tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News December 5, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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in austin. each lap started with chugging a beer. the winner finished the race in five minutes. i'm heather, here's shep. by. >> a stunning retraction. the rolling stone article that rocked college campuses across the nation. a woman accusing fraternity members of gang raping her. now rolling stone admits there are serious questions whether she told them the truth. ahead, why the magazine's editor says his staff never reached out to the guys she accused of the crime. and just minutes ago, a response from the fraternity. the eric garner grand jury decision causing anger from coast to coast after jurors declined to indict the police officer who took him down. now thousands of protesters marching in cities across the nation, disrupting traffic, demanding change. plus, murder in abu dhabi, new report today that the woman accused of stabbing an american school teacher may not have been working alone.
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so, could this be part of a wider plot against westerner? let's get to i. >> first from the fox news deck this friday afternoon. "rolling stone" retracts, standing admission from "rolling stone" magazine which could have. i preliminary indication on rape investigations and journallity. they're backtracking on the controversial report about an alleged gang rape at the university of virginia. after'lling" stone" discovered new information that discredited its piece. last month's article was called, "a rape on campus" and graphically detailed an alleged gang rape during a part party at a uva frat house. the carrot says seven men attacked her, threw her through a glass table, puncher head, raped her for hours on of of
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shards of the broken glass, and sexually assaulted her with a beer bottle. the article was damning to the university and its fraternity, suggest agriculture of sexual violence that officials tried to cover up. it sparked vandalism and led uva to suspend the fraternities through the new year. men journalist slammedded the article's author and the fact she never even spoke to the accused rapists. only now is "rolling stone" questioning the article at all, saying its editor saying in the face of new information there now appear to be discrepancies in jackie's account, and we have come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced. we were trying to be sensitive to the unfair shame and humiliation many women feel of sexual assault and few regret the decision to not contact the alleged assaulters to get their account. we are taking this seriously, and apologize to anyone who was affected by the story. well, that is a very, very long
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list. the "washington post" newspaper spent weeks investigating this same case, and asking the questions that "rolling stone" did not ask. the wind wind found out from the fraternity not only would there is no party the night of the alleged attack at a party, but also the ringleader of the reported rape? may not exist at all. according toaccord "washington n the accusers close friends who are antirape activist are questioning the story. minutes ago the fraternity responded. let's get right to washington. what are you hearing from the fraternity, doug? >> this statement which we obtain a few minutes ago says in part we continue to be shocked by the allegations and saddened be the story. we have no knowledge of these alleged acts being committed at our house, by our members. anyone who commits a form of sexual assault, wherever, or h whenever, should be identified and brought to justice.
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for several days now skepticism has been building about this fax y'all story reported by a freelance writer, story of an 18-year-old university of virginia freshman who claims to have gang raped by seven identify kappa sigh fraternity members two years ago in a party. it tells how her date, named drew in the story, took jackie up to his room where they could allegedly talk. the room was pitch black in moments she found herself upended over a glass table and each of the seven men took turns raping her on the shards of glass. when she left in a bloody dress to meet friends, they elected not to go to the hospital, less her reputation be, quote, shot for the next four years. since the story was publish thread have been protests and acts of vandalism at the fraternity house. uva's president under tremendous pressure from feminist groups and from the federal title ix regulations which can deprive schools of federal funding for sexual assault infractions, suspended all fraternities and
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sororities. police are investigating and late today came the vaguely word admission of discrepancies in the story. and now the phi kappa cy fraternity has directly contradicted some of the reporting. they say that there is no record of jackie's date, drew, being a lifeguard at the campus pool also alleged there was no party to frat house on the date alleged. the initiation or pledge ceremony alleged to have happened that fall day? actually occurred in the spring semester. it appears all to be falling apart. shep? >> wow. we'll have much more on this as the fallout is just beginning. president obama says he can't think of anybody more qualified to lead our nation's military than the man he picked to be secretary of defense. the president today formally norm nateed ashton carter, relative unknown outside of d.c. circles. if the senate confirms him -- the thinking is it will -- he would become the fourth defense sect to serve under president
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obama. would follow the outgoing pentagon chief chuck haig whole sources say resigned under pressure. ashton carter once they would the number two job at the pentagon. the shakeup comes as the united states faces all sorts of challenges around the world. the islamic state terrorists, russians.president putin's aggression, north korea, iran, the list goes on. in fact the former defense secretary william cohen said on this program on wednesday, that never in his life has he seen such a complex geopolitical landscape. today ashton carter says he is up to the challenge. >> i accepted the president's offer to be nominated for secretary of defense because of my regard for his leadership. i accepted it because of the seriousness of the strategic challenges we face. but also, the bright opportunities that exist for america. >> if confirmed he will be the first defense sect in three decades to have never served in
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the military and is not a politician. he has a reputation as a bookish policy expert, i'm told. he holds a ph.d in theoretical physics and also has a degree in medieval history and wrote the two topics were not related can, just fascinated him. ed henry is live. any indication carter will be accepted into the white house inner circumstance until. >> that's a big question. we have seen with the three previous defense secretaries questions whether the white house staff, senior advisers like susan rice were joe shadowing him. chalk hagel was expressing frustration about nat private for some time and today did not show up for the event even though the white house was expecting him. they're downplaying the tension saying he didn't want to overshadow ash carter but makes you wonder about tension here behind the scenes. that's why i pressed josh earnest on whether ash carter will really have the out there get the job done. >> ash cart it get any
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assurances from the president about his personal access to the president? >> secretary carter, mr. carter -- has not been confirmed yet -- is somebody who will be afforded the privilege that previous defense sects have which is a weekly meeting with the president of the neutz the oval office. that's extentsive access and then the secretaries of defense have needed to communicate with the president outside of that weekly meeting, the president has been very responsive. >> now, people close to secretary hagel told me he, beyond that weekly meeting, because of nature of battling isis, the situation in afghanistan, other crises round the world, we seek other meetings with the president and was sometimes blocked from getting in to see the commander in chief. >> lots of opportunity here for the president has detractors to point out all the problems around the world and they're not getting better. >> right. what it also interesting is the
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detractors, say, republican lindsey graham, is saying he thinks ash carter will get confirmed because he thinks he has strong credentials but is wondering again about whether he'll really have the clout going up against some of these white house advisedders -- advis say they have questions about the president's leadership. >> going through four secretaries of defense or three in six years, maybe you ought to be looking at yourself instead of the secretary. >> but retired general jack keene today said that the knows ash carter very well and he thinks he is going to be able to stand up and speak his mind. >> good to see you, ed henry, live at the white house. let's bring in whys wallace. the host of fox news sunday. times are tough. secretary cohen was candid to say if a never seen it like this. this will be a very difficult job for this man. >> going to be a difficult job in terms of the problems on the world horizon, it's also a
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difficult job because of the relationship between the pentagon and the white house. look, the previous secretaries of defense under barack obama, you had first bob griese had some scathing things to say in his memoir about president obama. then you had leon panetta, who had scathing things to say about president obama in his memoir. chuck hagel -- i don't know if he recall write a book but won't be complimenting him, whatever forum it takes. so you have to say, is it them or is there something as chairman mckeehan said about president obama and the people he surrounds himself with in the white house, and that's been the common complaint is that this white house likes to micromanage, likes to second-guess, and to a certain degree they cut the pins out from under the secretary of defense, whoever it is, ash carter is obviously the kind of a guy who makes the trains run on time. was deputy secretary of defense,
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the number two job in 2011 to 2013, but the question becomes whether or not, when it comes to real issues of policy, strategy, whether or not -- i'm sure he'll be able to meet with the president but will the president listen. >> some washington talkers toll me that ash carter wasn't at all upset when he got passed of nor the job the last time and some were surprised he was cool with it now. >> therewere two people who took themselves out for the running. michelle flournoy, a top deputy secretary of defense under both clinton and obama. >> that's the first name we all summarized thought, going to be she, and she jumped right out. >> the first woman and then she took herself athlete running and 0 kid jack reed, top service member in the senate and a democrat. he took himself out of the running. it's not like this is a prize, this job. and there was some question whether -- how far the president was going to have to go to find somebody who would say yes to it.
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ash carter very highly respected on both sides of the aisle. almost certainly he will be confirmed. but the question is to how much he will be listened to once he gets the job is the real issue. >> the confirmation hearings will be interesting. i you're from the opposing party and are not happy about the world, here's you forum. the whole country will be listening. do you have anything else to say, chris, by the way? >> i -- you know -- >> you normally talk about your man dak prescott. >> well, yeah, i had a feeling that's where you were headed. >> you had so much to say, a lot to say a couple of weeks ago. i was thinking your fans out there, might like to hear some more. >> well, what we could talk about is, what's mississippi's record, 7-4, isn't it? >> you're ponderous, 9-3. we're winning the egg bowl and you believe egg bowl would -- >> harvard undefeated. >> i think we won -- >> what is -- >> rather easily.
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>> what title did the rebs win. >> we now own the state. hash tag -- >> you own the state. we won the ivy league. congratulations. very disappointed. i watched every bit of the game. and i was very disappointed in the performance of the bulldogs. >> did you have your cow bell out, doing like that? they cheat in oxford. i hate oxford, they hate it. hate state. >> with your position, what, third or fourth place in the sec west, congratulations. >> thank you. that was rebel nation. that guy, that guy down in washington sits with the thing that is under construction behind his headquartered just said congratulations. so take his congratulations. what hash tag do we use to make sure you get things, hash tag failed state. and chris, you'll monitor that hash tag, right? >> too big a guy to rub my nose in it but i should have realized who you are. >> correct. chris wallace, does something on
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channel. protesters also chanted, i can't breath. eric garner's final words. an estimated thousand demon trait jurors made the ware around new york city. they blocked tank on the brooklyn bridge, the tunnel shut down, the manhattan bridge shut down, at one point all of lower manhattan was completely shut down. police here arrested 200 people last night. look at this. some folks carried around mock coffins with victims of police shootings. in seattle, and oakland and chicago, and d.c., not far from where president obama and the first family took part in the tree-lighting ceremony, and cops across the u.s. say they're bracing for more tonight. rick leventhal is in manhattan. >> it's calm right now. a lot of tourists on sixth avenue but we are hearing about major protests planned for a couple of sures from now. one by call street. another one by columbus circle.
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and we're learn being what mat may haved in the grand jury room in staten island. the d.a. did not ask the grand jurors to consider a wreck less endangerment charge against the officer in the death of eric garner, the station reports that the d.a. only asked the 23 members of the grand jury to consider manslaughter and criminally negligent homocide charges against the officer who put the much larger gar in the. >> what appeared to be a chokehold to take him down to the sidewalk where he died. a spokesman for the d.a. has note gotten back to us there are strict confidentiality laws regarding the grand jury proceedings. >> there's another nypd case about go to another grand jury. >> we have not heard a lot about the case. ky girley, has been getting attention locally and a brook lib d.a. plans to empanel a grand jury to consider charges in that incident which occurred
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november 20th what happens unarmed. walked into a darkened stairwell in puck housing in new york with his girlfriend after waiting for an elevator and surprised a rookie police officer who were patrolling the stairwell. the rookie cop had is gun drawn and fired a single shot and killed gurley in what is being described as a tragic accident. a brook lib d.a. plans to empanel a grand jury. >> thank you very much, rick. across the nation, lawmakers -- across the hudson lawmakers in new jersey say they have not found any evidence at all that governor chris christie was involved in last year's traffic tieups near the george washington bridge, according to a brand new report. the lawmakers say that they have not ruled out the possibility that governor christie was involved because, frankly characterization couldn't interview several tee witnesses. documents from this year shored
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a former aide to the governor helped plan the september shut down. the plot apparently retribution against the mayor of or thefort -- fort lee, we were told. since then several people involved have either stepped down or gotten canned. the big question has been whether the governor knew about the plot. again so far, this new report from a legislative panel shows they can find no evidence that he did. a man in florida accused of gunning down a pastor, neighbor and his own wife. now the father of six is on the run from the sheriffs department. there's a man hunt in florida and we'll take you there. ♪soft holiday music ]♪
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there's a manhunt underway for the suspect in a killing spree that happened in florida. investigators say this guy shot three people. shot his own wife, and now he has been on the run for more than 24 hours. a sheriffs spokesman says he is arm and dangerous. investigators say he apparently shot and killed his wife and her friend at a home. and then went to the church where his wife worked and shot and killed the pastor. the sheriff says the two men met face-to-face in the courtyard before the shooting so the pastor saw this coming. it happened in bradenton, florida, on the gulf coast, about 45 miles south of tampa. there you see it. the sheriffs spokesman says a witness last saw the suspect at this church, which is where that pastor turned up dead. investigators say they found the suspect's suv last night at a nearby wal-mart. and they say they believe that the shootings are not random. the suspect and his wife apparently have six children. the kids are with a relative now.
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>> tamara lush is an "associated press" correspondent who has been following this do they have a clue where he is. >> if they do they're not saying. >> do we know what the pattern was? from what i'm reading, including your articles, it sounds as if maybe there was some thought that the pastor might have seen him commit these other crimes? >> well, it's unclear at this point but police believe that he went to his house and shot his wife and shot the neighbor, who was a friend of his wife, and then went to the church, where he shot the pastor, and it appears that the pastor's wife was there at the time, which is pretty serious. >> there was a witness at the escape, -- scene. what did they say. >> the pastor yo -- pastor's wove and she saw or heard the situation. >> what about his children?
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>> the tragedy is there are total of ten children that are missing a parent today. there are six children of the suspect and his wife, there are to two children of the neighbor, and the pastor and his wife had two sore young children as well. so there are ten children involved and that's the biggest tragedy. >> does your reporting show there's a violent history with this man? >> he has a lot of traffic infractions, a lot of duis. and weapons infractions and arrests. i didn't see he was ever actually prosecuted. he was arrested for a fight involving a weapon. >> i'm like you. i've searched and haven't been able to find he had any violence charges. i wonder if police are focusing on any particular area are they telling people in particular areas of florida to be on the lookout? >> as of right now they're not. i know that some people at the church today also talked about him having contacts here in the tampa bay area north of
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bradenton. >> tamara lush rife with it from the "associated press." thank you. >> thank you. >> chinese officials have a list of more than 100 fugitives wanted for various crimes and say they believe the suspects are all living here in the united states. that's according to a state department representative who says u.s. officials have agreed to help china track them down. officials in beijing say at least 16,000 corrupt government workers have left the country in the last 20 years. but the united states and china do not have an extradition agreement, meaning the united states doesn't have to deport anybody wanted in china. last year, nsa leakerred a ward snowden took off to hong kong but the officials there let him escape to russia and he is apparently still there now. we're learning more about the suspect in the murder of the american kindergarten teacher inside a mall restroom in the middle east there might have been accomplices. getting to the bottom of this brutal bathroom attack.
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that's coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news. you're drivin having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light.
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a fox report now and more madelines. nelson mandela's widow today laid a wreath at the statue of the civil rights leader in south africa, one year to the day after his death in a statement president obama said mandela inspired us to stand up for our fundamental principles. nelson mandela spent 27 years in prison for fighting racial discrimination. >> the leader of hamas warped a blood bath will break out in the middle east because the israelis and palestinians have not found a just solution to end the fighting. he made a comment to our sister network, sky news in the united kingdom. a spokesman for the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says hamas is part of the problem. somebody smashed a shop window hauled off more than thousands worth of drones, according to the owner of the
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the woman accused of butchering an american school teacher in the restroom of a mall may not have been working alone police are now telling abc news. abc news is reporting that cops the united arab emirates arrived other people while raiding the suspect's home. no word whether they're connected to the attack. on monday the suspect stand and slashed the teacher with a kitchen knife, aisle while dressed in traditional arab clothing. the suspects plantedded a bomb outside the home american but police diffused that. this happened in abu dhabi this glitzy capital of the united arab emirates. it's home to more foreigners than citizens and more than noun americans live across the country. investigators say the suspect targeted those two americans because they were from the u.s.,
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not because of any personal reason. police have not said whether she was tied to any actual terror group. back in october, the u.s. embassy in the uae reported a jihaddist web site forum called for attacks on american teachers in the region, and now "time magazine" reports we werers in an bow dab by are worried extremists may target them. who wouldn't be. trace gallagher has the news from los angeles. what are we learning about the suspect. >> the employs identified the suspect at a 38-year-old citizen from the united arab emirates originating from yemen. no one explained how they arrested this woman so quickly. she is covered from head to toe, including her face, and disguised her license polite, police say they got valuable tips. we know she used a very large kitchen knife and not only did police find other suspects at her home, but they say the home served as a safe house, a base of operation.
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the state department didn't have a lot more to add to that. listen. >> we're not -- we have some folks on the ground who may be helping out in some way, from a law enforcement perspective. >> but certainly bombmaking is one of the things they're looking at as going on inside that safe house or base of operation. >> what were saying about their evaluation about the safety of other we werers -- westerners around there? >> they're concerned where the stabbing happened. the mall is the first floor of a very large apartment complex and it's filled with americans. especially a lot of american teachers. keep in mine, abu dhabi has long been a very highly secure place and it's very tolerant of americans. now that you have these jihaddist web sites calling for attacks on americans the concern level is rising you. see an attack that happened in saudi arabia a couple of months ago two defense contractors. one of them killed. there were
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three other attacks in saudi arabia and isis claimed responsibility for at least two of those attacks. so the security is clearly a concern, which is why the state department has now put out an alert warning americans in those areas. >> trace, thank you very much. abu dhabi. hard to imagine. we have staff members who just got back from there john bussey is here. >> united arab emirates, abu dhabi is not known as a dangerous place. it's an ally of america. it has been very much assisting america in its fight against isis. it has stood behind the united states. i think that what you're seeing is what we have seen in the past. that americans traveling abroad, in places where groups have been agitated against americans, if they're exposing. thes in those areas they're at risk to the point that several u.s. embassies in the middle east, as trace was alluding to,
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warned in october that these jihaddist web sites had said, we're going to target americans, target american teachers, and that is what happened this week. >> the reason they target teachers because they don't believe young women should be educated. >> and it's also teaching western values and western sometimes religion, i think it depends on where the teachers were coming from. this one was from colorado and had worked abroad in a number of areas, was teaching kindergarten but was probably more than anything just an american, and, therefore, a target. >> and a teacher. >> yes, and the -- in abu dhabi the officials are saying, look, we don't think there's any affiliation but we don't know yet. we don't think there's anything beyond they fact she was an american, and so was this doctor outside of his home, this bomb was found, an egyptian -- ethnically egyptian but an american citizen, and the authorities are saying, just because they're americans, that's why they were targeted. >> abc reporting that other
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suspects were arrested while they were -- this video, john, do we have a clip -- this video has been doctored up by the uae. it now has a music bed so there's -- this is how -- keep playing it. that's fine. this is how they sent it to us with this crazy music in the background and weird editing. it's like something from a bad elementary school edit. it's terrible. >> you don't see what is going on there because she is dressed the way she is. you wonder how they were able to find her. >> who is she? >> looks like there were people that tipped them off, and it's a surprise they also found individuals in that home that helped her. >> did they release this -- we're out searching, we have our big guns, put some music underneath and it look at this weirdness here. something ain't right. >> some is probably to reassure westerners who are investing in the united arab emirates that it remains a safe
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place. remember in not so far away saudi arabia we have had several attacks recently against a canadian, dane, and an american citizen, and in the case of the dane, isis has in fact claimed responsibility for that shooting. >> all right. john bussey, thank you, sir. the reporting today is at the chance of catching flu might be a bit higher this season. yesterday officials at the centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta said the new flu vaccine is not working as well as others have in the past, and now they're saying it's really too late to make a better one so we're stick with this one. still, the vaccine should prove some protection and they're urging everybody, especially those six months old and older -- everybody six months old and older to get the flu shot. cdc officials say it takes them four months to make a new now shot and that the current virus has already mutated since they made it for the season. flu hits he hardest during the
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winter, december through -- the virus killed 24,000 people on average. last year, 52,000 people died of flu, and resulting pneumonia. the u.s. army records the largest air force operation over fort brag in north carolina, dropping thousands of soldiers from planes is part of a campaign to bring needy toys to kids. it's called operation toy drop. this is the 17th year. soldierses donate toys to get a chance to jump without equipment. it's a popular event but a paratroopers from other countries lead the jump which allows u.s. troops to earn their foreign jump wings. >> our first soldier, made sure he got an opportunity in a foreign wing. he was here yesterday at 2:45 in the afternoon, and with a sleeping bag and his backpack, and he actually slept outside overnight because he didn't want
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to miss this opportunity. and as you can see behind me and hear the is noise, there's a tof excitement here. >> commanders say they expect soldiers to donate some 10,000 toys at the event. it also serves as an important training opportunity for the troops. good on them. a big spike in job creation now. in fact it's the largest we have seen in many years. we'll look at what it signals for the future and what it means for your money. >> what's the most instagrammed spot on earth this year? right here in the united states. for those watching us in paris or london what spot can you find on instagram? we'll show you in just a minute (vo) rush hour around here starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose.
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not to be focusing, again, on my moderate my goal was to finally get in shape. to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i finally made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance on humira.
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and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. set a new goal today. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. hash tag not as cool as i thought instagram. instagram has released its list of the world's most instagrammed locations of 2014. they shouldn't have released it. five places -- this is number
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five. goerke park in moscow. this is some mall i never heard off in bangkok. number one last year. times square, okay, a lot of stuff out there. a block from here. and this one, strangely, chavez ravine, dodger stadium. the second most instagrammed location of the year, and instagram, that's number one, disneyland in anaheim taking the top spot. disneyland. the most instagrammed spot on earth. i don't have any antidisney but, wow. over on wall street, strong jobs report pushing stocks higher today. the dow inching closer towards the 18,000 mark. it there is back there it's up 4 2. that's a weird way to do it. look goods in monster. that's what we call the wall there monster. not the monster. it's monster. it's up 43 today. we'll get close to 18,000.
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s&p, everything doing good. the labor department reports the economy add 321,000 jobs in november, higher than most economists expected and the biggest increase of jobs in nearly three years. the nation's unemployment rate held steady, 5.8%, down from 7% the same time last year. things are improving. still at its lowest level since the summer of 2008. analysts say the economy is now on track for the strongest year of job creation in 15 years. we have a long way to go. gerri willis is joining us now. what else are economists looking for. >> let me tell you. you missed the big number in my view. the best number in this entire report is what happened to wages. incomes per hour, up, .4 of a percent. doesn't sound like much but it's up and this hasn't happened in a long time. average hourly earnings for people in the private sector, 24.66. up anyone cents an hour. this is what we have been really looking for, so can we please
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get some wage gains here. people are suffering because they're not making enough money. >> the other factor is the number of people actually participating in the work force. >> it's been really super low. not so low since the '70s, since before women got in the work force, 62.8%. not a big improvement there. the youth, which is a broad number of unemployment. 11.4. still not great. but some real improvement there. >> improvement all over this place. gas prices going down, wages going up. >> love that. >> makes santa a little better. >> a little oh oh oh -- a little ho-ho-ho for you. more headlines. former washington mayor marion berry departed city hall one last time today as pallbearers carried this casket down the steps. the mayor for life's body is now at a church for public viewing ahead of a memorial service tonight. marion berry died last week at 78.
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chrisie's auction house reports somebody paid more than 4 $359 million for this 1962 nobel prize. it came from james watson, one of the scientist who discovered the structure of dna. christie's reports this is the first time if aing rye receivent auctioned off a nobel prize. >> meet the billy get to who just wanted to play soccer. even after somebody took it away, it ran back. standing guard in front of the goal. it allowed no goals. as it brought the match to a halt. nasa launching an historic test flight. orion taking its first trip into space. part of a mission to eventually land on mars. we're live at the kennedy space. the. try not to make a duck face the next time you take a selfie. if you don't note what that means -- don't know what that means you can look that up in
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the oxford dictionary. the new edition coming right up. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪
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there's your new spacecraft, america, after news a's new spacecraft, called orion, successfully completed an unmanned test flight. >> three, two, one. and liftoff. at dawn. the dawn of orion and a new era of american space exploration. >> scientist say orion flew farther and faster than any spacecraft built for human since apollo 17 went to the moon 47 years ago orion took off from the launch site at cape canaveral and then started making a loop.
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made two orbits around earth and then made a bull's eye splashdown in the pacific off of mexico's baja, and took four and a half hours. phil keithing is live. what are they saying at nasa. >> they are absolutely ecstatic as well as a bit exhausted after what nasa describes a nearly flawless debut test flight. also the orion returned to earth, never before has the world watched live on tv a space capsule coming back from space, plummeting into the pacific, thanks to a camera on a nasa drone and another first thanks to a camera on the orion, actual flames of the super hot plasmas orion penetrated the atmosphere at 20,000 miles an hour. the orion team today a bit emotional. >> bill and i have been at this a long time together. when we started at jsc we
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started with all the apollo guys still there so we have now finally done something for the first time for our generation. it's a good day. >> by sunday, when the orion returns to san diego, nasa will be able to get the flight data recorders of what looks like a nearly perfect performance. >> when will astronauts be able to fly on orion? >> well, in 2018 there's another unmanned test flight. then in 2021, nasa hopes to put two astronauts onboard orion to then fly around the world a few times, and really examine further the state of the art design of the spacecraft. a few years after that nasa plans to use the orion to get astronauts to a captured asteroid, and then in the 2030s, sending astronauts all the way to mars, three and a half years, after the space shuttle retired, nasa finally got its groove back. >> great to hear. more of your internet lingo is
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now officially english. oxford dictionary web site just added a thousand new words and phrases some of which sprouted from the interweb. what we got? >> they go through about 100 -- i guess we can thank kim kardashian for that one should have been blue steel. but they go through 150 million words per month, and this month was one of the largest additions they've done. 1,000 new words. added the five-second ruled which has been around for a long time. >> always been three seconds here but we're not very clean. >> well, we also now have lull cat in the dictionary which is a humorous photograph of a cat. also digital footprint, information about a particular person, whatever is online out there. and then jealous, jel.
12:57 pm
so i'm the one living and i've listened to the tips, the trends and have-you-tried-this. now, i'm ready for someone to listen to me. welcome to, your free custom-fit, diabetes support program that actually listens to you. start building your fit2me program today using key areas of diabetes management. let's start with food. mexican? asian? italian! want recipes that reduce calories? or carbs? which activity feels more like you? cardio? or couch curls? choose a digital coach. tough love? or a gentle nudge? you can even get a tool kit with treatment options to discuss with your doctor. fit2me also inspires you through games and team challenges.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. on this day in 1984, beverly hills cop hit movie theaters, making eddie murphy into a super starful he was just 23 years old. he already brought down the house on "saturday night live." murphy costarred with a couple of big name actors on "48 hours" and "trading places" but "beverly hills cop" was all eddie. he ran into big troubling investigating a murder. he ad libbed a lot of the wisecracks and the audience ate it up. his career has gone up and down since then but a cop bruised and cruised into beverly hills 30 years ago today.
1:00 pm
the dow is doing it again, up 63 points. another record high. s&p and the other one on track. it's all good >> i can't breathe! i can't breathe -- -- [bleep] the police. >> now, forget about a new york city mayor who cops are saying -- apparently he is not the only one in new york, as you can hear, protesters joining in, some chanting just today, f the police. in st. louis, demon demonstrators storming city hall, shoving a city marshal in denver, rebel rousers chanting, hit him again, after a car struck four police officers on bicycles. you see a trend? former new york police officers dan does as well. he says it's got to stop. but it is growing and i
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