tv Red Eye FOX News December 4, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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control of the senate tomorrow night 7:00 p.m. eastern right here. good night from washington, d.c. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" how bad did gaffe me piven want to get to the parking lot before crasses let out? why some dads are probably sleeping a little easier tonight. plus, what did the president think of the first teaser trailer? >> it was impressive. the lasers were really cool. and finally, hot models. could they hold the key to unlocking the mystery of stonehenge? and how will we ever know if we don't ask them. it is the question every other show refuses to tackle. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> oh dear. now let's welcome our guests. she is as lit as the rom fell leer tree -- as a rockefeller
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tree on a cold night. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. and between his purple sweater and the look on his face, i guess it is a grim mass, it is andy levey. and sherrod small. he co-hosts and interrupts the pod cast "race wars." >> # red eye. hands up. i can't breathe. >> and sitting next to me, imus in the morning executive producer bernie mcgirk. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> was his lark way too dark? his trick a bit sick? internet prankster roman atwood posted a video titled "killing my own kid prank" in which he dupes his wife into thinking he accidentally threw their son off a balcony where it dies horribly.
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it dies. this prank has been viewed six million times on something called the youtube. >> whoa. >> he is ready to fight. he is ready to fight. would you please get us water. just a bottle? >> be really quiet. we are going to go so high. are you ready to fly, boy? tell me when. here we go. oh my gosh. >> i'm sorry. >> i hate you.
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why would you do that? >> just for fun. >> are you mad? >> i am mad. >> it is a dummy. >> you don't pretend to throw our kids off a [bleep] balcony. >> what? >> you are sleeping on the couch. >> if i hads a dollar every time i got that. >> later the family's cat tried to jump off the same balcony. >> that was no prank. i am saying the whole time this video is horrible. everybody in the studio is laughing. >> hilarious. >> the prank makes the mother think her child is dead. does that qualify as a prank? >> it it was transitory. >> it was hilarious. steve owens has nothing on this guy. the kid played along nicely too. props to the kid. >> the kid will grow up thinking it is okay to make your mother think you are dead.
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>> he got 6 million hits. that value validates everything he did. it doesn't matter how cruel it was. >> i think he deserves a different kind of hit. >> you ruined the prank, greg. >> why? >> he didn't kick the real kid off the balcony. do the real kid. make us laugh. i am a seasoned comedian. i need better stuff. >> you think that was not great? wait. you are a parent. >> it is great if you want your wife to bang your best friend. >> that is my point. there has to be a way that she is allowed retribution and it should be sleeping with a guy who is a better prankster. she has to have sex with steve-o. >> is he better or drunker? >> it doesn't matter. what would kill him the most is a peer having sex with her. that would be the perfect punishment. >> or you say, the kid ain't yours anyway. prank up. joanne, you are an actress, i imagine. do you think shea was in on it?
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are we being duped? >> i think we need to take into consideration that this may be a hoax. most of the videos we show on here are. if in fact the wife is in on it, then that makes this even worse. >> how so? >> you can't even trust a prankster. it is awful. the amount of thought that went into this, with every single camera angle and em assuming those were hidden cameras. and then finding a doll the size of your child, true costumes, the whole script. >> the mics worked perfectly. everybody is miked up. it is sad if it is a real prank because i am concerned for the welfare of the child. >> this is every bit as complex as the moon landing. >> we are having a little fun here. >> if somebody did that with your child you would not be -- >> tws a dummy. >> you love in a ranch home
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and you don't have to worry about a balcony. >> the wife chose that man to marry. >> this is my husband, the professional youtube prankster. >> women love a guy who is funny. if you make a girl laugh you are halfway up her leg. she a funny guy and that's why she married him i'm sure. >> homeless dude and had great jokes. nobody wanted him. >> you have to take care of your brother. >> he was white. why are you assuming he was black? >> i thought it was you. i thought they would say this man was me. >> andy, are you with me in that this is -- this prank is not a prank because you are actually trying to convince somebody they suffered a great loss? >> no, it is a prank if it is real. the way you can tell if this was a real prank or fake prank, is she still married to him? >> yeah. >> if she is, she is still married to him. you can't be married to
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someone who yoly have to say to you don't pretend to throw our kid off the balcony. that's not something you have to tell your spouse. >> i thought i knew you guys. just having a little fun here. >> i like pranks that illustrate a funny truth and not like ha, ha, your child is dead. >> you are right, greg and i like that we are leading the story off with a prank story instead of the people surrounding the building outside right now. there are tree lighters and protesters 55 deep off the curb, but we are talking about a prank. >> you know why? that's what "red eye" does. we are not like the rest. >> it is not "the five." >> can you imagine being married to a professional prankster? >> no, i can't. >> god. like you said, he set up all of those cameras and did all of that because that's what he does, a professional prank sister. prankster. that's your husband. you deal with that every day. you never know what is real and what is not. >> she is probably faking it all the time.
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>> do pranksters know what is real and what is no the? >> what if the prankster is the prankstee? >> i feel an adam sand leer movie. actually he is above that. >> jason bates. >> >> jason biggs. meaning a failure. >> somebody should throw him off the stairs. >> he makes adam levine look like adam levine. >> i'm sorry. he makes adam levine look like john ma a yer. >> you can hear that in his head somewhere. >> we have to move on. was it right not to indict? on wednesday a staten island grand jury -- >> here we go. >> didn't bring charges against a police officer in connection with the death of eric garner. the officer -- my old speech i'm impediment came back.
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>> how about the cop? >> the cop used an illegal chokehold on garner who was stalked in suspicion of selling cigarettes. in an interview taped prior to the actual announcement he defended the police. >> well, i think the cops were trying to arrest him and they got a little aggressive. when the cops are trying to arrest you, if you fight back, thens go wrong. things go wrong. i don't think they were trying to kill mr. garner. >> barkley also isn't backing down on his ferguson comment in which he called the looters scum bags. >> the notion that white cops are out there killing black people, that's ridiculous. that's flat out ridiculous. we have to look ourselves in the mirror. there is a reason they racially profile us at times. sometimes it is wrong, but sometimes it is right. so to sit there and act like we hold no ray responsibility -- no responsibility for some of this stuff, it is disingeneral wise.
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>> and he had more to say. >> to be burning people's property, burning police cars, looting people's stores, that's 100% ridiculous. >> you know what i would rather focus on? this. >> oh no! >> oh no! >> that's a birdie. >> the mother duck prank is a little one. >> i know you have been wanting to talk about this all night. so, bernie, what -- >> bernie? >> sherrod, okay. >> let's go in now, greg. i know you know it is wrong to do all of this over cigarettes. >> that's my thing. >> who is policing that? >> the injustice is that they have a inn -- a nanny state that created a law that created the scenario where a guy dies. it blows my mind. >> why are the police policing loosey cigarettes.
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does philip morris complain? >> it may have been a bodega. >> he was outside a beauty shop. >> maybe not then. >> it is harassment. stop busting balls for no reason and somebody would be alive right now. >> i think that guy was trying to break up a fight too, but he was selling cigarettes and that's against the law. what is that, bernie? >> first of all i think what charles barkley said was racist which explains why he spent his career with the wizards. they were selling loosies which is how i like my women folk. listen, it was because bloomburg put a tax on -- an -- exorbitant tax on loosies and so he has the blood on his hands if you ask me. whoa! >> you nailed it, bernie. >> we are becoming obsessed with safety and other people's behavior.
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this was an unnecessary tragedy because of that. do you agree or disagree? >> i think if you call cigarettes death sticks in assisted you start to understand why all of this happened. that's all i have. >> first of all, you said in the intro the chokehold was illegal. it is not illegal. it is against nypd policy. barkley's big thing is he says this wasn't homicide. well, it was homicide. the medical examiner said it was homicide. homicide does not necessarily mean murder. it can be lawful, but it was homicide. i assume he meant it wasn't murder. maybe it is not murder, but at the least it is manslaughter. i don't think the cop intended to kill him. i don't think anybody thinks the cop intended to kill him. >> go to trial and hear the evidence. >> absolutely. it should go to trial. >> i am absolutely shocked it
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went this way. it makes no sense to me. >> the thing is, there are a number of events in america that are very different, but this puts them together. here we go again. joanne, what do you make of this? >> he is trying to put his own reasoning on these things that have happened. but there is so much emotion and so much feeling that no one can hear the reasoning because it really only makes sense to him. >> it kind of makes sense to me. >> charles barkley is not exactly johnny cochran, but what he is doing to be serious, she having the honest conversation about race that everybody is afraid to have. >> what i'm saying is it is not resonating with people. people are -- >> they don't want to listen? >> i think there are a lot of people who want to do something which is what a lot
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of the protests are. i hope the time spent doing this is also spent in communities and working on initiatives with youth and with law enforcement to create dialogue like you said, to create the conversation. if you are just talking, but you are not talking to somebody or listening to someone. >> you are talking at people. >> i finally knew someone like that, sherrod. >> the looters burning people's property, that is part of history. >> you don't have to justify it. >> you think when we did the american revolution they were just going for the tea. they burned the boats. >> you don't burn your own community down. >> they burned down a church. i say go to the next community and show them the wrath. burn this [bleep] down. >> don't listen. do not listen to sherrod. >> i smell burning pine right now. >> i do love that they burn
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their own community. like the people saying that would be okay if they went to a white community. oh well now -- >> i would like them if they came to my house and burn my house down. that's what i need. they found jihad to gee hard. fanatics who traveled to join isis returned home because the holy war was a holy chore. the recruits complained about doing menial tasks like cleaning toilets instead of killing infidels. they missed the creature comforts. one person said, quote, my ipod no longer works. i have got to come home. >> nobody wrote that. >> i know. it is starting to get tough. a number of whiney terrorists are seeking clemency from authorities. i believe clemency is a type of veggable.
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veg believe tay. meanwhile, recruits have started training of the. >> now that deserves a choking. >> they are so not going to last in my army. >> it is water briggade. >> bernie, should authorities welcome them home and then possibly kill them? >> i think they should be -- one wrote that the mrs. watching the real housewives of leon and i can sim sympathize with that. they are french and with all due respect to cowards, the french don't want to fight. are we surprised that the french want to throw down their arms and run back home? >> i think they figured it would be like following fish on tour. >> maybe we can go on the
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van. >> it will be great, and then they figure out, oh, fish wants you to carry their drugs for you and they want you to clean the latrine because somebody threw up. that's what happens to groupies. what creature comfort would you miss? >> my ice cream. >> exactly. >> i won't be getting enough sleep and with the weather i will have dark circles and puffiness. they would actually probably kick me out at that point when they see what i look like. >> they wouldn't know what to do with you. >> it is like summer camp. they can't stick it out. this could be a good lesson to the people who are considering should i? should i not? >> let them stay. don't bring them back. don't bring them back. that's a one way trip. you go over there to help the enemy and then change your mind and come and blow something up at home. >> you stay there and you live with your decision. >> you live with it. >> they made their beds and
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now they have to sleep standing up. >> i don't know where that was going. >> they made their sheep and now they have to sleep with it. >> i have a message for the jihadists who are doing the meaningful tasks. it gets better. isis needs to put together a video campaign. they are a good social media. show how you start by cleaning latrines and you work your way up to the beheadings. i thought at first, yeah, once you make the decision and there was an indian man who was mostly cleaning toilets. he went back to mumbai and he told interrogators, quote, there was neither a holy war and none of the preachings were followed and they say the fighters raped women.
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let these people go over there and see that it is not what they think it is, and that these people are scum and that they are not fighting any kind of holy war. they are just raping and pill ligging. it is a teach believe a moment. >> when they get back make them spend five years cleaning latrines in a synagogue. >> can we stop saying latrine? >> it is a toilet. >> latrine is a nice bistro downtown. >> can we have an intern? >> you walk by his makeshift grave. i bear him under a pile of discarded underwear. >> smells good. >> it smells delicious. coming up, painting. one of the classical arts or an excuse to get students naked. first, could this be the end of the human race? this is great stuff, footage of people walking.
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is hawking just scwawking or will we die from ai? famed scientist steven hawking says true artificial intelligence could lead to the end of the human race. donned yawn. the theoretical physicist tells the bbc which i believe is the belgian blueberry company that while the primitive ai we developed has been useful he worries as it becomes more advanced we may be in trouble. he says it would take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever increasing rate. humans who are limited by slow biological evolution couldn't
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compete and we would be super seeded. speak for yourself, pal. i will be just fine and so will this lady. ♪ >> i guess that is humorous to some people. we couldn't even stop this if we wanted to. we can't order scientists to stop doing ai. once ai is self-aware, it is over. he is right. we are doomed. >> i have no idea what the hell he was talking about. he is stuck in a wheelchair and he is bitter and trying to bring the rest of us down. god bless. i feel bad for the guy. >> he is absolutely right. sherrod, you can laugh at this, but once artificial intel scwens replicates
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itself, it can replicate itself at a speed that is so far beyond the human mind that it is over. >> you deal with your artificial problems, >> so what you are saying is ai will turn us into their black man? get ready for profiling, humans. gyro bow cop doesn't -- row -- robocop didn't kill anyone. >> you have to get a job as an actor first. you have to get hired. >> as long as you can marry the ai, do you even care if they are in charge? >> i'm sure there is probably some rich robot out there. >> it is like a man we are seeing in power. >> you have to plug him in. >> that is entirely up to you. >> you know what, i do think the end of a world is coming
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soon. i think it is going to be the end of the technological world. hear me out. i think we have become so dependent on our devices and our technology and this obsession -- obsession with robots that we will one day want to wipe our hands clean. we will go to amish lifestyle. traditional communication and transportation. >> you know what will happen? five years from now there will be a group of robots doing a robot eye. they will play this video of joanne. they will say, remember her. and then you will be in a cog -- cage and you will say, we don't even have sex with you because we are robots. >> we will definitely have a war with robots. >> andy, you cringed. you are barely human. you probably would be on the side of the robots.
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>> a little embarrassed actually. i thought he was talking about a1, the steak sauce. i couldn't figure out how a1 was going to take over for humans? >> by the way, a1 is excellent. don't just put it on steaks. >> it is the gold standard. >> french fries. >> cheerios. >> it is a little minty. >> there is no mint. you are confused. >> i don't get the mint. >> how did this story get derailed? >> this is how i lack at it -- this is how i look at it. my ability to be emotionless coupled with my love for all things cyber makes me a natural ally. and i think they will appreciate my dry witt and humor. i think i will be fine, actually. i think i will be around. >> i think the machines will find you hilarious. man with cat amuses me.
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i can't follow black man. yells at guest. >> tell me what black people were like. >> why do they have him on all the time? >> i have to come on here. why don't they have that other comedian, paul mccurio? >> no comedian found with that name. >> we love you, paul. two key points. you have to get in good with the computers. you have to do stuff for them. be nice with them. >> have sex with them. >> i remember you, gutfeld. >> you are my friend. >> but you have to understand that there is no way out. once they start replicating it will be the shear weight of machinery. >> are they going to be sad? >> they will make things. trouble with the tribbles,
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star trek. the earth will be too heavy and it will fall out of orbit. >> anything that can fix itself. remember when the self-cleaning oven dropped? they were losing their minds. >> i just want to say it is trouble with tribbles and not trouble with the tribbles. >> i bought the book. guy coming up, what are the names of the worst behaved children? my money is on sherrod. >> you damn right. >> first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is dingos, the baby eating apex predators of australia. they look cute, but they are ferocious predators. dingos, we're scared of them.
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that's true. do girls named ella give teachers hella? they revealed the names of the best and worst behaved children and just in time for pearl harbor day. the survey was done by a company that provides schools with rewards for good behavior. it is a way to motivate students that they are damning. the top three nicest girl names are amy, georgia and emma. the naughtiest, ella, bethany and eleanor.
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for boys they are jacob, daniel and thomas. naughty, joseph, cameron and adolf. can't argue with the last one. >> why is it all white names? >> that's a good point. they are all what names. here is my theory. it was done about christmastime so there are no christians so there are no islams or buddhists. it is the naughty and nice list. >> this is -- their system is done on computer, a website. i think through schools, there may be a bunch of schools and maybe more i'm poserrish ared -- i'm poserrish ared communities that can't afford computers. eleanor? come on. >> more like ellen bore. use that at school on monday. tell them uncle greg told you to say that. >> where are the kesha's? >> only you could ask that
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because i was going to ask that. couldn't this list affect kid's behavior if they are on that list? >> without a doubt. these people can be sued. >> bernie could go either way. >> so i heard from the ton caw truck story -- from the tonka truck story. >> that's a low blow. >> how about rocco and sid and osama? is that not the most evil name possible? >> it is a naughty or nice list which is about christmas. if are you osama, you are not celebrating christmas. >> the list about christmas, they are just calling it a naughty and nice list. >> it is december. that's why they gave it that name so dumb shows like us would do dumb stories like this. >> how dare you? >> there is only one bad osama. >> true. but there is only one bad
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adolf. he was bad to people who controlled the media. >> it was good beer before they discovered good beer. >> he was a nazi, the guy who did that. >> when i was a kid it was kids named mark and mike that were jerks, mikes and marks, andy. >> maybe that is specific to you. do you think that is a trend? i think there are a couple of brothers named mike and mark that used to take you out to the dumpster and have their way with you. >> i didn't mind that. >> what happened was eventually you liked it. jacob was on top of the boys' nice list and jake was on the naughty list of the isn't that the same name? >> jacob from the fat man.
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>> jake and the fat man. >> it don't matter what the kid name is, it is a bad kid. we all was kids before. you know you are a bad kid. you are two feet tall and a virgin and you will set stuff on fire. that's how it, would. enjoy it. >> i didn't set anything on fire. >> sure you did. >> i didn't torture cats. >> in this industry you are going to miss that? the fox news show. >> i like when kids look like their names. bob was pudgy. tim was thin and sick lea. >> joanne gnaw was a clutz. i don't mean all of them, there was one girl. >> why do white people instead of saying richard and rich they say richard and dick. why do you call guys dick? >> i have no idea. >> that's a good yes. >> i know the answer, but i can't tell you. >> you are are passive
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aggressive. >> and why isn't colonel not spelled like it. >> it is, k-e-r-n-e of l, right? >> should you nap where you crap? they conducted a survey on bathroom habits in the workplace. they interviewed 13,000 people often barging in to question them. among the findings 25% of the bathroom text or call and 5% take a nap. 8% eat while in the toilet. women and men defer. are women more likely to go to the restroom to cry? speaking of acting weird in the bathroom. >> that's not funny to us. that's a dog with a problem. >> the toilet has been running. >> it is disgusting. i don't know what was in there. let's just get this over with. bernie anything weird you see
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guys do in the bathroom? >> i myself have seen babies play solitaire on the baby changing room. she came this with the baby and started screaming. i'm like, get the hell out of here. people do all sorts of things. >> filthy things. >> a line or two sph. >> not a line or two. several. >> i played hacky sack in the stall one time. >> is this a euphemism? >> killing time at work. >> i come over here and use the bathroom even when i am not on the show. why not leave a dump in the fox building. >> and boy you do. sometimes you leave it here on the show. >> wow. i thought you burned up the industry and that's how you attack me. what a friend. >> i attacked you mercilessly. >> these are things women don't talk about. but i knead to ask you, -- best question. what goes on in the women's
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bathroom that none of u know about? jay we have something called a lounge so there are some couches. we relax. i thought one of the interesting things was the people who say they exercise. you might be breaking a sweat in the bathroom, but it doesn't mean you are working out. >> the bowels are a muscle. >> you are working something out, andy. andy, you spend a lot of time in the bathroom. i hear a lot of sniveling. >> it is post cry, like when you are almost done with the cry and then the one comes? >> i know it is in waves. >> 13% of americans say they would rather use their employer's bathroom than their own at home. >> that's tear believe a. >> don't you think they should be locked up.
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>> why is that awful? >> i will tell you why. you are not supposed to use -- you are supposed to do your business before you go to work. >> you do everything at home first or a restaurant. a nice restaurant. >> i worked in a restaurant. >> the guy that made you sick. the worst place is not where you bring it. >> how about an emergency situation? >> you need an emergency bathroom. >> people do it all the time. sit down with the "new york times" and then sit for a half hour. >> there is a guy on my floor who walks with the newspaper down the hall to the bathroom. we know what you are going to do. >> well, it is in case you run out of paper. >> here is the thing, everybody at work knows the one bathroom in case they have to use it is all the way down the hall. >> that's beautiful. these are topics you won't see
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decline. the california economic professor says the american dream is dead and buried in a shallow grave outside a truck stop and next to our former paco. they found it has diminished the last 100 years. here he is with his bleak outlook. >> if you look at the population as a whole, we see tremendous continuity generation after generation in people's status. government policies don't have any affect on the rate of social mobility. they have an ability just as smart as those in our area. >> you make steven hawking look like duane, the rock, johnson. >> who will you see kill the american dream, barack obama or barack obama? >> he decapitated the corpse
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or whatever. >> that's an interesting way of putting it. >> we are kidding, sherrod. >> are you right, bernie. >> barak hussein obama does not call it the american dream. he calls it them people american dream. >> sherrod, respobdz -- respond. the dream apt dead. white people have to share them. i share my dreams. >> wet dreams and it is disturbing. joanne you went from being a washed up pagent girl to walking to the most powerful name in news under me. haven't you proof of the american dream or my brilliance? >> i asked to work with anderson cooper. the american dream means something different to different people. the white picket fence, that would be murderous.
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i would kill myself if that were -- >> really? >> no. >> you were trying to make yourself believe. >> nice. >> when i was little -- there are people living behind that fence and i would never want to do that. i also think that with our young people today -- >> do we have the white picket fence cued up? >> i told them we were going to say it. with social media they believe they have achieved a higher status. they are like, this is fine. this is great. i have my fantasy football team and i have my blog. >> what has happened in an affluent society is increases. tokeville talked about this
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over a hundred years ago. >> he was talking about economic mobility. >> the point is it is not shocking the paper shows the way of life is a lie. since then it was working with the mason illuminati to bring about new world order and part of this plan is to get propaganda out there that is aimed at demoralizing americans and making maury accept tiff to a takeover of our country bayou nighted nations troops, give me a break. wake up, america. wake up, america. wake up. >> none dare call it conspiracy. none dare call it conspiracy. >> and they say socialism is wrong. >> we are still doing better than anybody else. >> we're number one, even though we talked about number
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thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. and often even more. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. have camille foster and jim norton and thadius mckader.
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>> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> what is his face doing in space? maybe he is not from kenya after all. ufo spertsz -- experts claim to have found a rock the shape of president obama's face on mars. they say it is the image taken in 2005. it clearly shows our comabder -- commander-in-chief from the chest up. i am sold. others say it is when our brain tricks us into seeing human faces in random objects. it happens to me when i look in the mirror. let's go around the block here. andy, thoughts? >> this shouldn't come as a surprise. we did a a story in 2012 and
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two people outed president obama as being 5crononaut. as part of that they went to mars. the white house denied the story at the time. now of course we have evidence that he was there and that he -- as everyone knows his arrogance and -- egotism knows no bounds. this is the same errogance that gave us obamacare and a run around i'm imraition. immigration. this is no surprise to anyone. wake up, america. >> is this where hip hop was invented? >> maybe. i heard trump said this is proof he was not born in america. >> it is true. finally. >> we don't have colonies on mars. russia does. >> perhaps we will have food stamps. >> he is the food stamp president. >> no, i thought that when he was black.
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>> proof his head is not up his butt is somewhere. >> obama will have a couple more years left so let him ride it out. ain't no garfield or other losers, bush. >> the hair has the same as owe bough -- as obama experts. >> anybody could be a ufo expert except for the band. i was told that. >> michael shanka. >> that was his sornlg -- that was his original song. they have a great live album. >> you go from bathroom talk to alex the talkville. >> that's a speculum.
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though who are not, to recognize the season and recognize that a lot more unites us than -- this is a fox news alert. a decision has been reached by another grand jury in yet another case involving a white police officer and a black suspect who died after a confrontation. nypd officer daniel pantaleo will not be indicted for -- rick lebenthal is outside the courthouse in stannen island. rick, go ahead. >> reporter: the nypd on heightened alert after no criminal charges for the officer -- garner, a father of six, had 31
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