killed by three individuals on the streets who don't get the same kind of attention and we have to be honest with ourselves and that is what we are missing when we see this gesture and we expect it stands for everything that is going on and it doesn't. there is so much that needs to be said. >> we have a broken justice system whether we like it or not. has failed u failed us once,
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twice, three, four, five times. we can go on and on and talk about this, the hands up, don't shoot stands for fighting for justice for everybody and it is part of the constitution. you walk around it, don't allow these folks to have that ideal of putting their hands up, don't shoot. freedom of expression, what makes america a great country. bill: thank you, martha. here is jon scott. >> bay hearings on the move on immigration, homeland security, the sanitary will testify about the presidents executive order on immigration, plus as russia's doubles into recession, way means for the war in ukraine and a potential breakthrough in the battle against cancer. we will tell you all about it
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my nai'm a lineman for pg&e out of the concord service center. i have lived here pretty much my whole life. i have been married for twelve years. i have 3 kids. i love living here and i love working in my hometown. at pg&e we are always working to upgrade reliability to meet the demands of the customers. i'm there to do the safest job possible - not only for them, but everybody, myself included that lives in the community. i'm very proud to do the work that i do and say that i am a lineman for pg&e because it's my hometown. it's a rewarding feeling.
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don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. bill: a lot of states give tax incentives singing provides local jobs and local exposure. critics say it is not worth the price. live in l.a. now, where does a market research come down on this? >> studies in seven states show cost more than they recoup in taxes, yet in this game of giveaway, many state lawmakers like it for bringing hollywood to your town. "iron man 3" earned a billion dollars at the box office, disney one of the richest companies in the world received $20 million subsidy. allowing them to film in the tar heel state. >> these are highly profitable
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businesses that makes good money they don't need tax credit to stay alive, they don't need tax credits to create jobs. >> north carolina also gave "the hunger games" $14 million in tax credit, helping to pay the studio production expenses. including salaries of stars like jennifer lawrence. >> this is the shiny face that hides the fact this is taking money from regular working-class giving it to filthy rich people because it looks good. >> north carolina is ending the gravy turn including the hollywood handout is a waste. others increase subsidies hoping to steal jobs. >> production and production jobs are not running away from california, they are being lured away. but that stops today. >> california joins georgia and louisiana and increase
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incentives arguing unless they get free money, they will find another state that will. >> we hope to see return of a few budget films and a lot more in television, key employers and big spenders. >> state headed out $1.5 billion in tax breaks. city of l.a. will try to stop the bleeding today, bill, by waiving all fees to film here. hard to compete with the other states beating you at your own game. bill: thank you, los angeles. martha: a new fight against isis and eventually. breaking the search for the terrorist group leader. óqoqúúñ
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summer. the first comedy album in five decades to finish the top. i think this is coming from youtube. bill: well, you're congress is taking on immigration on this tuesday with homeland security chief jay johnson hot seat as the house, and security committee looking to president obama executive action to shield millions from deportation. welcome to "happening now." heather: committee chairman blessing the president's plans questioning his legal authority to issue executive order saying the move undermines the constitution encourages more people to cross our borders illegally. >> t
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