tv Hannity FOX News December 29, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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l be at sea including the american navy's destroyer, the uss samson. the search area is also being expanded to include nearby islands in the java sea. the plane vanished early sunday while en route to singapore with 162 people on board. and another search is under way at this hour near the coast of greece. that's where a ferry caught on fire during an overnight trip to italy. ten people are confirmed dead and more than 400 were rescued by boat and helicopters. but rescuers continue to comb the ship and the water because the passenger list is sketchy. the fire broke out on the car deck of the ferry. the cause still under investigation. i'm kelly wright. now stay tuned for "hannity."
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the plane disappeared this weekend. the flight crew reportedly asked for permission to increase altitude due to bad weather. but we're told that air traffic control could not immediately grant that request. and authorities believe that the plane crashed at sea. joining us now with reaction are aviation attorney, former commercial airline instructor kathleen bangs and former air force colonel dan hampton. thank you so much for being here. dan, i want to start with you. because you have some insight into maybe what happened inside the cockpit. you're not so sure it was just weather-related. >> well, without any evidence to the contrary, i hesitate to speculate too much. it's looking more and more like that's what happened. but there's some things that haven't been disclosed yet that are still questions in my mind. for instance, no distress call. to me that means the pilot was so occupied with what he was doing he couldn't talk. which can happen. which would kind of lend itself to suggest something
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catastrophic happened in the cockpit be it an out of control situation due to bad weather or disorientation or something else. and then the fact that none of the elts have been detected yet. the fact that they haven't found the airplane where they're searching for doesn't really strike me as too odd because that doesn't necessarily mean that's where the plane went in. you know, where the radar contact was lost. >> i see. >> it's not that big of a space, so i have every confidence they will find it. >> kathleen, you have some insight into a similar crash that occurred in 1963 which put these new standards in place for flying through thunderstorms and going around them. can you give us insight into how this crash is similar to the one from 1963 and similar to the air france crash that we saw a couple years ago. >> yes. that was a pivotal accident with northwest airlines that occurred in florida. coincidentally enough it was on february 12th and the flight actually lasted 12 minutes. what was pivotal was it was one
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of the first big thunderstorm crashes with modern swift wing aircraft. what happened this accident and many similar incidents after that year quite a bit of research grew out of it which gives us too the procedures which pilots use in and flying around thunderstorms. that was one of the first jets to actually break-up in flight. the tail separated, the nose separated, all the engines separated before it impacted with the ground. >> now, sal, you look at the situation and you look at the timing. it seems like time is always of the essence with these things. officials are saying they think the plane's at the bottom of the sea. how many days now do we have to find those black boxes before they run out and it's going to be more difficult to find them if we can't ping at them? >> the pingers on the boxes which are the tones that help them find the boxes location last at a minimum for 30 days. we've known them to last much longer than that. i don't think it will take 30 days. we have a very shallow ocean here. the java sea is not the south
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indian ocean where we had the other problem. so i think you'll see something quickly. what they need first is a debris field. they found some debris that they're trying to confirm now. once they have that they can start putting sonar devices in to look for the pingers and try to locate both black boxes. >> gotcha. back to you, kathleen. officials say there were six planes in the same area at the same time that they asked for clearance to go a little higher. >> right. >> and that's why they weren't allowed to go higher because it was too crowded. is this a common occurrence for this to be this much traffic? in those areas that if there is an emergency that they need to move forward? >> yes, very common. in fact as we're on the show tonight there's hundreds of aircraft all over the world today and this evening asking the same question, can i climb and can i deviate? not unusual that air traffic control did not grant that request although just a couple minutes later they did grant that request. but by that time the pilots
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had -- the aircraft did show on radar that it was climbing. they never acknowledged that radio call from atc to initiate a climb. so what that leads me to believe in addition to a preliminary radar image from air traffic control that shows the aircraft had slowed down about 100 to 120 knots indicates to me possibly that aircraft was stuck in some very, very bad turbulence and perhaps in a strong updraft right before it lost control. >> again, based on your experience as a fighter pilot, do you think human error here had more to do with maybe the weather's considering. they had about 100 miles or so to get around this storm before then calling for access to a higher elevation? >> well, he's an airline pilot so he's going to want to get to where he's going, right? i'm not -- i'm not too concerned about that. it's easy to second guess this guy. yeah, he probably should have turned around and come back, but this is a guy that's done this several hundred times at least. short flight fairly common. so i don't really see that as being an issue. >> sal, what are the next steps here? what are we going to find?
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are they going to find anything? what's the timeline moving forward? >> first we want the find the black boxes if we can and the debris, because the debris can be analyzed. we're all assuming it's a weather incident. we don't really know that. let's least have a little bit of caution on that side. then we have to try to figure out why the pilot continued to fly into that bad weather that they had. that may very well be on the cockpit voice recorder. he may have been talking to his first officer and making that decision together. and that's something that we could use to learn in the future. so these things don't happen again. >> well, we'll certainly be staying on that story. sal, kathleen, dan, thank you so much. we'll continue to follow it. but first, just weeks ago the president announced he was normalizing relations with cuba. and now there's this, an interview with npr president obama was asked "is there any scenario under which you can envision in your final two years opening a u.s. embassy in tehran?" and president obama responded, i never say never, but i think these things have to go in steps.
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joining me now with reaction is fox news military analyst lieutenant colonel ralph peters. thanks so much for being here tonight. >> hi, katie. >> i want to ask the question not necessarily about the embassy being opened in tehran, because i don't think that that's going to happen. but i do want to know the implications of the president even bringing up this idea in an interview which of course is going to be read and seen by the israelis and by the iranians. >> well, he doesn't care what the israelis think. but i do seem to remember another weak democratic president having a minor problem with an embassy in iran. but apparently, katie, since the reset button didn't work with russia, we're going to try to recycle and try it with iran. while this is going on and obama is teasing maybe we'll give you an embassy again, which the iranians haven't asked for, by the way. meanwhile iran's nuclear weapons program proceeds while they talk us to death. and because of the poor structure of our efforts against
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isis in iraq, even if those efforts are successful, we're going to hand iran an empire that will spread well into the arab middle east. so i am bewildered, frankly, by the incompetence of the approach or nonapproach this president has to iran. it seems to be to, as with cuba, we award enemies and ignore friends. >> well, you take a look at what's been going on with cuba and everything else, but don't you think this plays into a broader middle eastern strategy? over the weekend president obama gave a speech announcing the end of the afghan war. you seem to think isis should be more of a priority in terms of what's going to affect us here at home than maybe the taliban coming back in as our forces leave afghanistan. >> yeah. well, in washington there's this -- for all the ph.d.s that are piled up around this city, i mean, i'm sure half the homeless people here probably have ph.d.s, but the lack of imagination, the lack of vision is remarkable.
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now, some of us suggest back in 2003 iraq doesn't work. it's a phony country drawn up by the french and british for their own purposes. they're long dead. and our state department can't see beyond the lines drawn on the map in the 1920s. iraq doesn't work. but instead of having our top priority being killing terrorists, defeating isis, the islamic state militants, wherever we find them, in iraq or syria, we are obsessed with keeping iraq together. and that means the obama administration is supporting the iranian-backed, iranian-owned baghdad government, which lured lords it over our kurdish allies, the only true allies we have in iraq. and also, while they stopped persecuting the sunni minority for now, as soon as the islamic state is gone, they'll start doing it again. it's incoherent. and meanwhile our allies, the
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saudis, have been dropping the price of oil because they're worried about iran's nukes. their primary purpose is to hurt iran to get its nuclear arms program off the rails. and president obama is undercutting them. you could not design -- a a female full of brilliant scientists couldn't design a columnsier, crazier more counterproductive approach to our middle east crisis. >> so what do you think the end game is then? you have the president saying pulling troops out of iraq, of course they're still going to leave some u.s. personnel who he admittedly will be under attack from our enemies in afghanistan. what is the end game here? is it about obama's legacy? when you look at his legacy in afghanistan, no one ever talks about the fact that 73% of casualties during the war in afghanistan happened since 2009. they don't talk about the fact that 90% of the injuries that have come out of afghanistan have happened since 2009. so what is president obama's real end game here with his policy in both of those places?
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>> well, the scary part is he doesn't know. he's just looking to get out of office without any more major problems. katie, you made a critical point. obama just patted himself on the back again because he said he pulled most of our troops out of afghanistan. well, he put most of our troops in afghanistan, and absolutely right. 3/4 of our casualties were on his watch. fortunately, we're leaving a small residual in afghanistan. let's hope that it's enough. but a fundamental problem seems like our president is like children believe you saying something makes it so. he said iraq was a strong democratic government contender, we could leave. he said al qaeda was defeated, islamist terrorism, which he wouldn't call islamist terrorism was defeated. welcome to the real world. now afghanistan is just fine. well, the war he just concluded ain't over. >> right. well, we'll see what happens. we saw the results of iraq and we'll see isis continue to march on and see what the consequences are. colonel peters, thank you so
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much for joining us. >> thank you, katie. coming up, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. some members of the nypd turned their backs on mayor de blasio while he spoke during the funeral service for officer ramos this weekend. some defend the move saying it was justified. and others call it inappropriate. plus -- >> i do believe mayor de blasio should apologize to the new york city police department. i said it day one. and i think he'd get this over with this if he did it. >> will de blasio take giuliani's friendly advice? and later, president obama boldly declares he has his veto pen ready and he isn't afraid to use it. what does this mean for congress? that and more as "hannity" continues. thanks. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin)
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welcome back to "hannity." on saturday thousands of police officers stood outside the church in queens new york for the funeral of officer rafael ramos. a few hundred of those officers turned their backs on new york city mayor bill de blasio as he eulogized the fallen officer who was assassinated last week along with his partner. and yesterday former new york city mayor rudy giuliani said it was about time for mayor de blasio to apologize to the nypd. take a look. >> i do believe mayor de blasio should apologize to the new york city police department. i said it day one, and i think he'd get this over with if he did it. i've had to apologize for things that i said that were wrong. he created an impression with the police. i don't know that he wanted to do it. he probably didn't. but he created an impression with the police that he was on the side of the protesters. now, some of those protesters are entirely legitimate. but some of those protesters
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were horrible yelling kill the police. >> and earlier today mayor de blasio was reportedly booed while addressing an nypd graduation ceremony. joining me now with reaction is former lapd detective mark fuhrman and former nypd detective and ceo pat bronson. pat, you were outside that church with all of those officers. just tell us a little bit about how it was, what was it like what was the atmosphere like and what were people saying about officer ramos? >> katie, i certainly will. first i want to clarify it wasn't hundreds that turned their backs it was thousands. it was many thousands. the reason i know is i was there. and i saw for as far as a football field in front of one of many jumbo trons, i saw thousands and thousands of uniform police officers of every rank turn on a dime, do an immediate 180-degree turn once mayor de blasio came on the jumbo tron. it's a fact.
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not hundreds, thousands. >> right. well, can you talk to us a little bit about what the officers were saying why did they want to do that? what were they saying about officer ramos? because they were there to remember him. everyone's upset with the mayor but this was really ability remembering a great man who lost his life too soon. >> the moon as all police funerals i've been to many many, many of them was extremely somber. more somber this time than any i think before. i think that has to do with the horrific circumstances of the double assassination. i think it struck to the core. put an ice pick in the heart of the nypd as an institution. it alerted them. it horrified them to the extent of the savagery that occurred. this wasn't a gunfight on a rooftop with a bank robber. this was two guys having a roast beef sandwich in broad daylight in a marked radio car on a quiet saturday afternoon. horrific. and i think it absolutely stilled the heart of the nypd. >> now, mark, there's been a lot of controversy from certain people saying that these police
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officers shouldn't be turning their back on the mayor that they should respect mayor de blasio despite the things he said. what do you have to say about that? >> well, first, i can't argue with pat just described. in the environment in new york. that being said the mayor of new york is really the leader of that city. and he needs to act like one. he needs to stop bringing in his personal views, his history his family and stop siding with one side or another. he represents the leadership of new york. and as far as turning the back on mayor de blasio i think it was totally appropriate. they were honoring two fallen officers. the mood and the climate that the mayor allowed in the city actually contributed to everything that took place. not just the assassination of these two officers but the civil unrest. so de blasio doesn't get it. he will never -- he will never
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understand the brotherhood of law enforcement. he will never be there. he will never be allowed to be there. and he needs to act like a leader and lead the men that know how to do the job. he's not doing that. it's totally appropriate. >> pat mark just mentioned the atmosphere that was in new york city and around the country before these two police officers were executed. you know, you just wrote a very powerful op-ed on your website talking about bill de blasio's words. what strikes me about bill de blasio is he is now sending out commissioner bratton to say it's inappropriate for the officers to turn their backs in protest, but it seems like bill de blasio is perfectly okay with taking sides. he's not liking it so much now being on the side of being protested for the things he said about his son, which warning his son about the racist cops allegedly. i mean you wrote all about that on your website. >> it's been astonishing, katie. i mean, since the very minute that the no true bill was delivered on the michael brown
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shooting, mayor de blasio and others of the anti-police brigade have replaced common sense and logic and the rule of law with misplaced anti-police rhetoric inflammatory manufactured 24/7 racist propaganda. however, as he's learned and how many others have learned from the anti-police brigade rhetoric has consequences. you cannot dehumanize you cannot diminish you can't declaw a storied and nobled institution like the nypd and not think there's going to be simultaneous consequences of empowerment of these individuals who would commit crimes and who would go so far as to light the fuse that lit and caused and created ismaaiyal lindsey -- >> mark. he's right. mayor de blasio has certainly dehumanized police officers all over the country but specifically here in new york city. he refuses to apologize. he continues to show up as these
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events and acts like he still deserves the respect they're demanding from him. do you think this can be fixed as mayor de blasio fix -- do you think he'll actually mean it if he does apologize? >> as far as de blasio and the police department, it cannot be fixed because de blasio's not the leader that the police department needs to carry out their job. they can do it completely by themselves. they don't need de blasio to actually create problems for the police department. just be silent and let bratton run the police department. it will be fine. but you have to see something here katie. de blasio thinks that an apology is what nypd wants. they don't want that. they want to be able to exercise their job as police officers to the letter of the law for these demonstrators so they can stop these demonstrations and the attitude and the disrespect before it starts not what de
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blasio blasio's doing is placating and talking to these demonstrators and the leaders of these demonstrations like they somehow have a valid, i guess, right to disrespect the nypd. this is where -- i mean this is the line. >> as a former detective for the nypd do you think that bill de blasio should resign? >> that's a very difficult question. and i concur with mark on many levels as it relates to how much will an apology do. listen. when you have former senior adviser sitting at the table with someone like commissioner bratton, an absolute legend with 44 years in senior police command leadership roles, this becomes like alice in wonderland. it's madness. it's completely a bizarre series of circumstances. listen, i think the office of the mayor deserves a lot of respect. it absolutely does. but so does the institution, the noble institution of the nypd. and that hasn't been there. and it's tremendously
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problematic. >> well, thank you both very much for joining us. we're obviously going to keep looking at this story. and coming up, president obama has a warning for the new gop- gop-led congress. he has his veto pen and not afraid to use it. and later a brand new poll about 201 shows jeb bush leading the pack of gop hopefuls. that and more as "hannity" continues. [thinking] there i was. another holiday... ...stuck at the kids' table... ...again. then it happened. every boy's dream... ...i got called up to the big leagues. i was finally a man, on my way to shaving, driving and staying up past midnight. [reddi wip spray sound] being an adult is overrated. holidays aren't the same without the real cream of reddi wip. the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy.
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welcome back to "hannity." we are still days away from swearing in the new congress, yet president obama is already threatening to use his veto pen. listen to this. >> there are going to be some areas where we disagree. and, you know i haven't used the veto pen very often since i've been in office partly
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because legislation that i objected to was typically blocked in the senate even after the house took over -- republicans took over the house. now i suspect there will be some times i've got to pull that pen out. >> so, how will the gop-led congress work with the obama white house come january? here to tell us all about it is texas congressman louis gohmert sgli didn't hear him talk about things we can agree on. first rattle out of the box he wants to talk about what he's going to veto. he's going to use his pen. well, we've already seen. he used to tell us, katie if you've got any ideas about health care my door's open. well, i tried. there are all these security people, they may not keep people from jumping over the fence, but by golly they keep people like me from getting to the president's oval office. so he wasn't serious about that. he's never really wanted to work with us. but there's a lot of things that we need to do that we didn't get
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done in the last congress. now, i for one felt like there were many things that we passed hundreds of bills we passed in the house. we should have forced the senate to take a vote. if we had forced the senate to take the tough votes then you would have had even more democrats staying home. >> right. >> but now that we're going to have a republican-controlled congress in both the house and senate, we need to send the bills and we need to force the senate to vote on them so that he does veto them so that it will be harder for a democrat president to win unless they're onboard for the things american people want. >> now that harry reid is not there -- >> he's there. >> well, he's there but not leading the pack stopping things at the door. the president saying i've only vetoed two things but that was really a move so he can use his pen now and saying he's not being overly zealous with his veto pen. now that harry reid is not there to stop everything that comes out of the house, you mentioned hundreds of pieces of legislation. we can't go through hundreds of pieces of legislation on air. what are the top three things that you think the republicans
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should do right away to get into the white house and to get president obama using his pen either to sign something into law or to veto it? >> well, one of my favorite things would be to eliminate the massive overregulation that we're creating. we need to stop the invasion of privacy of people's lives. we need to defund as much of obamacare as we can, and pass good things. it's amazing. paul ryan and i have things we can agree on we ought to be passing, we ought to force him to prevent people from getting freedom to pick their doctors and pick their insurance. there are a lot of those things we can do. and then we ought to defund this president's efforts to continue to help our enemies and hurt our allies abroad. it's killing us. i just got back from afghanistan and iraq. you hear the same thing around the world. why are you helping your enemies and hurting your allies? we can effect that with the purse if we use it.
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the reason i brought back up harry reid that he's not going to be gone. katie, right before just a few weeks ago we saw pelosi may be no longer speaker but our republican speaker ran to the democrat, the former speaker, to get the votes to pass a massive bill he didn't give us a chance to read. >> that does need to stop. it's going to be up to you guys to stop it sochlt what are three specific things you are planning on getting on the table within the first month with these new members sworn in? you have mitch mcconnell saying obamacare, the medical device tax, something democrats disagree with. they want to get rid of that. the keystone pipeline which has been in waiting for years. what are some of the specifics the american people can look at you and say we elected you, put you in office in november now tell us what you're going to do to make sure we put you there for a reason. >> some of us wanted a contract that would include defunding the amnesty. i think that helped us win the majority in the senate. defund the amnesty, defund
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obamacare as much as we can in next year's legislation. and release the energy sector to provide more jobs. it's ready. there's ready to be an economic boom if we will stop the overregulation. let states that have the power do the regulation. those are things we ought to do immediately upon taking over as a new congress. but we promise people not amnesty but defunding the amnesty. and republican leaders need to get on board. >> it seems like there's two options here. there's president obama if he makes good on his threat he's going to veto pretty much everything because he's been clear he doesn't want to work with republicans. but the other option is you continue to pass pieces of legislation and do what you promise for the election but also previous in president obama's tenure and you look at, well, if president obama's going to veto this are you going to be able to get democrats to come around on a couple bills to override his veto. do you think that's an option? >> i think if we pass the things
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americans -- the things i'm talking about. then it will be very difficult for senators who are democrats to vote against them. and if we have to override a veto and they vote with the president, it's going to be hard for some of them to keep their seats. the problem -- the thing we haven't been doing the last four years that republicans have had the majority in the house is forcing those tough votes. and so it's fine if they vote against them. at least make them vote. i think we'll get a lot of these things passed. and i think just like bill clinton didn't want welfare reform, wasn't going to sign welfare reform, was fighting welfare reform but realized, wow, i better sign and then brags about doing it. same with the ball answered budget in the '90s. clinton was against it we veto but when we saw they were building the votes to override the veto they got it passed. katie, we can do that to if we just keep our promises on the things i've talked about.
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>> it's a whole new ball game with congress being controlled by the republicans. i have a feeling president obama is not too happy about it. >> don't go to pelosi for the votes, otherwise -- >> we'll try to avoid that. thank you congressman so much for coming in. coming up, brand new poll shows former governor jeb bush of florida is leading the pack among gop presidential hopefuls. our panel explains what this means for other possible presidential contenders. [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪ ♪
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welcome back to "hannity." it's more than a year away, but pundits on both sides of the aisle are speculating who will throw their hats into the ring for 2016. according to a new cnn poll so far things are looking good for former florida governor jeb bush. he received nearly a quarter of support from republicans polled coming in ten points ahead of his closest competitor new jersey governor chris christie. and to talk about this joining me now to break everything down, our fox news contributor guy benson democratic strategist brian benjamin, and fox news contributor leslie marshal. now, guy i'm going to go to you because you always get called a rino for supporting people like jeb bush and chris christie. is this just a matter of name recognition? or do you think jeb bush actually has a shot at winning the primary in the gop process? >> i don't think they're mutually exclusive. the first part of your question is right, this is absolutely name recognition. we see this also when mitt
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romney's name gets thrown into these poll questions. he ends up at or near the top because face it most normal people aren't even going to start thinking about the election for a very very long time. so a pollster mentions a name they recognize someone they've heard of and they're inclined to go in that direction now. there's not been a single vote cast on a single debate not a single campaign event for anyone yet. so i know that we in the pundit world love this stuff like crack cocaine these early polls but they mean nothing. they mean nothing to normal people. >> we're not normal people, guy. what do you mean we're not normal? >> we're sort of not. >> that's true. leslie, to you, is this -- you know, when jeb bush comes to the top of a poll like this and you see hillary clinton still winning by 13 points even with jeb bush at the top does that make democrats happy? >> oh, yeah makes us very happy. guy, i got to talk to you about that crack habit later i guess. because i -- but i have to tell you this is, again, i do agree with guy on this.
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this is name recognition. and also for the few that it might be not just about name recognition, we're looking at christie is definitely more to the left and more moderate than jeb bush. and definitely more explosive and not as politically correct to a degree as a candidate. i have to say though, katie, i always -- i've always said that jeb bush was a name that scared me the most up against hillary. i think if we look at past polls she has a double-digit lead over some, but i think that's a smaller gap when we look at the latest polls with her and jeb bush. so i'm happy, but i'm more worried with a jeb bush than a chris christie. >> oh, you think he's going to win. >> i didn't think the presidency. not the presidency. >> that's true. how do you -- you're looking at the people who are getting a lot of the money the people with the establishment type names the name recognition. are we starting early? it's not just republicans. democratic strategists are also looking at who is polling well even though it doesn't matter to all the normal people as guy
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says. how do you start getting your machines ready to take on a jeb bush or chris christie? because it looks like they're going to be getting into the race. >> the question is can they make it through the republican primary? i don't think they can. iowa, new hampshire, look at the conservative of that base. either going to have to move to the right like romney did, or try to avoid them like rudy giuliani did. both didn't work out so well. i think it's going to be rand paul or one of these other folks who might rise to the top. but obviously we're caught up in the name recognition as guy mention ds. >> i want to give guy the last on the political topic. the cnn poll was interesting to me because dr. ben carson came in ahead of rand paul. i know that we're early, but i thought that considering rand paul has a lot more name recognition, his father obviously ran for president a couple of times. what do you think about the grass roots aspect of this? >> these numbers will shift a thousand times in the next couple months. but look, ben carson is something a lot of people including myself really admire. he's a world class pediatric
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neurosurgeon who's brilliant. a lot of activists have heard him speak across the country and say what a refreshing intelligent guy. whether he can cut it in the deep water the deep end of the pool when this really gets going remains to be seen. but it's obvious why he has some appeal for a lot of people. >> uh-huh. well, now we're going to move onto a more local issue here in new york city. of course you had the funeral of officer ramos this weekend. you had thousands of -- thousands, not hundreds, thousands of nypd officers turning their backs on mayor bill de blasio for some incendiary comments he made before the police officers were execute executed. leslie, al sharpton is still in the picture. he's been to the white house 80-plus times. the president hasn't condoned -- or condemned him for any of what he's been saying, the things that maybe he's been inciting throughout this process. what do you think about that? is it a good idea to have the president keeping al sharpton
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around? >> well, i don't think the president should just have an al sharpton around. but i think as president with all that's going on throughout the country right now and the great divide, it would seem or the perception of divide between some of the african-american community and actually not just african-americans but people who are angry and have a lack of trust in some areas of plus, and that needs to change going forward for the best interests of our nation and for safety in our cities. but al sharpton is a community, you know leader in the african-american community even though he may be self-proclaimed. a lot of people back him for that. and i think he has to sit down with the president and with people like bill de blasio. but you have to have the police and the police presence. and somebody representing both sides. that's the only way anything is going to change going forward. >> well brian, you think that it's not fair to accuse the obama administration as a whole being anti-police just because al sharpton happens to visit the white house. >> of course. you can't compare the too. but i want to get to your incendiary comment. al sharpton said he was donating money to the family of the
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police officers. >> okay. >> no, hold on. number two, he said killing of any innocent blood is not accepted. so he's been very clear in terms of -- >> post. he said those things post. i would argue that the obama administration has a track record of being anti-police. president obama -- president obama nominated a man who advocated for one of america's most infamous cop killers to head the justice department president obama's track record with police is notone eric holder's track record with police is not a good one. this administration backs up what al sharpton thinks. but we have to go. thank you so much. coming up it's been a busy year here on "hannity." and next we'll have some of the highlights from 2014. you don't want to miss it. oh, i love game night. ooh, it's a house and a car! so far, you're horrible at this, flo. yeah, no talent for drawing, flo.
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house! car! oh, raise the roof! no one? remember when we used to raise the roof, diane? oh, quiet, richard i'm trying to make sense of flo's terrible drawing. i'll draw the pants off that thing. oh, oh, hats on hamburgers! dancing! drive-in movie theater! home and auto. lamp! squares. stupid, dumb. lines. [ alarm rings ] no! home and auto bundle from progressive. saves you money. yay, game night, so much fun.
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welcome back to "hannity." 2014 was quite a busy year for sean and his team. and tonight we wanted to look back at some of the highlights from this past year. watch this. >> super bowl boulevard in times square, new york city. earlier today i got a firsthand look at some of the things to do on super bowl boulevard with two of my next guests. >> how are you feeling? >> money in the bank. >> all right. well, you're going to do a lot better than i am. >> we sent the co-host of fox & friends first ainsley earhart down to panama city beach
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florida, to see exactly what's going on at spring break with your kids. this is what she found. >> when do people start drinking here? >> literally like right when we wake up. >> which is what time? >> we wake up at like 10:00. we wake up early. >> when will you guys stop drinking? >> when we pass out. >> are you drinking right now? >> what does it look like? >> and why were you arrested? >> public indecency. >> what about your parents? >> i don't know what they're momma and daddy think but i know what everybody else is thinking. >> we are in west monroe, louisiana. as you can see this is the duck commander warehouse. in a world where broadcast tv sex sells violence sells and all of a sudden comes "duck dynasty," family values end of the show you all hold hands and pray. and it becomes a hit. what does that tell you? >> still tells me that there's hope. that people still you know,
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believe in something -- want to believe in something. even if their family doesn't do that, i think there's families who want to be that way. looked like you were eating a inging you're president of the united states what would you do? i'd make sure we got ducks out of canada. i would take money from the people in the middle east and people that don't like us i would send to it canadians. i like canadians soñi i would make sure they had plenty of money to send us ducks. i would gut, gut means, that is a red neck term. gut it. strip it. cut the guts out of all of the bureaucracies but one. i would leave the department of defense alone i would give them more money. >> texas governor rick perry gave me a tour of the border from the air and water.
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>> is that mexico? is that the u.s.? >> that is mexico right there. on the border. is it a better use of our time to have drones flying up and down that very, very desolate part of texas right there. >> it's amazing is that these guys are pointing out to me different areas where you see a path there are different paths. obviously corridors that are well known. >> used for years and years. this problem is not new from ax(3 standpoint of people penetrating across the country. we realized we had to do something. we've made requests with the navy before to come in.
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this is an international border. why shouldn't the navy be here? with a show of force? >> look at this boat behind me. it's well armed. >> yes. >> and i was asking guys if they've had the fire or fired upon some boats have been fired upon. . >> i suggest to you probably all of them have been. >> you need to have this type of a term. last thing you want to be is outguned by the drug cartel. >> tonight we're in tel aviv. >> imagine if you lived in a country, 3,000 rockets being fired into your cities and a tunnel network that is designed to kidnap your sons and daughters. >> these are under our feet. communities littered around the area. no greater definition of a threat. >> right. >> head first? or feet first? >> however you want. anyway is okay. >> this is millions of dollars.
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$3 million per tunnel. >> what happens to feeding the people? >> rather than take cement and build schools we have terror tunnel. tunnels bring hamas terrorists into homes of israelis. >> unbelievable. >> this is a childrens center built. they get 800 to 900 kids per day. they can't play outside. this is built bomb proof. >> merry go round was the first thing on paper but they had to approve the plan. they saw the plan and said sorry. you cannot have a merry go round. it's the nicest thing for a kid. >> they said you take 25 seconds to stop a merry go round only 15 seconds to run for cover. >> they've fired 3500 rockets into your country. yet, they want to attack israel
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and the united nations. what is your reaction to that? >> it endangered the whole structure of the laws of war. >> at george bush museum, i toured with father and son, both former presidents of the united states. they looked back on moments that shaped history and their extraordinary relationship. >> 1992 was really hard for you. >> very hard for all of us. >> then, you describe how you appointed former president clinton and your dad. they became the best of friends. >> yeah. they became good friends which speaks volumes about both. >> what does that mean about a potential jeb bush hillary clinton showdown. >> means bill and i are going to have interesting things to talk about. i will still like him if jeb beats hillary. >> coming up more "hannity" right after the break. stay with us.
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