tv FOX and Friends FOX News December 22, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST
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who left the door back open, packages flying on to the road. the driver comes to a stop and gets the bad news. >> the packages are falling out! [bleep] >> thank you. about a half dozen or more i ran over. >> thank you. >> that wraps it up for us. "fox & friends" starts now. >> bye. good morning. it is monday, december 22. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. just hours after two nypd officers are murdered in cold blood, cops now turn -- turned -- taunting by protesters with this horrifying message. [chanting] >> plus the sickening last words the killer said before firing those fatal shots. we're live from the scene straight ahead. >> this morning cops aren't the only ones feeling
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betrayed by mayor de blasio of new york. now relatives of one of the victims speaking out. >> as leader of the city, he needs to show a little more support for the cops because they are the ones that are doing the job out there, the dirty job. and they are the ones that are dying for us. >> grieving loved ones speaking to "fox & friends" straight ahead. >> plus kim jong un calling the u.s. a cesspool of terror and threatening to blow up government buildings this morning. north korea's brand-new threat aimed at americans. by the way, they didn't do it. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> we begin with a alert. watch what i am going to do -- these are the sickening final words from a cop killer moments before he murdered two nypd
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officers. this morning we are learning more about the hours leading up to this deadly ambush. jonathan hunt is live in brooklyn at the scene of the shooting. thanks for being with us, jonathan. what more can you tell us this morning? >> good morning, elisabeth. a makeshift memorial to those two slain officers is growing by the hour. behind me here, among the messages written there, prayers for the families and indeed for the whole new york police department. the killer, ismaalyl brinsley, began his day in baltimore where he shot a former girlfriend. she is in critical condition but is expected to survive. he then took a bus to new york, writing on his instagram account as he traveled -- quote -- "i'm putting wings on pigs today. they take one of ours. let's take two of theirs. hash tag shoot the police, hash tag r.i.p. eric garner. hash tag r.i.p. michael
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brown. this may be my final post. i'm putting pigs in a blanket. when he got to new york, he accosted two people. listen. >> he asked them to follow him on instagram and then said watch what i'm going to do. he then walks northbound on thomkins past the two officers in the car and comes up behind the officers. >> he fired four shots through the passenger side window which was closed, killing officers ramos and liu. brinsley then ran to a nearby subway station. listen to this. >> this is crazy. >> those are the cops telling people to get on the ground and stay on the ground as they search for brinsley. they eventually found him inside that subway station dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
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>> jonathan hunt, live in brooklyn with the latest. ainsley earhardt attended the vigil last night and spoke to family members of officer ramos. she's going to join us with the emotional one on one interview in about 25 minutes from right now. >> police are not out of the woods yet by a long shot. the killing of two horrified many but everybody you talk to say the worst sadly could be yet to come. in fact, we saw more evidence of it last night. even in harlem you have, according to a source, this is a quote, open the door to the station house, the 28th precinct and attack the patrolmen and fire ensued. they say five members, members of service are now guarding precinct doors all around new york city. they don't know what other knuckleheads are going to come in now. >> an officer was killed in florida, a nypd veteran. a suspect has been arrested there. you mention an officer in st. louis shot multiple times. >> that is carlos condak.
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>> the -- that is charles condak. >> the killer here in new york city had an app, called wayz. obviously unrest here. especially when you see video that has emerged. >> that's right. police stations all across the country are on alert after the revenge murder here on saturday afternoon in new york city. on yesterday in st. louis -- keep in mind the cop killer here in new york city, what he said was, on his instagram, as we saw from jonathan hunt, he said i'm going to put pigs in a blanket. hours after the new york city police officers were murdered, listen to what these nitwits were screaming in st. louis at a line of police officers. >> pigs in a blanket!
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[indecipherable] >> pigs in a blanket! [indecipherable] >> it feels great. >> they're saying pigs in a blanket, fry ' em like bacon. >> the leader is a ferguson guy sort of fueling the fire along the way. >> the question is did someone lay the groundwork for this type of angst towards law enforcement? six months ago -- let's say a year ago the biggest story in new york, through the country but new york especially, now all of a sudden the nypd seen as the bad guys who have to be retrained, possibly infused with racism. that coming from possibly the mayor's office as he reflects on what his son has to go through. thinking back, they say his
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son, that could have been him out there. it could have been the mayor's son in that cop car who randomly was shot on the streets of new york. so the question is, is it making things worse? are our leaders making things more dangerous as the people in law enforcement try to make us safe? milwaukee county sherrif david clarke weighs in. >> the last three months we've heard nothing but hate speech and anticop rhetoric fueled by some people occupying the highest offices in this land. we've had this garbage shoved down our throats, this irresponsible rhetoric about our nation's heroes, our street cops. and so when i heard this last night and then i heard there was another shooting of a police officer today in florida, when i hear this nonsense from the left about open season on young black males. no, it's open season on cops right now, and i'm sick of it. >> keep in mind here in new york city mayor de blasio was essentially elected by running an anticop campaign. it was all about stop and frisk. then he has condoned these
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protests in new york city. last week a couple of police officers were assaulted. in fact, one professor tried to drop a great big garbage can on top of the cops down below. and did we hear anything from the mayor last week? no, we absolutely should have. when it comes to al sharpton, al sharpton's message has been very clear. the cops are out of control. and that is not true as well. keep in mind as well, with al sharpton's message last week at one of his rallies, what were people talking about? what do we want? dead cops? what do we want? dead cops. the cops here in new york city, after this revenge murder, when they saw the mayor of new york city enter into the room on saturday afternoon, what do they do? they turn their backs on the mayor. >> one of the strongest statements -- >> i don't blame them. >> they would not even face forward, a statement there making right there to the leader of new york city
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which is on high alert as it comes to police safety here, how gruesomely ironic this situation is. there is a petition calling for the resignation of the nation on it received over 52,000 signatures in response to the murder of officers ramos and liu. the people of n.y.c. actually created this petition calling for his resignation. right now 52,000 signatures. >> they're looking for 75,000. >> guess what those two cops were doing? they were put into the worst area of bed stuy. they said this is a high-crime area. you've got to go there, try to calm things down. get inside the community. what did they do? were they there because they wanted some action? were they there because they wanted just to get their paycheck cleared? no. they're there for the people in the community. if you talk to the cops who work that area, they say the people there who go to work every day, who go to school, they want the police force there.
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>> of course. they want more cops. >> where the cameras show up and protesters show up, it is the guys who are doing, selling drugs and unsavory activity finding their way to the cameras to speak out against the cops in the area. >> howard sabre has been on this program many times and he fault the president and the mayor for over the last couple of months after ferguson and after eric garner being antipolice. here he is, the former commissioner of new york city. >> in over 40 years in police work i've never seen an atmosphere like this. there have been incidents in the past when i was police commissioner and since. when you get the usual suspects raving about the police. but now we have a president, an attorney general, a mayor going after police officers. we have to see a distinction because there is a real distinction. eric garner and michael brown lost their lives committing crimes. these two hero police
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officers lost their lives protecting the public. >> absolutely. he also said the president should have a national day of support for police to send a clear message to criminals that he appreciates officers like the two who were murdered on the streets of new york city. >> will there be people protesting for the cops? rallying for support? >> i hope so. they should. >> the president should also create a task force to create accountability and transparency. >> let's examine everything wrong there. heather childers is here. nothing wrong with her. >> we have other headlines we've been following. north korea being one of them, issuing new threats against the white house and the pentagon. north korea is threatening to blow up the citadels of america dwarfing the sony attack they are accused of. they are saying the u.s.
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government was behind the making of "the interview." the country's human rights issues are expected to be discussed for the first time. meantime we are learning that sony will reportedly release the comedy for free on crackle. that is the streaming service that it owns. a federal prosecutor in atlanta expected to be named to the number-two job in the justice department. sally gates reportedly president obama's pick for deputy attorney general in charge of day-to-day operations. she worked on the 1996 summer olympics bombing triems. loretta lynch has been picked to replace eric holder. both face confirmation hearings in the new year. the feud between mayor rand paul and marco rubio over the cuba policy getting uglier. it escalated when the florida senator said this about paul on the sunday talk shows. >> if he wants to become the chief cheerleader of obama foreign policy he certainly has a right to do that. i'm going to continue to
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oppose the obama-paul foreign policy on cuba because i know it won't lead to freedom and liberty for the cuban people which is my sole interest here. >> rand paul fired back on twitter saying marco rubio forgot to mention his support for obama's funding of the muslim brotherhood and the -- hillary's war in libya. >> a big weekend in the nfl as the playoffs picture becomes clearer. defending super bowl champs the seattle seahawks clinching the spot before taking the field thanks to the cowboys victory. dallas knocking off the eagles. in the a.f.c. the steelers securing a spot with a win over kansas city and green bay into the playoffs. congrats to tampa for the
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n.f.c. south. >> coming up, al sharpton invokes martin luther king jr. to condemn the murder of those two officers, but does that sound like the does that sound like the late civil rights leader? if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. why do i cook for the to share with family to carry on traditions to come together, even when we're apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson® makes holiday dishes delicious!
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those that try now to misuse the names of the victims are not only wrong morally as one that grew up and was raised under dr. king, they are hurting the cause of these families. >> al sharpton using the name of dr. martin luther king jr. while condemning the execution of two nypd officers. but was his next move something dr. king would do? >> last night i began receiving threatening phone calls and hate. i'll play one. >> you and your [bleep],
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[bleep], [bleep]. >> dr. alveda king, the niece of martin luther king jr. we love you having you hear, unfortunately under these circumstances. it is almost as if the reverend al sharpton can't help himself so he starts off invoking the words, the heart of your uncle but goes right back to something that triggers this emotional fire of retaliation. >> well, i heard reverend sharpton say as one who was raised. he was raised by lieutenants of martin luther king jr. of course i was raised by the brother of martin luther king jr. and my mother naomi and my granddaddy martin luther king's dad. i know very clearly if my uncle were here today, i don't have to guess about what he would say or read because he was a baptist preacher and i went to
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church and sat and heard his sermons. i went to jail during that movement because i marched. there is a scripture in romans 13 that says people of good will don't have to be afraid of the law and who wants to live in a community or a society without laws and rules. so we're dealing with systemic issues. people keep saying where are the leaders and all of that. i am joining some african-american and other leaders -- it's not a racist kind of thing, but every ethnic group. we're going to be together on january 15 in dallas, texas, with the reconciled church meeting. and we're going to be dealing with systemic issues that are causing all of this emotional upheaval. what do we want? dead cops. i think the people who are saying that really want jobs, good education, fair housing, good medical care. those kinds of things. that's what people really want. if we're going to give the
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people what they really want and really need, we can't just stir up that's what y to reverend sharpton. i've been reminding all along blessed are the peacemakers. and so in trying to deliver that peaceful voice i can actually commend him for the attempt. but the law of unexpected outcomes is true but some things are not unexpected. if we stir up emotions and cause people to become upset, you stir up violence sometimes. and so we need to be peaceful. >> wise words. dr. alveda king, thank you for being here. the family of those two slain officers instead of getting red eddie -- instead of getting ready for christmas today are burying their loved ones. next up on the rundown, young millenial immigrants can get driver's licenses. is this setting a dangerous
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we've got some headlines for you on this monday before christmas. fears of extremism on the rise after two terror attacks in france. a muslim man screaming allah akbar plowed into a crowd injuring nearly a dozen people. the 40-year-old man was arrested. he has a criminal past, not surprising. a day earlier a jihadist with a knife walked into a police station shouting allah akbar as well. he stabbed an officer in the face and was shot dead.
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in pakistan, last week o'school massacre -- last week's school massacre left over 100 people dead. the taliban stormed into the school and opened fire. state side starting today maryland will have a giant military surveillance blimp watching over the state 24/7. the blimp can detective threats like cruise missiles faster than ever before. >> can they stop them, though? an estimated 20,000 illegal immigrants in arizona on the road to getting driver's licenses. the arizona court clearing the way for the so-called dreamers to apply as early as today. is this setting a dangerous precedent or are they just going by the law? here for a fair and honest debate, francisco, you're happy about this? >> not happy. it's the law. they have to get driver's licenses. they live in the state.
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they have to have driver's licenses and insurance. do we want them insured or do we want them uninsured? >> this is in response to the president's dreamers act? >> no. actually it's been going on for years in various states, particularly texas whereby sciewferred -- where by executive order we don't allow them to get driver's license and now we can. our own state law requires them to get a driver's license if they live here. >> if they live here but they're still here illegally? >> not anymore. >> dan? >> the president has a plan. we live in an era of one man rule. we don't have a congress anymore. he wants to make up the immigration laws as he goes. voters in arizona just like voters in oregon, they say we don't want illegal aliens to get driver's licenses. but the president has a plan. he wants to destroy u.s. immigration controls, destroy state and local cooperation to get people deported.
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he's trying to make it impossible for congress to ever turn around and insist people broker immigration laws and giving them driver's licenses is one more -- and social security numbers, benefits, public education. the list goes on and on because this president has an agenda. destroy this country's ability to regulate immigration and he's well on his way. i want to congratulate governor brewer. she has fought this administration -- >> and she has lost every stept of the way. >> because she stood up for the rule of law -- >> francisco? >> absolutely not. she lost every step of the way because she's making the wrong decisions. she's making them on political reasons. come on, guys. you're now talking about obamacare. -- talking about obama. i thought we were here to talk about driver's license. >> you cannot talk about immigration and not talk about washington and not talk about the president and not talk about the dreamers act to allow people who were born here
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to not fear deportation. >> they pay taxes, they live here. my goodness. in january congress can act and undo whatever they don't like about president obama that he has done. let's see if they have the guts to do it. >> francisco brings up a good point. would you like to see the republican dominated act on immigration? >> the congress needs to do three things. pass the statutory repeal to bar the president from trying to do what he's doing. they need to defund this illegal executive amnesty. they noose to pass a law, this -- they need to pass a law, this unaccompanied minors law and rebuilding our immigration structure so this country can begin controlling immigration. >> you're 100% correct. >> we end on a positive note. thanks so much. it might be the hottest issue come january. more on our top story,
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mayor de blasio avoiding the families of executed cops. but they still have a message for him. >> as leader of the city, he needs to show a little more support for the cops, because they are the ones that are doing the job out there, the dirty job. >> ainsley earhardt met with officer ramos's family. she'll join us live with an emotional one object -- emotional one on one interview. a look at what cops really do every day: save lives.
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i wish [inaudible] that's the way he was. he was sweet. he didn't deserve like this, to die. >> that's the reaction from an emotional family member of officer rafael ramos, the nypd cop killed along with his partner this weekend. "fox & friends" first cohost ainsley earhart went to brooklyn last night to meet with his grieving family and friends. >> what an incredible family. it sounds cliche for them to say he was a great guy but i got the sense he truly was because everyone you talked to, all of the neighbors, all the family members they are grieving and say he was an amazing man. they say he was a born-again christian, of
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the catholic faith. he was a wonderful father they say. he put his son through college. he was working overtime to pay for his son, the oldest one, to go through college. now they're worried who is going to pay for school, who is going to pay the mortgage? he grew up on this one street where we were last night with his grandmother. his grandmother found out the news and had to be rushed to the hospital; she was so upset about it. they also said he had a dream, a life long dream of becoming a police officer. let's hear from one of his good friends and his cousin. >> he had a calling. he was a good man. this is so messed up; i'm telling you. this is crazy, you know. >> he's an awesome person. i couldn't even describe him. i don't cry because every time i think about him, he brings joy to my heart. he was an awesome guy. i keep using the word as him being god, but he has a heart like that. he would give up anything to help anybody, to love
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anybody. and like i said, he -- the job he did, that's what he loved to do. >> he did love to do that job, they say, and you need to remember, this is what the neighbors were saying on the streets last night, when cops are doing their job, they are going after criminals, they are going after guys and girls who are doing things bad. these two cops were innocent and didn't deserve to die like this. they say they're tired of the cop killing rhetoric that you're hearing protesters chanting, kill the cops, pigs in a blanket. then we asked them about mayor de blasio. what do they think? should the mayor go? this is what one of the childhood friends said and what one of the other cousins said. >> we need a mayor back like giuliani. he couldn't be bought. he wasn't intimidated by anyone. he kept our city safe. when he needed to respond, he responded. >> as leader of the city, he needs to show a little more support for the cops in some way, because they are the ones that are doing the job out there, the
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dirty job. and they are the ones that are dying for us. simple. >> there was a petition that went around that told the mayor don't show up at my funeral. i'm not sure if he signed that or not. someone asked would you be okay if the mayor showed up at the funeral action and and -- at the funeral, and he said my cousin was such a wonderful man and so forgiving that we have no choice but to forgive the killer and forgive the mayor. we are a family of peace. if the mayor wants to come we would welcome him to come. you have to remember my cousin as a strong christian will be spending christmas with the biggest birthday bash in heaven. >> he was a dad. >> he was a dad. his son wrote that, touching, on facebook. today i have to say bye to my father. he was there for me every day of my life. he was the best father i could ask for. it's horrible that someone gets shot dead just for being a police officer.
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everyone says they hate cops. but they are the people that they call for help. i will always love you and never forget you. rest in peace, dad. >> that's heartbreaking to read. you asked earlier who would step forward to help support the family and the yankees have an organization, a foundation they have had it for a number of years to help fund the college education of kids of men and women who served here in new york city. the yankees will pay for their education. >> that's amazing. >> for both families. >> that's incredible. >> that brings tears to my eyes because the family is so awesome. they deserve that. these are good, hard-working americans. >> we thank you for taking the time to be with them yesterday. >> my pleasure. they are the ones that are grieving and we just want to tell their story. we want to honor their loved ones. >> you know the family is grieving directly but when you walked around what was the sense of the community? >> just like the
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communities we all grew up with. they all knew each other's names. they all christmas morning played with their toys outside from this big. they all grew up together. they went to school together. they all went to this one church together. the priest was there, and he knew everyone's name. they were all hugging him. they all had their candles. they had a catholic monument set up. they had the virgin mary, a catholic monument set up in front of the house. it looked like it had been there a long time, it was part of the house. they had candles the color blue because he was a police officer. it seemed like they are a close-knit community and we could relate to that. >> i love the gentleman who said i'm going to feel joy. that's what he brings to my heart. i'm not going to cry, i'm going to feel joy for him. >> a better person than me. i would be angry. >> and they have already forgiven the killer. >> i've got a feeling there are a lot of prayers for families around the world. >> if you're watching this
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morning and you're a believer, maybe say a prayer for them. >> we have. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> 23 minutes before the top of the hour on this monday before christmas and heather has got the headlines. >> such a great story. other stories we have been following for you this morning. a critical clue in the search for acollege student in philadelphia. a set of keys belonging to shane montgomery found in a river near the bar where he disappeared. he vanished, you may remember, after leaving an irish pub the night before thanksgiving. police confirmed that surveillance video shows him walking towards the water. >> terrified football fans run for their lives when lightning strikes the parking lot of the tampa bay buccaneers stadium. you can see the bolt blasted an s.u.v. shattering its roof and injuring seven people nearby. >> it was a flash bang, that fast. you know what i mean. it scared you. you looked around to see who got hit because you
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know it was close. >> the victims ranging in age from 20 to 70 years old. at least one person in critical condition. here's a look at what cops really do every day. they save lives. and this nevada officer was on his way home from work when he noticed a three-year-old choking on candy in a convenience store. >> come on, buddy. there you go. you okay? >> that is officer quinn averitz body camera. he captured the dramatic moment he saved the life of this choking child. the child was choking on a jaw breaker. it took about a minute to actually get it out. the child is expected to be okay. the christmas spirit is really in the air in san diego. ♪ oh christmas tree ♪ owe -- christmas tree ♪ candles
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♪ shining brightly >> it's a christmas tree flying. it's actually a drone fully decorated. the inventor known for other drones like super man and the american flag. you remember that? >> i'd like a drone for christmas. >> all right. meanwhile it may not be a white christmas for a lot of americans, but millions of americans are bracing for a very wet christmas eve that could affect travel; right, maria? >> that's right. even some thunderstorms forecast as far north as parts of the mid-atlantic. that will be something interesting to watch coming up for christmas eve. but we have this weather pattern setting up that will bring a lot of wet weather to many americans especially across parts of the east. that's what we're looking at several areas of low pressure tracking up along portions of the east bringing in areas of rain quite heavy at times especially as we head into wednesday. that will be a travel nightmare on the roadways and at the airports. otherwise out west we are looking at a white
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christmas. we do have blizzard warnings in effect. also winter storm warnings in effect as much as one to two feet and very strong winds forecast out there. travel will be dangerous on the roadways. so that is something else to keep an eye on. temperature-wise across the country not bad for this time of year. temperatures are very close to average or even a little bit warmer than average. 40 for you in chicago and cleveland. you're in the 60's and 70's across parts of louisiana into texas. let's head back inside. >> kids like snow. we'll take the rain. >> precisely. >> again, we don't like kids, so it works out perfect. >> stop it. >> now this, coming up, the cop killer claimed he wanted to put wings on pigs. now some are trying to label him as mentally unstable. but does this deflect from the real issue? dr. keith ablow weighs in on that next. >> a university professor writes it's okay to hate republicans. and that's not the first time she's brought hate speech in the classroom.
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welcome back. time for quick headlines. boxing legend muhammad ali still hospitalized with mild pneumonia but his rep says he will be ready to go home soon. the 72-year-old caught the illness early. sharyl attkisson reveals the government may not be as forward with the american public as should be concerning ebola. >> i called c.d.'s and said how many -- i called the c.d.c. and said how many active cases are being monitored with ebola and they said 1,400. i said where is that on your website. they said we're not putting it on the web. i think there is an effort to tamp it down. >> attkisson says it is public information and the public has the right to know. >> a fox news alert. the leader of the naacp says mayor bill de blasio of new york and attorney general eric holder should
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not be tied to the murders of two new york city police officers on saturday afternoon. >> i don't believe it's fair because to link the criminal insanity of a lone gunman to the peaceful protests and aspirations of many people across the country including the attorney general, the mayor and even the president is simply not fair. >> really? >> following months of antipolice rhetoric, is it fair to just write off the gunman as mentally unstable? here to react dr. keith ablow. dr. keith, mentally unstable? lone gunman. got to be a little nuts but is it right to categorize him that way? >> many people who take the lives of others have mental problems. but this man, as opposed to many people who are convicted of murder, who may have thought, for instance, that the c.i.a. was following them and then killed someone methodically
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believing them to be a c.i.a. officer, those folks often go to jail. maybe they shouldn't but they do. this man instead targeted officers knowingly, described his motive, invited people to follow him, posted on facebook his intentions and did it, he said, for retribution for events that the mayor says or said were reprehensible. >> sure. it was a revenge murder. keith, it was a hate crime. the guy hated cops. he had a bias against cops. a very public, very powerful public officials have made it okay to hate the cops. >> there's no question that the mayor has to, i would say, just out of intellectual honesty assume responsibility for launching a hate offensive against new york police officers. and, by the way, against the judiciary. the judiciary came back, a grand jury, and said that in the case of eric garner, no one need be indicted.
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the mayor apparently doesn't believe in the judiciary and he doesn't believe at all in new york city police officers because basically what he says, he had to tell his son that they're unreliable people, the officers, that his son could be in danger from new york city police officers. there couldn't be a stronger indictment of the officers. >> we actually have that sound bite. let's play it real quick. >> good young man, law-abiding young man who never would think to do anything wrong. and yet because of a history that still hangs over us, the dangers he may face, we had to literally train him as families had all over this city for decades in how to take special care in any encounter he has with the police officers who are there to protect him. >> the rhetoric has consequences there. could this have been prevented? now that we're hearing this in the context of now two officers brutally assassinated over the weekend. >> the mayor says in that sound bite that he considers his son to be a
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perpetual risk -- at perpetual risk. the dangers he may face from police officers. not that they'll protect him, but they'll attack him. and this comes after the death with no crime indicted of eric garner who refused to be arrested, by the way. and so the mayor's basically saying my son too could be killed by new york city police officers. and if the mayor says i don't think i'm responsible in any way for the fact that someone then took murderous revenge on officers, then it is unbelievable. this guy has to go or the city is in bad hands. >> and bill bratton should go too if he wants to keep all the great things he's done in his career intact. the other big thing is in the big picture, retraining the finest police force ever. that's what they agreed to do? retrain them? what an insult that is. >> the whole policing program, wearing body cameras and the rest of it is an insult to police
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officers. thanks. >> thank you very much. coming up, they're brothers and political experts on opposite sides of the spectrum but made headlines when their mom called in on live tv. >> hey, somebody from down south. >> you're right i'm from down south. >> oh god, it's mom. >> but the disagreements don't just end there. those brothers and their mom join us live with their picks for the political losers of 2014. >> and this university professor writes it's okay to hate republicans. and it's not the first time she brought hate speech into the classroom. how does she still have a job? one outraged student weighs in with us ahead.
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a professor making headlines for piece written in a magazine. she said i hate republicans. i can't stand the thought of spending the next two years watching mitch mcconnell, john boehner or any other blow hards denying climate change, thwarting immigration reform or championing fetal personhood. the controversial column sparks debate on the school campus. did the teacher cross the line. grant strobele is a freshman at the university of michigan and joins us live from detroit. you say she crossed the line. why? >> because i've never read an article that showed so much vet tree ideal toward a specific group of people. it is really unfortunate because if this was against liberals or religion or really any other group of people, the response would be much different. >> sure. in addition to her comments in the column, we've got our hands on a power point from one of her
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classes and keep in mind, she teaches communications. this stuff is not factual. it looks like talking points for the democratic national committee or a or media matters or anything like that. it's called "greatest story ever sold" it's a bush hit piece. from your understanding, is she just a total leftist when it comes to teaching communication? >> well, just two years ago, there was actually a forum sponsored by the university titled "the republican war on women." and she was the moderator of this forum. and it is really interesting to note that this is not an isolated incident. this is something that's been happening time and time again. the university is still defending her. >> grant, the problem for a lot of people watching this is she certainly is entitled to her opinion. but if you don't agree with her and you're a student, you'll be intimidated into not saying
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anything, or changing what you write just to get a better grade. >> exactly. university of michigan young americans for freedom, which i'm part of, we fight for freedom of speech every single day. that's not the issue here. the issue here is you're right. she's in position of an instructor and in a position of instructor, she can intimidate students to certain thought and prevent them from speaking and that's unfair, especially tojñpq conservative. >> the university says they in class, she is theoints, university. >> exactly. the university, even though she doesn't share the viewpoints of the university, the university i think has a responsibility to foster an environment where views from the left and right could have a chance to voice their opinions without feeling discomfort. >> she kind of apologized. she put out a statement that says i especially regret any suggestion i may have conveyed that some students are not
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welcome or would find a hostile environment in my classroom of the what do you want the university to do to her? >> i think the university should really do what ever they would do to any other professor that would say anything against any other group of people. i think that's what the university should do to this professor. >> all right. grant strobele, freshman at the university of michigan, thank you very much. >> thank you. three minutes before the top of the hour. fox news alert. former mayor rudy guiliani, former police commissioner bernie kerrick and a live report on the newest threats to new york city police officers and cops around the country as we roll on live from new york city.
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good morning. it is monday, december 22. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. cops around the country on high alert after two nypd officers are murdered in cold blood and the sickening taunts continue. >> there has been a blood death! >> there has been a blood death! >> gruesome. plus the last words this cop killer said before firing those fatal shots near live in brooklyn. >> where is new york city mayor bill de blasio after nypd officers turn their backs on him? he's now hiding and avoided the cameras yesterday. a form nypd commissioner on the former mayor, rudy guiliani, are both here live this hour. >> in other news, brand-new
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disturbing threats from north korea, kim jong-un calling the united states a cesspool of terror and threatening to blow up the white house. you're watching "fox & friends" on monday before christmas. we begin with in fox news alert. watch what i'm going to do. those are the sickening final words of this man, a career criminal, moments before he murdered two nypd officers. >> this morning, we are learning more about the hours leading up to his deadly ambush. >> jonathan hunt is live in brooklyn at the scene of the double murder. jonathan? >> reporter: good morning, guys. this morning, the investigation into the actions, motives and background of the cop killer continues. at this point, police believe
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that he was a loner. he was acting alone of the he had a grudge against government and police in general. they do not believe he had any links to any extremist groups. listen here. >> we're told by family members that he's never expressed any radicalization at all. this is a muslim family. his mother goes on to say he had a very troubled childhood and often violent. mother expressed fear of him and she says she hasn't seen him in one month. brinsley attempted suicide in the past and attempted to hang himself a year ago. >> reporter: after first critically shooting a form girlfriend in baltimore, brinsley then traveled from baltimore here to new york. while he was traveling posting on his instagram account the following. quote, i'm putting wings on pigs today. they take one of ours. let's take two of theirs.
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#shootthepolice. #ericgarner. this may be my final post, i'm putting pigs in a blanket. when he got here to brooklyn, he circled the patrol car in which the police officers were fired and he fired four shots through the closed passenger door window, killing both of those officers. and here at the point where the attack took place, a makeshift memorial has been growing by the hour. you can see the bouquets of flowers, the candles and messages which read, prayers for the families of the victims and prayers indeed for the entire new york police department. brian, steve, elisabeth? >> all right. thanks so much. >> thank you. fox news alert, after weeks of antipolice rhetoric, new york city mayor bill de blasio staying mostly silent after the cold blood murder of two police officers. >> but others say those with blood on their hands is al
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sharpton and others like him. joining us is kerrick. >> look, the mayor, al sharpton, for weeks, for months, have been perpetuating a lie. new york city cops are racist. new york city cops are targeting minorities. they don't target minorities. they go into minority communities where the crime is. they reduce crime in those minority communities. they put their lives on the line for those minority communities in a way that they reduce crime 80, 85% in this city, in those minority communities, save lives. and the mayor and sharpton have perpetuated this lie about them being racist, about them targeting minorities and you now have communities being burned down. you have officers being attacked, assaulted during
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protests. you have two assassinations. outright assassinations, vengeance assassinations based on a lie that the mayor and sharpton perpetuated. >> with that said, should -- there is a petition right now with 50,000 signatures to have de blasio removed from his position. do you believe that that is the right thing to do, the next step for the city? >> i don't feel that the mayor has the ability to lead the city. i don't feel the mayor has the ability to lead the city because if he did, he wouldn't have perpetuated this. if he did, he wouldn't have promoted lawlessness. if he did, he wouldn't have attacked the cops. if he did, he wouldn't be infusing his son into this issue. >> his son chose to be a cop, he might have been in the car that day. maybe he might want to bring that up. the other thing is you have a situation, a mayor clearly is over his head. even though he loved his first year in office. you have the cops who you don't
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have to be a genius to understand they totally stopped listening to him. they turned their back on him. they signed a petition, don't show up at my funeral if i'm killed. if you're commissioner braton, how do you get the two back together? >> it's not going to be easy. the mayor has to come out, i think personally, and admit that he was wrong, that he was wrong, that the rhetoric he's been promoting was wrong. because it's a lie. it is a lie. >> that lie now is creating chaos and more violence toward officers across the nation. we've seen in florida, back in missouri. how do we even get close to restoring order at this point? >> the community leaders are real civil rights leaders. not al sharpton. real civil rights leaders, real community leaders. real politicians that really care about the constituents they serve. they have to come out and tell the truth. >> that's right. sooner than later. and when you examine the two
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instance, this was in time magazine, when you look at eric garner and michael brown, they were resisting arrest. one of them just robbed a stomp what do these two officers do? they're doing their job. >> that's right. and that's the problem. the whole garner and michael brown things, that's a lie, too. they have brown like he was an innocent child. he was not. >> right. >> what is the truth that needs to be hold? >> cops go out and put their lives on the line every day for the people of this city and around the country. cops are not racist. is their racism out there? yes. nobody can deny that. but i've seen far more racism against the cops, against the good people of this city than anything the cops have done. >> commissioner, here is something else, evidently, people from the mayor's office have met with the protesters, the protest leaders and said
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don't protest for the next few days, which means they are in total control of what's happening in the streets, which are suffocating our bridges and stopping our traffic. >> forget that. look at the economic damage they are causing this city. the millions upon millions in overtime -- >> for you or cops? >> for cops. what about the businesses in this city that are losing business? >> absolutely. >> millions of dollars. and the mayor is perpetuating it. >> he's allowing rallies like that tho shut down bridges and tunnels. i think it was rudy over the weekend said they can protest, but should protest in a controlled area where they don't do damage. >> that's exactly right. those are peaceful protests. running around the city creating havoc, attacking cops, shutting down pedestrian traffic, vehicular traffic, that's not peaceful protest. >> all right. former top cop here in new york city, thank you very much. rudy guiliani is going to join us later on in this hour.
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>> it will be a week of mourning for all cops after what happened. >> it is. >> it's nine minutes after the top of the hour on this monday before christmas and heather has other headlines. >> other stories we are following for you. disturbing new threats and the bizarre accusations from north korea. they're threatening to, quote, blow up the citadels of america, dwarfing the sony hack they're accused of. leaders claiming the u.s. government was behind the make of that movie, "the interview". sony is now saying that they have plans to release the film online. the new threats come as north korea skips out on today's u.n. city council meeting. the country's human rights issues are expected to be discussed for the first time. terrified football fans run for their lives when lightning strikes the parking lot of the tampa bay buccaneers stadium. you can see the bolt that blasted an suv, shattering its roof, injuring seven people
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nearby. >> it was a flashback. you know what i mean. it just took -- it scared me. you looked around to see who got hit 'cause you know it was close. >> the victims ranging in age from 20 to 70 years old. at least one person is in critical condition. an estimated 20,000 illegal immigrants in arizona eligible to apply for driver's licenses today. arizona court overturning governor jan brewer's policy on denying them driving privileges. dan stein, president of federation for american immigration reform, joined us earlier, saying this is just the beginning of the president's plan. >> he wants to make up the immigration laws as he goes. voters in arizona, just like voters in oregon said we don't want illegal aliens to get driver's licenses. now giving them driver's licenses is one -- and social security numbers, benefits, public education, the list goes on and on because this president has an agenda.
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>> and arizona sheriff arpaio isn't wasting time. necessary court to fight president obama's immigration order that would spare nearly 5 million illegals from deportation. and imagine this, you're driving on a highway when you see what could be a christmas catastrophe. what is that? it is a lot of christmas presents. it's happening in colorado. you can see the packages flying out the back door after the fed-ex driver accidentally leaves it open. the driver filming this video and it chases the man down to give him the bad news. >> your back door is open. packages are falling out. >> [ bleep ] >> a half dozen ran over. >> she says thank you. the fed-ex worker was able to recover them. no word if anything was broken.
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oh, no. >> i once worked at a landscaping truck and we loaded up the lawn mowers, that was my job and i forgot to put the back o. we got to the next makers all the lawn mowers were gone. i felt great about myself. i had to quit the business. what a shame. >> 12 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, al sharpton leading sick rallies like this before two new york city cops werebjdñ? murdered. >> what do we want? dead cops. so where will sharpton be now organizing for the police? we hope so. we're going to report. you decide. and they don't even believe in christmas. why do they need a scene at the capitol building? ♪ ♪
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jackson. it would be a good tactical move for al sharpton to come out for the dead cops. instead he played his own death threats at a press conference yesterday. >> yeah. not surprised. the al sharpton and all these guy, the death of these officers were solely on their shoulders. barak obama, eric holder, the narrative was already set coming out of ferguson that cops are bad. and the sad part about this is that these men, when they take off their uniform, they're just people like everybody else. they were gunned down maliciously by rhetoric that sharpton, holder, de blasio, barak obama allowed to happen. believe it or not, there are more people out there like this killer who want to do more damage to cops, as you have seen through some of these demonstrations. >> you're really getting to my next point because they keep saying, lone wolf. there is a narrative, lone wolf. he's unstable. off, crazy, acting alone.
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nothing to do with any of the rhetoric we've been seeing in the narrative put forward. you say? >> you're exactly right. what would happen, i would ask you if this were a tea party person, you'd be hearing that this is symptomatic of the movement. this is what we've been telling you about the tea party. but because this is a narrative by the left, suddenly sharpton is running off talking about hollywood and barak obama has got better things to do because they don't want to talk about what they have done. they put a target on the back of police officers all over this country who have done nothing except get up every day and do one of the toughest jobs you can do in this country. and it's pathetic and people should be jailed over this type of rhetoric. if this were some sort of a group that was out there saying this, they would be looking at the leader of this group and saying that he incited people to do harm to these cops and they'd be looking to arrest them. they've done it before. but you're not going to see that. >> people say it's incrementalism. you're allowed the assaults to
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take place. you allow some of the broken windows at a cop cars. next thing you know, you see the shooting of a cop. unless you stop it in its tracks and stopping the bridges and the traffic, then there is a sense you can get away with anything. >> you're exactly right. the level of lawlessness that is being allowed to occur by this administration, by the highest law officers in the land, is creating exactly what's happening here. if barak obama and eric holder had taken a more firm stance, backed police as opposed to saying issues hey, listen, they've got too much arrest amount, they look like an army, they are supposed to be an army. very simple. no crime, no need for cops. we have a crime epidemic in america. we don't have a problem with cops. >> we're going to take away all their armor and put a camera on them instead. we want to thank you for joining us this morning with strong words. >> my pleasure. >> mayor giuliani coming up shortly. a parent's worst nightmare comes true when a
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stranger tries to snatch a little girl from her front yard. why her brother is being hailed a hero this morning. it's a story you do not want to miss. remember these guys? brothers on opposite sides of the aisle getting mom into calling in and trying to separate them on live tv. >> go to joy in raleigh, north carolina. >> hey, somebody from down south. >> you're right i'm from down south. >> oh, god, it's mom. >> now it's time for good old family feud over the biggest political losers of 2014 coming up for you. ♪ ♪
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news by the numbers. first, 34 million. that's how many packages ups will deliver today. that's more than any other day in the company's history. last year millions of boxes did not make it in time for christmas. everybody cried. next, $3 billion. that's how much spain is giving out in the world's biggest lottery payday ever. what the money isn't all going to one person. they'll split it among thousands of winners all from spain. finally, $56.2 million. that's how much the third and final hobbit film made in the box office opening this weekend. if beat out three other movies. thank you very much. remember these guys? brothers on opposite sides of the political aisle getting
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their mother of all callers, while they were duking it out on c-span. >> let's go to joy in raleigh, north carolina. >> hey, somebody from down south. >> you're right i'm from down south. >> oh, god it's mom. >> and i'm your mother. and i disagree that all families are like ours. i don't know many families that are fighting at thanksgiving. >> what a family. now it's time for a good old family feud over the biggest political losers of 2014. joining us are brad woodhouse, the president of americans united for change, and dallas woodhouse, the founder of carolina rising. they're both down in raleigh, which is their mother's hometown. good to have you guys. >> good morning. >> you ready for christmas? >> we're ready. >> good. before you go and celebrate christmas, we want you to do a little family feuding here over, because you're on opposite sides
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of the political spectrum. brad, you are the democrat here. who is the biggest political loser of 2014? >> i think it's chris christie without a doubt. he came in to 2014 as the leading presidential contender on the republican side. he's leading 2014, going moo 2015 at the middle of the pack and falling. he's got bridgegate. he's had credit downgrade, he has budget problems in new jersey and his temperment, the famous sit down and shut up is not going to play well in a republican primary. so from going first to the pack to middle of the pack and down, chris christie is my loser. >> dallas, your reaction? >> ask the new republican governor of maryland if he thinks chris christie is a political loser and the large amount of republican governors elected across the country.
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>> i'm talking about chris christie's political prospects. they have declined and there is no dispute about that, dal. >> i'm saying there are a loft republican governors who -- >> they like his money. go ahead. >> i can imagine what it's like around your table coming up on thursday, you two. all right, dallas, you're the republican. who do you say is the biggest political loser of 2014? >> well, i debated this a lot and my biggest loser i looked at the u.s. senate and i started to go with the senator from colorado, udall, became senator uterus and of course, harry reid who went with the race baiting campaigns across the country. but i do have one. all of this came together here in north carolina where senator kay hagan, she tried the race baiting and the war on women. but when it was all over with and she lost, she lost and thom
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tillis, she had the audacity to actually blame president obama, who she denied like judas did jesus, she didn't want him to come in the state. she didn't stand up with him on some of the policies. she ran a vapid campaign. >> are you done? >> i'm going to defend her. she ran one of the best races as democrat in the country. one of the closest races that democrat lost. if that's the best you can do for political loser, they're not gog have you back on this program! >> you don't think it was classless obama and then when it was over, to blame obama? >> i think it was a mistake, but -- >> just a conversation they're going to have around their mama 's table on thursday. now, your mother, joy, just joined twitter. she's got 400 twitter followers. her first tweet was here is to wishing everybody a peaceful christmas. which brings us to the reason
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she called you two brothers on c-span because you were arguing and she simply wanted you this christmas when you're together around the table to shut up. so coming up on thursday, are you going to shut up for your mom? >> i'm gonna shut up. but this one? there ain't no way that he is going to shut up. >> remember, steve, the country depends on us defeating people like brad. i love mother, but i'm not going to make any empty promises. we'll see how it goes. all i got to say it america needs prayers for mama wooed it house. they need prayers and prayers for all of us and merry christmas. >> she's a saint for having you two boys. >> she sure is. >> brad and dallas woodhouse, the battling brothers. thank you very much, merry christmas to both of you. >> and to you. >> have holiday and christmas wishes to your mom. >> thank you. coming up, new york city police commissioner bill bratton
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spoke out about cops turning their backs on mayor de blasio. what he said about the harsh response and live reaction from rudy guiliani. he's coming up next. and she is sick and tired and not going to take it anymore >> i love to read. i love to read. i love to do math. >> the little girl got a standing ovation for her speech against common core, joins us live straight ahead. ♪ ♪ vo: you get used to pet odors in your car.
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here is your shot of the of the morning. new york football teams standing by their police. paying tribute to the police at their games. he wore the black stripe and the peace sign in support of slain officers. and this is center of the new york jets, walking onto the football field wearing his nypd cap and putting it over his chest during the national anthem >> the nets and jets had moments for the slain officers before their games. >> we should point out that apparently the yankees have offered to -- they had a foundation, they will pay for the college education and the
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education of the children of the men who were murdered on the streets of new york city on saturday. >> ainsley earhart was with the family members yesterday as they held the vigil for officer ramos and shoal join us with what -- she'll join us with what they told her. >> rudy guiliani will join us for his perspective on what's happening in new york city in about two minutes. first we go to heather who has the headlines. >> definitely look forward to hearing what he has to say. other stories we're following, a critical clue in the search for a missing college student in philadelphia. something found in a river. he vanished after leaving a pub the night before thanksgiving. police confirming that surveillance video shows him walking towards the water. jesus is the real reason behind the season. of course, we all know that. but a satanic group that doesn't even believe in christ demanding that they be represented during the holidays.
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the group displaying this, a snake and black cross op the state capitol lawn. christian rick jones firing back, he put up this nativity scene near the satanic display. jones says he's happy to, quote, represent the light and the no the darkness. and the california toddler will spend the holidays safe with her families thanks to her hero big brother. the children were playing outside when a stranger grabbed the four-year-old girl and then started walking away and that's when her 13-year-old brother screaming for someone to call 911. >> he was very responsible for his family and obviously his loved one, his four-year-old sister. so at this point we really -- he's our hero for today. >> he is. the girl is not injured. the man now charged with kidnapping and he's being held on $100,000 bail. scary moment for that family. >> thank you. it may not be a white marks
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but millions of americans bracing for a wet christmas that could affect holiday travel. maria molina is tracking that storm for you. hey there. >> hey there. good morning. that's right. we're tracking a big storm system that's going to be impacting parts of the east. but it's actually not going to produce very much snow. areas of rain possible from the northeast all the way down to the southeast. right now that storm system really is a couple of showers across portions of the southeast. heavier batches of rain out there. we do expect that rain again to continue as we head into the next several days and become more intense, especially by wednesday. the day before christmas. that's going to be a big travel nightmare on the roadways and also at the airport. farther west across the rockies, we have blizzard warnings and winter storm warnings. as much as one to two feet of snow possible and very strong winds, some of the higher elevations could be looking at potentially hurricane-force winds, whiteout conditions will be a big issue across parts of the rockies. temperature wise across the
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country, not bad. in the 40s in chicago, cleveland, new york city. and a little milder as we get farther south into parts of texas and louisiana with highs there in the 60s and 70s. i do want to say hi to the folks behind me. we have folks from texas. san antonio and dallas. you have a sign here for us. tell me what's on it. >> it's grammy and baby quinn. we love fox news. i watch every day. my grand baby is five days old. >> five days old. congratulations. >> we watch every day. >> nice to meet you all. let's head back inside. >> all right. out on the streets with the people. thank you. >> we bring you this fox news alert now. a third police officer shot dead this weekend. this case in florida. the officer is an nypd veteran and gunned down and then run over just hours after the two nypd officers were killed. >> wtvt reporter is live outside
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the police department with new information this morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. i'm going to step outside here. right now this morning we've watched as people on their way to work, paramedics, also deputies working overnight, they dropped off flowers and paid their respects to 45-year-old charles condick. he's been described to us as a model cop, a 17-year veteran of the tarpin springs police force. he spent time prior to that with the new york city police department, a man that co-workers here in florida have called a married father of six, an easy going guy, family man who enjoyed his job as a senior officer work the overnight shift. everything changed overnight sunday after he responded to a noise complaint. a man identified as marco pare i can't, junior opened fire. a bullet struck the officer just above his bullet proof vest.
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>> this guy, this cop killer, felt like a caged rat. he was going back to prison which is where he belonged. he had absolutely no reason to do this. h6ymíhxñ had absolutely no reaso take a police officer's life. >> reporter: and authorities say once those shots were fired, parilla also ran over the officer in a vehicle. he later crashed that vehicle before he was arrested by law enforcement. he's now behind bars this morning charged with first-degree murder. we do know later this morning, he is expected to make an appearance in court. and just to give you a little background, we did some digging and found out his priors included grand theft, trafficking illegal drugs and using a fake name. back to you. >> all right. live invg4hn[c! tarpin springsk you very much. after two police officers were has sass nateedu&(:[@f%$hw york city saturday, police officers turned their backs on the mayor.
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fanned the flames of anti-cop rhetoric over the last year or so. >> that's right. new york city police commissioner bill bratton responding moments ago to that. >> has the mayor of this city lost the trust and confidence of the police force? >> i think he has lost it with some officers. i was at the hospital when the events occurred. >> do you support those officers and the way they protested? >> i don't support that particular activity. i don't think it was appropriate, particular flee that setting. but it's rehad flecttive of the aircraft of some of them. >> here to rocket is rudy guiliani. do you believe he's lo the trust of the nypd? >> i think bill answered it appropriately. he's lost a tremendous amount of trust in the nypd. i don't think they should have turned their backs. the mayor deserves respect no matter who he is, the office does. but i can understand their emotion and maybe if i were them, i would have done the same
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thing. on the day that it happened, i didn't comment or go on radio or television 'cause i was too angry and i wasn't sure what i was going to say. you can't imagine the anger that i had when i heard about these two police officers. >> it's not unexpected. >> the horrible feelings and all the memories of being at bedsides with bill bratton, with bernie kerrick, with father judge watching these men die, having to talk to their families. now i see the mayor hasn't visited their families. the first thing do you is visit the families, hug their kids. this whole question on whether the young boy will go to school. there will be plenty of money raised for them. rusty stob has a charity that's been there for years that takes care of the children. >> no amount of money will bring their father back. >> the widows and orphans. of course. after september 11, twin towers friends distributed $220 million. my friend and i ran that. that's one of these you tell the families, that at least you can --
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>> the that's what the mayor could say. >> minute one, sort of the -- you go to the wife and you say, what you said, i can't make up for what happened. i can't bring him back, but don't worry. the family will be taken care of. you're never going to want for anything. >> what about some officers, pat lynch in particular, who said the mayor has blood on his hands? when you think about it from the police perspective, here is a guy who ran on an anti-cop campaign. >> for the most part. >> and recently has depicted the police as racist who need retraining. i get where that sentiment comes from. >> i do, too. i know pat. i consider pat a friend and worked with him very well when he was head of pva and i contribute every year and still help them. that was probably an overstatement that came out of strong emotion. i don't think something like this you can do this kind of secondary liability, this person is responsible, that person is responsible. but if you want to say that
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mayor de blasio contributed to an atmosphere of hate for the police, absolutely he did. but so did the president of the united states. so did holder. >> al sharpton. >> and al sharpton is not a public official. and we're used to him doing it for years. he was doing it when i was mayor. >> but he's a counselman of the president and the mayor. >> now you got the president and the mayor on al sharpton's side with all of this craziness about the police being racist. >> i don't want to cut you short on the next block 'cause you're sticking around. hold that thought. coming up straight ahead -- >> we're going to continue the conversation with the mayor after a quick break. >> plus, you'll meet the girl who got a standing ovation for her speech against common core. >> i love to read. i love to do math. i don't like it. why? because it stinks
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fox news aalert. the cop killer who said he wanted to put wings on pigs has been arrested 19 times in two different states through the years. >> so was this just proof that we need the right policing methods in inner cities? we're going to ask rudy guiliani who joins us again. thanks for being here. is this the case? >> all this light sentence, we're reminded career criminals commit most of the crimes and you're much better off if you put them in jail for the rest of
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their lives or for long period of times. after 19 times, he has proven he doesn't belong in society, right? and we went through this whole thing under ronald reagan and made the change. now they're trying to loosen up the laws again. this may be an example of why you shouldn't do that. >> ainsley earhart went to the wake yesterday of officer ramos and this is what she found in terms of the sentiment. let's listen. >> we need a mayor back like rudy guiliani. he couldn't be bought. he wasn't intimidated by anyone. he kept our city safe. when he immediate need to do respond, he responded. >> as the leader of the city, he needs to show a little more support for the cops, you know, in some way, because they are the ones that are doing the job out there, the dirty job, and they're the ones that are dying for us. >> saying we need a mayor like rudy. what do you react? >> my reaction is that i don't
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put the blame on the mayor. i've lost police officers, but i do hold him responsible for legislate the demonstrations get out of control. they were textbook what you shouldn't do. here is how we did demonstrations. you had to get a permit. you had to be at a specific area. you had every right to make your first amendment point. you didn't have every right to make it every place you wanted, any place you wanted, and you had no right to block those streets. see those streets? ambulances have to get through those. >> you block those streets, you kill people. i don't know if the mayor understands this. he let's them take over the brooklyn bridge. maybe an ambulance has to get over the brooklyn bridge and somebody dies because these idiots are calling for the death -- did she. >> in other words, down tegula cath catty park, that's a better idea than having people everywhere? >> if i were the mayor, that would have been gone in four or five days. >> is he guilty of omission
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which led to -- >> he's guilty of creating an atmosphere of police hatred. in certain communities. and it is a lie. it is untrue. it's like soviet propaganda. the police not racist. there is not a systemic problem with police racism. there are some bad police officers. i put over 70 police officers in jail as prosecutor and mayor. soy know there are bad police officers. but the systemic problem is the problem of crime. that's the problem he doesn't address. >> the city was at all-time lows with crime rates and now we have this. the finest are now enemy number one. it's incredible. >> because in certain neighborhoods -- remember what happened with these two police officers. there is a perfect example of the program. they were in one precinct, moved to another 'cause there was more crime. what were they doing? they were protecting the lives of african-americans. >> exactly. >> now, what lives does al sharpton save? what lives has de blasio saved? what lives has the president saved? it's these police officers who
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are sitting there. i wasn't saving lives in the black community. my police officers were. and then in the white community if you went to south brooklyn and you had your mafia wanna bees who would shoot and do junk to each other. it's these police officers who do it. they save us and they should be the heros of the african-american community. they were keeping them alive. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. up next, she's sick and tired and she's not going to take it anymore. watch. >> i love to read. i love to do math. why like the program. a why? because it stinks. >> the girl who got a standing ovation because of her speech walking in to join us on the curvy couch. ♪ ♪ dad, i know i haven't said this often enough, but thank you.
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thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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i love to read, i love to right. i love to do math. i don't like the program. why? because it stinks. i'm glad my mom and dad let me opt out. >> a ten-year-old new jersey student receiving a standing ovation after that speech against common core at a recent school board meeting. that student, elizabeth blane, joins us now with her mom right here. that was impressive, elizabeth. when you saw everyone gave you a standing ovation for speak out against the common core, what did that feel like? >> it was so exciting.
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i was very happy. i felt very honored that everyone was so happy for me and that they were impressed with me. and they respected me. >> it's interesting you say that because a great deal of respect has come your way. you spoke quite well because this means a lot to you. why did you want to get threw and say that, it stinks. i don't feel like it's making my days better. why? >> well, i don't really like the park because it has many problem s and we have -- it's all on computers. so we have to be typing when most of us have never even typed before. and we're not required to take a typing test, but -- typing class, but then we have to type on the test. >> you're saying a majority of the kids don't even know how to type when they go into this test. show us another example. this all started because you
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took a sample test and felt shocked by what was in it. one example, i'd foy a seen in "just like home" and write an essay that explains how the theme for the story is shown and include specific details from the story and the poem to support your efforts. i think grownups reading it would feel dizzy. how do you feel? >> well, i didn't really understand it at all. mostly because i didn't understand the poem either. and also like, i don't even -- we haven't done anything with themes. i don't even know what a theme is. >> i love your honesty and you seem so practical. i'm looking at you as a mom. i know a vote has yet to be leased. for a parent to opt out, why do you want to opt out of this for your child? >> i feel like it's the best way that we can speak back against these standardized tests is to vote with our feet by not letting our kids take these test. >> wow. strong mom, strong daughter. i have to say. you're a wise student, elizabeth. we want to thank you for joining
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us and speak out for truth, for all those students who feel the way that you do. well done. >> thank you. >> it is my honor. ton of respect for this girl right here. coming up, a trend you haven't heard. how many of al sharpton's protests have ended up with innocent people getting killed. too many. we will run through the history with you and donald trump at the top of the hour
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good morning. it is monday, december 22. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. cops around the nation on high alert after two nypd officers are murdered in cold blood and the sickening taunts continue. >> there has been a -- >> plus, the last words this cop killer said before firing those fatal shots. we are live in brooklyn for you. this morning officers aren't the only ones feeling betrayed by mayor de blasio. relatives of one of the victims speaking out. >> de blasio is on the front lines, you know, defending these criminals, but the people who are defending his own family, he's not out here for. i find it disgraceful. >> grieving loved ones speaking to "fox & friends." you'll hear the sound bites straight ahead. and he was one of our most memorable guests. a little boy with no legs learning to walk for the first
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time. >> good job. >> today we are kicking off our better with friends series, catching up with that little boy to see how he's doing today. by the way, how are you doing today? because mornings are better with friends. >> this is robert davi and you're watching "fox & friends." merry christmas. >> robert davi was here last year and premiered his song "new york city christmas" and out on the streets a couple of days before christmas. donald trump will join us in about two minutes to talk about what happened over the weekend. you know what we're talking about as we start with a fox news alert. on this monday morning, we are learning more about the cop killer's final hours leading up to his deadly ambush. a revenge murder on two new york city police officers. >> this includes his chilling last words to witnesses.
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quote, watch what i'm going to do. >> fox nurse chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live in brooklyn at the scene. thanks for being with us. what can you tell us this morning? >> reporter: good morning. makeshift memorial to those two slain officers continues to grow mind me here. just a short time ago we saw a group of about a dozen nypd officers come to pay their respects to their two colleagues so brutally gunned down on this street. they were sitting in their patrol car right at this point when brinsley approached them. he had traveled from baltimore where he had previously critically shot a form girlfriend. he had posted antipolice rants on his instagram account as he made his journey and then when he got here, he spoke to two random passers by. listen here. >> he asked them to follow him on instagram and then he says,
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watch what i'm going to do. he then walks northbound on tomconvince, past the two officers in the car, circles back around, goes across the street and comes up behind the officers. >> reporter: brinsley fired four shots through the passenger side window of that patrol car, killing both officers. he then ran towards the nearby subway station. listen to this. >> dude is crazy. >> police officers running in to that subway station searching for brinsley, telling everybody else to get down and stay down. eventually they did find brinsley. he was dead apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. elisabeth, brian, steve. >> jonathan hunt live in brooklyn. apparently he ran to the subway train and the doors were closed.
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otherwise he would have gotten on board and then the cops came down and he realized what's happening and he said an expletive and killed himself. >> yeah. he realized how bad it could have been what a guy can do. ainsley will be out shortly. she attended the vigil last night and spoke to the families of officer ramos. she'll join us with the emotional interview coming up in 26 minutes. donald trump joins us every monday morning. donald, over the weekend, all eyes on new york city. here in new york city, there have been all these protests over the last couple of months. it was very clear that what happened in new york was a revenge murder because of this guy who said they take one of ours, let's take two of theirs. referring to eric garner and michael brown as well. a number of police officers say that al sharpton, the mayor here, bill de blasio have blood on their hands. what do you say? >> i live in new york and i know al sharpton very well. i dealt with him many times over
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the years. and he is a guy who i don't believe really believes what he's saying. some people would call him a con man. you look at one case which was a disaster and a disgrace. it was somebody else other than sharpton that would have been jail time for those people. and he's gotten away with a lot of murder. he probably makes a decent living. he doesn't pay taxes. if you didn't pay your tax, you'd be going to jail for a long time. >> as would you. >> for some reason, he's out on the streets preaching like we're supposed to listen. but he hasn't paid taxes, owes millions of dollars. >> blood on his hands? >> anybody else would be in jail. so you try and figure that one out. i just can't believe that he gets away with murder because he doesn't believe what he is saying. >> how can he not believe it? that's all he ever says. >> i think he's just doing it for himself. he has a lot of fun doing it and he goes out to rallies and he pretends that he cares deeply
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and you wonder what goes on in his mind. but it's a disgrace that he's leading a group of people. but what he does is make the speech, it will be interesting to see what he gets out of all of what he's doing. but certainly it must be something because he owes millions of dollars in taxes. somewhere he's making money and somebody should look into it. one of the great investigative reporters that we have in new york. >> let me ask you this. al sharpton is one individual. but when it comes to the mayor in terms of his responsibility in keeping peace and sending the right message, right now there are close to 50,000 people with the petition asking him to resign. doesn't he have a higher level of responsibility and isn't that omission of real leadership that led to these events or the environment at least which caused these events and the murders of two innocent police officers? >> he does. and i've never seen the city like this. it's torn, it's divided.
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in the age of obama where all of this stuff should have been perfect and the best ever, it's among the worst i've ever seen and that's been a long time. i've been watching it for a long time. i've lived in new york for a long time. i've never seen such race divide as i see right now. incredible. >> al sharpton yesterday has a press conference. to the families of the two cops who lost their lives, here he is yesterday complaining about death threats that he's getting, played a equip. listen. >> i began receiving threatening phone calls and hate. i'll play one 'cause i'm turning this over to the f.b.i the language is hey, n word, stop killing innocent people. i'm going to get you. and i have several like this. we are now under intense threat from those that are misguided by
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those that are trying to blame everyone from civil rights leaders to the left. >> this guy, he's under threat. it's about him. >> look, he has a way of turning things around and al -- i know him very well and i've always gotten along with him. there are those that say he likes trump a lot. but i will tell you, al is a professional con man and al can turn things around by doing things like that. that was very smart of him to do. all of a sudden it's about him and people aren't blaming him. they're saying let's feel sorry for al. he's a con man. he knows it. i know it. don king knows it. his friend, who i go to fights with with al. and they all know it. he is doing his thing. but his thing now is causing a lot of problems and it's problems that are not going to be solved very easily. people are getting killed and it's got to stop. >> how many times have we heard him invoke martin luther king,
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junior's name? alveda king says she was raised by civil rights leaders. there is a big difference between her and reverend al. listen to this. >> raised by the brother of martin luther king, junior, and my mother, naomi, and my grand daddy, martin luther king's dad, and so i know very clearly if my uncle were here todhave to guesd say or read because he was a baptist preacher, and i went to church and sat and heard his sermons. i marched and went to jail during that movement. so there is a scripture in roman, chapter 13 that says: people of goodwill don't have to be afraid of the law and who wants to live in a community or a society without laws and rules? >> there you go. donald, earlier you were talking about al sharpton and wherever he goes, trouble seems to follow. when you look back at the crown heights riots, one person died
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there. back in the '90s, i believe it was, at the freddy fashion mart, he had all sorts of protests there. then some crazy guy went in to the store. seven people wound up dead there. then on the heels of the garner and brown protests where al sharpton said the cops are out of control. now we have two dead cops. >> well, i think al sharpton is going to create a tremendous backlash and that could be a very violent thing and a very bad thing. but i really think the people are on to al. i think they understand what's going on. and that i think he can create some tremendous backlash that's going to be a very, very dangerous thing. >> can de blasio turn it around? >> well, he's gog have to change his attitude. his attitude now is incredible. i listened to what judy was saying. it's true about closing streets you and see the level of hatred, killing cops. these cops are tremendous people. i know so many police. they work hard and have a very,
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very dangerous job. of course there is always some bad apples, no matter where you go or what you do. but the cops are tremendous people, the police. and you're going to have a backlash if something is not done about people like sharpton. the mayor has got to act quickly or he's going to lose control of the city. >> the president spoke after garner and michael brown. he gave a call to braton and went golfing. >> donald trump, merry christmas to you. thank you for joining us on this monday. >> you, too. thank you very much. now we turn to heather childers. there is more that's happening. threats coming in. >> we're going to begin talking about north korea. the most disturbing news coming in, threats, bizarre accusations from north korea. the country now threatening to, quote, blow up the citadels of america dwarfing the sony hack. they are used of. leaders there now claiming the u.s. government was behind the make of "the interview".
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sony is now saying that it has plans to release the film online. the new threats come as north korea skips out on today's u.n. city council meeting. the country's human rights issues are expected to be discussed for the first time. new video just in of pope francis giving his annual report to the vatican. but instead of a merry christmas message, he scolded them, the pope saying that they're complaining, gossipping and lust for power makes them hypocritical. needless to say, the cardinals not too amused. few were smiling as pope francis listed one by one the 15 sins of the church that he wants drawn up, complete with footnotes and biblical references. terrified football fans run for their lives when lightning strikes the parking lot of the a tampa bay buccaneers stadium. it blasted an suv, shattering its roof and injuring seven people nearby. >> it was a flashback. you know what i mean.
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it just scared me. you looked around to see who got hit 'cause you know it was close. >> the victims ranging in age from 20 to 70 years old. at least one is in critical condition. and finally, one lucky monkey alive after his companion saved his life. one of the monkeys was electrocuted after walking along some train tracks. but his friend immediately tried to revive him by hitting him, biting him, anything he could do. but he wasn't revived until his friend dipped him in the water and then that woke up the hurt monkey. we can tell you he's doing just fine this morning. >> i tell you what, i watched the entire video, and it's one of the most poignant things i have seen in a very long long time. the monkey doesn't stop until the other one -- >> fascinating and heart warming. thank you. >> the monkey knows better first aid than i do. straight ahead -- >> the sick protest against police aren't stopping despite cold blooded killing of two
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officers. >> pigs in a blanket! >> pigs in a blanket! >> cops still have targets on their backs. the president of the benevolent society in new york will join us next. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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pigs in a blanket! pigs in a blanket! >> this morning new video emerging of protesters in st. louis taunting cops with that ridiculous chant hours after two nypd officers were gunned down in cold blood. do all cops have targets on their backs and with how can we keep them safe? here to weigh in, sergeant ed mullens. five years ago, if i told you it would be in this situation, what would you have said to me? n impossible. never would that thought it. >> how did it happen? >> as a result of a failure of
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leadership and an atmosphere of enableing the nay sayers of the world to become the majority voice of a nation. >> it's your failed policy, this is yours to the mayor, your failed policy and actions that enabled this tragedy to occur. mayor de blasio, the blood of these officers is clearly on your hands. >> yep. that's correct. i said that. >> was it the press conference? was it the way he ran his pain? >> it's the atmosphere of enabling. it's the little things that mean a lot. if you look back at the past six months that occurred in this country, this has been allowed to grow and grow and grow. and the end result now is two dead police officers. there is a silent majority in this country that have sat silent this whole time and allowed the nay sayers to continue with this rant and anti-cop rhetoric and this silent majority is fail to go see the value of the police and
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how it affects their lives. >> 'cause you want the local store owners to stand up. you want the bus drivers to stand up and let them know that you're depending on the cops and you respect the cops. >> they have to stand up. all we see is video of what the cops do. we don't see the videos coming in of what the criminals are doing. just this morning i saw an elderly black woman placing a flower at the memorial site of where these two officers were killed. who speaks for her? she has taken the time to go out to support these two officers. who is speaking for her right now? >> how long are you going to take it? what is the point of action? i saw some e-mails go back and forth over the weekend telling the cops to essentially stand back. we're not going to get any backing from our police commissioner or our mayor. we're not going to put ourselves on the line. could that happen, a stand down? >> right now the police department is broken. the people in the city of new york are really in a bad situation where the police department doesn't feel that we
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have their support and ultimately, we're a life line to the rest of the city. right now the most important thing facing us is the officers and the support of their families and the outpouring of support to these families can be a turning point. >> you brought up a good point and saying anybody who doesn't think he went to kill an nypd guy. he came three hours to do this. thanks so much, ed. >> thank you. >> emotional time for you, but i appreciate you coming in. coming up straight ahead, today young illegal immigrants can get driver's licenses. is this a policy setting a dangerous precedent? hear the arguments. and one of our most adorable guests. a little boy with no legs learning to walk for the first time. >> got it? >> i got it. >> i got it. >> he says he's got t. today
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we have got quick headlines for you on this monday before christmas. it's not 2016. but it sounded like it as senators rand paul and marco rubio both potential presidential candidates took the glasses off over the weekend. >> if he wants to become the chief cheerleader of obama's foreign policy, he has the right to do that. i'm going to continue to oppose the obama foreign policy on cuba because i know it won't lead to freedom and liberty for the cuban people, which is my sole interest. >> senator rand paul tweeted back, marco rubio forgot to mention his support for obama's
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funding of muslim brotherhood. arming islamic rebels and hillary's war in libya. speak of cuba, governor chris christie sending a letter to the president demanding cuba hand over a convicted cop killer from new jersey who is down in cuba now, before reopening diplomatic relations. she had political aasylum since she escaped in 1979. and cuban cigar bakers set to exploit america because president obama's efforts means tourists can bring back up to $100 worth of those pricey cigars. be warned, black market cigars are being sold just like knockoff gucci bags in major cities across the area. that's your cuban news. >> thank you. we are kick off our better with friends series today, catching up with some of our most memorable guests from throughout the year. today an amazing follow-up story
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we first told you about in july. cadeen is a two-year-old boy who never gives up after losing his right foot and left leg. his patients captured this amazing video. i know you see yourself. he's learning to walk. watch. >> got it? >> i got it. i got it. i got it. >> oh, he's got it. on our show, he got an assist from brian. >> he wants to go forward. thank you, brian. he is going to be an athlete just like dad says. >> nice catch there. and back with us this morning, an update on thinks progress, are his parents, along with caden. it is nothing short of a miracle that he's with us now, doing so while we were high fiving in the green room and in the hallway.
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did you see yourself walking? you did. i look back and i think about the time that you told everyone that they said he's not going to make it. this pregnancy should be terminated. let's try again. when you hold him now and see what he's doing now, what do you say? >> i just feel overwhelmed and i'm so happy to have him. he's adjust blessing. every step that he takes is awesome. >> he has a lot more to say since the last time you were here. can you share one with me? are they gluten free? talk about prog it here. i love that video. i got it. i got it. you got it, buddy. what is he working on lately? >> he has, like big feet, they're like crutches with big feet. he's done with the walker right now. my wife is taking him to therapy every friday. he's just making so many strides, getting up on his own, walking on his own. he's doing wonderful.
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>> it's clear that he is. he's funny. he's got a great personality. i'm going to get a pretzel from you today. i know it. you guys are working on a book series. you're going to write book? >> he's gog have his own series of books. we're trying to shop it start not guilty january, we'll shop the books to try to see if we can find a publisher. he has an awesome story to tell. we want everyone to just know about it. >> everyone should know about the story. right, caden? are you going to write stories about you? did you like seeing yourself on tv? can you show us again? you want to show us again? you want to come with me? think he'll go walk? i'll sell for a high five. you're strong! how about one more? oh, you're so strong! how about a pretzel? i'll tie a high five instead. to his walking has improved, you say. i saw the big feet out there. you're saving it, i know.
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>> he graduated from the walker, he uses that and he goes up and down the steps now with the prosthetics on. that's another video one of him walking and holding on to the side. he takes horseback riding on tuesdays. also he's supported for his horseback riding. >> let me ask you this, where can people go to contribute financially or in any way? obviously if prayers and support for him. but how can they help out his progress along the way? >> he has a stepping out on faith is caden kinkel. that's where we get a loft support. it usually doesn't show the amount that's subtracted from it. but he goes back in january to get another evaluation. his knee isn't as straight as it's supposed to be so we don't know if he might need another
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surgery and different things like that for the future. >> we know all that faith and prayer is work its miracle every single day because caden, you've got it the whole way. a bunch of people have their arms around you all. thank you for being with us. one more high five for me. oh, yeah! i love you. you can catch that. and tomorrow our better with friends series continues with an update from amy hardy. you may remember her fight to get her son, josh, a life saving medicine. that coming up. and more on our top story next, de blasio avoiding the families of killed cops. but they still have a message to him. >> de blasio is on the front line defending these criminal, but the people who are defending his own family, he's not out here for. i find it disgraceful. >> they join us live with the emotional one on one interview
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from ainsley earhart next. plus, university professor teaches it's okay to hate republicans and it's not the first time she's brought hate speech into the classroom. hear from an outraged student just ahead. ♪ ♪ dad, i know i haven't said this often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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what a way to celebrate christmas. what a way, that you're going to have a christmas and your father won't be there to open that gift with you. >> family and friends of murdered nypd officer raphael ramos absolutely heart broken. >> ramos shot to death along with his partner bay man who proclaimed on social media that he he wanted to kill pigs. >> put wings on them. the ramos family hold ago candlelight vigil last night. ainsley earhart was in attendance and ainsley, the family must have just been going why? why? >> they were. they are so broken hearted. what a remarkable family. i had an opportunity to talk to several of them yesterday and a lot of the family and friends that grew up in that neighborhood said he is a devout catholic. he's a born again christian. very involved in his church. the priest was there, who was his -- who helped him with that journey.
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>> didn't he almost become a chaplain? >> he wanted to become part of the clergy within the police department and maybe a chaplain as well. but everyone said that was his goal and that's what he was aiming for. he also had a dream as a child to become a police officer. his grandmother, when she found out the news, the lady who raised him, she was rushed to the hospital. she's still in the hospital because she's so upset. his child is in college and he's trying to raise -- the family is trying now to get the word out that they don't have the money to send this child to college. the dad was working overtime. here is what one of the cousins said about seeing his dream of a police officer and what a great guy he is. >> my cousin had a couple of priorities in his lifement one is god, 'cause he was a god loving man. he was a full blown christian. he loved his job. he loved his, was a did he do -- wife, was a dedicated father. i wish i could be half the man my cousin was, really. 'cause that's the way he was. he was sweet. he didn't deserve like this, to
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die. he just didn't. >> they said that they're tired of the anti-killing rhetoric or the cop killing rhetoric, the pigs and wanting to kill cops, they're tired of that. they're required of what bill de blasio is saying and this is what one of the childhood friends said. >> we as children want to be cops. now all we see are these videos showing them doing their jobs. we forget these are criminals that they're out there apprehending and de blasio is on the front lines defending these criminals, but the people who are defending his own family, he's not out here for. and i find it disgraceful. >> just to show you what great individuals these guys were, this wasn't even their precinct. his precinct was over the brooklyn bridge. he said there are two housing projects that are fighting and have been for the last seven to nine months. so they are out there work overtime on each corner
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surrounding those housing projects to markhor they keep the peace. and then he's killed. >> a guy comes up from baltimore and shoots them both using an ax to locate them -- app to locate them that anyone can get on their iphone. >> the family says they have forgiven the killer 'cause that's what he would have done and wanted them o do. >> that facebook post from his son, absolutely heart breaking. >> rest in peace, dad. you've been with me every single day, every step of the way. >> the worst christmas ever for that family. thank you very much. >> sure. >> within the last hour, new york city top cop, police commissioner bill bratton, responded to a couple of nights ago the mayor and the top cop went in to a room and there were police officers there. the officers turned their back on the mayor. here is bratton on that. >> has the mayor of this city lost the trust and confidence of the police force?
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>> i think he has lost it with some officers. but i was at the hospital when that event occurred. >> do you support those officers and the way they protested? >> i don't support that particular activity. i don't think it was appropriate. it's reflective of some of the anger of some of them. >> there is a lot of anger. >> he's in an impossible position. he knows what it's like to run the city and he knows what the mayor is doing wrong. but how does he straddle both sides? the commissioner. >> i'm not sure that's in sight when you see that protest of turning around, turning their back. >> yesterday at st. patrick, they said you guys go out side because the mayor is going to talk to you. he went out the other side. >> and the governor went and talked to the ramos family. but the mayor did not address either the family, according to the new york post. the mayor is in hiding. >> we turn now to heather childers who joins with us more headlines. >> we go to arizona.
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starting today, 22,000 young immigrants in arizona will be able to apply for driver's licenses. a judge's ruling now banning the state from enforcing governor jan brewer's policy of denying them licenses. brewer plans to appeal to the supreme court. a federal prosecutor in atlanta expected to be named to the number two job in the justice department. sally yates is reportedly president obama's pick for the deputy attorney general in charge of day-to-day operations. she worked on a 1996 summer olympics bombing trial. loretta lynch has been tapped to replace attorney general eric holder, both would face confirmation hearings in the new year. and a university of michigan professor making headlines with a headline of her own. in an article susan douglas wrote that she hates republicans, calling gop leaders, quote, blow hards. here is what an outraged student told us earlier. >> even though she doesn't share the viewpoints of the university, the university i think has a responsibility to
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foster an environment where diverse proceed speck -- perspectives from the left and right can have a chance to voice their opinions without feeling discomfort. >> the professor has since apologized for making students uncomfortable. and those are a look at your headlines. back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. let's go out it the streets of new york city. 48th and 6th avenue. cross roads of the world, where a lot of people are in town for the holiday, christmas a couple days away. they need an umbrella. >> we may have to watch out for lightning and thunderstorms across portions of the east over the next several days. this is all with a developing storm system. right now we just have some showers associated with part of it across portions of the southeast. that's moving up the coast. coming up later today into tomorrow. you'll start to see a storm system intensifying and really developing across portion of the east. that's going to be pull not guilty a lot of moisture all across parts of the east coast as we head into wednesday. the day before christmas, we're
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going to be look at big-time headaches. in the west, a storm system rolling through. we have blizzard warnings in effect. winter storm warnings as well. as much as one to even two feet of snow possible. wind gusts of hurricane-force winds. you're looking at wind gusts possible up to 80 miles per hour out there along some of the higher elevations. temperature wise across the country, not bad. especially for this time of year. you're in the 40s in places like chicago, cleveland, new york city. in areas across parts of the south, you're look at temperatures into the 70s across florida, louisiana, and parts of texas. let's head back inside. >> a word to santa, change your wiper blades. you're going to need them. >> exactly. rudolph, we still need you. it's going to be foggy on this christmas day. >> with that nose so bright. >> right. >> he's got that thick coat. >> he know he's going to lead the sleigh tonight. coming up, a look at what cops do every day. they save lives.
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>> come on, buddy. you okay? >> that off-duty officer in the right place at the right time when a child started choking. >> true hero there. and numbers show immigrant workers account for all employment growth since 2007? what does that mean for americans looking for work here? maria bartiromo walking in next to break it down for us. ♪ ♪ ♪soft holiday music ]♪
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quick look at your headlines. caught on camera, watch this as a thief on a skateboard snatches a 94-year-old woman's purse in california. the victim is the grandmother of the la city councilman. cops looking for the thief. >> a nevada cop on his way home heard the reports of a boy choking and stopped at the store to save his life. >> come on, buddy. you okay? >> the dramatics rescue obviously caught on thofficer's. bistanders couldn't stand by and watch a man trying to drive off with a boot on the car.
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i don't even want to read this? we'll take look. >> here is a sound bite. >> this houston woman was auditioning for the reality show "bad girls club" when she saw cops placing a tire lock on her car. she drove away snapping the boot in the process. >> i think she would qualify. >> yeah. crazy enough to be in. meanwhile, a brand-new report out says immigrant workers account for all of the employment growth in the last seven years in the united states of america. all of it. >> that's right. the number of americans with jobs has fallen by 1.5 million since november of 2007. the number of working immigrants increased by more than 2 million. >> so is the economy really doing as well as the white house would have us believe and the numbers indicate? let's ask maria bartiromo from our sister network, "fox business" network. i was stunned to hear this. >> i was, too. when i was reading through this, i thought, wow. i didn't realize that much of
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the job creation, all of the new jobs, in fact, since 2007, has gone to foreigners. i think this is another indication that the president has not had job creation as a priority. it does show a failure of this administration to actually create jobs since the bottom. the fact that all of the work is going to foreigners, it's just a mystery. i don't understand why we are seeing foreigners get all of the jobs since 2007. it just shows you the companies aren't increasing or re-- >> what about that argument that people go, well, you know what? they're doing jobs that americans don't want to do? >> that's right true. the job market has changed very much and it will continue to do so because of technology. many of these jobs are low paying jobs that don't require necessarily schooling or the higher paying jobs that would require certain skill sets. so i do think the job market is changing a lot and we're going to see that continue. you see robotics and stem cells, things that are really in terms of engineering, technology, that
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require certain skill sets. that's not what we're seeing from the migrant. >> the numbers are so shock. unemployment rate for foreign born workers, 6.5%. thank you very much. we don't want to miss you on the "fox business" network. you'll find it in your local area. we'll do this. log on to >> thank you. coming up, this cop killer took to instagram announcing his plan to put wings on pigs. and the post got hundreds of likes. is social media fueling the flames of violence? when does it become a crime? peter johnson, jr. on that next. first let's check in with martha mccallum for what's coming up on this hour. she has final say. >> good morning. police bracing for this day following the assassination of two officers amid calls for the mayor of new york to step down.
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and north korea levels new threats. the president says he will level a proportionate response. what does that mean? we are awaiting news on that this morning. more straight ahead. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour ng) hey! i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today.
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what do you want? >> dead cops! >> protesters storming the streets calling for the murder of police officers last week. the march happened last week and spilled over ton eusocial media with deadly consequences. the man who murdered two new york city police officers posting, quote, i'm putting wings on pigs today. just moments before the attack. and the post got over 250 likes.
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when does friday speech cross the line and become dangerous, particularly with the new social media? peter johnson, jr. has been thinking about it. >> it can become dangerous really quickly. words matter and words can kill sometimes. think about this tweet from a rapper called the game. he said, i guess you all can't breathe either. #ericgarner. he said that in the wake of two police officers in new york city. incomprehensible. and the issue is, when does social media become antisocial media? you have other examples. >> one post says let me make this very clear for you cop lovers, any person that is willing to take a cop's life is indeed a patriot. >> then another tweet by reckless candor, any time the right time for dead nypd officers. if only it was daily the world would be a better place.
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it takes your breath away that someone could write it, that someone could like it on a facebook, that someone would retweet it in a way that says yeah, this is interesting. see this? what have we come to in america at this point? where is the spinning wheel of receipt tricks and recrimination and revenge? where does it stop in terms of leaders in this country as well? there needs to be a sense of civility, of reasonableness, a sense that from the very top, whether you're civil rights leader, whether you're an elected leader, whether you're a former mayor, that you act in a way that is objective and that's good for the city, state and the nation. rudy guiliani was right in saying that mr. lynch is a pba, probably went wond what he should have said in terms of saying there was blood on the mayor's hands. that comes out of grief. i don't believe there is blood on this mayor's hands. nor on the president's nor on the attorney general's.
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but there is an obligation to speak in a civil, reasonable way so people do not go to war with each other. >> talk about social media, peter, and you get a lot of crazy e-mail, as i do. when people's real names aren't used and they're just sitting in the basement typing -- >> that is a great issue. we need to get our act together the way cardinal dolan was trying to get people together yesterday. this needs to stop. we need to come together and we need to love and venerate and honor our police officers in new york and across the country. everybody does. >> absolutely. without them, we're in big trouble. >> good to see you. >> thank you. we're stepping aside. more "fox & friends" in two minutes often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad.
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>> and he put it over his heart. two teams not making the playoffs managing to make a bit of news. the giants get into a brawl. the giants sidelined turning into a royal rumble. four players am ejected and hefty fines will be handed out. guess what? the penalties offset. it was first down and keeps going. >> don't forget our "fox & friends" christmas is going to air christmas eve at 8:00 p.m. and at 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. eastern and our christmas day at 2:00 p.m. eastern. and here is a little preview, ladies and gentlemen. this is about a dozen years ago when the doocy children got a poem, they found in the christmas tree from santa and as they read the poem, they realized santa was giving them the okay to get a dog for the first time ever. >> wow. >> notice my daughter is in the background, realizing, hey,
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we're going to get a dog, we're going to get dog! she was so excited. that's coming up christmas eve and christmas right here on fox. >> i can't wait. thanks for sharing that with us. >> stay safe. bill: police departments around the country on high alert in the wake of a deadly attack on two new york city police officers. this as we learn more details about the gunman who shot and killed two police officers execution style. there was a lot of reaction to this not just in new york but a the country. i'm bill hem bill hemmer. martha:
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