tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News December 21, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PST
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you for watching. merry christmas. hope to see you right here next week! a fox news alert as new york city reals from the cold blooded ambush of two police officers. word now that the nypd is looking into reports of another man allegedly heading to the city to kill more police officers. welcome to america's news headquarters. new york police so said to give an update on yesterday's chilling attack at the top of the hour. we're have that for you and the family of officer ramos preparing to speak tonight. officer ramos and lu were shot dead execution style.
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32-year-old lu was married two months ago and ramos just celebrated his 40th birthday and was a father of two. now the department is contending with this new threat. bringing in brian with the very latest. >> reporter: fox has obtained an nypd text alert showing a photograph of a young man with his name and birth date. the nypd says the man sends a threat using instagram saying he's on his way from tennessee to new york city to kill two more cops. we'll bring updates as that's happening. this as eric adams is calling for a city-wide vigil at the site of both officers asays nated. mayor bill da blaz you. >> we mourn with them. we need them.
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we respect them and we're proud of them and thank them. would you tell them that, commissioner branton and chief o'neill. am i correct in thinking that's your sentiment everybody? [ applause ] >> his sentiments to all of nypd. police say he shot both officers in the head as they sat in the patrol car and moments later he shot himself in a subway station and earlier he shot and seriously wounded his girlfriend. he posted images with anti-police messages suggesting this was in revenge for the deaths of michael brown and eric garner. last night police officers turned their backs on the mayor moments after he visited the families of the fallen officers. the city's police union blaming de blasio for throwing the nypd under the bus for siding with protesters. >> we tried to warn. it must not go on.
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it could no be tolerated. that blood on the hands starts on the steps of city hall and the office of the mayor. >> this morning eric garner's mother and widow condemned using violence especially in garner's name. >> i just want to express my condolences and heart-felt sadness for these two officers and their family. i know what they're going through to lose a loved one before the holidays and everything is so sad. >> expressing condolences while reiterating people to reject violence. >> thanks, brian. we are learning that baltimore county police identified the shooter's ex-girlfriend as this woman, 29-year-old shanika thompson. we're showing you the map where he later killed the two new york city police officers.
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thompson remains in critical condition. she's stable in the hospital and is expected to survive her injuries. investigators hoping to interview her today. meanwhile, president obama strongly condemning the attack in brooklyn. he spoke with the commissioner from hawaii. dan springer from honolulu. what was the president's reaction? >> well, as you can imagine it was shock and disbelief. president obama has not done anything on camera here in hawaii in his second day of vacation. but he did issue a statement within hours of the cop killings in new york condemning the attack and saying there's no justification and spoke more broadly saying that the officers who serve and protect our communities risk their own safety for ours every day and deserve our respect and gratitude every day. tonight i ask people to reject violence and turn to words that heal.
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president obama was playing golf yesterday. we understand he is again playing golf but is being briefed by officials on the situation in new york. meantime, his attorney general called the attack an act of barberism. the statement from eric holder reads this cowardly attack underscores the danesers faced. as a nation we must not forget as we discussed the events of the recent past. those events include ferguson, missouri and in new york where grand juries did not indict a couple of police officers shooting black men. >> what are the republican critics saying the president should have or could have done? this is political as everything else seems to be. >> reporter: yeah. that's the case. the morning talk shows today there were a couple of the members of the gop who said the president and his administration could have done more and can do more to ease tensions.
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lindsay graham said the tone they're setting around the rhetoric regarding cops insights crazy people. new york congressman peter king also weighed in. >> i would say if the president and mayor and others would tone down the rhetoric and not assume that the cop is guilty from day one and have a real debate, not people like al sharpton at the meeting but having intelligent people on both sides and having people understanding what the police officers are going through and people from the minority communities that feel there are problems that need to be addressed, fine. >> earlier on cnn the president said real progress is being made on race relations and he is living proof. >> it's not just about politics. i think the people are looking to our nation's leaders to give some guidance in this very disturbing situation. thank you very much. dan springer. >> meanwhile, new threats from
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north korea. according to one source, now saying quote, toughest counter action will be taken against the white house, the pentagon and the whole u.s. main land. these comments coming after the fbi announced it was north korea behind the hack and an act that president obama is calling a expensive act of cyber vandalism. james rosen live in washington with the details. hi, james. >> good afternoon. president obama saying this morning that his administration has made great strides in boltering america's defenses against cyber attacks. he also said congress must do its part bypassing a new law. responding on fox news, the chairman told chris wallace, the it wizards who could punish north korea in real time have
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been forced to sit on their hands. >> they have the capability. they were ready to go. the problem here was not the fact we didn't have a capability to do something in the immediate time. we just didn't get a decision from the president of the united states. >> using state-run media north korea's national defense commission, he'll strike back if president obama punishes the north. the country's million man army will target those responsible, not the innocent audiences in cinemas. as for sony pictures, the hits just keep on coming. new e-mails from studio chief continue to surface including two in which she disparaged actor and comedian adam sandler. sony pictures is considering how to distribute the dark comedy outside of theaters. >> we have not caved. we have not given in. we have persevered and not
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backed down. we have always had every desire to have the american public see this movie. >> among the response, president obama said he is reconsidering reinstating north korea on the list of nations that sponsor terrorism. >> thanks, james. new jersey governor chris christie now urging president obama to demand the return of an american fugitive from cuba. joanne chessmard was convicted of shooting and killing a state trooper during a routine traffic stop. she later escaped and fled to cuba. governor christie, i urge you to demand the immediate return before any consideration of restoration of diplomatic relations with the cuban government. the white house has remained silent on what steps if any will be taken on this matter. and chilling details emerging
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from the autopsy in the case of the california mayor shot by his wife. the shocking details revealed by the coroner's office. and more on that heinous shooting of two new york city police officers. this attack coming amid an already testy relationship between mayor de blasio and the police. a former nypd detective joins us to weigh in. >> i think that set off this latest fire storm. the mayor ran an anti-police campaign. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. [breath of relief] oh, what a relief it is.
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taliban gunmen stormed the facility and killing nearly 150 people, most of them children. the taliban say it was in revenge for an army operation against them this summer. we're back now to the horrific attack of two new york police officers here coming amid an already strained relationship between mayor de blasio and the police. last night police officers turned their backs on the mayor moments after he visited the families of the fallen officers. meantime, the city's police union is blaming the mayor for siding with anti-cop protesters over the police. >> there's blood on many hands tonight. that blood on the hands starts on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor. >> bringing in now gill alba, a former nypd detectivetive and president of alba
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investigations. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> there's so much to cover but when it comes to the current atmosphere, what concerns you most. >> they have to get together, the city of new york, police department and the mayor. is it going to be easy? no. it's a tragedy these two officers were killed and the way they were killed and the assassination when this guy comes from out of town and kills them. we all feel sorry for the families. they go through all these kind of emotion from sorrow to anger. now the anger comes out and who is it against? mayor de blasio, this started from his campaign originally. no doubt he is against police officers and they feel that. so they have to get together at some point. >> edward mullens, he's the sergeant's president and he wrote a hand-written message to
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the mayor saying the blood of these two officers is clearly on your hands, between that, the officers turning their backs on the mayor, where do they start to mend that relationship? >> they're going to have to start mebding. the backs turning their backs is almost the fact that de blasio turned his back on the officers. when this was happening he was for the other side and the people who were demonstrating and all that. he was for them. and saying the alleged attack, when it was visible these people attacked two new york city lieutenants and hurt them. >> on the brooklyn bridge. >> on the brooklyn bridge. using all those terms, it gets to this. the officers were going to sign a sheet not to come to my funeral. how serious is something like that? how much hatred is there? you have to bring two sides together because this is the city of new york and personally i think they can do it. >> you were talking about some of the officers signing a petition saying that if they were killed in the line of duty that they do not want mayor de
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blasio to come to their funerals. >> right. >> where they do they start? i want to back tractiocktracbac. you talked about how you believe the mayor is against the police. tell me more about that from your perspective. >> just the fact he ran for mayor was against the police department and the fact that all the demonstrations and all that, he's basically for the demonstrators. he was for the families and nothing with the police. totally turned their backs on the police. that's where all this started. putting his son in there which i mean his son is going to probably hate this later on, and saying be careful of the police instead of saying the police can help you. all that has mounted up to this -- and giving no benefits or raises. all this made its point and when this happened and two officers were killed this is why the
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anger toward the mayor. >> in the statement the mayor made to his son -- for those of you who don't know mayor de blasio's son wis by racial. and he, too had that talk with his son to be careful and don't start trouble. >> right. >> there is that part of this story. that's the relationship, the mistrust between the black community and the police department. obviously, we need to start with the police and the mayor first here and then when you get past that, how do you mend those relationships in the communities? >> the black community we're talking about was one of the highest crime areas and really -- the crime rate went really low because of the police officers being there. these two guys that were killed were at a different precinct working overtime and eating their lunch there because it's a
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little higher crime and christmastime, they want to stop the crime. however, when you say black communities, there is a lot of people in the black communities, however, people in the projects and housing areas, they need the priss nd police and want the police and they thank them for keeping the peace. those relationships have to come together and get better. >> yeah. and you are right to make that point and many of those sicitizs have denounced this and say this is not the way you handle any matters. you don't kill police officers. it's not right or acceptable on any level. >> right. and it's where they live. so they feel a little sorrow that these two officers were gunned down where they are in their communities. they feel it also. all law enforcement feels it. >> we all feel it. >> thank you. >> detective, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> we are minutes away from the
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start of that press conference i mentioned earlier that the new york city police will be holding about this very attack that we're talking about. it's going to happen in brooklyn. in fact this is a live look at the podium where that's going to take place going to take place, and we'll have that for you starting at 4:00 p.m. eastern. for now, we take a break and we're back after this. could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13 ® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine.
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a cute graphic, but beware, two massive storms possibly giving millions of people a very white christmas. that's good news, and others a very well holiday. forecasters are now saying they expect to see heavy snow and rain as well as powerful winds in the northeast and midwest, and this is expected to cause some travel problems.
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major ones, i'm told. the nasty weather could lead to flight delays in detroit, pittsburgh, philadelphia, new york, and boston. and now for some positive holiday news, gas prices are dropping again. the average price nationwide falling another 25 cents, and experts are saying prices will continue to drop. one of the highest prices of gas on long island, new york, at $2.82 a gallon, while tulsa, oklahoma, saw the lowest at $2.06 a gallon. there are holy orders of a different kind, monks and nuns who live out the meaning of christmas all year round, carrying out centuries of traditions that have a modern-day twist. lauren green has more. >> it's their busiest time of year, as the monks from the montsary of the holy spirit pack up their homemade biscotti, one
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of their best sellers. they also sell their version of the holiday fruit cake and several varieties of fudge. >> our signature fudge, though, is our southern touch, which has peach brandy in it, and lots of fruits and nuts. and then we also have a walnut fudge. >> cloister communities have made products for centuries to sustain and support themselves, but with the advent of the internet and online orders, business is booming for monastic orders across the country. there's monk spread made in new york, then there's the sisters in summit, new jersey, known for their soap making. they say monastic monks and nuns have tried to come up with ways to live their faith that benefit the community. >> if you look at it historically, the monks had the first hospitals, the first libraries, the first hotels. people stopped and stayed because they were safe places. and so monks have always been kind of on the cutting edge,
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creating things to support themselves. >> for many people, christmas is a good time to buy from the monks and nuns because a lot of their proceeds go to support food banks and other programs for the poor. in new york, lauren green, fox news. well, he is the oldest person to record a hole in one. yes, the pga saying this man, a 103-year-old shot a hole in one earlier this week in florida. they said it's the eighth time he's made that shot since 1989, and he might do it again. >> i'm doing to do it as long as i can. >> that's going to do it for us. we're monitoring the news conference from blook ln. is thet that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. try gaviscon®. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission
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welcome to a healthy you. i'm carol alt. we all love our tea time, but are there hidden ingredients, even toxins in that soothing cup of tea? the author of life by the cup is here to share her passion for tea and share the benefits and risks associated with one of our oldest and favorite beverages. also, we get the scoop on the sugar impact diet. the creator of the plan shares some facts about sugar you may not find so sweet. but first -- >> fox news alert. new york city police giving an update on yesterday's deadly attack in brooklyn. we're expecting
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