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tv   FOX News Special  FOX News  December 20, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. breaking news tonight, this is fox's continuing coverage of the execution style shooting of two new york city police officers. we will now join fox's station in new york with their coverage of this tragedy. i understand we're going to brian yennis now. >> let's update everybody on what we have learned tonight a time line of what happened regarding the deaths of two nypd officers. winjin liu was married two months ago. and raphael ramos is leaving behind a 13-year-old son. five days from christmas and these murders are hitting close
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the home for not only those families but everybody else around the country as we mourn the loss of our finest. what we have is a time line. let's set up the time line. at 2:47 p.m., the suspect, ismaaiyl brinsley walked to the front passenger side of a patrol car and shot and killed those two officers there. and i'm being told to go back to you, judge. >> thank you, brian, we're now going to go to nyw -- >> the mayor expressing his anguish in front of a sea of police officers. >> but look what happened. this is video of the mayor arriving for the press conference. the officers turning their backs on the mayor. >> we are getting the first look at the suspect. ismaaiyl brinsley of baltimore is the man who snuck up on the officers after posting cryptic
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messages on social media. >> we are live in bed-stuy tonight at the scene of the shooting. >> this execution style shooting of these two police officers which happened just over here has stunned everyone and it happened just as the nypd was receiving a warning from the baltimore police department that a gunman was on his way here determined to kill cops. >> today two of new york's finest were shot and killed with no warning. >> police officers raphael ramos and winjin liu were in their car having lunch in bed-stuy. part of extra patrols requested by the community. police commissioner william bratton saidthy never had a chance. >> the suspect who has been identified as ismaaiyl brinsley, walked up to the police car. he took a shooting stance on the passenger side and fired his weapon several times. >> let me show you what you
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didn't see in the official press conference. in this phone video given to me by police sources at the scene you see officers including pba president pat lynch turning their backs on the mayor. >> it is clear this was an assassination. these officers were shot execution style. >> police say the 28-year-old suspect ismaaiyl brinsley shot his girlfriend in baltimore. the woman's mother alerted police when he saw an instagram post today. #ripericgarner. this may be my final post. >> baltimore authorities sent a fax, a warning flier. a wanted flyer to the nypd and other agent sis. tragically, this was essentially at the same time as our officers
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were being ambushed and murdered by brinsley. >> now all night long i have been receiving text messages from people, a cross section from all over the people. so many my phone has died twice but it's they are all saying they are sickened by what happened and determined not let this tragedy inflame the already tense atmosphere here on these streets. fox 5 news. back to you. >> thanks so much. after the news conference the mayor sent out a tweet expressing sorrow over the deaths of the officers. he says this was an attack on our entire city. the backlash came immediately. >> mike tweets this blood is on your hands, you did this. you built this racial division. >> referring to diblasio, john tweeted, which you incited with
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your race baiting. >> the cops were rushed to woodhull hospital. >> dan bones is live there with more reaction. >> an emotional scene in brooklyn just less than a mile from where the two officers were shot and assassinated a few minutes ago, their bodies were escorted from the hospital. you can see rank and file of the nypd standing at attention, literally hundreds of them, crowding the ramp and street outside the hospital. some of the officers had tears in their eyes. all feeling the burden of this loss, the deaths of their fallen comrades, described as a crime against the city. pba president pat lynch held a press conference separate from the mayor and police commissioner moments after the body was escorted out. it is a clear sign of the tensions between the mayor's
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office and the union. lynch has been critical of the handling of the protests and anti-violation police demonstrations that have con suchled the city since the eric garner decision. >> there's blood on many hands tonight. those that incited violence on the street under the guise of protest that tried to tear down what new york city police officers did every day. we tried to warn. it must not go on. it cannot be tolerated. that's blood on the hands, stops on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor. starting today, we started the mourning for our brother police officers. >> and we heard from several elected leaders throughout the city and civil rights activists including al sharpton.
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he spoke with the eric garner family and they are criticizing the shooting nichlt connection between this apparently deranged individual who came to new york city with the intention of killing the police officers and the demonstrations that we have seen is clearly unknown at this point. what is clear is the pain on the faces of those officers, those men and women of all races, black, white, latino, asian, standing on the ramp and on the street outside of the hospital this evening, those officers who, tonight, are mourning the loss of one of their own. back to you. >> thank you so much, sir for that report. >> there has been a lot of pressure on the mayor to mend his relationship with the police. >> we want to listen to the mayor as he offered his condolences. >> our hearts go out to their families, to their comrades in arms at the a 4 precinct, to the
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larger family of the nypd. we honor the emss, the doctors, the nurses everyone at woodhull who tried to save their lives and couldn't. >> joining us on the phone is a political analyst. you heard the mayor, what does he do now? >> well, i think it's -- the mayor and the police commissioner this evening took an important tone, a tone that led new yorkers to believe that none of us should be standing for this kind of an attack on the men and women and of all races and ethnicities as they protect us. i mean, this is our city and we have to come together. i think that they struck an important tone. and we need to move forward and heal. i don't know if you can draw a
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line of cause yality between the protests and this individual. this could be someone who is just mentally disturbed and committed a heinous act and don't forget the family of the girlfriend he shot as well. . but this is our city and we have to come together and heal. >> basil, we are talking about politics and emotions are running so high. this is a deep blow on such a personal level. mayor diblasio said it's not about politics but when it's so personal how can it not be about politics? >> as you were reading earlier, he laid it on the steps of city hall. i don't think that's particularly fair but it's something that the mayor is
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going to have to manage going forward. there has been reported tension between he and the commissioner. and i would put the police officers union in the midst of that tension. but they're going to have to find a way to work it out because we cannot have police officers -- number one, they are fearing for their life every time they walk out of their front door every day. and we need to make them feel they are supported by the community and their mayor and their citizens as well. i know that the mayor has talked about this. but there are several bridges that he is going to have to bond -- he's going to have to construct to bring all of us together. and i think in the next few days there are going to be a lot of us looking to his leadership for that. >> thank you for being with us tonight. we'll contact you should we need you to come back with us. >> thank you. >> let's go back to bed-stuy and
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continue our team coverage. >> lydia is live with a witness who watched this deadly ambush as it happened. >> good evening, that scene is right here behind me and that witness i exclusively spoke to, he lives just around the corner from here. he heard the gunshots and ran down to the patrol car and couldn't believe what he saw. how many shots did you hear? >> several. i thought it was construction. but i don't know, that time of day, you don't expect it. >> before hearing the gunshots, he said he never heard a single shot. he lives around the scene from where two officer were killed in their patrol car. they were both shot in the head through the passenger window.
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he heard this next. >> i walked down to the corner and it was just a tragic scene. got there before the ambulances got there. and just hard to watch. >> only the passenger window was shot out. the officer never even had a chance to react and possibly never even saw the gunman coming. without getting into detail because it's horrific, can you describe a little bit the scene for me? >> just chaos. never seen anything like it or so many cars. >> the suspect ran to a nearby subway station and shot himself in the head. this tragedy is one that will haunt this witness for a long time. >> you seem emotional. >> not a good scene, not a good day. holidays are coming up. i don't care what you do for a living, no one deserves to die in the street like that. >> and that's the sentiment from most of the people who live in this neighborhood.
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a former colleague of mine lives two blocks from here and she is so devastated by what happened here that she and several neighbors went to the 79th precinct to offer their condolences to officers. that's the latest here in bed-stuy, back to you. >> thank you for that report. we'll continue to keep you updated on this case as it unfolds. sony cancelled the release of the "the interview." >> but we might be able to see it. how the company is planning to get the film to the public. bernie carrick is still with me. you know, commissioner, it's interesting, when i watched the mayor now for the second time talk at that press conference, his behavior and his emotion was tamped down. what is your take on that? >> he doesn't sound believable. when you look back at his press
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conferences two weeks ago, three weeks ago when he was supporting the protesters he had a very different character, demeanor. today, it's -- you know, he's reading -- i don't know. to me, i don't know. i'm taking this a little personal right now. you know, when one nypd cop gets hurt or bleeds they all bleed. and you know, maybe i'm looking at this a little slanted. i don't believe him. i don't believe he feels the way he says. if he did, he would have been there for the cops last week and the week before and the week before that. >> everything about this mayor has been anti-cop, whether it's talking to his son about how to -- bi-racial son how to react with police or saying two police lieutenants who were assaulted were allegedly assaulted and basically throwing the police under the bus, pat lynch, president of the pba coming out
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and saying that the blood starts on the steps of city hall. federal pba is blaming the mayor and saying that these two cops just before christmas, eating lunch in their patrol car, marked for death, shot execution style, that the atmosphere was teed up for this. >> you can't ignore the mayor's incitement of this behavior two weeks ago, three weeks ago. you can't ignore that. the protests that turned into assaults on cops, the protests that turned into chants for calling for the killing of cops, well, tonight, we have someone that killed cops, relating to and related these murders and assassinations, related them specifically to brown and garner
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which, you know, this mayor, was inferring that the entire police department was racist. it's just -- you have to question the guy's ability now to lead this city, lead the men and women of the nypd. i don't think he can do it. >> and you know, with the fact that we see the police officers turn their backs when the mayor came into the press conference, and with the pba's making all of these statements, can bill bratton continue to run that police department? does the nypd see commissioner bratton as a man of diblasio or a man of the nypd? >> you know, i can't talk for the cops but i'll say this. in my opinion the only -- the only good left in the nypd for the cops is bill bratton. and his chief, john miller, they need these guys, they need them
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there. if they walked out, i think, honestly, i think there would be a mutiny on the city. i think the cops would stop working. i would be scared to death. if i had bill bratton as the commissioner and bratton left i wouldn't work. >> what's going to happen now? bernie, what's going to happen now? >> i think that's really going to depend on the commissioner. he's going to have to do something to ensure the cops that he's going to be there for them regardless of the mayor. i don't think the mayor's going to get any respect from this point forward. when you watch this video and the guys turn their backs on him i get it and understand it. in some ways i don't agree with it but i get it and i understand it. they are -- they've been demoralized, degraded,
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embarrassed. >> on the brooklyn bridge last week when the protesters came up against them it was like the police weren't allowed to defend themselves when they were in their faces. >> but this has been promoted by the mayor. this was promoted by the mayor. and this rhetoric, this racist and anti-police rhetoric was promoted. >> we'll be right back with more of our coverage with the deadly shooting of two new york city police officers. you don't think much about it...
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breaking news tonight, two new york city police officers are dead after being ambushed and shot execution style in the head while sitting in their patrol car in brooklyn.
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back with us, bernie karik along with beau deedle. i'm going to read a statement from the new york city pba. they talk about how two units are not going the respond to every call. they say the mayor's hands referring to diblasio, are literally dripping with our blood because of his words and actions and policies and we have for the first time in a number of years become a war-time police department. we will act accordingly. what does that mean? >> basically what he's talking to is back to the years of the '70s and '80s when police officers were targets by anti-american radical extremists, domestic extremists. and they are the same types of people, the time language of the murderer that killed the two
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cops today. >> you know what, i don't want to panic anybody but every cop working out there, know what's going on. if you have to pull your gun, you put it at your side and you deal with people. don't worry about all this bologna. this could be the beginning. the gangs are tweeting back and forth and talking about how to get a star on his shoulder. this could be a well organized we know the bloods and the crips we -- >> how does the cop draw his gun when you is the president of the united states criticizing cops. >> you is to go them to your family for christmas. you question the guy. if someone wants to make a complaint they have the right. >> when you is a mayor like diblasio and a president who says poor african-american young men -- >> these guys need another year of training? this is the finest police department the crime has gone
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down to nothing. >> a statement from federal law enforcement pba, they are saying had new york mayor bill diblasio been forceful from the onset last std one asked the question whether the murderous psycho could have been compelled to target our heroic brothers in new york. >> i was at the promotion. i love the new york city police department. bill bratton is a great commissioner and a great deputy commissioner. fabulous cops are out there who all want to do their job. leave them alone and let them do their job already. >> it's not even a question of leaving them alone. it's not about throwing them under the bus. >> it's not about leaving them alone, it's about supporting them and giving them the benefit of the doubt when there is a question about what they've done. it's about supporting them and making sure they have the tools, the resource, the backing to do
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their job. they don't have that. >> when you start challenging a grand jury, jeanine, that's our system we evoked back when our country was brand new, now it's the wrong system? it's the system we all believe in. you can't change a system like that. >> and obviously what is interesting to me is the behave of bill diblasio this evening at the press conference. he didn't seem angry the way he was when the police were accused. now that they're victims, and he also didn't seem -- he didn't want to answer political questions, the ones he was so happy to answer before. >> you know what i want to see? i want to see a day of outrage. i want to see protests for the two cops lying dead tonight. >> less than a week before christmas. >> i want al sharpton and the mayor and the leaders of the country. where is the outrage tonight like there was two months ago?
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>> did you hear sharpton's statement? he goes right to the garner incident in staten island. these two cops are dead for doing nothing. the guy was resisting arrest in staten island. >> i don't want to go through that but i want to talk about new york city police are sitting ducks right now. and they have as far as i'm concerned and i've been a prosecutor, judge and d.a. for 32 years. i think they feel the violence of -- those who are lawless in this society feel that they have the right, in fact, that they should be injuring police. >> the lawless have been encouraged. >> yeah. >> by the they've been encouraged by the mayor. >> we got to go. >> the body fell out of your stomach tonight when you heard this news. >> all of us. thanks for being with us. up next more on the breaking news of the two new york city
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police officers soft execution style by an individual who instagramed that -- what is it? that two law enforcement officers -- two pigs with wings would pay for the price of one individual. and citing eric garner and michael brown. stay with us.
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organizers of a protest at the mall of america in minnesota say it was a success. they say 3,000 people took part in the protest, chanting black lives matter. the goal was to raise awareness about police brutality issues. police arrested 25 people mainly for trespassing and they are not aware of injuries or property damage. boxing legend muhammad ali is hospitalized reportedly with pneumonia. no further details are
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available. he is one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all times. he was diagnosed with parkinson's disease in 1984. now back to "justice with judge jeanine." more details on the two officers killed this evening. officer liu was married just two months ago. officer ramos became a cop after being a school safety officer and just turned 40 this month. thomas ruskin and john rafferty join me now. good evening, gentlemen. i'll start with you. what is -- what's your response the this? >> it's horrific and i think it's something that we unfortunately should have seen coming. when you is the mayor and other officials that are not drawing
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the line in the sand where the cops can protect themselves and enforce laws this was inevitable. >> do you believe it was inevitable? >> it was in the works. when you have the president, the attorney general and the mayor turning against cops, cops are apprehensive to do their job and now the pba coming out tonight and making their statements, cops are now going to protect themselves. >> and their statement is diblasio has blood on his hands. and that, al sharpt season star this justice for all rally. and this was in brooklyn and the shooting is in brooklyn. so where does new york city pd go from here? >> you is to look at what the police department really going to do? they're out there every day sacrificing their lives trying
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to patrol the streets and make the communities safe. they do it every day. >> they already have a target on their back. >> they take one incident out of millions and try to make it a race issue or the cop did something wrong when they are just following the guidelines. >> the reason these guys were killed wasn't based on their race or color, it was based on the fact they were in a marked police car wearing blue and they were targeted the same way that bernie and beau referred to the bla -- foster and laurie walking on the lower east side executed back then. eddie bern as a police officers in 1988, targeted because he was a cop protecting someone. >> let's talk about the fact that we're hearing that the nypd police officers are lining the streets outside of the hospitals. where apparently the bodies of the two police officers still are. do you sense that there will be
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a change in the nypd in the police officers, beau was talking about, you know what, there's a different world out there. cops have to go home. they have to protect themselves and then you've got the mayor and the president saying, you know, it's bad. you know, african-americans are really -- >> there has to be a change. >> what kind of a change? >> you can't have the leaders of the country and the city trying to turn the residents against the cops. >> but diblasio wouldn't speak to the issue. >> i think that diblasio has caused a lot of issues. >> should he go? >> in my opinion. >> tomorrow, if not sooner but it's to our defense and based on the police officers' defense a lot of people turned out at city hall to demonstrate for the nypd. but this is not against the nypd this is every person who puts on that uniform every day around this country and is protecting
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us. >> there's no question. there is only one line of defense that we have from a chaotic society and that is the police. and it is a shame that the leaders in charge now don't recognize that. i want to thank you tom and john for being here this evening. >> thank you. >> and now for my opening statement. tonight, america capitulates to a north korean thug in a wuss move that will have enormous future ramifications. the sony movie "the interview" now shelved because of computer threats. while sony's decision is cowardly and embarrassing to the country, only one person's responsibility for the victory of the cyberterrorists identified by the fbi as north korea. the man who guards the constitution, the president of the united states. barack obama. but in classic obama fashion he piles on and blames sony.
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>> i'm sympathetic that sony as a private company was worried about liabilities and this and that and the other. i wish they'd spoke on the me first. i would have told them, do not -- get into -- a pattern in which you're intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks. >> but sony chief executive michael lynton insists that sony was in contact with senior white house advisers about the problem. the state department agrees that sony was in discussion with them. now, as someone who follows the president i can tell you he is often not a man of his word. so who to believe? a company on the front page of virtually every newspaper struggling to deal with hacking by a former -- foreign regime, or the president of the united states, who makes believe he wishes he was contacted?
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whose own fbi says north korea's responsible and whose department of homeland security is accused by many of being missing in action? where was the president when sony stood alone on this? through initially embarrassing e-mails to class action lawsuits to threats of 9/11 style attacks, the president is a lawyer. he understands liability. he watched as e-mail gossip turns into international cyberwarfare and he wants to blame a corporation that's struggling to survive? folks, this isn't a small issue, this is huge. now any enemy and we certainly have our share, can threaten not only artistic entities but banks, corporations, and our government itself. what if they don't like "the
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o'reilly factor" and how do we know if a digital threat is really capable of being a physical threat? i've been telling you for over a year about the weakness of our grid. ironically the reports are that the north korea has a satellite with the capability of emitting an electromagnetic pulse that could take out the electrical grid. this president can say the u.s. should not give into intimidation. but he's done just that repeatedly with north korea. >> and in the wake of this aggression, the united states will never waiver in our commitment to the security of north korea. but it's important for north korea to observe the basic rules and norms that our set forth,
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including a wide variety of u.n. resolutions that have passed. the united states will take all necessary steps to protect its people and to meet our obligations under our alliances in the region. >> more red lines that weren't enforced and now a new one that won't be enforced. but i'm a believer. i believe in america. my money is on america. and i believe that i will see this movie one way or another. and that's my open. up next, sony hacked. what does this mean to you and your cybersecurity? experience all the real possibilities... of connecting with family and friends. realpad from aarp is now your easy way to share... enjoy... play... and celebrate. it's the tablet with free unlimited live help
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did sony have a choice did sony have a choice pulling the movie depicting the assassination of north korean leader, kim jong-un. and what can you do to protect your own cybersecurity? joining me is colonel cedric layton and gordon chang. good evening, gentlemen. gordon, north korea today saying they were framed and that they want to join the u.s. investigation and they're not allowed to join there will be serious consequences. is that a joke? >> it is a joke because this is typical north korean propaganda. the president talked yesterday about what north korea's
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responsibility for this. so pyongyang had to react and this is what they do. they come out with this overblown language. but we have to remember that north korea can do real harm to the united states and so serious consequences which is what they're talking about is something we need to expect. >> cedric, north korea saying they were framed? >> that's amazing, judge. they were framed then i think jack the ripper was probably not guilty. but this is one of those situations where there are so many paths that lead to pyongyang and their involvement that if they were framed is it a new day in history at this point. >> president obama saying yesterday that he weighs in and says sony made a mistake. >> sony did what any u.s. company would do these days because of the liability. no one outside of north korea e not responsible for protecting american liberty.
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the person who has that responsibility is the president. what we have is sony being put into an impossible situation. it's not sony's fault. >> and cedric i'll go to you, sony has shareholders, a board of directors, trustees. i mean when someone says there will be a 9/11 type attack and the theaters start saying we're not going to run this, was sony right and was the president wrong in criticizing sony? >> i don't think the president was wrong in this case. i think he was right to say we need to stand up to the north koreans. but when it comes to a board of directors and what corporate officers are going to do in a situation like this, they are going to take the path of least resistance and the path of safety. their reaction is not unexpected but you have to steel the national resolve and that's what the president was trying to do in this case. >> but, cedric, the president knew about this.
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and when you said i wish they talked to me, his fbi and state department says they did talk. but -- you know, shouldn't the president -- he's a lawyer. shouldn't he know this is a criminal act. let me jump in there? >> i would hope so. in this particular case it's the borderline between the criminal and an offensive national security/pseudo military type activity and that's where the definitions of what constitutes war in cyberspace really haven't reached fruition or maturity yet. and that's the problem. we don't know the kind of space we're getting into here and the laws have not kept pace. that keeps everybody really on edge at this point. >> and when the president says that there will be a response that he'll determine, what can we possibly do in a situation like this? >> there's a lot of things we
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can do but we probably won't do them. we can put in place sanctions that the bush administration imposed in 2005 when we cut the north koreans off from the global financial system. we should enforce the prohibition of the sales of weapons technology and call out china in public because china was complicit in these attacks. >> north korea wasn't alone? >> north korea doesn't have an intranet infrastructure. what they have is in china and their most elite are in china. and beijing knows about this. because these guys are in china permanently. >> okay. and cedric, people pay a lot of money for cybersecurity. can we keep the malware and the viruses away from ordinary americans so they don't suffer identity theft and all of the problems that a huge corporation like sony is suffering?
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>> i think sony could have done a much better job of securing their internet and americans in general, people in general have a way of getting at the best protection mechanisms but nobody sells one product that can take care of all of that. and that's a weakness in the cybersecurity industry. but americans can change their passwords and encrypt their data and look for better authentication mechanisms. the password is an outdated mode. that's one way that the north koreans got into sony and that's something that needs to be changed now. >> and gordon, final question, can our government be hacked? >> it has been hacked. the chinese stealth fighter is our f-35. that's our technology in a chinese airframe. guess where they got it. >> crazy. all right. cedric layton, gordon chang, thanks for being with us this
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evening. >> you bet, judge. >> up next, john bolton on the string of terror attacks around the world and if the white house is doing enough a protect us here at home. rescued. protected. given new hope. during the subaru "share the love" event, subaru owners feel it, too. because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. we'll have given 50 million dollars over seven years. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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>> terror strikes the heart of sidney, are we proprotected. with me former u.s. am bobassad to the un, john bolton. first, your thoughts on the execution of the two police officers in new york city? >> well, i have to say that this is almost an inevitable conclusions from the assaults on police departments we've seen all across the country by people who think they know how to do policing better than the cops themselves. you know, there's no question here prove anningatiocative polr but if you wonder of why some large person of whatever color tries to get inside their police car or you are worrying about resisting arrest whatever the race of the police officer or person being arrested, it is the police who are condemned uniformly as a political matter. this is the point you get to. >> it's not only the
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condemnation of the police but when that condemnation ambassador comes from the president of the united states, from the mayor of new york city. new york city police department is one of the greatest in the world. i was in-law enforcement for 32 years. that is just a fact. you know, then we're even in a bigger problem. i have several people here in evening who said you know what, it hasn't been this bad in 40 years. do you agree with that. >> absolutely. let's not forget our attorney general in washington and the way he behaves. i have to say this is personal to me. my father was a fire fighter for the city of bloaltimore. he used to face snipers during race riots and he was out trying to put out fires in neighborhoods in communities. i lived next to a police officers family for many years. i am tired of hearing that the first responders who protect our society are filled with racism.
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that they are objective is to suppress parts of the population. it's not true and really, it endangers more than anything else the people that they are supposed to protect, black or white but particularly in neighborhoods where crime is high. so you know we can continue for political advantage to go after cops all we want but we're seeing the consequence tragically tonight. >> and you know, when you have the mayor of new york city who says that you know he has to teach his young son who is beracial what to do when he's around cops and that very same new york city police department is protecting the son, you know, there are now calls for that mayor to step down. what do you think about that? >> well, it's incredible to me that he was ever elected mayor of new york. he must be a happy man this week. i understand him and his wife spent their honeymoon in cuba so now he'll be perfectly free to go back and relive those happy
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days. you know, this is very very destructive when you play racial politics. the politics of identity. life is a lot more complicated than that. i grew up in baltimore during the days of segregation. if people don't think race relations have changed in this country for the better in the last half of the century, they need a lesson in history. >> all right ambassador. very quickly. what do you think would cause someone to even join a police department enliein light of the society and culture. >> i think people would have to think about it. you're already risking your life to protect the community. now to have everything you do second guessed by people who have political agendas there must be some other career that is just as lucrative and a lot less dangerous physically and politically. >> all right. ambassador john bolton thanks for being with us. >> an that's it for us tonight. don't forget to watch our
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special christians massacred. a justice investigation next saturday night. stay tuned for fox's continuing coverage of the tragic nypd shooting. i have the worst cold with this runny nose. i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn't treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is.
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sony pulls the plug on the interview and the president says we cannot let foreign dictators sensor us just because we're offended. he's right about that but what about trying to make nice with cuba's dictator plus johns ratsonberger on how you can put american-made presents under your christmas tree. all of that and more tonight on huckabee. [ applause ]


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