tv Hannity FOX News December 17, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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link between hackers and sony entertainment. they exposed memos and followed by terror threats against moviegoers planning to see the interview. sony now postponed the release of the film. negotiations are underway between new york city officials and the family of eric garner. lawyers for his family have filed a $75 million civil rights claim. his death triggered nationwide protests after a grand jury decided not to indict anyone in the case. "hannity" starts now. situation. see you tomorrow morning. welcome to hannity, this is a fox news alert. in a historic change, president obama announced that his
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administration will take steps to work with cuba. >> today, america is changing its relationship with cuba and the most significant changes in our policy in 50 years, we will end an outdated approach that for years has failed to help our interests. >> marco rubio and ted cruz will be there respond but first that white house tonight, ed. >> reporter: it almost reads like a spy novel. a secret phone call yesterday with the dictator and then clan desten involvement by pope francis. and he was basically lunging at
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legacy item. he had alan who had been in a cuban prison for years. an american coming home. that piece of the story, we're told that when gross was told they were out of cuban airspace, he put his hands in the air and had a sandwich. it was stressed that alan gross was released on humanitarian grounds and that it was not connected to the rest of the deal, which was if three cuban spies released from the u.s. that had been in a cuban prison. >> today alan returned home, reunited with his family at long last. he was released on humanitarian
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grounds. separately, in exchange for the three cuban agents, cuba today released some of the most important intelligence agents the united states has ever had in cuba. >> it is a fallacy to think that cuba will reform because a united states president released his hands and that the castro brothers will unclinch their fists. >> the embargo was not totally lifted, that would take congress. it's going to be an uphill battle. it is supported by some who say it will be good for american businesses and the last thing to get castro out of power will be to bring in capitalism.
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>> was there an appallagy by castro. >> reporter: they pushed back on that. they said for 50 years we haddan a situation where we were isolating cuba and it didn't get us anywhere. they think turning a new page will get us somewhere. >> we'll get into that later. thank you, sir. joining me now with reaction to the administration's policy shift on cuba, we have florida senator marco rubio. why would the president do this? it is a murderous regime, known for it murdering prisoners, espenaush against this country. what was the intention here? >> they think this is going to further a democraticoping in
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cuba. but go back to the reset with russia where they thought they had could have reset with relationships with putin and then he's going into ukrain. the obama it administration looks the other way and says they're not going to interfere in their sovereignty and then recently with if iran where they've given them right to enrich yuranium. so, making these promises for basically nothing. >> and they released a murderer. you said the administration directly lied to you, that they would consult congress before
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doing this. >> i asked the president's sn m nominee for assistant secretary of state and he was evasive on his answers and he was equally evasive. but they've said that any sort of dramatic changes in cuba would require consultations with congress. but the first i heard about this was when i got phone call from john kerry and i told him that if they think this is going to bring about democracy in cuba, they're out of their minds. this will set it back. >> i want you to listen to this specific comment by the president. >> some of you have looked to us as a source of hope and we will continue to shine a light of freedom.
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others have seen us as a former colonizer, intent on controlling your future. today, i'm being honest with you. we can never erase the history between us. but we believe you should be empowered to live with dignity and self determination. >> dur thing spanish war, we fought on behalf of phlegm their independence from spain. and they continued to do that unteletiu until fidel castro. and he said this was walking away from the era of ku
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colonialism. >> and as president obama was speak up, he actually urged the president to use executive action. so he's asking him to act in an illegal fashion to enhance his agenda for this murderous regime. >> you have a military, you saw castro wearing his military uniform and they have military that controls that. the more money that comes in, the more will line their pockets and little will trickal down to the people. there is internet in china, but that doesn't mean they can see anything. if they do that in china, how much easier will that be to do in a country with 13 million
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people, an island. it is one ridiculous statement after another by the president. >> i want you to interpret your way. >> america, like every other nation, has made mistakes and has its flaws. in america, there's a failure to appreciate europe's leading role in the world. instead of celebrating and partnerring with you, there's been areas where america has shown air gns. the fear and anger that 9/11 provoked was understandable but it caused us to act contradictory to our ideals. i have unequivocally prohibited
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the use of torture and i have ordered the prison at cuba closed. >> i think we now see a president who complained he was not progressive enough, he himself won't face the american voters again, he now feels rejected after the latest election and i seinnse a guy whs pretty angry and he's going to promote his ideology no matter what. >> i think that he things much of what happened between these two countries was the fault of the united states. how else do you explain the sending of dollars to cuba, all of these dramatic changes? and all cubas to the do is
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release 53 political prisoners, who, by the way, will be back in jail again if they continue. did they agree to freedom of press? no. did they agree to free and unfedered access to the internet? no. did they agree to freedom of assembly? no. so, that's why i said this president has to be the worst negaucheiator in the world. >> that's a powerful statement. we 3rd announcement from form governor jeb bush yesterday. i know you had a close relationship with him. does this in any way impact your decision potentially to run for president and how does that impact your decision?
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>> i think he will be a formidable candidate but if you think the best way to achieve your agenda is by being president obama, you do that regardless of who's on the ballot. i will have a decision one way or another soon. i have my own process as does everybody else and if i decide the best way to restore the american dream is to become president of the united states, that's what i will do. >> and coming up, will this deal with the communists have an affect on other things. and hehehehehehe
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. ♪ won't you turn my soul now with regard to the breaking news with cuba, alan gross is already playing into the next president race. jeb bush weighed in on this issue earlier today. >> he was in poor health and shouldn't have been in prisn to start with but the fact that he's coming home, is spectacular news. >> and the very latest announcement to jeb announcement. >> we waisted time, actually going after president obama. he said i don't think we should
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be working with an oppressive regime. he called this among the latest of failed attempts by president obama to appease rogue regimes. and his rivals taken shots at him. and a federal take over of and watch what rand paul has to say. >> regg ege egen regan ran on t platform of not d centralizing education. >> i think he will have an opportunity make his case to voters. they'll likely disagree on a number of issues. >> wisconsin governor today
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backed up and said it can continue so long as there are no mandates and local flexibility is maintained. he says states who want to opt out, can but they should at least maintain high standards. he pointed out that one third of people can't pass the military exam, so somethings to the be done. he supports comprehensive immigration reform and lots of people call it amnesty. he calls himself a fiscal conservative but there is going to be an awful lot of attention on jeb bush. >> we'll see those poles. the race begins, carl.
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and here's reaction to bring a news. by the way, congratulations on the great book. i had a chance to read it. we have governors running, pacer, walker, maybe christy, anybody else? >> governor jindal in louisiana is looking at getting in. you kind of mentioned all the governors. you have parry in texas and along the border, and he's seriously looik looking at it. i expect him to get in. the crowds in texas, the money field with ted cruz likely
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getting in and of course, jeb bush. >> and senators, we have cruz, rand, mike marco rubio, john bun? >> it's possible. i think you're going to have dr. ben carson get in. we have a graphic that we've used on special report. i think it's 23 possible. and you think about the first debate possibility. >> it looks to me -- let me ask about jeb because he has the most attention. i read a lot of social media and it seems the conservatives especially not happy. as it relates to the debate. >> i think he's going to have some challenges and there's
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going to be a big conservative challenge, much like there was for mitt romney, now in the end, romney succeeded in getting through the gauntlets of primaries. jeb bush says he's not going to shift his policies. >> there was a story that came out on how he will deal with the conservatives in the party. is there a niche where they will divide that vote? >> i think jeb bush, by all accounts, is going to try be jeb
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bush. he is, as carl mentioned, prolife. it's a big deal for him. he's talked about lang up a number of these primaries. i think that's going to be problem for him. he needs sit down and explain it and stell it but right now it's not selling. >> hawaii his answer was, i'm not, present tense, running for president. but it seemed like a definitive answer. is she going to be the challenge for the democrats? >> most democrats are claiming -- but we've seen this
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yo rodeo before. we could possibly see elizabeth warren getting into the process. there could be more progressive conservatives econsidering her. i think you have jim webb, senator of virginia getting in. hillary clinton for the democrats. >> all right. appreciate it. you won't want to miss what he thinks of the decision. also tonight, mimimimimimi want to know how hard it can be... breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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. in a recent interview, both michelle and president obama shared stories about how they've been stereotyped for their race. she said even as first lady, during that trip to target, there was one woman who asked me to get something off the shelf. and president obama said there's no black male, who's a professional, who hasn't come utout of a restaurant and been given the keys to get the car. i believe the story about the cab and the car keys. i think there are people who make assumptions, i think it's a problem of a small percentage of the population.
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>> you think that's racist? >> prejudice is a better word. >> i drive my own mercedes, it's black, they think i'm a chauffeur. >> let's say you're trying to hail a cab in a big city like new york. paraenthetically, very quickly, my girls have gone to a private school and we've made a very aggressive effort to recruit minorities. so we have one third minorities but inevitably, we have a tapestry group where they get together and they say white women come up to them and think they're nannies.
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people stereotype. >> this is a krauk pot of liberalism. he was at this liberal media party and this reporter saw -- reported on this that somebody asked barack obama for a drink and thought he was a waiter but the liberals here in new york would never talk about that. >> and it it they said that valry general was asked to go get a drink. >> president obama's wife had secret service around her. that's a crock. >> you don't go to a store and somebody says can you help me with that or this?
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that happens all the time. black people get stereotyped. it's a fact of life. there are natural inclinations based on the statistical probabilities. >> are you saying that blacks create more crimes statistically? >> yes. >> is that profiling? it takes away the wickedness of it. it doesn't make the more comfortable for the person being profiled. >> we have our first black president. we should be unified. just like in new york city, they're separating and causing all these divisions. is it there? yes, but the majority of people don't see black and white.
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>> the interview that they did is a little iffie and questionable. >> we're not black or white america, we're the united states. why rush to judgment in michael brown and tray vaon's case? >> because of everything that's going on, the reporter wrote the news. now every life matters, black lives matter. >> i don't think that was -- >> maybe they were or maybe they were not. they said i want fathers names, i want dads to be responsible.
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>> hold on. sean, i want to see this president. why anybody going? why don't we go to the people. >> by the way geraldo, you heard about this case where the guy got shot and -- >> the guy was in the backseat, the bad guy was in the backseat, a really bad guy -- >> maybe get injured or killed. >> the point is -- you know what's going to hap snn cops are going to hesitate and that's why i'm out raged here in new york. >> we have to go. my favorite panel. we'll see you after christmas.
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and ted cruz is here responding to the administration's historic decision with cuba. and he says the amnesty is could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13 ® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site.
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test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> welcome back to "hannity." there is widespread criticism of the president's decision. >> i think president's actions have created a challenge. there is no equivalent between international and corporate people found fwilty of espionage against the united states. it is a fallacy to believe that
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cuba will suddenly unclinch their fist. >> and what message does this send to all america's enemies? >> well, sean, this is the latest manifestation of foreign policy. after six years, we've seen a policy where our friends and allies no longer trust us. what president obama -- right now, cuba, cuba, is an avowed
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enemy of this country, venezuela is hurting and right when the regime is in trouble, we throw them an economic lifeline. >> they were trying to bring weppens to north korea not long ago. so they were a part of terrorism, correct? >> yes. as you know, their arms -- there was a component -- since the beginning of obama's presidency in 2009.
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he did that in an effort to appease and putin has now -- the president appears -- likes with, in iran, this iran deal he enegoeen negotiated. and he negotiated a very bad deal and not only is he throwing the castro brothers a lifeline but he's -- he released -- in this case, he's releasing three cuban spies who were responsible for the murder of citizens.
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>> and a convicted murderer. >> and a convicted murderer. >> i asked senator rubio this tonight. how do you interpret what he's doing and the way he's acting? they aren't saying this is lawless and unconstitutional. >> you're absolutely right. the president is angry that american people for throwing the democrats out of power and for retiring harry reid and i you said this early in the show but i'm remind about something regan said about the far left. it's not about what they don't
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know. we all knew leftists in college who had a picture of an oppressive brutal murderer on the wall, they nonetheless looked up to him. and they do not understand the nature of our enemies, they do not understand that weakness is provocative and the castros are looking at us demonstrating weakness around the world and are taking advantage of that. >> the president mentioned there might be a component that congs are deals with here. what do you suggest they do? >> we are going to see a strong and assertive senate in january and we're going to see congress
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working to restore america's leadership in the world. and and i'm hopeful that we will have real scrutiny. they talked about the bay of pigs invasion but not a mention of the missile crisis and instead he followed the pattern of blajming america first. >> there was the announcement of jeb bush, a lot of speculation you might get in this presidential race. where are you in this process? when will you know? >> i think these decisions will be made in the next several months and i think jeb bush is a
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good man and he did a good job as governor in florida and he's indicated he's think about this and we will have to have a robust discussion about the direction for the country. and we talked before that the only way we win in 2016 is if we follow regan's admonition and we paint in bright colors instead of pale past els. we have to make this next election a choice and what i would encourage anyone considering running is stand up and lead that obama care is a train wreck and we have to stand up to lawlessness and that we need restore america's leadership in the world and nothing would make me happier
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than if we had a half dozen senators, governors standing united, saying there is a better way, we can get back to the principals this country was found on. >> and a federal judge rules that the president's actions of that the president's actions of unilateral ammistny are [ female announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy.
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get faster speeds or more savings, or we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. welcomeback to "hannity." so emperror obama believes he can do what he wants. now, arthur jay schwab issue d scathing memo. for the record, you agree with a lot of the president's policies. you voted for the president, right? >> that's correct. >> and i think your words when you said he's bringing us to a
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constitutional tipping point resonated. he said that executive action is unconstitutional because it violates the separation of power. what do you say? >> there is an issue whether the judge reached a bit too far from the case at hand. this really was ant direct challenge to the immigration action taken by the president but it is scathing and there have been other lawsuits that do directly challenge those actions. the question is the president's decision to go it alone, not just in this area. we don't have a licens to go it alone in the united states. more importantly, it requires
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both the federal and state government to fund something that didn't go through the legislative branch and i think what this judge is trying to establish is that that process of legislation is the very touch stone of our system, it's what brings stability to our system. we have to compromise with legislation. when a president does it unilaterally, it takes the whole system off line. >> you use the words constitutional tipping point. that's harsh, severe language. >> we are at a tipping point. this trend didn't start with president obama. we've seen this trend growing over the years. the center of gravity in our three branch system is moving and we're creating this all
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powerful presidency, this uber presidency. the key is that nobody has enough power to go it alone, that was the genius of james madison. but we're seeing the rise of a new model of presidency and i believe that supporters of president obama will rue the day when they stay silent in this kind of concentration of power. this was what the system was designed to prevent. >> my mother used to warn me "you'll rue the day." i haven't heard that in a while. what would you advise? what recourse do they have? >> there are a number of things that can be done but the most direct happen to be challenges popping up around the country,
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not just in this but in other areas. it's important for people to understand that we're seeing a change in our system. it's nothing to do with president obama's policy. it's how he's doing it, not what he's doing. and that should unite everyone. we just had a report come out today of memorandau that the president's issuing -- so, we're losing the focus of our system and becoming less formal. we went from presidential orders to memorandau. >> and the president has been very blunt, if you don't do what i want, i will act unilaterally. with the new majority, they should be able to use that, in
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my opinion too, stop a lot of what the president wants to do. right? >> many of the changes that he ordered were ordered by him unilaterally. he did not get appropriations or approval. the libya war was funded entirely out of discretionary fund. so that's what makes this so dangerous. we're dealing with what is becoming a different type of system and what the framers believed this would accomplish was to protect liberty, not the branchs, but liberty from the concentration of power. >> thank you for being with us. when we come back, the
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what you get in return. bad message tell us what your answer would be. that is all the time we have. out. it starts in three seconds. this a fox news alert. sony pictures announcing it is cancelling the christmas day release of "the interview." it comes after major theater chains decided not to show the film, a comedy about a plot to kill north korea's leader. sources tell fox news the fbi has connected north korea to a cyber attack against sony. much more on this breaking news in just moments. but fist, president obama's plan to restore ties with cuba getting blasted on both sides. republican and even democratic lawmakers vowing to fight the president. today president obama announcing the historic policy shift. this as cuba released alan gross held in a cuban prison for five years, but also released
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