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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 9, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST

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>> hello, everyone, i'm kimberly, along with bob, eric, dana and jesse. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." in less than 24 hours, senate democrats are poised to release a declassified version of a report examining the use of alleged torture by the cia. it's a decision that's going to cost lives, according to the chairman of the house intelligence committee. >> i think this is a terrible idea. so our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths, our foreign leaders have approached the government and said you do this, this will cause violence and death. our own intelligence community
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has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths. >> the white house, even admits it's going to put americans and others abroad in great danger. but the president wants this report made public nonetheless. >> there are some indications that the release of the report could lead to a greater risk that is posed to u.s. facilities and individuals all around the world. so the administration has taken the prudent steps to ensure that the proper security precautions are in place. that said, the administration strongly supports the release of this declassified summary of the report. the president believes that on principle, it's important to release that report so that people around the world and people here at home understand exactly what transpired. >> on the eve of the reports released, there is one president standing up for the cia. >> we're fortunate to have men
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and women who work hard at the cia, serving on our behalf. these are patriots. and whatever the report says, if itti it diminishes their contribution to our country it's a disservice. >> dianne feinstein, the senator has made her decision, but it was just on friday that the secretary of state john kerry personally called her and asked her to delay the release of it. because of all the list of horribles that the president was just talking about. did was effective. that was not just coming from me, it was coming from people
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like leon panetta and wrote also about it in his book. we did not get to the point in our country where president obama could say in his re-election, al qaeda is on the run by accident. there are reasons and methods that were done to do this. i guess at this point, i realize that the report is going to come out. dianne feinstein, she was a part of that original gang of 8, along with pelosi and others. it is curious to me, why now, why she felt it was necessary to reclassify and not share it with people on other committees or both democrats and republicans, and in closed sessions, i can understand that, i'm for that the type of democracy, but it's not that you're hearing from republicans that we are worrieded about loss of life, therefore don't issue this report, you're actually hearing
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this from our allies, countries that made really good decisions to help america deal with terrorists all over the world and that we were able to track down because of their help. >> so i don't wablgtd to daxwan dance around it. america was on our heels, we didn't know what to do, and the cia came forward aggressively interrogated some terrorists. if it's tactics they don't like in the obama administration, if we don't like you, we'll change you next time if we find out we're not as safe as we were under george bush's presidency. these guys are bad guys, they
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have shown that they're terrorist. i have said that i'm in favor of waterboarding because it works. you may not like the process, but it made people turn over information that made us safer. you should say, these are the tactics that we used to use. these are the tacticses you will not be subject to if you blow up america. people already hate us, they hate us anyway. >> what's the point in releasing it, when there can be far greater harm than good. >> just for the sake of transparency. >> i guess i'm to get intel squlens that we can act on in real time, they're putting their lives at risk. and you have not only the united states and intelligence officials saying this, our allies are also joining in the
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request to withhold this information, what good can come from it now, jesse? >> the timing of it, jonathan gruber is supposed to testify obvious the hill. there's no coincidence it's a huge distraction. look what happened, bush water boarded terrorists, obama's releasing terrorists. dana was right, look what happened, they were briefed on this in 2002, pelosi, all those people didn't say anything until it became politically opportune. now you have people coming out and saying, this is a big deal, i don't understand because it's hypocrital kl. you can take people out with drone attacks in other countries, but you don't want to capture them, put them in a tropical place and give them a
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koran and let them play socker? >> they used valid interrogation techniques that was able to get us actionable intelligence. that's the part i don't understand. bob, what would you like to say? >> i think that a lot of this information has been out and made public already and so it's not going to become a lot of news here. i don't blame them for saying, be careful when this comes out, although i think that's a state of readiness that already exists. allies they're talking about are countries like saudi arabia, who clandestinely took certain prisoners and did the kinds of things to them that we as americans would not do. i think if you're going to do something in the name of the american public, then the american public as a right to know what you're doing. and what you're doing in my
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view, not object nly is it out realm, inconceivable to -- >> they're kept up for 24 hours straight, they play loud music, that's bad and we shouldn't be doing it. but they should be able to kill 3,000 people in downtown manhattan. >> it's not just about the interrogations, but about renditions, which means you capture someone and instead of bringing them to the united states, you bring them to another state. that is the concern of allies that have had information passed to us or that we passed information to them. the europeans that are worried about the interrogation tactics, they benefitted from the
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information they provided. over the objections, the white house counsel at the time, bill clinton and al gore overruled that and told the cia to do exactly what they had to do to protect americans. >> and they did the job. >> in addition to this, it comes at a time when we are dealing with increased threats, isis, al qaeda 2.0. this is not an empa sis of homeland security. there are lives on the line, people that are not just kerry mathis mathison. people who spend their entire lives dedicated to the country to protect us, things we will never know what they have done to protect us so that we can have the benefit of the ely ely have now. >> when you have the president of brazil who cancelled a state dinner with the united states over just the gathering of intelligence, of other
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countries, this to me is so much worse. >> take a listen. >> first of all, the cia workforce will feel as if it has been tried and convicted in absencea, since the senate democrats and their staff d talk to anyone actively involved in the program. bob, there are countries out there who have cooperated with us on the war on terror, at some political risk, who are relying on american discretion. i can't imagine anyone out there going forward in the future who would be willing to do anything with us that even smacks of political danger. >> so there are direct repercussions that we will see, not only to lives of our people that engage in covert operations that need cover to do their job
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effecti effectively. now america is the biggest kiss and tell. >> what you're saying is people are not going to be willing to do what they shouldn't have been done in the first prays. number two, you said that al qaeda was not december natured, they were spread out all over the reason and now because of this they're gone. president obama when he said that al qaeda is dead and buried. >> i know you and i have both said we're in agreement with president obama's drone program, right. >> yes. >> okay, so it's okay to find a guy who you said was a bad guy, take him out with a drone and kill him, that's better than capturing and bringing him back, yep, you're leaning on him hard, make him stay up, pour water on him, get some intel, than kill
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him. >> it's better than sending him to saudi arabia to torture chambers that are notorious. >> i'm talking about the gitmo enhanced interrogation technique that the cia used to get intel to keep the country safer. you think that was worse than taking the same people, and instead of bringing them back, just kill them. >> certain people, you're not going to be able to get. >> yes or no? >> all right, you know who started the rendition on the black side? bill clinton and al gore. you know what obama did? he carved out an exemption which allows him to water board terrorists in a ticking time bomb situation. because after 9/11, there was a ticking time bomb situation every single day. >> i'm certain that's not the right thing to do. >> do what? pour water on their faces? which the navy s.e.a.l.s have done to themselves while they're in training. maybe that's what hillary meant
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when she said she wanted to empathize with the enemy. >> she doesn't like the three people that got water boarded. >> if you don't like my view, you don't like my view, that's what i'm saying. >> i love your view. rolling stone may have issued an apology to its readers, but should the magazine be held accountable for it's
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not only did rolling stone neglect it's due diligence before printing a story. in an initial letter to readers on friday, managing editor will dana said trust in a woman named jackie was, quote, misplaced after learning about discrepancies in her account. over the weekend, that was changed to these mistakes are on
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sabfñfjp/t#;>lñfñáf4p o-?i% rolling stone blew it because they have always said, as long as we're going to fact check, they admit that they're left wing, as far left as it goes, bias publication, but theically for their bias. here's a point where they couldn't back it up with their facts. here's the only fallout i'm concerned about. with rolling stone blowing the whistle on someone that maybe wasn't actually raped, the next person that comes forward and says i have this problem, this
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should be exposed, they go, well, rolling stone had a problem with it, we're going to steer away from it. it's something that needs to be talked about and something that needs to be fixed. i hope it's not on the rolling stone that something doesn't get fixed. >> shopping for the story, going for this narrative that she wanted to put out, about a very serious problem that should be addressed. people are going to be wondering, doubting, terrible fallout in this kind of story. now they're investigating other stories that she did as well. sometimes sorry isn't good enough, this is one of those instances. they actually sought out the reporter to write a piece about
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campus rape because they thought it would be compelling. and he said he had an initial doubt when he first saw her reporting, but then he hasn't explained what happened. >> biassed reporting is one thing, if you have facts to back it up. but in this case, take it in the context of where they were writing the story, there had been the release of stories of a number of rapes at university of virginia that had been covered up. i'm sure rolling stone was saying, look this is all going on u now, let's put ours in the middle of this thing. and that may have dampened the other people that did get raped. i'm not surprised that another news organization would jump on this, the problem is that they jumped on it taking one source, the same newspaper that had that woman who got the pulitzer pride by writing a story about a woman
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in the ghetto and then that got exposed as being untrue. >> after the story, jesse that ran in rolling stone, the uva immediately suspended all fraternities and sororities until january, there was rumors that they were even thinking of ending them all together. those fraternities and sororities have gotten together and said we would like to be reinstated. do you think they should be. >> yes, and they will be. this guy yon, i think they're going to slegt this guy. he's got a ton of leverage in the business. i don't think anybody's going to be knocking down this guy's door. so he's trying to be quiet and remain quiet. as far as them getting reinstated, they should bchl.
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>> he's friends with everybody. >> you've seen him out in the hamptons, i'm sure. >> can you imagine the amount of people that he owes? >> i was on a low rent for the hampt hamptons. >> they're all friends, they have all been to his place. >> maybe the fallout will be that all of us will be a little bit more skeptical when we see a rolling stones story. coming up, is president obama uniting or dividing the country with his remarks about racism in america. you'll hear that next.t.t.t.t.t.
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racial tensions in america
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have been high over the past few weeks. president obama is only stirring things up. listen to this new remark. when you're dealing with something as deeply rooted as racism or violence in any society, it's going to take some time. >> so he thinks america is rooted in racism. according to a new poll the majority of americans think race relations have gotten worse since the president took office. >> we have made all kinds of efforts to improve race relat n relations in this country. we have bent over backwards. is there a-- we have people to
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whom the truth is relative. the president taking sides in this in a way that further divides the country i find reprehensible and very unfortuna unfortunate. >> obama's racial track record, how much responsibility do you think he has. he had the reverend wright controversy right out of the gate. he sided against the cop in cambridge. how much responsibility does the president have. >> he's got not just the responsibility, but it's incumbent on him as the leader of the free world, the president of the united states, the commander in chief, to instill and restore order. what a unique opportunity in history this president had. and how did he blow it? because all he's done with, and i really feel strongly about this, with eric holder pokes the cage saying americans are racist, cops are racist, we're
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not doing a good enough job. look at the problems in ferguson, that could have been, maybe not completely prevented but not as bad as it ultimately ended up being, and now we see riots in berkeley, say let's focus on the positives and the accomplishments, how much we have done in this country by having the civil rights movement like bob talks about. >> republicans are afraid to say anything critical of the president, because they're going to get smeared as a racist. do you understand why a lot of americans don't like to talk about race? >> as usual, we selectively e t edited what obama said there, he said race relations have gotten a lot better in the last 50 years, but our editors chose to take that out. he said that the ferguson riots has done no good.
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one thing he has never said is that americans are racist. >> one of the things he has done, he has surrounded himself with a lot of individuals. listen to what was said about racial leadership on fox news channel. >> i can't tell you how outraged i am with president obama and these so-called black leaders who are whipping up -- entertainment, sports, politics, obama is in a unique position, he could have united our country, but unfortunately, he has made matters worse. >> eric, do you agree with that? he surrounded himself with people like holder and sharptop. >> that's president obama's fall, not necessarily what he's
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saying, but who he's associated with. al sharpton literally said that he was going to be the one who was going to pick -- the real black leders are the thousands or more black pastors and ministers across the country, they're the ones who go to the pulpit every sunday and talk. those are the people that president obama should be surrounding himself. those are the people we should be putting on the fox news challenge and talking to them because those are the people who have the pulse on what the black community thinks. the more he continues to race bait and continue the rhetoric, black people are saying, okay, that's not helpful. the families in ferguson said, al sharpton, you're not helpful anymore.
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. welcome back, time for the fastest seven minutes on television first up, the big discovery channel event went down last night where a man wanted to be eaten alive by and an con da. let's just say the discovery channel overpromised and underdelivered. >> you guys need to get in here. >> okay, okay.
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>> 70 minutes into the show rosalie tapped out saying the snake was about to break his arm. so he was not eaten alive, not even a scratch. wait, wait, the snake didn't even eat the guy? i have been eaten by exactly as many anacondas as the host of this show. i mean this guy has been on a pr blitz over the last couple of weeks saying he wants to be the first man to be eateni allow by
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and an c and an anaconda. >> a whole two hour episode about being eat on by a snake. >> if he wants to be eaten by a snake, let him be eaten and stay there. >> they ought to try this tactic down at gitmo. >> torture lover. >> i'm not even looking at the monitor, or i'll have nightmares about snakes sneaking up on my bed. >> what would give anybody the idea that it would be good to be eaten by a snake. >> it's kind of like the october surprise. >> the october surprise may be a little late, but it will be coming. when you make that pitch like that, you better come up with something better than that.
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>> up next, politics continue to intrude on our sports. chicago bulls star guard derek rose wore a t-shirt bearing that phrase. yesterday, four more nfl stars joined the protest with these. and check out redskins defensive tackle chris baker, who said hands up don't shoot after a sack. >> really? sports star using politics --- >> they should be able to express themselves the way they wanted to. particularly when it came to this staten island thing, which was clearly police brutality. the guy shouldn't have died but he did die. if you want to express yourself,
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express yourself. why not? how else can you express yourself if you have a big audience like that. >> they can go on twitter or facebook. >> they could have come out of the tunnel with hands up, the trayvon hoodie, whatever makes you win the became, if you don't win the game, it doesn't matter. >> i think there's good reason why -- and this is not just sports, but at places of employment, companies have policies that whatever you do on your own time, exercising your first amendment right is allowed, we just ask you not to bring politics when you're at work. it's kind of good practice for a lot of places. >> it's also a good call to equip yourself with the facts and information and read, because hands up don't shoot, actually never happened. that was disproved and taken back by the one person who said that he saw that.
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and with respect to the eric garner case, i have been on ride alongs with the police, people do make a lot of comments, oh, you're breaking my arm, it hurts, they say this to get out of it. none of this would happen, if you just let the police do their job and question you, you don't resist address. the man had some physical problems. >> these are african-americans that are watching now. >> the one in new york had nothing to do with race. >> even the family said. and eric, there was a female african-american sergeant in charge at the scene. >> finally, i have been pretty hard on al sharpton over the years, can't understand why a news organization would have him host a show. turns out i'm not the only one.
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"saturday night live" posted fun at the reverend's well documented teleprompter flubs and then turned to his interviewing skills. >> i mean this is just crazy. >> yeah, it is. >> i mean what does a man have to do to be put on trial. how are you going to get your own thing on video and then turn around and say there's no crime here. >> i don't have any idea. >> this is a he did it. >> you're right, you're more than right. >> well, thank you for clearing this up. >> i wonder if al sharpton has a sense of humor, so if he sees they're telling me don't say it. i bumped into him last year at the white house correspondents dinner. i took a picture of him and he
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actually does have a sense of humor about a lot of stuff. >> he was actually kind of scared when he saw you. >> we have been saying here on fox that this guy sharpton's been a joke, finally "snl" gets it. this means sharpton has arrived. when you're spoofed on "snl," you have arrived. >> he lost a bunch of weight. >> he said with all this stuff that's going on, i was so upset, i gained a hundred pounds over the last couple of days. >> will and kate are so excited about their visit,
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you make me wear my bike helmet. you taught me never to run with scissors. and to follow the swimming rules. you tell me to stay away from drugs. to always buckle my seat belt. so why do you keep a loaded gun in your drawer? how safe is that? you ask them to follow some safety rules... now, they're asking you.
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in fact, they're counting on you. never let your gun get into the wrong hands. remember, always... lock it up. visit
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test those are the decorations you see in new york city. there's nothing better this time of year than the christmas decorations in new york. welcome to america, and welcome to new york city, prince william and duchess kate have been making a big splash since they touched down yesterday for their first official visit since 2011. kate toured a child development
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center with the first lady of new york city. eric, let me ask you something, despite what anybody might think about the royals, this is good business for the brits, isn't it? >> i think that's great business for both of us. they're our strongest ally, they're beloved, not just by americans or just by brits, but it's good to see them being shown around the cultural icons of new york city. >> are you for the royal family? >> i would have a monarchy here. >> prince harry, that's what she's for. >> look, i love the royal family, everybody knows that, but i know them personally, so i can say that with true conviction and admiration. bob, have you been on this show with me at all? >> yeah, i have. >> prince charles, and camilla. >> really? >> i entertained them when i was first lady of san francisco when they did this tour of the united
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states. san francisco is one of the stops that they made, so i did the same thing that the first lady of new york is doing. yes, i think it's great for the u.s., i think it's great for a key ally of the u.s. and it was great for all to see. i was very happy that they came here. >> what about you, dana? >> i love it, i love the glitz and glamour. she's got great shoes. >> how do you know she's got great shoes? >> because in the fashion magazines, they'll say as worn by kate middleton. >> do you wear the suits that he does? >> yes, heathrow, seville row. do you think what he should have done? if i was prince william, i would have taken that winston churchill bus, i would have brought it back and put it smack in front of the president. you didn't want it before, you're getting it back.
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>> you should do that, you should really try to ask them some serious history questions. >> i think they're going to the nets game tonight, then they're going to meet chelsea clinton.
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>> it's time for one more thing. >> this date 1980, john lennon
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was killed by mark david chapman, it's a terrible thing and we mishim and we still miss him. >> you know what one of the fun things to do -- >> i want to say congratulations to julie adams. here's her picture here. julie adams worked in the bush white house for laura bush. she was named the new senate secretary, the secretary of the senate, which has all sorts of responsibilities, administrat e administrative, legal, financial, she's in charge of a lot of different people. i want to congratulate her on that. >> i didn't say my wildest dreams, because i knew she was going to be successful, but i didn't think she would become secretary of senate.
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>> over the weekend, the college football playoffs, the first-ever playoffs, the teams were announced, three obvious choices in the fourth one, alabama will meet ohio state in the sugar bowl, oregon will meet florida state in the rose bowl. with where are tcu or baylor? i would stay tcu deserved that four spot that ohio took. the horn frogs should have been there. >> this is an outrage. this is an absolute outrage. what is going on? >> jesse, what do you have for us today. >> sir elton john was so charable attending an all-star event, and did what we call a crocodile flop. >> uh-huh. >> down goes sir elton john.
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>> that 's terrible. >> very upsetting. >> that's your one more thing? >> he had explain himself. listen to this. >> are you all right? are you all right? >> i'm not standing, no. >> we were very worried about you. >> i'm not standing, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> so everybody's glad elton john is okay, he's fine. >> one more analysis. so how many of you have done that and then you just want to cry for your mother. apple has got some of the patents developed, apgd it's got matrix technology, so if it censures the iphone technology, it's like to flip to land.
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i think it's very cool. now i'm wondering if i should have waited instead of buying the iphone 6. pretty cool technology. >> can we s sdz>> a a fox news alert on this tuesday december 9th pt. we are hours from big cia secrets spilled on purpose. u.s. embassies and military now
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bracing for violence. >> this report will read to a national espionage service that is timid and friendly. that's a very dangerous situation. >> why is this report being released at all? and why now? >> a college professor planned to have students recite an unpatriotic spoof of the pledge of allegiance. good history lesson or anti-american? we report, you decide. >> a royal courting. will and kate spending their evening at the nets game as they continue their u.s. tour. what's on tap for today? "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> a rainy times square this
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morning. good morning. you are watching "fox and fen& first" on this tuesday. i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am heather childers. we are going to get first to this fox news alert. a controversial torture report filled with cia secrets set to be released hours from now. >> rapid response ready as they brace for backlash. chief intelligence correspondent katherine herridge has the latest. >> the program included kalid sheikh mohammed,al beau abizaid as well as the ladies and gentlemened planner of the u.s.s. cole bombing in 2000. they support democratic senator diane fine stein's decision to make the findings public. >> this is a cia that is completely out of control. it is outside of the system of checks and balances of the constitution. they have lied to the white house. they lied to the justice


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