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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  December 28, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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fox urgent it's now morning in indonesia and search teams are scouring more than 100 square miles of the java sea looking for flight 8501. the airliner vanishing with 162 passengers and crew on board it disappeared off radar a little less than halfway on its route to singapore, and the pilot made one transmission too air traffic control asking to change the flight plan due to clouds. family and friends of passengers are desperately awaiting any new details on the fate of the plane
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and their loved ones. >> our grandchild was going to singapore for a holiday, but the accident happened. you know it's a plane accident i only ask god for a miracle. i hope not only my family will be saved, but everyone on board. >> david piper is live in bangkok tie land with the very latest. so david what is the latest? >> reporter: as you can see, dawn has broken monday morning here in asia, we are 12 hours ahead of new york and as expected, the air search has resumed now, it was suspended overnight because of bad weather, but we understand from indonesian transport ministry that the planes have gone out, also from malaysia and singapore, to try to look for the plane. overnight, boats were out in the area of the java sea, but they found no trace.
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they're looking and they're looking half u way between surabaya where the plane originateded edon the way to singapore, that is the area at this time where they're focusing their attention, julie. >> why did the plane get into trouble? >> well, it's not totally clear, we do understand that there was poor weather, the pilot airasia did tell everybody at a news conference in surabaya that the pilot radioed in that he faced a heavy cloud. and the indonesian transport ministry did say that the crew requested that the plane ascend to 38,000 feet because of this. that was denied because the plane was above it. but five minutes later, they lost contact with the plane so it does seem that weather was the major factor but of course out as the investigation continues. >> it's daybreak where you are
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and these families have been waiting at airports in both areas and i would imagine not one of them have gotten an ounce of sleep, just desperately waiting for some positive news. what is being done for the familyies waiting? >> reporter: well, airasia in indonesia has been sending out teams to help these families, it's been a very grim wait as always with stories like this. people families and loved ones wesht to the airport in surabaya, but they have been waiting 24 hours since that plane disappeared and they now have to wait for the air and sea search to find the plane. >> so as we await word on a cause and the search and rescue teams are back out there again this morning, the question now is the cause and with the fact that the weather has been quite
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tumultuous in the region and in fact it's monsoon season, as janice dean has been pointing out all day long here. looking at to the satellite behind you, really does paint a grim picture when you're talking about air travel. >> this, julie, was the satellite imagery that we received at the time where we lost the flight, or lost contact with the flight, you can see the cloud tops here, so this is infrared satellite imagery, meaning we look at the cloud tops and the shades that you see and the deeper shades of red meaning the higher cloud tops and the possibility for thunderstorms in the area, this was the region where we lost contact with the flight, as you can see, a lot of these oranges and are reds on the screen. now taking a look at the satellite imagery right now in the area, clearer skies, so we have got the search and rescue crews resuming by air and by
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sea, and hopefully, we hope for the sake of all of the families that we will get word if indeed we do have wreckage here because certainly the skies are clearing, and the seas aren't that choppy, this region, we're not dealing with great big waves here. so let's look at the weather conditions, heavy rain, severe flooding in this region in the last month or so we're not just talking about inches we're talking about feet of rain. it is their monsoon season december and january is the wettest time of year in this area. thunderstorms were in the flight path. and we are expecting scattered thunderstorms to continue along the flight path through the midweek, but the good news is for the foreseeable 12 to 24-hour period of time as we look ahead to the forecast satellite radar imagery, we're skiing some thunderstorms in the area but certainly not to the severity that we saw overnight last night of when we got last word of the flight julie, back
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to you. >> all right janice, thank you so much. so it's been a little more than 24 hours since the plane disappeared. and patrick smith is the commercial airline pilot and the author of "ask the pilot" and he's here now to shed some insight into all of this. we hear about the radar, the plane just falling off of radar, how does that happen? >> well i'm not even sure exactly what that means or what people are trying to say when they use that expression in aviation terms, that can mean different things and i don't know how relevant that is first and foremost we have to put out a very important, boring but sprornt important disclaimer here is that it's way too soon after an accident to pinpoint a cause, aircraft investigations take months sometimes year and in the end there's a lot we sometimes don't learn, so we
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just have to back off and let the investigators do their thing and eventually mostlikely we should be able to nail down a cause. but we shouldn't be doing that right now. almost all of the early theories turn out to be false or completely off base. one thing is the weather, it's conceivable that the pilots, notice i say pilots with a plural, because the media insist on always saying the pilot, but there is usually in fact two of them. i say these pilots mai have flown into a violent thunderstorm without meaning to, because flying into a violent thunderstorm is something -- with or without permission to deviate from air traffic control. they requested a different altitude to avoid some bad weather, that's very common they were denied this request,
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presumably because of conflicting traffic. that's also fairly common. but that doesn't mean the plane is going to go flying headlong into a violent storm. the crew is always do what it needs to do to avoid violent weather with or without permission. >> these aren't the type of thunderstorms that we typically fly in here, domestically in the united states. as a pilot of a commercial jet here in the united states, if you looked at a satellite radar like this one that we're showing you on the screen, would a plane ever take off in these conditions? >> the fall weather is going to be more nuanced than what you see on the radar display. i haven't seen it, i can't see it now looking at the screen, so i don't know exactly what they were looking at, what direction, what altitude, you know, its more subtle than what you may see on a screen like that. >> patrick smith we appreciate you coming on.
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president obama meantime getting briefed on to the missing airasia plane while vacationing in hawaii. now the white house is responding to this the international crisis. we'll tell you how. and terrifying new video from inside a ferry engulfed in flames. at least one person confirmed dead, the latest efforts to save hundreds of others.
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airasia plane, but no response from the indonesian government who's handling the search at this time. president obama who's vacationing in hawaii is receiving constant updates on the search for flight 8501. top administration officials will continue monitoring the situation. meanwhile the state department offering it's sympathies for everyone involved in this international crisis. molly has more from washington. >> secretary of state john kerry sent out a tweet on the missing flight today saying, quote, our hearts and hopes are with the passengers and families of airasia qz-8501. a state department official tells fox that the indonesian government has not asked for u.s. help through diplomatic channels at this point. the national transportation safety board is also offering it's expertise according to
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ntsb public affairs official harry williams--if asked we would provide investigators and technical advisors to the leede investigative agencies. based on the initial reports, it e appears there were no americans abort this airasia flight. the search for airasia flight 8501 is centers over the java sea. so far malaysia indonesia and singapore are spearheading the search, with hundreds of ships and preseason and planes. and there's other news we also want to tell you about tonight, word of another tragedy in the waters between italy and
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albania coast guard officials are -- the flames tearing through the interior of that vessel. so far we know of at least one the it tallian vessel was en route to it tally when fire broke out on deck. some passengers say they heard explosions before the frames broke out, but the cause of the fire has yet to be determined. the ongoing battle to wipe out sis r it's sit has claimed -- the guard says the brigadier general was assisting iraqi troops and volunteers defending a city north of baghdad, home to a major shiite shrine, he was in fact the highest ranking officer known to have been killed outside iran.
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iran meantime has sent military advisors to assist syria and if rack in battling soon any led rebels and extremist groups but denies sending any combat forces to either country. and america's longest war comes to a formal end e a ceremony today to mark the end of combat operations. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. goodnight.
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understand there are two particular flights that are similar to what may have happened to airasia flight 85 01? >> like airasia, and flight 612 both disappeared in mid flight during cruising altitude, considered the safest part of any flight. it's very rare. just 10% of fatal crashes over the past decade occurred while a plane was cruising. the flight that most eerily seems similar to what may have happened to airasia is the pocovo flight in 2012. just like flight 8501. it was climbing at 35,000 feet when pilots tried to climb over storm clouds that extended as high as 35,000 feet. the plane hit severe turbulence while trying to climb, and pushed the plane up so fast that it went into a deep stall and
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crashed, killing all on board. air france flight -- the plane's speed sensors were clogged with ice at high altitude during thunderstorms. those are just two of six major crashes over the past decade, due to weather. in july of this year a trans asia airline flight crash in 2002. >> what role does pilot error have or has it played in these accidents. >> investigators found that the pilots weren't trained a cattily enough to maneuver the plane manually at high altitudes in those storm conditions a very chaotic situation for any pilot. >> oftentimes when a pilot is trying to get out of a storm, they're really trying to save the aircraft, so they're really doing all kinds of things,
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heroic measures to try to save an aircraft that's potentially unstable. and when you're in a storm, and the aircraft is literally choking, like you're choking yourself, you're trying to power back into the aircraft just trying to breathe and get it back into a safe zone. >> they're saying that the airline industry suffers form autopilot addiction pilots are so used to the plane flying itself, so that when they are suddenly confronted with a problem, they don't know how to respond or they make errors. >> thank you so much. switching gears now, the longest war in american history official has come to an end. afghanistan resuming responsibility for its own security, u.s. and nato leaders spoke at a ceremony in kabul today, to the majority of u.s. combat troops deployed there are set to withdraw in just a few days, raising concerns about afghanistan's ability to defend itself against increasing terror
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attacks. dan springer has more from hon luly. >> dan? >> reporter: it's a big concern because the taliban is still very much a threat in afghanistan, they have actually stepped up attacks in afghanistan over the past year, but the u.s. is keeping to the end of -- the international security assistance force flag was lowered for the final time. the afghan president spoke along with the u.s. army john camp bell. president obama talked about the end of the war on christmas when he greeted marines here in hawaii. hi raised eyes brows when he confidently declared that no future attacks will be launched from afghanistan. he said that our nation is more secure because of our military service. but then a more sober assessment. afghanistan remains a dangerous place and the afghan people and
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their security forces continue to make tremendous sacrifices in defense of their country. 2014 has been a horrific year for the afghan people, 10000 citizens have been killed in attacks along with 5,000 afghan soldiers. the u.s. goes down to a troop force of 11,000, they'll be mainly in a support role, to help the after gangghan forces and also some counter terrorism support. meanwhile george h.w. bush continues on the road toward recovery at a houston hospital. in fact his office issue at statement just a short time ago. i'll read it for you, president and mrs. bush enjoyed watching the houston texans baseball game today. as we indicated previously the president will remain at the houston methodist hospital this evening, we hope to have news about a possible discharge tune. mr. bush, as you know was rushed to the hospital last tuesday due to shortness of
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breath. he is 90 years old and suffers form a form of parkinson's disease, which allow us him to get around in a wheelchair. sony announcing some positive news about the movie the interview causing a lot of controversy, but it's turns out it's a good thing for sony. the film brought in $15 million during it's first four days. the film was released in -- the film was renteded or purchased online 2 million times. sony was forced to offer the movie digitally when theaters refuse ed to refused to ---the hacker activist group known as lizard squad claims responsibility for disrupting both the playstation and microsoft xbox live
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networks, claling they wanted to expose security flaws in both systems. the search resumes for airasia flight 8501 that vanished on the way to singapore, less than 24 hours ago. now the latest on the search for the plane as search teams are back out there looking hard as we speak. and thousands of police from around the country literally turning their backs on new york city mayor bill de blasio at a funeral for one of the fallen cops killed in brooklyn. well the fox news political insider also weigh in on the risks between protesters and politicians. what can be done to smooth things over between police and mayor de blasio.
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the search continues for the airasia flight that went down in the java sea. what's too . >> reporter: it's 7:30 in the morning in indonesia right now, and these could be some crucial hours heading into the search, because later on in the afternoon, they're supposed to get more thunderstorms throughout the area. right now three countries are conducting this search that's being led by indonesia singapore and malaysia are offering help as well. the plane lost contact with air traffic control over the java sea, it's last communication came early sunday morning with the pilot asking to increase altitude to avoid a storm cloud. it's unclear what happened next. the java sea is a very shallow seabed it's average depth is only about 150 feet deep.
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it doesn't have any canyons or ravines, the search area is far smaller than that of mh 370 that went missing nine months ago. investigators say if they do see a debris field, the size is important, if it went flat down in water it -- if a bomb went off, then the debris field will be far more scattered. so far indonesian authority aren't making any assumptions they're even searching nearby islands. airasia has an excellent safety record, it has never had a plane crash before. there were 160 people on that plane, 17 children, one infant. now their families are at a crisis center in west indonesia and they're all hoping to get some kind of good news later today. >> and will, what do we know about the pilots? i know that there are two pilots, both of which were very experienced. >> reporter: that's the right,
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the captain very experienced, more than 20,000 in flight hours under his belt in particular, he had 6,100 hours in that exact plane for airasia. the first officer has more than 2,200 flight hours as well. both very familiar with this airplane. listen to lieutenant general tom mcinerney. >>-r i don't think the it was the pilot's experience completely, we'll finding out from the black box and what happened. but i think he got into a thunderstorm that probably few airplanes have gotten in and gotten out of. >> the search crews will not be listening for those under water locator beacons that you heard a lot about during malaysia 370. they should be pinging and hopefully if they can hear those, julie, they will lead them in the right direction. >> thank you so much. joining us now for -- if and
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when passengers are found if they had life jackets on will be very telling of if they had warning of the crash. tell us about the moments before air traffic control lost contact. >> the one black box cockpit voice recorder will record everything that the pilots did and everything in the cabin. there's also a central microphone in the cabin, so you'll hear the passengers last 30 minutes of words. >> and the last communication with air traffic controllers that we do know of, the pilot requested to avoid clouds by climbing to a higher elevation, 38,000 feet. but the storm actually reached
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levels of 50000. how should a pilot navigate through this serious weather? >> that's one of the quandries, it's sometimes an impossible situation, every time you go up 1,000 feet in the air, the temperature drops by one degree sent grade if there's moisture in the air, that increases the chances of icing on the wing, icings on pieces of equipment. and u you can't usually go under the thunderstorms, because that's worse quite often. >> we have is talked quite often about pito tubes, and one of the issues that's been agreed and disagreed upon here on my show today is whether or not icing was an issue. and there's been airbus jets in the past air france a-330 aircraft in which icing was the cause of that crash. how could you compare these two air flights? >> well with the thunderstorms,
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it could be a very similar situation, you want to avoid them, and again icing is fatal. on the wings of most craft, there's a thing called the deicer boot, which sprays out not unlike the windsheild solution you have in your car, but that only works to a certain level and it doesn't guarantee that the thing won't ice over. >> okay so then we talk about the storms in the area and how unpredictable they are. because if we had a satellite that showed storms like this here in the united states, most likely the airlines would have cancelled the flight all together. how are pilots to react when they are hit with these violent updrafts and down drafts that we have been talking about that come along with these thunderstorms in the midst of monsoon season there. >> well it's one of those tough things in our book, the first volume back in the early 90s, it's one of those things that you can't account for, you just try to do your best. and i believe the height of this
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storm yesterday was 58000 feet. that's beyond the range of most carriers and pilot's capabilities to get above that. and again, if there's too nearby ones, you can get caught in a whirlpool effect that it's something that you can leave the ground and everything looks good and half hour, 40 minutes into it, things can change so drastically, that you're lost. >> okay so at this point the hope is of course that the plane will be found, there are a few other missing flights to make note of that was not the case. i want to talk about malaysia airlines flight 370 it went missing in march of 2014, it had 239 people on board. not only was the plane never found, they never found an ounce of debris, no debris field was ever locateded, a single piece of debris in fact. but this search and recovery effort, i believe through speaking with several experts here on this topic today will have a much different end result, would you agree with that? considering the area they're
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searching. >> it would appear that way, first of all the depths of ocean is a lot shallower, and that's a good thing with recovery efforts, and it will probably become a multinational recovery effort and let's hope that it's not a recovery effort, let's hope there's an adjacent island or somewhere they put it down. the only outlier statistic on that is that they didn't make a pan pan or a may day call to say they were in trouble. and any captain in charge any pic pilot in charge would make to the call if he didn't the first officer certainly would and there was a crew on there total of 7, so someone would have warned it. -- --. >> is so essentially steer the aircraft out of danger, so their number one priority ask not to call air traffic control and
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report an issue, their number one responsibility is to try to navigate out of it without potentially risking or losing the lives of all their passengers and themselves. >> that's correct and the technology you spoke about earlier, this is what a glasscockglass cockpit looks like, that makes to the infrared rather easy to look at. there were 37 of these instruments in the old days in every cockpit and one of these that you can pull-up any data you need in an instant. so the glasscock pit both in the a-320 and the 727s, that makes it easier for the captain to pull-up to the data. and again the first officer is going to -- if there's an advanced warning they're going to call in it won't have to be the pilot in charge, quite often it will be the first officer, we have a situation here.
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>> all right, well we look forward to getting more answers, certainly for those families and loved ones who are just waiting for any word whatsoever on their family members. well, an incredible show of support and disapproval at the funeral of a new york city police officer. cops from all over the country, and i'm talking thousands, attending the funeral of officer ramos. i'll read some of your responses and there have been plenty, next.
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as officer rafael ramos's funeral. they accuse the mayor of fostering a climate of distrust by the new york city mayor. they they listen. >> i do believe mayor de blasio should apologize to the new york city police department. i said it on day one. and i think he can get this over with if he did it. i have had to apologize for things that i said that were wrong. he created an impression with the police, and i don't know that he wanted to do it he probably didn't, but he made the impression that he was on the side of the protesters. >> you can join the conversation on twitter and on fninsiders. pat cadell and doug schoene,
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gentlemen, thank you very much for coming on. while rudy giuliani doesn't agree with police turning their backs to de blasio, he does think that the current mayor should apologize for the way that he has spoken about police in the past? >> i think so, but how you run for office determines how you're going to govern when you're in office. he specifically ran against the new york city police and the policy to stop and frisk. he went up to harlem and sucked up to sal sharpton and this year -- he's going to have to undo this if he wants to get past this. >> many have said president obama's relationship with al sharpton is also going to be a reason why perhaps some of this violence has been incited here in this country, considering a lot of these protests have
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erupted into a lot of anger toward the police department. doug, would you agree that de blasio kind of messed things up from the time he was running, never mind after getting elected? >> yeah i would say that whatis correct, but what we need now is a process of reconciliation, between the police, the minority community, the mayor's office and really the elite leadership in our cities. because, you know, you can point fingers and you can blame people, but ultimately we cannot as a free society operate in a way that the police is at variance anded a aded aadversarial to the broad mass of protesters we have to get together, we're one nation, one community, we have to move beyond these divisions. >> at this point the mayor of
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new york city should resign. that would be in the best interests of the police. i can tell you with many officers on the force, this is not going to be forgive and forgot. >> i share doug's sentiments and john's analysis as well. let me go back to it, de blasio is a very far left probably as liberal or beyond liberal of any big city mayor in america. he is -- he has actively courted al sharpton, as has the president, who has had him in the white house 86 times. when you put someone like al sharpton, who's a racial agitator, and a man without a speck of integrity, and you use him as you're advisor, and giuliani was right about al sharpton as being the voice of hatred of police, you're sending a message. and that message is i think p
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often times political that has helped contribute to this atmosphere. let's not kid ourselves. >> sharpton was very quick to come out and point blame at police officers for being involved in the dpetseaths of two black men. i somewhere not heard that tone of anger responding to a black man who took out two officers who were asian and hispanic where is the outrage on behalf of al sharpton and where is the outrage on the part of president obama. >> i don't hear any outrage on their side. and i also think we need to throw in the pot here that most of the media is responsible for this too. they have fueled this thing, beginning this summer in ferguson, the stilted coverage of that case all the way was disgraceful. this thing's been disgraceful. they're not fair, they're not objective. i know pat wants to bring up and i'll let him do it, the fact that al sharpton has a show on
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msnbc, which is unbelievable. that a guy like that would have a national daily tv show? it's unbelievable, right, pat. >> i said that because, look the real reason he's on television, not only is he acting as the quote white house point man on race as he was in ferguson, for the white house, and for eric holder and not only in new york, causing demonstrations and saying, no, wire not going to stop, he's not only an agitator or public figure, he's also on the air every day as a, quote journalist, he's only there because he helped comcast arrange a bunch of artificial turf for black groups, to support the takecomcast's takeover of msnbc. this is as corrupt as the day is long. >> i have got to say this before we get to break.
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because under michael bloomberg as mayor they have the right to the free speech but to the disturb the peace that's a much different scenario as speaking freely. shutting down an entire city including bridges and highways is not only disturbing the peace, but it's putting all new yorkers at risk. if god forbid something were to happen here and people needed to get in and out of the city, they would essentially be responsible for killing a lot of people. >> let's go back 13 years ago to 9/11 and how all of us looked upon men and women in uniform -- >> and our nypd were heros and how quickly people forget the nypd and the nyfd how they rushed into those buildings taking all this anger and violence on cops and police officers who risk their lives on a daily basis.
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>> if i had said on 9/12, the next mayor is going to run against police. jeb bush appears to be clearing the way for a possible presidential run in 2016 and now a brand-new poll shows republican voters are warming up to the idea, the fox news political insiders are right back.
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jeb bush seems to be putting a 2016 presidential run in motion. a new poll actually shows the former florida governor leading the gop field of potential presidential candidates, with 23% of the vote among likely republican voters. new jersey voter chris christie
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in a distant second with 17%. doug, first of all, i mean if you were hillary clinton and you were the democratic nominee let's say, would you want to be running against jeb bush. >> the last person you would want to be running against is jeb bush, he is a centrist, and a conservative, a center right candidate. he's thoughtful, he has a record to run on and you know what julie? he's something i think a lot of democrats, moderate and conservative democrats will find appealing, i think he's the toughest republican for hillary and these numbers obviously spell a challenge for her and the other republican candidates. >> that also places a challenge on jeb bush if he's going to win conservative votes because the thought of jeb bush as a gop front-runner and a front leader is basically showing some serious holes in the establishment of the gop.
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>> i'm sitting here as you introduce that piece what am i not understanding here? the most unpopular thing in the republican party is obama care it has cost the democrats the house and the senate. >> right. and the republicans are thinking of nominating a man jeb bush who made money off of obama care? >> yeah, they're quitting the senate health care. >> he's going to run jeb bush on the republican primaries on that alone. it's like mitt romney stashing his money on the caribbean islands. >> mitt romney clearly had the same sort of issues in that he had been running, he had been working for bain capital. he ended to the relentless attacks on democrats by distancing himself. but it didn't necessarily work out so good for him did it? >> he should have had an answer from the beginning, i never did understand that campaign, which is as i have said often, the
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worst challenging campaign that should have won in history. i look at this with jeb bush, he just resigned from barkley banks, he's been out there making a lot of money. he is as doug said the establishment candidate. if american politics is isolated only to the establishment washington political class, then he is the last person that hillary would want to face but i'm with john i think there's a difference here look he is still running 13 points behind clinton in this latest polling the other candidates are running 20 points behind, the only reason that i think that bush has gained some is because he's been the guy in the news. but he has got real holes there, and i think that what we're missing is the country out there, the anger against the washington establishment, particularly in the base of the republican party i think it's ripe for a very different sluice
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than that that we keep getting shoved down our thoetsroats. >> what about the e-mails he put out on friday showing that he was quite transparent while he was governor and he meant to release some 250,000 e-mails that he had sent to constituents and people in the state of florida. has that helped or hurt him. >> i have looked at the e-mails that were released and said no big deal. but what is a big deal is what pat cadell was talking about. there's a -- transcends party, transcends ideology a sense that we the american people are getting a raw deal that we're being take advantage of internationally, and that our economy, even with the recent economy hasn't worked for real people, that's the real question.
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>> gentlemen, excellent having you on thank you very much. and that is how fox reports ss sunday, december 28 2014, stay tuned to fox news for continuing coverage of airasia flight 8501. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season.
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