tv The Kelly File FOX News December 22, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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i'm greg gutfeld in for bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, police departments across the country on alert. advising officers to wear body armor and avoid conflict as the political fallout grows more intense following the executions of two new york city policemen. good evening and welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. tonight we are learning tragic new details about two lives cut short and nypd officers gunned down in broad daylight just five days before christmas. their accused killer a career criminal who earlier that day shot his ex-girlfriend in maryland and then traveled to new york intent on killing cops. he laid out his plans on social media, saying he planned to put
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"wings on pigs today" with hash tags noting the deaths of eric garner and michael brown, two black men killed by police in the line of duty. baltimore cops learned of his plans and tried to alert new york, but by then it was too late. on a brooklyn new york street the suspect approached a marked police car from behind telling a witness to watch what he was about to do. then from the passenger side of the patrol car he opened fire through the window striking officers wenjian liu and rafael ramos. ramos a father of two sons, assassinated for the crime of being a cop. police believe the two men never saw it coming. their murderer then took off running. and like so many cowards who kill later turned the gun on himself. the murders come after months of debate in this country about race and justice in america. a debate that some feel has been unfair to the police.
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accusing them at times of racial profiling despite any evidence to that effect in the two cases that are at controversy. and indeed despite much proof to the contrary that it had nothing to do with race. targeted they have been the police in some circumstances by some of the most powerful people in the country. from the u.s. attorney general to the new york city mayor to even president obama at times. not to mention the white house's point man on race, al sharpton. >> we have had enough. the issue is how a young man with no deadly threat, no life extenuating circumstances was shot multiple times. >> when you look at this whole question of racial profiling, as i said, as i said i guess in the statement that we have released, it can be misguided, i think
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ineffective. >> with dan te very early on, with my son, we said, look, if a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you to do. don't move suddenly, don't reach for your cell phone. because we knew, sadly, there was a greater chance it might be misinterpreted if it was a young man of color. >> the situation in ferguson speaks to broader challenges that we still face as a nation. the fact is in too many parts of this country a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color. >> we've had to literally train him as families have all over this city for decades in how to take special care in any encounter he has with the police officers. >> when will law enforcement condemn police that shoot and kill unarmed -- >> too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement. guilty of walking while black or driving while black. stains the heart of black children who feel as if no
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matter what he does, he'll always be under suspicion. >> you thought you'd sweep it under the rug. you thought there'd be no limelight. i'm sorry, i come out the hood. the only way you make roaches run is you got to cut the light on. >> the rhetoric over racist cops and a rigged system grew. and things got increasingly ugly. first, protesters attacked some officers and cops took issue with a new york mayor referring to the incident which was caught on tape as an alleged assault. then this video surfaced a week ago showing just how bad things had gotten. >> what do we want! >> dead cops! >> when do we want them? >> now! >> and then saturday afternoon the chant turned tragically
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prophetic when these two police officers were gunned down by a suspect who posted on his instagram, you take one of ours, we'll take two of yours. now it was the cop's turn to send a message. this time to the mayor. dozens of officers showing him their backs as he walked into a news conference on the shooting. while the head of the police union suggested this mayor has blood on his hands, which brings us to tonight. clearly these thousands of marchers in the cities across this country have something they're trying to tell us. but so do these cops. and while folks like al sharpton and attorney general eric holder repeatedly say they support our police, their actions to many suggest something else. this has now become more than a political fight with suggestions that public safety is on the line here. we've assembled a powerful lineup of guests for you including former new york governor george pitaki,
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fraternal order of police and sheriff david clarke. but we begin with the man who was leading the new york police department during 9/11 who watched as these officers so relentlessly criticized of late had to bury dozens of their fellow cops, men and women who gave their lives in an effort to save the people of this city, a city that used to support its police officers but is now being pitted against them. former nypd commissioner bernie ka rack starts us off. good to see you tonight. >> thanks. >> let's start with that montage of comments we heard. you wrote a piece today in "time" that says a war is being waged in this country right now. a war on police. explain. >> it's a war on police that's based on a lie. it's a war on police that's then perpetrated by people that have
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said over the last two months that there is pervasive racism in policing across this country that police officers go into minority communities to target and harass minorities. those are lies. those things are lies. cops go into minority communities where the crime is the highest to address crime. they're not targeting minorities. they're not harassing minorities. they go where the crime is. in this city they went where the crime was. they reduced violent crime by 80% and 85%. they reduced homicides by 80%. and this whole pervasive racism thing, we flipped this entire country upsidedown over two incidents, both of which there isn't one shred of evidence, not one shred, that says they were related to race. and tragically in the garner incident in new york garner's
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mother -- garner's wife and garner's daughter who i feel terrible for they themselves admit it had nothing to do with race. >> uh-huh. >> yet we continue to hear sharpton and de blasio and others bashing this drum that cops are racist. >> uh-huh. >> and i think it's wrong. this whole war on cops, the assassination of these two cops is all based on lies. >> but to take it the next step and to suggest, as you did in your piece that the assassin believed the lies perpetrated by de blasio and sharpton and others, that's what you argued, aren't you taking it too far? this is a madman. how can you attribute his behavior to anything a politician said? >> you know what? when you're a politician and you're a true leader, you can't make reckless statements. you can't make statements to the public that can be interpreted
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by some lunatic like this guy that's going to use what you said, he's going to believe what you said, and he's going to go out there and assassinate cops. you have to control your rhetoric. you have to make sure what you're saying is the truth. it's not truth. these were lies. >> the discussion of race, al sharpton getting up there and saying that there was no deadly threat posed by michael brown in ferguson. which all the evidence was to the contrary. this police officer testified, many witnesses, african-american witnesses, at least five of them testified, that it was as the cop said it was. let me finish the question. eric holder, his most incendiary remarks were not on camera but most repeatedly talked about racial profiling a big problem in these police departments, bias is a problem if these police departments, he's going to go after these police departments, he's been the victim of it himself as a black man in the context of ferguson and garner in staten island here.
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what should they be doing? what should they be saying? al sharpton is just wrong on the facts, but eric holder has a personal experience, how is that stoking the fires? >> it's taking them out of context. i am confident that the attorney general knows all of the details surrounding michael brown. i am confident that al sharpton knew all of the details concerning michael brown. michael brown was not an innocent young man like al sharpton portrayed when he was standing up there yelling into a microphone. he was not. he attacked a cop. he attempted to take his weapon. he assaulted that cop, resisted arrest and even after being shot in that confrontation he charged and attacked that cop again and did not stop until the cop -- >> folks don't believe it. the folks out there protesting don't believe it. let me ask you this, because whether you believe those are the facts as you stated in
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ferguson or not, we've seen thousands of people protesting in ferguson, in new york city saying black lives matter, black lives matter. they believe this narrative apparently. they are buying this. my message is okay. they have something to say. the cops too have something to say. and yet they are coming under criticism tonight for turning their backs on the mayor. >> here's the difference. those protesters have something to say. and they're protesting because they heard from our government's leaders that their cops are racist, the cops are targeting minorities. if you listen to that, and you believe that, then you have something to say. the problem is you don't have the leadership in this country right now that are saying hold on. we have -- in thousands upon thousands of really good cops in this country that go out and risk their lives. and we need to support them.
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we need to give them the benefit of the doubt. if we find out that there's a racial issue in some department or regarding some cop, fine, we take action. but do not broad brush the entire law enforcement community as racist as they have infuriating and inciting these protests that have led to the destruction of communities, assaults and attacks on cops and the outright assassination of two new york city police officers. >> do you believe mayor de blasio needs to step down? >> i personally believe we would be better served with a different mayor. that's my opinion. >> he doesn't have the confidence of the police? >> no, certainly not. >> what are they saying? >> they are demoralized. they're degraded. he has thrown them under the bus. and i'm not saying anything that patty lynch hasn't already said.
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>> the head of the union. >> it's extremely -- i've been around this city for 30, 35 years, i've never seen any dissension between the police and a mayor like this. never. >> bernie kerik, good to see you. >> thank you. >> is it fair to suggest that the mayor of new york does in fact have blood on his hands? that debate is still ahead. plus former new york mayor george pitaki is taking heat for his reaction to the murders. he joins us live. and our next guest says what article sharpton has done in recent months is divisive and wrong. but what he's doing now may be even worse. sheriff david clarke when we return. >> we have had enough! we don't want no double talking! we don't want no backsiding! we want to know where justice is!
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the spirit of the season. our diamond ring is the perfect way to express your love. helzberg diamonds. i am loved. al sharpton has spoken in recent months sounded like a self-appointed judge and jury. not only assuming guilt by police but also assuming the worst of motives and claiming facts for which there often is no evidence. and this is the man the white house thought would make the situation better. and now listen to him today. >> these were new york's finest
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doing their work, protecting the city, protecting our community. we are mourning their loss. and we are all outraged and saddened by the death of these police officers. any use of the names of eric garner or michael brown in conjunction with violence or the killing of police is reprehensible. i and others have called for stopping violence, not perpetuating it. >> joining me now milwaukee county sheriff david clarke. sheriff clarke, good to see you again. you have difficulty understanding that's the same man who got up there and said that police basically executed michael brown without feeling for any threat to their own lives, which was against the evidence. but that's what he told everybody in ferguson and the world. and now today after calling the cops cockroaches, and you got to turn on the light to flush them
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out, he's all praise for law enforcement. your thoughts. >> phony. that's what he is. al sharpton's a cartoon. i don't know why the media continues to put a camera and a microphone in front of his face -- >> because the white house is using him as their pointman on race issues. >> i get that. i'm not going to engage in hyperbole, but al sharpton has created a pathway to the police hatred across america. he doesn't believe a word of what he said today. neither does anybody else. he does propagate violence. he propagates hate. he's self-serving. it's about time that america start to turn away from al sharpton along with some of these other cop haters that we've heard so much from over the last couple of months. >> things seem to be going in a different direction for him. as i mentioned he's a close liaison. he's been talking with the president and top advisers about race in america and the issues
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we've seen over the past couple months. in addition this whole sony mess where they got hacked, one of the top executives, amy pascal, one of the people's musings about how barack obama must only love black films because he happens to be african-american, she when she did her mea culpa, who did she go to? al sharpton. he's now apparently the man people have to go to in order to offer their condolences, their apologies, if they say something racist in this country. >> well, he's trying to walk away and distance himself from some of the anti-cop hatred that he's been spewing darn near his whole life. but i'm not going to let him get away with it. he knows what's going on here. he does this for some nefarious intent for self-serving purposes. but, you know, you're known by the company you keep. so when i see him shoulder-to-shoulder with people like mayor de blasio, when i see him with eric holder and i see him in the company of the president of the united states, that tells me a lot because i would question the judgment of
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anybody in the united states of america that would hold counsel or take advice from al sharpton. >> and yet what we're told in a lot of these situations what he claims is that you've got the police, the police union, sometimes the city behind the cops on the one side. and then you have a family like the garner family or the brown family that has nobody on their side. this is what he says. so he sweeps in and helps them organize, get a lawyer and offer their side of the story. >> they don't need al sharpton on their side. my advice to the garner family, to the brown family and anybody else, if you see al sharpton coming in your direction, you hear he's coming to your town, run as fast and as far as you can from that individual. because he's only here to squeeze as much juice out of you as he can for his own self-serving purposes. and then he leaves. he hasn't been anywhere around ferguson, missouri. they're trying to pick up the pieces of shattered lives there and help rebuild. and he's not going to be around the eric garner family long
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either. he's going to be on to the next self-serving mission that al sharpton is known for. i find it to be sick. i find it to be despicable. and i'm going to continue to really raise cane on the mainstream media, not fox news channel, but the mainstream media to continue to look to him as a go-to guy on the feelings and the thoughts of black america. >> boy, you know, we have a report directly on point. we're directly on point after this break. i've got 45 seconds to a hard break. quickly, sir, your thoughts on the lost officers tonight. >> two of new york's finest gone. and any time that a law enforcement officer's killed in the united states, we take that personally. and we feel that a little bit of us has died as well. god bless nypd and the families of those slain officers. >> sheriff clarke, good to see you, sir. >> thank you. up next, some interesting new details on how sharpton gets paid and who is bankrolling his
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questionable campaign of "looking for justice." wait until you hear this. plus, as some police officers turn their back on mayor de blasio, we'll look at the explosive vo: you get used to pet odors in your car. you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy.
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well, moments ago we spoke about the reverend al sharpton and the huge role recently given to him by the white house as its representative in the michael brown case. but as sharpton's public role has grown, so has attention on his finances. melissa frances is host of money with melissa frances on the fox business network. melissa. >> megyn, when sharpton isn't out making speeches like you've shown, he's paid to host on msnbc. everyone knows that. but comcast and nbc's financial and political backing actually goes way beyond we learned.
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msnbc and comcast both directly fund for employee activist most recently in october sharpton had a big fundraiser for n.a.n. for that event msnbc, comcast and nbc universal proudly ponied up to be preacher level sponsors for the event. they even took out a huge ad. there it is on your screen. in the program proudly putting the name of their cable company, their broadcast network, nbc universal, and their cable news network, msnbc, alongside his saying they're proud to back the national action network. so we asked n.a.n. about the money they get from comcast and nbc to run their operation. and they said, we can't confirm or give comment that quickly. we have not done our audit for 2014, so how would anyone know when there has been no report as to who gave what. but at last we have the program from the event and it confirms
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they gave the money. the national legal and policy center went to the event. they kept a program in case nbc or comcast or n.a.n. ever said later they didn't do it. why does all this matter, megyn? why is this important to our viewers? it shows just how deeply nbc and comcast are wed to sharpton and erg you see him out there doing. how wedded they are on every level. and it goes both ways. comcast got sharpton to lobby the government in 2010, to help the acquisition of nbc universal go through and get regulatory approval. then the next year in 2011 they hired him, and they gave him his own show, his own pulpit. then they funded his organization. and they put their journalistic stamp of approval on all of his actions, everything you see him doing. many networks out there give to groups who have dinners at some point news corp. i think gave something to n.a.n. as well. but funding and promoting him on every level has raised a lot of
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ethical questions among journalists. and, megyn, as you know all this is on top of the tax problems on both the state and federal level that both sharpton and n.a.n. are having. >> which has been well-documented as of late. melissa frances, great to see you. >> thank you. when some police officers turn their backs on mayor de blasio this weekend, critics said they went too far. both sides of that debate are both sides of that debate are here next. she's still the one for you. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives,
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there's blood on many hands tonight. those that incited violence on the street under the guise of protest that tried to tear down what new york city police officers did every day. we tried to warn it must not go on, it cannot be tolerated. that blood on the hands starts on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor. >> that was police union president patrick lynch slamming new york city mayor bill de blasio just hours after saturday's shootings. in remarks that have since earned lynch a lot of criticism. even before that speech lynch was participating in a different act of defiance as he and other nypd officers literally turned their backs on the mayor and the police commissioner for that matter, as they made their way
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to a press conference where those officers had been taken. look at that. now there are growing questions as to whether that display was appropriate and whether the police union is being fair. chuck canterbury is president of the national fraternal order of police. chuck, good to see you tonight. did the police, were they too disrespectful to the mayor? >> well, megyn, first of all, respect is earned. and i believe in this particular case after the assassination of two of their comrades in arms, emotions led to their belief that they could not look at mayor de blasio with any kind of a respect. and i believe they made that decision individually they made that decision. and i have to standby that decision because in the position they're in losing a fellow comrade or comrades they did what they felt they had to do. >> is this about blaming the mayor for those deaths? or is it about a general aggravation and disdain for him and his rhetoric as of late?
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>> well, megyn, this mayor ran on a campaign of police reform. >> he's out there a bunch of racial profilers based on stop and frisk. he suggested that many times. >> well, he's absolutely wrong. racial profiling's been against the law in this country for years. no police department in the united states trains to racially profile. that's a buzzword that people like sharpton use. >> he's talked about it -- he's repeatedly mentioned his son and how they needed to train him to be distrustful of the police. >> all parents in this country should teach their children respect for law enforcement. that's a parental duty. applaud him for teaching his child respect. but that's what he ought to be showing the police officers in his own city is the respect that they've earn. >> how bad is it? because bill bratton, the police commissioner who seems to still have the support and respect of the police so far, defended the
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mayor today. here's what he said. let's listen to bill bratton. >> do some officers not like this -- guaranteed. can you point out to me one mayor that has not been battling with the police unions in the last 50 years? name one. name one. >> thoughts on that. >> well, megyn, that stateme can't forget that commissioner bratton works for mayor de blasio, hired by de blasio, can be fired by de blasio. i expect that kind of decision from bratton and that kind of talk. but the bottom line is respect's earned. and this mayor has not earned the respect of the men and women in blue and in the city of new york and perhaps the 800,000 state and local police officers around the country. enough is enough. they've accused these police officers in the last four months of heinous acts. and when two police officers are
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assassinated in that city, he cannot hide from the remarks that he's made. and i don't blame the police officers for being upset. police officers all over this country are upset at politicians that spew rhetoric and then expect law enforcement to quail the riots that they caused. >> chuck, thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me, megyn. >> joining me now, mark hannah, a democratic who worked on the kerry and obama campaigns. in the same way you can't dismiss ferguson and staten island, all the protesters just by saying there's no evidence of racial profiling. whether there was or wasn't, you can tell folks are upset. they're upset about something, right? >> yeah. >> can you dismiss these cops who are turning their backs on the mayor? and they represent a lot of cops. if you walk around new york city and talk to cops about how they feel, can you dismiss them and their disdain for these leaders who seem to go right to the bias and racial profiling? >> no, the police officers that turned their backs were exercising their free speech just like the protesters out in
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the street are exercising their free speech. i agree with what chuck said respect is earned. and i think that patrick lynch and the head of the union should give the mayor the respect he earned when he won a majority of the voters support on election day. he was a democratically elected -- >> they're not allowed to consider anything he says thereafter? >> let's consider what the mayor has said. not one time has the mayor said anything about racial profiling, about the police being dis -- anything disrespectful about the police. >> yes, he has, he suggested his son can't trust the police because they racially profile black men. >> blame him for defining a problem in this country? >> the police don't think this is a problem. >> they're diluting themselves and trying to dilute the media by coming on and saying that. if we can't even define the problem and determine and admit that we have a problem, how the heck are we going to solve it, megyn? >> but the mayor, instead of
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going out there and of course he always gave lip service to, i respect the cops and the cops do a good job, as did eric holder and president obama hasn't been nearly as far out as these guys on this issue. but as bret hume put it, it was lip service. by the way, racial profiling it's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong. but there's no evidence of racial profiling in garner or brown. >> maybe it's a giant coincidence -- let's be clear. the people out in the street aren't protesting because de blasio's egging them on or president obama's egging them on. they're out in the street protesting because they saw a video with their own eyes of a white cop killing an unarmed innocent black man in the street -- >> i get that. why isn't that about police brutality? that i would get. >> it is. >> but black lives matter. and changing it into a black/white thing takes it to a place that is not justified by the facts. garner's own family says it's not justified by the facts.
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the police chief who sent those cops out there in staten island is black. the sergeant in control on the scene was black. the evidence does not support that that was a black/white thing. >> there is nothing to support that this individual officer was acting in a racist way when he killed this person. but is it representative -- why does it strike a chord so much with these protesters? maybe it's representative of their experience of the people living in harlem and staten island. why is selma when it comes out on christmas day going to get so many people out to see it? what are we going to learn about our racial heritage -- >> there's no question that that is -- >> because there is still a civil rights issue in this country. and if we ignore that. if we think we're somehow post-racial, then we're diluting ourselves. >> to paint with such a broad brush and try to dismiss the nypd as you can't deal with cops, dante -- >> nobody's doing that. >> yes, he is. instead of coming out and saying nypd has reduced violent crime by 80% in this city, they put
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their lives on the line every day to protect you and me, they were the ones with those firefighters who were running into the buildings on 9/11, risking their own lives to protect everybody, black, white, you name it. instead of saying that what mayor de blasio did was come out and talk about racial profiling, our terrible, terrible history as a country when it comes to race and how his black son needs to worry about cops. his messaging and tone. >> what mayor de blasio has done and not a good job of excerpting to the both sides, there's fear among police officers -- i was talking to my cousin today, she's a police officer. when somebody approaches her cruiser -- >> now they're talking about putting bullet proof glass in the patrol cars. >> sure. there's fear there. fear in the black community because you're more likely to invite some attention on -- >> the cops say not if you don't resist arrest. >> all i'm saying is cooler heads will prevail. people are courageous whether you're a cop or a black american. all you need to do is -- you
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know, it's christmastime, feed the other side, hear the other side -- >> okay. i got to go. >> the courage will overcome the fear -- >> it will be a christmas miracle. great to see you. i got to run. up next, former new york mayor jorm pataki next. plus, as nypd and other departments put their officers on heightened alerts for their own safety, we'll ask congressman peter king what this means for us, the people they're supposed to be protecting. stay tuned. >> what do we want? >> dead cops! >> when do we want them? >> now!
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you don't need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. because we do. we're exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg... isn't as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here. breaking tonight, president obama issuing a paper statement on saturday after the two officers were murdered. but he has yet to say anything on camera. after we learned that officer darren wilson in ferguson, missouri would not be indicted
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in connection with the death of michael brown, it took the president 15 minutes to get to the camera for a primetime address. joining me now former new york governor george pataki who has criticized what he calls the divisive anti-cop rhetoric of president obama's attorney general and the new york city mayor bill de blasio. governor, great to see you. >> nice to see you, megyn. >> is this something president obama should be speaking about on camera? >> no question. he should be out there expressing his outrage and expressing his support for the police. but i'm not surprised it hasn't happened. you look at what's the rhetoric over the last few years from obama, holder, de blasio, it has all been anti-police. and it's tragic. forgive me if i get a little emotional here, but i've been to too many police funerals. i've seen what they did on september 11th, i'm going to have their backs as long as i live. >> we've got video of you with rudy giuliani at ground zero. you say sickened by these acts
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outcome of -- then rudy giuliani was asked about those comments. and he disagreed. i want to play the audience this sound bite. >> i think it goes too far to blame the mayor for the murder or to ask for the mayor's resignati resignation. but i don't think it goes too far to say that the mayor did not properly police the protests. he allowed the protesters to take over the streets. he allowed them to hurt police officers, to commit crimes. and he didn't arrest them. and when you do that, similar to what happened in crown heights, you create a tremendous riot. he should have known better. for that he has to take accountability. and he's got to change the way in which he operates. >> but he did come out and say he thought you were wrong to make your comments and saying it was a very damaging thing to say. >> no, no, i don't think that's what the mayor is saying. i agree with what rudy said there. there's only one person responsible for the death of these two police officers and
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that's the barbarian who pulled the trigger. but what has happened is a climate has been created over the last two years where what was one of the most revered institutions in america, the nypd, for political reasons has been demonized. it started with the mayor's race back a year ago when every one of the democratic candidates led by de blasio went after the police, accused them of profiling and said the first thing they were going to do is fire ray kelly as commissioner. the commissioner who took that police department and made it a majority/minority police department and made it the envy of police departments around the world. what happened beyond that this was all political rhetoric, but then a day before a judge is going to decide an outcome of a suit against the nypd for racial profiling, the attorney general weighs in saying the new york city police department needs a federal monitor because of their profiling. there had been almost no evidence of that and yet today -- it's not in chicago where they have murder after
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murder tragically of african-americans on the south side being investigated by the feds, there's a federal monitor on the nypd, two years ago the most represented institution, i believe, in america because of that political record before the eric garner incident one where too many people had been swayed to believe that somehow they were engaged in profiling. >> swayed by eric holder whose justice department has been found guilty of misconduct in another case against police. meantime the mayor comes out now and speaks to the, you know, the guys turning their backs on him and you have blood on your hands and says it's unfortunate that in a time of great tragedy some would resort to irresponsible overheated rhetoric that angers and divides people. you would know, mr. mayor. >> yeah. what's appalling to me is because of that rhetoric you have the demonstrators out there saying, what do we want, dead cops. not a handful, not a dozen, hundreds of them. this mayor refers to that -- >> he did not condemn that. >> he did not condemn that. in fact, he met with administration leaders but would
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not meet with police leaders. allowing that type off -- >> mayor de blasio doesn't want dead cops. >> of course not. >> they had a view that bias and may racially profile, but he says, i am on their side. and the fact i pointed out the other side doesn't mean i was condemning law enforcement as a whole. >> they created a climate, a climate where people could take a look and say, well, the mayor says they are a racist organization. a climate where thousands of demonstrators could say how do you spell racist, n-y-p-d. a majority/minority police force protecting low income high crime neighborhoods, the greatest savings of life over the last decade of anywhere in the country. a complete change in creating safety in places where people wouldn't go before. and what do they get for that? somehow they're named as racist. >> if the cops really wanted to kill black people, they just
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wouldn't protect these endangered communities. >> the new york cop force is the best-trained finest police force in america. and i believe the american people know that. and this rhetoric that was used against them, those demonstrators calling for them to be killed have created that climate where a crazy mad person like the one who pulled the trigger could do this. >> got to go. last question. should mayor de blasio resign? >> no, i don't think he should resign. but he should apologize and make a strong case as to why we should all get behind our police. >> governor, great to see you. >> good to see you, megyn. >> appreciate it. mentioned at the top of the hour, police officers in several states are now on heightened alert for their own personal safety. what does this mean for our law enforcement? and what does it mean for our public safety? congressman peter king is next on that. >> two of new york's finest were shot and killed with no warning, no provocation. they were quite simply assassinated, targeted for their uniform. the holiday season is here,
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which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned...
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have you ever seen have you ever seen a time like this of tension and a divide like this in the city? >> 1970. my first ten years were involved with this amount of intension. who would have thought déjà vu, that we would be back where we were? >> as the new york city tells itsau officers to travel in groups and to avoid making arrests unless absolutely necessary. how about that? only go out with two calls. no mat r what the opinion of the
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patrol supervisor. they sound worried. >> and i never thought we would be back where we were in the '70s demonstrator said calling for the death of cops, a mayor who sides with protesters. disparjed police officers. what happened on saturday is almost a logical result of four or five months of rhetoric. >> but for those who say it's not the rhetoric, it's the behavior of the police, ie, the eric garner take down video, that's causing this. >> we had bill brant before that, the fact is you didn't see this response. and during that time, they were reducing crime by 80%. bill de blasio is basically
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campaigned the community against the police and this is the logical result of that. >> what is the morale of the police? just anecdotedly, they seem down and they don't understand how these guys who have devoted their lives to protecting us, who, by the way, are not rich, are now having fingers pointed in their faces being called racist, not to mention being killed. >> when they joined this job, none of them ever thought they would become targets and that the mayor wouldn't stand with them. he could have, right up front, said that whatever that was was not racial. every prominent person involved in that was african american.
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>> well, the mayor did condemn the murders, and president obama, in no uncertain terms. >> i know gibill de blasio, he'a good person. no matter what he says, his comments over the last months have been nothing but antipolice. >> thank you. we'll be right back. next on hannity as well. >> if you take the sum total of the mayor's comments and the president's comments, they have defamed the police.
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antipolice protest earlier this month. he record it on his cell phone but did not play a role. brinsley gund down officers ramos and liu. it has triggard growing rift between the nypd. the mare asked to meet with union leaders but has asked for a pause until the officers have been laid to rest. more on hannity up next. >> welcome to hannity. law enforcement officers all over the country are on high alert after nypd officers liu
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