tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News December 15, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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rebecca would have chosen one of the doctors or nurses who risked their lives in west africa treating ebola. bobby would pick bobby tahmooressi here's shep. blood bath outside philadelphia. six people are dead in three different suburbs. schools right now on lockdown, police and s.w.a.t. teams all over the place, and that suspect still on the run, and now we have a name. plus, the russian president, vladimir putin, going on a shopping spree for weapons. and we're talking hundreds of billions of dollars. what he planning? let's get to it. >> first from the fox news deck this monday afternoon, a burst of gunfire sent s.w.a.t. teams scrambling to end that deadly siege in an australian cafe. but the dramatic raid was too
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late to save two hostages who died in the standoff. that's the word from police in sydney, australia in the last hour. they're telling it what went down inside the cafe as terrified hostages lineup the windows holding an islamic flag. we're also finding out more about the gunman himself. police say he had been on their radar for a long time. but first, a lock back on how this unfolded. and the raid that brought an end to 16 agonizing hours. >> something going on. >> it inned in the middle of the night. hostages running out as cops busted in. long before those loud bangs and bright flashes, we first got word at 9:45 in the morning of a possible armed robbery at a cafe. >> this is frightening and chilling stuff. what you're watching is live. happening here in martin place, 30 or 40 meters from where we're standing. we have cameras all over this
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for you now. >> the cameras showed this was no robbery. >> standing at the windows with their hands up to the window. they're not moving. >> some of them held up a black flag with arabic writing. >> we are being tested today in sydney. the police are being tested, the public is being tested, but -- >> well, clearly, we are having problemses with the report. in the end, of course, they did get the gunman. shot him dead. paramedics then rushed in to help the injured. one of them, police officer, shot in the face. police say man and a woman died. meantime, investigators are telling us about the gunman's violent past. he had been out on bail but facing charges of sexual assault and being an accessory to his ex-wife's murder. prosecutors say he turn up stabbed with her body torched. last year a court convicted the gunman of sending hate mail to
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families of soldiers who died in afghanistan. a web site in his name blames the united states for terrorism in afghanistan. the site had gruesome pictured another murdered children which the web site calls proof of crimes by america and its allies, and it went on, quote, if we stay silent toward the criminals, we cannot have a peaceful society. the more you fight with crime, the more peaceful you are. fox's top story and greg palkot is live in the london newsroom. >> we're learning more about the big question, why, after hours and hours of trying to negotiate between the australian authorities and the gunman, did the s.w.a.t. team, did the commando team, decide to move in. the regional police commissioner explaining a little built literally triggeredded by shots fired by the gunman inside that cafe. we changed our tactics, he said. if the police didn't enter there would have been more lives lost. critically, he didn't answer the
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very important question, how exactly were the two hostages killed and four others injured, by the gunman or possibly in the cross-fire. that is waiting for another investigation. as for the man responsible for this, an iranian refugee, man hardon monis, authorities might have had a hint he would be acting in some way over the coming days. he was just last friday in an australian court, trying to get charges dropped on those terrible letters he was writing to grieving families of service members who were killed in afghanistan. the court didn't do it, and he decided to act. finally, shep, there's been a lot of talk about the connections with the terror group, isis, and this act. in fact, what he did was the kind of lone-wolf attack on australia that isis had been calling for. but it took a specially twisted soul with a twisted biography to pull off this event we saw in
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the past 24 hours. >> greg, palkot, thank you. one hostage took the cell phone and telephoned an australian radio host. he says he could hear the gunman barking orders at the hostages in the background. the radio host is raid hadley and joins us live from australia. it's nice to talk to you. what did you hear? >> i got a phone call off air. i was on the radio at 9:45 a.m. from a person purporting to be a hostage. i came out of the studio during an ad break to talk to that person. that person told me they were a hostage and they were to issue instructions to me on demands from the hostage-taker. i was -- thought i'd be -- it was hoax, so i took the person's number and said i'm on air, i'll ring you straight back. i ring them back in the mean time my producers rang the police and found out the number was that of a hostage inside the cafe. he explained to me via the man
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who is basically being shot he waned number of things help wanted an isis flag to be deliver inside the cafe because he had a jihad flag, not an isis flag. he wanted the prime minister or australia to talk to him for five minutes and most importantly, he wanted me to proclaim that it was a terrorist act by isis, that he was acting on behalf of isis, even though he was acting alone. the most important thing about this fellow, we have a conservative government in new south wales. we had a very liberal so to speak, attorney general, and he changed the laws. this man should never have been on the street. he was facing serious charges. he last appeared in court in october. he should have been bail rescinded. should have been in jail, and there's a lot of quits being asked about the role the government played on this man being on the streeted of sydney. >> what did you hear in the way of instructions from this hostage-take center what was he telling people?
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what did it sound like in the background there? >> just -- he is english speaking but australian arabic accent and demanding, an isis flag, an interview with the prime minister to be played on my program, and also the announcement it was an attack by isis on the city of sydni -- sydney. after i spoke to the police commissioner, andrew scipione, he asked me not to broadcast that and i didn't. and then the police send a negotiator to my studio who started dealing with the young man and other hostages who were then phoning, saying the same thing. on the instruction of the hostage taker. >> we know at the end the police and security forces went storming in there because of something that had happened inside. do we know what that something
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was? >> gunfire, as the commissioner said. i spoke before i left the studio last night to a number of operational police officers, who told me they were marksmen. if they could get a clear shot on the hostage taker, they would take him out. of course when night fell that became more difficult. not imupon but more difficult. i said, what about storming the cafe? they said we'll only do that if air is an imminent danger to the people inside. at 2:11 a.m., there was a shot fired, lone shot. they knew he had a gun. so then the s.w.a.t. team, the operational officers, heavily armed and heavily protected, stormed it. heed already shot one hostage dead, we believe. he then opened fire on another hostage, 34-year-old man and a 38-year-old woman, pronounced dead, and then police unloaded on him and killed him. we have another person in hospital critical, who may have been hit in cross-fire. and two other people, including
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a police officer, with not so serious injuries in hospital as well. but there's no doubt that police were forced into this. they were trying to get people out safely. prior to them storming the cafe, five or six hostages had made their way out. to go in concert with the five or six who got out the day before. and so they acted with the gunshot, the commander gave them the go and they went forward. >> ray hadley, a radio host who received a phone call from one of the hostages in this incredible standoff that happened in sydney. very nice for you to share your time with us. >> thank you. >> joining us now is the former deputy assistant director of the united states fbi. he commanded the fbi's rescue team and is now president of security firm, colton, jackson and associates is and is live with us. >> the australians for difficult candidate have had a reputation of being some of the best in the business. they model their counterterrorism team off the
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british sas and we worked with. the at the academy. they're very good and followed the book. they negotiated. showed a great deal of restraint, went over 16 hours, which i exactly what you're trying to do, is to calm the situation down, and then when they had an attack from inside the structure, they went in and resolved it. unfortunately, we lost some people there, and that's the nature of that kind of business. it's very difficult and dangerous, but you have to commend. the for what they did and the way they did it. >> from your experience in this kind of work, what is your level of concern that there will be copycats or others who would be inspired? >> i think we'll see that. we have already seen that isis has recruited people through social media, both in australia, i think you know they recruited people to behead privity citizens in public, and now we have this. we have the beadding of the woman in oklahoma by an isis follower. so, social media is a part of their agenda. they use it effectively, and we need to be concerned that things
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like what happened yesterday and today will happen here as well. >> i guess this is almost lone-wolf defined. somebody who is inspired, at least given the information we have so far. aside from the fact that we know the lone wolfs are hard to stop, is there any knowledge drop on us here we ought to heed? >> i think one thing to consider -- every act of every , after it's over we all say, we knew about that guy. we knew he was strange inch this case the authorities knew about this map. he probably shoot have been in the country. i think the radio talk show host commented on that. we also know who they are but very seldom take any action to stop them or prevent their actions. so, it's an anomaly that we have to learn how to deal with. >> danny colton, thank you very much. one of the -- >> thank you, shepard. >> yes, sir. one of the things we do know is that he had been charged with accessory to the murder of his
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ex-wife. and you heard the radio talk show host, ray hadley, saying politics were in the way and maybe this guy should have been in jail. probably a matter of reporting on another day. but no doubt as australians are waking up to their new reality, it will be part of the discussion down under. here at home we have a very serious situation developing on the east coast. we just learn the name of the suspect in a series of deadly shootings today outside philadelphia. police say this shooter is still on the loose and six people are dead. what we're hearing about his background, the relationships he had with his victims, part of breaking news coverage from the fox news desk, next.
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oh no... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. a fox urgent now and continuing coverage with an update on the manhunt underway outside philadelphia. a series of shootings at different homes. officials there now say at least six people are dead, and they have just released a photo of the person for whom they're looking, the suspected gunman who police say is still on the run. his name is bradley stone. the district attorney there says all of the victims were related in one way or another to the suspect, so it's likely these were not random shootings, clearly. still, some school districts in the area have ordered teachers and students to shelter in place. police are telling a local television station the shootings unfolded in at least three different locations in montgomery county, northwest of philadelphia and it started early this morning, very early. one of those homes is inned soar
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-- solder ton and here's a location. one of the homes here where police found two bodies and thought they had a suspect hold up in a standoff but he was is not there. they say they also found the body of a woman in harleysville as well as two other bodies in lanesdale, all of this in eastern pennsylvania. three other people reported hurt in these shootings. rick leventhal has the latest, live in our new york city newsroom this afternoon. rick, what more do we know about the suspect? >> we have some information just released by the district attorney, identifying the gunman as 35-year-old bradley william stone, believed to be a military veteran, 5'10" 195 pounds, a red auburn beard and mustache and known to use a cane or walker and may be wearing sand or green-colored military fatigues. authority says he should be considered armed and dangerous, suspected of killing at least six people at multiple locations
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north of philadelphia this morning. police warning people in the pennsburg area to stay indoors and keep their homes locked. >> what about this word he may have abducted two children. >> we don't in the relationship between the shooter and the girls bum the d.a. says stone was related some way to all the victims, including those girls' mother. the two girls, age five and seven, were taken from the scene of the first shooting by stone, according to neighbors, and it happened very early this morning at an apartment comeplex. neighbors heard gushings and two girls yelling, mommy, no. the suspect was seen leaving with the kids, who were screaming, leave me alone, and he said, we got to go. police found a woman shot to death. the children were found safe a short distance away. we know five other deaths. we heard earlier a teen was wounded. we're not sure if that person is the sixth victim. we're weight for more word from
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montgomery county d.a. the press conference has been delayed a couple times and that suspect is still on the loose. >> thank you very much, rick. another very close call win a russian war plane and a crowded commercial flight. but again, russia's president, vladimir putin, says don't point the finger at me. ll speak with the form are u.s. ambassador who says russia's intimidation tactics are sending a very clear message to the west we had better heed. we'll get to that right after this. [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans.
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wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪ ght, so this tylenol andarthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good.
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you can see the spot i'm talking about. this is where it happened. you move in here, it's -- on the google map you see a bunch of trees but when you get in close you can see a lot of homes as well. rescuers say more of the rain has forced them to stop searching for survivors. as least for now, because that rain could trigger another landslide, and that would be a complete disaster. some images to show you in our slide show this afternoon. this is the original spot where the landslide happen. just look how massive this was. officials say more than 100 homes are buried under mud, rocks, tree, and other debris. witnesses record hearing a deep rumbling, a rumbling sound, as it came crashing down. rescuers say that today alone they've recovered nearly 60 bodies, including those of several children. indonesia's president toured the damage yesterday, pledged to help survivors whose homes are
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buried under all the mud. emergency officials say more than 40 million indonesians live in that area that are prone to mudslides, nearly five times the population of new york city. a horrible mudslide there with fears of the future. another russian plane came too close to hitting a commercial flight according to official inside sweden. of course russia denies it. swedish military officials say it happened friday above the baltic sea. the russian plane's transresponders were turned off, commercial radars could not deticket in march swedish officials say a russian plane came win 300 feet of a commercial flight. and officials say russia is still stocking up on military equipment even though the country is predicted to be headed for a recession. russian defense companies saw a 20% increase in sales last year, even though sales dropped by two percent worldwide, the russian president, vladimir putin, said
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he plans to spend $700 billion over the next ten years to bring his military up to date. let's bring in adam orel, a former state department spokesman who was ambassador to bahrain. good to see you again. >> thank you, sir. >> where is he going to get $700 billion? >> well, he has the world's largest oil and gas reserves, so that's going -- >> prices are down there, mr. ambassador. >> sure. but you can still buy a lot of weapons with -- even with the price under $70. but obviously the russian people are going to suffer. but the opinion is this, sir, that russia feels threatened, and what we're seeing is them practicing the strategy of the best defense is a good offense. and they're telling the west and they're telling the world that you mess with us at your peril. >> how should be reacting to this? by we, mine the rest of the world? >> well, i think what you're
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seeing with nato and europe and the united states, is the right response, which is not to back down, but not to unnecessarily provoke. we often use the term bear to describe russia. don't want to corner a bear because they'll strike out. but the fact of the matter is since the crisis with ukraine began over eight months ago, you have seen a general hardening of positions of france, and of germany, traditionally the more accommodationist countries. what that tells you is there is a cop census in the west and in europe that the only way to deal with russia is to deal firmly and with principles and that's why we're seeing the sanctions and upgrades of nato weapons, upgrades of nato defensive posture in europe, and it's going to continue. >> is it your sense that he is trying to put together pieces of the old soviet union, and if so, do you see a way he -- he can be stopped? >> yeah. i think there's a pattern here. in 2008, georgia talked about
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joining nato, and the same year, russia invaded georgia and took two parts of georgia. now those two parts -- what were parts of georgia are now parts of russia. same thing they did with ukraine in the crimea. and now in eastern ukraine. what that tells you is, when countries on russia's borders, that used to be part of russia, become too close to the west, russia sees that as a threat to its national security, and its borders and it will take actions to defend them. so, what is the solution? the solution, i think, is, number one, not to back down. number two, to provide sufficient security guarantees or security promises to russia that they don't need to worry. but that's a hard sell to this president. one final point. i would say that we talk a lot about isil. there are those who argue that russia is a greater threat to the west than isis is. why? because you have a sovereign
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country, unilaterally redrawing the borders of other sovereign states. that's a very destabilizing thing, much more destabilizing than religious extremists in failed states. >> former ambassador, nice to see you again. thank you. >> thank you. >> the deadly hostage siege in sydney happened at a dense time for australia, when it comes to its fighting extremism. that country is an ally of president obama's coalition against the islamic state. a live report from the white house is coming up. as we approach the bottom of the hour we'll take you ticktock ticktock how it all win down. you total your brand new car.
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should not have been available for the public. no response yet from those companies. yesterday marked two years since the gunman stormed the elementary school, killed 20 children and six adults before he turned the gun on himself. maryland, one man is dead and two other people hurt after somebody stole an ambulance and crashed it yesterday. that according to police north of d.c. they say the ambulance hit nearly a dozen other vehicles before it flipped. california, rescuers rush in after they say a construction worker fell about 20 feet into a trench east of los angeles. they say he is hurt but is alert and talking. paramedics took him to a hospital. no word on his condition. the latest from australia is coming up right after this.
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beard, appears to be wearing a black backpack which would have to be of concern to police. >> a witness described when it started, when the suspect locked the doors as a woman was trying to enter. >> the gunman got rid of us and she went running, gun, gun, gun. >> by noon the prime minister was addressing the nation. >> i can think of nothing more distressing, more terrifying, than to be caught up in such a situation and our heart goes out to those people. >> for many hours now this siege has been static situation. >> the situation changed a bit around 4:00, when two hostages dashed out the fire exit and flagged down police. a third man followed just moments later. it happened again in the following hour, when a woman wearing a cafe apron, charged out that same side door into the arms of police. as news cameras clicked in the distance, we saw a second woman
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come out. the fifth hostage to escape. >> our approach is to resolve this peacefully. it might take a bit of time but that is our approach. >> but as this scene unfolded at 2:00 in the morning, it became clear the situation had not resolved peacefully. >> i think they got him. >> they did get him. cops say three people are dead after that raid, including the gunman. officials raised australiays terror warning level in september, citing threats from islamic state supporters. police also carried out a series of counterterror raids. australia is part of the u.s.-led coalition fighting isis. but analysts say australia has a much higher percentage of citizens joining terror groups than does the united states. trace gallagher has more. why is the location of that standoff so important? >> because back in september, isis called on it followers to go out and behead random people in sidney that led to biggest
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counterterrorism raid in australian history and the arrest of some 15 terror suspects. the bede heading was supposed to happen at martin place, few yards away from the lindt cafe where the siege took place. martin place is like rodeo drive in beverly hills or michigan avenue in chicago, home to high-end shops, restaurants. so it's very symbolic of the western extravagance that terrorists thereof rail against. martin place is the home to sydney's channel 7 network to media coverage was instant. and experts say that was not just coincidence. listen. >> the idea of being able to spread your word, to spread the ideology to spread fear, you're in the financial and media hub of australia. you're 100 or so feet away from u.s. consulate. all of those things came together in what this guy was trying to accomplish. >> even after the beheading plot was busted up back in september. australia raised its terror level because of credible evidence that an attack was
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likely. >> trace, what about any backlash? >> against the muslim groups, there hasn't been. 475,000 muslim immigrants now live in australia and the number is rising, and many australians believe the increase is leading to a rise in islamic extremism. they also say it helps explain the large number of australians who have gone to fight for isis and other terror groups, but instayed of today's hostage standoff leading to a backlash against muslims it actually did the opposite. it appears to be -- there's a very popular twitter campaign called, i'll ride with you, where people offer to ride with any muslims who might feel intimidated on public transportation. so far, it's been retweeted so 90,000 times. the woman who started the campaign says she hopes the siege will be galvanizing instead of polarizing. >> i hope she is right. australia is a very close u.s. ally in the fight against the islamic state militants.
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activists say al qaeda linked fighters and other militants have captured two army bases in the province of northern syria. dozens of militants and syrian troops have died. this after two days of intense battles. president obama talked about the end of the u.s. combat mission in afghanistan while visiting a military base in new jersey and ed henry has more on that from the white house. what did we hear from the president. >> it's interesting because as the president is trying to ramp up the battle against isis in iraq and syria -- remember, iraq, we heard, comp bat operations were over several years ago. today the president was saying again, this time, combat operations are coming to an end at the end of this year, in afghanistan. even as he was walking this fine line of saying, look, there's still a lot of violence on the background and more than ten thousand u.s. troops will still remain behind. listen. >> this month america's war in afghanistan will come to an --
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to a responsible end. that doesn't mean everything is great in afghanistan. afghanistan is still a very dangerous place. but i want you and every american who has served? afghanistan to be proud of what you have accomplished there. >> now, remember, just in the last few days, yous going defense secretary chuck hagel was in afghanistan and said we were supposed to leave behind only about 9800 u.s. troops. he is now saying that number could be up to 10,800 because of the violence on the ground and their mission may be expanded. they were supposed to just stay behind to train now. they may be dealing with the anti-terror itself. >> the president's critics say he needs to focus more on islamic state militants. >> that's right. one of the big battles in january with the new congress is the president is bringing up a new authorization of the use of military force to deal with isis in that separate battle, and republican senator bob corkern said last week he thinks it took the president far too long to
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bring this legislation to congress. listen. >> i'm going to say something that my friends on this side of the aisle will disagree with. the reason we're here is a total failure of the president to lead on this issue and to send something up here until we find yourselves divided when in essence we all want the same thing. >> secretary of state john kerry defending the president's strategy against isis at that senate hearing. what is interesting is this authorization of the u.s. of military force is very -- it's written in a very wide way so that basically it leaves the door open to the possibility of u.s. combat troops going on the ground to battle isis, something the president has repeatedly said he wouldn't do. >> ed henry at the white house, thank you. oil prices dropped again today, hitting levels we have not seen in more than five years. $55.91 a barrel. the lowest since 2009.
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comes after some key oil producing nations indicated they will not take extra steps to try to prop up the price of crude, and major markets are sinking again after the dow is off. on the wall, the price of crude has fallen nearly 50% in the last six months. analysts say a lot has to do with rising global supplies and falling demand, as often is the case. you'd think with oil and gas prices still falling you'd be paying less to fly. no. the new york democratic senator chuck schumer says the airlines are not passing their savings on to travelers help is now calling for a federal investigation into those high ticket prices. but a trade group argues the airlines are using their savings to make other improvements, including new jets. gerri willis joins us now. lower oil prices seem to be
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hurting stocks. >> day do there are winners and losers. the winners, the american consumer. 13 states, people are paying at some gas stations two dollars or less, and that's alabama, arizona, colorado, indiana. the whole list here, missouri, nebraska, ohio, oklahoma, texas, very long list of states. but i think we'll have momentarily. but they're loser and that what the stock market is concern about. have to ask yourself questions, there are hedge fund managers who bet against the move-didn't think it would have and stand to lose money now? entire parts of the world enough destabilized. middle east, which relies on money from oil to pay people who live in that country essentially welfare payments, the soviet union, their gros completely down the tooks now. >> russia. >> but yes. >> but i feel you. they've been acting like it lately. airline prices are not going down, which is no way surprising to me because i learned all i need to know about the airlines. they love themselves and don't love us. >> they're not watching out for
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our bottom line here. despite the fact that jet fuel prices have gone down like a stone, too just like the 50% you said in oil, they have not cut our prices, whats more they're talk about increasing fees they charge as they want to make those rise with demand. so next christmas when you're trying to buy your trip home, you'll pay more just to bring your bag on the plane. >> well, i don't know what's going to fix those airlines. both of them. >> there's only the one now. >> thank you, gerri. folks in california cleaning up from a deadly string of storms last week. they're now getting ready for even more rain. we'll gate live report from the los angeles hour. the news continues right after this.
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the demonstrators were calling for the top lead ares to step down and to stop beijing from interfering in the election. protesters vowed, we'll be back. at home dozens of people had to make a run for it when a huge fire broke out in a warehouse in dallas. nobody was hurt and the flames did not spread to any other buildings, but one neighbor says her apartment was full of smoke. no word on what caused the fire. macadamia nuts are flying off the shelves after they ended up in the middle of a dispute on korean airlines. sales are way up and one site has sold out. ten days ago an executive kicked a flight attendant off the plane after getting macadamia nuts in a bag instead of on a plate. the executive has resigned and apologized. she happens to be the daughter over the korean air chairman. people in california are bracing for more rain after deadly storm system triggered a huge mess up and down the coast last week.
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hurricane force winds and up to ten inches of rain, flashfloods, mudslides, power oatages, across california. the same storm knocked down trees in oregon and killed two people. mudslides 50 miles northwest and west of los angeles destroyed at least a dozen homes. you can see piles of debris got as high as some people's roofs. and they can a look at this. -- take a look at this. >> [bleep], [bleep], what the -- [bleep] >> good questions. a tornado touched down in south l.a. knocking down trees and ripping off part parts of rooftops. witnesses say they thought they were in the middle of an earthquake. we're in sky fox up above the l.a. area. how is the cleanup looking? >> reporter: you can see the sun is out here. is the colby burn e of the many burn areas in southern california. this area burned back in january of this year.
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1950 acres burn away here in the san gabriel mountains in the angeles national forest, and this area sustained the mud and debris flows. they're concerned again. burned away was the vegetation the holds the soil andground in place which prevents significant runoff, and also waxy compounds were released by the plants as they burned, and when the ground cooled, that created a natural barrier in the soil that prevents water from seeping deep into the ground. absorption of rainwater is hindered and that speeds up the runoff of mud and rock. that is what happened in ventura county. we shot that video on friday. the spring fire in camarillo springs. all of the rock and mud came down up to the rooftops. more rain coming tonight to southern california but not as intense as the storm on friday. >> are you thinking more problems from it or no?
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well, we hope not. that's all i got. rick, thank you. >> i'm not hearing you too well right now, but we need the rain here in southern california. the rain and snow. you know we have endured three years of drought. they got a lot of rain in the bay area. last thursday a lope they received more rain -- alone they received more rain during that 24-hour period than they did during the entire calendar year of 2013. their driest on record. tip cliff that is how it goes here in california. it's feast or famine. we either receive very little rain or a whole lot. >> rick, take care. from fox 11 in los angeles. we last communication. >> a very important break news store right now. police say they're investigate something sort of threat close to's headquarters. according to local reports, amazon employees have evacuated the building. this is in the seattle area, obviously. we had a little bit more than this and i'm surprised it's not
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here. we have -- all with know right now is they've vac waited the building -- evacuated the building. the spot itself is near the headquarters in the south lake union neighborhood of the city of seattle. local media reported amazon employees have been evacuating from all the office buildings there. calls into amazon have not been returned. so we don't know yet what the specifics of this threat are. but we know that evacuations are underway right now in the seattle area at amazon. when we get more information we'll bring it to you right away. >> super bowl tickets cost a pretty penny, some listed at near live $10,000. now there's a concern the big game might not happen at all if congress doesn't renew a crucial law. congress wants to get in big trouble? get in the way of the super bowl. you'll find out how low your ratings can go. you're driving along,
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comcast business. built for business. lawmakers dealing with more than just paying bills and funding the government on time. there's another deadline coming up and if it's missed we could lose the super bowl. what are the odds of that? seriously. lawmakers have until the end of the month to didn't insurance act, covering stadium owners from loss from terrorism. an official with the nfl said the super bowl will be played. >> it's hard to imagine this wouldn't happen, but there is something on the books called the terrorism risk insurance act. it's known as tria. if the act does not pass in congress by the end of the year they say the super bowl can't be played. this is for insurance reasons but people say we're going to be talking about wages and snacks
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and talking about february 1st this most likely will go through. this act is meant to share risk between the federal government and the insurance industry. insurance companies are required to offer terrorism coverage to businesses, and the federal government helps make that happen by covering a certain portion of insured losses and more than 60% of large businesses now happen terrorism insurance. before 9/11 terrorism insurance was not top priority because it was low on the list of concerns. after insurance paid out 44 bill in claims from philadelphia things changed. now with isis in the forefront. terrorism worries are more profound. the nfl joining groups to form a coalition to ensure against terrorism because most insurers won't cover terrorism without this federal support. so we wait until the end of the year to see if this goes through. >> i guess it happens. >> yes, indeed.
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>> a nod to this day in history and a final look at the mark right after this. hey, how you doin'? it hurts. this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful blistering rash. if you had chicken pox, the shingles virus is already inside you. as you get older your immune system weakens and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. i just can't stand seeing him like this. he's in pain. one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. i wish that there was something i could do to help. some people with shingles will have long term nerve pain which can last for a few months to a few years. don't wait until you or someone you love develops shingles.
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liberty mutual insurance. something rare happened in kansas according to the weather trackers there. a tornado and snow in different parts of the state on the same day. here's the tornado. officials say the national weather service -- at the national weather service say it touch down yesterday in a small town southwest of wichita. no reports of damage or anybody hurt. on this day in 1939, thousands of fans packed the streets of atlanta for the world premiere of boy gone with the wind. "workers transformed the theater to look like tara. clark baseball and vivien leigh mingled with margaret mitchell whose novel inspired the movie. it's still the most successful film in hollywood history in today's money, and, frankly, lots of americans did give a damn, 75 years ago today. when news breaks out we'll break
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in because breaking news changes everything. the dow had a rough day. off almost 100-point but no quite. "your world" is coming up next. for context and perspective, stuff getting weird. >> thank you, shepard. you're looking live right now at new york's times square, beefing up security in the wake of that apparent terror attack on the cafe in sydney. so everyone is sort of on tenter hooks. 16 hours of pure terror down under as an eye rannan man takes over a cavanaugh sydney, australia. two hostages are dead and so is the gunman. we're on the scene in sydney right now. what we tell us, roger? >> reporter: at the moment the regs of the hostages are at the hospital, where i'm visiting at the moment. quite a big police presence here. obviously the police want to
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