tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News December 22, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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to the family of the slain officers. thank you for being with us. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> mr. mayor, what about if that was your son sitting in that patrol car. if that was your son that got shot in the head? then what? why did you come out and say that? >> fury in new york city and across america as two police officers are murdered in cold blood as their families grieve, accusations fly over who has blood on their hands today. >> bill will be here to tell us what he thinks. >> i'm putting wings on pigs today. they take one of ours. let's take two of theirs. >> the mad man who murdered the two new york city cops. boasted that he was going to avenge the deaths of eric
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garner and michael brown. today, officers across the country are on high alert. how safe are they? >> if you want to say that mayor de blasio contributed to the atmosphere of hate to the police, absolutely he did. >> plus as the antipolice rhetoric by our leaders gone too far? we will have full analysis caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i'm greg gutfeld in for bill o'reilly who will join us in just a moment. our top story, of course, the cold blooded execution of two new york city police officers. on saturday afternoon, officers rafael ramos and wenjian lieu were sitting in their patrol car in brooklyn in 28-year-old princely
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walked up to their car. he was on a mission. posting on instagram a threat to avenge the deaths of eric garner and michael brown. i am beyond angry and heart broken over these assassinations. as is so much of the country. and bill o'reilly who was supposed to be off today he could not stayoins us by phone. so, bill, when i heard the news, i was horrified but i was not surprised do you know what i mean? >> yeah. i know what you mean, greg. look. i'm going to walk through this in a very methodical way because i want everybody to here what i'm saying very clearly tonight on the factor. my grand father was nypd. i know this city as well as any human being. i know that the new york city police department yip in 2014 probably the best police agency in the world. local police agency in the world. what they have done with
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crime is stunning. a city that had 3,000 murders a year now down to 300 in that range. you have a mayor that comes in a man named bill de blasio a far left individual who i will get to him in a moment. is he incompetent. he cannot run the city of new york killer, 2 8-year-old guy names brinsley, high school dropout. no father that we know of. the usual cultural devastation. okay? raised in poverty, bounces around, no education. no skills, doesn't hold a job. commits crime after crime after crime, the system won't deal with him because people like de blasio don't hold him accountable for anything. then the man snaps, shoots his girl friend in the stomach, a woman who actually had a job in
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maryland. she survives. then he gets on a bus and comes to new york city. then he starts to say i'm going to kill cops so he knew he was through. decides to go you the most way possible. using the deaths of michael brown and eric garner as an excuse. everyone should know this is a a terrible individual and i hope he is enjoying hell right now. and there are millions of brinsleys running around. millions because our society in america does not hold them accountable. brinsley is the only one responsible for the two police officers. no one else has blood on heir hands their hands. the protesters who yelled we want dead cops. those people should be shunned.
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if you know them, never speak to them again. they aided this. those protesters who yelled "we want dead cops." now, let's go to the true villain in the case but it does not have anything to do with the direct murder of the officers. i want to be clear on that. by the way does the fact that brinsley is black have anything to do with the african-american community? no. just as if a bad cop does something you cannot condemn all police. you cannot condemn blacks because of what brinsley did. everybody should be clear about that all right. bill de blasio as i said is incompetent. he was elected in an election in new york city that few people voted. he was a machine politician. and he is an antipolice individual now he is in trouble. now he is trying to backtrack. he has been antipolice his whole career. who is his best friend?
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al sharpton. a racial provoke anti-individual. he de blasio is proud that he told his teenage son that he may face quote dangers when intracketting with the nypd. what type of responsible father tells that to his son? then after witnessing because it's on videotape. two police lieutenants get beaten by a mob. the mayor of new york city says it was an alleged beating. that insulted every single -- every officer, all 35,000 nypd who were insulted, alleged you saw it with your own eyes, you pinhead. once he said that, that was the end. he lost the police department and then when he went to the hospital over the weekend with a two police officers are being
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treats police officers turned their backs on bill de blasio on the mayor of new york city. good for them. good for them. this is an individual who should resign today. today. he cannot run the city. he has lost the control of the police department and the respect. they will never come back. no matter what he says. because he sided with the presses, that's what he did. and he associated with the provocateurs and he has disgraced the office of mayor of new york city. he should resign. let's see if i left anything out. i want everybody to read what jayden ramos the 13-year-old son of what one of the slain officers posted on the internet. everyone should read that that makes it come home to
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two police officers were stellar individuals in their deaths will have a cat that chris make i'm real angry right now. >> i think i have covered it. >> you have. i would only add to that because we have got to go. is where are the people? where are the new yorkers? why aren't they in the street in that's the only thing i am asking. you are out oon the streets for a lot of things. you should be out on the streets in support of the police, bill, thanks so much for calling in. next on the rundown, juan and mary katharine on the horrendous murder and the growing tension between new york's mayor and his 235,000 police officers right back with it.
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in the impact segment tonight. new york city mayor bill de blasio under intense criticism after the assassinations of two new york city cops. many people accuse the mayor of stoking antipolice protest after the grand jury decision in the eric garner case. >> let me be clear, i'm not saying that the murder wouldn't have happened on my watch. i do not blame the mayor for the murder. >> the brooklyn bridge incident would not have happened. >> what i blame the mayor for is allowing these presses to get out of control. the tension between de
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blasio and protect the city undeniable. officers literally turning their backs on de blasio as he entered the hospital where officer ramos and lieu have been he pronounced dead. bill bratton addressed the tension this morning. >> do you support those officers in the way they protested? >> i don't support that particular activity. i don't think it was appropriate. particularly in that setting. but it's reflective of the anger of some of them. >> joining us now from washington with reaction fox news contributors juan williams and mary katharine ham. juan, go to you first. do you blame the cops for turning their backs after all the abuse they have been through? is it really that awful? >> yeah, i don't think it's appropriate. i think it's the wrong message to send. it's got to have a sense of hierarchy and command and the mayor is in charge of the police department. so, if they have a difference with the mayor, they can be clear in terms of expressing their discontent. but turning their back at this moment when the whole nation not just new york is shocked by these murders,
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when everybody is grieving, i think it politicized it unnecessarily. >> i get your point, juan, let me go to you m cat. i can't blame them. i mean when you just saw two of your fellow officers just cold murdered, and you have a mayor that has not been entirely supportive of you, can you blame an emotional reaction like that. >> emotions are riding high that's for sure. that's what that reaction comes from. when it comes from somebody like mayor de blasio and al sharpton as well when you see a backlash against these guys, it's built on not just this incident i don't think or the way that, you know, the post garner protests were handled. it's build on a career of sort of sewing some mistrust with the police trust and police supporters. when it comes down there is the spark. people get really angry. that's what that is built on, political consequences for political figures who have built a lot of career on this. >> one thing i will say, juan, is the constant use of
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the phrase blood on your hands. i don't think that's necessarily helpful. >> i'm with giuliani, i'm not blaming him for these murders. >> what do you think, juan? >> yeah. i don't see it at all the whole business stop and frisk. that tactics by the police department. alienated the minorities in this city. and now you have people who are saying it's pick a side, you know, it's the thugs or the cops. that is so simplistic. so simple minded. murder is down and robbery is down under de blasio there is a people here to step back because the emotions are out of control. >> i agree with you, juan, the problem is that should have been said months ago it
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was okay when it was a team sport. they were filled with justifiable outrage. when something like this happens. you have the mayor and columnist for the "the washington post" saying calm down here. should have calmed down months ago. >> i'm all for calming down and trying to get this thing we solved honestly let's be honest with each other. police reform especially whether you have poor people who are minorities ending up dead and there is no consequence for the police involved in and then you have this situation where you have this mad man shooting people and again i think they are right now saying hey, you guys on the left, this is your problem and we are going to use this now to push you back on your heels. i think that is so crass. just so bizarre to me because we have two dead policemen and we should all stop for a second and say this is out of control. >> the left has been doing this for years, go, go. >> yeah, here is the thing.
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juan can think it's crass it, comes from a place of being deeply upset and deeply hurt by in the wake of tucson just seconds after it had happened having that entire crisis blamed on a map that palin put out that had the shooter ended up having nothing to do with conservative politics and all of conservatism was blamed for that incident without evidence. so there is some real emotional backlash there as well. i don't think it's the right thing to do to say that rhetoric causes violence by a crazy person. that's just not my position. i think it leads to a bad road when you are talking about political speech, but there is a reason that people racket this way and it's partly because things were politicized in the past excream there quickly. when it comes to police reform this is why if you are going to undergo reforms with the police and especially something like this happens and emotions are high on protests you need a great leader doing something like that and bringing it together and doing it constructively and i don't think de blasio is shown to be that guy. >> so mary katharine you are
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say tit-for-tat going back to tucson left and the right this is like a talk show deal as opposed to a human deal. >> i specifically said and i have gotten quite a lot of crap from it from conservatives frankly that i'm not on board with that i'm explaining though you that's where that comes from and the left has been plentiy irresponsible with absolutely no evidence. if the smead were saw a person at all asidelined with a right leaning protest as closely as this guy was with the left in this case they would be exploding in an originally of deciding that the republic party should be shut down. everybody should shut up from here on out there. is a serious double standard. it's rank with hypocrisy and it's a problem. that's what people are upset about as well. >> the other interesting thing the hypocrisy that i have noticed is that we seem to be living in an era of awareness. we are told by celebrities and activists we have to be aware of global warming, bullying and child hoods obesity. we never talk awareness raising on the role of law enforcement. what does the police do for you? why are the police important? and they're the point of contact for the community so that when people get angry,
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they yell at the police. when they realize it's not the police that is responsible for a lot of things that go wrong. they are responsible for saving people's lives. got to go. juan, mary katharine, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> ahead on the factor, did antipolice rhetoric from the mayor all the way up to the president create an atmosphere that contributed to the murders of two innocent new york city cops? we're going to have that debate next. instead of mailing everyone my vacation photos,
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in the factor follow up segment tonight. the factor has been saying for weeks now an it at this police rhetoric are a the michael brown and eric garner case has crossed a dangerous line. over the weekend that bore out as two new york police department officers were executed. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani didn't hold back.
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you want go to say that mayor de blasio contributed to an at mos fear of hate to the police absolutely he did. but so did the president of the united states and so did holder with us now alan colmes fox news contributor and avowed satanist. and former nypd detective. go to you, harry you make sense you have had strong words for at sharpton. you have said he has blood on his hands. defend it. >> he is catalyst for this whole thing occurring. all started in ferguson. he was in ferguson. started it. decided he was going to start a little fire there and then threw a little gasoline on it and when things started to get rough, he moved out new reverend al sharp tont great omnipotent one he thinks he is why didn't he go there and stop them from burning down the half the city free throw
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flame on the fire and use that fill his pocket? s. >> bad stuff happens jump on the garner bandwagon. like there hasn't been any pattern all these things. >> 125th street. >> all the golden oldies. >> it matters. right, alan? >> it's consume la detective. what happened in ferguson as was just pointed outs in last segment is cumulative. what happens happening in new york with eric garner is cumulative. absolutely dispeck kibble. this idea that those on the left don't love cops is false and terrible to suggest that to say rhetoric caused tore t. or blood on your hands. rhetoric by the right wing talk show host caused all the assassination attempts or. >> which ones? threats against barack obama. more assassination threats than any other president. or that the ricin' laced envelopes are all because the all the right wingers on television and radio who say
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terrible things about him. you want to blame rhetoric. >> he was not a right winger he was a left winger. manson family members who tried to kill ford. those are left wingers. >> yeah, right. >> because you can't blame. >> good liberals. >> not rhetoric that causes this. >> i have never said of course it's rhetoric that's causes it. >> it's mental illness and guns is what the problem is. >> reverend al sharpton plants a seed with rhetoric out there. and then knowing probably in the back of his head and of course i'm not as omnipotent as he is but when he injects race into an argument, all right, when he injects lies into his argument. and then makes these comments about the police department, people out there are taking this stuff very, very seriously. and then this lunatic in baltimore probably decides let me make my way up to new york and i'm going to execute two cops. all right? that seed was planted by al sharpton. >> intellectually lazy to blame al sharpton or rhetoric that caused it wife was he still not the criminal justice system why was he not in prison.
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why do we allow mental illness like this to go untreated? why do we have so many guns on the streets? is it because of guns or mental illness of the criminal? >> institutionalized this guy then? >> i didn't say forcefully. we need a greater awareness of mental illness and get guns off the street. make them less available to people are mentally deranged. >> we cleared out all the mental hospitals in new york. walking around the street. >> and they get guns. >> sometimes they do yeah. of course they get guns. >> guns go to the handle. >> you can't blame the guns when a man pushes another man in front of a subway. that's not a gun. >> crazy people. there are always going to be crazy people. >> you know there. >> but we don't need -- >> -- don't point at him like that. >> we don't need somebody injecting race into something where it had nothing to do with it. one big lie, alan. >> you are injecting politics. >> the difference here, he is not making profit off of
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it al sharpton makes a profit off division, correct? his career on making people hate each other. >> not necessarily. >> even the black caucus came out like this. >> this hate speech on radio, hate speech on all sides. to blame it on free speech if we have to protect constitutional solid exactly the wrong way to go. >> you don't call fire in a theater. >> that's not what he did. >> kind of. >> i think that's what it is. >> let me throw out a suggestion. president obama has made some supportive noises to the police. couldn't he prove that support by demanding joanne who had executed one. >> thank you very much. >> to get out o -- to come back to cuba. >> maybe there is a better chance of that now that we have a better relationship with cuba. probably better chance of that happening now because of what is he is doing with cuba than we had before. >> i hope -- everything should be based on cuba, on bringing back all the criminals that respected there. joanne chez martha killed the new jersey state trooper she needs to. >> started with a few released and more to come
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with this relationship. >> my guess when she comes back she'll be treated as some kind of radical hero by people like allen colmes. >> people like to use adjective to describe barack obama which is anything but the truth. >> the point is the media has created a false conflict between cops and community when, in fact, it's cops vs. the officials and their cronies. >> you have got the mayor deplazaio, having a meeting on the days with al sharpton and the police commissioner, that's a slap into the police's face. why is he aligning himself with somebody like sharpton. and, look, sharpton is always wrong. i haven't known once when this guy was right. >> the mayor should talk to. >> everybody when he lost weight, that was a good move. >> he has biracial kids. the president, of course, black. you understand as white people you don't always understand what the thought is and what the mind set is in the black community. a bunch of white people sitting around trying to understand what the black experience is. >> all right. you know what? i will give you this point. when and you have to it admit to. >> i don't have to admit anything. >> you have to you have got to admit when you look out at
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the press, you see a lot of white liberal upper class co-ed's treating it like it's a spin class or yoga, they go out there just so they can feel good about themselves. they get in the face of cops and scream at cops because to them it's almost their version of medication. >> that's very funny. >> that's true. >> you want to take away protest and free speech. that's what this is about. you can't blame that for terrible behavior on the part of an insane person. >> strawman's arguments from a man who looks like a strawman. all right alan. always a pleasure, harry. thank you. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. dr. ben carson on how we repair race relations on these horrific real venge killings. dana per reason nau know how the president is handling the boiling tension between black america
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paragraph in the personal story seeing: charges badly bruised in the last several months. after ferguson, eric garner and execution of two new york city cops. how do we begin to repair the damage. dr. carson, great to sigh. thanks for being here, first of all? >> thank you. >> i want to ask you. we have been talking about blame and people are blaming the mayor. they are blaming the president for creating hostile atmosphere for police. does this help or create more division?
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>> there is no question that the blame game always exsagger baits the situation. i believe it would be a very wise idea to start talking about the good that the police do. we can we can find bad things about anybody. if we emphasize bad things all the time it's called demonization. you can stir up bad feelings about that individual or that group. we know that tactic. we certainly shouldn't be engaging in that with the police. how would any of our lives be if the police weren't there. people would come in your house and say i think i like that television, better still you get out, i'm taking this house. it would just be chaos. the police are wonderful people, of course there are bad apples in just about any group. but for the most part, our lives are made much better by the police in every community. >> i think ironically that it's the police are a victim
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of their own success you have seen dramatic drops in crime across the country primarily in new york. and thousands have been saved by policing within minority neighborhoods and because of this new safety and this new publicationry of safety, people forget what it takes to be a policeman and, therefore, to see them as kind of a point of contact to complain. >> to exactly. >> what people don't realize is if we keep piling on police. we make them somewhat tentative? the way that they deal with situations that will put us more in jeopardy. we want us to feel that they will backed up when they use their best judgment on our behalf what is the mayor's next step. what should holder do the obama administration? should they do anything? >> we need to have some
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meaningful discussions but we cannot have those unless both sides make some admissions. the police and the group in authority have to admit that, you know, it's not perfect and maybe there are some other things to look at. i'm very encouraged by the general agreement that body cameras would be good. also, the community has to recognize that a thug is a thug. and, you know, when people do bad things, there are consequences for those. and, you know, it's very disingenuous when you come up and take somebody who is doing illegal things and try to make them into a hero what mess sage does that send? when you have a legitimate gripe nobody is going to listen to you. we really cannot be doing things like that if we want to make progress. >> i want to make a hard right turn here. the "new york times" had an article about you today. and the possibility much you running for president. they called you unsubscribed outsider. do you agree with that?
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i'm definitely on the outside. >> judging by the become ground. >> definitely not going to be a politician. that doesn't mean that you can't be involved in helping to rectify the horrible problems that are plaguing our country right now. the way the father set things up. they really didn't plan for a professional political dallas. they planned for people like you and like me to get involved. at every level of our government. and i think they would be appalled at. so things that they are seeing today. >> see, i have a suggestion, if you decide to run, you should choose another doctor because you are an m.d. you should make rand paul your vice president so you have two doctors, america, it's a time to heal. you can have that i have got to go, dr. ben. we can have that, thanks. >> you got it. thank you, dr. carson. directly ahead, we haven't heard much from president obama since the slaying of the new york city cops. why not?
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dana perino with thoughts on that in a moment. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm greg gutfeld in for bill o'reilly. in the unresolved problem segment tonight. year end press conference last week. president obama was asked about the state of black america. and he didn't hesitate to defend his records. like the rest of america black america is better in the aggregate than it was when i came into office. the jobs that have been created. the people who have gotten health insurance. the housing equity that's been recovered. the 401 pensions that have been recovered. a lot of those folks are african-americans. they are better off than they were. >> that's open for debate. what definitely is true.
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is that tension between black america ampted law enforcement in our country appears better than today than it was is president obama joint toyably to blame for that my co-host on the five who is slightly shorter than i am. dana perino. let's talk about what's been happening this weekend. what shut president be doing right now? is he being too quiet or is he holding back and is it good for him to hold back? >> on friday afternoon. the president left for two and a half week vacation for hawaii, fine, right? you don't have any public appearances except for the world comes to the white house and the world comes to the oval office and the world travels wherever the president is the weekend's killings of the cops was a traumatic event of theu! city following quite a tumultuous two months that the president has been willing to talk about at several different instances he did not hesitated in the past two talk about henry gates, for example, trayvon martin,
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michael brown, eric garner. now sometimes that's because he has prearranged of availabilities and he gets asked about it by the press or he decides to bring it it up buoy not always. leaves the golf course to call the new york police commissioner and goes back to the golf course and only issues a paper statement. in some ways you -- that might be fine. if the president thinks that this is a local issue, an isolated crime and not a trend as he sees other trends, which is why he commented on the other ones. >> right. >> then you would say that the president did the right thing. however, if you are most of america, you are looking at this dramatic event in new york city and thinking this is somewhat at least you could draw a link to the past couple of months and the president of the united states has an opportunity to lead or not it is odd when there is an incident
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involving the police, that's reflected deeply rooted problem. but when there is something that seems to be exsasser is lated by, i think, rhetoric of progressive violence, that's just an aberration. it doesn't really -- it doesn't reflect anybody. everybody else -- all the protesters are peaceful. but, however -- >> -- he also -- he miss miss an opportunity again to do what presidents need to do still like this which is to calm and to lead people. i think also the president reeling somewhat. maybe they don't realize it that the reputational damage to the white house for having al-sharpton has its number one premier guest at every opportunity to have al sharpton on television and elsewhere saying i sat next to the president and i told him this, he has -- basically become the race relation advisor for america and if you look at a lot of the polling, most people believe that race relations are worse today than they were six years ago. i think that the company that the president keeps in al sharpton is a major
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problem and they should -- they really ought to change that though i think they are kind of in a box. >> sharpton used to be a host at the msnbc but he seems like is he a host at the white house. he has been there 80 some odd tiles. >> 18 times it on the white house lawn. not to mention that the president has gone to speak at events where al-sharpted is hoisting the association that he has there is value in that. >> this is a guy responsible for some problems. >> i think people like you and me don't understand in some ways because we are not black americans. you are not a black american, dana? >> surprising. >> for so long i have been traveling under this allusion. >> i'm glad i can play it both ways. what i was trying to say before i veered off in that bad direction is that race relations is in the eye of the beholder. okay. so if you are black
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american, and you think we have the first black president, he is speaking for us. is he standing up for us, and we feel good about that. and then if you poll nonblack americans and i'm not just saying white americans but hispanics andations, they look at this and say, we don't feel good about ourselves. i think the president is missing this opportunity to say remember in his great speech where he said it's not red america, it's not blue america, it's the united states of america? >> yeah. >> even if you didn't vote for president obama, had you hope that the resolution to race problems in our country would at least get better. i don't think anybody anticipated that they would feel worse about themselves today, six years after he took office. >> he did say something that i thought was encouraging recently when he said if you believe that the problem of racism is incurable than what's the point of trying to cure it you can't keep blaming everything on race. >> i agree. >> i thought that was smart. >> the guy who sometimes sits here. he had said that he thought race relations were
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irrepresent prabbably harmed. i got to sit here and tell us why. i thought that sounded very defeatist. at this point though when you have new yorkers feeling like it's worse than the 1970s, it's very hard to go that many steps backwards and then gain any ground. i think they have got a problem on their hands that is bigger than they realize and it's hard to figure that out in the next two years how to deal with it. >> okay. i want to get -- i ran out of time. i wanted to ask you about bowe bergdahl why the investigation was forwarded to general the courts marshall authority. is there anything there. >> i think the department of defense has slow walked this investigation. i think it would -- it's been very, very thorough. this has gone on since june. to me, if this was an easy question. if he was not a deserter we would probably know that today. the fact that he is moving forward, it might actually turn out to be the other way. >> dana, thanks. quick reminder about great last-minute christmas ideas. who would you tickets to see bill and dennis miller on
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their don't be a pinhead tour. makes great gifts, of course, tickets still available to shows in dallas, west bury, long island. go to bill o' and link right over to the box office. how easy is that, america? and if you buy a premium membership. you get the gift instantly. get killing patent or any of bill's other books, free. it's a great deal, trust me. all the money bill gets goes to it a web site that goes to charity. straight ahead. more threats from north korea, sony says it will find a way to release the interview. walls there cyber attack in active war that debate next.
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in the back of the book segment tonight, north korea now making threats against the united states. even while denying any involvement in this sony hacking scandal. the latest threat came hours after the president revealed how the u.s. might respond to the attack. i don't think it was an act of war. i think it was an act of cyber vandalism that was very costly. very expensive. we take it very seriously. we will respond proportionally. >> it's more than vandalism. it's a new form of warfare that we're involved in and we need to react and react vigorously including reimposing sanctions. >> today north korea's internet completely completely collapsed. though it's not entirely clear who is responsible. and it's important to keep in mind that the vast majority of north koreans don't have access to the internet in the first place. basically the north korean internet is about six people. joining us now from palm
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springs, fox news analyst with an adviser to four u.s. ambassadors to the u.n. and from washington richard goodstein, former adviser to hillary clinton's presidential campaign. i'm going to go to you, grinnel, why the parsing of words? why important to say this is vandalism and not terrorism? >> well, it's very typical of president obama. he always underestimates our problems. i mean, look, describing this as vandalism akin to graffiti means that the solution is we just repaint and we watch the neighborhood a little more closely. it's ridiculous. and what this action from the north koreans, which i think is an act of terror therefore it's warfare, what this is is a warning sign, greg. this means that our banking system and power grid and all of these other very crucial issues that we face, that's coming in a
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matter of weeks. so we need to take this as a warning sign. >> all right. richard goodstein, i kind of understand the president's point. leaked e-mails do not kill people, but it can ruin lives and businesses. can you call something -- can you call it terror if it's based on say the idea that it scares you? >> look, vandalism obviously as rick kind of made the point kind of suggests something more trivial than what this is. but it's not war as we know it either. it's not 9/11. it's not pearl harbor. there was not massive loss of life. do we have the potential through cyber terrorism and the cyber threats to pose real risks to the u.s. public? of course, whether it's the power grid, banking system, whatever it is. but look, let's not kid ourselves. the chinese and iranians are doing this in an everyday way, taking a substantial toll. and we've heard of -- i'm not saying that the u.s.'s hands are unclean, but we frankly have
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used cyber power ourselves to great effect. and i think what this underscores is this country needs to get in front of, not be behind, the cyber threat. john mccain was probably exercised about this because he's introduced legislation to do something about it. as has the obama administration. i think maybe the good that will come out of this is next year in congress this could be one of those rare things that the democrats and republicans see eye-to-eye. >> that's actually a good point, mr. grinnel. because we all have something to lose here. frankly, i was heartbroken that dennis rodman wasn't able to solve this problem. i still think he can. i have hope. what do you think is next? do you think it's going to get worse? >> look, i don't think that terrorism necessarily means that someone has to die before we take this seriously. clearly information was stolen. it was an attack on a u.s. company. and this is the new 21st century terrorism. we need to take this seriously because what's coming next is much more serious. imagine all of your financial
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information wiped out, or your medical information wiped out. clearly what we know is coming next is much more serious. this is a warning sign whether it's north korea or china or them working together to attack u.s. companies, this is the new 21st century threat. this needs to be taken seriously and i don't think president obama is. >> do you agree with grenell that he's not doing enough? should there be a show of force? >> yeah. so look, two things. first, look at ukraine. everybody on this network -- let me further say almost everybody insisted that action was necessary the day or two after crimea was seized. and president obama was taking the long view. and what's that view turned into? president putin reeling currently because of sanctions,
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because foreign investment dried up -- >> he already took it -- >> if vladimir putin, if you'd rather have a solid country of russia versus crimea, this is not kind of a close call. but greg asked the question who should he do. my guess is you would approach this -- if you had a neighbor that was kind of crazy but had a gun and destroyed some of your property, you probably wouldn't just knock on the door and act very belligerent. the chinese are probably not too happy with the prospect of this being turned on them. as with the case of ukraine, over time he will basically answer and the koreans will know darn well that they've been answered pretty forcefully. >> -- shot down a passenger jet in ukraine. and they have not learned their lesson. i don't think the ukrainians feel like they've won. they've lost crimea.
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finally tonight, my take on the assassinations of the two new york city police officers and everything that led up to it. after acts of terror, we are told over and over to mind the backlash. now we're told to guard against the backlash directed at protesters. this is a concern never raised to protect cops even after months of being smeared as racist killers. that's because media approved backlashes take priority over real ones where cops die. so i say, politely, shove your
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future backlash into your most amenab amenable orifice, this is not about you. this is about two dead officers. it's not time to worry about al sharpton but to march for those two men and march for them loudly. the president rarely considers the violent of the left to be a deeply rooted problem, yet he does so with any example of police controversy. this allows incidents to blanket a whole profession while the act of a murderous thug egged on by months of cop baiting is seen as an aberration. so, yeah, the killers responsible but deny the impact of this rhetoric of violence is deceitful. the fact is a ghoulish climate bourn from radicalism and division makes violence more acceptable. there is only one color that's acceptable to hate these days, it's blue. maybe the president can spark a national dialogue on that. and that is it for us tonight. thanks for watching.
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i'm greg gutfeld in for bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, police departments across the country on alert. advising officers to wear body armor and avoid conflict as the political fallout grows more intense following the executions of two new york city policemen. good evening and welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. tonight we are learning tragic new details about two lives cut short and nypd officers gunned down in broad daylight just five days before christmas. their accused killer a career criminal who earlier that day shot his ex-girlfriend in maryland and then traveled to new york intent on killing cops. he laid out his plans on social media, saying he planned to put
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