tv The Five FOX News December 11, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST
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to spell them out. they're just a couple of pages, but they're dandies. >> i'm greg, along with greg, bob, and dana and kimberly. this is "the five." you know why i hate enhanced interrogation? it's not who we are. >> that's not who we are. that's not who we are. that's not who we are. that's not who we are. that's not who we are. that's not who we are. that's not who we are. >> that's not who we are, which makes me wonder, who the hell are we then?
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why would anybody want to work for this government overseas. this torture report, the rules for engagement for our soldiers, we enjoy the double of freedom thanks to stuff we don't see, stuff we don't want the see, tactics that aren't for spin the bottle. but to protect civilization within hours. the cia understands this, god bless them. if the country were under attack, wouldn't -- if we let the media control what remains on the table, there would be no damned table. so we were warned that this report will lead to more dead americans, but that threat was always there, our enemies always do things that are far worse than what's alleged here, and not to save lives, but just for sick kicks. flying planes into buildings, bombing embassies, beheadings,
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we don't incite such savagery, it was always there. here's the map, there were 139 terror tactic i -- 2,900 people died on 9/11 thanks to al qaeda. there hasn't been a successful terrorist hijacking since. so save your hand wringing, you don't play patty cake with de n demons unless you're on saysed with losing. and some are. the abuse we have seen, they're wrong, they're grotesque. but slammic extremists have launched -- it seems to me the prioritization, the proportion of outrage about this seems a little bit strange. >> so dianne feinstein wants to get this off her desk. she's not going to be the committee chairman much longer, she wants to punch this and -- when democrats were screaming about this issue, that's how
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they took back congress. they defeated tom delay's map. and one thing obama did when he came into office was go after cia agents. they're going after an old playbook because they don't have any other ideas. if there was an attack on times square, impending, and we knew someone who had information, it would be immoral not to ask. whether you're for torture or not, we used to torture, we don't anymore. we do not. so why are we bringing this up now. to those who are so outraged about this, i ask this question. it's okay to drone terrorists overseas, without a trial, just wipe them out. but sleep depravation, that's where you're going to get fired up? it seems a little bit disturbed and perverse.
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they were fighting a new war, there were new rules and all they were trueing to do -- their heart's in the right place, isn't that what liberalism is all about? your heart being in the right place? >> 13 years later and you're back at a situation where someone like dianne feinstein, who said that she was there and she was edemanding that we do more. clearly the "new york times" had this leaked to them over time by senate democrat staff, because half of the new york times today is built around this report. and they keep calling it the senate report, which i think is an injustice, this is a senate majority report, means it's a senate majority report, who didn't even bother talking to anybody involved.
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there's a cia save website. there's also thoughtful reporting by michael hayden. and yet -- the media, it is interesting, i think that what andrea said is a good point. if president obama says that's not who we are, if the torture -- i'm not going to call it torture, enhanced interrogation, tough talk to some terrorists, that's not who we are. but we are okay with blowing to smithereens people we think may or may not be involved in terror and not trying to capture them and get the intel from them? i agree with you, who the helr are we then? >> brit hume mentioned this yesterday. let's roll that tape. >> the players who are the ones
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responsible for this program, were not not any of them interviewed by the committee. as mark caisson said to me a few minutes ago, he said look, why don't we just decry when rolling stone did it. and that was a report that comes out without ever having consulted with the people accused here. they didn't do that. >> good point. >> very good point. take both sides of the story, fair and balanced and let's hear from the other side as well. you -- zero died, zero dismembered, zero jumped to their death. all of them got hot meals, many of them prayed five times a day. 9/11, ft. hood, boston marathon, none of them will play soccer with their kids anymore and i'm okay with all of it. i remember right after full
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name, we were scared, america was -- we weren't sure what the next attack was going to be. we were looking over our shoulder everywhere we went, see something, say something, you saw somebody take a picture of a building, you reported them to the police. we were terrorized about it. senator rockefeller, who was the ranking member of the terror subcommittee. now in hindsight for political reasons, as andrea points out, now it becomes a political football they want to play with. >> i don't want to compare us to isis, number one, number two, yesterday we talked about it, how far out of the parameters that were stet by the bush r bush -- they said the same thing
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with obama, when you do the fast and furious. this was the bush administration, they're not going to prosecute. this is a question in my mind whether in fact the cia itself said there's a possibility that you could have gotten intelligence on bin laden specifically, from people who did not go through this torture? this is just not the way we do things. it's funny the way you ran that thing, but frankly i don't see the advantage of this. leon panetta says it was helpful, i still haven't seen enough credible evidence. >> abu zabeda, hanced interrogation turned them over to ksm. and they followed the courier
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and -- again, under the bush cia, which by the way, but wasn't the justice department on board with all of this? at the time i believe they were under the bush intel, the cia, that they gained under the bush cia, they got bin laden. i'll say it again, obama can't take a victory lap for bin laden without -- >> you're saying it was the enhanced interrogation in fact was the one that -- there's other trails that say this guy had already been given up by somebody else who was not enhanced tortured. >> bob what did you get from the cia? >> that's the rub. the cia has stained america, there's been -- do any -- imagine if they cared that much
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about the irs targeting americans, like a stain on america? >> it killed me because i like anderson cooper, but comparing the cia report to nazis, that's a little much, don't you think? anderson? this was interesting last night. brian williams asking former cia director michael hayden how he would feel if these actions were done on his family. >> what if you, god forbid members of your family had to undergo some of the treatments we are reading about in this report. can you personalize it in that way? >> i actually think, brian, that my concern or my outrage, if that were ever done to any of my family members. >> if he said, what if your daughter allison while
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performing peter pan, was under threat of a bombing in hours, would you be against using certain tools to safe her. >> there's a knife to her throat and we have the man who can tell us exactly where she's pinpointed and we have a navy s.e.a.l. going to rescue her. do you have an objection to playing music too loud or depriving him of sleep. some of these tactics are tactics they use for endurance training. we stopped these tactics, i don't know why we're having this debate, we have had this debate in this country, whether it led to the capture of bin laden or not, people say they want to reveal this report to say that we're a good country, i think the point of revealing this report by this administration is to show that we're not that great of a country, and it's the same president that gives the
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apologies, that apologies for what we do. it's to rub our notise in- >> they found it in the senate and the house because the cia -- honestly elected president of chile. they decided to go anded a sass nature, that's why the cia was brought back. >> i simply said that's the trail that they have shown, they have showed us a trail. can i just point one thing out? this whole stuff about now this report is out, that's going to make terrorists really hate us. they hate us anyway. this report will not change the way they feel about us and it won't make them any madder at us. >> the white house that flamed a faulty youtube video for a protest overseas, now they're
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okay with knowing this could cause violence overseas, they're okay with releasing it? >> that was a false point from the beginning. >> when we executed saddam hussein, that was going to cause massive hysterical -- >> we should throw some gasoline on the fire? >> well, it's -- those guys are -- >> none of us have ever been under the pressure to save innocent lives, this is not a decision you get to make in the editorial of "new york times." >> remember that, he saved your life. >> and droning them will not upset them at all. >> yeah, that's true. >> and i promise to do it again. >> all right, the great democratic hypocrisy on terrorists exposed next on "the five."
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the man who ran the program is arguing the selective moral outrage. >> the united states actually doesn't take any prisoners. they prefer to kill them from afar using drones. and somehow they feel since they're killing from a distance, it's more ethical. >> to me it seems completely incensable that slapping ksam is bad, but sending a held fire missile into a family's picnic and killing all the children and killing granny and killing everyone is okay. >> ed henry was asked to explain that disconnect earlier. >> can you explain how the president believes that it's unamerican to use these techniques, but it's okay to ramp up the drone policy and basically thousands of people around the world, innocent civilians are killed? what's the moral equivalency
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there? >> there is significant care taken and there are significant checks and balances that are included in the system that makes sure that any action taken by the united states does not put at risk innocent lives. >> we have seen many cases around the world that u.s. drones have killed innocent americans. despite those safeguards. >> there's a very clear difference between the tactics that are used by terrorists and the counter terrorism tactics that are deployed by the americans. >> are you persuaded by that andrea? there's been 500 targeted killings, 498 of them by drones. >> and oftentimes these drones take out women and children. >> because they're at a wed organize something like that. >> in this sense dianne feinstein is correct that she's
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outraged because president obama didn't get congressional authority. they didn't talk to rodriguez, they didn't talk to any of the lawyer who is said this was okay. earlier andrea mitchell who works with brian williams, tweeted out a retweet saying no lawyer can read this report and say it's not full of criminal liability. doj lawyers did under two administrations and did not find any wrong doing. it's just not adding up. when they talk about sunlight and transparency, i don't want sunlight at the cia. i don't need sunlight at the cia, there's some things i don't need to know about and to have the report today be released on capitol hill that our embassies still aren't secure, the timing of that to fire up these terrorists when they're already upset. but then to advertise that our consulates are not secure, and that was a state department report, by the way. it's probably the wrong time to
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publicize that. >> i talked to another person that i know that used to be at the agency and i asked him what they think about the posturing about the white house, that the white house did try to get dianne feinstein the senator not to release the report, but then when she decided to do it, they said they're okay with it. but now they feel betrayed. >> we have reverse sunlight, i would like to know how obama care got through, they joke about how they got that through, but we have to transparent, which is somehow gratifying to our enemies, i'm for drones, i like sitting locally and killing globally. but they're interrurpting an important -- drones stops you from getting information from vital sources. i go back to this, the cia had a choice, if you don't go overboard, you will be guilty of not doing enough if something
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happens. if you do go overboard, you will be guilty of going overboard. they chose the latter, more noble course and now they're being thrown under this gigantic obama bus. >> it's really because of politics, don't take that from the me, senator dianne feinstein herself. >> if americans are killed as a result of this report and they tell you that, i assume you would feel guilty about that? >> i would feel very badly, of course. i mean what do you think wolf blitzer? but we lose control. at the end of this year, the republicans take control. and there's some evidence that this report would never see the light of day. >> well, there was the republicans on the committee, they issued a rebuttal to the report, but that was actually in protest as well. because the report is not thorough, right? >> so, she admitted that she had to do it, as andrea points out
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before they lose control of the senate, otherwise it may not get unearthed. in some sort of liberal, i don't know, confused world, droning is more humane than torturing or interrogating them aggressively is bizarre. but here's one of the fallouts of shining a light on this. i said it throughout, i think it's okay to release it, i just think their techniques were okay as well. here's one of the fallouts, though, as andrea points out, the rhetoric is now, hey, did they act legally back then, if the next time the cia has a bad guy in their custody and they have an opportunity to save an american's life by interrogating this bad guy aggressively, enhanced interrogations, whatever it takes, are they going to worry that down the road, some is stupid dumb ass senator is going to say, hey, back then in 2010 or 2015 they let a terrorist go.
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that's one of the benefit -- >> you know, this does raise a couple of points, hayden sits there and says kill granny and kids. can he be specific? he's not talking about anything specific. this is the rollout, these drones are killing kids and grand ma. >> according to the "new york times." the "new york times" has documented specifically all of the collateral damage. >> should we do away with drones, if this interrogation works so well, why don't we choose it? then you're going to have collateral damage. >> but there always was. >> i'm in favor of drones too. >> if she was so confident that this needed to come out -- if the white house was fine with it coming out, why didn't they do it before the election, bob? >> i have no idea. i do think she's right. the republicans could have sat on this thing. >> now that we have this report out, can we please see the bowe
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bergdahl report that's being held out by the administration. why can't we see that one. >> why is it so many people in the media who are for drones are against the death penalty. by the logic, you shouldn't keep people in prison either, you should just execute them. >> so why is everybody complaining about the drones. >> no, we're saying, what's the equivalent. >> you don't listen to me when i was talking. we saall said we were in favor drones. >> so you should be in favor of enhanced interrogation. >> we are. >> what does this have to do with president obama's executive action on immigration. he thinks the two go hand in hand and you're going the hear from the president next.
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christmas, as you know is a time of giving, but most americans don't think we should be giving the gift of amnesty to millions of illegals. >> as i said the day that i announced these executive actions, we were once strangers too, if we're serious about the christmas season, now is a good time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger. >> because nothing says christmas like a green -- >> i wanted warm milk and
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cookies. >> the left is always selfless and the right you're always selfless, you're selfish you're for law and order and forced immigration. there is no such thing as a free lunch, we all end up paying for it it's just sick and tired of this story line. >> it's also a bit disingenuous because i followed this. if most people wanted it, why wouldn't president obama have done it before the elections. people are looking for work, they can't find jobs, it's pretty tough to sell this now when the economy is so bad and
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if so, why didn't we do it before. >> is he the guy that's in favor of all -- or when it suits his political argument, he says he's supported more illegals than any other history in the history of presidents. i'm not sure, does he have the compassion of the amnesty giver, or is he supporter in chief. to pull on people's heart strings around christmas time saying this is the right or sensitive thing to do is. it doesn't matter what the right and sensitive thing to do, but the legal thing to do. put them in line to gain a legal status. lets just increase the amount of legal immigrants we allow. >> take the 11 million and send them home. >> we have this same argument over and over. >> it shows that people do favor legislation, they don't favor what obama did, but they favor
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legislation. >> why didn't obama just play out and let congress act. he didn't have to go to executive order, instead of motivating with reason, they're deciding to use the moral argument on torture and other things. why didn't you do this sooner, actually you ripped out a lot of families by deporting them. >> jorge, i ---you called me deportlander in chief. >> also, hoore said he did not e the power to do what he did through executive action on the
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amnesty piece, so which is. i do think that people disagree with the process. and that has made them sour on the policy. i think it works against him as well. they're not good enough, that is not who we r. >> you could say that the people that are for amnesty are selfless because they want plenty of cheap labor and that's pretty selfish. >> you know, at this time of year, look, people are going to play politics for the holidays, they have for as long as i have been in politics. >> you know, i knhe marginalize.
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right director for this, but i was going to learn because i really, really cared and that matters. >> and here's angelina with tom brokaw who asked about her political aspirations, how does president jolie sound? well, it could be worse. >> there was a report recently that you were interested in going to politics at some point, are you going to do that. >> it's not something i'm actively seeking at this moment, it would be hard for me to imagine. however if i found that i could be useful, i would consider it. >> and they tell me, they think angelina didn't star in the movie, she just directed it. what about her political aspirations. >> is there anything she can't do? i love her because when she used to visit capitol hill, she was so discrete about it, she just wanted to meet in private with members of congress and she really gets stuff done.
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she has the power to persuade because she deeply believes in it. she puts her money where her mouth is, she actually goes there and works there. as much as i would like to see her run, i think she's doing a great job not being down there. >> she's really got a sense of politics, she understands the process really well and i think she could run and win. >> you point out that they were very active post katrina in the new orleans area. >> in louisiana, they did a lot of work to rebuild housing there. for this movie, this movie is based on a true story about a world war ii warrior, veteran, prisoner of war. it was definitely my favorite book of the last several years and it might even get me to go to a movie theater. >> you live right next to one. >> you live rig. >> we have voted for other actors and actresses, it turned
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out well. >> it's difficult for me to talk about this because we dated in the '90s and she's always been ambitious, it was a tough breakup and i told her if she wanted to go into politics, you should try acting, your dad's pretty good, you should get into acting and she said okay. we don't talk because brad gets really, really upset. so we just e-mail back and forth. next up, the fastest seven would never do anything for cheap easy ratings. ♪ >> the annual victoria secret
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show, 3.3 million viewers watched. >> i saw it in '95, i don't think i have missed one yet, because i think it's an incredibly cultural contribution to america and i like to watch it, and everybody should take a look at it, if you're not a young man, too young anyway. i think it's great. for r for some reason they came out with these wings. i don't know about that. >> you're really looking at the wings? >> obviously i detest this sort of thing. it creates an unrealistic expectation, there is no way i will ever look like that. but isn't it incredible they made a spectacle around underwear? what i would like to see is a reversal, if they came out in clothing with little rocket scientists on them. just so it's a reversal of matt
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taylor's comic con. it would have been great if they were little rocket scientists. do you understand what i'm saying? >> apparently women outpace men watching the victoria secret show. >> i have actually been to the show in person, these women are freaks of nature. they're gorgeous, and i can appreciate another woman. i'm also surprised you don't go, greg, because adam levine is right there in the front row because he's usually dating one of the women on the run way. >> i missed it last night because i was at dinner with shannon breen, fox's own angel. >> it's probably on your dvr. time has person of the year narrowed down to taylor swift, vladimir putin and a few others. who did time choose?
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the doctors who fought ebola, not exactly the most exciting choice, but the deputy editor defended the selection this morning. >> this is a story that tells the ark of the year was an epidemic that began very slowly in march, april, may, it's a story both of local people, early preparation, and efforts to contain this problem, and larger failures to stop -- >> greg, inspiring story. >> i thought it was okay. but i would have done law enforcement, because that would have really angered a lot of people. because law enforcement, like the military perform a high wire act every day and we only care when they fall. >> that would have been bold. >> dana? >> of the choices they had and the options, i thought this was a great one. we were facing the possibility of an epidemic that was going to knock out possibly millions of people, like a generation of people in africa and make it a
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worldwide pandemic, so i think this is a good choice. >> these people did more with less than any -- with more courage, i think it's sensational. >> i have never said this, but i actually completely echo what bob said, except for the knuckle head that went bowling and the women that went out for soup. they deserve a big tharpgs. the changes in the nfl's personal conduct policy in the wake of the ray rice scandal, that's next on "the five." ia cause to support the pover 65 million people who may need the trusted protection of depend underwear. show them they're not alone. and show off a pair of depend. get a free sample at
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informal commissioner or roger goodell has three words to sum up the confidential punishments for ray rice. i blew it. today he unveiled a tougher domestic violence policy. >> it includes a new process for league investigations, the addition of an advisory group of experts, and a new disciplinary officer. being part of the nfl ask a privilege, it is not a right. the measures a ddon'ted today
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uphold that principle. >> especially on a big stage like this, with such an important issue as domestic abuse. he took it, he aided, he handled it perfectly, as long as he does everything that he promises right there, i'm on board, still on board with roger goodell. >> he got unanimous support for the new policy by the team owner, so i think that means by his peers that he is supported and he'll be fine. >> greg, do you care? >> no, i don't. i was just thinking, could you imagine a personal conduct policy for the media. no, you can't. andrew, what do you think? >> i think it's good he's taking action, he shouldn't even have to take action -- we talked about new, different laws for different people, he didn't go to jail. i don't understand. >> i understand what you're saying, he did correct himself.
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time for one more thing and it's time for this. >> greg's secret guide to happiness. monogamy has its rewards. let it show. here you have two turtles. if you're alone and you start choking, and there's no one there to help you, might die. if you're a turtleal, there's nobody there to turn you over, to get you back on your feet when things are are upside down. these turtles have been together for seven years, and they're gay
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>> they gruber had a shot seat. >> today is the last day to request an original letter from santa for christmas. send in a letter, second in your list, then santa claus will write you back, they'll mail you an actual old-fashioned letter he will put on the wall and will let you know if you're on the naughty or the nice list. santa, i'm so proud of me beening near the top of the good list. are my sisters on the good list too? >> ask her if she's going to get a gift. if she can't spell, no gift. that's the way it was at my house. >> maybe she just didn't do spell check. >> that's what's wrong with america. >> i won't if bob wrote a letter with some weird be if they would actually write back. >> i would be asking for elves.
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today we got to, did sandra smith, a wonderful -- the mother you see her glowing pretty in pink right in the middle, she is going to deliver in a couple of weeks, there's harris faulkner who help me co-host the shower, they are lovely, they're gracious, and sandra's one of the most beautiful inside and out. the that's first time i have ever seen anybody co-hosting a shower. there's that one time. >> it was in showers we co-host. we can do them all. >> invasion. >> dana raises -- i'm glad she did. the last two members of the world war ii generation are going to be out of congress, we know more members who shot in world war ii, that's john dingle
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and ralph hall who will be retiring after the end of this congress. they deserve a lot of credit for remarkable achievement and they did it quietly and they did it well. and as john dingle said, i thought very poetically, he said we're the last leaves on the tree. >> are they both in their 90s? >> all right, set your dvr so you never >> it is thursday december 11th. scandal spread to the president and his leadership team as the former vp slams him.
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>> why dick cheney says the tactics saved lives. >> shopping horror. an out of control car jumped a curb slamming into shoppers. >> beware before you leave for the morning commute. the states where the worst drivers are on the roads. "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> this is a wet paradise we are waking up to in new york city. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this wednesday. the weather is an issue across the country this morning. we will talk about it in just a moment. >> i am hert childers.
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-- heather childers. >> i am leah gabrielle. president obama's leadership under fire as members of his own party blast the administration's handling of the agency. >> doug mckeller is live for us. >> what does the administration say now? >> cia director john bren nonin the aftermath of the intelligence report that found the cia engaged in such tactics waterboarding rectal feeding to get information. many condemn the report as a one-sided hatchet job now they say bush administrations helped over sea the tact -- oversee the tactics. >> he needs to purring those instrumental and in the running and development of this program. they are willfully providing informio
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