tv Huckabee FOX News December 20, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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investigation indicated that was an act of terrorism and that individual was inspired to commit that act by continual canvassing of website and particularly websites increasingly over the last couple of weeks of his life. and we put out notices similar to what the federal government is putting out about the growing lone wolf attacks and encourage our officers to work in pairs and increase security around the station houses. and one of the unfortunate realities of policing is that you put that blue uniform on, and you become part of that thin blue line between us and anarchy and sometimes we are victimized as certainly what happened today. motivation, that is what we are attempting to investigate. >> mr. mayor, do you think that
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this attack [inaudible]? >> i think there is a time to think about these families. i don't think it is it a time for politics or political analysis. but think about the families that just lost their father, husband and son. we met those families, and what we should think about now is how to support the families and how to insure, not only our communities are safe but our officers are safe. there is something important here. this individual, this horrible assassin put information on the internet. it was a very, very brief time line, but there may be other people posting things like this and what we should focus on, if anybody knows of anybody that puts information on the internet or says it to someone it has to be reported so we can protect
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our officers and our entire civilization. [inaudible question] >> nothing of this nature in tef terms of the postings that this individual may have made. it is a very strong anti- police, anti- criminal justice system and anti- societal set of initiatives underway. and one of the unfortunate aspects at times is some people get caught up in these and go in directions they should not. and as to whether the individual is part of the demonstrations here. and lapt lant is his last residence. and what has he been doing in the last several weeks and
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trying to put some sanity to the madness that occurred here in the streets of brock lin. >> can you tell us the name? >> we can give that out separately. [inaidible question] >> no the protocols that we put in place, in our offices about the importance of watching out for each other if you will. the blow that the mayor is making if someone is crossing the line and threatening and seeking to carry out attacks not only to police but other officials. it is like the homeland security advisory, see something and say something.
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not only to relate to terrorism, but so many other issues. and the tragedy here, just as the warning was coming in, the murder was occurring, and there is an another irony that we hope in the year, that the mayor made available a huge amount of money and we did press conferences that we hope to have every officer in the department a smart phone and put in the vehicles tab lets that would have allowed an incident like this where we had a photograph and the officers get a description and not see the photograph unless they were in roll call. but we could have sent out to all 35000 officers, this is a picture of an individual that is indicated he will attack police. or like a missing child or children. and so the technology is coming and here is an example of how to benefit the safety of our
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officers and the public as we go forward. [inaudible] >> we have no information at this time. as you appreciate as we do the investigation and canvassing of the neighborhood and looking at various cameras in the neighborhood and talking to people who might have been on the street and people who are in the buildings adjacent to where the shooting occurred. and in that regard, if you see the newscast or reading about this are aware that they might have information that is of assistance to us, we encourage that they call us and give us that information and an opportunity to talk to them to so if the information is helpful to us in the investigation. [inaudible] >> i indicated that if we see
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any linkage to terrorism or raddicical groups, we'll hope to determine that going forward and if it is someone who had social media accounts, we have not encountered that as the incident occurred four hours ago. >> that was mayor deblasio accompanied by police commissioner bill bratton. one point the officers were ambushed and killed in the cruiser and quiet simply assassinated and the investigators do believe that the deaths were a crazed gunman style mission to a venge eric garner and michael brown. police were alerted to the pictures were posted on
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instagram and the disturbing photographs that the suspect had posted on instagram. one of which said i am putting wings on pigs today. it is an execution of law enforcement officers. those instagram posts were made three hours before the shooting and while investigators did get that information before the shooting, by the time they were able to digest it all, it was too late and the officers were struck in the head. the police commissioner said the suspect went up to the passenger style window and it was rolled up and they were on anti- terrorism patrol and working over time to protect our city and the neighborhood of bedsty brooklyn when they were shot in a coward manner and nearby officers pursued them in a subway station and the suspect/perp went in there and
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took his own life. patrick, i have so many friends whose names i am not allowed to release, they are outraged, beyond outrage ared. they are not only outraged that two of their own are killed in the line of duty, they are outraged at what led up to this and things that could have prevented this? do you feel like it could have been prevented? >> i don't know it could have been prevented and it is premature in the investigation to understand the operation and movements, but i will tell you this, i am no believe in coincidence and the fact that this attack, first in three decades is three weeks behind of tightal wave. >> this is happening around the world and in europe. the cops being involved in
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unfortunate deaths of suspects has engaged protest there and peculiaring more violent than here in new york. >> understood. my thoughts are this. this is no coincidence. and diminishment of the police in the media has made a perfect storm and opportunity for a savage coward like this to strike. it was not since '88 and prior to that 'may of 73. it is no coincidence. everything was perfectly situated and this is a by- product of anti- police sentiment that is engaging worldwide and locally and it is a brushfire and you reap what you sow. this guy had an opportunity. he knew he could move and strike
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and murder in broad daylight while they had a roast beef sandwich and meal. it is three weeks from the garner decision or five weeks from the brown decision. >> he said no terror relation. he could have been a member of the gang. it is not the first time officers have been targeted by outrage by some feel they have to take out on innocent officers who had nothing to do with brown and garner. they are innocent cops out there risking their lives to protect and to stop crime. >> understood, but the reality is. this i have been the victim twice of gang contracts on myself. almost without fail, they vapor. they have no credibility to them.
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these guys are coward and they are terrified to embrace the nypd with a professional in the helm like bill bratton. you have to go to mars to escape them. they never go operational. that is a key point. he went operational because of the perception of the diminution of authority by the police and that gave him an opening to strike and that is critical and key and what happened this afternoon. >> i get the fact that people have the right to protest and right to free speech. but at what point should the protest be locked down? the media covers the protest. you have hundreds of angry protestors and a line of cops trying to protect themselves and the city. and these protestors are allowed to do this and putting the cops
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lives at risk further than they already are. is there a federal stanted point measure that could potently do something to prevent these protest from growing? >> they have sent a dangerous message to everyone out there. >> well, i can't respond on whether it would be a federal issue to respond to it, but the protest erode, they diminish and they erode and the bed rok of the bill of rights. we know in the first amendment. everyone knows. that but you can't disempower the authority that is empowered by the state constitution to protect and serve you. and cog what you so today, you rope and what you sow. this is what happens from that.
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and this is a direct result. no coincidence. 21 days after the garner and 27 years after the murder of eddy burns in '88. it was no coincidence. it was an opportunity. and the coward sensed of an opportunity to strike because the police had been declawed. >> declawed, that is a perfect way to describe. it >> that's a fact. >> and essentially, you are referring to a police force that is tronning and hilo valued and to be declawed is impossible for new york city police and all police to have are or feel as if they are are victims themselves and that they are indefensible themselves. those two cops had no chance and they were assassinated essentially. attorney general holder said on
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the assassination from washington saying i condemn the senseless shooting of two new york police officers. it was an unspeakable act of barbarrism and i upon am saddened to hear the loss of two officers in the line of duty. the federal government was asked to get involved and investigate the death of michael brown and eric garner after a judge essentially ruled that the police officers involved would not be indicted. >> no, not a j. a grand jor. >> thank you for correcting me. and so a grand jury decided and now the feds want to get involved and feel like they need to dig deeper, is that sending a dangerous message? >> i don't think so. the federal government is actually, it is their duty and responsibility when there is
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a loss of life, to initiate whether or not civil rights deprivation. and that is it standard operating principle and the federal government and fbi was fair to the extent that they recognize there is a lot of clamor and uproar and the reality is the elements are never satisfied. the attorney general is offering support to the men and women in youn form. on behalf of those who serve in the justice i want to ens tend condell dollences. i will make available all resources to aid the nypd in the investigation. you have a dead gunman who came
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here and shot two police officers and three people dead. >> i don't know. i don't know if it is it a part of the broader plan or a madman who shot his girlfriend 5:45 in baltimore and worked his way to brooklyn and shot and killed two uniformed guys because he was seething with hatred of authority. that may be the case. i don't know if that speaks to a broader plan or initiative. but i think what the federal government could do as part of that is perhaps reempowering the police department. >> how do they do that? >> it is a broad initiative. it comes down to recognizing that the bill of rights is there to comfort the masses. and we are to protect and
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service. again, it comes back they are yelling fire. and the reality is. this this is the fact and you can so it manifested in a tragic way today. declawing the police to the extent they are transparent and irrelevant to bad guys. they can say i can do what i want with the cops and spit in their face and disempower them. and then a perfect storm and someone takes a weapon and shoots them in the head. it is dangerous, dangerous for the disaster in america today. there is no one else behind the cops. >> i have to get back to the protest. for anyone who saw these protestors, marching through the city and i have covered protest in new york staechlt usually
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there is a permitted area to stand and protest. that is not what is going on. it is not a controlled protest. it is shutting down bridges and highways, literally blocking traffic and causing utter nightmare in new york city. when we watched what happened in ferguson and violence and teargas and cop cars on fire and new york city police officers dealt with this. the way new york city dealt with this was truly graceful. you didn't so the type of violence you saw in ferguson. these cops allowed it to happen. the cops were armed with their riot gear on and standing still. not aggressively pushing protestors and allowing them to clog all of new york city and this is what happened. are the protestors allowed to go to go too far. it seems to be they are.
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>> i will give an analogy. broken windo series of policing and concept and leads to big crime. it is as valid in 2014 as 1981 when it was introduced. you go back to when mayor guli ani took the helm. it was a town out of control. you couldn't walk through times square and all manner of crime. rudy took that horse and go listen, we are taking the position that diminished the society and drin by the rule of law. and all of our rules and regulations. listen, it is not a question of enforcing the most minute and ambiggous factors on the bock. it is a question of maintaining
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stability and respect for the rule of law and those who have sworn to uphold and occur. and many of them are without a contract and working for an insulting rate of pay. and they are in the polls and doing god's work. and you can't diminish or undermine god's work and that is a fact. you saw what happened when you do? >> no, you do. >> and that is recognizing weakness and he anyhow it was time to strike. the cops were declawed and that is a tragedy. >> it certainly is. i mean, there are no words for it. the deeper issue is the protesting public. it has spun this out of control to a level that is as you put it
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very well declawing our police force. it is sort of like going into war in iraq and middle east and taking away weapons from our military men and women. you cannot declaw a police force that is here and built to protect and stop and fight crime, and so the question then remains, how do you gain that sort of confidence back so that those out there don't believe that in fact that they are vulnerable group of law enforcement that can be victims to crimes such as this one. my biggest concern that people will see this and think this is our new revolt and new way to protest. >> it is it a process and begin in the very top. and driven by communication and convoyance of a message. mayor deblasio has to convoy he
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is supportive of the rowel of law and nypd and sworn actions and the new york state constitution to protect and serve and implement the rowels and regulation. that is a fact. you know, this is unpleasant for people and tough pill to swallow because of the dimnition of authority and reduction and effectiveness and it happen in the last five woks and five months. but it can reverse. mayor gulia ni and the commissioner bratton is a doing a fantastic job. it is a fold to reverse but it has to come to the top. bad guys watch the news and read the papers. if they had a newsletter and union they would be unstoppable.
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they know what is going o. they know when the police are diminished. and that is reduction -- all of these factors help to erode. it is a gradual and impers siptible and strength with the rule of law. it sounds like i am overspeaking. but today's event and the nightmare that unfolded in brooklyn, demonstrated crystal clear what happens when the police are undermined and declawed by the people they are sworn to protect. >> it is hard to wrap your head around this and our blood is boiling. >> what is happening in the country and worldwide as we have seen the protest traveling as far as europe.
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people are forgetting what happened here. yes, we had two victims who were black and the police were white, but then you look at was there any criminality that led to the confrontation and we don't want to it get in to the issue of race. i don't want to go there. >> i never touch the issue of race on these issues. >> but they haven't been involved in criminal activity the cops would not have had a run in with two people, that the people are protesting about. they were not innocent. one was seen robbing and the other one selling stolen cigarettes and had been a sore issue in the people in the neighborhood. they called the cops. the cops were called by the neighbors in that neighborhood that felt like he was a huge, huge problem and creating an
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uncomfortable and dangerous situation potentially. >> but the reality is, and you put it, it was a grand larceny in missouri. and that is a summonable violation. not only both of them, eric garner and michael brown, they would not only be alive today and free ironically had not made the decision- making process they engendered. they made bad decisions and it turns out. they made the wrong decision on the last day. and i tell you what, they decideed to resist arrest.
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they taken a sum row arrest one would have had a $50 and the other 250 and they would be out and breathing and all good. they made the decision. they were the architects of their own demise. and those are the facts and they are irrefutable and supported by forensic and scientific evidence and testimony of numerous witnesses. and sad reality and true fact. >> patrick, thank you very much. i appreciate you coming on. andin am sorry we are here. i have known patrick quite sometime and helped to cover several stories, including murder investigations and he and i on the scone of many crimes and sitting here and talking about a crime that occurred this afternoon against two innocent police officer is sickening. and if you are joining us now. the mayor and police
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commissioner wrapped up a new's conference and brian is joining us in the studio. he named the two victims, one of which had a 13-year-old son, and another just celebrating his 40th birthday. >> five days before christmas and the families are torn apart. and you could tell commissioner bratton and mayor deblasio were completely shaken. they literally said they had just visited the families of the two murdered police officers and called it a time of great emotion and how hear bill bratton character otherwise the shooting. we had that and we'll continue now. we'll talk about the cops. lu, married two months ago and a now police officer on the course. and ram os. just celebrating his 40th
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birthday and the mayor and police commissioner speaking to his 13 year old son about why his father will not be here for christmas five days from now. this is what we know. bill brat bon broke it down. lu and ramos were in a critical response vehicle in a routine anti- terror patrol in front of tomkins housing in bedsty new york. >> today two of new york's finest was shot and killed with no warning or provocation and they were assassinated. targeted for uniform and for the responsibility they embraced to keep the people of this city safe. >> 2:47 p.m. the ishmael brensley walked up
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to the passenger side. both officers seemingly had no idea what was coming. it was to quick. at that moment officers followed the suspect, 28 wreer old breensly in the g- subway train station and followed him underneath where he shot and took his own life. this is what we know about the 28-year-old. 5:45 a.m. this morning, he shot his former girlfriend and seriously wounding her. and at that moment, he took and went on instagram sometime in the day and took over her stam tam page. he posted photos and ended up posting things before the murder of the two cops in new york. baltimore police at 2:45 sent a warning flyer and warning the
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nypd that this man breensly had a connection to east flat bush, brooklyn. and the irony that happen today. two minutes later he killed two police officers, the warning coming far to late in time to save ramos and lu. it appears that breensley took to his former girlfriend and posted two posts. one gun used to kill ramos and lu posting that pigs will fly and hash tag shooting the police and rip eric garner and this may be the final post. i am putting pigs in a blanket and posted blood on his camoflage pants and using the instagram account of his former girlfriend.
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incredible details coming out of this. and they are saying mayor bill deblasio he was questioned about the political tensions and what is going on with regard to the protest and police. he neglected to talk about that. he said it is a time of mourning for the tea and police. and time to make sure warnings on social media and get in the hands of officers in time to react. if they had smart phones bill bratton said they may have had time to react quickly and know breensly was coming. we just don't know, jowly. >> brian, thank you very much. that does wrap it up for now. we are waiting to get more information on the motive and background of the suspect. he shot his girlfriend in maryland and travelled here to new york city. the he shot his girlfriend and came here determined to shoot
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two police officers. huckabee joins you now in progress. >> my next guest said the president's shift on cuba policy is an insult to all of the vice-presidents of the castro dictators, mereddies father pled cuba after he was held in prison and torteured for fighting against the communist revolution 50 years ago. mercedes is a republican strategist and her husband matt worked in the white house and chairman of the american conservative youn. great to have both of you guys here. this is personal for you because of your dad. why was he in a cuban preson and what did they do to him? >> it was in 1963, and he had joined, a group of counter rev lougzaries and their goal was to
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overthrow the castro regime. my father understood the ramification and danger that came with a communist. he would so how the police and government would knock on the door and say this is no longer your and bes this is of the state. and this happen time and time again. and then they would put spies all around the neighborhoods to check who was behaving. my father couldn't finish the university, why? the government took control. the castro regime said if you are not with the ref lugz you are not allowed to attend the university. and when my father joined the counter revolutionary cause. he was incarcerated and we talk about the senate democrats talking about the torteur report. you want to talk about torteur. they stripped him naked and put
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a bag over his head and shoved him in a freezing darkroom naked with a hole to only go for the bath rom and you would be there weeks at a time. and at one point they put another prison here with them and they only could survive to be near each other because it was so cold in the room. it was tort our he endowered and served six years and conditions were inhumane, and it was the way they were treated and plus, they executed them. my father told the story of one man, he looked him straight in the eyes, and said i am going to be here tomorrow? he said i don't think so. they executed the man the next day. fidel castro ordered the execution and raoul castro pulled the trigger and americans who haven't gone through this and don't understand how
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communist works it is critical to understand the mentality of the communist and how they haven't changed for 54 years. >> it is powerful when somebody talked about it who had family in the middle of it. i hear free market people say look at all of the products we'll get and we'll introduce free enterprise to them. i ain't buying. it >> we should say the names of the victims. raoul castro should have to makes a mends. you can give all of the cos to the people who fought hard it pay for that problem. republicans and conservatives make a mistake when they think money and market and trade starts everything. it is wrong. it starts off with human rights and constitutional rights. they are god given and governments have to uphold them. then people can have prosperity. it can't go in the reverse order.
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europe had free-trade with cuba and made no impact on the dismal human rights record. what the president did so wrong. >> he did not call or call cuban disdents and leaders in congress and tell them it was happening is a disgrace. it is important for all of us to understand. if you are not a communist they do not value you. only money who receive benefit are those attached to the military and they are the ones and the government and so i think you have to look at it this way. we go to grocery store and buy food. they have a rationed food. you go to a place and they say, your family, you had one chicken for the month. that's all you are getting. and government controls the food you eat and how much clothes you are going to have and why the cuban people have not rose up
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against the government. they are trying to survive. and the fact that president obama decided to give it all to them and give them more without really calling for a negotiations, where it would be you need to make fundmental and economic and democratic changes is an insult to my family and >> what a powerful expression. there is no economic freedom if not freedom of speech and property and make your own way. you nailed it so brilliantly. and merc edez and matt thank it you. >> i hope people in congress are listening. i really do. i never met people who loved freedom more than the cuban- americans that i met through the years because they understand what it means to be free. i just pray, president obama, please talk to them. and listen to them.
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well, you know him as the know it all mail man from cheers and the voice of several characters in films like "cars" and "toy story". he's passionate about supporting american products. john will join us next. so stay with us. she's still the one for you. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives,
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>> the hustle and bustle of christmas shopping, have you stopped to see where your gifts are made? ryan checked with the shoppers. >> these ladies are christmas shopping in new york. and what have you brought? where was it made? >> it was made in hong kong. >> it was made in taiwan. >> and sri lanka. >> rangers t- shirt. made in peru. >> and that means, hockey peru? >> and did you know santa's work shop was in peru? >> i did not. i learned it new today. >> made in india. i love new york. christmas ornament and made in
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china. yes. it was made in america. that was manufactured here in the good old usa. quality. >> and this is all of the products made from genuine leather and it has none. you suspect vietnam. >> and finest leather in vietnam. >> made in bangladesh. >> those little kid's clothes probably made by little kids. that's right. merry christmas. ♪ >> my next guest doesn't like the fact so many products are made overseas and wants to raise
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awareness and support for american product workers. joiningny is john today. it is embarrassing so many products are made everywhere but the u.s., and it is frustrating and it really means that there is a lot of americans that are supporting jobs for everyone but americans. >> yeah, and i think people are coming to realize, too, and the more you shop and get things overseas, you put an american company out of businesses and it used to pay taxes and support your schools and fire department and police department and now they come out of your pocket and it was $3 cheaper and $10 more expensive in the long haul. >> we have seen manufacturing jobs from america disa pore and that used to be the ticket to a good solid middle-class
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lifestyle. we have destroyed the heart and soul of america because we shipped those jobs overseas. what can we do to bring them back? >> speaking as a farmer. you don't just put the seed in and harvest the next day. reinstate shop classes in schools. there is a lot of kids who don't want to be a sociologist but would love to be a plumbar and carpenter and brick layer. and i was doing that before i was an actor. i tell anybody who stands still, have a skill that you can take everywhere. americans used to be self- relint as a country and individuals. i would like to see us get back to that. >> (applause) >> a lot of sociology margeors. they can't get a job.
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but welders and plumbars make good money. >> they have the skill. and the average age of people who make something weather machinist is 58 years old. and in manufacturing, there is 800000 jobs available in construction over 2 million jobs, but there is no body to fill those jobs. when we buy made in america, we support those companies and individuals, to raise their kids and pay rent and mortgage and live a good life. you have a gift box. called the made in america store. >> right. >> tell us about made in america gift box. >> i teamed up with a man who started the made in america store. and he's out with four stores and has tour buss and usually people from the countries in japan and china and they love it
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is made in america because they know it is quality. we came out with the gift boxes and one for men and women and children. and i don't know. this is a kid's one. and it has all of those things i liked to play with as a kid. >> pick up sticks. >> and all of the old people saying yeah. it is a slinky. >> and slinky races at grandma. >> jelly bellies are made in america. and things to play with your hands and absolutely the woman's is different. if you go to the stores there are bigger items that are too expensive to ship for christmas. >> i appreciate what you are doing. the people who have skills and whether to lay brick or wire or build a house. you are the champion of making
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that happen. and thank you very much for coping that message alive. >> it is the only america we have. >> yes, it is we need to make it stronger by getting people to take those jobs. >> thank you. >> up next. kelly wright and the little rockers will get us in the spirit of the season with a christmas classic. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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headquarters anchor. a fun song we're going do. >> merry christmas. >> what do you love most about christmas? >> just the special time of getting together with family and honoring christ. >> well, it's a great, great opportunity to have you back. we always love having you. our audience always responds wonderfully when you're here. >> thank you. >> this isn't your last time. just know that. >> thank you very much. >> before we play, introduce you to the little rockers and some friends. fox religion lauren green on keyboards. also on keyboards, andre simms. all sequins ferguson on lee guit guitar. >> keith wilson, rhythm guitar and drums andrew marsh. the song we're going to do today is one called "this christmas."
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♪ hang on the mistletoe i'm going to get to know you better ♪ this christmas and as we trim the tree how much fun it's going to be together ♪ this christmas ♪ ♪ fireside is blazing bright we're carolling through the night ♪ and this christmas will be a very special christmas for you and me ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ letters and cards are here our world is filled with cheer and you this christmas ♪
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and we're carolling through the night ♪ ♪ and this christmas will be a very special christmas for you and me ♪ yeah ♪ shake the hand of a friend ♪ ♪ all over the land merry, merry christmas ♪ from the huckabee show ♪ [ applause ] >> kelly wright and the little rockers. we'll be back with closing thoughts, right after this. ♪ merry, merry christmas ♪ [ female announcer ] you've tried to forget
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well, before we go i want to say thank you to stephen colbert for invited me to be a part of his star-studded show on comedy central. a hip crowd, james franco, and a live feed behind jimmy stewart, the biggest celebrity of all, cookie monster. quite an array. an amazing combination of about 100 people you've seen on movie, television, news and sports, and i want to say thanks to stephen colbert. i wish him the best as he takes on a new late show on cbs. she a funny guy. a lot of fun to be around. that's it for now. on behalf of all of our staff are and crew we want to wish awe very merry christmas, and i hope you and your family enjoy some time together. i'm going to be doing all i can to spoil my four grandchildren this week, and then we'll be back next week with a special
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show. until then, this is mike muck b huckabee from new york, good night, god bless and stay tuned with justice with judge jeanine. breaking news tonight. two nypd officers are dead after being ambushed and shot execution style in the head while sitting in their patrol car in brooklyn. hello and welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine piro, thanks for being with us. a sad night for new york city. nypd commissioner bill bratton and new york city mayor bill de blasio holding a press conference an the brutal murders of two police officers moments ago. we have the latest in the newsroom. >> exactly visible and shaken nypd police commissioner mayor
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