tv The Five FOX News December 31, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST
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union reps who wanted to hear that, they did get that. and on we go with the rest of it. i'm eric, along with kimberly bob, jesse and dana. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." as we head into 2015, we know republicans will control both houses of congress we know president obama will keep on using his prized and infamous pen and we know the race for the white house will likely, very likely in fact include a clinton and a bush. but there are a lot of political questions left to be answered in the coming year and we want to tackle several of those tonight beginning with hillary clinton and what we can can expect from
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her if and when she announces her candidacy for 2016. will she be able to fought off any challenges from her own party. and will she be able to distance herself from her former boss, one of the most unpopular presidents in american history. although she didn't get off to a great start this year, it's almost impossible to tell between the go. >> you didn't build that business somebody else made that happen. >> don't let anybody tellal alyou that, you know, it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. >> and from a clinton to a bush. let's start right there. you want to do this? kimberly, start it off right here. she's made a lot of blunders this year. can she overcome that? >> maybe by sheer force and will of the last name and their fundraising machine and the strength and caliber of her husband. you're kind of getting two for one there, that's really what
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her best asset is as far as what people consider. but she's a very polarizing figure. she certainly hasn't shown her best gain in the past year and you have to think about that the, is this an office that she's ready to hold at this point in her life? or is this something that's going to prove to be too challenging from what we have seen in the missteps in the past. if that if. >> when they left the white house, there was just stumble after stumble after stumble. >> here's what's hard to be a front runner for two years. i think what she did here was to finally cut it right down the middle, when you do that, you're bound to make mistakes. is she ready for it? of course she's ready for it. she's more ready than any republican that's out there. she may have drawn a lucky break here, she will get a can dat on the left, it will be important for her to have that.
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so bernie sanders. >> bernie sanders says he may do it. having someone on the left will -- the other thing is the economy is -- >> bernie sanders elizabeth warren or joe biden, which would be the most formidable foe to hillary? >> >> warren, but she's not going to run. >> hillary has a lot of problems, but one of her biggest issues is she -- an anti-obama platform. when president obama goes through these next two years, not getting along with republicans, that anti-obama sentiment is still going to be there, and hillary clinton is going to need to distance herself from that at the same time trying to take obama's far left base. i don't know if she's going to be able to do that without coming off as very trance parns. you saw that clip where she was trying to say corporations don't
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create jobs. it's going to be very hard for her to distance herself from president obama, which she's going to have to do to get her away from the landslide of the republican votes, and to get her the far left base. midterm elections are very different from presidential elections. she does that have going for her and a lot of those low information voters are going to be coming out for her. hillary clinton is still poplar, and she's going to be challenged on the left. >> jesse, quick go in on hillary and i'm going to bring jeb bush to you. >> hillary is a political klutz. she's really going to anger people when she goes after the previous president. she needs them to be fired up, but she also needs whites. she tried once to differentiate herself from president obama and
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she blew it. remember, she was like well, i don't think that not doing stupid stuff, that's not really a foreign policy. then she got blow back on it, and all of a sudden she apologized for it. so i don't she he's deft enough to do it. >> jeb bush is at the top of a lot of new polls. following an announcement he's actively exploring a bid. will the florida governor keep any republicans from throwing in their hats? will chris christie jump in? he will have to soften his tough guy image and rand paul, is likely to take advantage of his father's voting base. could he bring that grass roots support to the next level. there's a lot to chew on there, jeb, rand, christie and rubio. >> christi and jeb are going to fight for who the establishment
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candidate is. he's got the brand name and he's soft on immigration and he's sort of a rino according to the base. base. he's got to show his base that he can keep his language together and not explode. what he needs to do is beat jeb in the debates, but he also needs to really turn his fire on democrats and not attack his own republican players, because no one wants to see that. so if those guys fight it out though, you could have a conservative come up and kind of watch those guys pretty the vote and then take care. >> katie let's bring in rand paul and marco rubio, you have jeb bush and everyone who's not jeb bush now. >> it's way too early to decide what issues are going to be the ones that voters ---name
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recognition, which is why jeb bush is at the top of the polling, even mitt romney is getting highal poll numbers, even though, chris christie is pulling high. but there's a lot of candidates that have been talked about on the ground level that aren't coming up in these name recognition polls. scott walker marco rubio. rick perry i think rand paul has a lot more support these early polls are giving him credit for. >> so if we do this you want to jump in here, bobby? but when you think of the establishment and nonestablishment, that really is going to be an issue in every presidential race. >> this is politics 101. go ahead. >> are you disputing the facts that there's going to be favorites among the establishment and favorites among the nonestablishment? >> i don't buy the establishment -- i think your base, as you consider your base
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as far right conservative, is much smaller than the democratic base, jeb bush can walk through that race, i have told you for a year, he worries me more than anybody else, for one specific reason, he can pull on the hispanic vote, which they desperately need or a republican can't win the country. all the money goes out of florida. he's gone. >> there's no doubt that jeb bush throwing his hat in the ring definitely puts of -- >> scott walker and -- >> bob they enjoy a lot of support for good reasons because of their policies, fiscal and otherwise. >> from who? >> from people who vote the same people that show up for the midterm elections and don't count out rand paul, he's done very well with youths and rican-americans, reaching out to those communities. >> you put account walker and ask many people who know scott walker. >> that's name recognition, but good campaigns can change that. >> we have almost two years,
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bob, there's going to be a lot -- >> we want to move on to the next topic. a couple of names quickly. mike huckabee, runs or doesn't run? >> doesn't run. >> runs. >> runs doesn't run, your thoughts? >> runs. >> scott walker, we talked about. >> he is a pediatrician, he's per foekt for you. >> scott walker this guy has won three different elections in a state that's very, very liberal. >> are you kidding me? >> scott walker is battle tested to the core he's had every single thing thrown at him and he's won every single time. >> bob you have to look at the last presidential elections on the gop side. you look admit romney, who's a lot like jeb bush. the reason they lost is that the
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grass roots support that's on the ground doing the work with the voters is not getting the message out. >> once they get through iowa, they're done. >> you're saying it's more centrist, right? >> if you want to call it that. >> who would be considered clearly the most centrist of all the people we have talked about. >> and chris christie worries me the list. >> why do you think jeb bush can win? >> because jeb bush can win the spanish vote in florida. just that alone. >> when was the last time that scott walker was in the forefront, all you democrats were running across state lines scared of him. >> he would make a great candidate for sure. he thinks that jeb is the best candidate in the general election to go head to head against -- >> you talked about 100 times, common core will eat him alive. he has to figure that out fast.
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to the pending war against president obama and the controlling congress. the president is already threatening to use his veto pen. >> i haven't used the veto pen very often since i've been in office, now i suspect there's going to be some times where i've got to pull that pen out. >> how should gop leadership respond, krauthammer says bring it on. >> the republicans ought to say bring it on mr. president, with harry reid gone, and mitch mcconnell running the senate, they are able to the enact agenda, they have an agenda and they should be willing to pass whatever they can and to dare the president to go ahead and to veto. >> legislating might be the last thing on speaker boehner's mind. there are even reports today that he might lose his
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speakership or his speakership isn't a slam dunk this time around. bob, scalese and grimm in trouble right now u. is it time to rethink the john boehner speakership? >> he's going to be speaker. secondly let's keep this in mind. already president obama has broken with his democratic base and signed a trade deal with the republicans. he's got to get a couple things done. i know this is going to drive you crazy but he's had the best last two months of a six years of presidency. his numbers went up. the economy is booming. 5% growth in the third quarter? tell me the last time a republican pulled that off. >> tell that to someone who doesn't have a job, bob. >> 5.8%.
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>> those numbers don't mean to the guy who's having trouble putting food on the table. >> can we just point something out? bill clinton and ronald reagan all had -- their highest approval ratings as they left office. >> who did? >> clinton and reagan both had their highest approval ratings. they also had economies that were improving over the last two years of their presidency. i'll give you that the economy is improving, but it's six years in already. >> how could it not and all the stimulus and the money put fs#na"r$r@ów1húsgyuuç1]ut>4x>gvañb. m'1+gi$1u%qnkúqz
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>> they're establishment republicans? >> right. what i was hearing just last night from people in the know. no, but there is a very strong movement that would like to see a new change in leadership for some of the very reasons that we are discussing here, but then what bob is saying is also true bainer is very engtrenched in that position and also control and power over people's committee assignments and seats et cetera. they're not going to want to buck the big guy. he's the one that has the power over there. he's going to say i would like to -- i have to the be responsible. >> extremely well done. >> exactly. she eels exactly right. amend they're both locks. >> you have it with boehner and mcconnell as your leaders going forward. >> i think that boehner has made a lot of really bad decisions and a lot of really bad deals with the white house when the white house wasn't willing -- there's plenty of other people who are qualified. >> are you surprised boehner
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stood behind scalese? >> i think if this guy was a second or third-year guy, he would probably cut him loose, but he's the number three guy in the house right now. >> listen, he's good friends with him, it does look bad, not getting the media push that maybe you would expect, if there was a different news environment. so we're just going to try and waet and see. >> next can knock's mayor heal a rift with its police force after turning his back on them? he trieded today and kimberly is going to tell you all about it coming up.
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the head of new york's largest police union accused bill de blasio of having blood on his hands following the recent assassinations of two nypd officers. today the mayor met privately with patrick lynch and the police unions. >> we came here today to have a discussion. our main concern is the safety of our police officers of every
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rank on the streets of the city and the safety of the citizens that we proudly serve on each and every street in each and every neighborhood here today. there were a number of discussions, especially about the safety issues that our members state. there was no resolve and our thought here today is that actions speak louder than words and time will tell. >> de blasio's spoke person says the mayor and the police commissioner remain committed to keep crime at low levels and finding ways to bring the police and the community together. and is new year's eve going to be a big test of this new community policing and see if they can find some accord because we already have word that there's going to be protests in a city when it's already a challenging time. >> they're going to have a
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million people in times square that's more than the populations of south dakota north dakota, vermont and wyoming and they have always kept it safe. here's what's going on in new york city, it's all about respect. police deserve and demand respect and they're not getting it from their mayor, they're probably not getting it from the white house as well. with the relationship with al sharpton and that. when the elected officials go away, the people also lose respect for cops. when they lose respect for cops, it's bad for cops it's bad for citizens. 15 executions of cops in 2014. police murdered by guns, 50 last year, up 56% from the year before. people are respecting cops less and less and the officials aren't helping the situation at all. >> the fact that they are antagonizeing the situation with
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in inflamory rhetoric. >> when someone called 9/11 from a black community, they sit on the perimeter and let them shoot each other. there's some beef in china town, and the police go to china town and rough up this guy. and the ferguson protesterings and these eric garner protesters, when their cars get jacked, who are they going to call? maybe they should call al sharpton, maybe sharpton can help them out with that, right? >> no. >> and sharpton, if there's really a problem with police in new york sharpton should go down to these high schools and say go be a police officer when you graduate. but instead they're just lining his pocket. >> be the change you want to see. make it happen. >> al sharpton has belied on
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police a lot in this city to keep his rallies safe, to keep his marches safe, even though the marchers are chanting we want dead cops. the number of dead police is up 56%. it's not as high as it ever has been. the re the police is because mayor de blasio disrespected the police on a very personal level. it wasn't about him disagreeing with them on some policy issue or how they handled -- it was him saying, i had to specifically training my biracial son because the nypd which is probably full of racists is going to single him out more for scrutiny. that's when it got more personal. and he has never apologized for it. this isn't about who bill de blasio is or his policies.
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>> now you have the "new york times" calling out to the protesters and the mayor, it says that these acts of passive aggressive intent many police departments responding -- deface -- they have taken the most grave and solemn of civic moments and hijacked it for their own petty yity sense of justice. criticizing the police now, i don't know if that's going to help. >> among other things, whites are a minority in the new york city police department. i think when he said that one line, i said this over and over again, it was the worstline he ever could have used. but the fact that the new york city city- city -- for police to turn their backs on the mayor like that is a silly, ridiculous thing. >> you just completely ignored what kimberly just asked you.
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the head of the new york city police officer's union. snarling sense of victim hood bob, cops are being killed they put their lives on the line. the new york times to say that about new york nypd amazing. the "new york times" is on times square. do you think these people that you wrote that about should be -- maybe they should turn their backs on times square and the times building. >> that was a remarkably aggressive and bad editorial. >> i said he had a bad line and he never should have done it. i will agree with the "new york times," it is a pity party. >> when all those code pink protesters, bum rushed condi
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rice, or when they occupy protesters, they love that stuff. >> who does? >> the "new york times." they were applauding that. >> i'm not defending the "new york times." >> but when the police officers protest when they silently turn their backs? >> the police department is the best in the country and it was the worst in the country 25 years ago. >> the "new york times" needs to apologize for that. >> i think tomorrow night, new year's eve that people realize that the people who are going to be out there ruining everyone else's time they're not people who want justice, they want criminals to the be able to operate with impunity. tomorrow night is the most challenging night of the year as we have been discussing for the nypd. keeping times square safe as people turn out to celebrate new year's eve. speaking of new year's eve, police don't miss the five's
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southeast asian flight that's gone down. do you think there's something fishy going on in the southeastern asian industry, do you think there's corruption or do you think this is just chance? >> sometimes realally horrible things happen, just because this came on the heels of the malaysia flight that's still missing, people are pretty uneasy about it. they're going to be able to explain this pretty quickly, we're still within the reasonable recovery time for to the black boxes and to be quite honest, you're going to be able to get some forensic evidence from the bodies and what they have been able to recover to know what went on. december and january the wettest time of the year. they were trying to get to a higher altitude, there was a lot of other traffic in the area they were trying to get permission to climb out of the
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bad weather. it could have been human error that exacerbated by the pilot not -- maybe you have to get up and climb anyway. it's too much right now to be able to stay for certain. but the clues are now coming in. >> bob, the accountability factor here we have the ceo, tony fernandez, he turned this company around he bought it for 50 cents, they do cheap short flights around the country. he owns a soccer league. does the buck stop with him? what do you think should happen here? >> i lived in asia for two years during monsoon season, and it's the worst weather you can even imagine. remember the air france flight that crashed because they couldn't get out of the bad weather. that part of the world has shown the greatest airline passenger increase and the largest number of pilot needs in that area and
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they're having to go everywhere to get pilots. i'm not saying these are bad pilots, but it may be that you need more experience flying around particularly in these monsoons. >> a lot of people are calling for new regular rations, do you think that's the answer to all these accidents? >> the question is would an american control let that plane take off with that storm and would there be any differences in the decisions that would be made, maybe an international faa, if you will. i think people will learn. airasia was started about 10 years ago, he literally bought the company for a quarter put up a plane or two, and in ten years, he went up to 120 planes. at one time they were -- to capture a huge amount of demand. so what they did was they bought
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a bunch of demand with low cost, did they expangd too quickly, to rapid le maybe not at the pilot level, or at the maintenance level. maybe the expansion happened too fast, too quick, and that's something that needs to be addressed. i don't know. i don't think you can hang it on fernandez, because it's their first issue. it has never happened with airasia before. if they find the black boxes that this plane could have made it but -- but it feels like an accident. >> the first issue 2014 was the safest year on record for flight trouble. and i think the ceo does have some responsibility to make sure that a significant supply a well trained supply of pilots are mealingeting the demand. if they're not able to get pilots they should raise their
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prices until they get pilots to fly the planes. i'm glad these families will at least know what happened. i can't imagine how those families of 370 feel when they didn't get the answers they still don't know what happened to their family members. but he still has a responsibility to meet the demand that they're having with qualified people who are flying those planes. >> none of the bodies were wearing life vests, they didn't have is a may day out, so this was catastrophic and perhaps an up and down air draft that they got caught in. >> and again, it's america that's sending our reesources over there to help solve this. >> breaking news today on 41. that's president g.w.h. bush who has been hospitalized. stay tuned for that.
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. there's no shortage of media coverage. from rape stories on campus, to a kid who supposedly made over 70 million bucks on his link00 lunch break, it wasn't a banner year for journalism. >> the claims of a particularly shocking sexual assault have been made public. >> i'm very sorry for not only scaring my community and the country, but adding to the confusion of terms, that the. >> u by encouraging the kids in the class to create fantasy portfolios. one kid in new york city got really good at it. really good. the 17-year-old has made over 70 million real dollars.
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>> like really good at it. >> i think the va rape story was the worst because of the affect it had on actual victims of rape. >> and it did expose what roll rolling stone has done in the past, and maybe a lot of publications are doing it they're finding the story they want and they're going out and finding ways to back fill the story and make it work for them. unfortunately, uva got fraternities on campus got hurt people got accused, no one ever asked. so i think exposing the rolling stones' tacticses is one of the most important things. ebola, okay, i get it $72 million kid, it's kind of funny too. ferguson was a problem though. >> there are two other big stories that the media really botched, were the ferguson story, and the jonathan gruber story. ferguson in particular, because still cnn was still saying hands
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up don't shoot which we all know is a lie now. >> they were rooting for riots, they're riot junkies over there on msnbc. my scandal of the year, president obama was just handed such a gift this year he had the worst year when you go back and look at it, and the media covered it all up. he lost iraq mishandled ebola, the va scandal he got shellacked in the midterms and all the headlines at the end of this year were obama finishes the year strong, obama is free to do whatever he wants. >> that really bugs you doesn't it? >> i cannot believe how well the president's doing despite having the most atrocious track record in 2014. >> they never change do they? >> no, i can change the subject, though, a little bit. and how about sheryl atkinson
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cbs refusing to air stories about benghazi or any of the other obama scandals. this is a pretty bad year in terms of journalistic integrity for this country. in the midterm elections, even refusing to cover some of the election results like it just did not happen. >> i think we're seeing some of the malpractice and the media is going to don't to apply into 2015. we have seen it already here in new york with new york -- maybe a problem with the nypd, based on what the media createded with ferguson. of course obama care, the new rates for the penalties, if you don't have insurance now are going up as a result of that, and jonathan gruber is going to be -- i think it's going to be very similar in 2015 as well as 2016 with what we're skiing, but moving right along. you want to say something, bob? >> no, nothing, just hours until the biggest party of the year.
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well it's the eve of new year's eve. tomorrow night kimberly jesse and i, long with my good friend and colleague anna and kennedy will be braving the cold to countdown to 2015 with you. last year we did it and it was 20 below zero. some people don't like that holiday, too much pressure to make plans or fighting crowds or dealing with drunks. others love it gather with friends to begin a new year together and maybe smooching
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with your loved one at midnight. eric and katie do you guys have any plans? >> last year i was in puerto rico and i was -- and it's an hour later and midnight happened in puerto rico and we went back to the room, and i caught the repeat of that. this year i'm going to have dinner over here with my wife and son. this place right over here and then i'm going to come and stand behind the scenes a and watch you guys work. >> you got passes? >> yeah, i got passes. >> i'm amazed you got passes. >> i did get an e-mail from you right away, what? is it true? did you just -- >> jesse, you're going to be with us tomorrow night and we're going to enjoy that as usual. but are you at all worried about
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the cold? i mean you're a skinny little guy. >> i know, i'm going to be very cold. can't wait to spend time with you. >> i bet that's true. >> ring in the new year with bob beckle. and i cannot wait to see if you attempt a second. >> she's going to be afraid of that all night. >> but he didn't attempt. that was initiated by k.g. i got to tell u you. >> i started the year off right, what are you talking about? >> i'm going to be nice and warm, and i'm going to watch you, bob, all night. >> thank you, very much. >> how can you miss it? i think it's going to be cool. you're coming up in the world. >> aren't we going to be at the nicker balker hotel. >> in the produce entold me they were going to get rooms and they were going to give us food.
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they had this big heart shaped tub. have you ever been in a room with the big heart shaped tub? i once took a woman to that thing and she left. let's just go around here and let me know what your new year's resolution resolution? >> really? >> yeah. >> no, we don't have any time. >> okay. >> you didn't tell me that until right now. >> that's tomorrow, bob. >> let's do it tomorrow. >> i'm going toal alhold up. >> be safe and seriously, don't drink and drive, save somebody else's life and your own.
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number one president bush was released from a houston hospital this afternoon. we're very grateful to the doctors that helped him. and also want to promote greta her big new feature podcast is on. you can go to to download it. that's available right now as we speak, i encourage you to click on it and check it out. we also we. >> what is snickers? >> we'll get back to that in one second. >> in case you didn't hear, we're doing a special new year's eve fox event tomorrow night. i'm going to be there with anna and kimberly and bob and everybody. but i wanted to give you a special sneak peek of some watters world that we're going
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to air tomorrow night. >> what was your biggest mistake this year? >> my biggest mistake? i got a job at hooters? >> what was your best asset? >> i got a job at hooters. >> all right so we're going to have fun tomorrow night, tune in 9:00 to past midnight and there might be a second kiss. >> oh, goodness. >> you're going to kiss bob? >> exactly. >> that was weird. >> jesse's gearing up. >> if you have a girlfriend who has a cat, and you're planning on selling her mattress for her, make sure the cat isn't in the mattress before you do it. this guy from portland, oregon went to sell his girlfriend's mattress and the cat was stuck in the box springs and they sold
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the mattress and the cat was gone for ten days and they finally got it back because they baited it with sardines and familiar scented clothing. if you have a cat and can't finding it make sure you check the mattress before you take it to the neighbor's house. >> who bought that thing? >> i don't know, but it's a -- >> he doesn't know how the show works. >> i was buying you time but you got more time. >> we want to see your show at the end. christmas, i've been away i went to mexico for christmas. here's the group shot really quickly. there's eric chase. he can outlift me, jesse, he can outbench me. and there's a couple of sombreros, there's my little head in the corner there. i'm going to put this on. i'm warning everyone may 5, cinco de mayo, i'm telling you u in advance, i will wear this on
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may 5. >> i've changed my mind. i was wondering about pope francis when he got -- he changed a lot. but the best thing that happened the pope came out and is putting his focus on the thing that's going to hurt us all, climate change. he has made that his single biggest issue for next year. he's going to be preaching about it. he's going to issue whatever those thing you call it in the catholic church. >> that is the weirdest most mean, just disjointed one more thing. >> before we go -- >> we got a thing tomorrow night. >> tomorrow night we have our special. we're going to air our special and then later on jesse, kimberly bob anna and mckenzie are going to be out in times square. >> it's going to be hitness. >> don't miss it.
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big night tomorrow night. >> it is wednesday december 31st new year's eve. more than a million people about to squeeze into times square like sardines. as the ball drops so do temperatures. we are live with the crossroads of the world with everything you need to know. >> and a fox news alert gone from gitmo. five more pridz engineers released overnight after a dozen years. what we have just learned about them and where they are going. why the travel companies are trying to take them down. "fox & friends first" starts right now.
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♪ >> good morning to you. happy new year's eve. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this wednesday. i am heather childers. >> i am lia gabrielle in for heather childersled -- ainsley earhardt. >> millions of people around the globe are getting ready to ring in the new year. more than a million of them right here in new york city. hard to belief another year has gone by. with the new year becomes a major chill. maria molina is life already getting the party started with the latest. good morning maria. >> hi good morning heather and leah. good morning to you.
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happy new year's eve. it is a chilly morning. behind me we have the new year's eve ball. the famous ball. you can see the waterford crystals on it. it is estimated it is 6 tons in weight. a billion people around the world will be tuning in to see the ball drop as we count down for 2015 begins in new york city. you mentioned
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