tv Hannity FOX News December 13, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PST
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i this is "the kelly file." welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. chaos on capitol hill last night as the house narrowly passed a government bill to avoid a shutdown just three hours shy of the midnight deadline. fox's own ed henry is standing by tonight at the white house with all of today's political fallout. ed. >> well, sean, still a lot of drama waiting to see if this is going to finally get through the senate. the white house anticipates it will, but as you know they're still facing criticism from liberal senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts talking about slowing this down, blocking it because of rollbacks and wall street reforms. it also frustrated a lot of house democrats. there was a revolt for the president. even nancy pelosi, his long-time ally voting against the president's interest against
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this bill last night. interesting because in all there were 139 house democrats who voted no, only 57 house democrats voting yes. so if this was the first post-election test of the president's juice with his own party, he stumbled a bit because he was working the phones himself. he sent his senior staff up to the hill to lobby folks. and what's interesting is the contrast between now when they were edging towards the government shutdown and a year ago when republicans forced a government shutdown over the president's health care law. back then the president was slamming republicans for holding the country hostage. now even though the large majority of house democrats came this close to a government shutdown, josh earnest was downplaying that today. listen. >> a year ago the president, jay carney, others said they were hostage takers, terrorists basically. >> because they shut down the government. >> well, democrats tried last night. might not have succeeded. >> but the democrats said they would not be willing to support this compromised proposal because they had concerns about specific provisions. >> what a difference a year
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makes. the fight last year over health care was an unfair partisan battle. this year this fight over wall street reform rollbacks, that's a principle stand for democrats. that's kind of the view for the white house. what's interesting is the president did get some victories in here. he got money for his health care law. he got money for those executive actions on immigration, two other big legacy items, climate change fund and early childhood education fund. that could put pressure on house speaker john boehner with conservative who is are not happy he signed off on this. the president is facing pressure from the left, but speaker boehner's going to have pressure on the right as well, sean. >> did anybody tell speaker boehner they just won the election and if they did a continuing resolution they would have a new majority in january? did anyone tell him that? i'm curious if that came out today. >> it's interesting because the president was saying the opposite today. he was saying, look, there's a new political reality for me so house democrats have to calm down because i had to cut this deal. i've got less votes next year. the flip side of that as you say is speaker boehner's got more votes in the house next year.
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and the senate republicans actually haved majority, which today they don't have. they'll have that in january. they will have a stronger hand. that's why conservative eyebrows have been raised about a deal boehner cut. for the president he's facing this pressure, but he said, look, guys, he's going to have a much more difficult lame duck hand come january. so the president tried to cut the best deal he could. >> i would saying being as honest and objective as i could be, net win for the president here. i think the president's analysis is right. i think it would have been a lot harder for him next year and he got obamacare funded through the fiscal year october and $2.5 billion for illegals and republicans now have to come back and fight that in february. >> speaker boehner -- and you're right. and speaker boehner saying we'll come back january, february, we're going to fight on immigration and health care. but as you say we've heard that before and the president keeps winning. >> agreed. ed henry at the white house. thanks, ed. joining me now to tell us whether house speaker john boehner and the gop establishment completely betrayed conservatives by supporting this bill, we have
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kentucky senator rand paul with us. i referred to john boehner last night as john gruber boehner. i think he did let down. i think he would have had new majority, he only would have needed continuing resolution into the new year, i think they would have had more leverage. i think going this way and funding obamacare through the end of the year is foolish. what are your thoughts? >> we got a 2500-page bill, no one will have a chance to read this bill much less have it printed for everyone to read. and it's a crummy way to run your government because the bill's 2500 pages long. there will be no amendment. there will be no reforms. this is how we've been running government for a decade. we lurch from deadline to deadline and we now have an $18 trillion debt. i'm a no-vote on it because i won't get a chance to look at the entire bill before we can vote on it. so it's a crummy way to run government. >> that's another thing. i mean, speaker boehner said 2,000-page bills are not a good thing, this was 1,774 pages.
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there was no 72-hour window that people could actually read what they were actually voting on. this to me was like business as usual except john boehner was in charge, not nancy pelosi. >> we have the same rules in the senate. we're supposed to wait a period of time. and we will breach our own rules on this because we can't seem to be the function the way we normally would function. normally you would pass 12 individual spending bills and not this huge conglomeration no one has a chance to read. so the process is so screwed up. that's why our country is so threatened by this debt, because we aren't doing our job. >> and on top of it let's say speaker boehner taking the advice of some conservatives and i support a continuing resolution in january when they got power and they had a new majority, wouldn't they have been able to maybe bring the budget down below a trillion dollars? maybe they could have done something with energy, which would have benefitted people and created jobs in the country. maybe they could have offered their alternative to health
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care. maybe they could have secured the borders. maybe they could have put forward a dynamic vision for the country. and now basically that's not going to happen. >> here's the interesting thing. we did have something we called the sequester. and it had a $63 billion cut in all this discretionary spending and both republicans and democrats got together and abandoned that about a year ago. we passed a new budget and said we're no longer going to have these cuts -- >> the one thing actually worked putting a little discipline in the fiscal process, right? >> i'm hoping we're going to do better. i'm in my caucus every day debating this and saying we need to do a better job. when we're in control let's pass every appropriations bill and let's put thousands of instructions in every bill to the president how to spend money. because next year we will control completely the power of the purse. and all i can say is we damn well better use it. >> you better use it and better
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have alternative to get the country on the right track. this is a window of opportunity for conservative ideas. if they blow it they will pay a price. senator, good to see you. >> thanks, sean. meanwhile, senator dianne feinstein and her democratic cohorts continue to face major backlash after releasing the cia interrogation report earlier this week. now, let's take a look at some of the harshest words coming from the military and intelligence community regarding feinstein's legacy and the report. watch this. >> we've been thrown under the bus. and the politicians are playing political football with the cia. >> this attack on the cia is not only dangerous, but it's immeasurably deceitful. >> what good comes from publishing this blatantly partisan disturbing report now? we're being warned by our allies and enemies that americans are going to die. god help dianne feinstein if americans die because of what she's done. >> that's true. >> the fact is this report is
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the most dangerous report i believe that has ever come out of the congress to our national security. it is very, very dangerous. and i believe the blood will be on her hands for this report. >> here with reaction former new mexico governor bill richardson. good to see you, governor. welcome to the studio. >> thank you. >> we appreciate you being here. >> thank you. >> i'm not being callous as i ask you this question, but if you had a choice between enhanced interrogations, sleep deprivation, everyon waterboard or a drone hitting you on the head. what would you choose? i'm not trying to be facetious. >> cia does very good and important work. and it really pains me to see the division between the senate and the intelligence community. here's where i come in. and you're going to say i'm straddling the center. i do believe in forced interrogations. i don't think you need to
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waterboard. it's questionable whether it works. now, what i think is clear here is what we shouldn't do after all this episode is hurt and decimate the cia. they're valuable. they're very good workers. they provide -- >> don't you think this report does that? >> well, yeah. it hurts us overseas, but what i want to see more -- i know there's this emphasis on cyber and digital media. we need more human intelligence. we need more spies. we need more -- >> i agree. i'll give you an example. >> -- isis and north korea. >> are you a big supporter of obama? >> not too much. >> all right. i do support his use of drone strikes. >> yeah. >> because there's an enemy, this is a war -- i wish he would identify it as a war against radical islam and a war against us. here's what we now know, he's killed with drone strikes 2,400 people in pakistan alone the
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estimates are between 400 and 950 civilians and 168 and 200 children. in other words, collateral damage. if the republicans wanted toedñ write a report being.a criticalf obama, i would be livid considering the circumstances we mkpost-9/11 world. politically this is so dangerous what dianne feinstein did. and i think she's put people's lives in jeopardy. >> well, you know, the president got osama bin laden. you got to give him credit for that. >> because of the waterboarding of khalid sheikh mohammed. >> i'm not sure. >> jose rodriguez was there. he told me. >> well, but what is clear is there's no conclusive evidence that waterboarding has helped. i mean, there really isn't. >> tell you what he said to me. jose rodriguez was there at the waterboarding at ksm. and i asked him three times if, would we have got intelligence to find the courier without waterboarding ksm? and he said absolutely not.
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it led us to the courier which led us to bin laden. >> you know, sean, one of the shameful things here and bad, dianne feinstein is a great national security senator. >> was. >> she's pro -- i know her well. now, what happened here is politics is about personal relationship -- about personalities. the relationship between the senate committee and the senate democrats and the cia deteriorated after that report. you weren't conclusive. you weren't transparent. and that personal vibe that is rh senator and a cia director was kind of broken. and i think a lot of this is personal. >> let me ask you this. she says that, but jose rodriguez said he personally briefed her and told her about the techniques they were using. let me bring it down to maybe an analogy that i think everyone can relate to. somebody breaks into your house late at night, two guys break in. they take your two kids.
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you race out, you tackle one of the guys. the other guy gets away with your two kids in the car. and you have one of the men that knows where your children are. real life now. would you stop at anything to get the information? >> no. no, i wouldn't. >> you wouldn't. nor would i. so why should we as a country act so sankt moan yus. >> i think the issue is what do we stand for? >> i don't apologize -- >> waterboarding did not necessarily -- and, you know, rodriguez he was an expert -- >> yeah. heck of a guy. >> i just don't think these interrogations -- i'm for strong interrogation. but waterboarding, sleep deprivation -- i don't think that works.
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>> i don't know. he says it does. but if you had to get a quick answer out of that guy. >> yeah. >> you know, you really would stop at nothing. i would stop at nothing. >> to protect my family. sean, what we need is more human intelligence, more spies, more penetration in the middle east. >> agreed. >> more language training in the arab world. >> no disagreement there. >> what's happening in the arab spring. and i worry that this period is going to keep good, young people, men and women, from joining our intelligence services. i regret this. >> good to see you. thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it, governor richardson. coming up, big wig hollywood executives at sony pictures in hot water tonight after the company is hacked. and their racist e-mails about president obama exposed. we're going to explain that coming up next. later in the wake of the new york grand jury decision not to indict an nypd officer in the death of eric garner, the governor of new york thought it was appropriate to take advice from a guy that admits he sold crack and was a drug dealer and
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actually shot somebody. we'll tell you who it is as we continue. that leads us to tonight's question, should the governor take advice from jay-z on police brutality and race relations considering his background? head to facebook or twitter. my answer at the end of the show. could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13 ® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have
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democratict(%n;a party donor ae producer scott rudin were discussing the president's taste in movies with rudin asking, "would he like to finance some movies." i ask him if heta like djang? rudin responds 12 years, meaning movie 12 years a slave. then pascal goes on, or the butler, or think like a man. and rudin e-mails, ride along, i bet he likes kevin hart. hart being a prominent african-american comedian. rudin and pascal have since apologized for their comments but imagine their media outrage if it were republicans who sent those racist e-mails. you know, with all the talk, i would ask people, larry, in the aftermath of ferguson, in the aftermath of eric garner, any evidence that you have that ties these incidents to racism nobody
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can point to any evidence. i think racism is an overused word. this is racial. this is over the top. first of all, there's a lot to learn in those movies. "12 years a slave," "the butler," i thought they were terrific movies and some other ones that were mentioned. to me this is insulting and rude and stereotypical and just mean. you don't hear a word about it. what if a conservative said these thing sns. >> you're absolutely right. if we were in a rational world, sean, you and i would be talking about a company that's subjected to a cyber attack. but we don't live in a rational world. we live in a world where donald sterling was taped making private conversations not dissimilar to the remarks that amy pascal has made and he lost his team. i'm not sure why the same thing ought not apply here. you have a woman who's not only ridiculing the president, she's ridiculing important black movies like "12 years a slave,"
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like "the butler," like "the help," why isn't that deemed racist? why isn't she losing her job? if this were a fair world and if amy pascal were a republican, she couldn't leave her house. >> would larry lose his job? would rush and glenn and mark lose their jobs? would don imus lose his job if it was him that said something similar? >> i don't think so. >> oh, wrong. >> something similar about some basketball players and some hair -- you did throw his name in. i don't think so. at the end of the day you get ratings, you bring in a lot of money. i do think -- >> rush limbaugh, sean hannity having that discussion and it gets out in the papers. you don't think that would be a much bigger deal? you don't think there's a liberal bias that "racism or insinuations is acceptable by the liberal left?
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i think the double standard is obvious. >> i do think there is not a double standard. i do think it's acceptable, i have to say, as a white chick that would an african-american make such a remark there is a past given. but these people are not african-american. and i do think there are liberals today that are defending these people. but i don't think there's any difference. i think their remarks are racial. i think they are wrong. and although they've made an apology, we'll see what the big names -- >> remember that? he apologized again and again and again he apologized. >> sean, he's not sitting on the beach. he's still working. >> okay. but took years for him to get his job back. larry. >> sean -- and todd akin apologized and nothing happened to him. hollywood is all about diversity, all about equal pay for equal work for women. and you find the top executives at sony are all white, all male except for amy. nobody's making seven figures except for amy who's a female.
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this is a party all about equal pay, equal work, sensitivity, we care about diversity except when it comes to our own businesses. >> let me bring in another element especially considering the white house, eric holder, barack obama, the three-time loser on high profile race issues. josh earnest was asked to condemn these e-mails. listen to what he says. >> i think that there are a lot of people who did have a personal reaction that caused them to cringe a bit when they read those e-mails. i haven't spoken to him about it. i'm not sure what his reaction was. >> what do you think? >> well, i guess, like a lot of you -- >> do you think they were racist? >> i am -- when i read those e-mails and i've only seen what's in the reports, i think the decision ms. pascal made to apologize was the right one. >> also if you don't make enough money you can buy an indulgence,
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if you will. if you donate enough money they'll cut you some slack? >> i think anybody knows left or right, sean, if somebody writes a big enough check they are forgiven. lu bets look at some of the people in the past. if you're female nba players, an entire race of people, this is one man, the president of the united states, i don't hear president barack obama asking for them to step down or asking they to be fired. >> because a conservative did it -- >> i don't believe he would call and -- >> i find it insulting and rude. the use of stereotypes and just mean at the end of the day. larry? >> and, sean, one of the reasons that the black people have voted 95% for the democratic party is because so many black people will tell you they feel the democratic party cares about them. they like them. they trust the democratic party. you scratch a liberal you often find somebody like archie
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bunker. they believe black people are good people but they just really can't compete therefore we're going to lower the standard so they can make it. that's how these e-mails in my opinion, sean, reveal. >> thank you both for being with us. coming up next, what do muslims think about the democrats releasing the cia report on enhanced interrogation techniques. we'll check in with jasser. also, the grand jury decided not to indict in the eric garner case. he tells investigators what i have been saying all along, it was not a chokehold. plus, why would governor andrew cuomo be turning to an admitted drug dealer who admitted to shooting somebody, jay-z, for advice on crime prevention and race relation? that's tonight's question of the day as we continue.
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welcome back to "hannity ". almost immediately after the release of the cia report earlier this week some began calling for men and women who used enhanced interrogation techniques to be prosecuted. now a statement from the council on american islamic relation reads in part "this disturbing report clearly demonstrates the need for those who approved of this and carried out this campaign of torture to be held accountable for their actions." it went onto read, torture is not an american value. we should not be questioning whether or not it worked but why we ever used such brutal and illegal interrogation techniques. here with us now is indianapolis area imam and zudi jaszer is back. imam, let me begin with you. two kids, they're yours, killed on 9/11 in the twin towers or maybe the pentagon. we find the people that are responsible. and perhaps they have knowledge of a future attack. are you against using sleep deprivation and waterboarding to
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get the information to save other kids from dying? other people from dying? >> in principle the answer would be yes. i say that with god most gracious, most merciful. in principle. now, whether i would be weakened down to the point that i've b become receive iselfish is poss because that's human nature. what i think dianne feinstein was a great and honorable and wonderful thing she did. >> as a result revealing her classified information of this. >> we don't want to see a single life lost. but i guarantee you in the long run what she has done is going to preserve this country for posterity down the line. >> barack obama's involved in the drone strikes, in the drone program. and we know for example that 2,400 people so far have been killed. and we know of for a fact in pakistan alone the estimate is between 400 and 950 civilians including 168 to 200 children. now, she didn't mention the
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drone strikes by barack obama. if you have a choice between enhanced interrogation or a drone strike that kills you, which one would you choose? >> both of these things are wrong. both of them are wrong. i'm not going to -- first of all, i disagree with the drone strikes. i think what our president -- >> so how do we fight a war against an enemy that's sworn to kill us? >> we fight it with the dignity that america has used for the last 400 years. >> dignity? like the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki? is that okay? >> now that was not okay. >> i thought it was okay. i think that was the right decision. enhanced interrogation is the right decision. and believe it or not i support barack obama. he's right on the use of drones. >> if we're not going to preserve the long-range plan for america -- >> you say america -- but america dropped bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki. >> it's just incredulous, i
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think you and the -- would like to hand chai and arabic coffee, this is absurd. we are not a pacifist religion. we should defend the moral high grounds. what's happening is this report is being used by a partisan group, the democrats, in order to make points. and then if some violence happens as a result, they'll blame it on the conservatives. what is the biggest strategy? imam, we are at war. and islamic groups in america like ccair -- >> you raise a point. imam, let me go back to you. i think he raises a point here. that is this is all predicated on an attack that killed 3,000 americans. who attacked us? radical islamists. those that kill in the name of your religion. so they started the war. so perhaps -- perhaps your moral indignation and outrage ought to be directed at the people that
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started the fight that killed 3,000 innocent people. >> punishment doesn't mean torture. i'm not against punishing the evil and the wrong. i think every one of them needs to be find guilty we should morally punish them and execute them. >> why would you care? >> that is not our way. that is not the american way. >> it was legal and it worked and gotten information on bin laden. [ overlapping speakers ] >> imam, do you realize how your comments are driving the greater radicalization of muslims? do you realize the apologetics actually there is what you're saying there's no use at all in war for coercion? i'm not saying there aren't limits and we shouldn't discuss the truth. but this report is not the truth. it is one-sided. every cia director so far has said it is one-sided. and we as americans are going to stand behind the truth.
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>> give it up like i did, give it up a moment like i did, correct the report. but keep the moral dignity of america. >> you realize your comments on the front page of iranian media right now, the islamist mantra being used by our enemies to paint us as equivalent for enemies which we are not. >> we're going to have to leave it there. coming up, the nypd officer involved in the eric garner case breaks his silence and says he was not administering a chokehold. that's what i've been saying. plus, why did new york mayor andrew cuomo meet privately with jay-z to talk about crime prevention and race relations in new york? is he aware that the rap mogul is a self-admitted former drug dealer, crack dealer who shot somebody? bo dietl is coming up next and larry the cable guy and more as we continue on "hannity." want to know how
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welcome back to "hannity." the nypd officer caught on video trying to arrest eric garner moments before his death says he did not use a chokehold. officer daniel pantaleo's -- he told investigators that he used a "takedown" maneuver that he learned in the police academy in an effort to subdue the noncompliant garner and that he never exerted pressure on his windpipe and he never meant to hurt him, only to take him to the ground so that he could be handcuffed and arrested. joining us now is former nypd detective bo dietl and democratic strategist brian benjamin. which was my point all along. i am a martial artist student. i do this regularly. there is a lot of work that i do on chokeholds both getting
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people in them and getting out of them. this wasn't a chokehold. this was a takedown. this was a headlock. and there is a legal distinction, why it's important. >> oh f you're asking me a question looks like a chokehold to me. i'll tell you why, there's pressure on his neck. you can see it. >> a headlock is pressure on the neck but not a chokehold. >> here's what i'm saying, we can call it a chokehold, a headlock -- >> you're minimizing something. he's saying to the grand jury, now you want to know why -- >> listen -- >> hold on. police commissioner -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> do you want to know why the grand jury got this guy off? this is not a small item. >> very, very simple. all respect to my friend here. how many guys have you locked up that was over 6'1", 2, 3 -- let me finish. with a headlock, bring them down to the ground just like this. how many have you done? i've done dozens, they haven't
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died. the fact of the matter is this young man -- my heart goes out to his family. nobody wants to see anybody dead. his health with his acute asthma, his heart condition, his diabetes, his own wife said he wasn't working because of his health conditions. it was a terrible tragedy. but to turn it into this racial divide where all of a sudden everyone's saying he said racism is worse in america today than it was back in the '60s. i don't look at you different. i was a detective in harlem, i was the servant of the black community. when i see these cops out there and i talk to them, these guys are so frustrated they don't know what the heck to do. where you have a bunch of white cops beating on a black guy, then i would say we have a racial event here. this is something they were placing someone under arrest. if he was white and 6'5", 350 pounds and he died it would be the same thing. >> but it wasn't -- >> we have to respect the widow. his wife came out and said this
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is not a racial thing. why are all these coming on top, we got puff daddy -- >> you're talking about jay-z. but here's the bottom line -- whoa. i'm not even going to respond to that. >> he's going to say said something because i said jingo -- >> i'm not going to -- let's be clear. this guy is dealing with possibly loose cigarettes. we don't even know that for a fact. he was accused of it. >> let me get a point on this. >> i would say you're right. we used to have night sticks. used to bring behind the guy's neck, you could choke a guy out. >> this is a nonviolent guy. >> a cop in the bias case went to jail for choking a guy to death. you can't choke, you're dead, you can't breathe. when those medics got there, why
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didn't they start giving him cpr? >> when he said i can't breathe eleven times, why didn't the cop -- he was not resisting -- >> let me -- hang on, hang on. i want to shock him. >> female black sergeant, if that was a racial event -- >> hang on. i want to shock you by saying i agree in this sense. it is outrageous to me. you know what the cops what his wife said when she said it wasn't racial. do you know what they called him? the cigarette man. do you know what they called her? mrs. cigarette man. >> i'm aware of that. >> six dollars in taxes, creates a black market. so officers are told by their supervisors to go into the convenience stores and arrest the guys who don't have the stamps on the pack. that's why he was arrested nine times. >> and it's wrong. >> the government forced the cops to harass this guy and
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arrest him nine times for no good reason. and that's why there was a history -- >> you're allowed to carry marijuana on the street, but you can't sell a loose cigarette. >> ridiculous. >> a stupid arrest. and you want to know something, the cops are not at fault. >> because of the use of force. give the guy a ticket. >> he didn't aggressively -- oh, come on. >> honestly, he was known to normally -- these arrests i think 98% of the time they put their hand on their back, you got me. that's it. when he said i'm not going -- >> i got to get this tape in here. i want to talk about jay-z's now the adviser of andrew cuomo. i sell crack to addicts killing themselves collecting wrinkled bills they got from god knows where and making sure they got their rock to smoke. i stood there thinking what the
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blank am i doing. in an interview with "vanity fair" do you know how many athletes go broke after they stop playing, i want to help them hold onto their money. i mean, i know about budgets -- why would the governor pick him? >> let's be clear the governor spoke to a number of people. one is jay-z. >> really? >> what do you mean, really? >> we can't do better than former crack deal sgler who turned his life around and doing a lot of great things in the community. >> i know him very well. [ overlapping speakers ] >> -- we were the investigators that got him off. yeah. not got him off. we merge [ overlapping speakers ] >> the point is the governor should get some real authentic -- >> he is doing that.
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speaking to jay-z. >> the alien man is a -- >> all right. we got to break. thanks for coming. git r done, larry the cable guy stops by to talk about his latest project straight ahead. (woman) the constipation and belly pain feel like a knot. how can i ease this pain? (man) when i can't go, it's like bricks piling up. i wish i could find some relief. (announcer) ask your doctor about linzess-- a once-daily capsule for adults with ibs with constipation
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welcome back to "hannity." christmas right around the corner. to help you and your family get in the holiday spirit, the always hilarious larry the cable guy has a brand new hit movie "jingle all the way 2" now out on blu-ray and dvd. i sat down with him to talk about his movie just earlier. we welcome him back it's larry the cable guy. "jingle all the way" how many movies have you done now? >> i have a new whatever. >> have you gotten an oscar?
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>> no, i haven't gotten an oscar yet. and i got nominated for like seven razz sis. that's an award for sucking and i wasn't even good enough to suck. >> you're sort of in the middle. >> every time i see who do they give it to? are you kidding me? they gave it to that guy? i suck better than that guy. it's a conspiracy. >> you were in mexico acting like you were in iraq. >> yeah, that was six years ago. you got to step up with the times. >> all right. "jingle all the way 2". >> what? >> jingle all the way 2. >> i was supposed to do this with kate upton -- this movie is amazing. this movie leaves off where the first one ended on the dvd --
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that was a joke on the dvd isle. >> i'm slow. >> start over. i'm going to home video. >> this is a perfect movie. >> i want every movie released immediately to pay for this. >> it's a pg movie. great for the family. move that love the movie, there are great things about the movie. people put an alternative ending in the movie. we put in an alternative movie. >> for you in that movie. but, yeah. i'm trying to redo a lot of arnold schwartzeneggar movies.
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i like him. i'm a perfect picture. >> yes. >> do you remember expendables? >> yes. >> i'm going to do lunchables. >> how come you never invite me on to your movie? >> i'm going to do it. stop, i will -- into the direction. i will cloak you and go to that club. >> can i ask a serious question? >> by the way, why do i sit here? >> i started the war on christmas. did i say that? >> go to the right place. >> you love christmas >> yes. >> you do kids. >> yes. >> my wife hasn't lit up my santa suit. i've got to take off some weight. >> i have a little boy, they're 8 and 7. i can't say that
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the doctor, the doctor, teacher called me into a parent teacher conference. little boy having trouble with math. oh, boy. well, i ain't the teacher. what is wrong. he's having trouble with math she goes i want to let you know mathematics is inherited through the father. >> there with you gochlt you have a 40-40 chance of passing. kids can drive you nuts. i don't know if god can make something so beautiful then you want to cry and love it and the next minute you just want to -- do you what i mean? >> i have a 15-year-old. >> i remember the pope said merry christmas, and still have more kids. that is easy for him to say. he ain't god no kids. how about i drive my kids out to the vatican for a few hours, see if they can get grape jelly on the pope's hat. i bet they can do that. >> this is a good family movie
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this, is a g-rated movie for the kids. i got good comments on it so far. i hope everybody does have a good christmas. >> merry christmas you're allowed to say that. >> well, darn right trying to get rid of everything. us christians don't have $3 in the country. christmas, easter and daytona 500 is all we do. that is all we do, sean. >> the question of the day straight ahead. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage.
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who is nancy pelosi blaming? the white house. we have a live report on the democrats divided. and it's lining a scene out of twister, but in a very unlikely place. >> oh [bleep] >> yes, we are not in kansas anymore. we're in downtown l.a. tornado, we have got the details come up. >> as as al sharpton marches
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