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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 10, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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hurricane-force winds and heavy rain. up to 8 inches of rain could fall on coastal mountains and some ski resorts may see more than 2 feet of snow. there's also fear of mud slides. >> three former cia directors are firing back. in a wall street journal opinion piece, they write the senate report is quote, one-sided. they also say it tarnishes a program that saved american lives. the justice department says it won't happen. i'm arthel neville. stay tuned. "hannity" is up next. welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. moments away vice president dick cheney's exclusive interview with fox's own bret baer.
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first, earlier today fox's own ed henry pressed white house press secretary josh earnest about why the president thinks that it is un-american and immoral to interrogate terrorists but it's okay to kill them with drone strikes. we bring in fox news correspondent ed henry to explain what an exchange you had with him. and i thought a very, very important point and question to ask. ed. >> thanks, sean. i tried to stick to the facts because, look, what josh earnest was saying earlier in this briefing today we repeatedly was the reason why the president supported the release of this senate intelligence report obviously very controversial because of the violence that may ensue against american interests around the world, various critics on the left and right wondering about the timing of all of this. josh earnest kept saying the president wants to restore moral authority, that he believes moral authority for the united states was lost during the bush administration because of these
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tactics. interesting because today the president got pressure from the left and the right. democratic senator mark udall on the senate floor saying the president has a cia director josh brennan who served under president george w. bush approved of these tactics and yet is still in charge according to udall has been lying to congress, john brennan has. and you remember jose rodriguez top official saying the president is against these harsh interrogation tactics for dozens of terrorists when meanwhile thousands of terrorists and innocent civilians as well have been killed by the president's drone strikes. i pressed josh earnest on that contradiction. >> we've seen many cases around the world where u.s. drones have killed innocent civilians. despite those safeguards. so how do you have moral authority? >> what i'm saying there's a stark difference than the tactics that are employed by our enemies who seek to use car bombs to actually target innocent civilians. >> no one's defending the
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terrorists tactics. >> but you're asking about moral authority -- >> the moral authority -- >> there's a very clear difference between the tactics use by terrorists and the counterterrorism that go to great lengths to protect the lives of american civilians. >> what's interesting is even though the president and his top aides are saying they are very much against these tactics, that they are un-american, they will not quite say from the white house podium that it was torture and that it broke the law. in fact, today u.n. officials were saying that they believe that former cia officials, former bush white house officials, should actually be prosecuted if the white house and if senate democrats believe broke the law, they should face war crimes. but the justice department previously said they're not going to press those charges. and today justice officials said, look, they've looked at this senate report and they're still not going to move forward. >> what a duck and dodge. i thought that was a hard hitting question, a fair
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question. and based on the facts. what are the numbers that you have? because i've got conflicting reports of numbers in terms of those numbers of people killed by the drone strikes of president obama. i have an estimate of about 2,400. in pakistan alone an estimate of between 400 to 950 civilians including 168 to 200 children. what are the numbers you have? >> well, i've heard that similar numbers in the thousands. obviously it's very hard to get a specific number because if you have a drone strike that takes out some terrorists but then also wipes out a couple of homes nearby, it might be five people, ten people, adding all of that up and getting a real number is very hard. but as you know human rights groups from the left have been slamming the president about ramping up that drone policy far beyond what president bush was doing. now, the president and his aides point out he has since reformed some of those policies. they claim they've gotten more safeguards, but obviously we don't see all of this in the
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public. we don't know all of those safeguards. we don't know how they decide all these things. so, yes, there have been thousands of civilians killed while there were dozens of detainees who faced these tactics. >> so enhanced interrogation is bad, but drone strikes with collateral damage of women and children that's okay. that's basically what you were calling him out on today. ed henry at the white house tonight. thank you. >> good to see you mpkts just a few hours ago former vice president dick cheney sat down with my friend and colleague bret baier to respond exclusively to the cia report. >> i think it's a terrible piece of work. seems deeply flawed. they didn't bother to interview key people involved in the program. and i think that it's sort of a classic example which you see too often in washington where a group of politicians get together and sort of throw the professionals under the bus. we've seen it happen before. what happened here was that we asked the agency to go take
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steps and put in place programs that were designed to catch the -- that killed 3,000 of us on 9/11 and make sure it didn't happen again and that's exactly what they did. they deserve a lot of credit. not the kind of condemnation they're receiving from the democrats. >> media bias on full display last night. look at brian williams and cbs's scott pelley decided to frame their questions. >> what if you, god forbid members of your family, had to undergo some of the treatments we are reading about in this report? can you personalize it in that way? >> i actually think, brian, that my concern or my outrage, if that were ever done to any of my family members would be somewhat muted if my family members had just killed 3,000 of my citizens. >> we just heard john mccain describe this as shameful.
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are you ashame sd? >> no, i'm not, scott. this boils down to me to a question of morality. >> here with reaction is war stories host lieutenant colonel oliver north. let me get to this media narrative. last night you have mr. cnn anderson cooper making analogies -- nazi analogies, listen to this. >> it is shocking. i mean, just quickly, when you read this if you envision nazis doing this, and i hate to say this, if you envision the -- rouge doing this, it's not that far removed from stuff they were doing. >> wait a minute, is mr. cnn, is he going to make or envision nazi-camar rouge analogies? what's your reaction? >> apparently he's certainly trying to do that. but i would point out that waterboarding was never considered to be torture until years after 9/11/01. and back in the '60s, survival
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of state resistance invasion instructors of which i was one subjected american military personnel to be dipped in ice water, stuffed into tiny hot boxes, waterboarding, standing naked in the dark, sleep deprivation and exhaustive interrogation. >> in other words you've been through all of that. >> all of it. all of it. >> as part of your training. >> sean, what's even worse is i did it to other people because these were people who were training and preparing at the risk of capture by our enemies. being broken by their captors. so this was how we trained people to resist that kind of interrogation. >> all right. how can somebody though -- i kind of lost you for a second. how does somebody support the drone program under obama and how that it's not morally or more morally problematic than what is enhanced interrogation? give me an option. enhanced interrogation as horrible as it may be and uncomfortable as it may be, let
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me see versus the killing of my entire family with a dren strike. i think i'll take the enhanced interrogation please. >> and of course secretary -- vice president cheney made that very point. ed henry made that very point when he's trying to interrogate josh earnest. >> bunch of hypocrites. >> well, they are. and not only that this isn't just selective amnesia on the part of members of congress. the vice president was very kind to remember what happened. i remember that kind of congressional amnesia. this was worse. it's a lie aimed at denigrating network and our intelligence services. and i noticed something about the congress doing that kind of thing. congressman dave mccurty, dick cheney was then a member of that committee, so was henry hyde. he told me, dave mccurty, if you don't air drop supplies to the nicaragua indians and give them ammunition quickly, i will out
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you. i ran across the street and asked the national security adviser what i should do, he says you know the answer. start dropping ammunition to the indians. how congress was investigating, i carried out my orders, dave mccurty couldn't remember. thank god dick cheney was there. this feinstein report ignores the testimony of john rizzo, jose rodriguez who gave over 40 briefings to congress -- >> if people die -- >> people didn't die intentionally as a part of this program. some had been wounded and captured. some starved themselves to death. and by the way -- >> i'm going to go one step further. if people respond to this report and americans are killed, they'll have blood on their hands as far as aisi'm concerne. agree or disagree? >> couldn't agree more. what good comes from publishing this kind of blatantly disturbing report -- we're being warned our americans are going
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to die. god help dianne feinstein if americans die as a result. >> true. up next here on "hannity". >> you told us and i quote, we respect the notion that i can just suspend deportation through executive order is just not the case. that's exactly what you did -- >> univision's jorge ramos caught president obama off guard. he's here to explain what our commander in chief wasn't truthful about. and later tonight our question of the day, is president obama a hypocrite for posing enhanced interrogation techniques while supporting drone strikes, some of which have killed civilian sns just go to we want your answer, my answer coming up at the end of the program. we'll l l l l l
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welcome back to "hannity." president obama recently sat down with my next guest, univision host jorge ramos who pressed him on the recent decision to grant de facto amnesty to millions of immigrants living in this country. >> many times you said you didn't have the legal authority to go ahead. you said i'm not the king, i'm not the emperor of the united states. even on march 2011 you told us, and i quote, think i can just suspend deportations through executive order is just not the case. that's exactly what you did. why did you change your mind? >> no, jorge, i can run back in time and the notion was just we can stop deportations period. and we can't do that. >> unfortunately for emperor obama we do have the tape from that tow found the exact comments to prove his blatant hypocrisy. watch this. >> with respect to the notion that i can just suspend deportations through executive
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order, that's just not the case. there are enough laws on the books by congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president. >> all right. joining me now is univision and fusion anchor jorge ramos. jorge, good to see you. >> thanks for ib vieting me. >> we appreciate it. turns out your question was dead on. the way you framed the question was accurate. and what the president said in his denial was not accurate. what's your response to that? >> well, i think the president's position honestly and that's my own interpretation, evolved. i think he changed his mind. maybe because of the pressure from journalists or from the hispanic community. but at the end this is what many people were expecting him to do for many, many years. my argument with him is that he believes that he has the legal
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authority now if exactly the same legal authority he had six years ago and he didn't do anything about it and since then he has deported 2 million immigrants. maybe on this issue we disagree, but the fact is i think the person is of position definitely changed no question about it. i think our argument was the right one. that he should have done something to protect millions of -- immigrants. >> let me go. there's two separate issues i want to discuss with you. one is the process and the president and promises he made. you interviewed him in his first year in office and here's how that went down. >> what i can guarantee you is in the first year an immigration bill that i strongly support and i'm promoting and i want to move that forward as quickly as possible. >> in the first year? >> in my first year. >> he didn't do it in the first year. >> he didn't do it. >> and then he said he didn't have the authority. then he did it and then you questioned him about why he changed his mind and then you
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question him about changing his mind. it gets confusing. >> i think the latino are very grateful with the president because of what he did. having said that there are two things that in which the latino community's very resentful and disappointed, first because he didn't keep his electoral promise that he was going to present immigration reform during his first year in office. he didn't deliver on that. and the second one is he has deported more than 2 million immigrants, more than any other president in the history of the united states. he has destroyed thousands of families. and even though i think his legacy would be that he made the most important immigration decision in 50 years, the fact is that the footnote would say he also deported millions of immigrants and that he destroyed thousands of families. there's no question about it. >> let me give you some numbers from the budget being presented this very day to congress. they're going to spend $948 million, jorge, to help poor and
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unskilled central american illegal immigrants establish themselves here in the united states. illegal immigration has had a mass i have detrimental impact on our health care system, our educational system and on our criminal justice system. just a fact. it is costing border states a fortune. question is, i am the product -- >> sean, immigrants contribute billions of dollars to the economy. they create thousands and thousands of jobs. >> some do, some don't. not everybody. >> most of them. and they are here simply because millions of americans including you and me we benefit from their work and because there are thousands of american companies -- >> you're missing my point. jorge, let me get the question then you can respond any way you want. but we're going to spend nearly a billion dollars to aid unskilled central american migrants so they can establish themselves in the united states. and yet we've got one in five american kids in poverty according to the latest numbers by the national for center of
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children in poverty, in detroit 58% in poverty, 54.4% in cleveland, 47% in fresno. you take it all the way down to the 25th state, tampa, florida, 32% of kids there are living in poverty. now, i understand the conditions are tough in mexico. i've been down to the border ten times, more than anybody i know in our business. i understand that they want to come here. the question is why not do we not demand that people respect american law and american sovereignty and come here legally and not be rewarded for coming here illegally? >> i agree with you that would be the best way to do it would be legally. there's no question about it. but i don't agree with your argument. i think if you have more immigrants in this country, it's simply better. i just came from nashville, tennessee. it's amazing what they've done with immigrants. and thanks to the immigrant population the city is doing much better -- >> you're not interested --
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jorge, with all due respect you're not addressing my point. >> of course they came here illegally. they broke the law. but at the same time millions of americans are breaking the law. millions of americans -- >> that doesn't make it right. you got to respect -- >> no -- >> wait. >> they are here because what you had for breakfast this morning was harvested by immigrants. >> no. no. >> whenever you go to a restaurant, whenever you go to a hotel, you are served by immigrants. >> jorge, jorge, excuse me, with all due respect, i don't know what you know about my background. jorge, i was a dishwasher, a busboy, a cook, a waiter, a bartender, i did painting, wallpaper hanging, lay tile, did framing, did roofing -- hang on a second. my grandparents came here legally. here's my point to you. i am all for solving the problem, but you've been around washington a long time and you know how it works. if you have spending cuts and tax increases over ten years, you get the tax increase
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immediately. you never get the spending cuts. if you have border security and amnesty, you'll always get the amnesty, we're never going to secure the border. which ends the problem forever. so what i am saying is we've got to secure america's borders first. why would you disagree with that? >> the border is more secure than ever before. i know it's never going to be perfect. it's never going to be perfect, but what's the alternative? are you going to deport 11 million -- >> i'm giving you my answer. you're not listening. you didn't listen to my answer. can i ask you a question, will you join me in support -- would you support a bill that secures america's borders permanently and securely first? do that first and then we could deal with the issues that i think you want to discuss? >> i agree with you. let's secure the border and at the same time -- >> no. >> with 11 million -- >> not at the same time. >> we've got to do it at the same time. >> you know why? because you're going to get the tax increase, you won't get the
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spending cut, you'll get the amnesty and not the border security. >> what's the problem with just securing the border? 40% of immigrants, 40% of them come by plane. what are you going to do at the border? >> we have a better tracking system. that's part of the security. no, no, i have an answer. >> it's not realistic. >> you have a tracking system for people that enter this country on a visa so they can't oversay their visa. and you have a tracking system for that. it woept be perfect but certainly better than what we have. we have so many people that have waited their turn. and they've gone about everything the right way. and they're at the end of the line. and that's unfair to the people from all of these countries that want to be here. and we can't absorb the world's population. >> i think we agree that we have a huge problem. and it's unfortunate that we're concentrating on president barack obama and our discussion and our exchange with him because we should continue trait on republicans. it's really john boehner and republicans who blocked immigration reform and they are
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responsible right now for the failure of the immigration reform. >> that's a cheap shot. i don't agree with you. i think the difference is there are people are like me that understand -- >> it was republicans in congress who blocked immigration reform. >> you can say that, but they passed the bill to secure america's borders first. you don't agree with their plan. you just don't like their plan. you want your plan. and i understand that. >> they haven't moved. they haven't done anything about it. >> right. it wasn't going to get through harry reid's senate. >> i confronted john boehner, i told him to his face he blocked immigration reform. >> okay. he blocked your version of immigration reform. >> something has to be done. >> he has his own version. which is secure the border. i got to run. we're running around in circles. jorge, good to see you. thank you so much. coming up next on "hannity". >> if we're serious about the christmas season, now's a good time to reflect on those who -- who are strangers in our midst
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and remember what it was like to be a stranger. >> so the president trying to use christmas to try and convince people that his de facto amnesty plan is a good idea. coming up next, reaction from patrick j. buchanan. and later a disturbing case out of mississippi. this 19-year-old girl was killed after someone doused her with a flammable liquid and then set her on fire. we'll check in with bo dietl and rod wheeler. we're glad you're with us on "hannity." want to know how hard it can be... breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating,
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welcome back to "hannity." just heard from jorge ramos who sat down last night with president obama and grilled him on a number of topics. he also confronted the commander in chief on his hypocrisy over his legal authority to take
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executive action. patrick j. buchanan, pat, how are you? >> doing fine, sean. >> did you ever see in the bible as it says don't throw stones in glass houses? >> i don't think -- i don't think there are that many glass houses in galalea, sean. i think that could have come from the sermon from reverend wright. >> i don't know. the president said talked about the good book says don't throw stones in glass houses. i went to seminary, i don't remember -- listen, it's not as bad as navy corpsman, which scares me because he's the commander in chief. you just heard jorge ramos. you see this battle over immigration. the republicans in this budget seem to be punting on health care. they've delayed the immigration
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battle. i'm not sure they have the backbone to use the mandate given to them by the american people. >> a good outfit says there's over $900 million to deal with the folks that walked across the border, the young people earlier this year. and that's in the budget. and they're going to register this any vote for this omnibus spending bill, i think it's exactly right. we've talked about this before, but there are parts of the republican party, the corporate conservatives or corporate republicans, they want an amnesty. they don't want to fight that battle anymore. and they want to move ahead on their own agenda. and basically they're throwing the tea party folks under the bus. >> does that mean boehner? does that mean mcconnell? do you think the fix is in, in other words? you think they don't have the stomach to fight this. >> i think that the leadership of the republican party in its heart would like to keep the
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folks say we fought the good fight, we tried to stop it. but in the end i think the republican leadership will go into the tank on this one. >> they're going to go into the tank on obamacare? >> i think there's things they can do on obamacare that they will try to do because that is an enormous thing. and frankly you get a lot of corporate conservatives and others want the battle fought there. you've got it in the supreme court. it's enormously popular all other the country. >> they're going for the low hanging fruit, rather than repeal and replace. >> i think so. look, find out what the agenda is of the chamber of commerce and business round table and you will find out the agenda of the leadership of the republican party on capitol hill. the president is a constitutional skaf law. he's engaged in civil disobedience. he said himself he didn't have the authority to offer an amnesty to 5 million people then he went ahead and did it. then he said i didn't change the
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law, then he said i've changed the law. he's flip-flop and fly. but he's the president of the united states -- >> so wait a minute. republicans have the biggest majority since harry truman. the republicans picked up nine seats in the u.s. senate. they now have control of the power of the purse. that means they have the power to defund obamacare, does it not? >> it sure does. but sean, let me tell you, last time they did that, and i was with them. first they defunded it and then they defunded a part of it, they were accused falsely of shutting down the government of the united states. >> did not hurt them. >> yeah. and secondly they didn't do it. what they're afraid of is the media, sean. they don't believe they can fight and make the case that they are not shutting down the government. they are defunding part of one program or something like that and defense and justice and all the rest are being funded. they are afraid of going back, sitting on their hot stove a second time because they feel they were burned good the first time. look, these fellas think they got it all coming to them in
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2016 as long as they don't pick on these issues that move -- >> are they right or wrong? politically expedient or better off offering an inspiring bold agenda. and i think this electoral mandate means they stop obama and they create an inspiring vision for the future of the country to solve all problems. i think that's electoral success right there. who's right? >> sean, i think you're right. i heard people on television say they oppose these background checks nationally for guns or rifles. refuse to do that after that terrible tragedy in connecticut. they would be finished. if they shut down the government, they would be finished. but just voted to defund obamacare, they'd be finished. i think they have been intimidated by this. but i agree with you, look at the returns. we got the returns that came in in november were rewarding the republican party for standing up, defying and fighting barack
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obama on obamacare and up and down the line. that was a victory. that was the mandate. it was to stand up against this man who's leading us the wrong way and pull us in the right direction to the degree that you can. >> i have great trepidation and doubt that they do that. we'll see, pat. thanks for being with us. coming up, a brutal murder in mississippi. this 19-year-old girl, jessica chambers, was doused in lighter fluid and set on fire. and police don't yet have a suspect. but first tonight geraldo rivera, we're going to talk about the police and the hard job they have in light of allegations of racism straight ahead. i've always loved exploring and looking for something better. that's the way i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better.
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welcome back to "hannity." so over the past several days america's mayor rudy giuliani has come under fire from many on the left making comments about crime in black communities. now, two nights ago right here on this program he had this to say.
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take a watch. >> police officers can misbehave. they are part of the problem. however, 96% of the problem is black-on-black crime. in new york city for example, the city he happens to be the mayor of, 75% of the shootings are done by blacks. that's the reality. the comps police officers based on statistics. where are the crimes located? so i put a lot of police in harlem to save the children. and i saved more than any mayor in the city. it went down 65%. >> here to react to the mayor's comments, bernard mcguirk, geraldo rivera. we've had all these high profile -- i can put up the s t sta stats, geraldo, if you want them later. it's black-on-black crime. this is only one example that
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was caught on video. and i don't want people to interpret it as characterizing any one community, but it is a big problem. let's watch this as one example. [ inaudible ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god! there's a person dead out here! go in the house! go in the house! >> we keep talking about the police and the black community, but if you look at the percentage of black murder victims that are killed by black
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offenders, 90%, there's the number. if you look at 2013 murder statistics from the fbi, number of black-on-black murders 2,245. we see it in newark, we see it in chicago. why are we not having the broader discussion? >> because it's easy to go after the police officers. this is a tough discussion. and it requires the entire community to take responsibility for what's happening. the police chief in milwaukee, edward flin, millions of people have watched this video on the internet, but he hits some of the same things that mayor gulianni did that 80% -- >> yeah, we have the number of blacks killed by law enforcement with a firearm latest stats available is 2012 and that's 123. so this is what gets the
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attention. >> you know, i saw lebron james on the night the royals watched the cavaliers pummel the brooklyn nets. and he had a shirt on, i can't breathe. the shirt obviously referencing eric garner, the staten island man choked to death in the horrifying video we all saw. i wondered to myself, what if lebron james instead had a shirt, be a better father to your son, raise your children. those difficult issues are not being dealt with by the black community because they are so complex, they are so deep rooted. they are really so profoundly troubling that they don't want to try. and it is a victimization mentality that we can only motivate, when we are the victims it goes in keeping with everything that's happened to the black community and the generations preceding. it's easy to demonstrate and be outraged when we are the victims. look what we are doing to us rather than what we are doing to ourselves. there's a kind of urban suicide
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happening here that has to be dealt with sm sgl and these have inconvenient truths they obviously doept want to talk about. this is the obvious conversation about race rudy giuliani's trying to have, charles barkley was trying to half, unlike bill de blasio who -- academia inspired gobblety-instead of addressing the real issue. >> here's what will make it worse. because you have elected officials, some, you have some political leaders, some religious leaders in this country that are trying to destroy respect for the criminal justice system and trying to turn people against police officers across this country. that is only going to make fighting crime harder for everybody. >> if you look in that scene that we showed the kid hitting the other kids with a shovel, i mean, you hear the bam. i mean, it's hard. don't you want a cop there at that moment? i would want a cop there.
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>> just like charles barkley said, the cops are what's stopping it from becoming the wild west. >> watch that. right there. oh. boom! horrible. >> look what happens, the president of the united states goes on b.e.t. and he says we have a long way to go. we have a lot to take care of ourselves. and look what happens. tavis smiley comes on your show, he comes on here and says we don't need the president of the united states to lecture the black community to go on black entertainment television and lecture the black community. you know, that's what the president of the united states could have, should have done more of to make a historic mark but chose instead to deal with other issues and to ignore the fact he was uniquely situated to deal with this situation. >> i want to show a case in new york, we're all from new york here and this is where a disturbed man attacked a jewish man in new york city in a synagogue and how the cops had to react here. and it's important because you see during this video you see the police say drop the knife.
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drop it. drop it. at one point he drops it, puts it away. he holstered his arms -- his firearm. and then he went back at it and then he had to take him down. such a hard job being a police officer. watch this. >> drop the [ bleep ] knife. drop the knife. drop the knife. >> i will drop the knife. >> drop it! >> hey! hey! hey! >> whoa! whoa! whoa! [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> they fired one shot -- >> well, because of the criticism that the cops have been receiving over the last couple of months, they could have shown more restraint and maybe gotten hurt because of it. they could have shot that guy -- >> in the back of their head. >> exactly right. thank gotd that didn't happen. >> didn't you think of that line
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in the untouchables he brought a knife to a gunfight, that cop used enormous strength. >> don't you wish he had the taser? >> i'm with you on the taser. >> wouldn't he have achieved the same result without killing that guy? >> i swear the cop is a hero and showed incredible -- >> he shows incredible restraint. >> everybody agrees if you wouldn't have a taser, you would have a dead guy. >> you're going to have a lot more videos taken of police officers risking their lives and protecting the people -- >> it's not racial at all. that guy stabbed a guy in the head. >> we're going to see the good work and good guys, a lot more of them. >> good to see you. you can catch the fox business network, if you're not sure where to find it in your area, log onto coming up next, a brutal murder in mississippi. ...doing laundry mom.
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passing away. >> she asked who done it. she gave them a name. >> joining us for the this is former homicide detective and former nypd detective. we keep these cases that we discussed that become high profile. when you look at this, is this something they're going to be able to figure out? is this one of the things when it starts burning all of the evidence goes way? >> no. they have 450 people in that town. some are just passing through. there are going to be cameras there. and they poured lighter fluids down her nose and throat this, is killing someone with intent that you really want to hurt
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that person more than just punching somebody. it's like brought out, there is going to be someone who had a relationship or want to have had a relationship. they're going to come out with cell phone, who she was talking to. and i don't think it was just happenstance. it's just a horrible, horrible death. >> you think about the brutality of this, putting liar fluid down a person's nose the idea is you're going to burn a person's insides out. >> you're right. this was a case that we call in homicide a death of passion. this is someone that wanted this woman dead. now, a couple thins are very important in this case. the police have indicated that the woman, jessica had a huge gash in the front of her forehead area, then, after that, they believe the individual poured gasoline on her. now, she did mention a name, as
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you indicated to the first responders. so viewers know that is add missible in court known as a dieing declaration. any time a person dies and that is the last thing they said, that is not considered hearsay. that is add missible in court. i think the police are on to something. they're checking surveillance videos from that area and have identified a person of interest but they have not released his name yet. >> the thing is that she could have named a person or described this person or whatever, that gash on top of her head she may be a gash, then couldn't get his way with her, then wanted to kill her off and really wipe her out. that is what you would do burning the car and burning her like that. i really think this case will come to a conclusion sooner than later. >> this is someone that really wanted, i mean you've seen a lot
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of murder scenes in your career, correct? >> correct. this is someone that wanted this wrung girl dead for some reason or another, it's also been reported by several outlet that's jessica had attended a christmas party earlier in the day. so the police are now interviewing all of those individuals that were at that party, and one other thing quickly, sean, the gasoline station right up the block from where the car was found where she was burned and now, they're reviewing tape from the gas station to see if anyone went in there and purchased gas and put it into a can. >> coming up, the question of the day. is the president a hippy considerate for supporting drone attacks that kill innocent women and children? we'll head over to facebook and we want to hear your answer. mine is coming up straight ahead. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way
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>> welcome back to "hannity". is president obama a hypocrite for supporting drone strikes in 2400 people killed by drone strikes in pakistan alone, 400 between 400 and 950 civilians including 168 children. if you have an option and a choice sh would you prefer to be dead with a drone strike or go through uncomfortable enhanced interrogation techniques of george bush? i think the answer is obvious. yes. that is hypocrisy.
11:00 pm
don't forget before we go set your dvr, record "hannity" the series. start your day with fox and friends at 5:00. thanks for joining us, we'll see