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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  December 7, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST

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you can e-mail us there. we're back here next sunday morning, 11:00 and 5:00 eastern. check it out for the latest buzz. a fox news alert, reports of new u.s. drone strikes in a rural village near the afghan/pakistan border. taking out 00 commander and other suspected terrorists. welcome to "america's news headquarters." >> hello and i'm eric shawn. this comes as the pentagon is announcing the u.s. has transferred six guantanamo detainees to uraguay. we're live in washington with the latest on this transfer. >> good morning. no question this has major
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political implications on two levels. first, it gets the obama administration closer to the magic 100 number where president obama feels he could keep his campaign promise. second, at least one of the detainees is involved in a lawsuit to have videos of him force fed during a hunger strike released publicly. this is the largest transfer of gitmo prison nors since 2009. and remember, a significant number of those released have been known to head right back to the battle field. >> some of these intelligent services who do these agreements about agreeing to watch them or monitor them can't do it. so we pay money -- now we're going to pay a lot of money to these countries. what we have found in the past is that it doesn't work very well. i don't think that surprises anybody. >> and a little bit more on where they're going.
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uruguay is nestled along the atlantic ocean. the cia world fact book doesn't even break out muslims as a population. and keep in mind, the president there spent a very long time under harsh conditions in prison during that country's military rule. they have long been known as a safe haven for those not wanted elsewhere in the world. a large number of nazis ended up right there in that south american country. >> arthel? >> as of all this is happening, we're also hearing about three more potential taliban prisoner transfers, this time to pakistan. two intelligence officials are saying one of the detainees is this man here. the second in command for the pakistani taliban. the u.s. military in afghanistan says it handed over three detainees but did not specify
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that he was one of them. the transfer, quote, followed consultations between the u.s. and pakistan and after receiving appropriate assurances. now to the continuing terrorist threat and the killing of another american. that brave rescue mission was not able to try and prevent the cold-blooded execution by luke somers. that comes as president obama has nominated ashton carter to become the next secretary of defense. will his approach finally potentially lead to a big defeat? joining us now as always is former u.s. ambassador to the united nations john boll ton. ambassador, luke somers' killing and that of his fellow hostage which is so sad and traj ek. can we stop these terrorists?
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these are people who go there to help like peter kassig and instead they get beheaded or shot. >> i think the only way to stop the hostage taking is to destroy the terrorist threat, to recognize that we're facing an ideological problem in many countries around the world. it doesn't have a corporate hierarchy, but it does share the same anti-american in particular ideology. unless we're committed to a global strategy to defeat it, i'm afraid this this kind of tragedy will simply continue to play itself out. perhaps in larger measure if the terrorists get their hands on weapons of mass destruction which has been an al qaeda objective these last 20 years. >> do you believe they're committed to that right now? >> i absolutely do not. i think the president still believes that the war on terror is over. he's focused on eliminating top
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al qaeda leadership along the afghan/pakistan border. that is not the only problem and these days it is far from the central problem is the continuing successes of isis in what used to be syria and iraq continues. look around, the beheadings in syria by isis, now we see it in yemen by other terrorist groups, the activities of boko haram in nigeria, all around the region, these terrorists barbaric acts continue. and the countries of the region don't seem to know how to respond to it and the president is otherwise occupied. >> ash carter will have this as number on his plate. he's a road scholar. but his experience seems to be basically with nuclear arms even though he was the number two under leon pinette ta recently.
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is he the man for the job? >> i'm not sure there's anybody in this administration who could be said to have that qualification. and it's not because of ash carter's experience with nuclear weapons rather than terrorism. you could put the best counter insur engineer sin professionals in the world in, it's not going to change the obama administration's approach. i think what carter has in store for him is at best two years of frustration. >> you talk about frustration, look, some of his predecessors have complained about micro managing and the frustration of the white house inner circle. they're talking about susan rice dictating pentagon strategy. take a look at what robert gates said just last month when he complained about it. listen. >> i told the commanders, you get a call from the white house,
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you tell them to go to hell and call me. >> that is pretty stunning. ambassador, you've been at these highest levels. what does that mean? >> i think it proves gates' point that there's been extraordinary micromanagement. the white house is sensitive to the criticisms politically, but not in govern answer terms. i'm sure other defense secretaries, all three former defense secretaries spoke their minds as well. it just doesn't make any difference with this white house. i think that's why carter's going to find it very difficult if indeed his opinions are contrary to the white house to have any prospect of changing the minds at the top. >> maybe they'll be asking some of those questions of him during his confirmation hearings. thank you for joining us on sundays. >> thank you, eric. >> a new warning coming from the
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chairman of the house intelligence committee over the public release of the decade-old report next week on the use of torture by the cia. others saying its release will only cause retaliation on americans abroad. >> this is a terrible idea. our foreign parters are telling us this will cause violence and death. leaders are saying if you do this, this will cause violence and deaths. there's been adept of justice investigation. it was stopped under the bush administration. there has been congressional action to stop this activity. president obama put an executive order saying he wouldn't continue any of that activity. >> on friday, secretary of state john kerry urged senator dianne feinstein to reconsider the release. feinstein has not yet responded. police officers in berkeley
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california have been injured, that over protests of eric garner's death. people were looting and smashing windows and throwing rocks at police. the mayhem also destroyed some police cars. the latest from the los angeles bureau. >> eric, this is supposed to be another peaceful protest, but it quickly spiralled out of control. it started with about three to 400 people in the city of berkeley that were supposed to protest all the way up to the civic center in oak land. then evidently a splinter group broke off. police ended up having to use tear gas and smoke bombs all while protestors vandalized several squad cars and businesses. >> it just didn't work. next thing you know, that window breaks, that window starts breaking, these two windows break. >> kid with a hammer comes in and throws brake fluid.
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>> the sfraengs conical reports that at one point they were face to face with 100 police officers in riot gear who turned the crowd back. >> just breaking it. there were people mostly covered faces of course and people started walking up and taking some of the bottles. >> one police officer had to go to the hospital to be treated for a dislocated shoulder after being hit by a sandbag. another had minor injuries. it's unclear how many people may have been hurt or arrested. this comes on the heels of peaceful protests all across the country after a grand jury decided not to indict a white police officer in the death of eric garner. of course, it all comes on the heels of ferguson, missouri. we can tell you last night in new york, there were also protests. those protests, though, were peaceful. well, a runoff election
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victory by republican congressman bill cassidy of louisiana denying a fourth term to democratic senator mary landrieu. helping republicans pick up nine senate seats in the midterm elections and increasing their majority to 54 seats in the senate. john roberts is live in new orleans. >> arthel, good afternoon to you. it was not just a victory for republicans last night, it was a blowout. bill cassidy buried senator mary landrieu by 12 points. cassidy rode the republican wave tapping in a deep well of resentment that really is very, very deep set clear across the state. his only line of attack was that she votes with the president 97% of the time. but that was all he needed to do. >> it was the exclamation mark. the people of louisiana put
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behind that which the rest of america said on november 4th. we don't like the direction president obama has taken our country. we wish to go in a different direction and i'm privileged to represent these fine folks in louisiana as we place that exclamation mark. >> cassidy's victory was a huge blow to democrats who now do not control a u.s. senate seat, st from texas all the way to the carolinas. landrieu went out gracefully. >> we honor and accept the decision tonight, but i cannot tell you all and my family how proud we are to have made a big difference every day for many decades and we will continue to do so. thank you. >> clearly, the democratic senate campaign committee saw the writing on the wall with the
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race, it pulled out of louisiana almost immediately after the november 4th primary. we should also point that that republicans will hang onto the majority no the house because they won two runoffs in the house last night. >> all right. john roberts there in new orleans. new orleans to those of us from there. >> from there, exactly. today, we mark the day that will live in infamy. it's a somber rememory entrance of respect and reflection. coming up, we'll take you inside the museum that honors and keeps alive the sacrifices of this greatest generation on this historic december 7th. and prince william and kate middleton heading to the big apple. a preview of their week around the states. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking.
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the duke and duchess are just a few hours away from landing in new york city. as the big apple rolls out the royal welcome mat, we're live with all the details. >> hi, arthel. the duke and duchess arrived this afternoon around 5:00 p.m. it's the first royal trip to the big apple for both prince william and his wife katherine. every minute of this three-day visit is planned. tomorrow, prince william will make his way to washington d.c. meeting at the white house with president barack obama. he'll then head to the conference and speak about wildlife trading. and the duchess will go to a center with the first lady of. watching the current king lebron james take on the nets. >> i've been so excited for a long time.
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all my friends are excited. i looked into getting basketball tickets for the nets game they're attending. i think it's great. >> the madness is here. william and kate will spend their last day tuesday visiting the 9/11 memorial museum. the royal couple flew on a commercial flight and will be staying at the famous carlisle hotel. it's the same hotel his mother stayed at during her visits to new york and no doubt causing the same royal fever. >> the appeal of the royals in the u.s. is extraordinary. i think everyone, even the most dated new yorker are fascinated by the history and the drama and the glamour of the british royal family. >> all eyes will be on what the future green is wearing and her new baby bump. the couple's son is not making the trip. >> still exciting nonetheless. i love it.
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meanwhile, today is the day that will live in infamy. we're marking 73 years since the japanese attack on pearl harbor that plunged our country into the second world war. our next guest is the presents of the world war ii museum and he has meaningful insights for us on this historic day.
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at pearl harbor in hawaii. the early morning raid sank or damaged 21 ships, including the one you see here, the u.s.s. arizona. now we remember our brave servicemen on this somber day. the national world war ii museum is opening a brand new pavilion to help us connect with the past. joining me now is the co-founder and president of the museum. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for inviting me. >> i want to start here. 73 years ago, the pearl harbor attack, share your thoughts for us on this day, sir. >> that's a day that plunged america into world war ii. it was certainly a day of infamy, but it was a day we were kept totally unprepared and surprised by this attack. we learned a great lesson from that. a few days later, we were also at war with germany.
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so this event precipitated america's involvement. we had to make a huge comeback and a fight to the finish for our own freedom and democracy. it took us four years and all our allies and all the people in america to do it. it was hom front battle and a war front battle on two fronts that was just extraordinary. and so next week, we're telling the first half of the story after pearl harbor. we open our campaigns of courage pavilion with a big emphasis on the courage of our american people and armed forces. we take the story through north africa and the d-day invasion and ultimately the battle of the bulge. its anniversary by the way is next week as well. the beginning of that last stand of the nazi troops in germany.
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we want visitors to understand, what are we doing in north africa? well, the answer to that is, we had to save great britain and europe was the first priority for resources of a nation that didn't have much in the way of resources. so this is an exciting moment for the national world war ii museum in new orleans. and i think the nation is going to be as excited about this as next year's opening about a year from now when we open the road to tokyo which will carry through the whole pacific campaign in personal stories and help america remember the sacrifices and the courage of that greatest generation that went from nowhere totally unprepared to being the greatest, richest, freest most powerful country in the world by 1945. >> overall, the museum provides a dramatic experience and it's
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there in new orleans. it takes up a lot of land there. tell me about, if you could in about 30 seconds or so, just how the community there really embraced you and your efforts to get that museum up and running. >> well, it took a long time. we started 24 years ago. it gained transaction very quickly locally and nationally and members of congress supported, the state of louisiana supported. we're working on a $300 million expansion. six acres, three square blocks. it's ranked number four in america as the most popular museum in this country. it's an amazing journey for people of all ages. you get a dog tag that connects you with a soldier and you follow that story and various stations throughout the exhibits. the beyond all boundaries spectacular movie with tom hanks.
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>> an amazing indeed. i have to go. i appreciate your time and we'll see you begin sir. thank you so much. >> we hope you come down and see us. >> absolutely. when we come back, we'll talk about acid reflux with the doctors. the volkswagen golf was just named motor trend's 2015 car of the year. so was the 100% electric e-golf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. and last but not least, the high performance gti.
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looks like we're gonna need a bigger podium. the volkswagen golf family. motor trend's 2015 "cars" of the year.
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i'm arthel nefl. time now for "sunday housecall." >> and i'm eric shawn. welcome as always. joining us is dr. marc siegel. he's also the author of the inner pulse. professor of id samadi. urology and chief of robotic jrge. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> we begin with breaking news. news that president obama has been diagnosed apparently with acid reflux. this happened yesterday after he complained of a sore throat.


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