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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 18, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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florida wal-mart. his accomplice walks out the door. after seconds both were caught and arrested. the you ugly. now to "fox & friends." >> good morning. it is thursday, december 18. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. sony caving to hacker threats, canceling the release of "the interview." but the owners of one movie theater have a better idea. hand out american flags. who is sending a stronger message today? brand-new reaction from hollywood ahead. >> then president obama admitting this after shifting his policy on the country of cuba. >> well, i'm not sure that raul castro at the age of 80-something is going to be changing. >> really?
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why do the deal? who is really benefitting from this new relationship? we're going to report and you decide. >> i didn't know he was 80-something. a fire station taking heat for this sign and you'll never believe the atheist response. the chief of that fire station reacts live this morning. by the way, smile. mornings are better with friends. >> welcome aboard. live from studio e here in the heart of midtown manhattan. one week till christmas and we'd like to thank 1-800-flowers for all the floors that are festooning our facility. >> i love the flowers. >> i love the gradual improvement. it was a little tree on each side. next thing you know this is officially christmas. they should put a huge tree at rockefeller plaza so everyone can come and stare
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at it. >> not a bad idea. >> i actually like to stare at the christmas decorations and think about the time ticking away as we get closer. we have breaking news. >> speaking of christmastime, not necessarily a good story to begin with. breaking overnight, people leaving a christmas church service mowed down by an out-of-control car. it happened in redondo beach, california. a woman ran the red light, hit a curb and hit dozens of people leaving one person dead. cops say she was driving under the influence. a manhunt underway for the person who shot a tv news meteorologist in waco, texas. patrick crawford, a weatherman at kcen was shot multiple times in the parking lot of the studio. he manned to get into his car -- managed to get in a his car, drove away and flagged down a construction worker for help. he is in stable condition. >> kurt busch taking a
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stand in family court after being accused of slamming his ex-girlfriend's head into a wall. during his hour long testimony bush called her claim of assault a complete fabrication. he says he never smashed her face into a wall but actually cuffed her face in his hands before telling her to leave his motor home. driskill is seeking a protection order against busch. >> economy on the brink of major crisis and vladimir putin says it is our fault. putin doubling down on his claims saying western countries are to blame for the crisis. putin has won man of the year for his 15th straight year, he has won every year since he came into power in 1999. >> i think the next closest person was only 4% of the vote. >> his challenge is coming up with a new acceptance speech every year.
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two huge stories we're following. talking about restoring relations with cuba. another story talking about, the north korean connection to what's happening with sony. u.s. officials linking the isolated country to the massive cyber attack on sony. the f.b.i. planning to call out north korea today as sony cancels the christmas day release of the movie called "the interview." >> that's right, the terrorists have won. >> good morning to everyone at home. the crippling cyber attack that exposed private e-mails, social security number and health records was orchestrated by north korea. the administration expected to call out the country at a press conference today. while the cyber attack may have been sanctioned by the north korean government sources tell us it is possible the hack was done from outside of the country's borders. the news comes as president obama tells the american public not to panic over the hackers movie theater
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threat. >> the cyber attack is very serious. we're investigating and taking it seriously. we'll be vigilant. if we see something we think is serious and credible we'll alert the public. for now my recommendation would be that people go to the movies. >> hours after authorities determined it was north korea behind the cyber attack, sony makes the decision to pull the plug on its $42 million comedy that started the whole debacle. "the interview" scrapped after major movie theaters refused to show the film. while some people are clamoring for sony to release the film on-line the company says it has no plans to do so. it makes you wonder what this means for our freedom of speech. >> the message it sends to attackers is go ahead and hack us and we'll just fold essentially. >> hack and we won't act. >> that's good. if you think about it, for the first time since september 11, america in the form of hollywood has
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caved to the attackers. i mean, the department of homeland security said very clearly there is no evidence that they're actually going to send somebody to the movie theaters and blow it up or anything like that. nonetheless, because it was a business decision and theater owners were worried if people are afraid to go to the movies they're not going to see any of the movies, they caved. >> everyone is asking really what message is it sending across the board to people who want to see the film, people who are in the film, keep their jobs moving ahead. a lot of influencers were tweeting out. jimmy kimmel tweeted this, an un-american act of cowardice. >> rob low says everybody caved. the hackers won. an utter and complete victory for them. seth rogan, both of us have never seen anything like this before.
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neville chamberlain proud today. >> mitt romney sony pictures don't cave. free on-line movie ask contributors to contribute $5 to fight #ebola. think about it if they p it on the internet for people to say a thousand times more people would see this crazy movie, which i hear is okay. and if kim jong-il's son, un, was rieg to -- was trying to stop people from seeing it -- >> we called their bluff. >> their threat was to blow up theaters. this is an attack on america. we're going to say i guess it's true. even though the president said go to the movies, sony said we're not going to take the risk. if sony wanted to say we're going to put the movie out,
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amc entertainment and others said we're not airing it. they have as much blame as sony for doing this. now this is up to the f.b.i. and homeland security to get involved. you cannot have another country threatening to blow up buildings in our country, kill americans because we don't like the script to a movie. this is a "titanic" loss and acquiescence loss on our side. this is an embarrassment. >> we're also facing the threat of isis. -- another attack is going to happen. >> let's fax the script to isis, china and other countries to make sure they're okay with it. >> ultimately it is a business decision. theater owners, it is holiday time, a big time. if people aren't going to go to any of the shows because that "interview" movie is shown over there because they are afraid for their families, i get that. there was no concerted effort on the part of -- why didn't jeh johnson, head of homeland security
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say america it's safe to go to the movies. we didn't hear that. >> we're the number-one terror target here in new york. times square had a bombing attempt. fox, you would imagine, would be a big target for our enemies. we still go to work every day. these theater owners have got to know they've got to put out controversial movies, emotional movies, comedy movies. they have to be able to know they are going to stand behind any threat. and the homeland security secretary didn't say anything. the president said there is no threat here. the f.b.i. the same thing. let these theaters stay open. >> there's no -- right down to their executive level e-mails that had some things that were leaving scars there personally. but there is one theater fighting back. it's in texas. they're actually going to show "team america" instead and hand out american flags.
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this is how they're making their statement. >> i am the greatest terrorist ever to have lived! >> ow! >> it's a hilarious movie and essentially kim jong-il, un's dead father, is a puppet. it looks like a complete nincompoop. they probably would have tried to hack into us back in the days but didn't look like they have the technology. now it is in bureau 21, in the general bureau of reconnaissance in north korea who did this. >> here's what they said exactly. here's what they said in a tweet. now we're going to be showing team america in its place for freedom because america -- i guess that's how you say it. i guess what they mean.
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>> moving to cuba, president obama says he knows their leader castro is not going to change at all. he had a monumental meeting with the leader. a 65-year-old former government worker there was freed as well yesterday. talking about a trade, many are wondering if this new relation with cuba, the u.s. will reestablish an embassy in havana, make it easier for americans to travel to cuba, americans can use american credit and debit cards and cuban cigars. >> what do we get out of the deal? >> not too much. we did get one individual freed but a lot of people are wondering wait a second, didn't we just trade spies, convicted felons here, for this? what is going on with the relation? some people say it is not enough. this is what the president had to say about moving forward with the relation. >> i'm not sure that raul castro at the anal of 80 -- at the age of 80-something is going to be changing significantly but there is
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going to be generational change in cuba. this last conversation was substantive. i said we're going to continue to promote democracy and free rights and speak out forcefully on behalf of the people of cuba. >> one of the people upset is senator menendez, senator from new jersey of hispanic descent. >> for decades it was said we will reestablish ties to cuba as soon as they stop oppressing their people. are they going to do it? no. we just heard the president, i don't expect castro will do something much different. why did he do it? is it all about his legacy? kind of looks like it. a cuban american will be joining us live for his reaction on what the president did unilaterally by himself, stroke of pen, along with the help of the pope, yesterday.
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>> 12 minutes past the top of the hour. does this sign that says happy birthday, jesus, we love you, belong in a firehouse? atheists are saying no way. but you are about to meet a fire fighter and former marine who says, oh, yes, it does. >> the video is unbelievable. a guy out for a bike ride didn't see this coming. >> oh boy. christmas a week away. christmas a week away. right back.te to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections,
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glad you're up. the white house says the release of american aid worker alan gross is part of a move to normalize diplomatic relations between cuba and the u.s. should america be offering an olive branch to this dictatorship? joining us is the commissioner of miami-dade county, esteban bono. thanks for joining us. can you give us an idea of what it's like on the ground in the community? >> there's all the emotions you can imagine from disappointment to shock to anger and i think there's a sense of sadness also that we feel we've been betrayed basically by the american president. >> you're now going to have greater access, be able to travel, have more commerce, maybe get in touch with
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relatives for the first time. why wouldn't people in the miami community be happy about that? >> that's been going on now for the last 20, 25 years. there has been many cuban americans that have traveled to havana, have visited family. there are many that have sent money to their relatives. none of that has happened or will change now. in essence, what this step does is just makes the cuban government stronger, if anything. this is something that the cuban government wanted. they have not had to concede anything in order to be able to obtain this. what we believe ends up happening is it really rips the heart out of the dissident movement in cuba where now the cuban government who has been repressing these dissidents now can have it with the full backing of the united states. >> that's pretty much what raul's message was yesterday. while our president addressed us, he addressed his people and he essentially said that, didn't he? that we have not been asked to change. >> the cuban government has not been asked to do
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anything. for many years what the cuban american community and the united states has asked for is free elections, freeing of political prisoners and free elections and parties, freedom of press; just basic freedoms we take for granted in this country. the cuban government for many years has been wanting to basically establish a chinese model of government where there are no political reforms; some economic reform, some maybe releasing of the pressure. but the cuban government itself which runs all the industry in havana will now in essence have a partner in u.s. corporations. >> tell us about your dad and why this is so personal to you. >> my dad has been involved in the issue of cuba forever. he was a bay of pigs veteran. he flew with brothers to the rescue, been very active in the exile
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community. i know he feels a sense of betrayal, betrayal in 61 when president kennedy did the bay of pigs. today another betrayal when an american president in essence has extended his hand to the dictatorship in havana and we get nothing in return. >> esteban bono, thanks so much for your unique inside and telling about this change with cuba and the u.s., the biggest since 1961. ten minutes until the top. a blind kid's cane taken away and replaced with a school noodle. it was the school's idea of punishment. does this sign which says happy birthday, jesus, we love you belong at a firehouse? up next, a retired marine says yeah.
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we've got quick thursday morning headlines. baltimore will be the home of the army's new cruise missile defense system testing. blimps will be tethered to concrete paths floating at 10,000 feet. they carry radar scanning mostly the east coast but no weapons on board. she says this video shows the government hacking her computer and is now getting help in her lawsuit. judicial watch joining the suit against the department of justice seeking all records related to the f.b.i. surveillance of attkisson. she believes she was targeted for looking into the botched fast and
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furious operation and maybe benghazi as well. >> a utica fire department threatened by atheists after refusing to remove this home-made assignment it reads "happy birthday jesus. we love you." the fire station says it is not backing down. joining us now is the chief of the fire department station. russell brooks. he also has served as united states marine. we thank you for that, sir and for joining us this morning. describe this sign. who made it, that sits outside the fire department there. >> good morning. thank you for having me. actually the people assigned to that fire station, the fire fighters there made it. they purchased all their own decorations and home-made. the way i found out about it was a woman called and indicated that her mother had not been out of the house in four months and heard about this sign and wanted to be taken to it. and then i started getting calls from people bringing
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their children, even out of towners. it was very well received. >> well received. people were coming to see it. obviously those that worked there felt good about it being up but the freedom from religion foundation had this statement directed right at you. how would brooks feel if his local government put up a sign saying happy birthday muhammad, we love you. your response directly back to them. >> there was an article in the paper about this issue, and it quoted a muslim cleric, courtney muhammad, and he indicated he and his people had absolutely no objection to this assignment actually they said they had some objection to the santa claus sign because they felt it supported commercialism, materialism. but even the muslim community indicated they absolutely had no objection to this sign. as far as something else, if the guys wanted to put up a menorah, star of
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david, i would have no problem with that. >> what does that sign mean? we heard what it meant to the community. what does it mean to the community of individuals who risk their lives daily, willing to go in there and fight the fires who have that sign up. what does it mean to those guys? >> you mentioned about the letters that i received and they received. it is kind of a constant barrage. i think it intimidates some people. but these are people that put their lives at risk. these are men and women that come to work and risk their life every day. they're not intimidated by letters from these atheist organizations. and the sign's going to stay. >> it's a strong statement for you. the biggest fire yet seems to be intolerance here in the minds of many. chief brooks, we thank you for your outstanding service to this nation, continued service right now in fighting fires. this is a busy time of year. we wish you safety and we'll be praying for you all. thanks. >> thank you, elisabeth and god bless you. >> thanks.
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nice guy. coming up, the video here is unbelievable. a guy out for a bike ride didn't see this one coming. >> the story on that next. and will brian and steve see this one coming? they are about to be robbed but it's for a good cause to make sure it doesn't happen to you. take one for the team, boys. ♪® 24hr. it's the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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you can't breathe through your nose, suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle. this hacking scandal offense at sony keeps getting crazier and crazier. recent e-mails show jeopardy hose alex trebeck threatened to leave the show. you can definitely tell
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he's threatening to leave by some of the recent categories i saw. look at this one. hosts who are getting too old for this [bleep]. take it, you can shove this job. this is a category. things steve harvey probably didn't have to put up with. >> that was creative. >> funny. if you're just getting up and planning on watching the movie "the interview" next week or plans for tomorrow night, doesn't. it's not coming out. and there is no information they're ever going to release it. they talked to comcast about some sort of pay per view deal but comcast said too politically hot, not interested. >> there was talk about maybe altering details and trying to re-release it. >> it costs $40 million to make and they're not going to put it out. >> let us know if you would have gone to see it, and
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what you think about it. heather childers has headlines. >> good morning to you. we have an update to a story we first told you about yesterday. some brand-new video from inside a plane when violent turbulence strikes. the passengers thought they were going to die. >> i love my family. [screaming] >> the american airlines flight was on its way from south korea to dallas when winds of 200 miles per hour caused that. it shook the jet for over an hour. talk about getting a little bit of motion sickness. the damage insane. the bar cart flipped over, 14 people hurt and are now out of the hospital amazingly. it is okay to hate republicans. those words reportedly from
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a university of michigan professor in a new article. here is the chair of the communications department. she says, quote, i hate republicans. i can't stand the thought of having to spend the next two years watching mitch mcconnell, john boehner, darrell issa or any of the legions of other blow hards denying climate change or championing fetal personhood. douglas added republicans polarized the nation. it is a win for one high school senior and her rifle. she wanted a school picture to show a hunting scene with her and her dog but the school said no because of the weapon. she went to the school board and said she had the right to express herself like all the other students. >> i've seen photos of people with their guitars, horses and their cars. i'm like this is just another hobby. this is a family hobby. >> and the board agreed with rebecca saying it is a
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nice photo and not the least bit threatening. she won out. he went out for a leisurely bike ride when this happened. >> yes, it happened in south toledo, california. thankfully the biker was hairg -- wearing a helmet but he did wind up with a concussion. the deer was not wearing a helmet. no word on the deer's injuries at this point. >> a busy time for dee. -- deer. >> the deer is dinner. that bike was probably going about 50 miles per hour. i thought it was a car. >> it was in the right part of the bike lane but apparently it was the deer lane as well.
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pretty nice morning here in new york city. right now it is 39 degrees. maria molina is out on the streets one week before christmas. >> good morning. good to see you all. hello everybody. a little bit chillier today across the northeast than it was yesterday. it is typical. it's december. we're starting to see cooler temperatures moving into areas. and we have snow this morning across parts of new england and winter storm warnings in effect across portions of eastern maine. they're looking at up to 15 inches of snowfall accumulation. another storm system moving across portions of missouri. we have snow associated with that storm system today. later this afternoon we could be looking at a round of storms, isolated severe weather possible across western portions of the gulf coast. across the west coast more rain and high elevations as another storm system rolls through. i want to share this very cool video that was released by nasa. basically it shows holiday lights from space.
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scientists -- lost audio -- there is a distinct increase especially around major cities. this isn't just about holiday spirit. engineers can use the data to track global energy use. holiday lights from space? who knew. let's head back inside. >> maria, that is really cool. while you're busy running around for last-minute christmas gifts, you may be leaving yourself vulnerable to pickpockets at the mall or big stores where people are body to body. >> with the blink of an eye they can swipe your stuff never to be seen again. how do they do it? >> you're not asking me. you want to know that from apollo robins, known as the gentleman thief and a wonderful man who is quite coy. tell me your area of expertise. >> pickpocketing is a way of taking things from off your person. for men, by what they're wearing, they're often overconfident about what they're wearing that they
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can't fall victim. there's two popular myths. your front pocket, you usually can't steal from that. a cell phone is a popular target. on the streets they usually don't steal watches. do you have your ring on right now? where's your cell phone at right now? can you turn this way for a second. you have like a wallet in here. this is the safest place to keep a wallet is inside your jacket. >> not if you're around. >> do you have your mic on? >> my microphone. >> you have anything else? >> let me see your hands. >> we're learning a lot about you, steve. >> this is different than what happens -- in this way it is an open contract, i'm talking to you. usually thieves on the street don't want to talk to you because you remember their face. >> you just lost your
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wallet, your phone and your mic and something else. >> i think my mom told me when you go to the big city wrap a rubber band around your wallet and it causes friction. >> not true. there is a quick way. if you put this around the wallet and a safety pin inside while you're traveling you can stop him from pulling it out. >> you say in the front pocket it might be better because you get to see the person's face. >> you would see my face. >> i was looking right at you and i didn't feel anything. >> at least you'd remember me to describe me to the police.
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now for what you can not do in new york: buy your children an adorable little bunny. the city council voted it ban pet stores from selling them and you can thank animal rights activists. they say there are too many unwanted rabbits in shelters right now because they multiply like rabbits. get the frack out of here. governor andrew cuomo of new york announcing a ban on fracking in new york state. cuomo, who waited six weeks after his reelection to disclose his decision, says he had nothing to do with the decision. that environmentalists made the call. and people in his administration. >> it would have brought $125 million to the state. >> this is going to disturb you. there is a missouri school that punished a child which
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left him without eyes. apparently something happened on a bus where the bus driver was accusing him of hitting another student with a cane. the bus driver took the cane away. the school then replaced it with a noodle, a pool noodle. this little boy's dad -- his name is dakota -- said it is absolutely humiliating and he should have his cane back. this is the child and the mom. >> it's a lot harder with this. >> why would you do that? why would you take the one thing that he's supposed to use all the time? that's his eyes. >> keep in mind when he first started school apparently they gave him a cane. the school gave him a cane because he was fidgety and he needed something in his hands. also keep in mind he's blind and it helps him feel things in front of him. apparently they felt like it's our cane and he hit
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somebody with it. supposedly. so they gave him that. the school since realized we took a cane away from a blind kid. they issued an apology. they said the district of northern kansas city has reviewed the situation and regret that a mistake was made in making sure the student was in possession of his cane when he boarded the bus monday evening. the district has apologized to the family and is working to rectify the situation. apparently on wednesday night the school actually showed up at the house and gave the cane back. >> that was nice. it's not like he chose to use the cane. that is the only way you can get around if you're by yourself to have the cane. >> there is nothing sensible about the exchange about the condition, a boy who was born that way. they took his cane away and replaced it with a noodle. the father said it is humiliating. can you imagine?
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can you imagine how unsettling that must have felt for that child? >> the humiliation and embarrassment as well. let us know what you think. you can e-mail us friends coming up a racially charged interview from president obama and the first lady getting a lot ofate attention -- getting a lot of attention. what she says she gets treated like. >> a veteran who never received his war medals. because of the antiwar protesters he was afraid to ask for them. up next the eagle scout who changed all of that. an amazing story you will not want to miss. the conference call.
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for over 40 years, vietnam vet fred yoder never received his medals that he deserved from the war on vietnam or even the ones which he had earned. but that all changed when his nephew, dalton, gave him the surprise his life when he presented fred with his combat horns. how weighs able to track them down? joining us from pennsylvania are eagle scout dalton yoder in the
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middle, his great uncle, and vietnam vet fred yoder and senator pat toomey. good morning. >> good morning. >> fred, when you came back from vietnam, you didn't wind up with the medals you were entitled to. how come? >> well, i was two days short from being discharged from the military, having my two years service. so when i got back to seattle, washington, they gave me -- they just said here go, and i left. and also because it was unpopular, i didn't want to do anything about it. so we just left. >> you left it like that. and you never received the medals you were entitled to. but dalton, fred is part of your family and tell us about the stories you heard him tell. >> i don't know. i mean, they were just so
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inspiring stories. fred is a great person and i mean, with those stories, i don't know. he inspires me. it's just great. >> it is great. so he inspired you and you felt bad that he never got the medals that he was entitled to. so what did you do? >> i went to some government officials and they helped me out. >> are you talking about perhaps the government official who is sitting to your immediate right, senator pat toomey of pennsylvania? you called his office and senator toomey, how were you able to help? >> well, actually it came through a state rep, fred keller, who approached my office knowing we handled this sort of thing. it does happen that men serve their country, men and women serve their country and never get the recognition they deserve. so there is an office within the department of defense that handles this, national personnel records center. so we contacted them. dalton had the information that
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we needed and we were able to make sure that the army came through and recognized fred for his service many years ago. >> okay. >> great opportunity. >> that's fantastic. i think a lot of people don't realize that there is an office, especially for that. so maybe you just helped a number of other people. dalton, you wound up with the information and you had possession of the medals. how did you decide to present them to fred? >> i did it through my eagle scout ceremony, which was this past november. i awarded fred the mentor pin, but in addition to that, i also award him the medals. >> that's fantastic. so fred, you came up during his eagle scout ceremony and right there on the table were your medals. when you saw them, what did you think? >> well, i didn't even know they were mine.
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he had me come up to do the mentor pin and as he did that, he said stay here for a minute. and so i stayed there for a minute. he said, now go sit down. and the representative came in and he had the medals and then he came up and he said, would you please come up here again. so i went up front and they awarded me my medals. i'm like numb. i had no idea this was happening. and above all, my wife kept it quiet for a whole year. >> so you finally -- we should point out, these are not medals that everybody gets. not that everybody gets them, but these are not run of the mill medals. how good does it make you feel, fred? >> very fine. it's undescribable because it gave me a little bit of closure. first closure came when i met my friend from vietnam, leonard. he was my best buddy. and i met him a year and a half
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ago finally and that brought a lot of tears and closure. this just brought closure. >> a long saga. senator toomey, congratulations. thank you for doing what toked make sure dalton was able to bring fred his medals. >> mine was just a small role. i have admiration for an intersurprising young man who out of love and respect for his great uncle, really did something terrific for his uncle. >> absolutely. all right. eagle scout dalton, vietnam vet fred, and pat toomey, thank you very much for joining us from bethlehem, pennsylvania, one week before christmas. thank you all. >> thanks, steve. >> thank you. you bet. congratulations. that's great. coming up, did you hear madonna's new album leaked out? did you also hear she compared it to terrorism? did she go over the borderline? we wonder. stick around.
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then president obama rewards a dictator by freeing prisoners. the judge has different take. he's next.
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good morning. today is thursday, december 18. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, sony caving to threats from hackers and canceling the release of the -- of "the interview." what kind of message is america sending its enemies. shifting his policy on cuba. >> well, i'm not sure that raul castro at the age of 80 something will be changing significantly. >> so why did dee the deal then and who is really benefitting from this new relationship? we're going to report and you will decide as usual. remember this guy, he was ditched by his ex and needed someone of the same name to use his nonrefundable tickets for a
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trip around the world. well, he's met his match. we'll show you who she is soon because on a lighter note, mornings are better with friends. apparently he and his girlfriend broke up. he had the ticket and if he could find somebody with that exact name, she could go with him. he found her, but there is a hitch. >> right. >> you're not going to believe it. in the meantime, we'll toss to heather childers who has headlines for us. >> the name, unfortunately, was not heather childers. that would be nice. 22 days. >> you would have gone? >> maybe, or not. breaking overnight, people leaving a christmas church service are mowed down by an out of control car. this happened in redondo beach, california. a woman ran a red light, jumped
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the curb and hit dozens of people, including a child. one person was killed and cops say she was driving under the influence. a manhunt underway for the person who shot a tv weather guy. this happened in waco, texas. patrick crawford, weatherman at kcen, was shot at least 13 times. and it happened in the parking lot of the studio. he managed to get into his car. he drove away. he flagged down a construction worker for help. crawford is in stable condition. 13 times. a brand-new disaster for the nfl. the 49ers releasing defensive lineman ray mcdonald over allegations of sexual assault. last month mcdonald was investigated for domestic violence case against his pregnant fiance. now a second woman is claiming that she was assaulted by mcdonald. no charges have been filed. the 49ers have had enough. >> ray's demonstrated a pattern of poor decision making that has
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led to multiple distractions for this organization and this football team that really can no longer be tolerated. >> this case is the first to test the league's new personal conduct policy following the ray rice and adrian peterson scandals. and we were talking about this, toronto man may have met his match. last month we told you about this guy offer ago free 22-day trip around the world to any woman with the same name as his ex-girlfriend. it turns out they broke up and he didn't want her ticket going to waste. after getting thousands of e-mails, he made his decision and meet the other elizabeth gallagher. she's 23 years old and the two apparently hit it offment that's a quote, after talking on the phone. but they are just friends because she has a boyfriend. yes. we are told he's less than thrilled about this, but she's still going. what does that tell you?
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>> that will be one trip around the world. >> how do you see the world this 22 days? >> quickly. you just may not see your boyfriend when you get back. >> true. >> thank you very much. joining us right now here on the couch, judge andrew napolitano. yesterday the president of the united states did what he had in his executive capacity to restore relations with the tiny island country of cuba. a lot of people are saying okay. great for the castros. but we got nothing. >> what's in it for us? let me give you a little bit of the law. under the constitution, foreign powers, foreign relations, foreign affairs are exclusively the president's. so can the president, on his own, establish permanent relations with cuba? yes. could a succeeding president undo this? yes. can the congress interfere with it? not really. >> with the embargo. >> right. we're not talk being that yet. we're talking about turning two people in a broken down old town house if noah a spectacular u.s. style embassy. he needs money from the congress in order to build that embassy.
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he needs the senate to confirm the ambassador. he might not get either of those things. but in terms of the full diplomatic relationships, he can do that on his only question touch the embargo? no. he can not touch the embargo unless he wants to change the law as he's done with immigration. who enforces the embargo? the executive branch. who runs that? the president. what does this president's attitude about the congress and the constitution? i can rewrite the law with a telephone or with a pen. >> we've been -- >> politics of this is really, really bad. a friend of mine, one of the u.s. senators from new jersey, is a quintessential democrat. always in the camp of what the president needs. a thoughtful person and an expert on foreign affairs. he sounds like john mccain yesterday, if you heard the outrage about we weren't consulted on this. this is not a fair negotiation. we gave up so much more than we got and here is a democrat saying that about the democratic
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president. >> a strong statement and marco rubio, he said look, we have no leverage now and who is to benefit from this? take a listen. >> did they agree to freedom of press? no. did they agree to freedom of unfettered access to the internet? no. did they agree to freedom of assembly? no. what democratic opening are we getting here? none whatsoever. and so that's why i said this president has to be the worst negotiator we've ever had. and he has betrayed, betrayed those cubans who worked so hard and sacrificed so much for the freedom and liberty of the island. >> and i would add, marco rubio's family personally suffered under this. i would add did he agree to return back the property that he stole? you're talking about billions in real estate that the castro regime stole from people like senator rubio's parents and grandparents, which is now the property of the government. i'm not talking about paid for, like when the government wants
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to widen a road and take a little strip of your property. i'm talking about theft. >> nothing changed there. let's switch gears to a major story and sony. they decide to go ahead, because so many theaters were not going to release the movie "the interview." they decide to cancel it indefinitely. $44 million film canceled because of a hack job and a promise of violence on december 25. >> i have to tell you, i agree with jimmy kimmel. this is just one of the most cowardly -- >> your source. >> he's my new source. but to be serious for a moment, this is one of the most brazen acts of coward ace -- cowardice of americans who has the ability to protect its theaters and its clients and customers. >> the message that's being sent for movies and films and any art form -- >> it is the affirmative
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obligation of the federal government to protect our freedom of speech. and satire is an accepted form of speech. you can mom the president and this creep in north korea and you should be able to do it with no fear whatsoever. >> the message is, north korea, and the f.b.i. says, we're pretty sure north korea is behind it. clearly it was a business decision made by the theater owners. they didn't want to screw up all the rest of the traffic. people going to alt other movies. i get that. but i'm with you. hollywood essentially caved. so they're putting it out there. they could put it out on television. they could put it out on the internet. that's something that mitt romney suggested. and then 100 times the number of people who would have seen it in theaters would see it. >> right. there has got to be a way to get it out there because this is the type of black eye that we are just unaccustomed to and don't want to tolerate. >> the f.b.i. will make it official. north korea directly or hired a surrogate to do it. they hired a company, putting
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out an american film. and not only that, who pledges to attack when it's released. so this is a north korea attack on america and by the way, just considering your fear of other movies will aqueous, steve coo real has a movie about north korea, canceled already. >> i can't believe we've come full circle. i agree with you 100%. >> this is huge. >> it's absolutely huge. and as elisabeth said, this may be the tip of the iceberg. there are so many people out there who can harm us with cyber warfare, they now have a lesson in how they can succeed. i don't blame the f.b.i these hackers may be in north korea. the f.b.i. is not going to go into north korea to kidnap them. we'd have another war on our hands. but if people in the united states were involved in the hacking, i don't know the technology enough to know if it required anybody here, they've committed a profound crime and the f.b.i. has to find them. >> right. >> apparently, they did it in a crazy way, used a hotel room, apparently they're pretty sure
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it's unit 121. >> what the heck is unit 121? >> it's something north korea has been attack south korea cyber wise. >> here is what i would do, jim comey, the present director of the f.b.i., knows this better than i. there is a half dozen super hackers in federal prison for what they did here. i would go to the best two or three of them and say, you find these guys, you're getting out of jail. >> maybe they already have. >> reverse engineer their hack, lead us to them and you're home free. >> you've got a deal. >> in "catch me if you can" with leonardo dicaprio. >> i just think hollywood caved, they should be embarrassed. those movie theater owners should be embarrassed. they have set a terrible precedent. now every villain is just going to be a villain in which cannot be arabic, cannot be chinese or north korean. every script will be sanitized. you watch. >> if you really want to get us to make a move, you get us with
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a cyber attack and we're way too weak. >> you give hollywood some credit for saying what they want to say. this is the opposite. this is them caving to an unseen, unknown -- >> not the actors. the corporations. >> correct! it's not frames franco, it's the people that hired them. >> unfortunately, in this case, the terrorists won. but at the same time, if you are a parent and your kids want to go see that movie, given the fact that the threat is out there, are you going to take that chance? >> probably not. if you're a movie theater owner, you're thinking of that awful assault in aurora, colorado. you're thinking, my god, could something like that happen? is it worth taking the risk? >> should we come to risk every day. there was a times square bomber four blocks away. do you it anyway. >> i agree with you because in a free society, in order to stay free, you live certain amount of risk. you have to have that risk in an open society to keep society open.
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>> you can't go to a theater because some north korean lunatic is threatening us? what the heck is going on here? >> just takes one crazy person. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you. >> now this, the president and the first lady trying to expose racial bias in america sharing stories about how they have been treated unfairly in the past. but is it really making a positive difference by doing so? an up close look when we come back. forget about the terrorist attacks that kill innocent children. madonna says the real terrorists are the people who stole her music. >> what? >> it's true. ♪ ♪
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in a new interview with people magazine, the president and first lady tried to lay out their experiences with racial bias in the united states, talking about a past trip o target. the first lady writes this: the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off the shelf because she didn't see me as the first lady. she saw me as someone who could help her. those kinds of things happen in life. so is that really the best example or what she should be talking about right now? the great debate in america.
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here to weigh in is a democratic strategist and fox news contributor, reverend degraph, thank you for being here. >> good morning. >> great to have this conversation. it's important for our country. the first lady when she's describing that, it seems to be that she's saying when someone saw me, they didn't see me as a first lady, they saw me as a black woman and because they saw me as a black woman, i'm there to help her. is that what you deduced? >> absolutely. >> in 2012, here she is in target, that's not what i look like in target. she was actually -- she took a trip to the late show with david letterman and described it quite differently, that she enjoyed that experience. take a listen in fairness. >> she said, can you reach on that shelf and hand me the detergent? i kid you not. and the only thing she said, i reached up, 'cause she was short and i reached up, pulled it down. she said, well, you didn't have to make it look so easy.
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that was my interaction. >> so there it seems to be she enjoyed the experience. it's more about being tall versus short. being normal like everybody else. so how is that helping to come back now and describe it differently? >> i think the interview was in the context of racial experiences in america. and so african-americans and others have learned how to deal with our pain and put a smile on irritating, annoying or downgrading situations. in the first instance in 2012, she recounted what the experience felt like at that time for a mass consumption. inner experience is what she's talk being at this time. >> how do you know? >> it's familiar with that. the rest of the article reveals that. >> so you're saying she's had some time to think about it then -- >> i'm saying in general, i've had similar experiences of being -- dealing with ignorance.
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>> so i guess -- i don't doubt that the experience of an african-american here is more challenging. it's undoubtedly more challenging. i would argue under this administration and this president, it's become more divisive. 11.1% is the unemployment rate if you're black as opposed to 4.9% if you're white. it is difficult, but some would make the argument it's become more difficult under this president. >> someone white would make this argument. >> why? >> 'cause these are interpersonal. >> when you look at those numbers, does that look easier? >> the issue is being black in america under a democratic president and a republican president. it's difficult dealing with ignorance if you're black in america. >> and i hear that. i want you to understand that, i'm listening here. i might be a white woman, but i fully want to understand to have this conversation because i think it's one that's important to happen. do you believe, though, when the president and the first lady are
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experiencing and then relaying their experiences feeling as though there has been bias placed upon them, okay, and that's their reality and that may have happened and it may be how they feel, but don't you believe that they do -- as individuals, they own that. okay? that's theirs and they have a right to express it. but as president and first lady, don't they have the responsibility to represent all americans? are they not making things worse? >> i have a disconnect as to the first part of your question and the second that they do represent all americans every day. >> sure. >> i think with asked about their personal experiences, especially about their experiences before he was president, especially when she recounted barak obama's experiences in restaurants and other instances. i think the president -- this is bothering me. i think reality is this, that being black in america is challenging, it's oppressive in many ways. >> i agree. >> what they're doing is humanizing the position of the
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president by talking about what their life was like. >> absolutely. >> but they represent all people every day and they make tough decision. >> right. the policies in fairness made it much tougher. i want to thank you for being here. i hope to have more talks in the future.
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time for news by the numbers. one hundred dollars. that's the max you can pay for cuban cigars after the u.s.'s new policies with cuba. that's the equivalent of two cubanos. no resale allowed. $2.6 million. that's how much the first ever state funded universal health care system would have cost. so vermont's governor scrapped it. six years, that's how much longer you're going to live. the average life expectancy for men and women has shot up in the past two decades because of
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advances in health care. that's good news. >> it is good news. meanwhile, what does this little girl say to her school leaders that has left parents cheering? listen to this. >> i love to read. i love to write. i love to do math. but i don't love the park. why? because it stinks. i'm glad my mom and dad have let me opt out because i don't want to deal with this nonsense. >> that's ten-year-old elizabeth blane. she received a standing ovation for speaking out against the government's common core education standards. >> brave girl. as the debate rages on between parents and teachers and school administrators, we ventured out to a man who went against schools themselves. joining us now is executive vice president of news corporation, joel klein. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> great to have you here. what did you think of that young
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girl's remarks and about common core? >> she was talking about testing and it never surprises me with a kid says we don't want more test. i get that. i remember when john kennedy said, when the supreme court said there could be no more prayer in school, he said as long as there is math tests, there will be prayer in school. but on common core, what i would say is, we're into a fight we don't need. it's a really unhelpful fight because we all know we need really strong standards for our kids. too many kids today graduate high school wholey unprepared for college. so we've got to raise the standards. what happens when you bring politics into education, we lose our focus. i talk a lot about this in the book because what i saw in new york is when we focused on education, we did things for kids, we created opportunities, open charters and new schools, good things happened. when politics and the unions and the bureaucrats get involved, it's all about power and it's all about fighting. >> is that the worry from a lot of people on the political right side of the political spectrum,
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because they think washington shouldn't be involved. my local school district has always been involved. i don't want washington with its fingerprints? >> that's a big part of it. i think the people standing up for higher standards, who take the politics out of it. >> those are good, right? >> that's terrific. we learn from massachusetts where they had high standards for years under the governor. that really had a huge impact. what i see right now and i talk about this is there is too much in schools about what do you think about this? what do you feel about it? rather than learning knowledge, getting kids to write persuasively, getting them to read tough text. so we've got to move in that direction. every day you guys, everybody here, talking about inequality. the best cure for it is get these kids a great education. >> too many times schools are financed by the community around them. the school taxes, property taxes. if the property taxes are low, that means may be it's an underprivileged area and maybe
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it's flected in the quality of the school. you would like to change that. >> we should give each kid an equal shot. that's what we said in brown versus boyd. you get an equal opportunity. some things in life communities want to do different, that's great. but to underfund education for poor kids is the worst way to go about it. if we're going to create a world in which young kids, immigrant kids, kids in minority neighborhoods get a real shot, education is the ticket. that's the american way. >> check out his new book called "lessons of hope." joel klein, one of the big shots at news corps. >> you were in the fire in new york city when this was all taking place. >> yeah, i was. but it was great fun with the mayor. one of the things about the mayor is he's a good man -- >> mayor bloomberg. >> he's a good man to be in a fox hole with. you guys have a great holiday. thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> thank you for your focus on kids and their education. >> appreciate it. >> good book. you should read it. coming up, remember the obamacare architect who said you were stupid? >> jonathan gruber?
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>> secretary of defense, we think you would make a good one. we don't like the nominee that obama put out. jonathan gruber understands that the american voter is not necessarily that smart. >> maybe he was right. see just how uninformed america's college students really are. >> it proves joel's point. and forget about the terrorist attacks that kill innocent children. madonna, the singer, says the real terrorists are people who steal her music. not kidding. ♪ ♪
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he talked about the war on christmas. he was the paul revere for christmas. >> we won. >> christmas is fine. >> this is the only -- i've been doing this ten years. the only year we have not had a store that commanded its employees not to say merry christmas. it's over. we won.
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>> congratulations. >> anybody can say merry christmas if they want to. they don't have to. >> you can hear the cheering right across the street where he tapes the show with bill o'reilly. >> merry christmas. christmas one week from today. >> the countdown is on. apparently the war is over and a lot happening this morning. we're going to turn to heather childers. all that for you. >> good morning to you guys and good morning to everyone at home. lot of people will be traveling for the holidays. this will scare you. an update to a story that we first told you about yesterday. some brand-new video that we just received from inside a plane when violent turbulence strikes. the passengers, you can see why they thought they were going to die. >> oh, my goodness. the american airlines flight was
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on its way to south korea to dallas when winds of 200 miles per hour shook the jet and that happened for over an hour. the damage was insane. a bar cart flipped over, issue wine splattered all overt overhead bin. all 14 people who were hurt are now out of the hospital. everybody ended up safe after all that. madonna crossing the borderline again. ♪ keep on pushing my love over the borderline ♪ >> theared the leak of her new album to terrorism? outraged fans slamming her on twitter after she posted the comments on instagram. one man tweeting this, okay. i have a problem with madonna claiming the leaks are a form of terrorism. really? there are people dying. get a clue. madonna's post since deleted. and you know who he is. the obamacare architect who called american voters stupid.
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>> you know call it the stupidity of the american voter. >> all right. well, some college students, they apparently have no idea who jonathan gruber is. see what happens when a reporter asks students at george mason university to sign a petition to make him the next secretary of defense. >> are you familiar with him, jonathan gruber? >> no, i'm not. >> he's one of the people who put together obamacare. >> i heard him talk either on youtube or something of that nature. so i know how inspiring he is. >> it's hard when you never heard of the guy. but like the mainstream media does not talk about him. you know a lot of voters out there do things without knowing what's really going on. >> yeah. so inspiring, right? the reporter actually got 12 signatures in less than an hour. and it is the picture a lot of people are talking about. does this look like britney spears to you? many say that her face and her abs are photo shopped.
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that's what they say. but to put those rumors to rest, women's health magazine released this video from behind the scenes of the photo shoot. insiders say that her face was not digitally retouched. but contoured with make-up. kim kardashian says all the time. it's the make-up. contouring. >> she says she works out about 40 minutes and 20 minutes of cardio. >> she looks terrific. >> yeah. she looks great. thank you. >> and still blond. >> you know who else is great? maria molina. whether it's hot or cold out, you always look good. >> thank you. so do you. good morning. we have multiple storm systems we're tracking across the country. one of them is across new england where we're expecting up to 15 inches of snowfall in portions of maine. we have winter storm warnings in effect and winter weather advisories across that state. i want to take you farther west because there is another storm system bringing in some areas of snow across places like kansas and missouri, up to three to five inches of snow will be
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possible locally in some areas and rain across western tennessee, northern parts of mississippi, and also into louisiana. in the west coast, big story has been the drought conditions that have been lasting for several months already and we've been seeing a round of moisture coming in. we're expecting another storm system to arrive later today into tomorrow across portions of the pacific northwest. there is a look at the high temperatures across the rest of the country. 40s in new york city. 20s in chicago. and also in minneapolis and across parts of the south. not bad. high temperatures into the 60s and 50s. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much. >> thank you. last hour we showed you how easy it was to steal from steve. he was robbed of his wallet and phone, his watch. even his eye drops were taken. it's actually women who are the most vulnerable targets. the gentleman thief is back to show us what we need to know to avoid it. apollo, women more vulnerable?
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>> the reason is they have to multi task. whether it's a stroller or you pushing a cart, trying o shop, you're trying to text at the same time. >> yeah. i usual will he is this going, one on a scooter, one on a skateboard, one asking for snacks. >> if you think about that, your attention can run 120 bits per second. conversation generally is like 60 seconds. so you're so divided that it's very easy to steal from something like this. like your bag. because this bag is open. so i'll bring this down -- >> it needs to be open 'cause i have to get their snacks quickly. >> that's the problem. sometimes because it has physical -- what cure doing there, carrying it in front of you or close to you is better because it's harder to get in here in this space. sometimes they'll wear it down their arm. when they turn to look away, it's very easy to acquire something. imagine here if you had your cell phone and credit cards inside. >> i do. >> what i can do with those is very quick, while you in the blink an eye turn away with your credit card and cell phone, i
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would scan through your phone and look for terms of endearment, like your husband, hubby, babe. when i find that, i would text him then and say, hey, did you change the pin number on the atm card. >> diabolical. >> now i can get into your card and do my holiday shopping. >> oh, great. while i'm trying to be a good mom. >> worse than that, if i had a different goal, i could do the same thing with your kids. it's important for texts to do voiceover tie. i could text your kids and say, i can't make it to pick you up. i can send a friend to pick you up. >> think of any sensitive information, any type -- voice verify. you can spoof text now. there are devices that i can impersonate your phone if i have your phone number. >> siri, call my husband. yes, siri, call my wife. >> so make sure on those important requests that you get voice to voice contact.
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verify it is the person, maybe close your bag and -- you still want to pay attention to your kids and have a lot going on and ultimately be aware. >> have these close to you and be aware of what's in your surroundings. >> when loading package, you sometimes leave the bag in the cart, even though it's by your car, someone will take it. the other thing is wheelchairs. >> sadly. people prey on wheelchairs. >> they look at these people as being a target. whether it's your cell upon or this, you're telling them where your attention is. >> interesting stuff. coming up in the next hour, apollo will pull off the biggest theft yet. plus we'll take your e-mail questions and we'll ask apollo one hour from right now. >> who has my wallet? >> he's gog knock off bank right in front of us. >> thanks. >> thanks. don't go too far. coming up straight ahead, 'tis the season for giving. but are some ways better than others? >> what helps people more, charity or capitalism? >> charity. >> what helps?
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helps rich people. charity helps poor people. >> definitely charity. leavely. >> charity. >> charity. >> wait until you hear what john stossel found out, whether they are right or not. >> and even a rented house is your castle if you live there and looking nice doesn't hurt. we've got bob massi here to give you some much needed tips on if you're a representer, what you should do -- renter, what you should do to your house. >> the trivia question of the day, born on this day in 1946, this movie director made his first film at age 12, a nine minute short called "the last fight." he directed it with his friends in 1961. ♪ ♪
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15 minutes to the top of the hour. quick headlines now. if sprint is your cell provider, you may have been billed illegally. the company is being fined for letting third party services charge for unwanted ring tones and horoscope text messages, $105 million fine is the same one imposed against at & t in october for the same overbilling. and it's free shipping day for all your last-minute shoppers. more than 1,000 stores waiving shipping fees today and promising delivery by christmas eve. that is great news in the final stretch. steve? >> thank you. when you move into a house, you want to be comfortable. before you brush on the paint or nail in those shelves, bob massi has some advice to make you think twice.
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joining us from vegas, bob, i remember when i was living in topeka, i rented a house from roger wilson who worked at the cbs affiliate. i said do you mind if i paint this and put carpet down? he said no, go ahead. make it your own. he was fine with it. but some people aren't. >> well, what happens, particularly since this real estate crisis is that when people go out to rent because they can't buy anymore, they want to make this rental their own. so what do they do? they paint the walls. they change the carpets. they tile the floors. guess what? it's just something you have to remember, it's not your home. so what i always tell tenants, and i see people with this all the time. i get e-mails on it. you better go ask the owners because when you get done with your lease and you walk away, the owner is going to walk in and say, who painted the walls? who changed the carpet? who changed the tile? guess what, without their permission many times, you got to change it back to what they want it to be or they'll keep part of your security deposit to
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fix it to what they wanted it to be. don't be so fast. ask permission. >> because it's so much easier to rent an apartment with plain vanilla walls rather than if you painted a wall a dark brown like that, you might like it. but the next people might not. >> exactly. >> a lot of people rent out houses because they've moved out and they're trying to sell it. but eventually they might come to the tenant and say, hey, glad you've enjoyed it, but i'm trying to sell the house. then what do you do? >> so many times people, because of the credit crisis, what we saw, they want to own again. but their credit still is not good. and landlordsor owners will come to that tenant. they've been living there, three or four years, say why don't we work a deal and i'll sell you the house. i'll give you a quick claim deed to your house. that way you can own it and you make the payments to the lender. the answer to that is no. why? because first of all, you have not been approved for that loan to live in that house.
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and most time owners are in violation of the loan that they got because it's supposed to be an owner occupied home. so bottom line is the fact, don't run into these type of things. if you want to own again, do it the right way. go through the appropriate channel. get approved for a loan. if you have to wait, you have to wait. but if you take a deed, what we call quitclaim deed. there may be tax liens against the property, there may be judgments against the property. you take that subject to that. even though you want to own again, do it the right way. >> final question for you. both my college age girls are living in apartments. they both signed leases with other young ladies. let's say one of the other girls decides they're leaving school for whatever reason. how on the hook are my daughters or the remaining person on the lease? >> they are on the hook because both people have signed, so if one leaves or whatever happens, they finish school, they're still responsible for that lease that they signed. so what you try do is go to the
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landlord and say, look, i'm leaving. would you take me off the lease? they don't always do that. but at least make the effort. but remember, you're jointly and severally liable under the lease. >> all great advice for people ho rent houses and apartments. bob massi, always a pleasure. merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas, take care. >> always a pleasure. coming up on this thursday, it's a pop quiz from mr. john stossel >> what helps people more, charity or capitalism? >> charity. >> what helps. >> definitely charity. >> definitely. >> charity. >> charity. >> so what is the right answer? john stossel is here with some surprising results. first on this date in 1917, the first prohibition resolution was passed to ban alcohol in the united states. that didn't work out. in 1932, the chicago bears defeated the portsmouth spartans
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9-0 in the first ever nfl championship. and in 1985, mister mister had the number one song in america "broken wing." ♪ ♪
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now for the answer to the "fox & friends" trivia question of the day. steve spielberg is the answer. he is 68 today and it's a fascinating first film he had. the winner is shaun true from minneapolis, minnesota. you'll get a copy of "george washington's secret six." we'll sign it and send it out. 7 minutes before the top of the hour now. 'tis the season for giving, right? but there are some ways better than others? for example, take charity versus
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capitalism. which would end poverty faster? >> what helps people more, charity or capitalism? >> charity. >> what helps? charity helps poor people. >> definitely charity. definitely. >> charity. >> charity. >> are they right? john stossel, host of "stossel" on fox business right here in the same building is here. were they right? >> no. charity is wonderful and we should give, it makes us feel good and helps people. millions of people have been helped by charity. but hundreds of millions have been helped by entrepreneurial capitalism where economic freedom is allowed to exist. and that's the most important thing. >> right. so you always say the phrase is give a man a fish is nice, but if you teach a man to fish, you have something for a lifetime. >> he'll eat for a lifetime. and even bono the singer realized this after telling everyone, give more. i'm singing here, donate. boy, all this money we throw at
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africa left them poor. but if you allow capitalism to happen, then they get richer and they really stay rich. >> also the other question is, do you really know what you're giving to and what the cause is about? you asked the people on the street that. for example, als, do you know what it is? what does it stand for? >> what does als stand for? >> i didn't know for sure. >> you got me there. >> als? i know the ice bucket challenge, but als maybe not. >> that comes out of that ice bucket challenge for everybody who was pouring ice water over their head and challenging other people to do it. it was for a charity. what was the charity? als. oh, what's that? lieu -- lou gehrig. people call that slackism. where you do social media stuff. >> sadly, it did get some attention, maybe they didn't understand it, but not many people gave the money after they did the challenge. >> in that case, so many people were doing the challenge, that
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they raised 100 million. previous year, 5 million. so they got the money, too, in that case. >> you have an example of how capitalism works in oklahoma. >> a good example of helping people. obamacare said government has to give us health care. oklahoma, a free market medical clinic post their prices. they're a fraction of the price of hospitals. when there is market competition, everybody benefits. >> got you. john stossel, that's going to be part of this theme on stossel, which you can watch every thursday night. tonight being thursday, that's tonight. fine it on your area, visit and you'll find john. always great to see you. >> thank you very much. four minute before the final hour of the show. coming up straight ahead, unbelievable story. you have a blind child, young man, he has his cane taken away and replaced with a pool noodle. it was the school's idea of a punishment. your e-mails are pouring in. and a look at the navy's newest secret weapon. next hour.
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good morning. today is thursday, december 18. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, sony caving to threats from hackers and canceling the release of "the interview." what kind of message does this send to our enemies? brand-new reaction from hollywood for you. great. president obama mitts our policy on cuba. so what did we get in return for the deal with that dictator? >> did they agree to freedom of press? no. did they agree to unfettered access to press? no. did they get to independent political party? no. >> no, no, no. so why did the president do it and who is really benefitting from this new relationship? we're live at the white house in
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30 seconds. and you saw steve and elisabeth get pick pocketed earlier in the show. i would never fall for it. or would i? can the gentleman thief trick me with team work? >> i already have your phone. >> i always leave that around. that's not hard. hey, mornings are better with friends. float our pictures. >> the good thing about being pick pocketed on television is you knew it happened. but out on the streets of new york or in the mall, you usually don't know until you reach for your wallet. >> right. and my main problem is, and you know this, that i lose everything. >> you make it way too easy. >> if i'm ever robbed, i'll always blame myself first. >> you are your own thief. >> i steal from myself. >> so we got some ways to protect yourselves while you're out and about this christmas season coming up in about a half hour. in the meantime.
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>> oftentimes this time of year, this morning a fallout continues. president obama announcing yesterday america will resume ties with the communist country. >> this after a controversial prisoner swap. >> that's right. doug mckelway is live in washington. this is a massive shift. everybody is talking about it. what exactly does this deal mean? >> reporter: it false a short to the end of embargo. that would require a congressional vote. but it represents a sea change in the relationship. it would allow the u.s. to reestablish an embassy in havana and for them to dot same thing. make it easier for united states citizens to travel to cuba. americans could use american credit cards, debit cards there. you could buy cuban cigars or other agricultural products if it's under $100. it was announced after president obama conduct add phone call with president raul castro. a phone call that lasted better
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than 45 minutes. >> well, i'm not sure that raul castro at the age of 80 something is going to be changing significantly. but there is going to be generational change in cuba. this last conversation was substantive. i was very insistent with him that we would continue to promote democracy and human rights and speak out forcibly on behalf of the freedom of the people of cuba. >> reporter: the deal is meeting with both bipartisan rancor and bipartisan support. one of those deeply opposed is democratic senator robert menendez of new jersey. >> i think it stinks. i think it's wrong. i'm deeply disappointed in the president. and to hear that this has been in the works for over a year and have no engagement and no conversation and no consultation is pretty upsetting. >> reporter: but in the "wall street journal," it was said as ronald reagan understood there is nothing more unsettling to oppressive regimes than allowing
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the exchange of goods and people, ideas and information to flow freely between countries. there have been many cases where represssive regimes hoard goods and money from open societies, much to the detriment of the people who live there. we'll find out what happens in cuba. back to you in new york. >> dictators are like that. doug mckelway, thank you very much. >> there was a swap of people. alan gross been in prison for five years unbustly. like many others in cuba. and another guy we got back, a spy. he was nameless. and we may some day see him. that's alan gross yesterday. him coming back to america yesterday had nothing to do with this deal that was cut. >> the release of those three convicted spies that -- we say swapped here. but many people are agreeing with that, even the mainstream media is not buying the fact that the release of gross and the release of those three convicted spies, that swap was just a coincidence? no one is buying it. certainly not abc jonathan carl.
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>> you're not going to stand there and say that alan gross' release had nothing to do with the release at the same time of the three convicted cuban spies? >> what exactly -- >> it was all part of the same deal. you can't say that the alan gross release is unrelated to the release of these three convicted spies. >> yes, i can. >> really? >> maybe his nose would grow just a little bit. >> that is such a load. keep in mind how the news broke out yesterday. in the 9:00 o'clock hour eastern time, we heard that alan gross, who was just grabbed innocently trying to spread the internet down in cuba down there, he had been held for five years, next thing you know, we've trying to normalize things with cuba and yeah, we're going to give those people back. it's connected. forget about what the white house says. it's all part of the deal. >> that's right. a lot of people concernd about that. heather childers has the latest
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headlines for you. >> good morning to you. we have some brand-new information for you at this hour about a deadly car crash in redondo beach, california. we just learned the death toll has gone from one person to three. nine others are still in the hospital. this is what happened. a woman plowed into a group of people leaving a christmas church service. she ran a result, jumped the curb, and hit dozens of people, including a child. officers say that she was driving under the influence. a manhunt is underway for the person who shot a tv weatherman. this happened in waco, texas. patrick crawford, a weatherman at kcen was shot at least 13 times and it happened in the parking lot outside the studio. he managed to get into his car and drove away. flagged down a construction worker for help. crawford is still in stable condition this morning. and after being accused of slamming his ex-girlfriend's head into a wall, nascar champ
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kurt busch tries to set the record straight. while on the stand for a full hour, he called her claim of assault a complete fabrication. he says that he never smashed her face into a wall, but instead, he says he actually cupped her face in his hands before telling her to leave his home. she wants an order of protection against busch. does the punishment fit the crime? an eight-year-old student named dakota who is blind, had his cane confiscated by his school for hitting a child or another child with it on the bus reportedly. the cane was replaced with a pool noodle. >> it's a lot harder with this. >> why would you do that? why would you take the one thing that he is supposed to use all the time? that's his eyes.
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>> district officials did apologize and then returned his cane. your e-mails are pouring in on this one. i know that we will share some of those. >> thank you very much. linda from michigan says as for humiliating, aren't you being a bit too pc? punishment is supposed to make you think what you did. another says in texas, would you take a wheelchair away from a paralyzed student as punishment? as the parent of two blind sons, this is infuriating. thanks for your comments. >> that's right. also tom from west virginia says school systems in this country are becoming out of control politically correct houses of secret people. they do not seem to have any common sense. scared people that, should sigh say. >> what's the other story? >> how terrorists won. another fox news alert. officials linking the country to
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the massive cyber attack on sony. the f.b.i. claiming to call out north korea today as sony cancels the christmas release of "the interview." >> wow. f.b.i. is involved. anna coy man is here to tell us the very latest. >> good morning to you. a lot of folks talking about the first amendment here. officials tell fox news the crippling cyber attack that exposed private e-mail, social security numbers, and health records was orchestrated by north korea. the administration expected to call out the country at a press conference today. while the cyber attack may have been sanctioned by the north korean government, sources tell us it's possible the hack was done from outside of the country's borders. the news comes as president obama tells the american public not to panic over the hackers movie theater threat. >> the cyber attack is very serious. we're investigating it. we're taking it seriously. we'll be vigilant. if we see something that we think is serious and credible, then we'll alert the public. for now, my recommendation would
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be that people go to the movies. >> hours after authorities determined it was north korea behind the cyber attack, sony makes the decision to pull the plug on its $42 million comedy that started the whole debauchle. "the interview" scrapped after major movie theaters refused to show the film, fearful of a terrorist attack, even though experts tell us there was, quote, zero chance of an actual attack happening. and while some people are clamoring for sony to release it on line, the company says it has no plans to do so. elisabeth, brian and steve. >> what a mess. thank you very much. so what message does this send? a number of celebrities have grabbed their smart phones, jimmy kimmel said this, an unamerican act of cowardice that sets a terrifying precedent. >> mitt romney even getting involved here saying sony pictures, don't cave. fight. release "the interview" free on line globe ellie. ask viewers for $5 to
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fight ebola. >> you're talking about another country blowing up our theaters. the f.b.i. is involved. this is so much bigger. you people have it all wrong, there are some things you just are not funny and assassination of a world leader is one of them. how do you think our government would deal with another country if they had a movie about obama was made making him look like a bozo and then there are people planning to kill him? >> may i take blane back to 2006. on this couch, we talked about a movie that was about the assassination of george w. bush. do you remember that? >> yep. >> it aired. it hadn't aired. what's troubling is the fact that our government has no way to stop north korea from doing this. and i get it was a business decision by the theaters, they were afraid they would completely spoil their box office. but at the same time, elisabeth and i were talking about this, if you had a kid who worked in a movie theater, who was ripping tickets, would you want your kid to go to work at one of those theaters thinking that there could be a bomb threat.
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some kook could try something. probably not. >> i would say the -- i believe in a homeland security, our f.b.i., local police and 360 theaters around the country, if you can't go to work because some foreign nation is going to blow up our theaters, then we're no longer a super power. you're talking about north korea blowing up dozens of theaters? do we really think that's going to happen? >> it just takes one crazy person. and i bet you a dollar to doughnuts that there would be bomb threats all over the country. >> and we've seen this where one lone wolf will justify their actions based on the whole. but it's a great question for parents. let us know, would you want your kids working in the theater? would you have gone to see it anyway? we would love to hear from you. one texas movie theater is fighting back. they're going to show "team america" and hand out american flags. >> hilarious. >> watch to see what they will be showing. >> party is over, for i am the great king king ruin!
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and -- kim jong-un! >> oh, kim jung-il shown as a puppet. the draft house that's showing this is saying this, now we'll be showing team america in its place for freedom because america. >> there is six recent movies about kim jung-il and his un over the last few years that have not been a problem. and they make them look stupid. >> this seems to be a pig one. coming up, did you see megyn kelly with jimmy kimmel last night? wait until you see what she revealed about her meeting with the president and first lady. can you say awkward? >> and the president touts his restraint when it comes to executive action. >> the truth is, even with all the actions i've taken this year, i'm issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in more than 100 years. >> is he passing even more
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executive orders without you even really knowing it? >> yes. >> we'll look into it. ♪ ♪
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the truth is even with all the actions i've taken this year, i'm issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in
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more than 100 years. so it's not clear how it is the republicans didn't seem to mind when president bush took more executive actions than i did. >> okay. we got something to tell but that. president obama there touting his restraint when it comes to executive orders. but what he's not telling you is about presidential memoranda. they hold exactly the same power for the most part, we believe. and he's issued more presidential memoranda than any president since going back to harry truman. so has the president been using a play on words to get one over on all of us and overstep his authority? we're talking to george washington university law professor. good morning to you n hi. >> so executive action, we've heard a lot of that and we've heard the president say other presidents have done a lot more. but are executive actions and executive memoranda, presidential memoranda, aren't they the same thing? >> they are functional equivalent. in fact, memorandas stealth
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orders. some are not even put on the federal register. the definition of what is a presidential memoranda is very squishy and undefined. but they have the same impact. basically the president is telling agencies to do or not do something. this is a president who has pledged to go it alone and he's done so largely through these memoranda. so the distinction he was making was highly technical and frankly not accurate. >> what are some of the worst examples of where he's used these executive memoranda to essentially do presidential privilege things? >> the most recent controversy over immigration was done through memoranda. so when you consider that fact, you get an idea of how significant these things are. you're talking about a memo that is changing the status effectively in terms of deportation of millions of people committing states and the federal government to
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potentially billions in terms of added or costs. so these memoranda have the same impact. what's really dangerous is that the framers expected these types of major decisions to be done through legislation where there is compromise, debate, resolution. then the president started to shift that to presidential orders and now president obama shifting it even further to presidential memoranda. we're becoming more and more informal. we're becoming detached from the system that anchors our government. >> that's right. and that's why in some cases the president out of control and when it comes to executive memoranda, this current president by far has issued more than anybody else. jonathan, who is joining us today from our nation's capitol, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. did you see megyn kelly on with jimmy kimmel last night? wait until she revealed about meeting the president and the first lady. and do you remember this scene from the movying with --
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movie, "big"? now you can recreate it with your children. she's letting her feet do the playing. the coolest christmas gift next. female announcer: sleep train's interest free for 3 event!
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ends sunday. it's your last chance to get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster,
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serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event ends sunday. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ two quick headlines and toys to go over they're from the military tech file. baltimore will be the home of the army's controversial new cruise missile defense system testing. they will be tether to do concrete pads floating at 10,000 feet. some concerned about what the blimps are looking for. their radar scanning most of the east coast. and take a look at the navy's super weapon. not so secret anymore. a robo shark called ghost swimmer. the navy says it's science fiction turned reality. the drone swims like a fish gathering data on weather
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conditions. plans are to use it for surveillance. >> fascinating. we are just one week away from christmas. >> that's right and if you haven't finished shopping for your kids, toy industry expert elizabeth warner is here to help. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> one week. >> i know. >> first stop. >> this is the lupa. it starts off as a balance bike, which i love. this helps kids get them core balance. what i love about this in particular is that if we take off the seat, undo a little screw in the front, then what we can do, it converts into a scooter. >> no way! >> this is really wonderful because it actually grows with the child. it's two in one. they start on the bounce bike, then a scooter. starting at age three and going up. >> that's great idea. >> i need you to place some hoops.
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this is the sports center. it's going to teach our kids shapes, counting, numbers, as this go through, they can push different buttons. this starts at age one and up and really gets them up and active and learning at the same time. >> how much fun? that's adorable. tell bus this. >> sewing is sort of a lost art. we want our little ones to kind of get that skill when they're little. but we don't want them to get hurt. this has a self enclosed apparatus that allows them to use it, the needle doesn't come out. it's threadless. when they're done, this is all put together without thread, without a needle. so no danger. but they're still getting -- >> how does it do it? >> it's a special fabric and the stylus inside pushes it together. >> it's supposed to be a secret (it's completely encased and safe. people ask what can i get a little one from birth up? hard to find. there are wonderful products that helps soothe our children to sleep n almost like a glo
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worm. >> does everything make noise? it drives people crazy after a while. >> you can turn that sound offment after 45 minutes, it will turn off. auto shut-off. 31.99. designed for children ages zero and up. now we'll move to the ground here. this is vroom. your little one also get on this and ride, sit on it as a ride. they can push it, they can pull it. but what i love about it is when we move the little knobs on the side, we're going to open this up and it becomes a suitcase or a toy box. so when you're traveling this winter and heading off for christmas, have those kids back up their stuff t can be carried, pulled, pushed or ridden on. >> what a help during the year when you're traveling with the kids and fun way to do it. we love this. tell us about this. >> we all love from the movie "big," we love the scene with the huge piano mat. this is the romping stomping play piano mat.
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go ahead. you can play with a piano, a clarinet, a violin, guitar, banjo. you can record everything you make and play it back. a lot of fun for kids. ♪ >> but that's the fun of t. you're going to get your kids up and active, interested in music, which is really important. when they make their music, they can record it and play it back later. >> how much is that? >> forty dollars. >> wow! >> you can bring this to the grownup party. >> and we'll have it all on our web site. >> thanks so much for coming down here. please leave all of it. coming up straight ahead. >> shooting is her hobby, but should this girl be allowed to use this photo as her official yearbook picture? the ruling is in. you just saw steve and elisabeth get robbed by a master thief. now it's my turn. can they outsmart me with the new team attack? how you can keep your stuff from being stolen this holiday season
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by the man simply known as apollo. ♪ ♪
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all right. that is megyn kelly, our own. and her own husband, doug, at the white house christmas party
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on tuesday night. last night she revealed what happened to jimmy kimmel. >> did you speak to the president in the first lady? >> i had 30 seconds to get in and get out without embarrassing myself. and i blew it! he said, the white house is a pretty fun place, isn't it? i said, it is. and speaking about me and my husband, doug, who was next to me, i said, maybe we'll be here in two years. and he looked at me like, what? and i was like, what did i say? i was like a joke that we were going to run for office and we'd be in the white house in two years. and i think all of he was thinking is who is we? oh, she's with fox news. oh, i don't like fox news. that's for republicans. she must mean the republicans. is this a shot at me at my christmas party? >> having been to that party before, literally, do you have just 30 seconds to chat with the president and the first lady, if you have that. because they're very clever in
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their crowd management. brian, come up to the edge of the riser right here. here is what they do. they have somebody who, after you pose for the picture -- >> i'm your date. >> you're talking to the president. and then somebody goes, very nice to see you, elisabeth. thank you for coming to the white house. next! just like that. they got somebody to pull you out. >> wait, i think it's better when things don't go smoothly. makes for a better story. >> the last time, the president was talking my ear off. i said listen, i have to go mingle. >> other people say merry christmas, too. >> like heather childers ho joins us now with the headlines. >> we have some news headlines that we've been following for you. we begin in russia. russia's economy on the brink of a major crisis and vladimir putin says it's america's fault. overnight the russian president blamed western sanctions for crippling his country. this just hours after putin was awarded the russian man of the
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year award. yes. oh, lovely. look at that. and by the way, it's the 15th straight year that he's been crowned the champ. not a big surprise, considering he was the only serious contender allowed in the race. putin's closest competitor, only 4% of the vote. and get the frack out of here. new york governor announcing a statewide ban on fracking. cuomo, who waited six weeks after his reelection to disclose the decision, said that he had nothing to do with it. environmentalists made the call. right now 35 states, including neighboring pennsylvania, allowing fracking. and a big win for one high school senior. rebecca wanted her senior picture to feature a hunting scene with her dog, right there, that's it. the yearbook committee said no because of the weapon. she went to the school board, saying that she had the right to express herself like all the other students. >> i've seen photos with people
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with their guitars and their horses and cars and i'm like, this is just another hobby. this is a family hobby. >> the board agreed with her, saying that it is a nice photo and not the least bit threatening. and california man who was out for leisurely bike ride and this happens. what, whoa. you can tell what that was. thankfully he was wearing a helmet. did he wind up with a concussion. the deer just jumping right out, not look both ways before he tried to cross the road. no word on the fate of the deer either, by the way. >> heather, i'm looking at your twitter feed. you've got a picture of behind the scenes "fox & friends." you look great in it. brian is itching his head. i'm doing an e-mail thing. i don't know what elisabeth is looking at. >> you're all hard at work. >> we need photo approval of
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this stuff. >> you're hard at work. that's what you're doing. >> we look like we're hardly working. >> all right. somebody is really working hard is maria molina. we sent her outside and that's where she's posted. >> good morning. thursday are getting a little chillier out here across parts of the northeast. we also have a storm system that's impacting new england with some pretty significant snow totals, up to 15 inches of snow forecast for portions of eastern maine. we have winter storm warnings there in effect through this afternoon. then there is another storm system that brought snow early this morning to parts of kansas and also still snowing in portions of missouri and moving into illinois. there is also some showers and even storms forecast later today across parts of the western gulf coast. west coast, the drought conditions continue, yet we have been picking up needed rainfall out here. we still have lingering showers across portions of california. but the next round forecast to start moving in as we head into later today and also into tomorrow. high temperatures across the
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country, pretty seasonable. a little on the chilly side for some of you, like in chicago, where the high is only going to be 30 degrees. mid 20s in minneapolis. and take a look at parts of the south. not bad. highs in the 50s and 60s for atlanta, new orleans, and also in the city of dallas. i want to share with you some very cool images that nasa has released. it's that you can see christmas lights from space. very cool stuff. they noticed the lights started getting righter on black friday and some of the bright spots are florida and also phoenix, arizona, and very, very cool. we can actually see that changing from space. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much. 'tis the season for giving, but also for stealing. earlier in the program this professional pick pocketer showed us how easy it is to become a victim. he robbed my wallet. he got my phone. he even took my eye drops. >> not the eye drops. he showed how vulnerable women are when he robbed my wallet. now brian, it's your turn.
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>> time for me to be patted down unknowingly. apollo is back with us. you're talking about team work now. >> yes. >> pick pockets often work in a team a lot like football in a sense. there is different positions. one is called the wire, the stick, the shade, the steer. and they exploit those and how they take advantage of you. >> which one will you be right now? >> i'll be the quarterback. i'll show you kind of how i would steal. but first i'll show you a name on some pocket. usually a mannequin. if you'll turn around first, so in the back here, this is considered the kick. in your front pocket, do you have anything inside of there right now? >> i have a credit card. >> okay. what do you think would be the hardest thing for me to take? >> probably the credit card. >> that would be rather difficult for me. but if you check this way, turn toward the front, your inside jacket pocket, would you mind stepping on the other side of me? >> sure n for me to steal this without doing the kind of stealing i've been doing, i would have to distract you.
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one way would be to hand the bag across. as i pass that to him, i can now steal this and then also pass it back to him. you? just lifted your arm in a gesture to help. >> i would have passed it off back to the other guy. there go. >> i did not feel it. that's pretty cool. >> the hardest thing to steal would be your mi cpac, which we'll need to plug that back in. >> thank is where the people yell to me rap. you're saying three or four guys will be on the city streets, especially a city like this, this dense. especially we're so attracted to tourists. you literally are bumping into people anyway. >> they'll look for bottlenecks in the crowds. whenever you have to go an elevator, on and off, imagine the subway as it goes through. they're going to take your bag right before you leave and it's going to straight you from your bag. oh, my goodness. >> there was a team that robbed my wife, 63rd and lexington a couple of years ago. she was pushing a stroller and somebody stood in front of the
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stroller and somebody else got her bag and took off and while she was pregnant at the time. she chased them. >> did she abandon your child? >> sure. she had two. >> mean people. >> so you'll do this on stage, but you're also trying to help people not become victims. >> and awareness is helpful. >> most people have an illusion that it will never happen to me. also these make you targets. your jewelry. take a cup, put your jewelry in it when traveling. now if they rob you, they won't check the cup, if you have a lid on it. impromptu safe. >> you're saying carry it like a cup of coffee, but it's really your watch. >> if you're in a dangerous area. >> thank you very much. >> great tips right now. appreciate it. >> thank you. straight ahead on this thursday morning, a brand-new fox news alert. new jobless numbers just released moments ago. what do they mean heading into christmas? nicole petallides is live on the
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floor of the new york stock exchange ask is coming up next. and forget about those radical extremists killing innocent kids. madonna says the real terrorists are the jerks who steal her music. >> but of course. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. some entertainment headlines for you. "saving private ryan" now part of history. one of the 25 movies just added to the national film registry. fair russ bueller and two others making the cut. madonna crossing the borderline again. ♪ you just keep on pushing my love over the borderline ♪
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>> the singer compared the leak of her new album to terrorism. outraged fans are simply slamming her. one man tweeting, okay, i have a problem with madonna claiming the leaks are a form of terrorism. really? there are people dying. get a clow, says he. her post has since been deleted. a fox news alert. labor department released their brand-new jobless numbers moments ago. joining us from the floor of the new york stock ex change, we promised you nicole petallides. what's the number? >> good morning. the number for the week is 289,000. so that was less than the estimates by the economists of 295,000 claims. you want the number to be low. this number is lower. it is down 6,000 from the prior week. so that's good news and it's the lowest level in six weeks. so we've had a real turn around in the market. yesterday you saw that we popped for the week, the dow was positive. nasdaq slightly lower. we've had a lot of great
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winners, including energy. that's been a real leader this week. also taser even. you have the los angeles police department ordering more wearable cameras. they followed north carolina police department for exactly that. we've had a lot of real movers. that's what we're seeing. futures are looking pretty good on this news. >> tell me about the sony reaction. they decide to shelf their film indefinitely. what does that mean economically? >> what we're talking about is first of all, the filme talkingp to 200 million for sony. the cost for sony, right now the stock is still looking higher today. it's higher for this week. but what kind of costs will they incur? when you talk about having to revamp their computer system. they understand why sony is pulling their film. but what came first? did the theaters not want to show the film? did sony just decide to do the right thing for their people? and in the end, was it really the right thing to give in? so the traders talk about what's
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next. as far as the monetary side of it, they are going to be facing more fees and such because they have to redo their computer systems and what's next for them? and any other company, for that matter. back to you. >> thank you to that insight -- thank you for that insight. we're not going to miss you on the "fox business" network. to find it in your area g to >> apollo gave me his wallet. to steal from me. he's left the building. i got to go give him his wallet back. >> you better go. >> there he is. >> he needs his wallet. >> i can't be trusted now. coming up, are you thinking about getting a dog for christmas? how about a mixed breed? there are so many that need homes right now. how you can help in our paws for a cause santa claus series coming up. first let's check in with bill hemmer. don't be surprised if hemmer makes a bid on some of these dogs. you never know in that huge
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mansion you live in. >> he can be a dog sometimes. maybe this movie is just bad. hello? >> you never know. >> maybe. >> now you're a movie critic? >> not yet. >> i would like to make that choice. they just yanked it. >> the possibility is there. >> i hear you. good morning to all three of you. did we just lose the first cyber war? did the castro brothers win their 50 year feud with america? also l democrats regret the executive action by the president? that's what jonathan turley argues. what do you want for christmas? how about a brand-new u.s. military humvee? it's yours. martha and i will see you shortly.
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♪ ♪ >> it's the season for giving. so what about giving a better life to some rescue puppies in need? >> they're so cute. deborah and simone of forgotten friends, mixed breed rescue, are helping us today continue our paws for a cause series with two adorable dogs. cora and anna here. we welcome all four of you. >> thank you. >> tell us about cora and anna. >> cora and anna came from the same shelter. it's in brownwood, texas. they happened to get wonderful dogs there. very hypotension to adopt the small ones. >> both available for adoption. >> you talked about hypotension to adopt. i understand one of the things you want to make sure people understand today is there are a lot of senior dogs out there. dogs that are six, seven, eight years old. they still have a lot of years
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in them, but people are less likely to adopt them. >> right. less liable to adopt an animal like with only one eye, health issues, senior dogs and black dogs for some reason. >> why is that? >> we have never been able to figure out why people don't want to adopt black dogs and cats. it makes no sense. but for some reason, i think maybe being able to really see their face. >> they're so cute. they're my favorite. >> i love them. i don't think you should choose an animal for color. >> neither do i. >> or person. >> yep. >> shouldn't judge somebody by the color of their fur. let me ask you this, a lot of people do not want to break in puppies. they're cute, but they don't want to house train them. that's the best thing about a senior dog. 99.9% are house trained. >> they're just not as much work. and i think one of the problems that puppies end up back in shelters is because people can't, quote, house train them.
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they realize that it just takes time for all of it. >> something we have talked about this week is while we have the best intentions, we'd love to get a dog for the family for christmas, maybe this is not the time to go out and do it. maybe it's a time to talk about it because there is nothing worse than a dog winding up back at the shelter after christmas. >> and a lot of that happens with puppies. because they're so cute to see and all of that thing. but you bring a christmas dog in and there is a tree and the kids are happy and everybody is yelling and whatever, i think that it's just not the timing. it's not a gift. it's a commitment for the rest of its life. >> that's right. good point. >> if you're not going to adopt a dog but you want the time to think about it, you can give. for more information, check out or our web site. we thank you for being here.
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adorable. tomorrow, our paws for a cause series concludes with small paws rescue and some adorable bichons that can help you for the holidays. we'll be right back.y an ♪ ♪
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before we go, here is one for the road. no matter how bad they want it or how many times you promise to take care of it, parents in new york will not be able to buy your kids an adorable bunny rabbit for christmas. the city banned them after pressure from animal activists. no bunny for you. >> i have one. and this mug shot is for you. police arrested 18-year-old bud wiser. that's really his name, for breaking into a missouri convenience store. he faces seven years in prison. he's actually in prison with meister brow.
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>> remember the guy who broke up with his girlfriend, he had a ticked around the world. he needed to find another woman with exactly the same name? he found her and there she is. but she's got a boyfriend. but she's going to+++y


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