tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News December 20, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST
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doctors like jon stewart. barbara walters says mrs. george clooney is her person of the year. whatever. my person of the year, law enforcement. that's my pick for person of the year 2014. have a safe weekend, america, thanks to a cop near you. new development joefrs ni mn that high-profile sony pictures cyberattack. north korea says it's not to blame and is calling for a joint investigation with the u.s. that, despite hard evidence the regime is guilty of breaching security. and whether or not that entertainment giant pulled in by pulling the plug on that controversial movie. >> i wish they'd spoken to me first. i would have told them do not get into a pattern in which you're intimidated. >> we have not caved. we have not given in. we have persevered. we have not backed down. >> we will get more reaction from congressman patrick hen on
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the subcommittee in congress. a new era for u.s./cuba relations. not everyone is celebrating. congressman balart on cuban dictator castro. plus, a christmas message from pastor joel olsteen. >> negative, mad at your neighbor, mad at yourself, guilty. we've got to shake it off. say no, i'm good on that. >> to have gratitude. that's an important part of looking at what's right, not what's wrong. >> plus, potential candidates are starting to line up for a shot at president obama's seat in the oval office. who's on deck for a run in 2016? we will have an early forecast. hello, everybody, i'm uma
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pemmaraju. "america's news headquarters" live from the nation's capital begins now. north korea says it can prove that it is not behind the sony hack. and offers to help investigate. plus, we are hearing from sony entertainment ceo michael lynton for the first time. our west coast bureau with much more on the latest development. >> north korea going as far as to call for a joint investigation with the united states. now, this companies on the heels of federal authorities coming out yesterday and pointing the finger directly at north korea for the massive cyberattack at sony and for making terrorist threats against people who would go to see the movie "the interview" on christmas day. that mt proprompted the movie t pulled from theaters. president obama came out and said he had no indication any other country was working with north korea. he also had strong words for sony, saying it was a mistake to not release the movie. sony execs quickly fired back. >> we have not caved.
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we have not given in. we have persevered. we have not backed down. we have always had every desire to have the american public see this movie. >> i'm sympathetic that sony is a private company and was worried about liabilities. i wish they'd spoken to me first. i would have told them do not get into a pattern in which you're intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks. >> sony execs say the only decision they've made so far is not to release the movie on christmas day. now saying they'd like to get it out there to the public just on a, quote, different platform. in response to that, the hackers presumably from north korea sent an e-mail to sony yesterday, warning not to distribute the movie in any form. as for that joint investigation that north korea called for, uma, they came out and said
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there would be grave consequences for the united states if the u.s. doesn't comply. uma. >> all right, will, thank you very much. our next guest is at the forefront of protecting america from major cyber cricrime. the congressman also serves on the homeland security committee. welcome, congressman, great to have you today. >> good afternoon. >> what do you make of north korea's response, denying responsibility, now proposing a joint probe? by the way if we don't cooperate, there will be, quote, grave consequences. >> yeah, almost a joke. as a former prosecutor, i wouldn't even give that the dignity of a response. it's to be expected. but the key thing for us is to be confident, which i am, in the information which demonstrated the pattern of activity which points to north korea. >> you know, the u.s. is calling this cyberattack on sony pictures a serious breach on national security. and some people, like senator john mccain, even going as far as to say this is an act of war. would you characterize this in
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that way? >> it's certainly an act of terrorism. what it has done is change the nature of the situations we've seen which up to this point in time have largely been designed to steal information, to steal value, money and things of that nature. this is an intimidation of the free speech that america enjoys. an idea of trying to suggest that any kind of an artist would be intimidated from being able to put out their product. look, i might not go see the movie, but the fact is it's entitled to be able to be shown. i think we've got to be careful about creating a pattern in which others would be able to steal private information and then use it to leverage activity on the part of our businesses. >> so we are waiting for what the white house is calling an appropriate response to what has happened. what can the u.s. really do about this? and do you believe that those caring out this kind of attack are really looking just to provoke a response?
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>> well, what we can do may have some limitations. but certainly including north korea again on the list of state sponsored acts of terrorists would be one thing. we can continue with economic sanctions which have hurt them in the past. there can be other kinds of ways to isolate them. and not the least of which would be further cooperation with south korea. which is one of the things that drives north korea crazy. but these are among optionings, including a more aggressive stance that may be able to be taken. and i am not troubled by the fact of us not doing this immediately. but there needs to be some clear response. >> you just heard moments ago that sony says it didn't cave in. but it looked like the white house is kind of throwing them under the bus. saying they shouldn't have pulled this movie. what's your take on all of this? >> well, a little bit. i don't know what communication took place beforehand. but the fact of the matter is we can't be in a position to
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accommodate the threats that are coming. i mean, you know, let sony take it and put it out on a public view, on apark, on, you know, december 26th, and let everybody see it. it is the idea that this information is -- would not be shared. i know there's an economic value associated with this. but stand up for the principle. be a little churchill-like. don't be intimidated. let north korea know they're not about to direct what's going to happen not just in sony but with american businesses across the board. >> when you take a look at the bigger picture here beyond sony, many are raising red flags. saying despite efforts to beef up cybersecurity, we're still quite vulnerable when you have sophisticated actors in play. how concerned are you this will open the door to more concerns over, for example, our energy grids and air traffic controls. that conceivably all of this could be brought down quite
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suddenly. >> well, it's a wake-up call. and we're already well aware of the vulnerabilities of just the systems you've identified. we have sophisticated networks in banking and others that are being constantly probed and attacked. what this is a change in which it's moved away from that kind of a sector and we need to -- we need to resolutely and deliberately continue the steps that are going to help us strengthen our cyber defenses. this is a problem that we will be facing well into the generation. but we've got to take steps immediately to continue to enhance our capabilities. >> are you confident that will happen in time? >> yeah, well, i think we're going to have to have a slow and deliberate approach. but there's a lot of vulnerabilities. one of the things, by passing the legislation that the president just signed, enables us to do a more effective job of communicating with the private sector and the governmental sector in real time.
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that's one of the necessities. we can do a great deal as a nation to prevent the kinds of things are happening. these kinds of attacks like what happened with north korea are what we call the small, the 3% to 5%, in which they're inside the wire. this was a very, very sophisticated attack. it's not the kind of thing that would happen with much regularity. there's an awful lot we can do to improve our cyber security. we've got to begin to take the easy steps first and continue to work on these challenging situations as we are currently doing and allow the private sector and the governmental sector to communicate more effectively. >> let's hope that happens soon because the stakes remain quite high. congressman, great to see you, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, uma. now i'd like to hear your thoughts about this. on twitter, i asked, what should the u.s. reaction to the north koreans be on the sony attack? you can send me your tweets to @umapemmaraju or @anhqdc and we will read some of your
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responses a little later in the show. now to this developing story. with the defense department announcing its latest guantanamo bay prisoner release. four gitmo detainees are going back to afghanistan. u.s. officials are saying that this transfer is a sign of confidence in the new afghan president and improving relations with that nation. the move is the latest in the series of transfers as president obama works toward closing that detention center in cuba. now, on the other side of the island from gitmo, cuban president raul castro is demanding the united states respect cuba's communist system. in a public address in havana, mr. castro is saying cuba faces a long and difficult road before the economic embargo is lifted. on the streets, cubans are hopeful that the opening up of u.s./cuban relations could lead to removal of sanctions and improving lives. >> the economic embargo imposed
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by the united states has remained for over 50 years. we hope the president of the united states will keep his word and lift the embargo on cuba. >> this is a chevrolet produced in 1952. it's a family legacy. now it's come to me. i believe new and advanced cars can enter cuba. we will drive new cars. i believe everything will change defini definitely. >> in his speech this week, the president says the u.s. will plan to reopen an embassy in havana, but adds he doesn't expect to visit cuba any time soon. on capitol hill lots of emotion on both sides of the political aisle over the president's stunning news. >> i fear that today's actions will put at risk thousands of americans that work overseas to support civil society, to advocate for access to information, to promote humanitarian services and to promote democratic reforms. >> what's hurting the cuban people is not the embargo. what's hurting the cuban people
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is the cuban government. we've isolated. we haven't traded. the castros have remains in power for 50 years. and yet we trade with china. we trade with vietnam. we trade with laos. >> well, as you just heard there, you saw democratic senator and foreign relations chair robert menendez opposing the policy shift. and there's a rift between high-profile gop senators rubio and paul, with one of the few republicans backing the president's move. joining us, florida congressman and cuban-american himself mario diaz-balart. welcome, sir, nice to have you here on the program. >> thank you, good to see you. >> your ties to the cuban community of course run very deep. you've called the president, quote, an appeaser in chief. and the president obama white house is allowing the castro regime to blackmail the u.s. how so? >> well, because what president obama did once again is -- by the way, something he said he would not do. is he's given three high-value spies, one who has been in
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prison for life for murdering americans. those three spies trying to penetrate our military facilities. he's given them back to the castro regime in exchange for an american who was taken hostage by castro precisely to try to get the spies, precisely to blackmail the american president, our president, to once again give this terrorist regime what it wants. president obama has given the castro regime exactly what it has wanted. and gotten very little, if anything, in return for it. >> did you have any idea prior to this big announcement a deal with cuba was in the works to secure a deal to release the american hostage in exchange for those three cubans? >> uma, they have been telling us privately, as they've been saying publicly, that they would not do an exchange. that alan gross had to be released. that it was an issue of principal. and also you don't want to put americans at risk around the world by, again, negotiating with terrorists and negotiating hostage exchanges for, again, very dangerous folks who are in
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our prisons. they've been saying they weren't going to do that. by the way did we suspect they were going to do that? one thing that we know is that with this administration, probably the most transparent and the most honest of them all is mr. gruber. so we knew despite their assurances that president obama was probably going to do everything he could to bail out castro, to appease the castro ra gee, just like he's doing with iran and other rogue regimes. >> are you concerned this is a sign the u.s. is ready to make unilateral concessions? >> number one, despite what the president has said, the embargo remains in place. it would require an act of congress to get rid of the economic sanctions. so there's a little bit more splash than cash in this announcement. what the president has done is legitimized a terrorist thug, you know, just months after they have spent -- they sent the largest cachet of weapons to
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korea in violation of u.s. sanctions. who's been arming north korea? not ten years ago, right now? it's the castro regime. the same regime holding american -- terrorists, that are harboring terrorist, cop killers. president obama doesn't seem concerned to bringing justice to those cop killers. castro is making sure they live the high life. the embargo will remain. what the president has done is everything he can to legitimize a terrorist state. when rand paul says, well, we do business with china, yes, but we do not do business with other terrorist states and organizations like iran. that's what we're dealing with. i was, frankly, surprised that senator paul is so clueless as to the situation that we're dealing with, with cuba. it is a state sponsor of terrorism. but trust me, that's another concession that obama will give to the castro regime.
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you watch, shortly, they're going to take that off the list of states that sponsor terrorism. just as another gift, another concession to the castro regime. >> well, let me ask you this then. what about those viewing this as positive news, saying it's going to resolve in more economic freedoms and democracy in cuba after decades with the u.s. embargo? is there any evidence at this point from your point of view to back any of this up? a lot of people are saying, you know what, just wait. there's going to be a lot of pressure from trade tourism and business groups here in the u.s. to get that embargo lifted now that the president is easing the restrictions between both nations. >> yes, what's really interesting, castro has had money in the past when he was get be subsidized by the soviet empire. the cuban people were not freer. castro used that money to export terrorism. they sent troops to latin america. they sent troops, castro sent troops to africa. remember, the rgis died fighting
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cuban troops in grenada. which is one of the main reasons for the sanctions. is to stop him from exporting terrorism. the president is trying to bail him out, bail the castro regime out. that's one of the main reasons for the sanctions for our national security interest. what the president wants to do is eliminate those sanctions but with no guarantees, frankly, even worse with no demand that castro does not do what he's always done when he has money, which is kill americans, threaten american u.s. national security interests. send thugs and troops around the world. it looks like obama doesn't seem to be too concerned. if president obama was as tough on our enemies like iran and cuba as he is on israel, the world would be much better. it's about time that he realizes that israel is our friend and our allies. and yet iran and cuba, state sponsors of terrorism that harbor terrorists, that murder americans. even shot down two american airplanes in international
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airspace. and what does president obama do, give them rewards. that is why i say at least the best i can say about president obama is that he is the appeaser in chief. >> congressman, always great to have you on board. thank you so much for joining us with your insights today. all the best. >> thank you, uma. now to the fight against islamic extremists in syria and iraq. kurdish fighters advanced in the contested northern syria town of kobani today after heavy clashes with isis militants. joining us, john huddy, standing by with why these sporadic clashes are delaying the evacuation of those last ezidys who remain trapped on mt. sinjar. >> kurtdish forces have had to recapture hundreds of square miles from isis. this has been a very difficult logistical and military effort that's caused, as you mention, those delays. but we're hearing that tremendous headway has been
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made. that's because kurdish forces have reportedly opened a 44-mile long corridor between these positions in northeast syria and mt. sinjar in neighboring iraq. that's allowed for the rescue of thousands of eye zidys who have been trapped since august. as you see there, clearing a path, and now aid and food and water being brought in to all those people. a big help has also been the ongoing offensive in kobani. as you mentioned in the lead-in, the syrian town along the turkish border, where critical ground has been recap chured from isis. this has been a main battleground that's lasted for several months. it's been a bloody one, too. at this point, we're hearing kurdish forces have recaptured six key areas, six main neighborhoods from isis, with help of course from the ongoing u.s.-led coalition air strikes. >> all right, john. obviously, a very tough
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situation that they're dealing with right now. thank you for updating us on that. there's much more ahead on "anhq." a man hit by an 18-wheeler. you won't believe what he happens next. plus, it's the holiday season. you will hear from pastor joel olsteen who offers his insights on how to hold on to hope during challenging times over the holidays. and possible presidential candidates. the rundown next. don't go away. could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia.
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right now and it's fast becoming the latest sparring topic for those jockeying in the 2016 republican scramble. president obama's bombshell announcement on cuba provided the latest topic for everyone to draw battle lines. former florida governor jeb bush earlier this week said he was seriously considering a run. quickly issued a statementconde. saying, in part, the beneficiaries of president's ill advised move will be the heinous castro brothers who have oppressed the cuban people for decades. senator cruz, governor perry joined in the lambasting of the president. senator rubio himself the son of cuban refugees promised then to take the president on. >> i intend to use every tool at our disposal in the majority to unravel as many of these changes as possible. i do so out of animosity towards the cuban regime's oppress of
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the cuban people. >> standing virtually alone from the pack, senator rand paul. who tweeted, hey, @marcorubio, if the embargo doesn't hurt cuba, why do you want to keep it? ex echoing some of the obama points, saying i believe engaging cuba can lead to positive change. each of the possible contenders now must position themselves for the primaries dominated by the most conservative republicans. keeping in mind it might be all for naught if a given position handicaps them if they make it to the general election. >> all right, leland, a lot at play. a poll shows hillary clinton slightly ahead. registered voters saying if they voted today, 49% would vote for mrs. clinton and 42% for jeb bush. fox news political analyst ed
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rollins extraordinary is here. welcome. good to have you here. 2015 isn't even here just yet. by my watch, there's still a couple of weeks. by any event, we are hearing about folks who are interested in the oval office. what do you make of what you're hearing over the last couple of weeks, particularly the fact that jeb bush is promising to actively explore the presidency? >> jeb was a very important addition to this field. a lot of people were sort of waiting to see what he was going to do. by setting up an exploratory committee, he's getting ready to go. he has his fathers and his brothers fund-raising base. he has an organizational tie with lots of people across the country. having been governor for eight years of the state of florida, he positioned himself well. he's not the leader of the pack. romney still leads. there's still a lot of people talking about it. the rest kind of bunched. you have huck babee, paul, a variety others. probably about 20 people today
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sitting around with staff thinking about how they can run for president and raising the money they need to get through the first primaries. >> extraordinary amount, 74 million just for the first three or four primaries. you think about 20 folks are actively contemplating this? >> i think every single governor that got elected or re-elected has somebody on the staff saying we can raise the money, we can put a team together, you're beloved, let's go take our case to the american public. i've never seen as wide open a field. there's always been a front-runner. there is no front-runner at this point. what the numbers reflect with hillary is purely the partisan vote. any republican would get that 42%, 43%. doesn't matter in a national poll. this is state by state. there's eight, nine states were the targets last time. florida being a key. obviously, whoever wins florida is going to have a good chance of winning that. with a couple of floridians there. >> do you think the fact that jeb bush is already getting out
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there in a public way, saying he's going to actively explore this, forces mrs. clinton now to decide earlier about her plan, even though many people expect that she will run, that she was hoping -- people were expecting her to wait until late spring to make that move. >> i don't think she has that luxury. i think the debacle that democrats took in the november election is one of worst defeats any modern democratic party has taken. clearly, is going to force her to be out front. if she wants to be the front-runner and the obvious hands-on probable winner, she's going to start putting an organization together. she's not an automatic shoo-in. clearly, she's got to separate herself from obama. i think to a certain extent, she's start earlier than people anticipa anticipate. >> there are people on the democratic side who believe elizabeth warren should give mrs. comwarren so, should give mrs. clint be some competition. people support her. and this is happening without
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the president trying to stop any of that from going forward. >> well, i think the -- i don't know where this is going to be at the end of the day but he's certainly not a clinton lover, after all president clinton did. elizabeth warren is not going to be a candidate. she'll antagonize an awful lot of women who wanted a woman candidate and hillary is at the forefront of this list. >> quite a show coming up. >> it's going to be an extraordinary show. very long campaign. great drama. great, thank you. >> ed rollins, thank you. happy holidays to you. >> happy holidays to you too. thank you. coming up, the president leaves the woes of washington behind. as he and the first family spend their christmas break in the aloha state. dan springer is live now from the big island. dan. >> yeah, hey, uma.
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17 days of fun in the sun here in hawaii. first, a little matter of what to do about north korea and what's being described as the biggest cyberattack in u.s. history. back to you. we've got pastor olsteen coming up offering hope for the holidays. all that and much more. >> if you don't get happy where you are, you probably won't get to where you want to be. woman: for soft beautiful feet, i have a professional secret: amopé and its premium foot care line. the new amopé pedi perfect foot file gives you soft beautiful feet effortlessly. its microlumina rotating head buffs away hard skin even on those hard-to-reach spots. it's amazing. you can see it and feel it. my new must-have for soft, beautiful feet. amopé pedi perfect.
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dozen people outside a church on wednesday and her attorney says it was an accident. police in texas are searching for a gunman who shot a television meteorologist multiple times outside his studio. police are releasing a sketch of that suspect who is believed to be a man in his 30s. meteorologist patrick crawford is recovering after undergoing surgery. police say the motive is unclear at this time. a st. louis prosecutor says some witnesses lied while under oath during the investigation into the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager robert mccullough giving his first interview since last month's grand jury decision not to indict ferguson police officer darren wilson. saying one witness just repeated a story from the newspaper. and that's a quick look at some of the other stories in today's fox news flash. president obama arrive in the aloha state this morning where he plans to spend his vacation with family for the next two weeks. this trip coming after the
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president holding a major year end news conference yesterday. mr. obama slamming sony pictures for pulling a movie from theaters after the company was hit hard by a devastating cyberattack. joining us live now from honolulu with the very latest on the first family's trip to the aloha state. >> president obama was clearly not happy with sony's decision to pull the release of that movie and yesterday the ceo of the entertainment division of sony shot back. he's been a big political supporter of the president. but yesterday he said on cnn that he defended his actions, that the president was mistaken. last night, the president arrived with his family here in hawaii for their annual vacation. around 11:00 last night. they plan to be here for 17 days. about there will be plenty of work. starting to do with what to do about north korea and its hacking attack of sony. president obama said the u.s. will, quote, respond.
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he would not get more specific. but said it would be, quote, proportional. "the new york times" is reporting mr. obama will be briefed on his options while he's here in hawaii. the president said sony was wrong to not release the interview as planned on christmas day. >> i wish they'd spoken to me first. i would have told them, do not get into a pattern in which you're intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks. >> sony entertainment ceo michael lynton says he personally was in contact with senior white house advisers about the seriousness of the cyberattack, and the reality if the theaters won't show the film, there's no point in releasing it. >> a few days ago, i personally did reach out and speak to senior folks in the white house. and talked to them about the situation. and actually informed them that we needed help.
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>> sony could release this movie online. they're looking into that. also, we're told that there is no video distribution company that will distribute the movie like netflix online. so one of the options would be to put it online themselves, on youtube. north korea is denying any involvement in this attack. they put out a release saying they would like to do a joint investigation with the u.s. that of course will not happen. one of the openings mr. obama will be considering would be put north korea back on the list of states that sponsor terrorism. uma. >> awful beautiful from where you're standing there, dan. >> it's a tough assignment, i know, but someone had to do it. >> i guess you're the one that drew the lucky straw. there you go. dan, thank you very much. >> that's right, okay. straight ahead, you will hear from pastor joel o'steen who will talk about ways to hold on to hope during challenging times. and what it can mean for you be an your family.
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welcome back, everybody. it's often seen as a time of hope and renewal for the future. but for some, holding on to hope may be tough. if they're facing personal difficulties. for those affected by the tough headlines we've been seeing lately on everything from terrorism to economic woes. pastor joel osteen stopped by to offer his thoughts on how we can find ways to find joy despite challenging times. >> there is a power in you greater than any power that comes against you. >> each week, his ministry draws
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millions around the world. his unique focus and spirit are the driving forces that inspire so many to listen to his heartfelt words showcasing biblical principles in a simple way, emphasizing the power of love and a positive attitude. he has fast become one of america's favorite preachers. ever since 1999, when he took over the reins of the church that was first established by his father, lakewood's attendance has grown from 6,000 to more than 43,000 today. lakewood now occupies houston's former compaq center, once home to the rockets basketball team. his weekly sermons are filled with messages of encouragement, hope and the power of faith. even in those moments when you don't understand why your life is being tested. >> you've had a successful ministry for a long time now. it's grown tremendously.
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and i wanted to ask you, what have you come away with from this experience over these last many years? >> one lesson i've learned is to trust, to believe that gold's in control. because when i started doing this, i never dreamed i'd be a minister. i see, you know what, god directed my steps the whole way. >> were you surprised by how fast the message spread? >> i was shocked. when my dad died, i felt like i had to be with my dad. people would listen to him. at the church for 40 years. i said, you have to preach like him and lead like him. thought, i'm not my dad. i'm different. when i really stepped into who i was, that's when the church began to grow. it's a part of our message that god's cream fdream for your lif bigger than your own. i didn't think this was anything. that we all had gifts and talents. >> for many people tapping into those hidden talents may be difficult. particularly when they may be coping with personal challenges
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themselves. whether it's holding on to a job. paying the bills. dealing with a health crisis. or just keeping families together. so how did he tell people to hold on to hope during these troubling times? >> i always think it's important to get up every morning and find something to be grateful for. i find how you start the day, many times, will determine what kind of day it's going to become. it's easy to think, i don't feel like going to work. or there's so much negativity coming. if you get up and say, i thank god i have my health or my family. i believe when you start the day like that, it's going to go better. it's a choice you have to make to say i'm going to see the good in this day and be a blessing to somebody else. life pushes people down. everybody, whether you're rich, poor, black or white. you have issues in health, in relationship, in finances. so our ministry is about lifting people up. i find when i give hope, i'm speaking to most of the world because everybody faces issue. >> you tell people who live with an abundant mentality. what does that mean? >> when you have an abundant
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mentality, you believe you can rise higher. you believe god has given you gifts. where you are is not where you are supposed to stay. you have to take the limits off of god. you have to make room for him to do something new in this life. >> the message overall connects with so many people in such profound ways, because certainly you're talking about something that many of us may already feel inside but we don't know how to apply in our own life. >> i think there's multiple things. i think one thing is it's very positive. it's hopeful. i believe there's something in all of us. i called it seeds of greatness. when somebody tells you what you can become, i think that speaks to us on the inside. plus, we talk about, you know, letting go of failures. moving forward. i think these are basic things that we all need to hear. we probably know it. i'm even reminded myself half the time, let go of the past, move forward. something good is in your future. i just think that resonates on the inside of each of us. >> inspiring advice indeed.
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joel has a new book out called you can, you will. it's another best-seller. with great advice to all. all right. still ahead on "america's news headquarters," take a look at this being shoulding video. this shocking video. as a man gets run over by a truck. what happens is nothing short of a miracle. will it be a white christmas? strong snowstorms could blanket parts of the u.s. this week just in time for santa's big arrival. , and i quit smoking with chantix. people who know me, they say 'i never thought you would quit.' but chantix helped me do it. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away.
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think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. and yet another energy saving opportunity from pg&e. find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e's business energy check-up. we are back with this incredible video out of china. a bicyclist cheating death after getting hit by a 14 wheel truck. the cyclist collided with the truck and gets knocked off his bike. miraculously he avoids any major injury. one lucky guy. for those of you dreaming of a white christmas this year, may soon find out dreams do indeed come true, at least for some in some parts of the country. a major snowstorm said to hit parts of the midwest and northeast on christmas eve.
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just in time for santa's arrival. >> uma, i'll be in touch with santa to make sure all presents arrive. we are watching part of the energy from this western storm that's going to move eastward and bring us a pretty strong upper level low across the great lakes and midwest for tuesday into wednesday. so here's the forecast as we look at it right now for the midwest, great lakes and even the northeast and parts of the mid-atlantic. travel is going to be very difficult. keep that in mind. as well as across the northern rockies and northwest, we will keep you posted. more details coming up in the next hour on this big winter storm. back to you, uma. >> we'll be standing by for that. thank you very much for that update. coming up, sea lion lovers are getting a cat tastics are back. plus, millions of youngsters
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on santa's nice list. >> confirmed north american air space is safe for sleigh travel. ships are standing by to conduct any lost gift rescue operations, if necessary. >> everything is in place, folks, we'll tell you where kids from 1 to 92 can track santa's whereabouts on the big night. ♪ santa claus is coming to town ♪ ♪ you better watch out ♪ you better not cry about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,
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well, he sees you when you're sleeping but now it's your turn to keep an eye on him. norad is ready for the worldwide christmas eve trip. now it's time to hear from you. i asked you on twitter, what should the u.s. response to north korea be over the hacking scandal? walter says, cut off all internet access to u.s. if possible. rick adds, we should continue letting them know we're upset but doesn't believe provoking the situation will make it better. this one is for all of you devoted cat lovers out there. >> the world famous jingle cats are making their comeback, you can listen to the cats meow and purr through "white christmas". >> sometimes they get up on the
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wrong side of the bed and don't feel good and get temper mental, sometimes we have a diva cat to deal with. >> that's going to do it for us. make it a great day and great week. see you next time. >> hello, welcome to "america's news headquarters", topping the news this hour, president obama kicking back in hawaii for a 17-day holiday break after his announcement this week on cuba and the sony cyber is a tack. when he gets back to washington he'll face a republican led congress. we'll have the latest. cuban americans taking to the streets to protest the decision to restore diplomatic relss between our two nations. >> four more detainees have left guantanamo bay and heading home to afghanistan. it's all part of the white house
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