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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  December 6, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST

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haven't improved under our first african-american president. am i wrong? i wish i was. that's not racist of me to say. it's just an obvious observation. one i pray changes for the better and soon. have a great weekend, everybody. protests from coast to coat. outrage by another decision not to indict. is it time to have a serious conversation on race relations in america? you will hear from former gop presidential candidate and radio talk show host herman cain. investigating benghazi. detailing what happened on september 11th, 2012, has many who were at that consulate during the attack angry, saying it was flat wrong. >> this is supposed to be a u.s. government special report. to me, it's just a disgrace to the guys that died that night.
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>> 2, 1. >> plus, it's a new era in space travel. as it blasts off. a former astronaut shares stories from the cosmos. hello, everybody, i'm uma pemmaraju. america's news headquarters live from the capital starts right now. we begin with this fox news alert. an american hostage killed after a risky u.s.-led rescue attempt in yemen. president obama authorizing the mission to save photographer luke somers when it became clear his life was in imminent danger. peter deucy standing by with more on this developing story. >> officials here in washington took al qaeda's threat on thursday that they would kill luke somers in three days if their ransom demands were not met very seriously. so they planned a daring raid with their yemeni counterparts and actually got to summers while he was still alive but severely wounded because these
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terrorists shot the american journalist as american and yemeni commandos approached. the american team was able to get somers to a navy ship in the area. but his injuries proved fatal and that's where he died. this is the second time the pentagon has tried to pull luke somer also os out of yemen. the defense secretary says when u.s. citizens are taken, the military will always do their best to bring them home safely. >> this is further evidence of america's continued commitment to always find its american hostages no matter where they are and make every effort to get those hostages returned. back to the united states. >> president obama said, quote, as commander in chief i'm grateful to the u.s. forces who carried out this mission as well as the previous attempt to rescue luke and to the dedicated intelligence, law enforcement
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and diplomatic professionals who supported their efforts. in a tweet, the speaker of the house, john boehner, writes this, quote, saddened by the murder, grateful for our brave soldiers who tried to save him, prayers for all involved. president obama gave the troops permission to save a south african teacher who was being held as well. an aid group working to free him was confident he would actually be freed tomorrow but he was kill as well. we heard from luke somers' sister this morning. she said her family got the tragic news 12 hours ago at midnight. uma. >> such a sad story, all right, peter, thank you very much for that update. as the united states continues its fight against the extremists, consider this. jordan's king abdullah says this war against isis is the third world war. while visiting the u.s. this week, king abdullah stressing a military solution is just the first step against isis militants. "i hope the short term part of
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it is going to be the military, the medium term is the security aspect of it. but the long term is going to be the ideological one." so i want to ask you what you think. on twitter, do you agree with king abdullah's assessment? why or why not? you can send us your tweets to@umapemmaraju or @anhqdc and we will read your thoughts later on in the show. well, it's been a week filled with protests around the nation in the wake of decisions not to indict police officers in new york and missouri over two separate incidents where right officers were tied to the deaths of unarmed black suspects who were involved in alleged criminal activities. tensions have been fuelled by angry voices saying race relations between some police departments and the communities they serve are hitting new lows. joining us now with his thoughts on the unrest and the political fireworks erupting over the fallout of these grand jury decisions and the larger concerns about race in america,
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former gop presidential candidate and fox news contributor, along with radio talk show host, herman cain. welcome, sir, thanks for being here today. >> happy to be with you. >> those who believe when it comes to our criminal justice system too many americans feel there's a deep unfairness when it comes to the gap between our nation's ideals and how laws are applied on a day-to-day basis. we've been hearing a lot of this from protesters and even new york's mayor de blasio who claims the reaction to the grand jury decision was, quote, fueled by centuries of racism. what's your reaction to this? >> i don't believe that the reaction was fuelled by centuries of racism. because, uma, we have come a long way since the 50s and the 60s. secondly, the two incidents, the one in ferguson, missouri, and the one in new york, staten island are two separate incidents that represent exceptions rather than the rule. i do agree with you when you say
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that some people do feel heightened tension between law enforcement and their community and most of these people are trapped in inner city communities that lack economic opportunity, jobs and better education. so race relations in america, as viewed through these two incidents, are not indicative of the real race relations that people encounter every day in their neighborhood and their community. >> what was your reaction to that video showing the officers in new york taking down eric garner? did you find it disturbing? >> i found that video very disturbing. and whereas i respect the grand jury process, i also have one unanswered question relative to that particular incident concerning eric garner. was excessive force used. that has not been revealed yet. and hopefully the justice
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department investigation will address that. it was very disturbing. but that to me is the big unanswered question with respect to that. one other quick point, uma, many people who are very emotionally charged because of these two incidents, they forget that a grand jury decision is to go to court for a lost court case or not. since there are some questions relative to garner, then it appeared on the surface, and i didn't see all the evidence, that maybe this one should have been tried on a court of law. maybe. >> some of the fallout has been intense. especially suggesting there's an all-out police holy war so to speak against black america and when you have new york mayor de blasio saying he and his wife have trained their mixed race son about the, quote, dangers posed by police and how to take special care and -- with officers who are there to
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protect him, what are the consequences for people who have already lost this trust? >> i happen to think he's no different than any other parents, black or white. i counseled my son and my daughter when they were growing up, if you get stopped by the police, don't resist arrest. and don't talk back. follow instructions. give me a call or whatever the case may be. you know, respect for authority is what's not being taught to a lot of our young people. i don't believe what's happened in those two communities is a widespread tension between blacks and law enforcement in this country. there are nearly 500,000 police persons in this country. i believe most of them really try to do a job and they try to stay connected with the community, so i don't believe that represents the rule as mayor de blasio stated. >> eric garner's own daughter
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says publicly she doesn't believe her father's death was due to racist cops. she says, quote, i can't really say it's like really like a black and white issue, it is about, you know, the police offificers and abecausing their power. that's where she's coming from on this. >> she could have a point. that gets back to the question i raised. was excessive force used. that's the question. and i comment her for seeing it that way. the other thing about these two incidents, they were not civil rights incidents. as some people are trying to paint them. no, like she said, this was not about black versus white. the police officers happened to be white. the victims, sadly, happened to be black. so i don't think it represents civil rights issues and i don't think it represents rampant mistrust between law enforcement and most of our black citizens. i think those communities probably are the exceptions. >> herman cain, always good to
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see you, thank you for joining us today with your insights. >> it's my pleasure, uma, thank you. there are actions i have legal authority to take as president. the same kinds of actions taken by democratic and republican presidents before me that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just. >> that's president obama, defending his executive action, allowing millions of illegal immigrants to stay in america without the fear of deportation. and now this week 17 states want the president to defend his move in court, accusing him in a lawsuit that says he's, quote, trampling on the constitution. texas attorney general greg abbott who becomes governor of that state in january filing that lawsuit in partnership with 16 other governors from states like nebraska, maine, louisiana, wisconsin and mississippi, which is also on the list. and joining us now, mississippi's governor, phil bryant. welcome, great to have you here. >> good morning, glad to be with
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you. >> you know, political observers have been saying let the new gop-controlled congress in the new year push back these executive olds for undocumented immigrants. why are you and the other governors wasting time by filing this suit now? do you think it's a much more effective way using the courts to try to force the president to go through congress before enforcing laws that he's redesigning? >> well, absolutely. and not only have we thought that, i think the american public and leaders in america since the founding fathers have believed that for over 200 years. governors have to take action. we appreciate what congress is doing. we understand that they're not quite in office yet as far as republican leadership in the senate. so they're going to need some help. but our position is governors bear the cost of education, health care, public safety, within our states, and so we are, by nature, men and women who try to take action as an executive, and that's what we've done here in the suit, joining
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with governor-elect abbott in texas who is suffering with a porous border there caused by earlier executive orders by this president who seems to just simply ignore the rule of law and the constitution. >> well, there's some who suggest that the governors don't have faith, that the lawmakers on capitol hill will move ahead with the must-pass spending bill as leveraged to defund the president's immigration policies. is that a fair assessment from some folks? >> i can't answer for congress. certainly people would like to say this is a federal issue. over 20 times the president himself has said he didn't have the authority to unilaterally with an executive order offer amnesty. over 20 times, many times in the media, many times in discussion, said i wish i did, i just don't have that power. all of a sudden, by some immaculate decision, he now believes he does. we do not. we believe the federal courts
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will see we have standing. in 2006 when i was state auditor, i performed a audit of the cost in mississippi, found out it was $25 million a year that the taxpayers of mississippi were paying. we're an agricultural state. so our immigration, illegal immigration population was about 49,000 then. we think it could have doubled by this time. and so you're looking as much as $50 million from the taxpayers of the state of mississippi born and will be more because of this executive order. and so 17 governors, a third of the governors across america, believe we have standing. we believe the courts will agree with us. >> the lawsuit the president violated, focused on the take care clause of the constitution that limits the scope of presidential power and exacerbates the humanitarian crisis along the southern border. you mentioned that mississippi has been affected in a great --
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in a large way by virtue of the fact you're saying up to $50 million is being spent by the taxpayers in terms of education and health care costs. >> and law enforcement as well. absolutely. i love to take care. the founding fathers, i believe it was article 2, section 3, of the constitution -- it's been a while since i taught american government in university, but that section says, as it describes the powers of the president, it says, but, the president must take care to adequately enforce the laws. this president i think has certainly ignored that section of the constitution. that's one of the -- we believe, the real struggles that will lay ahead, is to make sure that we -- imagine, if you would, if president george w. bush decided all a sudden corporations did not need to abide by epa standards and he issued an
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executive order? you would have heard shouting and nashing of teeth from the left and rightfully so. there are certainly conditions for executive orders. but this is not one of them. >> governor, thank you so much for joining us today. keep us posted on how this lawsuit is moving ahead through the courts. >> thank you, merry christmas to you. >> you, too, sir, thank you very much. well there are brant new developments in a story that has rocked campuses across the nation. why "rolling stone" magazine has come out with a major mea culpa that may never help to get one fraternity's good name back. plus, lawmakers hoping to avoid another showdown over the budget and president obama's executive actions on immigration. but not everyone agrees with how speaker boehner plans to do that. >> if you tell the public right after election, it will be a shutdown. it is the equivalent of the president of the united states
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telling isis and our enemies around the world there will be no boots on the ground. >> coming up, congressman joe barton is one of the guys who isn't quite sold. he'll be joining us live right after the break. i'm angela,
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if the risk is to shut down government, we're just not going to be a party to that. the ball is in their court. they write the bill. they have the votes. and the responsibility to keep government open is theirs. if the bill is anything other than we can support, we will. >> that from house minority leader nancy pelosi. meanwhile, gop lawmakers hoping to avoid another government shutdown themselves like the one back in 2013 that you may recall. to do that, speaker john boehner has settled on a two-prong approach. first, the house voting on a bill denouncing president obama's executive action on immigration. and next they will vote on a bill to fund the government. the catch though is it will only
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fund the department of homeland security. the umbrella of immigration agencies until early next year. or more blunty, until reinforcement in the tomorrow of a republican majority arrives. congressman joe barton is joining us now. he says he's not convinced this is the right approach. welcome, congressman, good to have you here. >> glad to be with you. >> tell me why you don't agree with this approach or you have concerns about it. >> well, article 1 says the congress is a legislative body. article 1 section 1. article 1 section 8 explicitly says the congress is responsible for passing bills that deal with naturalization, ie, immigration. the president clearly doesn't have the authority to do whatever he has done, you know, president lincoln talked about government of the people, by the people, for the people. this president apparently is talking about government by obama for obama and, you know, for himself. that's just in my opinion flat
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wrong. clearly blatantly unconstitutional. i support keeping the government open. this is not an effort to close the government down. i commend the speaker for try to separate the issue somewhat. but if the president is correct in doing what he did, you don't need the congress. you don't need the people. you just need a president. clearly, that's not where -- where the majority of the american people are. clearly, the congress on a bipartisan basis should oppose the president's unilateral unconstitutional action. >> there are those within the party, your party, that suggest why not go ahead and back a government shutdown. that that's really the way to force this issue. and the gop should not be afraid of the backlash. >> i don't think anybody in the republican party or for that matter the democratic party wants as a goal to shut the government down. now, if you want to try to
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reduce the size of government, reduce the cost of government, then i'm all for that. but just the completely shutting the government down, doesn't make sense. we want to protect the military, our social security, our veterans, i mean, all the good things the government does. >> it's a move to take a stand against the white house and against the president as he tries to move forward on his executive action. there are those who suggest conservatives within the party should be doing that. >> well, i believe you could get at going after the president's unconstitutional action by doing extremely short-term continuing resolutions. between christmas and new year, most of the government is going to be enjoying the holidays. with the exception of the military and the postal service and those kind of entities. so we could keep the government operational. and yet still not allow the president to spend money to
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implement his executive order. and, you know, that's the approach i would prefer. but i'm not going to bid for anything that's unconstitutional. but, again, there's no reason to punish all the people that depend on some of the government services that we all vote for. i don't see that as a goal. >> do you think this is going to move ahead in a way that supports what mr. boehner wants to do? >> i think it depends on the american people. if everybody calls their congressman and senator and says, you know, protect the constitution, don't let the president do what he's doing, i think a lot of congressman and senators will vote to stopping. i know people are focused on christmas and the holidays and their own personal issues. but the constitution is about protecting the rights of the people. president obama is trying to take some of those rights and
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use them for himself. now, he's -- he is an american citizen. he is part of the people. but he's not the only person. he shouldn't be doing what he's attempted to do. he has even admitted that himself. not too long ago. what he's now saying he can do. it wasn't very long ago he was saying he didn't have the authority to do. >> all right, congressman, great to see you. thank you so much for joining us today. we will keep close watch on what unfolds in congress over the next few weeks. appreciate it. >> we appreciate you keeping an eye on us, that's a good thing. >> okay, sir, thank you. "rolling stone" magazine now backtracking on a bomb store report that led to all of the fraternities at one major university to be suspended and outrage around the world. in just nine more hours, polls are closing in louisiana in that big senate runoff race. a live report coming your way next. after 18 years in the
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senate, will today's runoff election spell the end for u.s. senator mary landrieu or can she come from behind to win it all? i'm john roberts. just outside of baton rouge. i'll have that story coming up. here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. i maximize good stuff, like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. ♪ (holiday mhey! is playing) i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today.
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welcome back, everybody. voting is under way in the bay yu at this hour. mary landrieu hoping to fend off congressman cassidy in today's run yoch election. this is the last raise in determining the final balance of power in the senate next year. and john roberts is standing by in baton rouge with how this showdown is shaping up. john. >> hey, good afternoon. brisk business being done at this polling place in westminster, louisiana. just outside of baton rouge.
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it's going to be interesting to watch what happens in this parish because back in the primary mary landrieu took baton rou rouge. if bill cassidy can narrow that gap, it may bode well for him statewide. campaigning with iowa senator-elect joni ernst in lake charles and just outside new orleans. they were there to thank volunteers who have been working so hard to get out the vote. cassidy is taking today off of the campaign trail. why, you ask, because he has to learn the new electronic coating system at the lsu medical school where he teaches. we asked cassidy about not working today to get out every vote. >> i'm not sure there's anything the candidate can do the final day. people know these issues. senator landrieu supports obama 97% of the time. she would vote for obamacare again tomorrow. i voted to repeal and replace over 50 types.
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i can go down the list. people know the issues. i'm comfortable people have made their choice. >> the incumbent is still campaigning today. she had a big event in new orleans last night. she just voted and is going to go out knocking on doors today in several precincts around new orleans. shep has campaigned since the primary without the support of the democratic senatorial campaign committee which pulled out, believing her candidacy was a lost cause. even though the dscc has left her for dead politically, mary la landrieu told fox news she doesn't care. >> i don't run hurt. i run happy, fearless, courageous. because the people that i fight for are courageous. the people that i represent are the most amazing people on this planet. so my heart is not hurt. we just fight heart to the end and it looks like we're going to win. >> now, of course, the polls would suggest she has a difficult job doing that.
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she may fall victim to the republican tide sweeping the south. she's been in difficult races before and pulled it off. we pulled it off what really happens in louisiana. >> thank you very much, john. there were thousands and thousands of pages of documents that were perused by all the staff, republicans and democrats, and at the end of the day, i completely agree with the report. >> that was from the congresswoman defending the newly declassified house intelligence report examining the events and the fallout on the benghazi, libya, consulate. joining us now, he was part of the cia security team who was on the ground during that tragic attack that left our ambassador and three others dead. he's one of the critics
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disputing the findings. >> welcome, nice to have you here. >> thank you, appreciate it, it's an honor. >> you were there. you were one of the authors of the book "13 hours" which is the firsthand account of what happened at both ben gacy locations on september 11th. you actually provided testimony to the house intel committee yourself. what are your biggest concerns about this new report? >> well, first of all, i wouldn't call myself critics of the report. i call myself eyewitness that can debunk the report. just the view that the report itself is flawed and there are -- overall. i mean, there's so many inconsistencies, even throughout the report itself. line by line, we describe that. the report is a total farce. >> it sounded like there were no intelligence lapses in
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connection with the fatal terror attack, which is surprising. >> even though we did stage ourselves because we had to be on the lookout of the report that was vague, that's an intelligence failure in itself. the department of defendant nof having standby on 9/11 to support all places around the world that could be attacked during the arab spring and 9/11 and so forth. that's an intelligence failure as well. >> how long did you spend with giving testimony behind closed doors? >> separate. actually, my testimony was with oz and jack silva and we were there a good two, three hours, if i remember correctly, give or take. and we were very, very detailed in what we told mike rogers and the entire committee except for adam sift, he didn't bother to show up for the testimony.
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>> what disappointed you in terms of the way your testimony was presented or the facts that you provided? >> well, they weren't prioritized. you think they would have been. our testimony from the report was downplayed in lieu of all the staffers that were there. everybody that didn't take part in benghazi or even wasn't 1,000 miles from benghazi. their views were taken over ours. which is shameful. >> why do you think this happened? why do you think after all the testimony, all the investigation, that this is what has come out at this point? >> well, you know, there's been open source stuff on mike rogers and his wife's relationship with aegis and conflicts at the state department. there was an election going on. al qaeda was on the run. there's an election that we
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had -- had to maintain a certain agenda to win. i'm not privy and i never saw arms being trafficked but there's reports of arms being trafficked to syria, which could have led to the development of isis. i hope people know on the upper management levels, those ones that are tired of telling lies or being lied to stand up. >> personally for you, what has this experience been like, having to go through this process and the information comes out, drip, drip, drip, the findings are still muddy. emotionally for you, this must be very difficult. >> it's disheartening. being, you know, i took an oath to defend this country and to defend the government of the united states. and all of us did on the ground there. we've been basically called liars by our own government. i'm angry. i'm very angry. very disappointed.
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i'm also exhausted that people just will not stop lying. i have to keep standing up to tell people. so -- but it also gives me -- i'm going to keep fighting. we don't quit. i'm not going to stop. can keep coming at me, i'm not going to stop. >> we thank you for your service. and i know you're fighting really hard to get to the bottom of this. we really appreciate you coming out here and presenting your viewpoints and we will continue to follow this, appreciate it, all the best to you. >> thank you, thank you, ma'am. >> next up, a man on mars. well, we may be one step closer after this week. one of our nation's top astronauts will be telling you why in just a few moments. i have a cold
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we are back with a
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developing story about "rolling stone" magazine backing down about an article about rape at the university of virginia. the article painting a horrific story about an alleged viblg ct. but jackie's story started to unravel. it says, in the face of new information, there now appears to be some discrepancies in jackie's ngt and we have come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced. the article had already been receiving widespread criticism for major journalistic blunder. not seeking out the other side. joining us now, college ethics expert and aei scholar. who says it's time to take a closer look at what has become a culture of hysteria. the fact this story has begun to unravel quickly and the fact that "rolling stone" says maybe we should have, you know, checked all the facts before we rushed, put out this article, what does this say about our culture and the fact that this happened and people were so
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ready to believe the worst? >> i think we're in the middle of a panic about rape and campus violation. similar to the panic around day care centers in the '80s. a little like the mccarthy era where there's panics, there's calls for censorship, false accusations. or just -- many, many campuses. young men are now suing the school because they were falsely accused. i'm not sure what it's going to take to bring people to their senses. something is amaze on our campuses. there is a culture of false accusation. >> the university rushed to judgment really quickly. and decided to shut down the fraternities there. and without seeking the other side. the information. >> yeah, it was almost as if guilty because accused. and innocence now -- even now that they're innocent, i worry they're still guilty. it's absolutely out of control. it's bizarre. and i do think that the
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president of the university should apologize to these fraternity members. i mean, they were accused. thing of this accusation. think how many people were willing to believe that nine young men, i think it's -- the number varies. nine young men were part of a rape -- criminal rape ring initiating one another into the fraternity via gang rape. it's absurd. and a monstrous charge. and yet everyone was willing to believe it and -- >> well, it's amazing, "rolling stone" didn't source the other side. they only took one person's account. as she saw them. and described it according to her view. and at the same time is not offering a full apology at all. it's just backtracking from the story. >> that's right. and that's why i think we need to consider how did this happen. and i believe the genesis goes back to some very harsh twisted
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anti-male theorys that came from gender studies, as well as some phony statistics. false statistics. we're all told 1 in 5 women will be raped or sexually assaulted. those usually don't come from reliable sources. >> that's fueled the climate? >> it's fueling false statistics. we have gender propaganda. sexual violation -- sex a sassa is a real problem. because it's real, we need sensible policies. that means good research and good data. we don't have it. we have a culture of panic, hysteria. i don't know where it's going to end. i hope this opens eyes. it's a teachable moment. we'll see. >> journalism 101, you got to get both sides of the story. obviously they failed miserably on this one. thank you so much for joining us. appreciate your insights. up next, nasa's triumphant return to space travel. former astronaut clay anderson tells us what his hopes are for orion. huh,
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. two, one and liftoff at dawn. >> isn't that a beautiful sight? well, you could soon be seeing this spacecraft launching to mars or to an asteroid.
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that's what nasa is hoping after the successful test flight friday. orion traveling 36,000 miles from earth, speeds up to 20,000 miles an hour. after four and a half hours successfully crashing back into the pacific ocean. joining us now, clayton anderson, who worked as a nasa engineer and astronaut for 30 years. you had a chance to travel to space twice and do six space walks, that's amazing and fabulous. talk to me about the expectations for orion and why this represents a new era for nasa and space travel. >> the idea is we want to go to the red planet mars. in order to do that, we wanted to begin to take small steps towards the technology development that's required. the successful launch and return of orion yesterday is a great start in that direction for nasa. >> so the particular craft we're talking about would be the
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actual craft that would take people to mars. >> it will be very similar, what i think people have to realize is that the capsule that carries the crew will ultimately have to be attached to the service module or something larger. i believe that will allow us to make that six to nine-month transition to mars. >> what are the expectations for this actually happening? is it actually going to take place within five or six years? >> well, that's hard to say. i think the most important part of this is that we have to get the public behind it and get taxpayers behind it and american government because we can't do any of this without proper funding. if we keep the funding at such low levels we have to do it in a very small increments that takes away from the excitement and enthusiasm that we can use to build up towards that. >> i mean, we've seen the fact that funding is up in so many areas of research for space travel, it's been very
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disheartening to see that, the fact that we don't have any astronauts traveling up to the stars at the moment, we have to hitch rides with russians these days. >> i think it's important that people understand that their taxpayer dollars going into our space program is a huge investment. in the apoll days, the investment return was between 7 to $20 per dollar invested in the -- from the taxpayer. so americans are kind of impatient and want things right now but they have to understand that many, many great things come from that taxpayer investment into the space program. we have to keep that in mind as we move forward. >> america has been the dynamic leader in space travel and always sets a high bar for doing the bold move in space. it would be absolutely vital, i would say to continue on that path but as you suggest, funding is really tough. what about private companies getting on board as well? >> well, the private companies,
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commercial space flight and private companies are the future of space flight as well. imagine, they had no idea we would be able to fly around the world in aircraft based on initial decisions in 1903. we have to have a combination of both, our government-led effort to keep our country as the preeminent space faring nation but it's great to have private companies doing great things as well. >> absolutely. really quickly, the trip to mars takes how long? >> it depends, but i would use six to nine months on average to get there and you want to wait to get the planets aligned to get a six to nine month trip home. i tell people it's roughly 27 months give or take. >> wow. >> but it's a trip worth taking, i would say absolutely. thank you so much for joining us, it's very exciting as we enter this new era of space travel and expectations for the
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future. >> thank, it's a pleasure. >> all the best. a sight behold as all over the world they gathered to observe the christmas season. ♪ oh, little town of bethlehem ♪ how still we see thxt hee lie ♪
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gathered at the washington convention center to remember the iconic former d.c. mayor. barry served as mayor for 16 years despite his personal troubles and remained very popular among washington residents, some calling him mayor for life. back to our top story, i asked you earlier if you agreed with jordan king that the short term solution to what's taking place against isis is military, long term an idealogical solution. unfortunately we have time for one answer. tim says, he agrees ideology is a larger longer problem as number of americans sharing ideals. thanks for those who shared your answers. a beautiful sight in bethlehem as people all over the world joining to celebrate the lighting of the christmas tree there. the event including fireworks marks the beginning of the holiday season and what has
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become known as christmas city. the star that tops the tree is decorated with 254 lights and stands 91 feet tall. a sight to behold indeed. thanks for joining us, everybody, make it a great day. hello and happy saturday afternoon to you. welcome to america's new headquarters. >> topping the news this hour an american held hostage by al qaeda in yemen has been killed. what the white house is now saying about the mission. >> and outgoing secretary of defense chuck hagel making a surprise visit to troops in afghanistan today to announce a change in plans. gas prices in one state reaching a low not seen in four years. could the rest of the country soon follow and pay less than $2


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