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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  December 30, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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thanks again. >> and we begin with a fox news alert. former president george h.w. bush back home this afternoon an a week-long stay at a houston hospital. he was admitted just before christmas with shortness of breath. >> and the bush family is saying he is breathing normally and doctors discharged him this morning. we're covering all the news for you "happening now." >> the way to reduce crime is not by filling up the jails. >> the city once known as america's murder capital is finally taking steps to stop the violence. >> the way to reduce crime is by arresting the right people at the right time. >> huh chicagoow chicago is cutting crime and cleaning up the streets. plus -- a thorn in the side of the airplane industry. the young entrepreneur offering tips on how to travel on the cheap. but now one airline is crying foul and filing suit. whatever happened to the friendly skies?
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and how about a new you in the new year? >> you've got this girl. only 1,000 more. >> what? how long have i been doing this? >> two minutes. >> what's the zretsecret to success in tackling a new diet and exercise program? it's all "happening now." but we begin on this 30th of january with a tragic end to the search for airasia flight 8501 as crews recover bodies and debris not far from the plane's last known location. welcome to the second hour of "happening nouw." >> the body of 40 victims found so far along what appears to be the parts of the aircraft, including an emergency escape door and a shadow spotted beneath the shallow water that could be the fuselage of the
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downed yet. >> 162 people were on board when it went down on sunday. for more on this, i'm joined by oliver mcgee, former deputy assistant secretary of transportation for technology policy and an aerospace engineer. if, in fact, they do have a sighting on the debris of the main fuselage of the aircraft it won't be long before they bring up the black boxes, correct? >> absolutely john. what we see in this particular story is air france 447 and airasia 8501 are really deja vu stories. if we had 30 days in the window right now to be able to locate that black box and the pings that will come from it, and if we get outside that 30-day window, john, we are going to look for a little bit of a longer search for that black box. we saw that in air france 447. it took up to two years. deep sea searches for black boxes is like trying to find a
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needle in a haystack but we're very fortunate in this case that we have shallow waters. about 100 to 400 feet deep. so the chances are pretty high 450er. here. >> the fact they've been able to find surface debris gives them a better idea where the actual black boxes are going to be located subsea. air france they had surface degree within a couple days but it still took them two years to find the black boxes. >> absolutely. well said. i have a map on -- an article on wrote on that showed we have had disappearances of aircraft, about 80 of them and we've only found 4. that includes air france 447 and asiana 8401. this is not an easy task. we have a lot of work cut out for us. >> all right. so what is job one for the investigators aside from looking at the black boxes? will the black boxes give them
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the answer in and of themselves? >> yes we saw that in air france 447. once we got into the data and started looking at what was happening to the engine performance and the aircraft performance but also what's going on in what i like to call a hot cockpit conversation. essentially what we're looking at is 90% of all aircraft crashes are human factors related as faa has shown in years of research, and that's what we're seeing in this particular region in southeast asia. this is expected to be five to ten years of rapid growth in air travel, and so we want to get our handle on exactly how human factors errors affect some of these performances of these aircraft performances in these airlines. but i would like to say that they are competent pilots in all of the world's aircraft 240 airlines that we have and the international air transport association is actually putting down some recommendations for such performances in the cockpit but also for global tracking of
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aircraft so that we can find these locations wreckages much quicker in the future. >> it's my understanding that one of the things airbus has done in designing its cockpits and its flight information systems is to try to make it impossible for humans to foul up by building so much automation into these cockpits but that may come as sort of a double edged sword. >> well, well said. an airbus aircraft and a boeing aircraft literally fly by themselves. we call it fly by wire. and that's the importance of the engineer marvels of these systems, but sometimes when you're getting into certain situations where human judgment has to come into play, particularly in a dark cell storm that 8501 was facing and you were trying to move from 32,000 feet to 38000 feet to essentially avoid, what they're trying to do a aviate and
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navigate but not necessarily communicate. they're trying to save the aircraft. often times you go in and make chouks in the cockpit and they're innocent very well driven by performance but sometimes they can lead to human factor errors and 90% of those crashes are usually associated with that. >> there are reports that the plane ascended about 4,000 feet and then plunged or descended relatively rapidly about 10,000 feet. do you buy the accuracy of those radar returns or is this another case as we learned with malaysia flight 370 that those returns might not necessarily reflect the accuracy of what took place? >> until we have the black boxes, john, everything is inaccurate. when we get those black boxes as we saw in air france 447, the conversations, the data that talks about the engine performance, the aircraft performance, that usually clears up things very, very quickly. in air france 447 we had to wait two years to do that.
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we hope in 8501 that we won't have to wait as long but those black box conversations are very important. and, again, we need to start thinking about putting a black box in the cloud because then we could be know wag those conversations are right now in this particular spot that we're doing right now, but we have to wait to get the black box in the bottom of the deep seas. and we'll get to that technology soon. >> at least the families aren't left in another malaysia 370 situation where they are still wondering what happened. >> condolences goes out to all the families and loved ones. >> without question. oliver mcgee, thank you. >> thank you, john. tense moments earlier today on the high seas near greece. a cargo ship carrying hundreds of migrants responding to a distress call from a passenger on board. john is live in jerusalem with more. so, john, is there any sign of the ship? >> reporter: yeah, everything turned out to be fine. turns out greece's navy and
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coast guard were able to make contact with the cargo ship's captain. communication was lost earlier today, and you talked about that distress call, possible armed men aboard the ship. it turns out the captain said they simply lost communication. they are not in danger. so fortunately this turned out, you know, to be good news, arthel. >> you know, john all of this is happening in that same area where a passenger ferry caught fire, so do you have any updates on that story? >> reporter: yeah. well, now the death toll has grown to 12 people, arthel and that number could grow even higher. that's because officials say that migrants they determined migrants were on board in the cargo hold that may have died in the fire or drowned after the passenger ferry caught fire, and there are also conflicting numbers about how many people were aboard the norman atlantic. we know that more than 400 people were rescued including crew members but officials say
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it appears the ferry was overbooked making it very difficult for search crews looking for missing passengers, arthel arthel. >> that's sad for sure. okay. john, huddy, thanks a lot for the update. well, right now new york republican congressman michael grimm says he will resign his office. this after pleading guilty to one count of tax evasion. he faces up to three years in federal prison. rick leventhal has more from our new york newsroom. >> a quick change of heart from the former fbi agent who just last week after pleading guilty in federal court said he was sorry but wouldn't quit, and then after meeting with house speaker john boehner yesterday, grimm announced he was done. his resignation statement reads in part, the events which led to this day did not break my spirit nor the will of the voters. however, i do not believe that i can continue to be 100% effective in the next congress and, therefore out of the respect for the office and the people i so proudly represent it's time for me to start the
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next chapter of my life. he was indicted on 20 counts of misconduct in connection with a restaurant he co-owned before being elected. he pled guilty to a single count of felony tax fraud and will be sentenced in june. he may be best remembered for threatening a local reporter in the u.s. capitol building. >> [ bleep ]. >> if you ever do that to me again. >> why? why. it's a valid question. >> it will be up to new york governor andrew cuomo to decide whether to hold a special election to fill grimm's seat in the 11th congressional district covering staten island and parts of brooklyn. local poll ligsiticians are jockeying for position including daniel donovan who impanelled a grand
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jury that cleared an officer in the eric garner chokehold case. >> thank you. not a lot got done in washington in 2014, but this year's congress narrowly avoided the dubious title of least productive in history. a survey by pew research finds lawmakers passed more bills than the congress of 2011 and 2012, but only by a slim margin. mostly thanks to a slew of last-minute business earlier this month, including the government funding bill. a shocking new report on a dangerous year for police officers suggesting a disturbing trend that might be forming. plus, police asking for your help in finding a man who robbed a convenience store at gunpoint. it is all caught on tape and it's frightening. also, a little more than 24 hours from now, this place will be packed with people ringing in
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2015. did you have a good year? we'll tell you what most americans think about 2014 and you might be surprised.
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quote today,call liberty mutual insurance at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. police in michigan are trying to identify a guy caught on surveillance video ropbbing a convenience store. the suspect walked into the 7-eleven, pulse a gun on the clerk and demands money. after a few seconds the clerk opened the safe and turned over all the cash. when the suspect ran, the clerk ran to the front door and got a look at the getaway vehicle, a silver colored jeep. he's described as having a large knows with a mustache. anyone with information asked to call the frazier, michigan police. as 2015 approaches a new fox news poll shows the majority of americans think 2014 was a good
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year for them. 57% of people say they had a good year. 33% would call it a bad year. and 10% say, well, they've got mixed feelings but if you break it down by political party far more democrats than republicans feel this has been a good year. 73% versus 45%, and independents are split right down the middle. kevin is a reporter for "the hill" and michael warren is a staff writer for "the weekly standard." good to see you both. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. kevin, i'll start with you first on this one. why such a different take when you look at it in terms of party lines? >> well, arthel that's a great question. you know, i think it comes down to you had republicans this year really fighting trying to get back control of congress. you know, they won back control of congress, but there's a lot of partisan divide as we all know with republicans really not satisfied with how this
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administration and president obama and the direction that they're leading the country on issues like immigration, economy, to some extent cuba taxes. i mean, you name it we've seen a lot of partisan bickering, and i guess that's trickled into how republicans are feel being how their year was. >> all right. michael, you're up. why do you think the democrats loved 2014 versus the republicans? >> well, maybe they predicted that their party was going to lose the 2014 midterm elections and so they tuned it all out and focused on all the positive things in their year. i mean i actually sort of thing that people don't think about when they look back at their year about the sort of political angles of whether or not it was good or bad. maybe some do and maybe people like kevin and i do, but i really think most people focus on their personal lives and i really don't know -- have an explanation accept that and also will add of course, that republicans were dissatisfied as kevin said with the president, with congress, and dissatisfaction can be a great motivator to get out there and vote, so maybe that explains how
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republicans did so well in those 2014 elections. >> well michael, since you said you don't want to really break it down party lines. let's talk about people and overall issue that is the folks might relate to. we'll go with the economy, unemployment at a six-year low. we've got gas prices at a five-year low. i mean so these are other reasons, again, for the feel-good mood for 2014. so, kevin, i'm going to go back to you on this. who gets credit for this good news? >> well, i think both sides are trying to claim credit as is so common the case here in washington with everyone saying it's because of them but i think the bottom line is this, arthel. the pace of this economic recovery, six years after the economic collapse has not been fast enough for anyone, and i think both sides would agree on that. you mentioned that unemployment is at a low. that being said, it's still at 5.8%, and when you look at the participation rate, so the actual amount of americans participating in the economy, that number is still at an
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all-time low that we haven't seen since the late 1970s. but when you look at, yes, gas prices are going down, it's that feeling of economic uncertainty that many americans feel we know it all too well, especially around the holidays. this pace of the economic recovery i think is still issue number one on the minds of many american voters. >> okay. michael, so let me hear how you think based on whatever glasses you're wearing. >> i'm wearing contact lenses. specifically on the question of gas prices going down, i mean this is a really positive development. anybody who is out there knows they're paying a lot less for gas than they used to be and credit really doesn't go to anybody in washington. it goes to the oil and gas industries in this country which have been increasing exploration through things like hydraulic fracturing. they've been creating jobs. it goes to the unemployment levels as well in places like texas and north dakota and pennsylvania and colorado, and of course, they've been lowering the demand for foreign oil, and i think that's had a big part in
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this. of course, that has nothing to do with what people are doing or saying in washington. maybe we'll see if the republican senate brings up for a vote this keystone pipeline. that could change things for 2015 but i think that's a perfect explanation which is the oil and gas industry and the people who are going to work for those industries and some of those places is probably giving a big boon for people's view of the economy. >> before i go if you can keep these short, michael, i'm going to start with you -- no, kevin, i will go with you first on this one. in terms of political predictions for 2014, who had it right, who had it wrong, concisely? >> i think you have to give credit to republicans. they took back control of congress. the ball is in their court heading into the new congress. they can have an opportunity to put bills on the president's deck. >> okay. michael? >> well i think who got to wrong was hillary clinton. she was i think banking on 2014 being a great year to start her 2016 presidential campaign. she picked a lot of losers in some of those congressional
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races and she actually got some potential challenges folks like elizabeth warren bernie sanders, jim webb in that 2016 primary fight. i think she predicted the year incorrectly. >> michael warren, we leave it there, kevin thanks to you both. >> thank you. happy new year. >> happy new year. it is a city that became known for violent crime, but is chicago making any progress ending the blood shetshed there? a report just being released and we're live with details. a new travel website promises to help you find cheaper airfares. that site is in landing in court. what is the airlines' complaint and will this lawsuit fly in our legal panel weighs in. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm... amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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we're learning new details now on a dangerous year for
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police officers across the country. the number of officers killed by firearms jumping by 56% this year, with 50 officers killed by guns in the line of duty. 15 of those officers were ambushed. in total 126 law enforcement officers were killed on the job in 2014. chicago police making progress in their effort to cut crime in the windy city. a new report shows murder rates at their lowest level in decades, but the number of shootings has increased, and police say they're facing a difficult battle there. garnt garnt >> jon, it's like they say something is better than nothing so while police are calling this progress, nobody is celebrating this report. even though crime rates overall dropped this year nearly 400 people were still killed. that is slightly fewer than last year, but the most alarming stat from this report is the number of people who were shot in
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chicago. more than 2,000. that's an average of more than 5 people a day. police superintendent gary mccarthy says higher levels of gang violence are a large part of that, but the biggest problem, he says is the number of illegal guns flowing into the city which police can only do so much about. >> even with the best policing in the world, without better law that is keep illegal guns off the streets and out of the hands of the dangerous criminals who carry them we will continue to have an uphill battle. >> specifically, mccarthy would like to see stricter gun laws and hash shaller penalties for those caught with illegal guns. the overall drop in crime is a positive note and mccarthy credits that to changes in policing that have improved community relations and allowed officers to get more and better cooperation from those that they serve. >> garrett tenny in chicago. thank you. the u.s. keeping up the heat on isis as new coalition air
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strikingses target the terrorists in iraq. plus more terror for the va as we lirnearn of lengthy construction delays and skyrocketing costs for a new hospital. we'll tell you what's holding up the work.
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well, a mortgage shouldn't be a problem your credit is in pretty good shape. >>pretty good? i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to the tools and help on kaboom... well, i just have a few other questions. >>chuck, the only other question you need to ask is, "what else can you do for me?" i'll just take a water... get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. the pentagon announcing 15 separate air strikes targeting terrorist forces across syria and iraq. coalition war planes led by the u.s. attacking seven isis targets in syria.
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they carried out another eight strikes in iraq using manned and remote aircraft. the strikes destroyed a variety of isis facilities and tactical units. now isis claiming responsibility for a suicide attack at a funeral just north of baghdad. 16 people were killed in that bombing. president obama ending 2014 with plenty of foreign policy issues still very much on his plate. peter barnes is with the fox business network. he joins us with a look at the o potential economic impact as we head into the new year. peter? >> jon, as if isis rampaging across syria and iraq and russia invading the ukraine were not enough for the u.s. to handle in 2014, north korea made it a national security trifecta with the hacking of sony pictures over its movie "the interview" and threats to launch 9/11-style attacks on american theaters that showed it. congressman mike rogers, chairman of the house
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intelligence committee said that made it a nation state attack on the united states. now, in iraq by the end of 2014 isis appeared to be in a standoff against iraqi forces helped by american air power, which the u.s. also used against isis in syria. in the ukraine the government in kiev, rebel forces in the east and their russian backers were bogged down in negotiations to try to end the conflict there but it was the hacking of sony pictures that appeared to be the most sensational national security and economic threat to the u.s. this year. it wasn't just about a movie or its studio. it was about the vulnerability of the u.s. financial system, telephone networks electric grids, defense systems, and more to cyber attack. >> what is important is the lesson here that if north korea can do this, so can virtually any other competent group whether it is a foreign government or a group of
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terrorists or simply a group of criminals. >> so the u.s. government and u.s. companies are on notice and on guard for cyber attacks in 2015. jon? >> peter barnes, fox business, thank you. if you are not sure where to find fox business in your area, logon to fox new problems for our veterans trying to get health care. a va hospital under construction in colorado is now years behind schedule, and the costs are skyrocketing. we are live in denver with the story. >> hi, arthel. this new hospital is only half down and the va says it doesn't know how much it's going to end up costing but it hopes the facility will be complete sometime in 2017. >> the people that are spearheading this new hospital which is a much-needed thing, to
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me are acting like selfish children. >> reporter: veterans say they are the ones suffering as they enter their aging medicalcility in denver but countless delays finger pointing and a bloated budget keep them waiting on the promised new center in aurora, colorado. the va admits it has badly mismanaged congress strux. >> i apologize to veterans here in colorado and i apologize to our taxpayers. >> reporter: in 2008 congress authorized $568 million. in 2010 it upped it to $800 million. >> every major construction project that the veterans administration has right now is hundreds of millions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule. >> reporter: according to a 2013 report by the u.s. government accountability office, several of the unfinished joshs around the country are on average $300 million over budget. in december a federal appeals court agreed with general contractor turner that the va's current design the are a roura
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project could not be built for under $1 billion and allowed the company to walk off the jobs. >> pretty bad timing. >> reporter: work has resumed but now with the army corps of engineers oversight. the va will again run out of funds in just a few months and will need congress to come up with the cash. the va insists that area veterans are receiving quality care at the existing medical center something congressman and marine veteran mike coffman questions. arthel? >> okay. unbelievable. thanks for that story. there's a new travel website that uses a loophole to try to help customers find cheaper airfare. here is how it works. you book a one-way ticket that has a layover at your desired destination. then you just skip the second flight, get off the plane obviously with carry-on bags only at the city that you really want to fly to. now, united airlines and orbitz
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the travel website are filing a suit against the site along with its 22-year-old founder. the lawsuit calling the site unfair competition and says it is promoting strictly prohibited travel. so what about that? let's bring in eric guster criminal defense attorney and tesha heben, a former prosecutor. if you want to go to san francisco, for instance, you might book a flight from new york to say, lake tahoe. the airline routs you through san francisco, puts you on a smaller plane into lake tahoe, but you just get off the plane in san francisco. the airlines -- that can be cheaper than actually booking a one-way fare to san francisco but the airlines don't want you to do it. why? >> right. because in actuality they're losing money because they can charge these higher prices when you have a direct flight. when people are paying cheaper flights and not taking that second leg, they're upset about
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it, but i personally think if i was an attorney for the airlines, i would argue that when you agree to purchase a ticket, there's a contract involved, and part of their policy is that this practice is forbidden. >> that's their policy, but, eric, they're not losing money because you're not occupying the seat on the second plane. they're not burning the fuel to lift you in the air. >> i agree. and united is being the unfriendly sky wasies with this. the question comes into play why would they do this? why would they be upset if someone is saving money? because the airlines have raised rates and said the fuel costs have gotten astronomical, that's why we're raising rates, but if it's cheaper to fly from point "a" to point "c" instead of point "b," that's an issue, and they are taking advantage of us. >> let's just say they're charging you $400 to fly from new york to san francisco to lake tahoe. they should have covered all of
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their costs in figuring out the price of that ticket right? so why should they care whether you get off the plane in san francisco and don't take that connecting flight to lake tahoe? >> you're right but what they will argue is there's still some damages involved. there's going to be a delay, possible delay in the plane taking off because they're expecting these passengers who bought tickets to go to this destination to be on the plane. >> i love that one. >> i don't want to argue with you. i have shown up for flights on a tight connection ten minutes before they were scheduled to depart and they say we already closed the doors, sorry, can't let you on. >> also they pay for preloaded fuel based on the amount of passengers on that plane. so if they think they're going to have 100 passengers and 40 of them don't show up because they were using this practice, thaesh losing money there as well. >> they haven't lost money because the persons actually paid for the ticket and that is one of the arguments that will defend this young man. this is david and goliath type of lawsuit. that he will be able to defend.
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you are buying the ticket and whether you choose to use it or not, that should be your decision and that saves money for the consumer. >> the young man is a 22-year-old computer genius from the sounds of things. there's his picture. he works in new york city for another tech firm. this is actually kind of a sideline project of his this skip but now, t.j., he's taking on two billion dollar companies, united airlines and orbitz. doesn't seem like he's going to have the resources to keep fighting this. >> right. and that's going to be a problem. obviously these companies have the money to fund such litigation, but i don't think they're going to be successful and it's going to be -- >> you don't think they're going to be successful. you sounded like you were taking the airlines' side. i can take both sides. i want to play devil's advocate but i think they're suing him for $75,000 in revenues they lost. this guy is 22 years old. >> this is big airline messing
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with this small guy. shame on united for picking on him. and orbitz as well which goes into question why is orbitz even part of this? aren't they supposed to be independent in comparing fares of different airlines? why are they a part of this? it shows that people like this and companies like this don't want fare competition. this make it is fair. >> it seems like they ought to just price the tickets in such a way that every leg is covered. >> right. >> i don't run an airline. >> they're cheating us. >> all right. keisha and eric, thank you both. >> thank you. >> arthel? >> i love that conversation. above over bob the builder bring on barb the builder. we're talking about female construction workers. a new program is helping women gain a foothold in a male dominated industry with good pay and good benefits. also, the unusual way a man tries to rob an atm that blows up in his face.
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above over bob the builder,
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[ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action? osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action.
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i'm heather in for gretchen carlson. coming up on "the real story" who clues do these pieces of luggage hold in the airasia plane crash and the latest on the search for the block box. plus will republican john boehner still be speaker of the house next year? there are few in his own party who want to give him the boot. we'll tell you about that. and was north korea really behind that sony hack attack? there are some in the cyber community who are disputing that claiming it may have been an inside job. all that and more at the top of the hour. here is an atm robbery gone wrong. it might convince one bank robber to try another profession chx. the masked suspect apparently lights the fuse of a small explosive and boom the thing goes off in his face there as you can see throwing him back onto the sidewalk. the explosion caused a fair amount of damage. the robber though did manage to get up and run off into the
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night. get this, it all happened in the australian town of darwin. if you know anything about the darwin awards he is certainly a nominee. >> absolutely. construction jobs pay more than most other blue collar work, and it's, of course, as you know, male dominated but now more women are working hard to conquer the world of construction with the help of some very special programs. laura laura, i'm so fascinated. >> we're talking about women of steel in many ways. when you envision construction workers, you may not think of women carrying heavy beams bags of concrete, and hammering nails but it is a sight you could be seeing more of. in the u.s. women have gradually come into the industry over the past 40 years but still account for only 9% of the workforce according to the bureau of labor statistics. however, more women are trying to break the steel ceiling these days. one of the main benefits equal pay for equal work. >> the union rates, that's for
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anybody. it's not oh for, oh you're a woman who you're going to get paid less. you will get the same pay. >> we can put up sheetrock, we can insulate. we do demo. we can tear down. it's so much. it's almost anything. >> in manhattan the nonprofit school nontraditional employment for women or n.e.w. is giving women the opportunity to learn the trade and be just as qualified as their male counterparts. students receive a variety of hands on-training preparing them for a range of construction careers and by the end of this year n.e.w. will have trained nearly 500 women ready to build their future. >> we focus where women have an opportunity to gain an entry level position but also a career ladder and equal pay and equal opportunity and equal benefits for themselves and their families. >> and over the course of six weeks, women will go through grueling physical training, study math learn the basics of carpentry, electricity and even
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get tips on how to react to sexual harassment in the workplace. similar programs throughout the nation include chicago women in the trades and oregon trades women incorporated. and you can imagine how well this comes in handy at the house, too. you know what rime sayingi'm saying? >> that's a good point. >> these women are great. very impressive. >> i worked a little construction in my youth. it was fun. an army couple has quite a story after being forced to move their wedding to accommodate the president's golf game. the couple planned to get married at the 16th hole of a hawaiian golf course but at the last minute they were relocated so the president could play through. the white house says it was never told about the wedding. afterwards the president called the couple to apologize for moving their big event but the groom says the new spot was even more beautiful, and there are absolutely no hard feelings. plus, they got that call from the president. >> yeah. that's a good thing i'd say. happy wedding. all right. the new year is almost here,
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right? and that can meantime for a new you. well, we're going to make those diet resolutions we make every year, but now we have some advice on sticking to it and getting in shape in 2015. these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. hey amanda sorry to bother you, but i gotta take a sick day. vo: moms don't take sick days, moms take dayquil. vo: the non drowsy coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head power through your day medicine.
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autothe first patient diagnosed with ebola has arrived in london now. the british nurse contracteded the virus in sierra leone. she arriveed in scotland on sunday morning from west africa and became sick the following day. she's currently in isolation. authorities are tracking down passengers who travelled on the same flight, but they say that's just a precaution. health officials say there is very little risk to anyone outside the hospital. >> well, it's that time of year. time for new year's resolutions. the annual battalions of the bulk as well. many people vow to lose weight, to get in shape.
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what's the best way to kick off a diet and exercise program and stick with it? dr. kevin campbell is he is a practicing cardiologist and assistant professor of medicine at the university of north carolina. >> the worse thing you can do is grab ahold of one of the fad diets, one of the trendy diets that often relies on excludeing items from your diet and whenever we have an exsclugsary diet, are you doomed to failure. when you do taste those things you've been put away from you go nuts with them. it's much better to eat a well-balanced diet than to go after one of these crazy fads. >> most people don't know what that is, though, doc. is there a simple suggestion you might have? you know, let's say people, they may eat hamburgers. they may eat pizza. we know we want them to change and eat more vegetables, et
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cetera, and fish what have you, but maybe a place to start would be kind of just eating half of what you are already eating start there. >> limiting your portions a good thing to do. one of the things i tell my patients is to think about the mediterranean diet. lots of fish. fresh vegetables. olive oil. these things are associated with decreased cardiovascular risk and also better exercise and health all together. i think that's a great place to start. >> speaking of exercise, you know, another new year's resolution is people think i'm going to get to the jim. that could be dangerous if you overdo it, correct? >> i think everything in moderation. we have to be very careful when we start. if you are someone who doesn't exercise at all, then it makes no sense to go and do a half hour of cardio. you need to meet with your physician, make sure that you are healthy and safe for exercise and then set very short-term, small goals that you
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can achieve. reward yourself for success, and then set further goals out far in advance. >> now we're not trying to take patients away from you doc, but not everybody is going to go and check with their physician if they can get in the gym. for most people what's a good suggestion you might have in terms of a way to get into a workout program for starters and then those of us that do work how to kick it up without injuring ourselves? >> one of the most important things you can do is find a workout buddy. a friend that you hold each other accountable, and you can celebrate successes and failures together. then you go together and look out for one another. start slow. maybe it's just walking on a treadmill four days a week and then build up. let your body sort of talk to you and tell you when you are doing well. you want to push yourself. you always want to make gains, but don't come home from the gym with injury because then you're just going to be further set back with your weight loss goals. >> yeah, exactly. you hurt yourself you can't work out. what's your plan for getting in shape for the new year? >> so that's a great question.
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>> the journal obesity looked at men that want to -- if you add 20 minutes of weight training a week week. >> anything for us, the ladies? >> i think all of that works for women as well. this study looks specifically at men, but i think you have to combine cardio with weight training, and also shake it up. don't do the same thing every day. you want this muscle confusion concept that so many trainers talk about because you'll make more gains much quicker. >> that's, indeed, the facts jack. thank you, dr. kevin campbell, and happy new year to you. thank you very much. >> happy new year to you. thank you. >> a manhunt in los angeles for a suspect who fired on officers in an unprovoked attack. the latest as police across southern california remain on high alert.
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ur insurance company, looking for a little support. what you get is a game of a thousand questions. was it raining? were your flashers on? was there a dog with you? by the time you hang up you're convinced the accident was your fault. then you remember; you weren't even in the car. at liberty mutual we make filing a claim as stress-free as possible. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance
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no gambler worths his salt would bet on snow in laws vashgs but that's the forecast for new year's eve. a good chance of snow flakes amid the strep's neon lights. more than 300,000 people expected to pack sin city for its annual new year's eve party. snow or not, it will be cold for the desert. our meteorologist maria molina says vegas could get a dusting, but the surrounding hills and mountains might see several inches of snow. >> it will be pretty exciting. so you think you're pretty good at wheel of fortune sitting on your couch, watching the tv set? well, you have nothing on this guy who saw this puzzle and said, pat, i'll solve the puzzle. three words and one letter, letter e showing so what do you think? it's hi-o silver. it's the lone ranger. matt desanto nailed it. he did. and went on to win more than $90,000. wheel of fortune. not song. record. i just made up a word.
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but wasn't it hi-o silver. >> i don't know. >> that's it for us. thanks for joining us. >> heather is in for gretchen on "the real story" that starts now. >> well, thanks, john. we start right now with a fox news alert. search and rescue crews recovering victims and debris from air asia flight 8501, and now investigators are trying to find out why that plane plunged into the java sea. hello. i'm heather nowart in for gretchen carlson. it included life jackets and also suitcases spotted floating just ten miles from the plane's last known coordinates. the families of the 162 people on board that plane breaking down in tears


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