tv Outnumbered FOX News December 17, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST
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lucky guy, cia covert operations officer and president of the global intelligence and security firm mike baker. good timing, a lot to get to today. you are outnumbered today. >> i am, this is my mother's favorite show. this is the one time she will watch me on television. >> american contractor alan gross back on u.s. soil hours after his release was announced. he was sentenced to 15 years behind bars for espionage while working as a subcontractor. cuba accused him of being party to us-led plot to overthrow the communist government. we are joined by bret baier as we get set to hear the president. >> harris, good afternoon. you're looking live at the white house waiting for president obama to deliver these remarks. it is notable that these
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announcements would be made. the bigger news is this is a major shift in policy on cuba. they cuba embargo in 1953 will be lifted by this president. normalizing relations with the country of cuba, a communist country in 2009 started that process with travel restrictions and also the ability with cuban-americans about to give9l. it included hope francis at the vatican with the president at the white house. president obama: america's changing his relationship with
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the people of cuba. the most significant changes in our country, we will and an outdated and process failed to advance our interests and instead we begin to normalize relationships between our two countries. through these changes intended to create more opportunities for the american and cuban people. thbegin a new chapter. there's a, the kid in history between the united states and cuba. i was born in 1961, just over two years after fidel castro took power in cuba and just a few months after the bay of pigs invasion which tried to overthrow his regime. over the next several decades the relationship between our countries played out against the backdrop of the cold war and america's steadfast opposition to communism. we are separated by just over 90 miles but year after year and ideological and economical barrier hardened between our two
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countries. meanwhile cuban exile community in united states made enormous cut emissions to our country and politics, business, culture and sports. like immigrants before, cuba helped remake america even as they helped a painful yearning for the families left behind. all of this bound america and cuba in a unique relationship in one's family and follow. proudly the united states has supported democracy and human rights in cuba through these five decades. we have done so come early through policies to isolate preventing the most basic travel, commerce, that americans can enjoy anyplace else. and so this policy has been rooted in the best of intentions, no other nation joined us in imposing these sanctions and it has had little effect the on providing the cuban government with a
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rationale for restrictions on his people. today cuba is still governed by the castro sent a common as that came to power half a century ago. neither the americans are cuban people are well served by a rigid policy rooted in defense that took place before most of us were born. consider that for more than 35 years we have had relations with china, a far larger country governed by communist party. nearly two decades ago the reestablished relations with vietnam where we fought a war that claimed more americans than any cold war confrontation. that is why when i came into office i promised to re-examine our cuba policy. at the start we lifted restrictions for cuban-americans for travel, remittances to the families in cuba. these changes once controversial now seem obvious. cuban-americans have been reunited with their families and are the best possible investors
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for our values. through these exchanges a younger generation of cuban-americans is a priestly questioned an approach that does more to keep cuba closed off than the interconnected world. while i have been prepared to take additional steps for some time, a major obstacle stood in our way. the wrongful imprisonment of a u.s. citizen and u.s. a id subcontractor alan gross for five years. through many months the administration has ha haddiscussions about the case and our relationship. pope francis issued a personal appeal to me and to cuba president raul castro urging us to resolve alan's case and to address cuba's interest in the release of three cuban agents who have been jailed in the united states for over 15 years. today alan returned home reunited with his family at long last.
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alan was released by cuban government on humanitarian grounds. separately in exchange for the three cuban agents, cuba released one of the most important intelligence agents the united states has ever had in cuba and has been in prison for nearly two decades. this man who sacrifice has been known to only a few provided america with the information that allowed us to arrest the network cuban agents that included the men transferred to cuba today included other spies in the united states. this man is now safely on our shores. having recovered these two men who sacrificed for our country, i'm not taking steps to place the interest of the people of both countries at the heart of our policy. first i've instructed secretary kerry to immediately begin discussions with cuba to reestablish diplomatic relations that have been severed since january 1961. going forward the united states will reestablish an embassy in
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havana and high-ranking officials will visit cuba. where we can advance shared interest, we will be at on issues like health, migration, counterterrorism, drug trafficking and disaster response. indeed we've seen the benefits of cooperation between our countries before, it was a cuban who discovered mosquitoes carried yellow fever. they helped to fight it. cuba sent hundreds of health care workers to africa to fight ebola. i believe america and cuba health care workers should work side-by-side to stop the spread of this deadly disease. now where we disagree, we will raise the differences directly as we will continue to do on issues related to democracy and human rights in cuba. i believe we can do more to support the cuban people and promote our values through engagement. after all, these 50 years have
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shown isolation has not worked, it is time for a new approach. second, i have instructed secretary kerry to review the designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. this review will be guided by the facts and no more. terrorisseveral decades at a tis on threats from al qaeda to isis, initial meeting our conditions and renounces terrorism should not face these sanctions. third, we're taking steps increase travel, commerce and the flow of information to and from cuba. this is fundamentally about freedom and openness and also expresses my belief in the power of people to people engagement. with the changes i am announcing today it woul will be easier for americans to travel to cuba. americans can use american credit and debit cards on the island. nobody represents americans
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values better than the american people. i believe this contact ultimately do more to empower the cuban people. i also believe more resources should be able to reach the cuban people, so we're significantly increasing the amount of money that can be sent to cuba and removing limits on remittances that can support military and projects and the emerging private sector. i believe american businesses should not be put at a disadvantage. increase commerce is good for americans and good for cubans. financial institutions will be allowed to open accounts with cuban financial institutions and easier for u.s. exporters to sell goods in cuba. i believe in the free flow of information. unfortunately our sanctions on cuba have denied cubans access to technology that has empowered individuals around the globe. so i'm authorized to increase
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talk medications between the united states and cuba. businesses can sell goods that enable cubans to communicate with united states and other countries. these are the steps i can take to change the policy. the embargo that has been imposed for decades is now codified in legislation. as these changes unfold, look forward to engaging congress mysterious and honest debate about lifting the embargo. yesterday i spoke with raul castro to finalize alan gross' release and exchange of prisoners and describe how we will move forward. i made to the strong belief cuban society is constrained by restrictions. in addition to the return of alan gross and release of intelligent agents are welcome cuba's decision to release a substantial number of prisoners whose questions were raised with the cuban government by my team. we welcome cuba's decision to provide more access to the
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internet for existence and increase engagement with international institutions like united nations and international committee of the red cross that promote universal values. but i'm under no illusion about the can. barriers to freedom that remain for ordinary cubans. the united states believe no cubans and face harassment or arrest or beatings simply because they're exercising universal right to have their voices heard and we will continue to support civil society there. well cuba has made reforms to gradually open up its economy, we could need to believe cuban workers should be freed to form unions as they greeted with state in the political process. moreover given cuba's history i expect continued to pursue foreign policies that will at times be sharply at odds with american interests. i do not expect the changes i'm announcing today to bring about a transformation of cuban society overnight.
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but i am convinced the policy of engagement we can more effectively standup for our values and help the cuban people help themselves moving into the 21st century. to those who oppose what i announced today, let me say i respect your passion and show your commitment to liberty and democracy. the question is how we uphold that commitment. i do not believe we can keep doing the same thing for over five decades and expect a different result. moreover does not serve americans interest or the cuban people to try to push cuba toward collapse even if that worked, and it hasn't for 50 years, we know from hard-earned experience countries are more likely to enjoy lasting transformation if the people are not subjected to chaos. we're calling on cuba to unleash the potential of 11 million
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cubans by ending unnecessary restrictions on their political, social and economic activities, and that spirit which not allow u.s. sanctions to add to the burden of cuban citizens that we seek to help. to the cuban people, america stands a friendship. some of you looks to us with a sense of hope and we will continue to shine a light of freedom. others have seen us as a colonizer intent on controlling your future. jose once that liberty is the right of every man to be honest. today i'm being honest with you. with every race in history between us, but we believe you should be empowered to live with dignity and self determination. cubans have a saying about daily life. "it's not easy." today as it must be a partner to make the lives of ordinary cubans a little easier, more free, more prosperous.
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think yothank you for being parn our efforts the end in particular i want to thank pope francis whose moral example shows us importance of pursuing the world as it should be rather than simply settling for the world as it is. the government of canada which hosted our discussions and bipartisan group of commerce and who worked tirelessly for alan gross' release an approach for the values of cuba. finally our shift in policy toward cuba comes a moment of renewed leadership in america. this april we are prepared to have cuba join the other nations of our hemisphere at the summitt of the americas. but we will insist civil society join us so that citizens, not just leaders, are shaping our future. and i call on all my fellow leaders to give meaning to the commitment to democracy and human rights at the heart of the
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inter-american chart. let us leave behind a legacy of both colonization and communist, tierney of drug cartels, dictators and sham elections. a future of greater peace, security and democratic development is possible if we work together. not to maintain power, not to secure vested interest but instead to advance the dreams of our citizens. my fellow americans, the city of miami is only 200 miles or so from havana. countless thousands of cubans have come to miami on planes and makeshift rafts, some with little but a short on their back and hope in their heart. today miami is referred to as a the capital of latin america. it is also a profoundly american city, a place that in mind that ideals matter more than the color of our skin or the
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circumstance of our birth. a demonstration of what the cuban people can achieve and the openness of the united states to the south. change is hard. in our own lives and the life of nations. changes harder as we can be they weight on our shoulders. we are making these changes because it is the right thing to do. today america chooses to cut loose the shackles of our past to reach for a better future, for the cuban people, for the american people, for our entire hemisphere and for the world. thank you. god bless you and god bless the united states of america. >> president obama at the white house announcing a historic shift in u.s. policy to cuba reestablishing diplomatic ties with havana and economic and travel ties opening that up
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while the president concedes he does not have the authority to lift the cuban embargo put in place in 1963 by congress, calling on congress to lift that fully, but essentially doing everything but lifting that embargo making numbe a number of changes he can with executive authority with u.s. relations with cuba saying he spoke by phone with cuban president rival castro. the conversation was 45 minutes. the first substantive conversation between leaders of those two countries since 1961. crediting pope francis with facilitating these talks that have been going on by white house officials secretly for the past year. between u.s. delegation and the vatican playing a role as well. this is a major shift and hard to overstate the significance of this announcement, something the
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president has said he has been striving to do since he took office in 2009. it does not take without criticisms. marco rubio saying it is part of a long record of dictators and torrance this administration has established. he does not believe this will be a good thing for america people who tried to rid themselves of the castro brothers for years, not just republicans, some democrats have said with it as well will surely stir up this town in reaction to this historic announcement of a reestablishment of relations and ties with cuba. harris, back to you. >> i would imagine reverberate across the country with people both sides of the issue. cuban-americans of a certain age the president mentioned those born before that there is history, strong reasons as to why we had cut to the medic ties in 1961 with cuba. we knew they were trying to put
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missiles on the island to put them in our direction. my question to you, i didn't hear it directly from the president, what gets said to those people who fled that country and came here who may be very angry about this. >> it is a big question for politics, and the question for the reaction of the population in south florida. the talk to some people down there, they have long opposed some of these moves to regulate, normalize these ties because of the hardships they had to experience and the brutal treatment by the regime of their people. you'll see a lot of emotion with this, many people for it because they say it hasn't worked over
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five decades in that is the president's argument that wasn't working and the administration sees the ability to influence the western hemisphere a lot more by bringing cuba in and not holding it. >> i am reading through some of these human rights abuses. the president spoke on it very briefly. talking of violations of human rights when it comes to the disabled, the gay community. command and control economy leaving most of its people in squalor, really pictorial regime. and i touched on the politics of this but if you could speak to how big of a political issue you're expected to be because i knonoticed a holiday season bute expected to carry on into 2015 and perhaps 2016 and florida in a presidential race? >> i think it is interesting the timing of this comes out after congress has left, there isn't a lot of lawmakers here in town,
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but we will see lots of people coming u out with statements i think. florida is a state for every presidential election and jeb bush exploring a run to hear from him on this issue will be interesting and you have heard from marco rubio in the same thing. i think the demographics in florida have changed and the cuban-american population has not had as much influence on florida politics in recent years as it has previously, but it will be a factor. >> quick question for you. do you foresee this grading a further immigration crisis and with travel restrictions easing, people coming over from cuba, will they be covered by the president recent executive action on immigration? >> we have to look into the effects of what that is going to
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really mean because central america falls under the broad swath including all of that area. i have been to cuba six times. it is an amazing place in it is trapped in the 50s, they operate on a black market with u.s. dollars or they did, continued for many years after that, i covered the gonzalez case, cuban boy in florida who was eventually shipped back to cuba. you look over the years, this is hard again to overestimate the significance of this policy shift even though the entire economic embargo is not lifted officially until it is done by congress. >> some of the response, mitch
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mcconnell saying he is criticizing the administration for plans to normalize ties with cuba but would defer to senator rubio because he has expertise but he will support him in whatever response he takes on this. while the president was speaking, we have a president of this, raul castro speaking at the same time and it is interesting because his comments are very short, working at getting what some of it said. both leaders will be talking at the same time. your thoughts. >> i think it is significant reactions in cuba will be interesting to watch as well because this opens the door to a lot of economic possibilities with that nation. they would argue this embolden us the castro brothers and kind of prop them up in a time really hurting and the prospect of not holding onto power.
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there are some that say this is going to be the end of the castro brothers hold. the critics respond to policies, this shift help them hold onto power and the dual announcement is interesting. i will say this, the president mentioning pope francis and the vatican's part in all of this does provide a different cover for this administration politically and that the pope was active in this trying to get u.s. and cuba to change policy. >> bret baier, thank you for joining us today. we will continue the conversation from the couch. i want to come to you first. sesenior administration official has confirmed for us this change which was a separate from alan gross but happened simultaneously as i am understanding it. the release of three of the cuban five. i know you have some details on
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the history with the cuban five but tell me about this prison release. >> th to talk about what we migt be willing to do leading up to the agreements of the release and obviously our prisoner swap with these three from the cuban five is all happening at the same time concurrently. they may say it was a separate and distinct, but it is not. the three that we released intelligence officers basically spies operating for the cuban service. cuban service is very efficient. they are extremely good, one of the best. >> the fact they are able to suppress the cuban people way they are is because of this apparatus. how hot is the spine between the united states and cuba, how active is it? >> they have had a number of success over the years, cuban intel service, but these three being sent back after two others
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were already released is all partial of this process and reciprocation. some will call the whole process appeasement. if i could just jump in, going back to the '70s, recruited by them, a defense intelligence agency official, analyst, recruited by john hopkins or ye. she is still in prison serving two and a half decades. so they have been and continue to be talking about the intel service affairs in the u.s. martha: what about the american who was free? two brave americans, also i got
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in exchange for the prisoners. >> he is basically a contractor working on behalf of usa id. what they have been talking as telecoms equipment. basically unfortunately wrapped up in the efforts to continually put the screws into us. i can't overestimate this or underestimate this how efficiently the cubans have been over the years in actively working. they worked hand-in-hand with the soviets for decades and they used the service all around the world to promote their cause, as we don't want to be missing our
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understanding, this is good. open this up, get the engagement going. >> the economic freedom and economic activity which is difficult to dismantle. >> we're going to ask a guest to join us now, in washington. good to see you today, thank you for joining us. i would be curious to talk with somebody who could remember the cuban missile crisis and talk to us about the ramifications of a deal like this and also the upshot of it. your thoughts. >> generations of americans remember when russia had defensive capabilities in cuba and that the world hung in the balance for a few days in the
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'60s. we have to remember what an enormous step decision this is in light of u.s. history with cuba, in light of those who fled cuba, seeking freedom in the united states. this is a sign the united states can be a force for openness, trying to move toward more democratization, opportunity for the people of cuba particularly the children look outward and get a sense of how their culture is important, the beauty, the richness of the cuban culture, the art and the music, chance for free exchange, think that is going to be very important. >> what do you say to those people who gave up so much to flee cuba after going through
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horrific ordeals to come to freedom. what you say to those people who say how can you do a deal like this, how can you just open the doors like this? >> we have to spend a long time listening to these people. but let's talk about how do we go forward. it has to be reconciliation and the truth being brought forward about what people did when they fled cuba. cubans can unite as people and share the diversity and beauty of people with the world but we cannot gloss over what you are talking about when people felt they had to flee specifically for their freedom. we have to find a way to have a chance to be a force for reconciliation, i note the previous discussion about how the pope was involved in this, there are spiritual discussions that have to do with the human
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spirit the expressive, the united states can be a force for help an in that happen makes foa very good day indeed. martha: we heard the reporting coming out of the president and talk of executive action, can you tell me about the legality of the moves the president is making? >> that is to be debated but the president has shown a willingness to use effective power given to him under the constitution, certainly congress way iweigh-in if it chooses to. i hope we also continue to respecreachback those people whd so many years ago who felt their lives in their future and freedom was at stake that they were shut out, we have to bring them back the discussion about the decisions that are being made.
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>> andrea tantaros hairpin i'm sure your flight with the human rights violations going back to cubans responsible for shooting down two u.s. airplanes, they have jailed and detained many citizens, they did not have a free and open press. it is very scary what's the castro regime has done. how do these moves by president obama change the administration showing castro shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. >> the united states has to be a force on these issues. we lost some of our moral authority with the cia torture report. when you look at guantánamo, that raises questions as well. does that mean the united states cannot insist on a review of all of these practices with respect to human rights abuses and that is states must be heard from on them. we have to seek to regain our
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own moral ground on that area. >> congressman, thank you very much. senator mitch mcconnell waiting to hear from marco rubio. let's watch. >> kept against his will for far too long. our prayers are with him and his family because it was not just a prisoner, he was a hostage. but this president has proven today the form policy is more than just naive, it is willfully ignorant of the way the world really works. this administration finally agreed after months of congressional pressure to impose sanctions on the venezuelan government officials were violating human rights, a government that has spent all of 2014 killing, jailing and oppressing their own people, and yet a week later he is making concessions to the very cuban government that supports and is
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behind the tourney in venezuela. the cuban government is highly influential and has helped mastermind a crackdown on the venezuelan people. this policy contradiction is absurd. and it is disgraceful for president who claims to treasure human rights and human freedom. this president is the single worst negotiator we have had in the white house in my lifetime. given the government everything asked for and received no assurance that any advancements. let me close by reminding everyone that god the stowed upon the cuban people the same rights did on every other man, woman and child who has ever lived. inalienable rights in the founding, said the cuban people at those oppressed run the world look to america to stand up for
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these rights and live up to our commitments to a god-given right of every person, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. these rights exist at only where they are born in the continental united states but for people everywhere. it is unacceptable billy people this hemisphere who did not know democracy and have not known democracy for more than five decades are the people of cuba. that should be the overriding objective, to do all we can to bring about political democratic openings. and a free cuban people can decide whatever economic model they want. the models taken today will do nothing to bring about that day and in fact i fear it will effectively significantly set it back. conceding to the suppressors, this president and this a administration have let the people of cuba down.
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[inaudible] >> we happen watching and listening to senator marco rubio, very emotional response now to what the president has announced he wants to do today and that is normalized relations with cuba. he is open the floor to questions be at the reporters do not have a mic flutist difficult for us to see what he is saying but as more news is given we will bring it to you right away. andrea, i want to talk to you about the politics, this doesn't happen in a vacuum. once we know for certain is cuba particularly tend to vote republican. you ask about the timing of this
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and how politics don't happen in a bubble, what are your thoughts? >> the administration has been working on this for a long time, time around christmas with a slow news cycle probably benefits the white house. i don't know if they planned it for this time but there was coronation which he mentioned with the castro government because it is unprecedented to see both men speaking at the same time. i would say this from a political perspective, it is quite a shift in the democratic party when you look back at the democratic party of jfk were a lot of these policies were implemented. drawing a very firm line in the sand when it came to pictorial states like cuba. you heard the senator talk about these abuses and is a very serious. we had a debate not just on this couch but as a nation for weeks and years on human rights with release of the cia memo. somso these abuses are horrific with a treat homosexuals to
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concentration camps, putting them on trips, the shooting of american planes. people are jailed for voicing their opinion spread thrown in prison by the castro regime. i echo what the senator says which is how is this move talking to a police stay going to the prop and up. how does this interest the cuban people or give them closer democracy and prosperity as long as the castro regime is in place? >> we have not heard from you yet, stacy. i want to get your thoughts. >> i agree with marco rubio, he is the worst negotiator b. he is dictating with dictators who have been a tyranny, tyrannical regime for decades. decades. what i want to know is what are the people there now
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experiencing? we know what the people in the past field, we know what they are here now feel about this. what are the people feeling now that are there? it is a dictatorship, that is what i don't trust dealing with these men as long as they are in power. >> there's punishment when you speak up. want to go not speak medications director for the vatican. your joining us by phone. i know the president talked about this, he has had some conversations and also the pope weighing in on this. a quick word from you about anything coming out of the vatican with regards to the president's announcement today. >> this was tight in the vatican. just this morning i got word from somebody this would be finalized today, we would only say something right after the
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president. the vatican has released a statement talking about pope pope francis writing a letter in recent months to both castro and barack obama are working on this quest here. it is very much in the spirit of francis. there is a live debate about this, francis has always been up for the culture of encounter and bring people together even though they might have such bitter feelings over time. the vatican has been very good at diplomacy for a very long time and this is the fruit of it. the irony of it is we have kept relations with cuba even though he got very difficult under castro, was never very easy, took a long time for john paul ii to get there, but it is better to have relations than not having them. >> it seems this particular pope has gotten more involved in these sort of things that have
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little questions around them than others. your thoughts on that. >> . they tried to test the boundaries and think outside of the box. i know one day i was getting out of the elevator and somebody said is it true the pope called assad. as a better check with somebody. he obviously wants to push the edge of the envelope and where it can work to help make it work. on the other hand a painstaking work that goes on beyond that. there is a very painstaking quiet work that goes beyond it and the diplomats have been very good about it. >> the faithful in cuba have a
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lot of believers, what is it that is of the church now and how do you think that will change with this recent news? >> is one of the difficulties we have had over the time is precisely with the church it hasn't been entirely free and even sort of progress made over time in doing that, we will hope this is the kind of thing that will open up from the cuban side as well. good for us. we are to a certain degree and outside player in this but the hope would be it would be win-win. >> oftentimes you will hear things are coming. would you anticipate, i know there's no way to read the tv now, but there is in panama coming up with a summit and we have learned castro and perhaps president obama would both be attending this summit. is that something the pope would
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ever consider attending as well, or do you see him doing anything sort of outreach with the people of cuba right now? >> you're asking something tough and i don't want to raise false hopes. i to be tough because of the schedule and his already having a tough time where he is heading in latin america when every country wants him there. i would see that a little unlikely for that point of view and the point of view i don't think the pope wants to come in here and get the glory. they were happy to help out here. is great the pope seems to have gotten something started but he will not be looking to bask in any glory. >> greg, always great to talk with you. thank you. there is a lot breaking on this and andrea, uni are watching social media, a lot of people are talking about relatives having been held in political prison in cuba. we will continue to cover it. other news as it is happening as
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>> welcome back to "outnumbered." if you have been watching president obama stepped away from the podium 30 minutes ago announcing his historic move to open talks with cuba. how this is very big news today, and we will take it around the coach because the political implications alone of this. we saw marco rubio step up to the podium and we talk to bret baier earlier about what this means going forward and the politics of this. i mention the shift in the democratic artie. speak to how you see this play out that only republicans and democrats, we have heard a number of democrats including robert menendez step up on this. this, i think, will be a pretty hot political topic. >> yes, this will be a defining
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issue between the house and senate republicans and the president because the president cannot unilaterally lift the embargo as much as he would like to and signed by president clinton pretty much defines and refines the embargo for a new era. it says specifically cannot touch it without congressional approval, and congress is definitely going to define themselves and obviously upset with the president and he has done unilaterally and the stable make some strong, old moves and we will see more rubio trying to find his presidential candidacy and that will maybe reignite that within forward. martha: the politics, getting back to that, marco rubio rumored to be 2016 contender. we talked about jeb bush throwing his hat in the ring looking at maybe running for office and hillary clinton also
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last night speaking at a gala on human rights. these potential presidential candidates will have to weigh in on this. what do you see them saying? >> hillary clinton, i don't see her running for president. i don't think there is any way she could. there are too many things against her. benghazi, it goes on and on. >> let's say she does, how does she circle the square on this one? we know she has talk about human rights again as recently as last night. >> how do you hire or make someone president of the united states who won't give you the answers you need? >> she is also a politician. >> she will speak to whatever crowd is in front of her.
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"outnumbered." better than ever talking about possibly lifting the embargo against cuba. huge development of events over the last hour. mike baker former cia operative charged with securing and protecting diplomats all over the world. >> among other things. >> let's talk about spying within cuba and the decimation of cuba as the state sponsor of terror. is that silly political designation? that'that title, that distinctiy be lifted. what does that mean? >> that will be the sticking point where we can agree because the cubans have learned well over the decades in their close relationship with the russians, senator rubio points out the relationship with cuba, they operate in a lot of different areas. in part the dgi has missed possibilities for that.
9:56 am
i am conflicted by this. my first visit to cuba was in the '60s. i went there at the point the castro regime cut the water to the guantánamo naval base where i was with my father. and growing up through all this, it is for a small population -- >> we will have to continue the conversation another day. >> real quickly, at 1:45 p.m. eastern, w we're expecting to hr from alan gross, the american freed after five years in prison inside cuba. so watch fox news channel for that development as well and any other late-breaking details as we have been talking this hour about a big announcement on relations between us and cuba. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. >> we start with a fox news alert. we are waiting to hear firsthand from allen gross, the american who is back on urz soil freed after spending five years in the cuban prison. >> this as president obama shifts the american policy. saying it is time for new relations with castro's cuba. we are waiting for it. it is all "happening now". >> all eyes on the white house as we get new insight in the presidential race. but horr foying new footage in a
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