tv Media Buzz FOX News December 28, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars. >> this is a fox news alert, airasia from indonesia to singapore is missing. the families of the 162 passengers on board are waiting for any word of what has happened to loved ones. amazing this has happened. again. now the latest on the efforts. david? yes, airasia chief executive tony fernandez is holding a news conference in indonesia, flying there immediately after the plane went miss saying at the news conference the pilot did radio in they were facing severe weather. he also said that the pilot had 20,000 hours flying experience, 6,000 with airasia. he did not have any news on the whereabouts of the plane.
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the search for the missing aircraft has been suspended at the moment because of the bad weather here in southeast asia. the region has been hard hit by heavy rains in recent days causing severe flooding in indonesia. air traffic control lost contact with the plane over 12 hours ago. the airasia was on the way from end deniro to singapore. it had 162 passengers on board. the vast majority were from indonesia. it disappeared three hours into the journey. the search and recuse planes have been looking for it in the java sea but expect to go out at first light again. >> thanks, david piper. you can get the latest from the scroll at the bottom of the fox news screen. now the rest of our program. the deaths of michael brown and
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eric garner had revenge killings with two police officers being killed. >> we have had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everyone should hate the police. >> what we have learned is when someone like sharpton injects himself in racially contentious situations, people get killed. >> to blame the mayor and others is not what we need. i have instructed our attorney last night i began receiving threatening phone calls and hate. >> are the media flying an inflammatory role and what about the mayor de blasio attacking the press and our special guests
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including a former spokesman in the bush white house and columnist for the "daily beast." what do you make of the whole argument that some people have blood on their hands over the shootings? >> if that were true would some in the media be likely guilty of the reporting they put on the air? as i said before, i think with few exceptions people would commit violence are the ones responsible for the violence not other people for supposedly inciting them but there is a delicate balance. people look to their leaders for signals and cues which are misread. i don't think any leaders meant to telegraph it was okay to commit violence or hurt police officers. i am not blaming the administration for inciting violence, i don't think they did, but i talked with you on this program about the fact that after ferguson happened, the president and the attorney general did not come out after the grand jury decision and say, maybe they disagreed with certain aspects but they supported the grand jury. they supported the system.
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they fell short of endorsing the action that happened in ferguson. >> it is fine to criticize politicians for what they did or do not say but when you have giuliani and former policer and convicted felon talking about blood on the hands for de blasio and sharpton and a lot of this has been on form, is it fair? >> what is happening, it is an emotional debate. this is escalating. racial tensions in the city, again, mayor de blasio has not been able to find a right balance between talking about the police officers and dealing with the demonstration. >> the media's responsibility? >> he went right after the media on this. you have to be thing he is in a position right now where he is trying to figure out the right balance and it is easy for all the politicians on both sides to go after we mayor deglass yes and what is happening in new
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york but we need to be forward thinking. what will happen next? how will he create that bond and calm the city down? >> what do you think about way the media have framed the story and going back to former mayor giuliani with four months of problem good and everyone should hate the police? hate the police? >> i have not seen president obama say that and i don't think anyone who has seen president obama say that. i was a reporter in new york city as you know and you were, too, we know that tabloid culture pretty well. it is rough and tumble, and it will highlight tension and it will bring tension to the surface and make it much tougher and much starker than it would be in cities that depth have tabloid newspapers. it is just a fact about tabloid journalism --. >> is it driving this? everyone is pummeled if they
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have the manager get pummeled and a city is out-of-control then the mayor is pummel? >> absolutely. it brings it into starker relief than a city that does not have this media which drives the conversations in new york and it needs polls, it needs polls and should advance that narrative. >> both sides do this in time tragedy. a few years back after the tucson shooting when gabrielle giffords was wounded i ripped the liberal pundits who made comments about what sarah palin said. fine to criticize the mayor andal sharpton i have criticize add lot but to tie it to murder, two murders by a crazy guy, seems to be over the line. >> it is inflammatory. i look add this framed in the initial media coverage and what happened in ferguson the idea
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that the misreporting, not intentionally, but in the heat of not knowing all of the facts, the misreporting, the incorrect narrative that form, would we be where we are fed that did not take hold in the beginning, the story that he held his hands up --. >> michael brown was an innocent victim and we much later learned attack the officer in his police car. >> if that were known early and i am not saying there is an answer to this but if that had been known earlier would it have gotten so out of hand? it doesn't help when the we we politicians throw themselves out this even president obama said after michael brown killing, the media has a responsibility. you are the ones targeting the we we individuals, the protesters and the violents makes for good politician? that is something that the media, really has to look at and say they want to present the story but with michael brown, i
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agree, they went forward and they said he put his hands up and they went with that narrative. >> but the point is made in new york city we have a lot of this driven by the culture created by the new york post and "the daily news." but for cable, loves the argument loves the emotionally and racially charges situations. >> when you look at media, they took an initial role especially with the michael brown case where they went with that narrative of saying, you know, he probably put his hands up. in the case of eric garner you had the video and the media was more unit fighted. >> the difference of the cases what striking because of the existence of the video. what bothers me, it takes the spotlight off of the victims, officers ramos and liu and puts
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it on the warring pundits. >> do you have a suggestion on change that? no. i don't thing it can change. you make a valid point about cage news and something else that has happened with cable news, it blurs the line between journalists and others. you do not necessarily -- you need a pro and an anti-- not you, personally -- cable news needs a pro and an an anti. there is no law that says that is the only way to do cable news. i understand conflict and opinion seems but during to time i wish we could take a more it lightened approach. we mentioned the new york of new york city de blasio he went after the media in a press conference. >> what are you going on do? keep dividing us? >> the few would want conflict attempt that and, unfortunately so many times, you enable that. i don't see reports on the many decent good people. why see reports on the every day
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cops who do the exemplary things and show restraint and discipline no matter what is hurled at them. >> does he have a point? for a politician to lecture the media seems a little silly to me. while he is saying he didn't see positive stories on police officers doing good things, is he highlighting positive stories on a citywide scale? there is plenty of blame to go around but that is misplaced to lecture the media. >> he said that you all talking to the journalists in the room are portraying those protesters who were chanting horrible stuff like dead cops and kkk as the majority but i don't think so. we tend to gravitate to the voices. is that true? >> he made some reasonable points in that little speech. however, there is no profit for
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a mayor for any politician to do that. you are just not going to win that fight. >> and sharpton, i have said this blood on the hand things should not extend to him but i have criticized hill role as sifts agitators and msnbc host and the mayor asked the protesters to delay any more demonstration until after the police funeral and sharpton says no. >> he is just -- he needs to find his way. he wants to be everything a jack of all trades. al sharpton if he wants to be the next civil rights leader by causing the friction, again, in a city that right now is suffering. they have seen massive tragedy. it is at a point for sharpton to put himself in a position where he is saying, we are not stepping the protests, we are moving forward and not respecting the slain officers and the families. >> and the protests in turn attract media coverage. we will see you later and we will keep you posted this hour
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♪ ♪ make the best entertainment part of your holidays. catch all the hottest handpicked titles on the winter watchlist, only with xfinity from comcast. >> now the latest on the missing airasia which indonesia lost control with the controllers offer the java sea 45 minutes after taking off on the way to singapore with dense form clouds blanketing the area. we ships are combing area and
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relativeses of 162 passengers are waiting for any word on the plane's fate. we will bring you all of the latest developments this hour here on fox and throughout the day. sony pictures completed the flip plop this week making the controversial film available in a few hundred theaters and online after insisting they could not do either after the actor showed up and greeted the audience with an f bomb welcome after they pulled the comedy of assassinating kim jong-un. sony said we cannot put it in the theaters we have not plans to release it, and they do a 180 and does both those saying the president and press did not understand. do they need to admit they made a mistake? >> the theaters did not want the movie. they did not want to touch it. everyone in the business does not want to get near it. it is radioactive.
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>> toxic. >> what is difficult for sony they have not come up with a very strong communication. they hired the scandal inspired judith smith and they were in shock. they realize, we are in big trouble the we have a national government going after us, hackers, and they are victims of cyber. >> did someone do a 180 because of the criticism and condemnation of how it caved? how this was all blow? >> they did it because they started to smell the odor of big cash if they got it in the theaters. >> they were losing truckloads of money. >> it will lose less. there was media pressure. perhaps, more importantly social media prior. the hollywood people sending out the tweets how craven sony was. that probably mattered how.
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>> you talk of their p.r. strategy, there was one interview giving ben the sony c.e.o., would you have advised the company that was the way to go? >> absolutely not. that is where you have an opportunity to do a press conference and you can reach out -- he made news in that interview. the fact that he could have made that more broad and explained what sony was going through the impact the employees were having...there was an opportunity for them to come out strong and slain the seriousness of the situation. >> they should not just have been on cnn. >> absolutely. >> i have half a minute. >> has this set a precedence that if hackers do not like a media rod they can intimidate a company and make that company cower? >> i would like to say "no," but
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i will say yes. legal departments have too much power and they will advise you to take no chance. >> we need the government involved. clearly there is room for bipartisan legislation. >> that debate will continue. >> thanks very much. >> ahead, the missing plane from airasia today. we look become at why the media went high wear over the disappearance of malaysian flight 870.
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162 people are on the airasia a320/200 on way to sing more. we will have the latest developments. >> we need to ask, are race relations getting better or worse? >> worse. >> worse. >> worse. >> worse. >> you go right to politics. >> right to politics. >> we have a president would made everything political. >> we talk down this street and a police see me and could kill me. >> not close to being true. >> i work for the police every day and the the mandate is to
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detour crime. >> frank luntz joins me from las vegas. how much are the people you talked to influence by the media coverage? >> it is significant. you can tell in the passion and the fact they go right to politics. i blame the politicians first because that is where they go to first. i didn't tell them, we did not mention the work president obama at all it was brought up by the group instantly. the second thing they complained of whatever they watch, they think there is a media bias depending on the network or program. they always assume based on what they are watching other side isn't telling the truth. we cannot have a civil normal conversation about an important issue because it seems like what is being said is deliberately done to provoke. >> you are saying people who watch fox or msnbc, for example feel the other channel or source
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on the last or the right or leaps left or right is not giving the full picture and everyone has their own set of what they believe are the facts? >> that is the problem. we don't watch news anymore to inform us, we watch news to agree with what we believe. you saw the intensity there. if there was one issue we should be able to discuss in a civil and quiet and meaningful way it is race relations and that is the best group i have done. they told the truth. they spoke how they saw it. the problem was, this is no one or nothing that is bringing people together. there are no lets that bring white and black, bring wrung -- young and old, rich and poor together. >> everyone knows that black americans and white americans
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view these issues very differently but "washington post" poll had an interesting stat, say ideology plays a role. two-thirds of white republicans believes whites and minorities are treated equally and only 30 percent of white democrats. >> that is the problem. we are pulling ourselves apart by every possible way and it is not just the media but also social media and the thing we watch on the web and the people we talk to. we ask have you lost a friend because of politics and what of americans say someone would they have been close do they no longer talk to because they disagree. it never used to be that way and i don't see a solution. >> it is different realm new. >> that is a polarizing area,
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hello, everyone, in 30 minutes, the aerial search will resume for the airasia 8501 with 162 passengers disappeared this morning, and 42 minutes after taking off from indonesia for singapore. air traffic control say the we pilot requested to change course because of heavy thunderstorms halfway to the destination when it was last from radar over the java sea the airplane was an
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a secret passenger and the we aircraft was hijacked and landed. >> i don't thing it was suicide but a well-funded high high-tech hijack operation sitting in the jungle. >> we are examining the media performance here including fred francis, and david zurich with "baltimore sun" and chairman is back with us. fred amazing we are talking about this on a day there is another missing plane. the malaysia airlines that was missing is a tragedy with a punch sign with leg us siding of debris. >> a reporter said is it preposterous we could not talk about a black hole? what is preposterous is he is still on the network. it wasn't just him but the producers of cnn, the graphics that went along with the segment had twilight zone in it and
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"gone," "lost." >> bad reality show. >> a bad reality show. >> everyone did it but cnn stayed with it for weeks and weeks after most other stations moved on. >> part of it, at that period of time for c cnn they were looking nor new nonfiction formula. >> what would that do? >> they covered this as world's greatest mysteries or one of the reality kind of shows. they thought that formula, whether it is another formula they use they are going to nonfiction programing this is the one that lacked like news soviet like news, but they could treat it like a mystery like "48 hours," what happened for this plane? great mysteries in aviation those kind of shows on the recovery channel. so when you get someone like
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lemon who said do you think it is something beyond our understanding... >> a lot of people made fun of cnn but the ratings went up and that feels like we are giving people what they want. >> there is a problem with that. i like to tell people if you put on top los angeles cores to read the news the ratings will go up but that is not the mandate. you do not just give people what they want but decide what is newsworthy or good for the audience. i would argue some of the problem i had with a wall for wall coverage nothing wrong with asking a lot of questions what did not make the news? i would argue that there are some gatekeepers would look for excuses if there are controversies they don't agree with or don't want to cover they look for excuses to cover the weather stories or the i weather controversies and they say, sorry we didn't have time to cover the other stories.
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>> help we get some answers soon the missing plane bound for singapore and it does not turn into another one of the 24-hour-a-day speculations festival. >> with the benefit of hindsight on ebola, was the money detroit -- were the bun -- pundits out of control? >> in my opinion no. every story should have started or ended with, you cannot get ebola unless it through body fluids. >> that is a big caveat because the deafening volume of the coverage conveyed the impression if not in the words this was an epidemic that would race across the united states. >> they got carried away. they could have muted it by doing that. then they made so many other mistakes, i am ashare my former
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network made the biggest mistake, on nbc, when a doctor violated the involuntary quarantine --. >> she later apologized. >> on my blog we called it a bone headed move and i was embarrassing for everyone. >> if the purpose of journalism is to give information to people verified information they need to live better lives, i cannot condemn the media for going full steam ahead on ebola early. this is an administration that gave reassurances on other stuff and it wasn't right. we were told the protocols were allied and then we were told necessity western. so maybe media kicked the administration and other folks in the butt and limited some of the damage. i agree with fred at the end it
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went crazy but one of the reasons the people hate the press is the resolution think they don't have to follow the quarantines. there were excesses. in cut. when you look back it is easy for say overwill but essentially it started out doing the job correctly. >> the tone and the volume get out of space control and then it vanishes but came bass because of the mistake in the centers for disease control laboratory in atlanta. >> because only africans are dying. >> you believe there was a benefit to saturation. >> they touched upon it: there was so much media coverage made the government do a 180 in what though were planning to do to keep people out of this country. they changed the policies at the airport and created s.w.a.t. teams. they were not going to do that but for the media coverage and the public outcry. >> the big story that i don't think got enough attention is the midterm elections. the republicans took control of
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the senate yet either because producers decided americans were sick of politics or because the broadcast networks were not to enthusiastic about a big republican year as in 2006 when the democrats took control of both houses it was a default by the network newscast with little coverage. >> we will keep an eye on the air asia flight with more updates but, next the coverage of ferguson and other racially charged police controversials and hammed to the heartbreaking story of the v.a. scandal? ♪ (holiday music is playing) hey! i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment
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are in indonesia and singapore awaiting word on the plane's fate. we will bring you updates as we get them. let's move. let's move. let's move. let's move. don't reu.s. i will bust your [blank]. >> i will bust your head. >> it is time to deal with policing. >> the clips remind me of the clash between journalists trying to cover the story, the official
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riots and the police in missouri. alonging back, how much inflam step role did the media play in ferguson and the aftermath? >> one of the things about ferguson that was interest was the tension between gatekeepers and social media even with reporters who work for a legacy publication like the "washington post" the shot shows you. even if the institution, the legacy publication play gatekeeper the reporters and people on the ground -- we saw this in gaza too -- people posting still photographs on twitter, raw video finding its way on to the web, that is what we saw. some of that is going to be inflammatory is okay word --. >> but there is a positive find, a way to get out information.
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>> what i thought of being divisive was so many anchors and people on television as guests using the word "michael brown was murdered." even after the grand jury thing. >> used the word murder. >> the whole hands up don't shoot narrative. >> that got played over and over and over again. rarely did we hear the fact that michael brown, in fact commit ted a strong-armed robbery which was on video. i play that compared to new york where it was all on video --. >> 9 staten islanden choking place and it was not so inflammatory. >> it seems that many in the need what seem to choose up sides on the incidents. >> here is a problem too. if you have experience in
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journalism, what you have learned and what i have learned, when you think something is obvious and you think you have everything nailed down nine out of ten times this is something you do not know. it was not couched enough with the ferguson coverage the police were not telling their side. >> we were getting one side from the michael brown appeal and allies. >> but it is the we responsibility of the media to fill in planks of why they may not speak and other explanations. you do not just let one side overrun the other. >> yes yes, and yes. >> the v.a. scandal and there were a lot of scandals, that is a scandal that touched a last american because people were waiting over bogus waiting lists and the head of the v.a. resigned and the story is over. and the media moves on to other
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outrages. >> it does. there was a woman from the phoenix v.a. with the board upholding her hiring because she took outrageous gifts. i was so happy to see any coverage. what happened at the v.a. is an absolute outrage. americans everywhere should be outraged. we tell people who go into the military we have all these things we say for them and we do not give them coverage and worse, the administrators are crooks. >> frankly, it happens over and over again starting before 2008. there was a report covering 2006 and 2007 the stories have been coming and going. i was not upset this went away because it will be back in a career or two. >> you experienced this when you were a network reporter there is a great appetite for the scandals and then it vanishes. >> in this case the administration, when they decide the story is done they quit
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providing information saying necessity have made a change and quick putting out the information the media follows their lead. if they are not handed something on a latter they are not digging for the story when the agenda is not set they let the corporation or the government set the agenda and say this is the story of the day. the administration want understand story to go away and thought it solved the problem and the press went along. >> and they decide weapon the head of an agency resigns the political part could be over but it is not. >> after the break a look whymy media credibility continues to crumble and how much that is our fault. in my world, wall isn't a street... return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement
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>> a massive air search will begin at daylight for missing airasia 181, searchers have found no sign of plain carrying 162 passengers. the plane was flying through severe storms and the pilot was trying to maneuver away from the turbulence. >> in the media mike step we widen the lens to look at the sinking level of credibility this past year. when you look at the "rolling stone" rape story and the problems and the new york magazine story of the high school kid who made $72 million trading stocks, that hurts all of our reputations although we don't work positive those organizations. >> i think it does. everyone makes mistakes. but some of these are going journalism 101 mistakes that are hard to explain and hard to
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accept, the idea that basic facts were not checked and the other side was not consulted. these things are hard to understand, and things that a news organization such as yours or cbs would never make. there are blurred lines the other quasinews organizations are sometimes lumped in with the rest of us. >> these quasinews organizes, they are playing a bigger role in breaking stories, the biggest worry sparked an intense national debate the race rice elevator video that was broken by tmz, but it certainly was a big story and an important story and the establishment media is not breaking this. >> i thank the establish -- i think the establishment media is more hesitant go after controversies unless it has been covered first. there is safety in numbers. >> someone has to cover it in first. >> sometimes it is a "rolling
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stone" or blogger time that covers it. >> like the video on obamacare broken by a man you met and i interviewed on the air, an investment advisor. there is still good investigative reporting out there but as you experienced at cbs with investigate of reporting there is less. >> there is less of it. there is much still around but it is harder fought, the reporters have a harder time to convince the gatekeepers to do the stories. they more directed and guided what kind of stories they should put on. >> people who are leaving the networks who specialize this, or "new york times" went through a big lay off with 100 fewer people including seasoned veterans. >> i would say the only investigative reporter in the general mix as cbs in new york left that unit before i left cbs and i was in washington, and lisa meyers left nbc after i left cbs&another top investigative reporter.
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>> there is no concern. i don't think the networks thing they lost anything important but are happy to have reporters covering the daily beat and not coming each day and saying we need the original stories and dig deeper. >> but investigative reporting is important because it holds people accountable and public institutions accountable. happy new year. >> your top tweets and "rolling stone" calls in journalism reinforcements and the station that botched the memorial -- the message of a roast -- a protest against the police.
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killer cops are in cell blocks. the station interviewed the protesters who complained about the mistake whose brother died in police custody last year and said in a statement "although last night's report reflected an honest misunderstanding of what the protesters were saying we apologize." >> a media failure by the huffington police after another shooting near ferguson quoting a guy on twitter to have been an eyewitness but ran a correction say he backed off the claim of having been there. the author of the article said "i was misled and made a foolish error, thank you all for pointing this out." >> here are your top tweets i have to question do you have more or less trust in the media after 2014? >> less, much less, because of ferguson. >> and republican committee fines no wrongdoing in benghazi, that is partisanship. >> strike insurance rule media
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do not see a story through affordable health care, popular was fading and now succeeding. silence. why? >> another one, media add is a problem, push for ratings leaks new cycle short, russia shooting down the plane, remember that, but i checked this guy and i don't think he will appear here. hope you had a merry christmas and hanukah, thanks for engauging with us this year as we take a balanced approach to critiquing the media and making us number one in our time slot week after week. check out our pace book page and become part of your buzz where i respond to your questions and your criticism on a weekly base. we are back here next sunday morning, at 11 o'clock and 5:00 p.m. with the latest buzz, so
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stay with us for all the developments in the missing we flight airasia 850until we determine what happened. >> the year in review lacking back at biggest stories of 2014 and what we should expect in the year ahead. >> from the midterm election and the g.o.p. wave set to sweep over washington. >> tonight, we shook up the senate. you shook up the senate. >> i welcome the president moving to the middle. the first indications have not been very hopeful. >> to a growing fight against isis. >> this is an organize that has apocalypseic vision. >> and racial discrimination re-opening old wounds.
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